Candidates fur the legislature will receive from the Oregon Civic league the following questions. It * u »imoumed at the luncheon of W K D X E 8 IU T Sept. 27th, HH4. the league in the Hotel Portland Born— In Gold peach, 'pieeday receotlt: liahad Every Wo-lneeday, a. to tV i Ilia Tompkinai '• Are you iu favpr of adopting in M ABDt T . STEW ART. % ' the pryt eeMioii or die legislature h amt wife, a daughter. ^potstnoitijawnt law fur the feeble »U HriCK rrÏHlS UATrife Mr». M errill, and son Steph«n, * minded? of Ophir, were the guerla uf h e r' ¡ ' ‘ JXi you favor compulsory health daughter, Mrs. Zabiiiter leel week. ’ insurance by the »tata of prego»? pyorge Forty, and Mel aud C har-1 W ill you support a bill to proy'idr ley }*'i>(hugl>, will' tjn nd »owe time a state Hie marshal? P«>JF hunting MS Otter utf Cape j Aré you in favor iff granting at B la n c o »pd Ih e 're e f. thia legislature the right to voté in '" ^ D V e S T IM h O R à T B » R sa M M tS L lS . 1) C Moore passed down the school elect ion« lu a ll registered h i ÿ â rt M m J í n t e r and tremendously jiterreeed both a tm y a n d n a v y . Jfas Svery Faei^ity l'or fiandlixtg Ypu? Business Banking by Jtfail Solicited Interest paid çn Saying 2.s’ts. OWE NORMAL MOT INOVOH Oregon has but oee N orm *! School T his eefceel la located a t Monmouth, Excellent as . Is tbe werh at thia »chool it to utterly unable to supply bet a smell p ert ot the need tor trained teachers fa r the o £ £ 5 , ’ nu« A par « a t h » v . M e n V e to e d te r W>«W U n w lo a 'o f M ach ine la N «rm « l echo»!». ____ It to a well ests&llahed faet that our oee Normal ¡boot cannot supply the needs o f tbs entire state, tat to Why We ask for your work pod veto ter the opoeed W a te rs Oregon State Normal School at coast Wednesday last, with a horse power, for htg tpreeping machine, hie old one it*vifig played out. > I Ijon. 2 JI Hazard, of Em pire' voter«? Peorganized 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR YOUR CHILDREN C ity, le expected in Port Orford to I night,enroute for Gold Beach where he w ill attend circuit e ju rt. ' Made biggest appropriations in history of congress. ‘'Ftepareduesa tota'l» close to $700,000.000 are the la ig ta i peace-time m ilitary budgets in the history of the world. Slopped shipments in interstate commerce of child labor products. ' Tataed ru ra l otidits act guaran- George and James Guerin, while proa|«eting up on the »outh fork of Sixes River, took out $60 m gold in two weak», pretty good prospects . tf c a v X 'i- J T|,a achtwner Walberg, James p e w cauiaia, eamp fpto Port Sat-' 1 urday direct from JsjaiB. Charley Crew. Eugene J’eiiceand ph»rley Anderson— Sea . Lion pbgrley— »topped off, and the schooner sajled for 8«e Francisco. A stiff souther- j Pawed $42,000,000 rivers sod A ll of ere fam iliar with the ly wind waa blowing a ben they irbora bill. J farm engine. Must uf us have seen came in, and in a .little wtyle it in J Passed act for government owned . ■n<* have been more or lest m ildly creased to e gale, causing l|ie boja 1 interested in the “caterpillar” ee- te make a short visit of it. The >0,000,000 marine. C o iifirn i^ Lnuia I). Braudels and that bat made its appearance boys were'all well, gqd report liuv i)in H . plarBo f«ir iopreiqe c u r t . io a “ ’ We have duubt- log a Hue trip with a fg ify a lrh . j Vtiled tuhibtttigafe railway». walchetl them wind their »low We learned incidental,y o f an fo o k sugar from free liwlj created J 'W* |«'nderoud way along the c u n accident that occurred at Franltport riff comniiuinn; levied phrtretive try toady, or across the fields and one day last week that came near riff on dyeotuff.; pnrsed “auti ‘bought «nd H e U»C. or send fqll deserjp- (lim and they are making it a pleas- tion ,nd M r ™ P « I * * r with me. pre as we,I as basinets trip. ! AGENT for Underwood Typewriter. I A ll old machines of any malty taken of tbe sea food delicacies, have’ been the treasure of the huffble, the ruined by tbe oil and elam beds are wealth of the poor, the bead of the »aid to have been greatly damaged. cup of pleasure; it dispel» dt-jeciiga bauirhea blue» and mangles meian Marshfield, Ore., 8ept 23— The choly, for its the foe of wo», the fact that tha steamer Congress was Port O rford. Oregon, destroyer uf depression, the enpmy Drought safely into port at Coos Bay of grief; it it what makes kings en la the source ol much gratification vy prana nt», plutocrat» envy the local people interested in harbor poor, the guilty ehvy the innocent; improvement». it ’s the sheen on the silver of smile», The Congrem ia 482 feet long and the ripply on tbe water’s delight, drekr 24 feet of water end wet tbe the glint of tbe gold of giadneo; et Vessel that ever entered thja without it» hufpor would be dumb, She came in without any wit would wither, dimple« would disappear and smiles would shrivel Ms. for its a glow o f a clean conscience, U ia pointed out that if the Con- the voice of a ppre soul, the birth a could come iuto Coot Bay in cry of m irth, the of sad­ of ah emergency there ia no ness. ' bi reason why large vessel« could n o t' No M o re C od er to S pare. regularly make this port. Beveral years ago such ■ thing I m a il husband my lim ber to re- might have been iinpowible or go place fences and buildings jn the ^ompliehed only under difficulties, farm-, therefore I must not spare ewy but tbe work of the government bar more cedar. Please do not ask for it dredge Cul. I ’. S. Michie lias no deep The green tree» wilt grow aud the dead enedlhe water on ihe l« r that there u ite s w lll keep. » • ' ,» hot less than 30 feet of water in ‘ 1 J. H. Urroit, Langtoi}, Or.. Adguit 27. 1910. gey pert of Ibechannel at low tide George A. Aimes, of the Union on M urks, leaves here today for K C E K M A a n il P I L E C U I I K arshfield Io look over Ihe Congres» P IC E E Knowing s hat it wsa tosuf- *» ' FU E E GF N O T R E S S P A S S IN G . and bid'no her repairs. I t is e .ti C H A R G E , to any affih ted e positive E iyeip e- N O T IC E to hereby given th a t any inaici that (lie repairs w ill co*t «■re tor F.tseni» n«H “ •‘I* Weppeee. In s ta n t $85U,000 and will take about nine re lie f. D o n ’t griffer longer. W rite F. and all person» found trespassing upon the premises o f the undersigned fo r the W . W oliams , 4t*i M nn hattsu AvOnoe, month».— Journal. on friendship link» waa a W IN N E R Plain L in k s in Hold or S ilv e r a t 20c each. Fancy Link» in Gold or S ilv e r af 28c each Engraved pith 8 free, N e w k o rk . farm loan associations in anticipa­ tion of ths coming operation of the | federal farm loan system. Port Orford Purniture & Hardware Store T ry «« on W A T C H R E P A IR IN G W e RnsrynU-e satisfactory K ° r V arness, Fishing-tackle Stum ping Powder MBN i Four rim m unitire in out farm ing Section of the Willsmette vs'liey beve tentatively organised local IqOnglols, O r, and we qpuitto thank all of you girls tor UMrhHerest th a fy o u have shown in thea^. Judging by Ute order» v e are reoeiviqg efe ry mn, within two weeks a fte r the date A tym first publication o f this notice. I f no objec­ tions ere filed as above wtontioned the balance due said contractor on aijd Road Contract w ill be pen a t the e E i - retton of two weeks frtto the d s t e W the first issue o f thia ftotice, to -w it: W ill be paid eu the 4th day o f October. 161«. .« it* i k GILLINGS, PROP. J - 8b- 8TAMWASD, full line of Stoves autel Ranges, Suemsey, A lum inum , 4u gsa.aà3yU t- tiag, Stiletto Cuttlery, panteras, E tc