7 -r ■ IV v U v .V v » <. ’I1 . 1 « . » - x -J | I'U v U Coos oou it I y is no w proud of thej The Roemer Is due today with Childrens’ underwear; Union Suits of good weight and g Uniting le.irni-1 j anJ L ite > Local Happenings J f“* lh*1 her •* " ’u •" M freiH s a l P -irtf-d a h t Jto- part mru ts ts viigsge I in tha great ssurk ol uniting Learaiug anil I. tb it. Ferty-e'sbto School Year Open* SEPTEMBER 18, .1818. Degree Cowraaa rrqniring a iour-jraar .high school 1-rc^aUMU. axa uttered in tha tot lowing: A G R IC U L T U R R . is napartmeota; CO M M BUCK. 4 Department«; E N G IN ­ E E R IN G , S Department«; M IN K S , g Department.; P O R K 4 T R V . 2 l>. par*, m en u; H O M R RCOVOM1C8. 4 Depart­ ments; sad P H A R U A C F . V o c a t i o n a l C o u ra a p ««*»«'ring an Eighth Crete preparation for entrance “ 1 iO Agrienltun. Dairying. , Forestry. Home M u ttra , an I trta. Pharmacy with a two. je a r high school entrance requirement SCHOOL O F M USIC.— Piano, Siring. Band nod Voice Culture. Catalncne and heautilu! Utulrate-Wis, ol Gold Beac|i, spent W . A. Utoliel, ft" nroprivtjer of. the a few daya In the pant week »Isi'ing Gold Beach' hotel, passed - up the with hie daughter, Mrs. Herbert W i|rt Bunday enroute to North JJniean, at this place. Bcnit; where ha will enter the Mercy Cupt. Juhttson and wife ol the hospital fox treatment. ids health Bandon Life Saving Station,motor- haring haeo piwrr for the past month. ,ed down Sunday and had a look at Harvey fliiiUh of L*ngloto, was .our main attraction ju st now—the ' down llie coast aa fax as Chelco Inst stranded «learner Bindon. I week, liNikjug fur sheep to buy. He 8. E Miirvters and daughter, Mia« purchased some 500 head, and is Lida, passed up the coast a few days „„gotistjog for a band of nearly ago. M r, Marsters intends to move 2000. The rheep w ill be driven Ids family to Jdaho lh '* fall- ^here north in the near future, they will reside in the future. P-~.- _ , . . , . ' | Horsey Kreitxer, «ashler of tlue Mr. and Mrs. X B. CufJ »ere in First National Bank of Marshfield. town Saturday and SunJsv from O. L Lassiter of the Dun M er can the Middle E lk Ranger Statin«. hile Agency, Geo. Larson of Maish.- They will move into their home in al Wells po., and Jns. Levering rep town in the near future so that their resentative of the Meson.Erman C oj children may attend kchool. wer« ,n ,(>wn yesfe/dsv returning T B. Davidson ami family have to Coos Bay fru«» su »tgo fr ip ’ b> started on a visit in Ibeir 7 psasen Gold Beaoh, |$ f r Sfudebaker to Mr. Davidson’s Brookings, with its payroll of nF- father at Grams Pass. Jake While 1er $20,000 s wo«th. is proviug s is d/i.ving the sulo stags between , wonderful boon to the farmers of here and Bandon dvH»g Mr- B's. , southern Curry. More mooey is in abaervee. I circulation, snd there is a market E. fj. W hile on bis road in from f.,r jptnre fro il, eggs sa l vegetables Sula I Spring? last week killed a than the community OS»’ iWPldy. bear snd • Y>ld The saint tla ()ne ranpher, Re vis Co-teHoe, has Fere treed by Mr. W hite’stlogs. One s,,|d $800 worth of sirs wherries from of these dugs, old Blntcher, is sure an acre of ground thia season and death to the varmint whose tracks his plants are still bearing. lie ci*. .«set. A vyallaee Pomeroy Pool,. • 4bo tu W an you bent l i t W. C. Bradley, the Marshfield I Among ties a thistle eoiehritiee « n d y man, was looking after his who will bs on Coon Bay «apt. 25th trade in this section during the past j with wurh. A* usual he stopped over • day here and went «»king, and in company with Chas. L»"g ha brought in a nice airing W deep sea Bells Floto circus w ill bs Frank Gulch sih I Java W illard- ! They will give >«hi hit ions of h o * 'hey won the world’s ohasspiouship on the mat and iu tha ring, fiah last Friday. The T bimmw aahnowbdgaa a Judge John 8. Coke was called to J uonipHincntary licLaf. ha the Joaa Oakland, California, last week by phina county Fair, «hash to held in the serious illness of s brother, Paul Grants Pave September Ifi, «0 and Coke. Another -brollier, Hugh, 21«. Excellent entertainment, County aside hom tho regular e x h ib it fea­ rho taught school in_Coos some 15 0 r 20 years ago and later tures, is ofiered to all visitors. «wnt 1» Honolulu, wa« struck by F. T. McMullen of Denmark and iigk«nt..g aj,4 killed while out E R. T h rift of Langhus motored to hunting ia Mendooi«o#Oui|tr, Calif. Bandon In their cars F rid ay, bring sogte two Weeks ago. ing their daughters, Rita utul George Sutton ba« taken S«ami- McMullen and .Jane esvd Janet T hrift, wfi8 were enroute to M t 5 s nation for admission to the Coast gel,Qr., to lake up studies at Ute Guard service. He went to Coos Academy M ih at place—- WstotafA county some two weeks ago ff gelling out the paper fell to Prxt. R- W. Buffum, who has barn two Jidie«— Mrs. H . T. Stewart and leader of the Port Orford band fur Miss Anna Dean, We have no e x . the past two years, relumed Satur­ custs to offer, aufi we know lliere day to his home at Arago, Mr. i are those of our readers wh.i w ill be Buffuin has made a suecessful and , , . , . . , . ' mean enough to say they would uot popular bund leader, having taken • ' ’ .. n . it . m«se us if we never returned. a lot of inexperienced boys here and A ll efforts during the past Week whipped-them into an organisation that is a credit to tho town, i t is to float the steamer Bandon have understooti that lie m»y return negt failed. She has heeo moved a few year and take up the band work feet, but alill lies ou « rock ernid* ships that has torn a hols In her again. hull about 3x9 DwL Cedar poles, A w ill has been filed w«th, the iron tangs and barrels here been County Clerk showing that fast ba stowed into the vessel to keep her (lire b* died in San Francisuo re afloat if she to lowed into deep wa­ cently, Tho«. Smith left hiu^-^ralu ter. The Acme lies been stswding able ranch on tt«»goe river to hi» by assisting for several days. The step son. Porter Zvhniser. with the weather has been fine for the work, provision that the latter should hut with tides growiiig smaller the lake care of Mrs. Smith during Iter chance of floating the stranded ves life. Mr. 3'hnisar srtyed last ael to dim inisliipg. A south storm week fn*m his b»ute al Rust, Calif,, would dash her to pieuse on the aud expects to live with his «other rookl. , on the old home place. Mr. Zahn 3Q8X YES IS A VOTI FOR YOUR CHILDREN ONI NORMAL NOT KhO VCH on has but one Norm al School. Thts school is teested a t Motuaouth. Axcoi'ent as Is the work of thto schoui It Is utterly ncfcble to supply but a ■mall pert of the atato fo r trained teachurs for the State. Or raora U lan S.00S aahaol «sacSwra In U s public seheala ar Oraoon, but 11 s«r cent hsvs been trc.n e d ’ or th e ir p ro fu eiS n ot teschm o In K arn ta l Xehsoi» I t is a wall oataCl'shcd fact that opr one Norm al School oanuot supply tha needs of the « a fire eta to. That is why we ask for your work and vote 4or the propoped Eastern Oregon State Normal School at C1V» BAfiTBBK Q W C O N SQ U A R E DEAL C lp h t c e i unita*» u n tu *. F we W /lllan ie tt« V alley e a v e emptSyeb Furl ini “ * »as* ’ f - e e >a ■ns- 209 teacher« who hast p ra d u . ' N o rm a l as acs-net 11 W K >iu**ooth tor We eight lraSlsq> enamtiea riM« «•«» J ttonSaere ed M üd er«» Valley eaun* Woe * f —J ls T fh s sjpssdad nendttloB of our Kem al Ft HcumMilh sad »too Uw distance asfi iwpsuw «1 -------—... orejpva an» « « « -twigs tiw lug states to* _ COST« « ane u a l « a ln to n a n c » coat o< tha yunpoa»« USaSa h e « , » Sehoal in U as ta ra O rogoa smosnta fia hu» ana SMh of a « 0 1 as S oanta on a thousand dotiaro of fs««blo a ro ao rty - t e n t It w o rth t b it to hovo your abOdraa SraLaad b> M oo«» uasful and aspductlva cltlxon sf Tha STRONG ENDORSKMgNTS Among those wbo strongly endorse the eatsW ri*- roent of the proposetkEaatern Oregon Norm al F.-huel sre Governor Withycoiube, J. H. Ackaxxoan, J-’rnal dent of the Monanoutti State Norm al; W. J. h -.rr, President of the Oregon Agricultural Colleg»: p. V Campbell. President of the State U niversity; Robert C. French, former President of the Weston Norm al, gad practically all of the leading educators of the State. J. A. CtrarchlU. Superintendent ot Public In ­ struction. voices the sentiments of those wbo are moat fam iliar w ith the need of more adequate Normal (scllttiee when be says: “ Oregon's greatest need fo r Its ru ra l schools Is tho tsschar who has had full prsparatlon to do hor w o rk , ^ueh preparation can boat como through N o rm a l School r **I tru s t th a t the voters of the state w ill asalst in raisins the standard of our schools by establishing a S ta te N o r. mat School at Woi'dicton. l h a location la c e n tra l, tho In . torost of tho people of Pandloton In education moat oscol- » n t , and th a large numbar of pupils In tho public schools Will give am ple opportunity to students to got tho am ount of «naehlng ararfico required in e standard norm al school.” AU the abO'e educe to ri Insist that a Standard Normal Schc* i must be located In a town ot 6000 or more population and having enough grade pupils for teaching pi act Ice. V O T E ' R IG H T -y ' Y S 6 fee No. Joe you w ill help to Iva ta the ehll3r«n of Oregon tha' asm« advantages enjoyed our « 'O ^ b o rln g atsteo. sa for No. 90S. r* Orage» SUM N a n » K l By J, H- Owlan, Racy., Fsndtatan, Ora. (F»M adv t) Order Y o u r N e w S u it : F rofn .C h « le * « .^ a tb e rs ro»«U. 5 r ^ r proof on bis Middle E lk l.omxsies«! Po(JMiro).,, f „ her, through children lasing j«'schawl, wiJl not u [.c the Bandon was moved 15 feM yedlrrday noon and fi or 8 feat at on Thursday of lust week. Mr. and j luwn «j^u lbs (trainer Bandar». Goa scry few salmon are living caught came "the brides of Charles Crew ÿu tbs Bni)d pf the l>ig »tick* come down end. with the hook. From here Mr« and Will make periodical visits to (^anglois, i Ranger C«rl returned ««vsrql wist OU his frail mashing h it large Mra. Croft went out to «pend a few and Oscar (B u d) Post, respectively, pnd P - COUnly) llM)t . « fK K U O N ste.ti.ey Bandon. W'- H - 'P " of her »„longings in a firs that c m - ! «Hoir cottage al Newport vacant attack of pneumonia Mra. Craw w ill POQVII i,E, * nlvrly traveled for H a s s -B n w . of hh# WM : wh, | , «pending their j ^ m s in st boqj« for a time. M r. __ year ____ Mr. HL«-*" -=r - « - ***• Ban Francieoo, but for tbe past three ll¥ i„ g , few days ago. Mrs. Fore I ____ !»«»'• This Hvnmtun end M ra Past have started boOSe /e a rs bas been manager of the store | mgn Coquille at the time l* « " combining To tV h o n a lt M a r ftMtwwrn. been combining business business wit wit h h pie#« p keeping on the Seaview (arm on Elk , trying to have a Mrs. Anderson in? ' ure and hat been negotiating (<»r tl»e river wh«re Mr. Poet ia employed. I, the so-teratgned, hereby give no­ | t Pro«i«r, purchase of oom« t * u billion feet of tion that I have • oonvsyanoe trout the O llP Nvumann came down from dieted for assaulting her sryeral Patentee to tMffands and water lota in limber in northern Curry. The toe Harbor cf’PfictOrtor l, Oregon, on Bandon Monday, and returned home peek* siqce, over trouble in thess-ne " ¡.? r 1 0gve Geufi deal iffgaid to be in a fair way of whik» a part of the S portion of whltìf hw satne day. He says dial the district. The fire ia believed to have . ' „ ' Ä S e K ’. Ä L d ' S ^ ' being oonaumiuateil. From indiaa f 'l. driva iUn.l I ■ip going aground here l|«t had been of incendiary origin, and the The teapbers from this end of the tilles pl lei or trm plM stn any manner wli at- a noticsble effect upon tbe tie find egtfioriiiee are ipeking a thorou gh ii..u« Mis« ^ r iiia n ii,.g t least, will „lands or water lots. soever on * I aai«l tlfiei reltfrr» to Port Orforil’ tf bus* of qur □uuiity who attended the Institute r iRisinsse in hie town where investigalimi. lir e . Foreman, *«v Mas. Aava 0 . D ** t . at Qifid Beach Iasi week, report a Portland . Oregon. shelms been one » f the main carriers, i ersl years ago taught at Denmark, young men has his way. To better accom m odate out growing trade very enjoyable and educational and he «tales that her loss at th is ' and has had trouble in various lime. Practically all the teachers find Increasing number of patrons wo have liuie would lie keenly felt on tha schools throughout tha stole on so in ths nupnty were in attendance, Obitnaryef Jerry Huntley. been com pelled to add to our general stock Coquille. count of her Socialistic tegchings. and much interest was displayed in of Dry Goods, Groceries and P rovisions, as Port Orford, Oregon, According to the opinion of Diet. Eugene Schettgr, who conducts s i Ibe work. Attorney L tijc q v i-l of Craw o-iuntv hay and grain bueincm at thia place J«rry Huntley wag horn at G»t follows: Ritrdwaro, Dairy Supplies, Stum p­ Prof. Beyipour, of the Oregon Ag­ G o ad Fg«d S U b l« atta c h e d . it i« unlawful f