The Trauip unloaded some fre ig h t, “ I n Rogue rive r 8u n d ay evening on her To the first 26 girl» sending in their names after Aug. 16 with g copy of our ad with thp offer mentioned in the "T a ia u x a ,” we will send r a n one 20c friendship link. Only one to each girl and thia offer applies only to Curry eoanty. We now have a beautiful 26c link Plain link», gold or silver are 20c each. W e en grave three initials free. Ask your friends for a link. M ail, orders promptly filled when by stamps Or money-order. in both gold and silver. ^te aure to send 'a copy of thia ad. and get one 20c link absolutely free. BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Banden, Ore. return toCuoa Bay, C a rn iv al week a t P o rt O rford. I D r Dallas Haidaobsowk. of Bseok T h e steamer Bandoa oom pleted' ¡ng», who bee established an e o v i- her toad of t ie /a n d poles and sailed able reputation in southern from thta place last F rid a y We carry ae ae’t*. $200.00 REWARD. . - 1 will give Two Hundred Dollars re ward to any person or persona who will furnish evidence that will- lead to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who set five to the barn and other outbuilding on my Elk river place last fall J. D . lO U C K S . Port Orford, Or. $100 REWARD. 1 hereby offer 4100.00 cash to any person or persons who will furnish evi dence sufficient for the arrest and con viction of the party or parties who have been killing and butchering my sheep. Lew s K w arr, Port Orford, Or. ------- ------------------------------ _ _ — ---------- T r e s p a s s TVotl««*. Corry County U straet- M alty Company. G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o I Hus the Ouly Set of Abstract Books in Corry Conity Eighteen Years Experience Prompt^ Efficient Service W. A. WOOD, Manager E. B. HALL Atty, at Law, Notary Public FPort Orford K N Ä PP H Ç T E L I Port Orford, Oregon,' ... K NAPP P r o p r ie to r , C . E . M athers, tbe M idd le E lk tailo r, has j tu t received b it sample« of fall and w inter goods. H e w ill be in town during I he Agate C a rn i val, aud those desiring an yth in g in h it line cannot do better than con ault hit». The M erry go round was run at the C arn ival groum la'for the < rat tim e Sunday. T o »tart things off e v e ry body wag given a free ride, hut now “ D ad” must go down into hi» jeans w hile th e youngsters enjoy the med w h irl. - W a lte r 8u tt«n received word the first o f the week of the death o f bin h a lf brother, M H 'S u tto n , at B ill ings, M ontana. T h e deceased was about 8 2 year» o f age, and tha two brothers had wot met since 1859. when our townsman was a ten year Pirst-clasa In every r e t|* < t. Feed S ta b le a tta c h « /. W. A. WOOD ▲ T T U ttK B Y A T LAW OOLD B B AC». OBKOUX ---------- — — —-------- ----- -------------------- Dr. F. A. Voge Resident Dentist Bandon, Oregon Will make periodical «Ulta to Langloia, rford. AU work guaranteed. and Port Orford. -------- J, C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. V b y a lc la n a n d S u rg eo n Miss E thel Richard, who for more thafi three years has been an effi and fined I * 6 by Justice W rig h t for having dear meal in bja possession were another couple joined in wedlock. who were W. tt. H l tl »on were m a rrie d . M r.^ H ill ia the Montgom ery. ' I t is expected that Gold Ih -a d t blacksm ith and lite tk o e gentlemen w ill be down with bride is Ute daughter o f Chaa. Wilson. the Governor's party in tim e for the program tomorrow forenoon. CketcuCun G m in d - as well as w ith lha Commercial c lu b ,a n d ia a live m an whose in terest io Port Orford is sure to hast eu the town's development. A t this reception A . M eA rtn ey, one of the boys fro m tbs R adis sta has gone o u t prospecting for a few tion at Cape Blanco, unme <u and weeks on E lk rive r. H e said he carried away th eclu b cham pionship wanted to see w h a fb u r summ er a t cbesa by defeating U - T . S tew art weather was like, and he did not feel th a t i t was safe te lake any in three nut uf five gasses played. D a in ty refreshments were served, body’s word fo r it to he waa coming and the evening as a whole waa one hereto find out for him self. the couutry God made and man f o r got.” annual oelebraliuu a t that plana to be known as tha Cbetoo Cove O arn i val. T b a officers of the organisa- liau are, W . J. W ard, president; C. E . Saunders, vioe preaident; Geo. like it her« sod are awoug U m > best D . W ood, financial secretary; W . boosters the town baa, and in recog L. M c V a y , vice president; J. P. n iliun ot these facts the ciob opened Pensotti, correepondiag secretary; its doors lo them. M r. Herm ann and tbe slogan that appears on the baa also affiliated him self with this stationary of tha association, ia “ In of tlie most p teaw a t th a t haa In com ing in fro m Portland last passed a t the d u b . week R . L . Macleay drove hi his Chalm ers S ix in one day from Rosa burg to bis W edderburn borne.! i Crew Arrealel T b a in ijia i C arn ival w ill ha held i September 2nd, 3rd and 4th . T w o large hotels, th a t are under oonsUwotion, w ill enable Brookinga to handle a larger crowd than any otbto tow n in the eounty. T b e big change th at this town baa w rought in soothers C u rry — it« huge saw m ill— f i t railroad, the first in C u r ry county, and m any other features been of Ute place, w a k e .it a town well The run of 155 miles was made In 14 hours, and considering some of the rough roads th at must ha traversed in m aking this ra n , the tim e sat by M r. Macleay is «xoep , tio a a lly good. H e duet his own d riv in g , A id the muscle he has se quired in becoming one of the best g o lf player« in the state stands him It <a dungerowu. Scientist« have proven that bad teeth and gutna cause a great many disease« uf which the following are tbe most common; Neuralgia, dyspepsia, ulcers of the stoinaebLrheuDfiati8tn, eudocharditis(inflama- tion of the heart liuing), appendicitis, insan ity, and a great many other ailments. MA stsfcch in time saves nine,” If yon have pyor rhea I can positively cure it. If you haven’t it yet, don’t wait till yon get R, for with tbe proper care and a visit to my office once or that dreaded disease at an extremely low cost. It is easier to prevent than cure, and that is my constant aún. I teach you how to take care of your teeth, thereby pre veo tin g disease a»d deeay, and tedneia* yotir dental hills at least one-tealf. Fear keeps nrost people away f roas the dentist. That is not the case with aay pa tients, for I can do yonr work with m little pata that it takes away that dread and fear. In most all work the prick of a needle ia all that you foel. I stadd back of my work; if at any time yen are not satisfied I will be only too glad to make it right I want all my patients ia be oay friend« aud oo-opearate with me ia spreading the gospel of mouth hygiene. Don’t procrastinate; come in and k t me advise' you what you are in need o£ and give you estimates of cost. I will make regular trips to Lauglois and Port Orford—watch this paper. i Dr. F. A. Voge -.j. . ! * H (Saccesaar to hr. L F. SasuassaJ FIRST RATIONAL RANDOM, OREGON BANK BUILDING TELEPHONE 1222 ■ç. I-' «S# ' ' N E W L IN E O F L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H ” IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S , C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS Call and gee 0u r Lines .... i ...q, ..... A c c o u n t. rights. M r. Macleay la charged in anoth er com plaint w ith stealing fish, ibis because he had bis seine p u ll in a d r if t net that had laid out in front o f it and look alt uf tbe suhnon in the ealch. A t M cKsnsie A Ponte: Mens’ durable cot 11 io underwear 50c a gar ment. Rib overalls 50c, 76c and 41 each. K h a ik i pants 41.25, dress p in ts 4 1 6 0 , x Notice is hereby given that P. J. land litre, the administrator u( the es tate of Thomas Cornelius, has filed his final account in said estate In tha (ouuty Court of Curry eouaty, State of Oregon, and that Monday the U th day of September, 19U, wt the hour of I# o'vloclr A. M ., has been duly appoint ed by eaid court for the bearing of ob jections to socli final account and tbe settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested in said eatate may appear and file objections thereto in » ritlbgland contest tha same. P >J.Li»n«««o. Administrator of the estate of Thomas Cornelius, deceased Date of first publioaUon Aug. 9, 191«. Denmark Mercantile Co. Store The Place Where Yoa Get • Sqaare Deal AGATE CABHVAL PORT 0RF0KD AUGUST 10, 11, 12, 1916 GOV. W IT H Y C O M B E w ill open th e C a rn iv a l w ith an address, A u g . 10 The Sixth Anntial Carnival w ill be Bigger and Better tlmu COIbnta, m (, „ j. m any Do Not Neglect Your Teeth worth visiting , i a additioe to the Carnival attratsons. And th a t they mean to “do things’* a t their eels hrafion, caa be seen from tlte fol- iowing clipping irtu t » » t o t th e ir R. L . Macleay and his seine crew letters arhieh tewathea an enthusiasm at W edderbum were arre»led and th a t ia «oatageous: gioea a hearing before Juatjee Staf “ A n im portant event which w ill he ford at G old Beach last Saturday. known tut the Chetco Oove C a rn iv al They were charged with star lin g to w ill ha held a t thia place on Sep m ake a haul on tha preceding Sun lembar 9 , 4 and 4th. W e w ill hav« day before • o'clock in the evening A 1 music, athletio sports, ball games the tim e prescribed by law to com dancing, etc., and for good maasara in good stead on these long drives, mence fishing. M r. M acleay was roent mxne teal bona raoes. u f which be baa made several. O il bound over in the sum of 4500 to The prim e object of this celebra this trip M r. M acleay was aocora appear before the grand ju ry , while tion i t to bring lo the notioe of tbe panted to and from Portland by the Seine crew got a change of venae publio tbe natural advantages of to Justice Lawrence M iller's court D is tric t A tto rn ey , John ton. ibis locality, and fu rth erm o n , to a t Kuchiw creek, where th eir oaae show the publio th a t U n people who comer to tr i* ) tomorrow. The men Gat Out Your Flags. fa u u d th is “ C o u ntry Which God are charged w ith trespassing upon mad« and m an forgot** aiw The C a rn iv a l Com m ittee »»<«« <U» forblddeii tim a about five glad they found it, and th at they like to have everyone j p town M e t ’ m inutes, w hile it is claimed that ot w ant matt to forgot. W e.ex out th eir flags and decorate t h e i r ^ ^ * 1 ‘ b>l h* a «o'»«uul peel to make this oolebration uf an homes as much as possible. You ahead o f the seine crew were not nual occurrence.-* and you and you are invited to en brought to account. T h e defence wifi allege a difference o f tim e , and ter into the C a rn iv al sp irit. B rig h t A dm lu tetrato r*« Mwttee o f F in a l a en the old town up, end help en ter claim that they were w ith in th eir up from Bogue river the first t:f the mild olim at. of week and'M<>nday evening he m et , BO after visiting his went into this one, with the result th a t M r. H i l i w aa h te ^ffb t to «own life’s journey together. A a lone “ T o n y " Caninn, wire hunted »eelion here this spring with Geo. F o rty, and lir a . L yd ia Koerner have banded together in an aaaucia- tion fur the purpose uf bolding cient helper in the T k ib u n k offioe, resigned Iter position the first «1 tbe week, and unless a ll signs fail we w ill have something to tell our tain tha visitors who w ill be here. A ll who can are requested to fix reartt-is about this estim able young up a »pare room and n o tify the Jady in our next iaaue. committee. E. B. T h r ift of Langlois, accom panied by hi« tw o ItM lv daughters H o n . J. D. Loucks returned to and (wo C alhnlic sialers from Port Orford last week from having M l. Angel, one of whom was form spent tbe past dine months at Sher t r ly Miss Anna Gibson o f G old idan, W yo ., aud In Southern Cali Reach, passed through town several fornix. L ast fall M r. and Mrs. days ago in the T h r ift ear enroute Loucks left here for Sheridan, a to Rogue river. W yo m ing town of 15,000 or 20,000 • The p tio en f salmon at the Macleay , . inh ab itan ts which M r. Louck'S laid J. O . H i l | . ne»r M iddle E lk , coming to town from the tnouniaine w ith a pack on his beck. M r. Adsms, h av- ing n n atu ral »uspicton of a ll paeks< a happy young oouple who started Last Wednesday evening a very pleasant event look place when the rillle u u i d u b entertained M r. and M ra. 8. B. H e rm a n n and daughter, MI m Flora. F o r several years the H e rm a n * party have been spending th eir vacation at Port'Orfocd. They so I, the no lersigned, hereby give no tice that I'bavo a convoynnee from the Patentee to tidelands and water lota in the Harbor of l\> rt Orford, Oregon, on a portir-B of which a part of the wharf iaererted wlthorK Wty consent. All parties Sre hetgbF warned not to drive n any manner what- pi lee or tn«paaa 1« idalanda or water lots. oever qn ryi said tii tutela •oever Maa. Asna 0 . D a « t . Portland, Oregon. O m ar M ille r- son of C d . M ille r o f Access, and Mias L o la , daughter o f E. R M ille r o f G o ld Beach, made Mown a t ttroohinga, in souther« C u r r y ,« few ««MVgettc huaitH-m«•<« oul in >he ear|y ,,f lhi“ C,,U1V last week to 41 85 a fieli, 25 cents of try , and where b e isatlFI known as w bich 1« deducted w h e re -th e com- lha “ father of tbe town.” Before N o tic e f o r l ’ tib U c ittfo « . , pany furnishes tbe gear. T h e 8ea- the w in ter waa far advanced the borg cannery is paying 41 >5, and D arXRTM CW V 0 » TH X Iw r a x iw a , weather became so Sever« |b a l M r. 25 cent« off. I t lit rum oryd th a t tlte I S. J jwh I OfflceatRoeobdm.Oregon, and Mra. Loucks aonghi the coast, ' 5 July 21 1916. W eddertiurn company contemplates tak in g apartm ent» a t Ban Diego Notice k hereby given thst a fu rth er raiaetn lhe near future. where they were during the flood C H A R L E S E . M A TH ER S Geo. Q uigley took a wagon load which shut that city off from the of Port Oiforfi, Oregon, who, on _ liofnesteaii o f freight to tbe M idd le E lk road rest of the world by train for MVer July » t h , 1^1; _ made ‘ Entry, Serial No 07436, for the L I o( N W | au.l W i N E L Section 1«, Tp. 338.. last week for C. H . Pearse. Among al weeks. From there they moved Ran»« 14 W., W illamette Meridian, the other articles was a big range to Loa Angeles and then lo Long haa ft ed notice of Intention to make and a bath tub. M r. and Mrs- Beach, at which latter place Mrs. Final Five-year Proof, to MtobHab elatin to the land above de-cribed, l>e- Peaiae are about three mile« from Loucks ip now residing. Last spring U. 8. Cumtni«- M r. Louokt made a visit to Iow a egon, on the 7 day of September, 1916. o ' f the ------- >--■ < homes --------- — in . the u - county and other central states, but of all ooxiest I l a i i n a n t names na witnesses: slid are continually adding to its tbe placet bp lias «ecu ha aays th a t; C. H. Pear-e, of Pert O rford, O revon. contfort. T h e ir fireside i t noted fur none o f th em look q u ite Mr». K. F. Peai-M. of " - good to John Erompi St-, of ” ’’ its com fort and hospitality. him as Port O rford, but Mrs. L -j G e o rg e W. A xtel, of ’• ” “ W . H . CawoM, G am e W arden John Ad a h ip came ha» become captivstaigwitk tM T o W h o m I t M n y C o n cern. K . H . Dye, the popster dothao man, and Mra. Imura S m ith , for, ts Agate Carnival. marly Mrs. M elville, wave one of the oouplea who joined their for Tbe Marshfield Cham ber of Com tunes. Tillictun Oak Enterte!«. Gold Beach, Oregon. >. -lNBiater- The Reporter eh rooioted four wad dings a t the county seat laat week, and « i d th at aeverai other nuptials were scheduled to toko pines lu tb a near foture. coast ManhfieU town the first of the week, returning home from art automobile tour in State Gam e W ard en , C arl D . northern and central C a lifo rn ia . Shoemaker w ill be in Gov. W ith y - They found some very w arm weath corn Inf» party, which arrives in er, and were glad to get back to tbe Port Orford for the C a rn iv a l to . const bretxes again. morrow morning. — The p a rt of the Ferris Wheel th at M r. and Mrs. Dr. T iw u r and son was dropped into the bay while it Jay, of M arshfield, came down to was being unloaded from, tha Tram p Port O ifo rd several days ago moi last week waa recovered by Chas. w ill remain here u n til the C a rn iv a l Long Sunday m orning, and the big is over as guests at the Knapp hotel. wheel ie now ia shape. Tbe wheel A Democratic county convention haa a diam eter o f sixty feet, aud ia is scheduled to be held in P o rt Or novel sight in this couoty. ford tomorrow evening. I t is ex A M r. and Mrs. Nicbolaon, from |>ected that precincts fro m various the state o f Washington, sprat sev parte of the county w ill be rrp r« erat weeks in Port Orford laat w in* Seuted. ter. Before coming here at th a t : ■ - ■ U r . and Mrs . T . L . Carey and lim e M r, Nfichotson was told th a t two ch ild ren eauu up from W eiider- tba snow did not lay on the ground hurn in their Dodge Sunday, M r. her«. H e came ju s t before -an un Carey returnin g the same eveottig usual «old snap and saw it snow for w hile bis fam ily rem ained over for three weeks. Last week M r. H teh- the C a rn iv a l. olson returned lo P o rt Orford aud old boy G oad And Man Forgot” CHKTt'O COVE CARNIVAL September 2,3, 4 BROOKINGS, Carry Co. Or. C u rry to U'eddvrburn. Notioe la hereby given to all persona not to tre> pass upon what is ktsusrn as tb « Pfieterer Raoge, near the mouth of Brush cieek, for ¿lie purpose of fish M r. and Mrs. Jas. E llis came down ing, hunting, o r otherwise. from Arago Su nd ay to stay u n til a f W . T. W jiita , Bn. Leaiee of the above mentioned lan d ter the C arn ival. T heir son, Callen, — brought them down in h it auto, and returned home but w ill come back again d u rin g the last o f the week. Its y W U fa p ilG s U Beach. flo *l M a d e Mottos the new ad. o f the Boyle M onday. Jew elry C o. in thia issue, lie sum T h e deep sea fish in g gasoline to c lip it o u i in a o s « e ria g . boat 8 la r, baa again been m aking I n a baseball game at Gold Beach th is port ¡ta headquarters fur tha. merae last week appointed a special last Bunday the home team defeated P“ *‘ days.- T h e Star oper committee to represent Marshfield a t tbe Agate C arn ival, for the purpose a team from Brookings by a score «tea fro m Coot bag and tha C oquille. a f officially in v itin g tba people of 19 to I * . Camper« have been ooming iwto C u rry oounty to attend tbe Cooa Bay T h e Macleay cannery at W ed- tow n for the peat aeverai days to be R a il Road Jubilee August 24, 25 derburu has raised the price o f sal here fo r the Agate C a rn iv a l, w hich and M tb . moii to 4 1 4 0 a and the big run opens tomorrow. Goa o f tba largest The members of tbe com iq 11 tee crowds in (ha history u f the Cast»! •j in the river cuntinuea. are John D . Goss chairm an, J. C. vat is Uew asaueed. Cbauooey W oodruff and fa m ily , K e n d a ll, T . R. Japea, Den Fisher, M r. and Mrs. 11. K . H u Hug and A . E . Adoleparger.Chas. H a ll, Hugh of D enm ark, passed down the coast son, LesTH?of Marshfield^ were * In M c L a in , J. W . Motley and J. E. the first of the week on their way Xxpert Watch repairing a Specialty *heaa Me. 544. a» a d en tist, passed down the T h e C o u n tr y , To better accommodate our growing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to our general stock/' of Dry Qoods, Orocories and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots aud Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods. Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nnta a 1C o- tions, Ruiled Barley, Cress Seed »nd Seed Grain. O rders takrk for akythijki j » ot o » hard friends and looking after bis business inler- eats here M r. Loucks w ill return to spend the w inter eith er a t Long Reach or San Diego, M A N TE D —A man to slash brush for ind. For particulars write or coll on * - B. N . HaDoas. Fine display of Agates, Noted Speakers, Brass Band, Big Dancing Pavillion, Fine Sports, Good Camping, Hunting and Fishing; Aug. 10*11-12 G iv e u» a t r i a l o rd e r JAS. s . casks . Denmark, Ora. ■ <>, « S¿í - • i-.-VV .. -¿> g Si . -i