The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, August 09, 1916, Image 3

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    The Trauip unloaded some fre ig h t, “ I n
Rogue rive r 8u n d ay evening on her
To the first 26 girl» sending in their
names after Aug. 16 with g copy of
our ad with thp offer mentioned in
the "T a ia u x a ,” we will send r a n
one 20c friendship link. Only one
to each girl and thia offer applies
only to Curry eoanty.
We now have a beautiful 26c link
Plain link»,
gold or silver are 20c each. W e en­
grave three initials free. Ask your
friends for a link. M ail, orders
promptly filled when
by stamps Or money-order.
in both gold and silver.
^te aure to send 'a copy of thia ad.
and get one 20c link absolutely free.
Banden, Ore.
return toCuoa Bay,
C a rn iv al week a t P o rt O rford.
D r Dallas Haidaobsowk. of Bseok
T h e steamer Bandoa oom pleted' ¡ng», who bee established an e o v i-
her toad of t ie /a n d poles and sailed able reputation in southern
from thta place last F rid a y
We carry ae ae’t*.
$200.00 REWARD.
1 will give Two Hundred Dollars re­
ward to any person or persona who will
furnish evidence that will- lead to the
arrest and conviction of the party or
parties who set five to the barn and
other outbuilding on my Elk river place
last fall
J. D . lO U C K S .
Port Orford, Or.
1 hereby offer 4100.00 cash to any
person or persons who will furnish evi­
dence sufficient for the arrest and con­
viction of the party or parties who have
been killing and butchering my sheep.
Lew s K w arr,
Port Orford, Or.
------- ------------------------------ _ _ — ----------
T r e s p a s s TVotl««*.
Corry County U straet-
M alty Company.
G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o I
Hus the Ouly Set of Abstract
Books in Corry Conity
Eighteen Years Experience
Prompt^ Efficient
W. A. WOOD, Manager
Atty, at Law, Notary Public
FPort Orford
Port Orford, Oregon,'
P r o p r ie to r ,
C . E . M athers, tbe M idd le E lk
tailo r, has j tu t received b it sample«
of fall and w inter goods. H e w ill
be in town during I he Agate C a rn i­
val, aud those desiring an yth in g in
h it line cannot do better than con
ault hit».
The M erry go round was run at the
C arn ival groum la'for the < rat tim e
Sunday. T o »tart things off e v e ry ­
body wag given a free ride, hut now
“ D ad” must go down into hi» jeans
w hile th e youngsters enjoy the med
w h irl.
W a lte r 8u tt«n received word the
first o f the week of the death o f bin
h a lf brother, M H 'S u tto n , at B ill
ings, M ontana. T h e deceased was
about 8 2 year» o f age, and tha two
brothers had wot met since 1859.
when our townsman was a ten year
Pirst-clasa In every r e t|* < t.
Feed S ta b le a tta c h « /.
▲ T T U ttK B Y A T
---------- — — —-------- ----- --------------------
Dr. F. A. Voge
Resident Dentist
Bandon, Oregon
Will make periodical «Ulta to Langloia,
rford. AU work guaranteed.
and Port Orford.
-------- J,
V b y a lc la n a n d S u rg eo n
Miss E thel Richard, who for more
thafi three years has been an effi­
and fined I * 6 by Justice W rig h t for
having dear meal in bja possession
were another couple
joined in wedlock.
W. tt. H l tl
»on were m a rrie d .
M r.^ H ill ia the
Montgom ery. ' I t is expected that
Gold Ih -a d t blacksm ith and lite
tk o e gentlemen w ill be down with
bride is Ute daughter o f Chaa. Wilson.
the Governor's party in tim e for the
program tomorrow forenoon.
CketcuCun G m in d -
as well as w ith lha Commercial
c lu b ,a n d ia a live m an whose in ­
terest io Port Orford is sure to hast
eu the town's development.
A t this reception A . M eA rtn ey,
of the boys fro m tbs R adis sta­
has gone o u t prospecting for a few
at Cape Blanco, unme <u and
weeks on E lk rive r. H e said he
carried away th eclu b cham pionship
wanted to see w h a fb u r summ er
a t cbesa by defeating U - T . S tew art
weather was like, and he did not
feel th a t i t was safe te lake any in three nut uf five gasses played.
D a in ty refreshments were served,
body’s word fo r it to he waa coming
and the evening as a whole waa one
hereto find out for him self.
the couutry God made and man f o r ­
annual oelebraliuu a t that plana to
be known as tha Cbetoo Cove O arn i
val. T b a officers of the organisa-
liau are, W . J. W ard, president; C.
E . Saunders, vioe preaident; Geo.
like it her« sod are awoug U m > best D . W ood, financial secretary; W .
boosters the town baa, and in recog L. M c V a y , vice president; J. P.
n iliun ot these facts the ciob opened Pensotti, correepondiag secretary;
its doors lo them. M r. Herm ann and tbe slogan that appears on the
baa also affiliated him self with this stationary of tha association, ia “ In
of tlie most p teaw a t th a t
In com ing in fro m Portland last
passed a t the d u b .
week R . L . Macleay drove hi his
Chalm ers S ix in one day from Rosa
burg to bis W edderburn borne.!
i Crew Arrealel
T b a in ijia i C arn ival w ill ha held
i September 2nd, 3rd and 4th .
T w o large hotels, th a t are under
oonsUwotion, w ill enable Brookinga
to handle a larger crowd than any
otbto tow n in the eounty. T b e big
change th at this town baa w rought
in soothers C u rry — it« huge saw
m ill— f i t railroad, the first in C u r­
ry county, and m any other features
been of Ute place, w a k e .it a town well
The run of 155 miles was made
In 14 hours, and considering some
of the rough roads th at must ha
traversed in m aking this ra n , the
tim e sat by M r. Macleay is «xoep ,
tio a a lly good. H e duet his own
d riv in g , A id the muscle he has se
quired in becoming one of the best
g o lf player« in the state stands him
It <a dungerowu. Scientist« have proven
that bad teeth and gutna cause a great many
disease« uf which the following are tbe most
common; Neuralgia, dyspepsia, ulcers of the
stoinaebLrheuDfiati8tn, eudocharditis(inflama-
tion of the heart liuing), appendicitis, insan­
ity, and a great many other ailments. MA
stsfcch in time saves nine,” If yon have pyor­
rhea I can positively cure it. If you haven’t
it yet, don’t wait till yon get R, for with tbe
proper care and a visit to my office once or
dreaded disease at an extremely low cost. It
is easier to prevent than cure, and that is my
constant aún. I teach you how to take care
of your teeth, thereby pre veo tin g disease
a»d deeay, and tedneia* yotir dental hills at
least one-tealf.
Fear keeps nrost people away f roas the
dentist. That is not the case with aay pa­
tients, for I can do yonr work with m little
pata that it takes away that dread and fear.
In most all work the prick of a needle ia all
that you foel.
I stadd back of my work; if at any time
yen are not satisfied I will be only too glad
to make it right I want all my patients ia
be oay friend« aud oo-opearate with me ia
spreading the gospel of mouth hygiene.
Don’t procrastinate; come in and k t me
advise' you what you are in need o£ and give
you estimates of cost. I will make regular
trips to Lauglois and Port Orford—watch
this paper.
Dr. F. A. Voge
-.j. .
! * H
(Saccesaar to hr. L F. SasuassaJ
■ç. I-'
' '
G E N T L E M E N ’S
F U R N IS H ”
IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S ,
Call and gee 0u r Lines
i ...q,
A c c o u n t.
M r. Macleay la charged in anoth
er com plaint w ith stealing fish, ibis
because he had bis seine p u ll in a
d r if t net that had laid out in front
o f it and look alt uf tbe suhnon in
the ealch.
A t M cKsnsie A Ponte: Mens’
durable cot 11 io underwear 50c a gar
ment. Rib overalls 50c, 76c and 41
each. K h a ik i pants 41.25, dress
p in ts 4 1 6 0 ,
Notice is hereby given that P. J.
land litre, the administrator u( the es­
tate of Thomas Cornelius, has filed his
final account in said estate In tha
(ouuty Court of Curry eouaty, State of
Oregon, and that Monday the U th day
of September, 19U, wt the hour of I#
o'vloclr A. M ., has been duly appoint­
ed by eaid court for the bearing of ob­
jections to socli final account and tbe
settlement thereof, at which time any
person Interested in said eatate may
appear and file objections thereto in
» ritlbgland contest tha same.
P >J.Li»n«««o.
Administrator of the estate of
Thomas Cornelius, deceased
Date of first publioaUon Aug. 9, 191«.
Denmark Mercantile Co.
The Place Where Yoa Get • Sqaare Deal
AUGUST 10, 11, 12, 1916
w ill open th e C a rn iv a l w ith
an address, A u g . 10
The Sixth Anntial Carnival w ill be Bigger and Better tlmu
m (,
„ j.
m any
Do Not Neglect
Your Teeth
worth visiting , i a additioe to the
Carnival attratsons. And th a t they
mean to “do things’* a t their eels
hrafion, caa be seen from tlte fol-
iowing clipping irtu t » » t o t th e ir
R. L . Macleay and his seine crew
letters arhieh tewathea an enthusiasm
at W edderbum were arre»led and
th a t ia «oatageous:
gioea a hearing before Juatjee Staf
“ A n im portant event which w ill he
ford at G old Beach last Saturday.
known tut the Chetco Oove C a rn iv al
They were charged with star lin g to
w ill ha held a t thia place on Sep
m ake a haul on tha preceding Sun
lembar 9 , 4 and 4th. W e w ill hav«
day before • o'clock in the evening
A 1 music, athletio sports, ball games
the tim e prescribed by law to com
dancing, etc., and for good maasara
in good stead on these long drives, mence fishing. M r. M acleay was
roent mxne teal bona raoes.
u f which be baa made several. O il bound over in the sum of 4500 to
The prim e object of this celebra
this trip M r. M acleay was aocora appear before the grand ju ry , while
tion i t to bring lo the notioe of tbe
panted to and from Portland by the Seine crew got a change of venae
publio tbe natural advantages of
to Justice Lawrence M iller's court
D is tric t A tto rn ey , John ton.
ibis locality, and fu rth erm o n , to
a t Kuchiw creek, where th eir oaae
show the publio th a t U n people who
comer to tr i* ) tomorrow. The men
Gat Out Your Flags.
fa u u d th is “ C o u ntry Which God
are charged w ith trespassing upon
and m an
The C a rn iv a l Com m ittee »»<«« <U» forblddeii tim a
about five
glad they found it, and th at they
like to have everyone j p town M e t ’ m inutes, w hile it is claimed that
ot w ant matt to forgot. W e.ex
out th eir flags and decorate t h e i r ^ ^ * 1
‘ b>l h* a «o'»«uul
peel to make this oolebration uf an
homes as much as possible. You ahead o f the seine crew were not
nual occurrence.-*
and you and you are invited to en­ brought to account. T h e defence
ter into the C a rn iv al sp irit. B rig h t­
A dm lu tetrato r*« Mwttee o f F in a l
en the old town up, end help en ter­ claim that they were w ith in th eir
up from Bogue river the first t:f the mild olim at. of
week and'M<>nday evening he m et , BO after visiting his
went into this one, with the result
th a t M r. H i l i w aa h te ^ffb t to «own
life’s journey together.
A a lone “ T o n y " Caninn,
hunted »eelion here this spring with
Geo. F o rty, and lir a . L yd ia Koerner
have banded together in an aaaucia-
tion fur the purpose uf bolding
cient helper in the T k ib u n k offioe,
resigned Iter position the first «1 tbe
week, and unless a ll signs fail we
w ill have something to tell our tain tha visitors who w ill be here.
A ll who can are requested to fix
reartt-is about this estim able young
a »pare room and n o tify the
Jady in our next iaaue.
E. B. T h r ift of Langlois, accom­
panied by hi« tw o ItM lv daughters
H o n . J. D. Loucks returned to
and (wo C alhnlic sialers
Port Orford last week from having
M l. Angel, one of whom was form
spent tbe past dine months at Sher­
t r ly Miss Anna Gibson o f G old
idan, W yo ., aud In Southern Cali
Reach, passed through town several
fornix. L ast fall M r. and Mrs.
days ago in the T h r ift ear enroute
Loucks left here for Sheridan, a
to Rogue river.
W yo m ing town of 15,000 or 20,000
• The p tio en f salmon at the Macleay
. inh ab itan ts which M r. Louck'S laid
J. O . H i l | . ne»r M iddle E lk , coming
to town from the tnouniaine w ith a
pack on his beck. M r. Adsms, h av-
ing n n atu ral »uspicton of a ll paeks<
a happy young oouple who started
Last Wednesday evening a very
pleasant event look place when the
rillle u u i d u b entertained M r. and
M ra. 8. B. H e rm a n n and daughter,
MI m Flora. F o r several years the
H e rm a n * party have been spending
th eir vacation at Port'Orfocd. They
I, the no lersigned, hereby give no­
tice that I'bavo a convoynnee from the
Patentee to tidelands and water lota in
the Harbor of l\> rt Orford, Oregon, on
a portir-B of which a part of the wharf
iaererted wlthorK Wty consent. All
parties Sre hetgbF warned not to drive
n any manner what-
pi lee or tn«paaa 1«
idalanda or water lots.
oever qn
ryi said tii
Maa. Asna 0 . D a « t .
Portland, Oregon.
O m ar M ille r- son of C d . M ille r o f
Access, and Mias L o la , daughter o f
E. R M ille r o f G o ld Beach, made
Mown a t ttroohinga, in souther«
C u r r y ,« few ««MVgettc huaitH-m«•<«
oul in >he ear|y
,,f lhi“ C,,U1V
last week to 41 85 a fieli, 25 cents of
try , and where b e isatlFI known as
w bich 1« deducted w h e re -th e com-
lha “ father of tbe town.”
N o tic e f o r l ’ tib U c ittfo « .
pany furnishes tbe gear. T h e 8ea-
the w in ter waa far advanced the
borg cannery is paying 41 >5, and
D arXRTM CW V 0 » TH X Iw r a x iw a ,
weather became so Sever« |b a l M r.
cent« off. I t lit rum oryd th a t tlte
I S. J jwh I OfflceatRoeobdm.Oregon,
and Mra. Loucks aonghi the coast,
' 5
July 21 1916.
W eddertiurn company contemplates
tak in g apartm ent» a t Ban Diego
Notice k hereby given thst
a fu rth er raiaetn lhe near future.
where they were during the flood
Geo. Q uigley took a wagon load which shut that city off from the
of Port Oiforfi, Oregon, who, on
o f freight to tbe M idd le E lk road rest of the world by train for MVer
July » t h , 1^1; _
Entry, Serial No 07436, for the L I o(
N W | au.l W i N E L Section 1«, Tp. 338.. last week for C. H . Pearse. Among al weeks. From there they moved
Ran»« 14 W., W illamette Meridian, the other articles was a big range to Loa Angeles and then lo Long
haa ft ed notice of Intention to make and a bath tub. M r. and Mrs-
Beach, at which latter place Mrs.
Final Five-year Proof, to MtobHab
elatin to the land above de-cribed, l>e- Peaiae are about three mile« from Loucks ip now residing. Last spring
U. 8. Cumtni«-
M r. Louokt made a visit to Iow a
egon, on the 7 day of September, 1916. o ' f the
>--■ < homes
--------- — in . the
u - county and other central states, but of all
I l a i i n a n t names na witnesses:
slid are continually adding to its tbe placet bp lias «ecu ha aays th a t;
C. H. Pear-e, of Pert O rford, O revon.
contfort. T h e ir fireside i t noted fur none o f th em look q u ite
Mr». K. F. Peai-M. of "
good to
John Erompi St-, of ”
its com fort and hospitality.
L -j
G e o rg e W. A xtel, of ’•
W . H . CawoM,
G am e W arden John Ad a h ip came ha» become captivstaigwitk tM
T o W h o m I t M n y C o n cern.
K . H . Dye, the popster dothao
man, and Mra. Imura S m ith , for,
ts Agate Carnival. marly Mrs. M elville, wave one of
the oouplea who joined their for­
Tbe Marshfield Cham ber of Com
Tillictun Oak Enterte!«.
Gold Beach, Oregon.
>. -lNBiater-
The Reporter eh rooioted four wad
dings a t the county seat laat week,
and « i d th at aeverai other nuptials
were scheduled to toko pines lu tb a
near foture.
coast ManhfieU
town the first of the week, returning
home from art automobile tour in
State Gam e W ard en , C arl D .
northern and central C a lifo rn ia .
Shoemaker w ill be in Gov. W ith y -
They found some very w arm weath
corn Inf» party, which arrives in
er, and were glad to get back to tbe
Port Orford for the C a rn iv a l to .
const bretxes again.
morrow morning.
The p a rt of the Ferris Wheel th at
M r. and Mrs. Dr. T iw u r and son
was dropped into the bay while it
Jay, of M arshfield, came down to
was being unloaded from, tha Tram p
Port O ifo rd several days ago moi
last week waa recovered by Chas.
w ill remain here u n til the C a rn iv a l
Long Sunday m orning, and the big
is over as guests at the Knapp hotel.
wheel ie now ia shape. Tbe wheel
A Democratic county convention haa a diam eter o f sixty feet, aud ia
is scheduled to be held in P o rt Or­
novel sight in this couoty.
ford tomorrow evening. I t is ex
A M r. and Mrs. Nicbolaon, from
|>ected that precincts fro m various
the state o f Washington, sprat sev
parte of the county w ill be rrp r«
erat weeks in Port Orford laat w in*
ter. Before coming here at th a t
■ -
U r . and Mrs . T . L . Carey and lim e M r, Nfichotson was told th a t
two ch ild ren eauu up from W eiider- tba snow did not lay on the ground
hurn in their Dodge Sunday, M r. her«. H e came ju s t before -an un­
Carey returnin g the same eveottig usual «old snap and saw it snow for
w hile bis fam ily rem ained over for three weeks. Last week M r. H teh-
the C a rn iv a l.
olson returned lo P o rt Orford aud
old boy
G oad
And Man Forgot”
September 2,3, 4
BROOKINGS, Carry Co. Or.
C u rry
to U'eddvrburn.
Notioe la hereby given to all persona
not to tre> pass upon what is ktsusrn as
tb « Pfieterer Raoge, near the mouth
of Brush cieek, for ¿lie purpose of fish­
M r. and Mrs. Jas. E llis came down
ing, hunting, o r otherwise.
from Arago Su nd ay to stay u n til a f
W . T. W jiita , Bn.
Leaiee of the above mentioned lan d ter the C arn ival. T heir son, Callen,
brought them down in h it auto,
and returned home but w ill come
back again d u rin g the last o f the
Its y W U fa p ilG s U Beach.
flo *l M a d e
Mottos the new ad. o f the Boyle M onday.
Jew elry C o. in thia issue, lie sum
T h e deep sea fish in g
to c lip it o u i in a o s « e ria g .
boat 8 la r, baa again been m aking
I n a baseball game at Gold Beach th is port ¡ta headquarters fur tha. merae last week appointed a special
last Bunday the home team defeated P“ *‘
days.- T h e Star oper committee to represent Marshfield a t
tbe Agate C arn ival, for the purpose
a team from Brookings by a score «tea fro m Coot bag and tha C oquille.
f officially in v itin g tba people of
19 to I * .
Camper« have been ooming iwto
C u rry oounty to attend tbe Cooa Bay
T h e Macleay cannery at W ed- tow n for the peat aeverai days to be
R a il Road Jubilee August 24, 25
derburu has raised the price o f sal here fo r the Agate C a rn iv a l, w hich
and M tb .
moii to 4 1 4 0 a
and the big run opens tomorrow. Goa o f tba largest
The members of tbe com iq 11 tee
crowds in (ha history u f the Cast»!
•j in the river cuntinuea.
are John D . Goss chairm an, J. C.
vat is Uew asaueed.
Cbauooey W oodruff and fa m ily ,
K e n d a ll, T . R. Japea, Den Fisher,
M r. and Mrs. 11. K . H u Hug and A . E . Adoleparger.Chas. H a ll, Hugh
of D enm ark, passed down the coast
son, LesTH?of Marshfield^ were
In M c L a in , J. W . Motley and J. E.
the first of the week on their way
Xxpert Watch repairing a Specialty
*heaa Me. 544.
a» a d en tist, passed down the
T h e C o u n tr y
To better accommodate our growing trade
and increasing number of patrons we have
been compelled to add to our general stock/'
of Dry Qoods, Orocories and Provisions, as
follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump­
ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im­
plements of all kinds, including McCormick
Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web­
ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook
our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth­
ing, Boots aud Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods.
Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nnta a 1C o-
tions, Ruiled Barley, Cress Seed »nd Seed
O rders
takrk for akythijki
j » ot o »
and looking after bis business inler-
eats here M r. Loucks w ill return to
spend the w inter eith er a t Long
Reach or San Diego,
M A N TE D —A man to slash brush for
ind. For particulars write or coll on
* - B. N . HaDoas.
Fine display of Agates, Noted Speakers, Brass
Band, Big Dancing Pavillion, Fine Sports, Good
Camping, Hunting and Fishing; Aug. 10*11-12
G iv e u» a t r i a l o rd e r
JAS. s . casks .
Denmark, Ora.
■ <>, «
i-.-VV .. -¿> g Si