Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1916)
ra te * Baaeb 8aaday wbaa tba big tank, f . w » o Ite p r e w to for tba Agate Oaraival pavilliuu Sines the rape la the river a week was ratead. - W S S ago. Tbe catch lest night smousted to 1 U 7 pottain, «M eh »aa shipped Ladle« Auto Scarfs 25o at McKea Mr. and Ilm . V . M . B o at d o tta te Baeramaoto ssA P ortiani. Taa at« A Poole. down front Langlois i n a i a r a n i boats ware out. tba high haat h a«, apeat tba day aa guasta a t tba V . B . The Ladies Aid w ill meet at Mra. teg i?C poemls of fish te i|a «redit. In n a a konia. Mr. Kant iateaabiag Jahnatutte thia wash. The priee for Ute «Mb aow la right the Floraa ereek aobool. «aate, aa tba prioa v ia foreai down Y o n o m invited to the Agate Csr- wbaa the other ^aar» <n lb a «tats nivaTat Port Orford next week. ware opened to commercial fishing Latest t y ie o t fifik sawing ma chine for sale at half pries at M o- Kenaie dc Pool«. *jTr«Mip«Mnp M o t t o « . Motleate hereby given to all peraow not to trespass upon what tskaewa at th e Pfiateeer la n p n near the moatti of Brush ereek, far the purpose of tab I ng, hunting, or otherwise. W .T . W ares, 6«. ---------of the above mentioned land (iwty ttttrut- iKy Ciapai). ílt ó U f Q f ly S e l t í j k r i r t t t ßooks ib Carry Cuaity E&hjtoen T e^ n Experienoe Froifipt, E fic ie n t Serrice w A. WTXID, Manager E. & BALL AUy, at Law, Notary Public Port Orford K N A P P HOTEL Port Orford, Oregon, K N A P P IPmajmsHetssr. nret-claas in every respect. Otosd Feed 8 ta b la a tta c h e d W. A. WOOD ATTOBXBY A X LAW «OUU BBACH. o a t u o s A two treape vaadevilleeompany played t e a small house in Port Or ford last Sstardsy mgbt and then tXjdAKftOtl ®Wf til. t t e pay So for sacks. We else boy cupper and brass, and ara in tba market for Chittim bark and Oregon grape. McKeitsie A Pools. ‘ Mite E dith Hayes came up from Gold Beach ia the U r. Robbing «pc. l a . t p t e k and has been .speeding a JBS^days visiting friends at ibis place. ' . 1 I Storne- Jam n O'Connor, »n srcjriteet and draughtsman of PortBad, a n i an a l i tia n friend of Deputy P. M. Hawaii, baa gone to Brooking», where ha baa haan eommiselaaed ta plan the city for tba eawaaill pan* pie. M r. O’Connor states tbat tba first baildiug he baa haan ordered 'to prepare te a M room hotel.— Bo ga« River Courier. Once again tba m att M pdtle be. ¡raneh filed arUoJes of incorporation tween Port Orford snfi Bafttfoo h a with Corporation Commissioner i f . beenobaqfad. Under Ute’ W » » c h a fJ. Schuiderman ymleiday. I t waa dule the m ail leavenSaadtor"» th< the F. A C. Stock company formed morning and a rriv e , berg»• A by P. W. Colver, G. O. Padda »fid M ., and leaves here op it« yetocteal Stephen GalUer. The capital styok I T . M . Formerly fos m ^ a r r i ^ '» 3lO‘,iKX), an d the headquarters borne at Euchre eaptk from having bar« «bout midnight, 'leaving Ban ill b e ; gt th e . Culver ranch; hear consulted O r. Bartle of North Bead, d o n a tS P T B . . r angluit, lu Corry county. -ghe was (akeo to theCoue bay town end hack by her brujher in - tew ;A » H . Moore, In hie Ford, The Tram p has male veveral trip» between ibis port aad Coos bey dor ing the past weak. Capfa Bab Jones is a fusUer, aad is giving thia place the beat service it hae bad iu some time. * J. C French rat.rned yreterd.y J M . D. Sherrard and Tom Nielsen o£ Bandon, w en tjp Ophir last weak »» the letter's auto track where they delivered a six bores power gasoline engine to Messrs. Smith aad Hraa who are esperimeatiug ia the biaek - n d on the brech at that place, from a trip la te Coes eoaaty, where led g e la b o 8. Coke beaded dowa he baa been boosting the Agate Car- a decision from tba Ciraait eoart in nival. M r. Freaoh says that many Coos ooanty test week to the effeot people from that aeoliew w ill visit that sebool direolore cannot ba re the Carnival thia yea*. called— that the recall etatate doea . , ,, „ out apply to them. The decision A rthur Mayer and Clarence W right went to Marshfield teat * . . ; j • , « '* • ° f Baadoii, where a aim- week where they atneted in loading ,__, , , . .u troveray has been going far some the Speed well. -According to the * • strike rales, longshoremen eannot load a boat but agents of the oom ««idemle of iafastile psraly. paay owning the vessel can do so. « » I'u a e s to as alarming extent .. ■■**&'. « to n in New York. Over 3000eases have «P "rted , and 700 children up from Gold Besch last week, and The m. jo rh y of lhow with them waa Mrs. Timmeuas, a wl|(, , urv|ve Impaired for lifa trained ourae Agners who w(h#r m# * „„ came to Port Orford to attend Mra. e, eQjLaUv, w eUM lhe diw aM W ill Clarno, and w ear, glad to say £ ~ ** T*"* ‘ • According to J. S. Bertea of Oo Under the management o f Mr. qidile, L. J. SiaipMia and Reub and Mrs. J . F. Davis tbs Ssap6s M ist Jr. recently .broke the auto hotel opens its doors to tbe public redprd tot ween Coy« county and today. Since last* falTTfie .hotel Portland ia hl{ Buick. He claims has been closod, hut owing to tbe the drive waa made from Shore amount a t travel thia summer it is Acres to Baedoa ia ao boar aad believed it will pay te reopen the fiftetoyainatea, to Coquille ia two house. M r. aqd Mra. ♦ Davie ’«re hoars, tram Coquille to RoeCbarg hospitable people, aad w ill doubtless in four hours and fifteen minates, auks tba Seaside a popular stopping and la te Pwttend In nine hoars, ine|«dy>g a atop for dinner. A t timsg, they averaged hatter than »laty miles ^ n bear.— Coos Bay Tiatee. The Tram p has made two tripe w ithia the past few days from Coo* hay bare, loaded with a Merry go round and Farris WbesJ, which are being put up for tba Agate Carnival next week. The Merry go round is larger than the one that was here several years ago, while the big, Ferris Wheal w ill be the first of ifa kind ever seen in the «minty. that the latter lady, whose life was .linnet despaired td, is o o * improv ' hi PP«1 W* Many other amusam«nt faatares to g g le d k ill of ere lion hides to Cuo. bay promise to make Ux« Sixth C arol, • n the Tramp last wack, ifa had val a memorable eyaat for Port Or* The Port Orfotd garaga baa an- .boat l»0 hidre, besides the trim - ford. .J..? .r-V gooe eoaetderable ehangs d a r to r 1 miag*. O w iag to the alnsmt coo- tbd'paa« week, « .lin g hm bam uditooa Mwthwaet ariod d aH q g ilte pw««N. sod neat signs painted « S V o t l n g ayaaon. making hunting the ends of the boi Iding. Gatolloe ¿ „ » e i b t e owing to tbe danger of and cylinder oil w ill be kept *" [tending on the racks, tba k ill waa Mock. M r. Lindberg hae a *n>» «at aear^y so larga aa it ordinarily < equipped shop, aad as he ta a Bret i woaj4 bare bos«. Tba pries o f tbe class workman, his sterling in buai f e y ,, are nearly double Ibis year Mgs here is welcomed by local an. however, what they have ever been i it yet, don’t wait till yea get Jt, for with the, proper care and a v î n t fo w y dj&ce oiioe or «h « ; dreaded disease gxttfemely low cost. It is easier to prevent thaw «We, and that ia ray Constant aim. I teach yon how Intake care iof your teeth, thereby , preventing disease and decay, and inducing your dental bills at least one-half. * : .q •. '' '^y': ’ - , .» Fear keeps most people away from the dentist. That is not the oase with my pa tients, for I can do your work with so little pain that it takes away that dread and fear. In moat all work the prick of a needle ia all that you fbel. I stand back of my work; if at any time yon are not satisfied I will be only too glad to make it right. I want all m y patients to be my friends and co-opearate with' ma ia spreading the gospel of mouth hygiene. v Don't procrastinate; come in and let me advise yon What you are in need of, and give you estimates of cost. I will make régalai trips to Langlois and Port Orford— watch this paper. FIK S TN A T lO rtA L BANK BUILDING ¿^w.<íwÍ»?iri<uríiMÍi (Ti gwÍnh>ÍM¡h tomobile owg««. | before, aad this w ill makeup for ' A sapper w & J ftW n at the A . J . “ »• of tiuje oa“ “ d b* nar»’ <*- Marsh home on E lk river last even- ab,e » e* lber- ing at which Mr. Und Mrs. Phil Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, ' W ilh u ro f MarshfieldfkbreihegueataJ Mr. and Mra, Fred—lanegar, and Later in tlie evrnlngWyeral a u to , snn, Mrs. Uavis and So«, of Coquille, 1 C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS mobiles from town, loaded with ! M (j (he Misses AI lea sad Gladys merrrymakers, went out to this hos ( i aili«r of Bandon, after spending ' pitable home as a surprise to Mr. several days camped at Klk river J -..jl B miw N^m . Wilhair Ainain rPfriMiH. t »imari in BOXIA w uuw t . r«irv»um ■ iiq o *a gj A Agate fl**«*k. neacn, «-^ returned to w en t) and s jo lly erowd, caused a their homes Monday. Mr. Robin I takes the position tbat the pkaeagv very enjoyable evening to be spent son awne a dry goods store a t C o .' of thia b ill would be virtually a la tore to tbe saloon, as beer or wbis Tha steamer Bandon c m . into ! « « « « M r . Robinson is . sister key eoald ba bought at various dis our harbor Sunday afternoon, and ¡’d ° Ur / tribulion points in five or ten c o t ha. since been km dl.g lie. end ce ■ Lu’* * r * * A Pn l . “ drinks, the only difference being Bxpert Watch repairing a gpaeteltg dar |tel«m The approach to the ‘ ’* 2 " that tbe easterner would have to J h' Phea* Ne. S 4 L We esrty aa ac’ta. w harf that was left standing when “• h* * open hie own bottle instead of hav ihe structure went down last winter * * re ‘ « -1 « » « " Bob, c o n ing it poured into a gisse by thè rc e h e . into the bay far enough f o r “ d S‘ “ dab-k * r mrs. bar teuder. Mrs. Kemp w ill go down the eoast Resident as far as Creeeeet City, «peaking at various |>oiots, and then cross the mountain, to Grants Pats. W ill make periodical visita fefLanglots, rater. The an effort to overtake M r. MacleayJ Banjai, On. and Port Orford. C. W. ROBBINS, Nt D. P h y a tc tM an d Rorçe^rf Gold Bcaçh, O rg g Q o . N O T IC E F O K P U B L I C ^ IfarAwrwaxf o r vae Ivv ssk , UnitipJ Hfotes Laqd OflRo«, Roeebijgg, Ovegoa. June 1<V Nud'ee te hereby given tbat •- JO H N BAAK 1 pf Eckfay, Oregon, wbo, on’ sn.i the 8W M NEV< of SMtiqn 9, Mhip 32 South, lu n g e 1« W rt »1, ttes filed notice of h w tn t to m*ke flnsl ftve-year Pro SvtAbtish claim to theland abow bribed, before H«rdy T . Stewart, l States Obmmtastoner. at hit t fo r t Ortorfi, Oregon, on the tt i t July, Iff«. I laioxnt names ss wjtnemsa: s portion 0 / W Tortlund, Oregon. mpfctether «h o had started for'Portland, - to serve tbe pa|ier« but being unable A«. » - -* ° * leh “ P with WedAarWrn L n L fr x ^ .1 «w M A w a « « » Constable Gauntlatt r it ° i, returned home from thia filsce. Tbe 1 W> W° i warrant vae sworn oat against M r. W * U y b r « B.berm .a w ti t 1 « • ,ha‘ ^ • elt* y “ iQ* k * 1 l,id T 1** ™ oat around his drift net and hauled i past weak jt to rto r# M<| uken the salmon rming with •nbrook ia his surmise Robt. M. Smith came Into town eat bay oo horseback from bis Sixes home one im our ex * " * ’ **>• “ Bookskin Bob’* egpenae of M **• “ fam iliarly know«, is hate >uld advise h“d hearty deepite the 7fi eammere, ctiee a few 1 * nd M many winters, that he mod- (fee aa the men. Officers were elect eAaa follows: N. H . parson, President; J. H Bamwalt, yioe President; Mrs. 1. F. Davis, second Vice President, F. B. Tiihenor, Secretary; H. T- Stewart, Treasqrar, and R. A- Lind berg» P- H . Foote and Mra, Wm. (tilliuga. Board of Managers. A aommittea was appointed to draft by lawa, and the meeting ad. jhurned to meet again Friday even ing, when tbe organisation perfected. w ill be Denmark Mercantile Co. f", >*The H am W here Toa Cel » ~ AUGUST 10, II, 12, 1916 GOV. WITHYCOMBE will open the Carnival with an address, Aug,. 10 tr a h e lack When the I ah« lively V, itfere te a is driver tq * * l y acknowledges to, and says that h* '• «HHog to match fue »kill at hpxing hate or sliooting g i|h q rifie » i,h any mao of like afp |n the •*“ * In b b J ® *" « *. d* T* | The we foani<it , we «era t was wynna y, to wbieh Smith went through hardship« that it took an iron oonstitulloa Io with ««apd. Fov years he wsa a scoot on thp Pteios with “ W ild BIU.W and aa jhoted. » memento of thorn days ha haa eayen bullet wounds on bis body ami oqa of the bulla ba still aarviss “ qadey tha hide." M r. 8m ith u oomfortahly fixed, sad baa a ateo hoassan tba8ixee when ha lea« jqying hie old age. for down it ye I kOiqe of i t u This fot- II probably where other laieat. ©all and See 0 u r Lines Sixth AiBBfil Carnival will ever before. Come and ìwve and Better than I of y o u r life. Fine display of Agates, Note4 Speakers, Brass Band, Big Dancing Pavillion, Fine Sports, Good, ~ 7 Deal alwam - To ‘better atMQmmodate oar growing trade and inereeaiog number of patrons we have been compelled to add to.onr general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provision®, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stomp ing Powder, Gils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web. her Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook pur qp-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth-, Ing/Boots and Shoes, Indies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipe«, Tobacoo, Candy, Nuts a l d ©- tiobs, Rolled Barley, Grras Seed and Seed G iv e n e a t r i a l o r d e r JAS. S. CAPPS. Camping, Hunting and Fishing; Aug, 1011*12 . ' *