X. r Mr». M ary E . How aaed fees. M - Wttoaa oaaw dowa to Port Or- ford Monday fro « thalr wpper F lo ,. . as Greek homes and «ado Anal ttva year proof spun th»ir boaasataada a C. Franeh started yesterday on a .a u la s « trip to Marsh A aid. I Natural wool underwear I I a gar- , tnaot. We have a good ataek of well made durable cotton uitdarwear 60o a garment. Ladies reel, li e each. Naw «hipment of house dresses at McKensis A Poole. Barley, 75 Ih. sack», A 1.66. Ur, and Mrs. O. W . Kobbina warn ■ «p from .Gold Beeeh in their Foni Monday, and ara^axpaated back again today. lag en e «chatter brought his « m ily down from Bandon the fr e t of the week far a daw days outing at Agate Basok. .? •< . , Eugene H . Strain was down from Langlois yesterday to aot as a wit* neea for J. H . Wilson and Mrs. Howe in making their homestead ’ proofs. “Gene” has the old home place where lhe i i are poatoffice used I ’ to he, end has gone Into the dairy | J* G . H ill and fam ily moved last *c * k from the Beecher Jess cottage da Sackeon street to Mrs. Nietsaa'e rrU leiice on the hill. Mrs. W ill Clam o continues in a criticai condition from pneumonia, and a trainmUodrse has been sent for to take « r e of her. ! business. U s is «nil king 15 cows 1 thia summer, and will m ilk more next. He has recently completed a new bam and site, and proposes to build another ailo in the near future. H e will use red clover and rye grass for ensilep, which he say« m’fckes nearly a« got*! a m ilk pro duction as core. Hi« steer ealves he keeps until they sre two years oid and then turns them off for beef. He delivers bis milk to the cheese factory at Langlois, and lust month be says that those who soid to the fsetory got about 10c a pound more for their butter fat than the dairy men did with their creameries. In speaking of the throat worm which «luring the past year has killed so many cattle and sheep ail over the county, Mr. Strain says that the Oregon Agricultural College has come forward with a remedy that seems to be so effectual cure. The medicine is injected Inlo the throat Thera was a piano man in town lest week and one of the results was that a alee new piano replaced the old one at the Knapp hotel. We^my Jo- for aacle». Ws ala«» buy copper and brasa, and are in the market for C biltim bark and Ora gon g ra p *— McKeesie A Poole. Haalhe O ily S e to f Abetract Books u Corry County • o « *M m * Mr. sod Mrs. A. Adolph sen sod N . Swanson, oi Denmark, were Port ' Orford visitors Munday. Mr. Adolph Experience sen travels In style now ia h it , * I i B om * Six. « Eighteen Years f *' **"— ■*. Prompt*, Efficient Service * W. A. WOOD, Manager lotary Public Port Orford K N A PP HOTEL Port Orford, Oregon, * K J N A .P * Oo»< P r o p r i e to M r. McDermitt, the jovial in«ur- auoe mao who “does” Curry oounty ovary U tile while, passed through town oa hi« way to Gold Beeeh |»ince our last issue. H .O . Hampton, Claud E. Clark ; sod John Bakk wars ia town from Eckley yesterday. The latter made proof on his homestead, and the two former gentlemen acted as witnesses. ( T he gasoline launch Star, which is engaged in deep sea fi-b in g off Coos bay, has been lying in our her bor for the past severa I days to as- cape tbs heavy nor’ wester blowing I l ia dangerous. Scientists have proven that bad teeth and gums cause a great many diseases uf which the following are the moat common: Neuralgia, dyspepsia, ulcers ofthe stomach, rheumatism, endocbarditis(inflama- tion of the heart lining), appendicitis, insan ity, and a great many other ailments. “A stitch in time saves nine,” If you have pyor rhea I can positively cure it. If you haven't it yet, don’t wait till you get it, for with the proper care and a visit to my office once or twice a year you can remain free from that dreaded disease at an extremely low cost It is easier to prevent than cure, and that is my constant ain^ I teach you "bow to take care of your teeth, thereby preventing disease aud deoay, and ieducing your dental bills at least onc*half. , Fear keeps most people away from the dentist. That is not the case with my pa tients, for I can do your work with so little pain that it takes away that dread and fear. In most all work the prick of a needle is all that you feel. I stand back of my work; if at any time you are not satisfied I will be only too glad to make it right I want all my patients to be my friends and co-opearate with me in spreading the gospel of mouth hygiene. Don't procrastinate; come in and let me advise you what you are in need of, and give you estimates of cost. I will make regular trips to Langluis and Fort Orford—watch this paper. of the animal with , ' 1 ' ( I 1 * a hypodermic ' needle, end 85 cents worth of it « w ill inoeeulate 10 or IS ealvas. < I < I i « ta b le attached. W. A. WOOD ▲ TTOBM M T A T LAW »OLD BBACB* OBBOOS Boyle Jewelry Co Mra Dolls Niehols and little i daughter V e to e , wba have bean on , a (rip to W illam ette valley point«, | passed dowa the eoaet la«t rh ars day on thalr retura. fax their home near Gold Beaeb. ♦ An keto truck, a lata f »riquisltion « f (bo Coos and Curry Taiaphnna sompauy. was ia town the first of - tha *aak wRh a eoupl. of H u y m .n , who ware repairing th . * A b cA n y», - m T ’ ° “ ’f,01* -. , * • » C s jrim ..V“ - 1 . ? ' ,,ed “ . O. K Bati«y aii3 Mrs. W. F. 8-11,1 ’ enl GoW ib tu ' i V M r. and Mrs. Georg. Jo hn «,,. which 1 « m b chosen prlneipad, I w ill any th a t I f tha directors wish ta dispense w ith my services a ll th a t to neesasary is Dean Msstanbrook, tha jeweler, in a trap on Floras creek, and a .u ___ , « . ’ . * * * " cams up from Gold Beach -the first few d a y . <g<> pet« Culver killed a ‘ " J M A S ’/ * 1* * * a statem ent from them to th a t effect, as I have no desire to teach where I of tha week for a day or two. Ha | „ ge one with * rifle on hie brother ’ have not the confidence o f the commu reports things lively arosad the James’ »heap range. The latter var. Mr. Chas. Both well is doing some n ity. I have always looked upon teach county seat and says that ha ha«' mint had killed thirty or forty sheep ■"•<* B«ed«d ®«> I*»« Sanders ing as an im portant i f not sacred prop osition— s calling th a t should ba govern been doing a «toe bueiness there. I and had been hunted for aoma time Cr* k r ° * * - ;.f ed by high motives rather than commer Mr? and Mra. Phil W ilb ur, o f 1* * " * • Iw A y shot brought him The gardens and «rope In thia lo cial resaens or personal convenience, Marshfield are speeding a short vs- down. « l i l y are looking flue a n . I the pros snd I have never been guilty o f teaching cation as guests at the Knapp hotel. | Th® w ff • • * * * 1m| winter killwd peels are for a iata but very good in ■ dtotrtct th a t did not need nor ap preciate my «ervieea m no permanent M r. sod Mra. -W ilb u r have many * » « » 1 h u n d re d lM A < jA a fi» _ fis K L friends at Port Orford and it Is a J»" Culver, and the ooyot« in hie mutual pleasure when they spend J rootlon have furued a number of the BOYLE JEWELBY CO B m O m , O n. Dr. F. A. Voge Resident Dentist their holidays here. - C. w . ROBBINS, M. D, P hysician and Surgeon Gold Beach, Oregon. .heap mea m ro into the cattle has- the past weak oa the Agate Garni- . ... . , , mt . * .u Companion, came ia this spring sod val -pavillion and as soon a , the . . , llAn , _ , , . , * „ ( U » b U U H . ¡ l l b . m d , « „ M b . S " ? 1“ “ 0 '“ ? ' J h" “ i “" 1 ” ' furnish aropla water for tbscamnars ,a l’ f° r ‘ h* , I “* P ,o d ,or lhe lurotanam pia water lo r tnscampars < o -u , od whl d rire lhe , niro, | g Mrs. A. 8. Jnbnslon and children, uuder protection each night. who have beyn visiting relative« si ------------ ---------- Myrtle Point since the 4th of July. C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS @all and gee 0 u r Lines Hiasrt An Bury returned to their home here last _____ __ Friday. Master Lowell brought Forester J. B. Curl wee io town hnata the «rat picture seen here of ysaUrdny from the R anger S ta tio n the home band In uniform, which was taken at the M id summer race meet at M yrtle Point. The boys showed up fine, and it is no wonder that several wive« and sweethearts the state, but 1 insist that because o f our ia o la tm n and the distance from a railrosd. that ws are practically shot off fro m tha root o f tha world especial ly in the w inter tim e, and eonaequentiy we are deprived o f many o f the advan tages and opportunities th a t we akonld have. _ Mas. D bix a W ilsom N icbols . COLLIES H. BUFFINGTON L aw yer Gold Beach, Oraron Denmark Mercantile Co . HARDY T. 8TEW A R T Ü . M. G O M M IN IO N K C B P o r t O r fo r d , O r eg n a . want along to keep tab on “ him ." United Htatea Land OAae, oa^tugg, Anava. Í une 10. l»iA |aa to hereby given that J O |N B tA K A big run of salmon has started again in Rogue river, and last Bun day the Maoleay Estate cannery at Wedderttfirn » a , kept going all day ta.Mtah up v itb the fikhermea. The oatdh this «aason promises to be the biggest ever packed on Rogue riv e r. The Mxobmy «sine Is now in opera- tiun, a n d H reported to have made Some good hauls although there ia some friction between it and the drift boats. Keversl weeks ago Fith Warden Jewel stopped tha fiaher. ?<n (r°«p <lrift|ng with their gill nets beyond the bsaoh line at the mouth of tha r |fa tt hut tha latter contended that (ba fis h W arden’« jurisdiction did not extend intq Ihe ooesa and have ^on out iu their contention. They are now happy in the hacardoua oegapation of “ swinging the jaw s" with their nstf again. In this they often drift over the bar and into tha ooaao beyond before they their sets info their i yortua«i,or^ a ^ T PORT <0KP0HD To better acconfhtodate oat growing trade and increasing number of patron« we have been compelled to add to oar general stock of Dry Good«, Groceries and l’rovirion», as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowiug Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook oar up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys* Cloth ing, Boots and 8hoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nats a l d o- tions, Rolled Barley, Great Seed and Seed Grain. W p 'g ti O sD K B S T A K IV FOB ANTTHIffO Fine display of Agates, Noted Speakers, Brass Band, Big Dancing Pavillion, Fipe Sports, Good Camping, Hunting and Fishing; Ang. 10*11-12 NOT ON B AN D G iv e us • tr ia l o r d e r J A S . S. C A P P S