rder Your New Suit g w * W fiO U f i f U u u u under h i* charge, W KDKBSDAT J U L T 26th, IBI». was tried, oon- leave to quit. h .» ..d e ^ -e a e .g e ly « h r a tto g to l he P n ^ n C . “ »11 ^ t b t t t o t e s p a r e d |T i* ig . et the pahia Ona Copy Six Months................. One Copy T h r e e M o n t h s . . ■ I, limed out of lie own month for «m l |iv io ilt ie e of that law lay In : its pert is the Andersonville tragedy ' « a it for any in * m l* r e>nvit-ted by by its own printed reoorda in th at in the statistics it publish«« discltm : ing the comparative death rate of A o w n s ia s Bavas KaaaocatLS Federal prisoners held by the rebel* - and rebel prisoners in the hands o f j Agate C arnival Aug. 10, 11, l^ th ihe onion fortes. Then» ittalislical j comparison« show that* Although Ilia Confederate prison« held a la rg e r‘ number of Union prisoners ih m j H A R D I T , IJTRWAjjT. Who will be at the Knapp h ttel each Saturday and Sunday with a fine and up-to-dite line of made-to-iueamire samples to select from. Have your clothes made iu the latest style. Prioes reasonable. NO FIT, NO SALE. C lkaning A P ressing neatly done— leave articles with W. H. Bennett. In this ¡«sue of tire T r ib c n e . w ill I be noticed a communication from i Mrs. Della Nichols. I t 1« largely -in reply lo a n article that appeared I in the Gold Beach Reporter o f la«t week, which censured Mr«. Nichol* severely for an alleged misrepresen­ tation o f conditions hi and a (rout Gold Beach. W h ile in Eugene le - were held a t the north of rebel p»ia- ; oorra, j e t a greater number Confed erate captive« died in cot»8neini'iitj at the north than o f union priaouera at the south, eud I cannot forget th eezp ian atio n the Oregonian made of the curious diacrepunoy a t the tim e the facta were flr«t made pub lie. T h a t paper eluted oraculaxly eently, cmi A DMssion which She ex - that ««oh a djeorepancy was eg A n d now He«rat and O ils, backed alna, M rs. Niohol» waa quoted hr plaioafife on th e theory that union by the whole gang of bueoanere and Mra. I^flley as mu km« sUteraentaj prisoners captured by the Confeder. 1 pfratea who have despoiled the aim Blacksmithing Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for AU Kinds of Farming Im- plenienta; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron -Work promptly done at a Seasonable price. Your patronage solicited. i a t exaggerated social condition« erates having been healthy and w e ll' pie, tru stin g people down there hiv gt Rogue river. fed were eapahle of greater endur- «creaming in chorus for “ protection < •’ f-iw Apî -' *** Jh e article written by Mr«. Bail snee uf prison p riva tio n * there were ' o f their prnpertj- right«” by U n d e to which the Reporter took ex I anaemic h alf fed Confederate. Sinn. And now we sfiall see what peption, was one that should have Who fell into our hands. A n ingen we ehall aee. been oorrected, as the poverty and iua— though not neoeaaarlly con . . '1 2 ftu" 7 for ignorance it speaks o f does not e x ­ vir.cing— excuse. A«k Jim R u m d l , T h e who w a. . “ guest” at Camp D o tifla . b" * * *" ingtnn-is an en«brined in the heart« is t to the-extent the w riter would have people believe. H rwever, in Chicago if he and colleague, from caUM o f “ »B * ifll0uUJr «P w les o a d in of the American people aa la hia. ,tro o < « • " “ > « » ®P A n d as to Toni Corwin losing oaate i t should ba remembered that peo, •tra y down in Tennessee fared samp t f * 111“ » tuoualy every day. L e t. keep t o - ' lb * «’ « * *" t h* r^ u U r « « * • among th S |je o p la o f hl« State, an pie are often more or les-i the vio- |im a o f their entliu«iustic friends, tory straight, i f war is H e ll. I’he N . Y . liv en in g Poet of M ay immense memorial shaft a t Leba­ non proclaims the fealty of the pen and placing the blame of a piece I l te possible th at historian* and , b iT * * * * " * C pie o f Ohio to hie nsvmory. And th a t abe did not w rite, entirely up. atatiatioien. down in D ix ie draw 1» the 68 d a y . o f the cam- Ibis same T«m Corwin was appointed on her shoulders is, we believe, do* Ihe long bow occasionally . . w e l l «” * • « g u la rs began, M inister to Mexico during the early )ng Mrs. Nichols an injustioe. We »« we . t the north, wherefore H i . ‘ »’“ “ «h more tha.i 8«,000 applied." 'SO’a by Präsident Lincoln himself. make thia statement in view of the that when I have occasion to d ip ,r b * ‘ P"P«r The num ber ««dr fact th a t when Mrs. Nichols return« J iw p hietuay straight. my q u ill into the mem I have found ‘ »8 ‘ ° J"*“ “ >« « m y ia above nur- ed from Eugene last week, befoie expedienttoatay close by the record; ,n‘ ’ '* ‘ he num ber pbyai- Nog«Ira, Aria. Ju ly 18.— F ifty an y criticisms of her reputed state- ------ ca lly uuahie.” pietfia had been mode, she stopped caeca of ptomaine poisoning devel­ I t m ay be added that the dis ‘ ------ r—— for the ex p la in t ion f a t thia office and asked that the ar tree, and suffering nt A ndersonville oped in the m ilita ry camp here to t id e in tb'e Eugene Register l»e cor and Cam p Dougina might early have . J’1'* U n iled States Ife a lth B ulls- d ay following a mesa of tinned reeled through our colum n«*'and been cut abort by exchauge of pria Un N,,> 76 ' baw‘ t h , ‘ • mOn« A m er- m enu. Investigation showed the spoke of taking s im ila r action with , ■mcra which the south «ought but | ,Can w*8 e w‘ rn« B 25O ,M 0 are k ilk d t in t hore labels: " “ F o r P h ilipp ine Islands, 1903.” other papers that bad published it. which was opposed a t W aaliingim t ,n d 4’TO0’000 dlw b led an n ually Pre ’ en U h ,e disease because o f Attem pts are being made to hush She probably erred in not takin g 1 on the pie« that such a di«,Hwit h,n dirad vantage?’ I f up tf)« d'sclttaqrae ip the fear of a such aotion more p ro m p tly, but the would relieve the Confederacy o f ? he’ ir TpiBUwK does not believe th a t Mrs. 1 the expense o f the care and keep o f, fl' rllie r * how l lh * ‘ b * * th an h a lf repetition of; the flpaniah Am erican N*ichols ia the kind o f a person who i t . prisoner*, And ndd to i u lighting! **“ » « « • « " » e ra o f the United S tale, ytsr arm y eoutract scandal. *"°^ b k « P then, in would Injure or In any way do an force, w hile the north atood in n o ' T h e city of Nogalaa bestride* the need o f such additions. A oold henlth. So much for the e f blooded proposition tru ly ; b u t war of und«J *? «W »m eo t. boundary lin e bpfwaen M exioo and a war and war ia sure hell. j 1 select a t random frym the G ov- Arigonn. I m m e d i a t e ^ t e l l t g th« W g * nd - N o . T h e people ehrinofbe pre­ N ational Convention which bed " J " ’1“ ” ” ’ “ 4 vented from calling up the memory nominated Gen. W in field Sontt for n . . ... P* J ' *» « *» • of “embalmed beef” now, however r, .. . u z, , Columhus O hio 2« 8 President, Horace Greeley ftniiounc „ ... . . great the effort to Suppress the de­ . . . . ’ f Evftoftville In d . 82 2 pd in hta Tribu n e! “ I spat upon the Fo. , i and n . „ „ tails of this latest explo it o f Big platform , hat support the candidate.” P i, u b u r . p . n Business in the line of fraud and C U R R E N T T O P IC S , The ..s u it of the election which fol- ^ H ^ .n 49 i obieanp. <■'' lowed, astoniahed l h . country the . Langlois, O r. _ ____ B y J. H. U rro a. W h ig candidate ca rryin g but four ,, Is ' E dito » T r ib u s k states, two southern snd two north* I reproduce Gen. G r a n t ’s state BEECHER JE S S P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n Follow ing the oooling dowh of the i««NBe hysteria -e r w e d by th e fate uprising iu D u b lin , one B ow CURRY COUNTY REAL ESYATE And now e m u s Sennlor R o b ert ... I have buyers fov Farina, Tim h Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. voi. M . La F o I I h i I o , denouncing the p ls l 1 ------------ man Coldlhurift, who had, under form recently adopted at Chicago ss, “ The presence of the U nited Stales color of usurped a u th o rity , tried, reactionary and impose! We, w hile troops on the edge.of the disputed condemned and ordered «hot «ever ' he support« the candidate standing i territory falthest from the Mexican a I people whom he charged w ith- on It. I f history m ay be supposed settlement«, was not sufficient to having participated" in the em u te ,1 to repeat itself, M r. Hughes may ! provoke hostilities. W e were seat, has h iirs e lf been C o u rt M srtialed well contemplate w ith misgivings to provoke s fight, but it Was ««sen snd righteously convicted. H e had lia i th at M exico should commence the outcome of hia campaign. tried convicted and caused n college it. I t waa vary doubtful whether p ro fesso r, S h e e h y S tuffing ton, to he The N etio q tLG o ard sm en » 0 route ¡ Congress w ould declare war; h u t i f iho t to death M exico should attack^oor trpops, the executive could announce “ where Call and see me, or aend full descrip­ tion and list your property with me. AG ENT for Underwood Typewriter. AU old machines of any make taken m part payment , Careful and prompt service given to the business of non-residents. F. B. TIC HENQ R, Port Orfopd, Oregon, And the aboveeptoxl. w a .a com i J-rtson ,0 s more dtstreretog o n . st W .«h,ngton C t t , follow,ug the a . essination of the great and good Lincoln, where a frenxisd Insenkale A T T O H N K t mob constituted of high m ilita ry have been in camp for -a w hile, the in Mfe or history. Better for h im , and civ il functionaries seized the novelty o f the situation *«ars o ff in d iv id u a lly , to advocate “ war, pea blind and- aged Mrs. M ary A. Sur when large numbers of them would tilenee, and fam ine,” than to act a* ra tt and hurried her— as Q en. » I most mortgag« th eir aouls to gat obstructionist to a « a r already he Ben B utter afterwards dirdoead— out of it , and, according to lata news gun. -T h e history of the defeated “ ecreeming to the gallow r." And ^ron» the border, m ilitiam en are no rebel 4 i l l hk honorable hereafter, than exception to thswwla. N o tlo e is lirrvby given to a ll persona whom It may oouctrs, not to enter up on or trespass upon the premises of E. Knapp, lor the purpose of hunting, or flaking with noon and line. Said p rt- mlaay are situated on Blk Blver, Curry County, Oregon, aim gnuernily known aa tha •’ Bond” place. Any person or peraw a ao trespass­ ing tor tha purpose of hunting, fishing, or traveling through in any shape form or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out side gates open, or mnlest- ing personal property, will bn prosecu­ ted to the fall extent of the law. W e . B. Johnsen, Leeeee_of t and dm-ree of the Cir­ cuit Court of the State o f Oregon, fo r the Oonnty of Curry, duly n ails and eutered on the loth day of April, 1.16, in that certain colt wherein the John Deere Plow Company, .» corporation, te plaintiff and Beecher Jens and hla defendants Beecher Jees and Id a fl. J A ttfflfJ lB K J a s S S » foreclosure of Plaintiff's mortgage up­ on »lie hereinafter dMcrlhed real prop­ erty ; and In purenance of the execu­ tion and order of sate leaned by the clerk of the eaid court under aakf judg­ ment and decree, to the Sheriff of said County directed requiring said Sheriff to eel I, aa by law provided, the real property described In said decree and spply the proceeds of each eale as In «aid deoree provided; I w ill on Sat­ urday th« Mud day Of July, ISM , a t the hour of two o’clock In the afternoon of said dav at the front door of the Court House in (fold Beach, C n rr/'C o u n ty . State of Oregon, offer fó rja le , and eeL at public suction, to the highest snd beet bidder for cash, all right, title and interest whleh tha defendants, or either of them, had on the 29th day o t January, 19H, and all the right, title and interest which the d efen d a n t-, Beecher Jees and Ida 0 . Jeee, or either of them bad then, or may n|nde have acquired In and to the following real property, to w it; Lot O ne ( l) In Blook Bixty-eeven (67) aa shown on map of the town of Port O rford m a d e in IHfi.s. Also th e Northwest quarter of Gkmth east quarter of Northwest quarter of Sheriff of Curry County, O reg o n . y - O V o a ro n few public men who would have the D is t r ic t A tto rw a y f o r C a r r y C o . , hM lfc# do not h to ! U. oppose it. Experience L ./.R O B E R T S , - tbat t „ # coromisM wb° ab* lruo1* Hed w h „ „ m .|0>/ > war ,n wh.cb h i. nation r . e « g .g . e d .n o m atter whether rig h t or A« alw ays happeos after re c ru its ' wrong, occupies nc enviable place COLO BEACH, OREGON Wret of W illamette Meridian. Curry County, Oregon. Dated this 12th day o f J u n e^ B lfl. as, war exist« by the acta u fe tc .,” : and prosecute the contest w ith vig or. Qaoe initialed there were but O o l< 1 for no other apparent rea«ot, f£as Svexy fa c ility HT bf handling Ysuz Susine«* Banking by Jtfail Selisitecl Interest paid dn Saving Äc’ts. A T J. J. STALEY P- A- 80H M ID T , M, p. P h y s ic ia n « Prebate business a apeeUltv. Uniting Learning and Labor S urgeon L ang lois, O re g o n T«lepbone connection with mqln Hne J . H . URTOK1 NOTARY U n d e r * late' compared with (h st of tha northern Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store arness, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder * PÜ B U C , bAwqto’ «, Ctreav Oo.t Oegpow that she was a C affiolie/and mother id lin g o f tbe W a r Department, any : m an who aided him by oonspiriag of John I I . S u rratt who bad, im , G ’» r d who has left dependents beck , against his government while pro Ç tÿip q> aO Q U IL L K , K.A-W M y i t ie P o in t, O regon . WRi S S W p a tW l^ to i aq s ^ s j It W l. GILLINGS m ediately following the m urder, hom e is entitled to a discharge. I tected by It. T h e most favorable fled the country, later to be captured H iving learned ol this privilege, j posthumous the stay at-bome traito r in E g y p t, brought book, tried by a «Ofl not understanding Ha lim its ,1 can hope for is— o blivion .” ju r y and a u q n ltted ,' thia In a civ il »umbers of the recruits at the) oo«rt, whereas hia Saintly m othrr frw ,‘ Gen. Funston reports w a i t ' had been condemned by s m ilita ry Court at a tim e when the boast wa« th a t su ch Courts were “ org an ¡*d | lo conviot,” a A I. i T s T T " i L * "d l,n '’ • U0b • ,b * * y thftt GapU W ir t* , onrn ma tide* at An d e r s o n villa wh»ra it has since been confessed bad been a kind hearted man who bed e iriw n to make the beat of th e meager supplies st his command to feed aud doctor the ------------- - G en - GrMBt I°rg e tt th at Aba L in - ' 001 ‘W « • * P|e» ■•