The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, July 26, 1916, Image 1

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    J N E W D A Y , J U E Y
Aa«ru»t1g Datlrft» WM.
An actor who know Augustin D a ly
wall told thia story o f the great tbssfr
rleal manager’s ready w it:
"W e both chanced to be depositors In
and victims of a bank which suspended
paym ent Like others, when the news
of the dises ter became known are h ar­
ried off to the bank to pick op w hat in ­ ’
formation we could, and coining down i
the steps from tlie offices into the street i
M r. Daly's foot caught In the m at. and.
w ith some difficulty, he managed to
T o those who know the true inw ard-
o f things the sight of a housemaid
brushing a dusty carpet Is suggestive
o f many evils The death of Pasteur has
leniiaded the world of w hat is constant­
ly present In the thoughts o f medical
men—namely, th a t while micro-organ­
isms arc the great producers of diacaae,
dost is the great cat ris r of micro-organ­
isms. Now th a t we know these things,
it is distressing to find how U tile our
know ledge Is put to practical use, and
to see old customs stlU unchanged, old
habits which we know to ba dcstruo-
tive carried on, and to find the house­
maid on her knees, w ith her brflsh and
dustpan, s tirrin g up dust to the d rtri-
uien t o f every one, and breathing germ-
laden p a rtic l-» to her own destruction.
I t needs but a small amount o f common
sense to see th a t if carpel« m ust con­
tinue, a th in g greatly In be deprecated,
they should be nibbed w ith a damp
cloth ra th e r than brushed, and th a t
If , in deference to prejudice, they must
be brushed, this should be done by a
covered American sweeper, w ith plenty
of damp tee leaves. O f a ll. w ays of ra-
tnovlng d ir t fro m • carpet the w orst
is by the use of the ordinary short
brash, w hich involves the housemaid
kneeling down in the m idst o f the dust
which she so needlessly creates, and
draw ing i t in to h e r lungs w ith every
breath. F o r ordinary household use
something like linoolcum, something
which can be washed w ith a wet cloth
every morning, would seem to be the
best covering fo r floras; b u t i f earpeta
•uual be, and i t is Impossible to teach
the present generation com fort a«
the expense of future risks, a t
iuast le t us icn u m b cr th a t car­
pets may be washed even where
they lie; that, t ill the day of washing
cornea a closed sweeper is fa r better
than s brush, sad th a t the w orst form o f
brush is one w ith a abort haudle.—
British Medical Journal.
“Build me a veranda w ith A
house attachment,“ aaid a rich
(Georgian to hit northern archi-
tect, “that's what I want.’ These
few words in the brasque vernac-
ular of the business man tersely
tiering the building, and. seeing the express the wishes of moat sonth-
mishap. I ran op. saying:
i era house builders of the present
“ ’I hope yon have not hurt yourself.’ day, says the Architects and
“ •Oh. no; thank you.’ be replied. ’1
Builders Magasine-
only lost my balance.”
Ten years ago the ubiquitous
' soatbern veranda, though often of
T S » S k ie o f M r T w O .
In the book of Job appears the sen­ great length (ea|ieeiaiiy in the old-
tence. “ I sm escaped w ith the akin of fashioned wkite-eolnraned houses
my teeth,’’ which la modernized “by
when it often became a colonnade
the akin o f my teeth" and gives tbs
ids« o f a narrow eocepe. one so dose as extending around three sides of
”lo he Just by the thickness of the skin a parallelogram), was usually nar­
so the teeth, which Is no thin that ns row.
Home one, somewhere;
mlcroacoplst bus yet been able to find built a square veranda the sips of
I t “T o east In the teeth” means to
an average regen. The chances are
throw -defiant reproaches or insults
spitefully, as one would cast a stone at it was a woman, the architect and
the exposed teeth of a snarllug dog. contractor of her own summer
bungalow. Women, as designers
of houses, are celebrated for their
i disregard of precedent; their inde
i pendenoe (if this is the projier
I word) in the face of it. W ithout
A D tlla ra a t r v l l w O S ieiaL
A man who was “ wanted“ in Russia the slightest compunction a wom­
had beeu photographed h r six different an will knock any architectural
positions, and the pictures were duly
circulated among the police depart- rule of three into a cocked list if
menta. The chief o f one of these wrote it happens to be In Iter way. Home
to headquarters a few d ays a fter tha one saw the square veranda, liked
issue o f the set of portraits and stated: it and copied it. In a few years
“Sir, I bars duly received tbs portrait time it was a fad.
In the south
of tbo six miscreant» whose capture la
desired. I have arrested five of them,
and the sixth Is under observation and idea-of a square veranda, roomy,
w ill be secured shortly.“
furnished with all the luxurious
accessories of modern life, “open-
A a a a r A ia w t o a v a t a r .
air parlors,“ as some one has hap
T h e phrase “according to G un tet*
remains In our language ss s perpetual ' plly styled them, supplied an ac­
memory o f Gunter, the English mathe­ tual demand. Unlike most fads,
matician, who was born lu 1881 and this one bad common sense behind
died In 1030. A'lmoat to the present it, and as a result has been influ
time the works o f Gunter were consid­
eottal in revolutionising building
ered standard. U e was the inventor of
the surveyor's chain, o f tbs logarithmic styles that have obtained for tea- how mhch time they spend Is travel­
ing to and frost business every day,
line, o f the quadrant, of tbs scale bear­ turies.
A D necessary o p eratio n s in
w ritin g , biDing o r Statistical w o rk
a r e acco m p lish ed fro m th e k ey ­
b o a rd of th e light running, easy
a d io n M o d e l 10 (V isib le )
ing Ma name, and anything lo m athe­
matics to ba right must he "according
to G unter.*
Bts Oraweweta.
“Ton say you take half an hour
innrbeon every day?"
“W ell, yon ought not to have dya:
“But. yon see, I spend twenty-five of
thee« minutes deciding what I w ant ta
sat“— Cincinnati Commcrelai Tribuna.
L \ '. ; /
inda B a ra Kidney 1
and JBon't Know it.
UStSr and
M it eland
. ____ .
-I or s r l.
T 'a q
— -IT aneSS-le» »••
• z vkr J
. j
Putcaux, whoa Compie de Lambert,
tu conjunction with Mesera. De Dion
and Bouton, brought o«H their bateau
Cllttevr, c r, gliding bqpt
f t is aleo
callad a Jrfdrupjxae, sad that usate Is
really lac-cfclre of Ils construction.
W ith a t?e Diua it-hor»e power mo­
tor, the te n n i aitateed a speed of M
pe rímente,
that spe-d
te n , or 20 miles, is the hour.
T he lnven.or « this hydroplane is
not, however, eomeut with this.' god
w ill try in a day or two to raise the
xpeed to 38 or even W kilome.ers, or
l a «nine so hour, or s'speed that I<
col e ic o d td by the use of a 40-horse
and what 11 amounts to in th e ir lives r ’
Thia questlou was asked by a Berlin
merchant in the Marlborough hotel the
other day. report» the Herald.
” 1 notice.” he addod. “th a t your bwl-
seas insn us ra lly live in the suburbs
and spend about an hoar coming in I *
the morning and an hour going home
at night. This means two hoars * day.
or 1» hours is six working days o f the
week, l.SM hoars a year. Figure thio
out yourself, and Just sea how mack
tim e you waste In jw ur railw ay car*.
Aad yet you pride yodraslves OS bslng
s time xsvftii; nation.
“ la Europe It Is dldsrenL la Berlin
Uvea althr.f
the earns butWfng w ith
hie buetneee or within abort walking
lUtauca o f M. W a dea l have to rusk
out o f bad lu the mornjng. dram gup.
■-tcdly and often us wMtawt bnakfhst.
« you do. io catch our train. As a
ru!e w e take two hours fo r luncheon,
ffoitig home to eat It with o ar fam ily,
m d la the evening we walk home taty-
urcly instead o f rushing for our tratg
as you do. l u l l you this .If w A H
to w e r motor.
IU 7 \
* y o
T tin boat Itself la M feet long and
nine feet wide. To the bottom of the
boat Are affixed five plane» nr fins
Wuen the host is stationary these fins
har.g vertically In the water. They
are hinged, however, and are all noder
coatrol of the driver. V- hen th i mo­
tor Is act is moi los and tbo
begins to move these print», begin­
ning a t tbe bow, are gradually glvtn
a bocl ward angle. The boat rlscsrta
the water and then gradually re e a
upon it, w ith tbe stars of the bout
only immetseti.
T h | speed ta_rca-ee,
and Ibe host, follow:ng th Incllnatfbu
of the ( lanes, gl des a l.n g the surface
o f the w ater Just as a.i sen plans
glide.' cm the air, and with not m u c i
more rs j.i an; a.
« i
It la eonudently expected that w ith
an Increased horse-power motor the
hydro-Jane w ill teach a s;eed of kJ
tubes an hour.
It h
evl-1ence j f kld-
n* f trouble ; too
frequent desire U
pace It or pain ir
■ ' S ¿ “ ** ~ ■ -
” •> » : « I* «tutte
J U \ i 1 I f £. / - r ii
T tlW /i / • &
vour tongue to
the back la alec
oonvincirr proo. that the kidney a and fclad
dar air. out of order.
37b» t to Be. „ ____
and look in the gU«s—-you w ill see the effect—-
Yon can't help puckering— it make» gou pucker
to think o f tasting i t
By the,., use o f so ^called
« 1 I
cheap Baking
Powders yon take this puckering, injurious Alum
right into your system— you injure digestion,
and ruin your atomack.
There Is comfort in the knowledge ee
often r-preseed. i'« t Cr. K ilm er’s Swamp
Root, ti e great a-dney iWfnedy fhlillls every
wish «a curing rheumatism, .vain in Uw
bac:-. kidneys, Itv-r, Vladder and every par-
of the urinary p - : j r e . It corrects Inebilltv
-O hcldw a:er in d aSBdt.i,- f-.ln fn piec:.-r
T, or bad effects .ollowlng us« of liquor,
wine or beer, »h i overcomes that unplessnm
neces iityrf being. e .-npetled to. go oft*;
tw in » 4.a day, and t * g -t up tr tn y ' iltr.i*
tig, idgfct. -T h ea si'd and tha «»tra
aromary aflset si S w a rr.p -K n o t is aoor
rtv ized
it stands tha highest tor Its Wen
deriul ci the t o . -st otvireseiog enast
If yoo ne,a a medkd.ic you »hould have the
he>l. So d by druj.^isu lf SOo,aod$l. slice
You m ay have a ramp!« hottie of flri.
p jjfT
»iid a too< that te li« *J F 3 R X 3 C iiJ J E h
more about't. belli
ibsohlely fro s ty .g iili, 'J® C !< r - * s S f j=
addieos Dr. Klh-ier & r « « a t S ^ w iw c e
Co., Etrngliamion. N. V . When wrKingmen-
Folding Steel Fram e Makas Conven­
ie n t Conveyance tor tbs Su­
burban Gardener.
I don reading this geasrous Aer in this pa.'W
R oyal is made from pure, refined G rape Cream o f T a rta r—Costs
keeps chilrfrssT
healthful and happy.
than Alum but you have the profit o f quality, the profit o f good health.
Givn them a few drops of
this s tre n g th e n in g food-
m e d ic in e « v e r y d a y and
watch them grow.
roreo a» A ra l a w b « u u rtä ? « J ta H J«Ml
Saws xuw M j ptasgo st fu s a a , » jvipm i
sajpunH *«O
« 0 *» »*>«J«ny
Snosnn sqi so w s ia »Ol wn<J » v « pui
Ifcwaawt» • SJMB < -/» s u m |suo,v,i
-Raua> V gj 'Ó«JM -op»I<>A * * 0 »
T A *5 ssjOAelnusui -s»ao S-usi»¿>
•4 I» H -taa«,iiari |Vas|g|],raoso ssJinb
ara» o* Swfu»j x,
awaj (sew p»qp.w
cohsnmwTion c a n be
cured. N a tu re alona w o n ’t
do ft, i t neoJs h elp .
Nothing has ever equ alled iL
Nothing ega ever strips»« iL
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
A Perfect
For All Throat am
Lung Troubles.
» .A M
21 Years Practice h Oregon Court»
O 4-1 P e n c i l ,
ü la tr lc t A tto rn e y f j r C a rry ©».
Gold Beach.
C rou p
W hooping - Cough
L o ss o f Flush
Wheelbarrows of steel o r wood, o r s
eombinxtUn of these materials, are
made IS tre a t variety bi toe-o and aou-
slrvction. and for oia:,-y a -eciai usea
hut in rksp t th-- ae.twfc tb U is wba.l
barrow» Is o -« mads - I t s a folcliist
itre i tiarts. « h u h can Le i.o-xskfd
down fur s h ip n io t
ibe-'body an :
h a E d ti of ih u wb e lw r o w are of
wood but the lefts aad i-rttaes Spnstl
tutlrqc tbs « jjjx jr U g ris e«, are ot
steel ard aye rivets i iog»th> r aad nbit
cd in tka body w!^er. tbu wbeslba ru *
Is sstgip.
The folding atae! frame whvelba-row
may by virtue of Its c.ii;apdt>llty.
pre», at another ad van taps. It is S
gareas barrow. It woniu be quite jkis -
<11 le for ib - anhurbsn Cwolisr alx)«
ta at»ri a gtrden. and Unpaii j i t for a
»b"»:turrow with which to tr^ ln
« urk to buy ana ot tbse» told n g r.eel
tram s » hestbsrrows ki.o<:—u down
»ad Save It wrapped “ b bad rnrry It
home with him. Even Is l u K .och*d-
jow n form, what w ith l u wiu h and
tbe lawsth of Its faand>»s a folitl.-g
atcel (rgice whsalbarros wocni wake,
for him. congldsrable of a situiMa ta
carry; but ha sould iproluttvrt get it
home v.vhost knocking d * * ' mere
Igao H u t M people is gstrin» on aad
off tha ears w lt> It. Fpsrv he cbulda i
An inquiry was recently made In Lon
don as to the greatrsl d (stance a t vvhlei
o man’s voice could be beard, leaving o
course the telephone out o f o n iid e r s
tlon. The reply, soys Harper's Ilouni
Table, was most interesting, an<|
we» as follows: Eighteen mile« le tha
distance on record nt which a man's
voice has been heard. This occurred la
tha Grand canyon of the Colorado,
when one shouting the name “ Bob“ a t
one end hie voice was plainly heard a?
the other end, which fa elghlern mile«
Lieut. Foster, on Parry's third arctia
expedition, found th a t he could poo­
re r se w ith a man acrotw th«- harbor of
Port Bowen, a distance of six thousand
six hundred and ninety-six feet, o r
about one m ile and a quarter, and S ir
John F ran klin said that he convened
w ith ease a t a distance of more than •
mile. D r. Young records th a t a t OU
b ra lta r the human voice btw been beard
s t a distance o f ten miles.
Sound has rem arkable force In w a ta F
Collation, by experiments made in tbe
Lake of Ceneva. estimated that a ball
suhmergad in tbe aaa m ig h t be beard a
distance of more than sixty miles.
F ranklin nays th a t he hvnrd the s trik ­
ing together of tw o stones in tbe w ater
h a lf a m ile away. Over w a te r o r a
Nurfaoe of lee sound la propagated w ith
great clenrueae and strength.
D r. H u tton relates th a t on a qnlet
I a r t o f tbe Thames, near Cheleea, ba
could bear a person read d istinctly a t
the distance o f one hundred and forty
feet, w hile on tbe land tbe name could
only be beard seventy-six feet. Prof.
J'yndalt, when on M ont Blanc, found
ibe rc|»ort of a pf. tol ahot no louder
than the |w p o f a sWtiBpagne bottle.
Persons lu a balloon ean bear voices
from the eartn n long tim e a fte r they
themselves are lnaodihle to people ba-