Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1916)
Watches ai j Owing to M M of (ba force want- U»fni»< to hi» boOM at Gold Beach ing to celebrate, the T mibum » ta is- front attendingoeert at C.«|.tllle u ■ w ad a day early thia week. ; a witness in the mm of E . O . Per- W ild blackherilea see nntouslly th# Coaalr action . h i - V « , .„ a n « r lv oml‘* ny t h e construction of .i >> . 3 y the Chetco bridge. day the “ tin patl brigade” return to town wall rewarded for their efforts. Had the Irack'been io good eon- Ed. Lindberg la-driving the auto ¿ lio n the race- meet . t M yrtle Point «»H B » •lage thia wack between here and tgesday, we«W have Bendon while T. B. D.vhlwm i. at- * * o' ,h * b* t held in * • » tending the M yrtle Point ceiebra in many yearn. Several new t joo local horses appeared, while aix her new horses warn »hipped in - from W illi« Moore passed Ihrpugh town Medford and.three galloper, ware Monday on hi« return to Euchre there from Eureka. creek with a Jersey bull that he r ( had bought in this end of the After having spent aa^rat day« K N A PP HOTEL county. Port Orford, Oregon, to. ttN A l’P Pr«»pa*(mtQi*. • Ftrrt-clttM tn every respect. Go id as _ . Tom Riles, of Agnew, ao far * T a l the Knapp hotel Mr. and Mra. Fred Hollister returned to , M r ho |M #t Nor, h Uw * r I . T k d y ’ ilh ' • AUen;. hay at the f r o n t . thtsthne, to h .v C h rb GroUa-nd D r Kei Mr idg entrained with his regiment at HM|li. ler> the of ,aat week. Camp Wtthycomba for .be border ,n, de tb<# rQn hu Feed Q tabla Attached last weak. W. A. WOOD Port Orford baa rather a forsaken a distance of 168 milea. in 12 hours, appearance thia weak. Baaidea the Returning to Port Orford Mwaara. crowd that went to M yrtle Point, j Allen and Grabs staged it home, attorney at law « O b » BEACH. OBBOQX Boyle Jewelry Co , a number of others west to Lang- lois yesterday to attend theoelehra- tion at that place. , “ Grandm a” C url, mother of For- 11 ester, ) . B. C url, after »pending the , I past two years at her son’s home at from Marshfield to Crexeent C ity, Habile the other two gentlemen re msined here several days, after ba*» I ng been joined by Mrs. Uollister “ d » ,r '«nd M iw 8 w w t. • ’«» ®< Norlh Bend- <3. C In m an , an peri n ten deal of thia place, started last weak on her tto R y d ro Sixes mining company, retnrn to bar home at Canyon C ity «ho returned from San Francisco a in eastern Oregon. |«w days ago. says that the olaims Dame Rumor says that wedding tolls w ill to ringing in Port Orford shortly. We don’t know, *p d wouldn’t tall if we d id , bat anyway they are aoeiow that wa can slmosi hear them in our type eases. „ forlh * • lb« attaohnseata filed agaiasl that company lately w ill to, * l l W " i* * ® «>• next th irty days, Accompanying Mr. In m aa from too Francisco was ooa of the stock bold- «« lbe whom* '» '• w ill to y tbe other stockholder’« j tionad last weak at toi g q he and Waa wall pleased with G a U 1! !« a * * * * * * * li‘‘n ® r> the prospect. After Ibis deal takes Mai] orders promptly keadtot ,1, ee, ds t«. n. th ,y, ,is ¡t da ld M ,je it. m k 0 kt a t d r* I „ Rohbine, ,.. y of Gold ij ’ Beach, d l . and w work was sent to wBl settled, ga atond trim oa « f the o r t property h w lS r for «8«tn. C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. THE AMERICAN EAGLE—Yesterday his tail was wisted until his screamreached across a continent, but Today he glories, like the rising sun, in greator splendor and strength. ruptlotl. The Tram p came down from Coos _ - , ... „ . .. Bay Thursday snd laid io N ellie. Cove until Sunday wailing for th. i Orford band la .t T h u r« l.y proved South wind to die down .0 that . b e J " ? They fit nicely ( could land tome freight. Part «rf « I of firat c lw . m atenri, to log to r aargo was billed for Rogue rivar I br0WD ~ ln #nd V ‘« n n d with aad she sailed fur that port Mon | « S g ? * • Uh | f w' # r y P * m ixedf The Hydro Sixes is at the Divelbiss property while the Inm aa mine is near Egkley. Wa taka i t that the Inm an properly, mention- tlooed elsewhere in this paper, is the oaa over which the trouble 00 cur». -W v know of one party who last spring sampled a pan of gravel from the Inman property that pan- ned oat sto at fifty eenls. and I t o run mad« last winter, white not startlingly rich, showed thsre «as paying ground there.” The above item appeared in the Gold Beach Reporter of last week, and ia writiog It our brother editor got h it wires crossed somewhere. The Hydro Sixes mine is the one to mentions as “ near Eckley”, and is the one operated by C. C. Inm an as previously stated in the T u a u x c . M r. In m a n originally commenced opvrutinns on the Divelbiss proper- ly under the name of the Sixes Miuing oompany, to t later moved to his present location about tea mites ibis side of Eckley, and as superintendent of the H ydro Sixes company, prepared to mine on aa extensive scale. A oompany of whom Messrs. Beoktel and Thomas have torn the moving spirits, bought the Divelbiss property and oontin- ued development work under the name of the Sixes M inin g company. Both of these companies made good otean.upe thia spring, and give pronii»e of being good paying mines. To our esteemed eon temporary at Gold Beach we commend the pet m r phrase of our veteran correspondent Hen. i . H , Uptoe, “keep biatory Straight.” F li j «U la n a n d B u rg e o n Gold Beach, Oregon. dtowtototodatodh C. W. ZU1WALT ft SONS McKensie B Pools have received a aew shipment nf shoes, including work shoes, children’s barefoot saa dais, ladies “ E m ily Lou” oaovas shoes, men’s cauvas shoes, etc. L. A . RO BERTS, ATTORNEY It is dangerous. Scientist* have proven that bad teeth and gums cause a great many diseases <1 which the following are the most common: Neuralgia, dyspepsia, ulcers of the stomach, rheumatism, endoohacditis(inllama- tion of the heart lining), appendicitis, insan ity, and a great many Other ailments. “A stitch in time saves nine.” If you have pyor rhea I can positively cure it. If you haven’t it yet, don't wait till you get it, for with the proper care and a visit to my office once or twice a year you ean remain free from that dreaded disease at an "extremely low cost It is easier to prevent than cure, and that is my oonstant aim. 1 teach you how to take care of your teeth, thereby preventing disease and decay, and teducing your dental bills at least one-half. *' Fear keeps most people away from the dentist. That is not the oase with my pa tients, for I can do your work with so little pain that it takes away that dread and fear. In moat all work the prick o f a needle is all that you foeh 1 stand back of my work; if at any time you are not satisfied I will be only too glad to make it right. I want ali my patients to be my friends and co-opearate with me iu spreading the gospel of mouth hygiene. Don't procrastinate; come in and let me advise you what you are in need of, and give you estimates of cost. I will make regular trips to Langlois and Port Orford—watch this paper. A T JUAW M y i lle P o in t , O re g o o . 'róbate basinoss n speei-lsv. ----- --- D E N N IS C U N N IF J , JU. Lep. U. 8. Mineral Survey«! Surveyor for the D istrict oí O r egon. N o tic e o f Hal«. Notice ta hereby given th a t pursuant to an order of sale made and entered by the County Court of C u rry county. State ol Oregon, on the l«th day of April, 191«, 1« the matter of the estate o f Thomas Ooruellua, dereaaed, I wHI soil at private sate, by sealed bids, oa Thursday, M ay 25ih 181«, to the high est snd tost bidder for cash in hand, the following described property: The East half of Ix)t Eight In Section thirty-two in Tuwii«hip M South of Range 16 West of the W illamette Me ridian. Currg county, Oregon, subject t" the confirmation of the court. Ten (*r cent of the offer must accompany vie tion of the party or parties who have Zum walt has been serving meals to some o f tto local people for the pest several weeks, and now that her sis ter has arrived, the two plan on opening a restaurant. • W hile L Knapp's Ford mail car was broken down on the road south of town last week, a ll of the lo«ee things ato n l the Car were stolen. Even the radiator cap and chains from the wheels were tsksw. A search wsrrsnt was issued, and an attempt is being made to locate the ■rfssing 1 roperty. been killing end butchering my sheep. Loins K naft , Port Orford, Or. Denmark The solo majl carrier has not B„d F. B. Tichenor, both vsteraus toen without his (rogóles during tto of t|ia Spanish-American war.; wet weather of the putt week. Con- M r. Johnson has seen 18 years tractor Davidson had tire trouble service in the arm y, and ae a disci going to Bandon last Thursday that pHnarian has a raaord among the made him w couple of houra late in bMt One team of National Guard striving there, and then on his re. riflemen that be trained fiuisbed tu rn trip that bight he hung up oo j eleventh ia the national shoot, and »slippery h ill and arrived at Port another Oregon team that he drilb Orford at 3:80 in the morning when • «d long third place, which is the he should Iiava been hers before, highest position ever won in that midnight. And la add iavnlt to In event by a National Guard team. Jury, he stalled the following night, f t fc extremely doubtful if there when coming home, on the same J u another oonuty in the United hill. Being alone, it was slow work 'g u te s among whose young men Meedaines A. 8. Johnston. N. H . Larson, T . B. Davidson and E. L . each bid, . ash or certified chsCk. P. J. L ibor ran. W h ite went to Bandon Saturday, Administrator <>f tbe estate of _ Thomas (torneiiu«, deceasad. from which place they accompanied Date of first publication April 88, 191». the tond to tbe race meet at M yrtle Point the following day. Sunday N o tic e . Mrs. 4. H . Zum walt and the Misses Notice i? hereby given to n il persons Bernice Chandler and Eunice Jam whom li may concern, not to enter up ieson started in the Zum walt ear, getting out, and it was 6:30 tto fol- there is ss'big ■ per oent of fine rifle on or trespAas upon tto premises of L . lowing morning when he reaehed ' «hot« as there 4« in Curry. Her Knapp, for th»- purpnaa of hunting, or with J. H . and Percy Zum w ah, for tto top of tto h ill, about half o f' young met. to re toen raised fiom ilHiiinr witli ihmik nod line. Said pre the same destination. mises are situated on Elk River, Corty Conn:y.«Oregon, and generally known a« the •‘Bond” |dac«. Anv person or paraoi s ao treepa«^ In» for the purpose of bunting, Bailing, or traveling through in any ahape fdvra or manner, or tearing down feneee, or U-uring out side g»tea open, or molest ing peraonal property, «rill be prosecu ted to the full extent of It o tew. War. K. Jobnaoa, ' n; Leureeof »be above named premisaa The reception given to the band which be had eurdurnyed during infancy with a r ile la thrir hands, tbe night io the rain. I t was » rather * and trumping over our mountains buy« at the T illicum Glob Friday ■ delapidated looking and not t t o ' has given thsendurance that would •veiling was a very,enjoyable affair. tost nsturga* mail carrier in Ito mpeeially fit them for campaign The hoys came oat la their naw uniforms'»•<! made a flna appear world that arrived here a t 9 o’clock wurk ia a country like Mexico, that morning, a n /'i I is easy to int- W ith sack material to* work on Mr. ance. Refreahmenls of coffto, aan- wtehee and «aka were served— nnd egine «h ut he would like to have Johnson should whip into shape * done with those who tod bis ached J company that would win national each cake«I— five af them war« big vie ebaaged so that he ha« to m ake, reputation. cream ones such aa Curry's tbe home run after night. Follow. I Jf ib« war cloud doesn’t clear, and the can make to other»— welt, wa got so to ffly 'la M k ing tto broken axle af last week recruiting offices w ill be opened in ed frying to'cam ple all of them Contractor Knapp laid tto Ford off Langloia, Port Orford, Geld Beach that we don’t know whet they were for a few days that rune eooth f r a a i end Brookings, aad the organise but anyway they were detWoua, tore,aad carried tto mail with stage! tion of the oompany « i l l be poshed - ’ t to oompbMoa. i and thua ended a pleasant ereoleg. foams. Notice Is hereby given to all yeraoas not to tre»paaa npon what la known aa th a Pfistorar Range, nrar tto mouth of Bruali ereek, for the purpose of 6ah- ing, hunting, or otherwise. W. T. W bitb , 8a. Leasee of the above mentioned tend. To bettor accommodate our growing trade and increasing nnmber of petrous we have been compelled to add to our general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Duiry Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Roots and 8hoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts a i d o- tions, Rolled Barley, Grsse Seed and Seed Grain. O bdbrs tasks yon anythiso wot on hand