Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1916)
- V '/ ÎJwgnri P M o t* have sought to etop fro m the U . 8 . been such disclosures aa toe above gu preme Benoh tato & * W bite (h at set ibe faranera o f Renton on — House, the e s t a i t alt., the rampage again*! a progressive oonapic e ù 'J U îie V K D S E H D A T J U N E feto, lUiA - , ■ ■ "T " — • m A ssociate Ju s tic e F i« lJ, th e r a u r . , , , . _ . d ire r of Judge T e rry , and whom a Published Kyery Wednesday, by Montana Senator onon denounced H A B M T . STEW ART. from tbs floor in open session in Washington aa a creeping, craw ling aU B SO K IFTlU ff RATES. . . . . . . „ , ■ . , . Copy Ona Y e a r ............ _ | ] Ji() tool of the railroads was the latest, *" n li..u seek aL Copy Six * M o n t h s .. .. .. .' / ,' • . t ' . . ; ■ 7* 75 most aha meless and moat a active cor I Copy Three Months.., ar for tba presidential togs o f all IbeJutticee whoever indulged dreamt The p n au a toares* on yorr papar i o f exaltation in that direction. IshawttasOtu to «kteh'yaar *¡il-| f tarlano» la) agate- - — * In the hopsito attract the South ADVipeiaiPO R ato « R vasocali . b . solidly in behalf .4 bis am bitious Don” t sit sroynd and plead distress, Your tuck is What you make it. And you will never meat success Unless you overtake i t - 'E x . p f the 84 men in poops in the b ittle . _ canz at CarvizaL 43 r, <3 feat ilnorease w a u a u a l ta x bills lhay are . oonrrunted w ith, r A n y wav, it was io Renton county that the le tgua against high lag iiio n , now q f almost State, wide scope, took hioh cries out and spares ilari«*-, n..l against — — I. not the m u ltip lic atio n o f of Boars and t be incrtcte o f salaries. — j ------- A n 'l thia connect ion 1 am pleas ed to renew my challenge to persons w„ h # | M , # fwt lh ;Bg, |o S > m , hejr , nd Your New Suit Froip POWERS Mathers, The Tailor W howiil be at the Knapp hotel each Saturday and Sunday with a fine and up-to-date line of made-io-nieaaure samples to select from. Have your clothes made in the latest style, Prices reasonable. NO FIT, NO 8ALE. C l e a n i mg A P r e s s in g neatly done— leave articles with W. H. Bennett. J fa s S v e ir y I ’a c i l i t y 37er J&ysclliiig Y o u r Business Baiúsing by X a i l Solicited interest «paid on paying i e ’ts. pretentions, he aspiring aa a Demo ,1QW |n#ny y M r , w ven , veTlg< o ral,F ield mads the discovery th a t,- f - r m w roo, ld ( g Bnrf strive end early in the war,Congreve bed paee » j,ogglw u, O, , „ , B,,O.| glftfl.OOO. the e<l an act levying an export d u ty on a<gregaW , um of llw expense 1.» them co;Ion and that under that act many i »even supernumerary Judges millions had been collected in the at about 8-4.500 each per annum , cottnn states. wherefore, and Inaa* , during the first six years of th eir In much as Ute Federal Constitution the two U . 8. " ’ t absolutely forbids the levying b f, ; — .------- with the ,*? * ' duties cm egportv, he propoeed th a t And left not the said fa rm e ra fo r- ka ve je ac h u l the (he rtim h |irs . I ge J h>t L lh . b «gi. | . (ure o , POWERS, OREGON GENERAL Blacksmithing ■«iM Wagons and Buggies for 8ale, kept in Stock, Amerioan iin e < OW!n8 ” r 7 I ed out of the Trnasury for all m o n - 1915 th a t inflicted the above mona also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im prisoners. men are si» u n*c j g_ thus" nrpgally extorted from 1 troua injustice upon them , and th at plements; McCormick Mowers', etc. Count or. fjippoeed o t * “ I them . T h e rch e m s had no merit | this could not have happened but hand nf Americans in the fight w ere1 bottomed on justice, since at ao la te ' for th e fact th at said Legislature Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a over 70Q Mexicans. a day, 1888, about a jl the people wee dom inated by lawyers; and W hoever ordered nut th at h an d . Reasonable price. Your patronage solicited. who would have been entitled to keep in m in d the fagt th at the afore fu l o f Americana to be w aylaid and the eq u ity had died, so the South eaid seven saw Judges era upagainst jtyoj to pieces by an overwhelm ing did not rite to the bait. no investm ent whatever, the Stale iy superior force, is g u ilty n f little ( la x payers) even furnishing them F ie ld ’s campaign for the Dem o- . , . , than m urder. Our government , . , . . . , I w ith « law lib ra ry ,a n d bourse them jtad been warned that the movement crutic nom ination had been a m p ly ' ¡ L ~ ~ _______ _______________ ______________ .__________ in expensively furnished Turkey of our troops in any direction e x - 1 financed, for press agents and pub-1 carpeted offices; all the w hile the fi—ur-» w’*— W»»—«• '•w t ¡fept towards the border would be liuity were not wanting, I said seven super cargo Judges re n - considered an oVert act, end met T h e only Justice, who, prior to tiering no services of value because Judge Haghea does not have cause w ith resistance. To send out a A ll m ilitiam en called Io the co l- - ¿ K m l ñ ' t h . i . « < £ u e ¿ ’ he ifftife d * .. — to regret that llm like plank 4 » b i» urs w ill he mnstered in to the federal ly and actively for a Presidential platform waa suppressed at Chicago, forces and any r-fueing to be m us. A warning is a cploaaal blunder. I recently copied an edi tnrial from The G erm an press, both hare and , ,er* 1 wil1 bB u‘ ••'»»* bY court nom inatici) lion wag Chief Juatioe Sul I f the U nited States m yst fight, the Salem L aw School Journal in abroad, predict W M w n ’t defeat by ; “ V ' * 1’ T« '" mon P. Chase, and he, in some quart ahe should fl-p t w i)h the odds on f or criticism of ju d icial extravagance . i. * 1 lit la men who refused to respond to ers. waa deemed a trifle looney th e Teuton vote. H o w ever, some < ,ho president's ca ll.” |ie r aide. I which forewarned the tax pay era of jiia pale«. ----------- * the p ro b ab ility of the renewal o f the Germ an papers in thia oountry are | I have always contended that supporting W ilson, ju s t how m any T h d “ German American A llia n c e’' next Legislature of a scheme looking A Wm.hy Tubate. it is loo early in the fray to know “ Dick law ,” though the point was including 70 Societies, boast th at to the organisation of three “ C»nirto often disputed, was a “ d ra ft” law precisely. A number of Danish pa Judge John 8. Coke, of Marshfield . M r. Hughes owe» hie nom ination to of Appeal” w ith five Judges tacit, pets have all slung stood out against pore and simple, yet the authors of the act failed to add the feature of was the only candidate for thenom , t h * l com bination, and th a t 85 per , — * ...... w hat has been called “ hyphenate».” ¡nation aa C irc u it Judge in tha state pent o f the 2.000,000 Germ an votes The editor uf the G ran ts Pass T h e Cologne Gaxelto o«unts on 2, cnm puliory d rillin g , which omission ha« beta supplied a tute act not yet jo receive the nom ination on three 1" fbe U n tied 8tatee w ill vote for Courier is seeking a seat in the next 000,000 Germ an voles fur Hughe*, in effect. credits his nomination to Germ an tickets. A lth ou gh running as a ' h im to beat W ilso n , wboae o n ly ein Legislature w ith “ Repeal” as bia Langlois, Or. Republican 51 r. Coke also received has ooneleted of bia failure to stop'slogan. H e promises to abolish uss- influence. , . | - lea BEECHER JESS N E W L Y F IT T E D U P T A B L E TTWiaJC « 1ST .T .w.Tk P o rt O r fo r d , O re g o n the nom ination pn the Democratic ihe exportation o f arms and m u n i- , less offices and reduce aalariee. B ut R ear A d m ira l Bradley F is k re and Progressive tickets In oom , ,ion* to Borope which would have w liat he w ill do w ith tiie seven Su cently retired, akd always a close man ting upon the fact tbs Coos been just ns unneutrai an act as i f , per-cargo Judges aforesaid he doea obeerver of hum an tendencies and p a y T im e t appropriately says: j he had perm itted the free shipm ent n ptd efin itely indicate. “ I t i f a splendid tribute to the ea-! o t * rma G erm any and placed an J teem in which Judge Coke is held embargo on shipments •» — 1 : The Oregonian, fra n k ad vocal» of to w— Frano» and E n glan d and Ruaaia. compulsory m ilita ry aervic«, points i a mem he j of the bench, th at vot AN INN W O R TH W H ILE GOLD BEACH, OREGON X A o t n n < l C o l d T w t» a n d S h o - w e r B a t low Mrs. C. D . I^ m so it, P rop . Langlois Hardware Store 4- 1« tkx O ouxtv Ooi wr os vwg S tatx oz Oatoox, roa Ouaar Courrv. In the Ma'ter o( the Gunrdianihi guest of the “ American Defense tio -^ ’ cie ly” « l the Great N orthern H o tal. O rd e r to Show Cause on P e titio n F o r O r d e r o f Bale o f Ile a l and said th at “ U n d e r'th e influence of I'a re u n a l P ro p e rty . - wealth and the allurement« o f pleas triu m p h a n tly to the failu re burry ure, the patriotism o f the N atio n arc regardinsa o f party should ohooae T h e adm inistration is perfectly call for enlistm ents iesund in March has been visibly wsnkeitlng durin g estate of John Downs, aa insane persan, him as w orthy the honor after years w illin g th at arm s and m onitions the lest fifteen years.” th at It is necessary that the whole nt for 20,000 men to fill up short regi of Mrvioe. I t is a trib ute o f which the reel end personal estate of the aaU be shipped to G erm an y and i t has . .. ,, , _ . . . , i ments under the o ld law , to produce President Wilson addressed the insane person be sold ; that said insane h» has proved himself worthy by been no fa u lt o f anybody in thia . . .. »nJ, days more than 8,000 men. graduating class the other day nt person baa no known relatives or next the fair, im p a rtia l and ju d ic ia l con of kin,— country that G erm an y not only doss j And why should the common ra n W est Point and handed round the I t la therefore ordered that the next ductStf bis office. not need arms from here but had ao-1 diplomas. There wee nothing pe of kin of said ward. If any there be, sad o f men who bave but lit t le w ith a I l was an honor w o rth ily bestow c e lla r or p articu larly noteworthy in a ll prisons interested in said extate, cumulated such vast stores nf w ar i . . « ed, a credit alike to the citizen vot - p p » « . . ■ . b . . m . h« r po“ ' P' ° 'P ” ' , " 7 * a ll this, only that the President appear before thia Oourt on toe 16th day of July, A. D.. 101«, to show cause « " " « .a /“ " '’ ” ' * ” 7 , era of the Second Oregon Judicial . l l t o - A , i . l r i a , seemed nneble to suppress his sweet if any they ran. why suofa sale should .„ A - t o . . i t , J - tended for “ * P r e « “ «« » " d eat smiles for such of the throng aa not be ordered. district and to JudgcC okn” s_ Parais and B ulgaria, w ith a ll they This order shall be published in the Iher enrichm ent of the few who own stood high in their alas«. W h a t an need. ¿ vi*. . W t o p p o rtu n ity there was for some one Port Orford Tribune, a weekly news everything and none o f Whom w ill He Didm’t Advertise. w ith * m em ory to whisper in bia paper of general circulation, publishe J I f France and England and Rus enlist. ■ ear th a t Ufyasee 8. G ra n t graduated a t Port Orford, Oregon, in said Ouuaty »"4 fltote- »ot three soooaaeive weeks. sia had known long in advance what Dated June lith , tflitt. away down the line at 44, while T he {(»Homing, d ip p ed from one W . A. WOOD, Hood carried off tho head o f the was going to happen neither would HowSver, oompulsory service, I o f our exchange*, is happening they need war equipm ent from this have long oontonded ia tbs only ap class. j . a j — ... every day In em ail towns every Attorney for Onardian country or eiaswhtre. '1 ± i proach to a logical, fa ir and ju s t where. Here in Port Orford pur In oold blooded revenge against Oold Beach, Oregon. way to recruit an arm y, and under W oodrow W ilson for declining to phasers frequently send aw *y for Congressman M adden, a delegato articles th at they later find are oar- at Chicago and who represents a laws under which none m ay be ex declare war on Mexico, W illia m R. Matice el Salsea I H eerat, - i t ia said, w ill awing the ried locally, and this is no exception ( elrongly G erm an D istric t, secured empt. N o t a solitary volunteer whole power of bia string o f papers ,o what is happening in other towns: the suppression o f a n a o ti hyphenate should ,n u “ ,t be permitted to entor the &r&by given th a t by virtue Notice is hereby in favor of Judge Haghea in the “The wife o f an Id a h o hardware plank in the Republicsn platform , raB *' „ t nnd decree of the campaign soon to Open. H earst of a , juilgmen cult Court of the Mate o f Oregon, for <l«aler answered the door bell and ( which shows th a t the party is dis owns considerably more then a roil the County of Curry, duly nunle and U n d er each a regime it is obvtnos[ lio n acres of laud down there, while entered on the IOth day of April, lvis, found a peddler on her fro n t porch, pu*ed to hedge against tbrwatSDed in that certain suit wherein the John there would be fewer were since i f Harrison G rey Otia of the Loa An is related. H e wag selling the great , German wrath. Such is capitalistic nwna other n.eL o. ’L \o h t7 r r m r,li° 8' in Big Business m ay not remain beck galea T i mea eat potato parer ever invented and politics. his own name sod th at o f a few part* 0 . Jess are defendants, whereby plain and coin money out of the country’s he gave a demonstration and con were in v illa in y ; and he ia now on tiff« recovered judgment against the T he funniest outoome of the lata misfortunes plotting disturbances d *r Federal indictments for viola defendants Beecher Jem and Ida C. vinced her at once and she handed naval battle in the N orth Sea has between States would lose a jl at* done o f n eu trality in Mexico. over the two bits. W hen her bus- i bend came home she showed him | been the final confession by the G er traction. foreclosore eoloaore of Plain Pial tiff — a mortgage up- O tia and Hearsl got their land ;.on the hereinafter de^ribed reel piop- man ad m ira lty of the sinking o f the S'"” her bargain and told him w hat she holdings down there fora song from e rty ; and in pursnanee of the exeou- Lutsno w sn d and another big battle 1 would not exem pt Presidents, had paid for it. Im agine her oon s a t/ja d ^ th at crim inal monster Dias; while ship in addition to those at first re Governo»» or Judges atone i t w ill • h . Rockefeller’, and Morgana and ^ e ^ . ’S ’t o e ^ i f f S aternation when he said. “1 have a ported aa lost, and the Trank state- always bs practicable to fill by ap- Pearson— En glish — syndicate got • County dlreoted requiring Said Sheriff gross of thoeedown at the store and — roent that the conosnlment and de- 1 polotm ent the places made vacant their large holdings of oil lands on ao sell, as by law provided. U h - real J sell them for 10 cents each— when property deacribed to raid deotec and nials bad bt-en resorted to for p o iit- through the operation o f conaorip. lik e terms. I find a purchaser.” T h e woman apply toe proceeds of such sal. as in lA f U - ___ ' ioal reasons. The naked tru th aa lio n — th M remedy ap p ly in g to a ll said decree provided ; I w ill on 8 a f always has the last word •<><} herls And when the people of M exico nrday toe 8Jud d .v of July, 101», »t the n o * di soli wed ia th at neither aids ofBwa* ofqnferior grade. Aa to the waa to the poiot: “ Then fur good rebel against wholes*Is robberies of hour’ r of two u’etoek o’cluel In the afternoon of got out of th at scrimmage with any- President And Governors, the d ra ft their b irth rights, then it i .t h s l Big ¡ g * J d day front door of toe „ Court N • at ‘ ‘ the J.’’ 1™ ness sake w hy don’t you let people thing to bragnver, though both aides net w o u ld ,s e id o . throw i t . f„ |d . se in Gold Bench, "C u rr/ Oountv. Business in th f . to o n try throw up know what you have for sale?” th eir hands in holy horror and de- ja t public auction, to toe h ** have claim ed the victory. round the V ies President and Lieu mend th a t we send fleets and armies best bidder for cash, all tenant Governor io the same sweep Tbs M y ilie P o in t Enterprise eon down there to “ proteot their prop- and interest which the defendants, or C U R R E N T T O P IC S . either of them, had on the 20th day of tains this h in t on the subject of the which caught the chief. In th e im e rty .” Jacunry, 1014, and all the right. YHle probable event that it should, there farmers’ income and outgo. and interest which the defendants, Bv J. H . U rro n . T h e war Departm ent and Mexico Beecher Jess end Ida C. Jem, or either ‘‘Thsre'nre farmers in the M y rtle w ill remain the Secretary of State reaohing a crisis T h e Secretary of of them had then, or m ar since have E ditob TH ibunk :— Point section as there are in every uf the U . 8 . and lb s President of acquired in and to toe following real Speaker Cha in p C lark has the other opm m nnity in these United the State Senate to atep into the W ar explains the situation aa fol* property, to-wit; Lot One (t) in Block lows: S»lr*«eTep ^67) m thown on map of following to aey a n e n tth e n o m in a Slat»» who can tell one in the tw in harness. 'F ro m the beginning o f th e ad- tion o f Justice Hughes for President kle o f an eve as to whether their * »»a: via: A t Brat blush the ionovation above into Mexico, the chief arm y offloere farm ing operation in any one year gg^__ i Section . .yt St, Township Ss Sa n. range 1« “ M r. Jdstioe Hughes! nomination have put the b.tlanoe an one or the outlined m ay strike some people as have proceeded on the theory th a t! Went of W ill» Meridian. Corry violates the wboleaoma precedent« far fetched and unw orkable; only, this expedition waa the forerun nar other side of the Imfger.” Dated this iSto day of June, 10U, o f 128 years— th a t members o f the of a oampaign o f months, perhaps however, because i l i a “ different” 0 . H . Baiixv, supreme oourt are barred hy public years in Megioo By the above I ant reminded o f a Sheriff of Ourry County, Oregon. th a t’s all. Such a a o h e m e o f gov opinion and hy the proprieties of “T h e y are confident th at the cam . report hy the A g ricu ltu ral ('o I lege their peculiar and delicate functions ernm ent has already worked smooth paign begun by Pershing, now to from dabbling in politioa. C l her* a t Corvallis of a reoent survey and ly and s a li.fa c to ria lly in eases ffbere he reinforoed by practically the en have tried it, notably M r. Justice scientific investigation by the direo the chief ha« die/i or been impeached. tire m ilitia strength o f the nation Ni*l»on, M r. Juatioe M eLean, M r lio n and a u th o rity o f that institution w ill not oome to an end n n til the Justice David Davis, and M r. Chief United States m ilita ry and naval which reveals the fact that there are T he Democratic p la tfo rm adopt forces oompietely control M exico Justice Chase, hut M r. Justice Hugh very few farmers in Oregon whose ea is the first miln on the supreme ed a t 8t. Lowia doss arraign as they and n n til order ia wreatod from the W ill make period! eal visits to Langloia, bench to *ecur»*even a nomination.” income from farm operations nets ought to he such “ hyphenates” ohane o f the last few years. and Fart ( M M . AH work guaranteed. ihsm ons d o llar • day and two per T h e call fur the m ilitia waa iw- among ns as are diaiwyal to ths cssb - Keep history straight. M r. C lark emit on th eir Investment. oued under the Diek m ilitia la w , a« try whose O uasiitotion they bars omita from the list o f Judges who, the arm y reorganization h ill, feder ------------- i The ladies will And a nice token a solemn oath to su p po rt; and alizin g tbs m ilitia , does not go into I f m ay or m ay not be that i t has d u rin g the coarse o f our history, of New Spring Hate a t Mi M. A. shall greatly miss m y guem if effeot u n til the first o f the m outh. iahiisasjtsasajssa Dr. F. A. Vogo Resident Dentist ardware of all Kinds " ^ 4 M cfalnery A M o w in g M a ch in e« . JKMMlW D n lry in jn M ilw n n h e e M a c h in e r y . P a in ts , O ils A S tu m p in g P o w d e r F in e lin e o f O n n s, B u se b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o t h e r S p o r tin g o o d s k e p t In S t o c k . D o o r s a n d W in d o w s In v a r ie ty c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip « F ittin jfs, P lu m b in g a n d 'Tin w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o d e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Cheevé¿ ® Bowman L a n g lo is , Or. ip W P C j n . l i i y > i y q n Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Harness, Fishing-tackle Fowder r.' WM. GILLINGS, PROP. I full line .of • S to v es and R anges, S uem sey, A lu m in u m , l^ u gsa n d r a i - ting, S tiletto ^uttlery, S^^terns, 3£tc