¿ U g U iO M li! C U R R E N T T O P IC S . é 'V iU U â f ' Hv J H 8 * 1' W KDKKSPAY J U N E Slat, 1*1«. IT ‘ ” - UiTOW. ' 8 lJ IM 0 )tlP T lO X ftATKh One Copy One ‘ Year ........... . Use Copy Six Months................. Owe Copy Three Months . . . . . M-.idr a t roascienmless sp.>llstor».j C,d K . Hofer, th » only member,' „ * , of any ,-f the fewrito d f-R e g ru ta ,tf ! E dito « TaiBOUK:,— - Published Every Wedneeday. by " H À » p \ T . ST K W A K T . Ì ' ¿7^* *T lo u r several nivtltutious of higher ed- j Reader* o f yo u r pa par, m any of ( ucation wins b n«t « “ college m en” ■ •hem anyhow, w ill remember thy «a,I who is therefore endowed w ith critivisni of J u n e * ty. Phelan’» rs » - goo-l, pruutim l em nim ... «eoe«. l * 7 d iib c y before the Prim arie» b e t »»«•>« from the $ , m u , ì S»ho.ri B u r l . ’ 5 ¡5 = .^ h o „ Jfas Bvtury ¡Facility For .ffandlixig Yovpr Bueineec B anking by Jïfail Solicited Interest paid on Saving ¿Ls’te, j ear fn Geli forai« for U n ited (Halve , MJ write« the (InVprnor as follows; ' a u n J . w w i i Beealnr. Phelan a m u ltim illio n a ire , “Rvlem. »Jr., M ay $1 — Deolarlng exploiter, wee nom inated, end to that th * preeetH ty^iem <»f Uandbhf the surprise o f everybody, succeeded the H.rre »»«te Institu tion ! ,’rf high- . l a t e s t S ty le , a t the election fallow ing in d efett 1 er adw«aiio rr U l ’u r,U u il M r. H o f GENERAL mostly oil lands, l-matad in W yotn * r * * utc*‘* * ,r> i.tg and C alifornia as a reserve for " I °4,,no‘ ‘» » •« ••« » liy serve long the navy, as It had been determined er • " * • " cb * * * " » . « I W 'e v e hat - I l future naval vessels would i " “ “ ** i “ *»»*»«0«" «»'high er eduen be conalracted w ith a view to the “ ” n MU" uld * utl’»*r 0,,e <* uee of oil as fuel. Subw quent these w ithdraw al»,m ore Ilian 40,000 ,,f U' ** * * * * Blacksmithing and th at l b . people being U s e d too altee in C alifo rn ia ware jum ped to ' “ , “ eh J * * ™ ? * d th« Rockefeller orowd add Santa Fe I C” r° " d W j ' A ,b l* le“ “ 90 n Urge scale, tbs b e d s prnvfbg 0,1 > ♦•>^58,478.87. U nder separate itupendouriy r ieb in petroleum de- boerde the .h m e iM .it c t lo n .o f high « education eoat $285,108.08 mora —, ' »----- than sl| the other In s titu tio n al ex- Ouster proceedings were fin a lly pens«, of stata government. AN INN W ORT^l W H ILE N E W L Y F IT T 1 4 D U P TA BLE UNEX CELLED Wrought in the Federal Courta in “ I believe under one board w f California to dispossess the thieves three persoas applying business ind ju d g m en t* and decree* render- principles and not dom inated by id accordingly which provided for local interesls of the COLD BEACH, OREGON I l o t a u d O o l d T u b n n d H h o w e r Iln t h w NOTICE. in s titu tio n * Receivers to take possession and op themselves, duplications could be Talc tha works. The scoundrel« avoided and the expense of higher Ippealed to the U S. Supreme Court j education reduced about one half, rhich Court in turn sustained the Such I n ir p u re has al.ways been udgmsnts below. Thu« ended th e ’ opposed by.¿be institutions them In one of hie speeches, a few days agn Preeideat W ilson said th at the • a lt e r an far as lb s Coarta were selves, and no reform is poselbta tin ..ncerned, yet the lawless gang bad der the present system.” W ar now raging in Europe bad to be. H o also presented strong argu­ m e n t showing w h y this country Shake, friend H,rfer. CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE edge and eoifkent. « J » * ux Quraurr, The above A G ENT for Underwood Typewriter. AH old machines of any make taken a* port payment is esaotly in w ith m y own long tim e ouhtentiou. • “ A .. T, weig And now couie* M rs. Della W ilson able. Nicbola with * cumpnriam, of Ih a f’- * ^ aggregate income o f eavan teachers L khould be'prepared for juet such an em ergency.' Doe thing, is certain, fend th at is tbat ju s t so king as th e {great statesmen bf the world ‘ hold th a t war ia a necessity, and nations go on preparing for K, ju s t that lung w ill there be war- Before the pres ! e a t trouble started in Europe, the , world was in a fa ir way to realise a I in our public school for s ix F. B. TIC HBN O R , Port Orford. Oregon, " • against tha income of our sevenstFI perfiuoua C lrouil Judges who receive universal pence through the Hague ooarraJeeion. “W hen it ie over th e ' -------1 — I--------------- . ----------------------------. Nieb ___ cry of »rayed tutaaiklu "« K .o w b n d ‘ or Oaesox, rrut CBaav CovutTL____ L ^ ’r in jtn o lh e r a ay, seven of the people mmM ho o f no whose services ere wore iodiepensi lU^ua. eat Mae(«XM^ ble to the progress of hum an kind than are (lirnuiL e .1***1«***« *>>*!«*< — e — even vs - v/ovuii »a*«smT7v*j vllUB* work nearly 64 ye ar* longer for $189,000 than must th e seven- Judges under contemplation like total sum. A nd the disparity for d MAROY T . S TE W A R T between the compensation allotted to our teach, era and to our Judge* is accentuated when one reflecte th at there are men and women today employe«! year in and year out behind the teacher’s desk who «re am p ly qualified to wield the Judicial sceptur. JT G O M M ia a io iw ic s i P i> ,- t O r f o r d , O r e g o n . In the Matter nf the Ouardlanslitp) of John Down*, an insane per»ou.( O rd e r to Bhnw Cause, on U e titto a P e r O rd e r o f Sale o f R eni ap d Persowwl P ro p e rty . I t spoesring from tlie petition of A raeatf John-bm, the Guardian or the estate of John Do wn*, oh Incan« per»on, *bw* H is p»,waa»iy that the whole ad ' the reel and pefr-onal estate opthe eaid insane person be sold; that said inaaue person Iras so known relatives o r next of kie,—■ I t is therefore ordered that the next of kin of wasUt ward, tf any there be, and ail peieoos intereatod in said eetete, appnur before this Court on the ISth day of July, A !>., 1910, tu show oaaee if any they can. why suoh sole should not be ordered. -. This order -h a ll be published in tha Port Orford Tribune, a Weekly news- " pap» r of general circulation, pablishe J a t Port Orford, Oregon, in said Oountv andfState. (or three saooeeeive weeks. Dated June laih. IVIA W A. WOOD. County Judge. J. G. JoHseoa. Attorney for Guardian Gold Beach, Oregon. Notice ie hereby riven th at by virtue of a iadgme-it and decree of the O ir -1 cult Court of the State o f Oregon, for the Comity of Curry, duly made and entered on the 10th day of April, l i l e j J . J. STALKY - - . -------- — — (---------------------- FOR « A fF No. I would lim p ly psy Judges Four Jersey grade year le u and teachers much inure. and buU from goad dairy co present, - I H o w tv e r wrong the Socialist» m ay be in the policies t in y advo- e h te .tb « fact remains, naferthelek», p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r o o d a k e p t In S to c k . S p o r tin g O o o r a a n d ^ Y in d o w s In v a riety c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . * P ip e F it t in g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n ah ort n o tic e . Cheever® Bowman Port Orford Purnitine & Hardware Store ~ " ty-five dollars. Chance to nut, them, teachers are kept so cows cheap, if you have pat busy i f they would keep the w olf two f®“ old steer for sol* from the door w ithout gating h im , * cent Investors” and “ struggling op »rators.’’ who are en f it led to the that they have no tim e to do p o li, « '» « » » ®«'>»s o il, hot the fact is that tin* or lobby the Legislature. ■ between two-t birds and threw fourths th a t' they arc w orking for a cause ,be 40,810 acres in controversy I wsa inclined to question the that they ttatiav» ia for the better. wiH «” »*>‘rieen oil companies, correctoess o f the average wage of k tM tW g M n i^ in d tnwraily and physl- which’ are »be teachers stated by M r*. N ., at $6.j kelly, and this entitles them"* to re O il Company and th« p e rm p n lh , hut upon referent» to epeet a n j fa ir treatm ent, i( nothing 8 * nJ* •‘■Ilrojad interest«. 'Eh« the last biennial re p o tl rtf S la'u Su" more. | Phelan b ill also provides that tjbe l>eriofendènt C h u re h ill, I find it • T h a t our government falls short lh r t* m illio n dollars wjiich has oe stated tbéfèin (bat the average for in Ito duties to its subject« in m any cru* * un,,er lh * reOei » « r*h i|» secur- male teachers ia $ 7 0 and for females « a fo , a itt h ard ly be d s n le d & e ln t g u w n m e n t w ill h ere $60 par hionth. W hereupon I m ar tom m a y Oot he th« remedy, but it »,,rBed to theeeolaim ants ” veied at the d iM rim in a tio n which Harness, Fishing-tackle Stum ping Powder J. H . U F T O N . M h P a b v P U B LIC , hour of two o’uluek In the afternoon of said detest.the frowt rieor of the Court House IU Gold Beach, Curry County, State of Ofegon, offer for sale, end sell, a t publte aeetion. to the hivkeet anur Legislature bad wisely forbidden. property, to w it; Lot One (1) In V x s k . b o « 4 l . d n „ . T l » n , i . .. ....... Langlois, O r. h . . h . . ~ o h .,ty h o . , h . i S Z . “ ,r * m sixty-eeven M , a t shown on map of the town of Port Orford made in i860, i .1 I r f o . , , , 0 . 0 ......... .. , h . h, V 7 “ <« «• l b . Also the Northwest quarter of South’ I T M w S £ i.r ftM » h .w h .o „ , ...te l w s t qaarter of Nortoweet quarter of Section 82, Township 8 l 8. range 1C to make final Five-year Proof, to Tksre H mors C atarrh In . ... . or be a t the mercy of the oil trust ert* b tl,h claim to the land above dee- West of W illamette M .r id ia th C o r r y creased rapidly ill prioe— in some , j , mi trust 7 t_______ _7 - - - I . . , - . . forevermore. «to- aribed. before Hardy T . Stewart, Untt- County, Oregon. p o e t o l e he In e e re b k t J 5 ~ * • States Commissioner, at hie office •rrtb to local temtowa. a n * ly retting to core wtth leas And w hat «hall be said for honest w h o lly u n ju s iiflrd .a n d yet the gov (?_) F ra n k lin K. Lane, Secretary of Cto- Ctuiment names as Witness»«: •he In te rio r, Whose brother, Georg« 8. Lane, ia in the em ploym ent o l the iriratee aa «n satire lobbyist, is w. tbe rotten measure, the which bav* »*kew a hand end regulated ia hot another proof of the danger •he price c f fond etufie. V e rily , l<> clean Governm ent o f the concent something should be done. M cM a c r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s. E x tr a s fog D n iry in jp O sb orn e, M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P o in ts , O lla & S t a m p in g p o w d e r Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed today and Saturday of each week. Then w hat ia your remedy for so G O Q U H . t R , ubx-ious, so manifest an in ju sticef W ould yoo abolish the Judiciary? Hardware of all Hinds IM T H « 0 0 ,'W T Y C ot'O T OV T H « 8TA TX . pwinetakingly worktkl out the prob patione w ill be 1 b a reoeptive moo 11 And thia brings me back to James ■ lent and finds th a t based on t h * six months terras A T (for a plan to compel 'arbitration' o f D. Phelan, who upon hia m erits, H utu lory lim it per ao n um .and a t the average wage ' all international questions. T h e C'lnld not have been eloeted U n ited U n ited Steleb w ill he looked to more States Senator even had the Demo of m ale end female teachers of AS5 o » i seven smd) must to il op khan any other power b»r a solution am tic p arly possessed a m a jo rity in per sim I <>n *f«» 09 years, two month« ttrtb a problem. H , in the m ean. C a lifo rn ia , which it d id not by many • m i 92 d * ,-s, to be en titled to the tim e, we b uild up a m ighty fighting m any thousand votes a t the time, aggregate compensation o f $189,000 machine how can we aspect other i a 7 . , . P» Â- 8 0 H M ID T h a tic n . to have confidence In » a , ' „ T ‘* \ ® *" to Fe . r“ , , " * d, 1 ” ’e the sum the seven superfluous Judges pe.oesugge.lion. th at w . 3 . / make? c o n .p lr.to r . a ll Repuh P hysician a Surgeon aforesaid are entitled to and receive M illio n efo r defense b m not one cent hca-s. u a t u r a H y e r , . ^ th at t h . every efx years; th at is to sey, staled Um glofe, Oregon for aggression, should be the t h .A m w u t .o pe,> pie. ■ r Hardware Careful and prompt service given to the buaincaa of non-residents. F 'W ft) - r - , for each term o f six years tier ng 'frv g a te s a m of $189.000. She has Call and see me, or send full descrip­ tion and list your property with me. - tration of fabulous wealth Laaewrt«. G e n v