“ T--1 ' < 1 ' -r~ -- ' . v • D ean MastenbrooK Dentist coming. Local Happenings M c K e & n z ie fo o le — w i» iu canvas shoes »Oc sod »1. Celebrate s i Langlois. aleweler I owns in the extreme ends of l l Boh,ml meeting M onday. The Ladies A id w ill meet week with Mrs. W. H . M yere. f Strawberries, cake, ice ereain other good things at the Social urday night. Watches and Clocks repaired I at reasonable prices. AU I work guaranteed. P ort O rford , O rkoon . ’ .Bro^ k io «*- w ill be (he o nly places in C u rry t this celebrate tbs 4th of Ju lv T t, o '■ ,, ‘ Reporter of last week saj and that R. L . Maoleay is to start a ne Sat industry in C u rry, that of m am facturlug lum ber from tan <«k aft. Repair work on the P o rt Orford lh “ w harf is expected to commence in lbe Cam hunt) Untrut- ' Realty Company. lM ,k asked « ra t'll end »1.25. the near fu tu re. ° “ '< ,ak* 0,1 * * ® "e • polish a . ,he celebrated English oak, and i Mrs. M y rtW M e K e n ... made . aU ractb l, ^ 4 4 ^ , a lle lllio business trip to Bandon last F rid ay, al , hia liB e foj> f o r u iU r . G o ld B e a e h , O r e g o n I returning boms ths Mute day. M r. Macleay raoe„ n y M Tbs Reporter got out a neat ex its 10 N . H . Larson of this plaoe to sa< lsst week announcing the nominy 6009 feet of this lum ber, which is t He thought the title goad, for he had bought from old tion of H ughes and F airbanks, and be used in lest work. also giving some local news. morning. M c K e n x ie A PoOLX, Ag or fish in soy other rive r, or ency for Baudot) Steam LoWfidry. " interfere with the Seine, or fail to Game W arden A la m , has been . deliver a ll th eir fish to h im , they D r. J. R. W eiheiiw e, who sold forfeit the extra 40 cents. The wen accepted the proposition h it (ease ou the Star Ranch in iidr- thern C urry last fa ll, Jias resqiusd and while the coolraets are not re t the practice o f medicine iu f’ o rlla iu l. made, m any of the men w ill resume Mr». Eva Crockett an d . son, Don- busy lately attending to fishin • Id , passed down Ute coast the latter mutters th at he has neglected lh part o f last week, returning from d *” ■l‘d has not been out In the hill Bandon to reside at Rogue river. ' ruuolt. That the deer ini«s him wa Mr. and Mrs. A . /.M a r s h ami J" ^ W a n d e last F rid a y , w h e. a bi M r. and M rs L. K n ap n went bttck .»»• K N A P P HOTEL Port Orford, Oregon, C.. K C D IA .V P I ’ r n p r le tn r Feed 8 ta b le attached Kronenberg. for lhe (j a,lle " »rden. . *’ M rs. LAW ROBU BEACH. ORSBOS In Gold Filed or Sterling Sil ver, engraved with three initials a t K cents esudi. S tart your friend with a link engraved with your initial for a bracelet. Ten to twelve are enough for one bracelet. We connect them fkkb i f bought from ae. Final catches 20 cents eseh. This la the very latest in a brace is t Be tlje first girl to get one Have yoar friends give you a link Mail orders promptly handled who been visiting with her parents, M r. ed him loose. H e took to the rivei and Mrs. W m . Lewis, at G old Beach, swam scioss again, w ent on down t for the past severs! weeks has re . the m outh, and fin a lly want off un failed L lo yd K n ap p returned Saturday r*‘e* t the flam e A srden to tell bin from attending school at the C olum - sorrows. Star Ranch, have had a good, whole some effect upon the d a ir y industry here. H e «as one of the firet iu northern C u rry to build- silos; he iu ported blooded stock, both cat t h and pigs, am i was ths first nno, it is believed, ii, the county to biriid S modern sanitary pig house. Reporter, for the past several years Uss'betn Oregonian ot June 4lb as one of • —----------- class of fib girls graduating fro m : Justice Charles E . Hughes was owned by T . C. C lark. This plaoe tfm St. M arys academy at Portland. ' nominated for President at ths Re M rs. Em ery Goble has been iu ' >*W ieun convention s i Chicago last The oonoert netted the the neighborhood of »115. tsge here. She and Mr. G u b li mov «"d C um m ins were strung oonteu ed to M y rtle Point last winter, where ^ors for the honors, with a big scat- they expect to liv e in the future. “ •" » « lbe ballut« however, Hughes swept everything J W . Mackensie, the Sixes river a|| 3# Qf ||ear,y loyo CONCERT PROGRAM Hsld At Part Orford Jmss 1 M , 1I1C, R. W. Boffnm,<Dircctor. ba„ ot . flen l, hut refused to accept, inti mat M onday euroute to Portland to depend upon the stand taken meet his great-grandm other and an 1 Hughes on the big issues now P h ysicia n and Surgeon by be- C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS elderly cousin, * h o sra a im in g to fore the country. G urry to spend the sum m er st the j. - Gold Beach, Oregon RO BER TS « Oregon. Probate business a s peels It v. D E N N IS C U N N 1 F F , J R ., Lep. (J. 8. Minerof Survey«! E . /■ Baker home near Corbin M r. H|K»erl’a great graudm other, a l. though 84 years of age, enjoys g'xnl , -> hesRh. from Pistol rive r, passed tbrougb twB,,n Port O rfo rd M onday on his way )agt week by M ll south, having Juat visited some of 31 |lours on the the hunting groands of northern u( isw svili have tu look out when he N o t ic e o f Sale. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an o rd ir ol sale made and entered by the County Court of C urry county. State of Or- g -n, on the 19th day of April, 1914, in the matter of the estate or Thomas Wornellus, deceased, I will •ell a t private sale, by sealed bids, on Thursday:, May 2S h (914, to the high est and tirot bidder for cash in haud, the following described property: The East naif of Lot Eight in catio n th irty twd in Township 32 Routh of Range 15 West of the WillanoeUe M e ridian, Curry county, Oregon, SuMeA to the confirmation of the c o u rt.. Ten per cent ol the offer moet accompany each bid, ¿ash or oei tided oaeck. • v’ P. J, L imdsehu , Administrator ot the estate of Thomas Cornelius, deo-aeod Date of fleet publication April 2S, 1914. ,0 „ . .. E. L. McClure Roy D ixo n , deputy game warden „ re« ,rd break ii egon. G o ld U e a c l* Tri, . . Surveyor for the D istrict o’ O r moved from her shoQlder a i uer home near W edderburit last F rid ay. O wing to her advanced age anes thetic was not adm inistered, which made the operation a severe one, but we are glad to say th a t Mrs. Bailey is recovering nicely. D r. and Mrs. C. W . Robbins and ) little son, were in Port Orford from Gold Beach in th e ir Ford, Sunday. They were accompanied up by M r. and Mrs. J. H . Zm uwalt. Mrs. Zum wait had been vndting at tbs Roh- bins home fo ra couple o f weeks, Vrespusu N o tic e . mid on account of her poor health Nutloe I» hereby given to a ll persons M r. Z u m w a lt had gone down to the wnom it mwy concern, nut to enter up county seal to accompany her hoiae. on or trespass upon the premie-s ol L . Dennis Cunniff was in town Mon Knapp, for the purpose of bunttng, or fisblnt with uoox and tins. Said pre day on his return tq Gold Beach mises are>ituate<i on Rih River, Curr> from having »penl • month survey ing a wagon road up Sixes river. The work he did reaeheiPTrora the old Divelhiss place to Rock creek, about a m ile above fhe D r . , Elgin mines. M r C u n n iff then went on In Eckley and surveyed sbnul three quarters of • m ile down the river from the wagon road in th at dis tric t, which the road there expects to bnild. L if t in g Donkey gf Lin« and equipment pn - Apply to N . I N E W L IN E O F L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H * IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S , G R O C E R IE S Steve Spoerl passed through town | ng th at his decision to do so would c. w. B obbins , m . i). FOR SALE. BANDON, OREGON TELEPHONE 1222 band in * last Saturday. / It is dangerous. Scientists have proven that bad teeth and gums cause a great many diseases of which the following are the most common: Neuralgia, dyspepsia, ulcers of the stomach, rheumatism, endocharditis(inflama- tion of the heart lining), appendicitis, insan ity, and a great many other” ailments. “A stitch in time saves nine,” If you have pyor rhea I can positively cure it. If you haven’t it yet, don’t wait till you get it, for with the proper care and a visit to my office once or twice a year you can remain free from that dreaded disease at an extremely low cost. It is easier to preverit than cure, and that is my constant aim. I teach you how to take care of your teeth, thereby preventing disease and decay, and teducing your dental bills at least one-half. Fear keeps tnost people away frota the dentist. That is not the case with my pa tients, for I can do your wink with sOi little pain that it takes away that dread and fear. In most all work the prick of a needle is all that you foel, I stand back of my work; if at any time you are not satisfied I will be only too glad to ma^e it right. I want all my patients to be my friends and co-opearate wit,h me in spreading the gospel of month hygiene. Don't procrastinate; come in and let me advise you what you are in need of, and give you estimates of cost. I will make regular trips to Langlois and Port Orford—watch this paper. there is no. question but that the 1 b4nd w ill make good when it takes its Hist trip abroad and goes to M y rtle P cln t for the 4lh . Port Orford for the past week dis ¡» * '« rd a y on the th ird ballot. On poaing o f the fu rn itu re in th eir cot- two 6rst ballots, Root, Burton week’, work on tbs E . J. Baker home on U|e We carry ae ac’ta. M y r t le P o in t, The selections of those outside of the band, who assisted in the pro g rxtn ,( Were so well received th at each ons bad tn respond to sq en- Rose Festival before returnin g to .----------‘— Oore. But i f there is one who is en his home here. The Ladies A id w ill give a straw titled to especial mention it is Miss ... , ’ , berry and ice cream social in thi The I h ib o w b ha4_ nworder for lues Woodcock, who has besq tak p rin tin g poster, for the 4th o Ju ly , ?lh d, ing iessoi • shoal a year on the vio celebration a t Langlots. and the lQ lin , and shows rare talen t in hand ¡p ro g ram set forth thereon show. Kverybody ie in , it#d to ling th at instrum ent. that the people of that town are go a|)d have g gQod ljm # ¡n g Tbs solos by different instruments tr,g to do the thing up rig ht. G#me(i w|J, A deal lias recently been closed in the band show th a t a ll parts o f whereby Postmaster Sweet uf Ban th a t organisation are getting w hip The picture o f Miss A nna Hughes, there w ill be no dancing. daughter of M r. and Mrs. /as. i f ughek — . — ------------------ don becomes the owner of ths old ped into shape so th at they know , Jue N sy place on E lk ri«hr, which how to m ake real music, and that of Sixes, appeared iu the Sunday 1 Hagfces and Fairbanks Nominated. Social Satarday Night. Expert Watch repairing h Specialty l a T h e concert given in the h all last Saturday night by the Port O rford band was well attended and very successfully carried out. The band boys d id them selves proud, and where transportation is poor, yet showed the result of the consistent the metiiods he introduced oa ths practicing they have been doing. t, ksas Na. $44. a t bee « * • progressive sod up io date as » fa rm e r, and While aome of hia idea, were perhaps • little loo far advanced f o r a eeclioi^ Jilt# this, has hisears for identification, then turn near Corbin. The improvements Tbe<Mlote It<K-eve| l <Ms given the being made there were Oompleled p rt)g rw iv u Dominalil, n for Ere9i attohw ky ed from Chicago where he look's I ¿xpt-graduale Aipra^. D r. W ether Some of lh 1 .'.-•»’¿ii be* *' * - coiiii w to r and carpenter ^ tu rn e d f VQtM CI,arla» ; W , Fairbanks Yo h it home M oriday ftortt several < a i „ „ „ ¡ „ . ¿ j for Y lc ^ P re e id e n t BOYLE JEWELRY-CO. ' tondi.!, Ori. L, Ths D r. was a prom inent ohysicikn Ashing tonight." ■*' <■ and surguoy rtf that city beTure-com1^ iiig'to L u r r y , ail'd lie has ju « l return fishermen caught him and marks Herbert Unicsn, bia U n iversity io Portland. H is brother, Orris, watted to take in the W. A. WOOD A TTO UN BY A T £ ° k 40 4h* N » * /" * * « “ J * * “ " ! fwrtL • * * * * £ b* " “ n turned to her home at P o tt O ifo rd - molested fu rth er, having First-class in every reepect- G o ld , Bandon yesterday lu lh * A r s h auto mobile to attend the funeral of John The met Ws buy Sacks, Brass, Clipper and ter was settled uuoording to the R e porter as follows: Hides— M iK e n x ie A Poole. “ A t a conference held this afte r, J . G . H i l l, who alerted work for noon l ( r . M aclray made the men a the government the first of the week proposition to pay 90c a fish to •a • piedatory anim al hunter, oele those using his own gear and »1.16 brated bia first day on lbs jo b by to the others, the ex tra 40 cents to k iltin g a large w ild cat. he held baok and paid only at the H o w ’s this for s e r v io e f L a u n d r y end of the season, the men to sign left with M cK e n iis A Poojeou W ed a oontract which includes these pro nesday m orning was rea^V’ .fo«1 the visions: I f they fail to fish the en customer ou the following-flkturday tire season, or q u it from any cause, been rem ove! frot tisim ed that l h l l '• Dr. F. A Voge, den- t ist, will be in Langlois Tbs fishermen an Rogue riv e r struck last week for better pay. They the 18th and 19th of had been getting 60« a fish where company furnished them with this month and in Port the gear and 76« where they furnished Orford the 20, 21& 22. their own outfit. The price they whlch was t M cKenrie taw good farm er and v x 8. perienoed dairym an, and is sure to do well handling the big ranch. ». ’’Old Black Joe” ----- ---------- Miss Ines Woodceck, Violin. Mrs. H. T. Stewart, Piano. "Morning Prayer.” Mias Lottie Forty, Piano. 10. "Flower Fairies. "-Four hand Piano. Lottie and Nesta Forty. 11 "When the Swallows Homeward F ly’ C. H. Pearse, Violin. John L . Kronenberg, who for • 1 Mrs. H. T. Stewart, Piano. num ber of years hsk been one of the leading citizens of the Coquille 12. "Home Sweet H o m " country, died st BandonJast F rid a y 1 IS. Violin and Piano Duet. afternoon fo llo w in g s three days’ i Port Orford Future Orchestra. illness from pneumonia. 14 Tubs Solo—E. L. White. M r. Kronenberg wss horn st Ars 1 ( Band Acc. go, Coos county, Dec. 9 , ‘1861, and is' IS. Selection—Clarinet Obligato. survived by • mother, Scbn resides j at C oquille, one brother and three sister» ( F . \V . Kronenberg o f Ban Francisco, Mrs. Blakely of Lodi, Cal., Mrs. W in. Owens of Coquille, M< K rnxie A Poole, Agency for and Mrs. A'; J. Marsh of Port Bandon Steam lau n d ry , Suits clean O rfo rd ) and • wife and two gons„ ed A pressed sad retained p ro m p tly. Jack and GeorgS; M t W ’Kfbnenherg w a fin C a lifo rn ia s t th e 'tim e of his The ladies will find a nice assortment death with their ypunffstm rrt,w hile of New Spring Hats at Mrs. M . A. Jaek' was at his fat tier’s be<li*ide. Nielsen's—all sites and shapes. • are •» <.'n Jahn Kronenberg wxs s man of tno re than ordinary ^UAfiess a b ility , who had won h it success in life by his own efforts. H e —whs a sto a t- holder in the Bank of ' Bandon, and owned much town to d Other prop- - erty in th at vicinity. He was also a stockholder in the Eatabruok stsani.-hip company. A liberal, J kbsib Q ukrxy broad m inded man, he tup|K>rted every movement th at would tend to develop ths Coquille co u ntry, and after his passing the leinark was A good saddler and driving bone commoa on (he street of his home weighs about 1100 lbs., will sell reason, loi^n that his death in jh e p rim e of able. Call on or address Ins business carver wss the hardest Port Orford, Or. blow Bandon has received in many supervisor the The funeral was ¿eld yesterday, wagon road in ths Eckley district to where Surveyor C u n n iffq u it work at Rrx-k creek is a distance o fa b o u t and M r. Kronenberg was laid to rest at Prosper beside his Qldeetson, six miles. NOTICE. From 1 H a rry , who was drowwsd ia ths Coqui I la river |gv«ral ysara ago. Denmark Mercantile Co The Place Where You Get a Square Deal To betler itccomnioda’e out growing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been com pelted to add to our geueral stock of Dry Goods, Groceries anti Provisions, .«a follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming ' Im plements of All kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc , etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boy»’ Cloth* ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts a id o- lions, Boiled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed Grain. O rders G iv e J. H . U P T O N . NOTARY P U B L IC , LaseiO-s, Cvuxv Co., Onpaoa ta k en fok uh a n y t h in u not on hand a tr ia l o r d é r JAS. S. CAPPS. . P rop ,