The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, June 14, 1916, Image 1

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    P Ö K
O R F O R D ,
O K E G O X ,
A remarkable little deni sen of
tlte deep which belongs to the ia-
teresting border and lying be­
tween vertebrates and inverte­
brates, is the lancelet. Long con­
sidered a fish, It is now regarded
as more nearly related to theses
squirts. Among its many pecul­
iarities is the absence of any dis­
tinct bead; the position of the
on the under surface of the
anterior end of the body, and the
IT S « 3 7 1h
ring of tentacles with which the
lrL y . „ rJ 7 olLhi -8"?7o t> «
opening of the mouth is sarronnd-
•r ' ■- —
y i
ed. Many kinds of laueelets are
now known, ail save one of which
conform more or le u closely to
the Kenernl ♦ype- The exception
■ ■. „ • * * * "
is a speedes long represented by a
T° Ot‘ 00-*
single specimen taken during the
scientific cruise of H. M. 8. Chai-
ienger in the open sea. But rereat-
iy a number of others have been
o r . an d extravagance»—-O rie n ta l,
e, m edieval an d m odern su perstl-
-clu ster a b o u t " m y lo rd th e ete-
¡ • n o he ta called in In d ie . T h e re
rd ly an. a n im a l ab ou t w h ich so
Actions e x is t o r w h ich I . so lit t le
¡ * £ ? u t a r o p in io n i . t h a t th e ele -
fo a n d
g e r v in g t o , h o w , h a , l t , , a
distinct type. Its mouth is on one
side of the body, there is no ring
of tentacles fringing the mouth
opeping, and there are several
ot^ r oddi'ie. in it . makeup.
¡'a m em o ry ia as re te n tiv e aa
The prince of Monaco, B devotee
i. S tories a re co n stan tly flo a tin g of deep sea curiosities, has found
‘ to th is effect. T h e lost one 1 m et luminous shrimps living at great
asserted t h a t a n e le p h a n t had
. d
w i,Hr„
Ja rk
I a m an w ho, so years before, w hen g r e a t u e p i ns Where all ia dark,
dl boy, had given him a piece o f to- " h e n P u t >“ a n aquarium they
, o r had in some w a y m a ltre a te d lose their light giving properties.
O f co n rte th ia story is p re p o s te r- ' i t is said that probably most, if
■ ? • u ’ d w p ~ a cr
t u r 8 a r e ,u
[or g iv in g h im a c h e w , he w ould be “ imferouo or
lik e ly to tru m p e t a welcom e and some of them diffusing light from
■ him every tim e he presented h im - the general surface of the body
D u t aa to h ia re m e m b erin g a n y -! n n d others frbm special organa.
f u r 2 0 v p n r n n r 2 0 m n n t n s s*vs»n it. I
L ittle R alph Johnson, son o f a street
peddler o f N ew Orleans, had th e honor
of being saved by a Kt. Bernard dog
to whom he woe vs o tte r stranger. A t
Valence street and HL Oharlee avenue
sewerage wee recently
being con­
structed. W hen the workm en quit the
well to r the n ig h t the m anhole wet
le ft open. ltrs . Johnson, w ith
boy. three years old, and wearing a
dress, were io the v ic in ity, the mother
tryin g to sell lseee. W h ile th e mother
had gone to a house In the block the
child rem ained on the sidewalk for
aw hile, and then w alked to the m an­
hole and peered In to I t Accidentally
he fe ll In. T h e child screamed loudly
(o r help, bat being six feet under the
ground, no one beard b it criea.
Just a t this tim e an old m ilkm an
passed. W ith him was a grant at. B er­
nard dog. Th e dog heard the criea of
the child, and fo r a second coaid not
locate them. Th e child cried again,
and thia tim e the dog plunged in to the
well and setied the child's clothing In
Its m outh. Th e dog held the little boy
above th e w ater u n til both dog and
child were hull t i l uut of
IH a
m id n ig h t in th e elephant's stable.
by passers by. T h e dog then trottea
T h e eleph ant's wisdom has so o ften
a fte r the old m ilk m a n as though sav­
been e x to lled th a t “ sagacious as an ele­ ing a child's life wars an everyday oc­
p h a n t” has jiasscd in to an a x io m - In currence.
point o f fa c tn n a n im a l w ilt cross a r o t­
ten brid g e f u llo f h o le a ify o u w ill p e rm it
h im to do ao. Even in hia w ild s ta te ,'
iti»»ria« forertv
1O 1O
Undoubtedly the pert of thio
prosperous nation, which io grow­
ing and prospering moat swiftly
to-day, is the southwest— tbs ra-
gion-whose central field is Okla­
homa^ Indian territory and north
Texas, says the Chicago In ter
The story of Oklahoma's trans
formation from an empty cattle
range into a land of blossoming
farms and thriving towns was en­
acted in such a startling manner
that it forced public attention.
The beginning of the development
—for only a beginning has been
made, even in Oklahoma— of
other parts of the central south
west was made in a less sensa­
tional manner, and it has not re­
ceived the public notice that it de­
Thus it was with surprise that
the nation at large learned, when
the “statehood” agitation became
strong a few years ago, that there
were really more than twice a»
many white people as Indians in
Indian territory, and that these,
and the Indians with them, were
doing all the things in the way of
industries, schools and churches
that are done by thriving com
munities in Illinois or Iowa or
I t was with further surprise
that people who in youth had been
accustomed to think of Texas as a
land largely inaccessible save od
horseback or by wagon, learned
this year that Texas was lending
all the states of the union in -rai'
way mileage, and had puahec
Illinois from the primacy held for
40 years.
These two facts illustrate bow
the southwest is growing, and ha
been growing, almost unseen am'
unheard by the nation's! large
and especially unnoticed by th-
general public in the region of thc
great lakes.
All parts of the American re
pnblic are pros|tering.
where there are chances for youn.
men with the will and charaete-
to graap them. But for men sewk
ing more elbow room, and liking
to see rapid returns for their labor
or their money, there is no place
to day like the prosperous south­
brush. Y e t in th e studio o f th e m oet
considerate one m o st undergo to rtu re .
T h e re is n lot o f p ity given to facto ry
g irls , o f w hich a lit t le m ig h t be en­
tended to ue. fo r th e fa c t Is th a t there Is
no business in w hich a w om an can en­
gage where she w ill suffer so much fa ­
tig ue and get ao lit t le rem u n e ratio n as
th a t o f a a a r tis t’s m odel,"
All necessary operations in
writing, billing or ¿tatiotical work
are accomplished from the key­
board of the light running, easy
adion M odel 10 (Visible)
C e n p U . , Stmth Urn KsyUerd
R eino t able and InleschangaabU P la te «
Ball B«» t u j Carriage
R e v e rn h lc tab u lato r Rack
Simple Stencil Cutting Davvw
P ro p Forged T y p e Ban
Bichrmne R lbbo r
Uniform Touch
B a l Rearing T y p e Bar
Colum n Finder aad .P a iw M« ^ h «
Decimal Tabulata*
V w k U W ritin g
A K ey for Lvenr Character
Padecí ELraaing Facditio
Rig1.. AQucable
L e it CarriaatJ
C a n i l e ita l— c L«vwa
Sw-.iging M argin al R a A
Pr.aactad R iM .o a
C r a i O rire a Carriage«
R.uboa C o a D o M Iron» K , y ii» « d
Variable and U niferul L ia , Spaas
Perfect DuU Guard -
Back Space L e v «
Carriage Retarder
These ir e feature» which m ale the
Smith Premier the choice of the
man who investigate» comparative
Feople of Orest Metropolis Become
Insensible to Foetid Atmos­
phere in Which They L iv e
Perhaps it ta fortunate that
those people who spend all their
I ves In a densely pf> pubittd me­
tropolis are, to a gn at extent, un­
conscious of the foetid atmos
th ou gh ¡»oasensed o f a proboscis w h ic h .
phere in which they live. After
ia capable o f g u a rd in g I t a g a in s t such ,
dangers, th e ele p h u n t re a d ily fa lls in to a protracted period in
p ita d u g to receive it, w h ich are o n ly ,
the mountalM and forests, our
covered w ith a fe w sticks and leaves.' (
nostrils are »¡hoi ked fay the disn
It s fellow s m ake no e ffo rt in g e n eral t
greealtle odors emanating from
to assist th e fa llen , aa th ey m ig h t easily ( c
the gutters, the shops, the stale
do b y k ic k in g in th e e a rth arou nd th e
edge, b a t fly in te rro r. I t co m m on ly I f
beer of the suloons, and the very
B n s Used Boots OS T s a rs .
happens th a t a yo un g ele p h an t tu m b lesI
Oeorge N . Arnold, of D elavan, W in . persons of the people on the
In to a p it, near w h ich Its m o th e r w ill
rem a in u n til the h u nters oome, w ith o u t rejoices ia the possession o f s p a ir o f streets, says Dan Beard, in Bee-
d o in g a n y th in g to help i t — n o t even calfskin boots which he has worn 62 ' real ion.
fe ed in g i t b y th ro w in g in a few bran ch­ rears and which s till are in good condi­
But thia sensitiveness of one’s
es. W ho le herd« o f elephants are le d , tion M r. Arnold bought the boots In
does not long continue.
in to Incloeures w h ich they could brea k ■ M oravia. N. T .. and bas used them fo r
As the enrs became accustomed to
th ro u g h os easily aa i f th ey w ere made Sundays and “dress up" occasion* ever
the roar of the streets, and the
o f ooraatalks, and w h ich no o th e r a n i­ since.
m al w o u ld en ter; and single ones are
eyes to the rank growth of the un
c a u g h t by" th e ir bind legs b eing tied to­
ga.nly buildings, one's nose ceases
g e th e r by m en tinder cover o f tam e ele­
to record the disagreeable odors
phants. A n im als th a t happen to escape
As the faculties adjust them
a re captured ag ain w ith o u t tro u b le ; '
even experience w ill n o t b rin g th em
selves to the unnatural and un
w ladom . I do n o t th in k th a t I traduce
sanitary surroundings of the city;
th e ele p h an t w hen I say th a t I t Is. in
as the live senses become blunted
m a n y things, a stupid a n im a l.
and dull, their owner appears to
R eg ard in g an ele p h an t being unable
to express w ith hia countenance fe el­
be gradually losing individuality
ings o f affection , fe a r, desire, 1 th in k
and exist only ns an un inportani
n il those w h o have seen Honey sim u late
atom in the tui b i! Hood of human
drunkenness a t P ro cto r'» pleasure p a l­
ity. Home inen au-atoms all their
ace, in th e p a n to m im e, "l-'rom C afe to
Polioe S ta tio n ," w ill re a d ily a c kn o w l­
lives, but If the president of the
edge th ia e rro r. I t ia re a lly w o n d e rfu l
United Htates can go campin;’
ho w m uch fa c ia l expression an ele­
with the boys, why should not al'
p h a n t re a lly has— w ith a face skeleton
Americans who can get a week
so im p e rfe c t; th a t ia to aay, Its nasal
off follow h • example? Many ot
bones a re ru d im e n ta ry , w h ile the
m o u th , a ll o f the lo w er h a lf o f th e faee,
the Hons of hnniei Boone are
Is concealed beneath g re a t muscles at­
quite young, nud .their parents
tached to th e base o f th e tr u n k . B ut In
may object to these little fellows
sp ite o f th a t, and w ith hia ears u n ­
cumping alone, but there could bi-
cocked and his proboscis pendant, an
eleph ant's countenance ia fu ll o f ch ar­
no objections if the father of some
one of the boys went with then»
. T h e tr u t h ab o u t th e eleph ant is th a t,
to teach them woodcraft and
tre a te d k in d ly and considerately, he ie Unmoved, fo r Uve m inu tes, and y o u 'll
a g re a t, go od -natured beast, who, fo r understand som ething o f w h a t I have ' keep them under his eyes, and it is
h is roaster, w ill p e rfo rm an y pomlbele io go th ro u g h fo r ten tim e s th a t long ' safe to say that the man who vol-
la b o r o r fe at. T h e y are very affectio n ­ w ith o u t a break. F o r th a t rrSaon moet • unteers to take a fort of Boon-
a te and exceed ing ly jealou.-» o f a tte n ­ models p re fe r to pose fo r m ale rlasses. boys camping will hav<? the l i m e
tio ns fro m th e ir m aster. T h e re are Men alw ays have m ore consideration.
of his life, nnd the boys w il/h clp"'
•rogue" elephants, o f coarse, b u t they A w om an p a in te r w ill m ake you stand
him enjoy himself.
are seldom ro et w ith eVcept In large t i l l h e r ow n hand ia ttre d w ith the
Cancv ('ftUMur
■>»»* 1/C .O
Development of Oklahoma an« Mslgh-
boring Region» Surprise toB n-
ttrs Mattoa.
siBwmstmm. . rm* . - __ month
herds, end w h e re a tte n d a n ts do n o t un-
le rs ta n d ho w to tree» the brutes in
th e ir c h a rg e — I t . Y . Jctarnsl.
W E D N E S D A Y , .I V I V K
Chen Wood u c n * a eleen >*it> N>
Saauty wOheut i C Cascarela, Candy Gatkax
tie tienn ,u e r blood « jd koen H eleoao h;.
«»n ii.» up the leiy liver and driv-ns alIéW
j u r l i v - (to rn the buer. Rta iu M .lap u
■saisi lomuka, hoiU, UlsOtbea, MseWic^rv
mo that «wkly hi’too, oomplexioa i.y u k .W
usca.ecx -beaut) fur te».. ,ot». AU drus
ta u - «oùMutten guamateed. Wa IBa. m-
IL -4 y f i e f l J f l J
jU \ 7 U
/ it
" Y ijW /y f * *
unhealthy condi­
tion of the kid­
neys; if it stains
your linen It in
• v,<lenc*
ney trouble: ton
<reAuen< desire ta
pe»s It or pstn la
the back b also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­
der are nut of order.
W h a t to D e.
TO GUARD SHIPS against the unseen dangers at tea,
the United States Government mrdntains lighthouses.
T o guard your hem e against the un­
seen dangers cf food products, the Govern­
m ent has enacted a pure food law . The
la w compels the manufacturers o f baking
powder to print the ingredients on the
b b el of each can.
The OovaTJUtsrt hss end« the label yo a r protection—
that you tan rvckl alum—read it car-ifully, if it does not.
say pure cream of tartar ;«anc it back aod
ROYAL fa a pure, erewn c f tartar baking powdm— • para
product of grapes— aids tits dlgeshon — odds'to the heaM>-
fulness c f food.
Nothing has ever equalled i t
Nothing can ever surpass i t
say t o n » K W * i o t i
euratt Natura ale-v • Ww.v
do it, it Beoti* help.
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
ilrjg urttfc n
A Perfect
C u re :
For All Throat am
L un g Trouble».
There Is comfort In the knowledge an
often expressed, that D r. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root. the greet kidney remedy fulfills svsrp
wish in curing rheumatism, pein In the
keek, kidneys, liver, t ladder end every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects tnsbIHtv
>0 hold water and scalding pein in passing
•t, or bed effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being cOTipelled to go often
lu rin r *ht day, and to gst up many times
A--:.,g the right. The mild and the extra­
ordinary effect of S w a m p -R o o t Is soon
II stands the highest for Its won­
derful cures of life most distressing casas.
If you need a medicine y->u should nave the
best. Sold by d ugglsts Ir 50c. an d $ l. sUea.
You may have a sample bottle of this
discovery ____ K '/T '-
and a book that t e l l s « H M d K & ~ % |
-norc about It. both s e n t H ^ ^ l b ' i O
¿ 3
tbsolutely free by m all.
address D r. Kilmer k
Baa* « Svwaekast
Co., Binghamton, N . Y . When writing men­
tion reeding this generous «dhr in this paper.
For Partridge, Wood­
cock, Sqnirrci or Rabbit
Shooting the
l m pvtM Ost,
m so