Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1916)
ffiffiOOR D ean Mastenbrook 0 £l Jeweler He tkoagltt the title feed, far he had fought ire « eld C w m to had eat tha deed was act as record; he weald file a at eace. The Pateat he had aever sees, hat weald leek that ap toe. Tha foyer m ated the farm ii the title was ¿hod, hat had te be sham. The deal fell threagh. urday Port4)rford, Oregpu, First-class in every raepect. nouncement of the little feliuw’s a triv a l should have been made in our la»t issue, but waa overlooked. S ta b le atta c h e d . W. A. WOOD Fran k Haw kins spent Sunday iu «own, having taken several pasaeu gers from Gold Beach to B.ndon in hie auto. M r. aud Mrs. H aw June moved to the county .eat a couple of weeks ago, and expect to a there d u rin g the summer. LAW GO LU BEACH. OKKUOX Boyle Jewelry Co. 0FFEB8 FH EHBSWP LIMKS [ Port Orford Monday after the road grader. Supervisor Marsh is througli who have been in the mountains he reports a scarcity of gaaw. In .the upper Sixes country be say« that the panther are making *big inraid» in the number of deer by k illin g Have your friends give JSW a link Mail orders promptly handled does and fawns. BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Cando,i, Ori. Geo M . Sm ith has been .(tending a few d a y . in town from hia home stead near Mussel Creek. M r. Smith has secured the (J»»* and C urry agency for the Salem Nursery Co-, and those who contemplate buying fru it trees w ill do well to consult him . H '» headquarters w ill lie at Expert Watch repairing a Specialty We carry ue ac’ta. C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. P h y sicia n and 8nrgeon Port O rfo rd , but lie expect, to es ta b li.h distributing points at other Gold Beach, Oregon. towns in the two couutiea. ' T . L. Curey, manager o f the Wed derburn Trad ing com pany, Mrs. Carey I nil two children, and M r. A T L A M Al y I tie P o in t, O regon. and M r .. F. A. Btewart who have been visiting at the Carey home for the past several months, came up from W edderburn last Saturday by automobile. »Mr. Csrey and fam ily Probate business a specLItv. D E N N IS C U N N 1 F F , J tt., Lep. U. 8. Mineral Sarveyo* returned to W edderburn Sunday afternoon, where hia duties, espec tally d u rin g the tishiiig season, keep Surveyor for the District o; O r egon. G o ld B e a c h . - Sixes d u rin g the past weak. lir e . Clarence W rig h t went • on him on the jum p. N o tic e o f Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursuant V to an order o laaie made atnl entered by the County Court of Curry county. State of Oregon, on the iWh day «t A v r i l , l 191«, i n o , i in n i ine n e m a t t e r 0 of « u io « estate -B ia v e A pril, matter the f e “ r MM T ; Ì S ^ b i . L ^ sell at private sale, by sealed bids, on Thursday, Wav ¡» 'b m l«, to the high- ie a t and hist bidder (or cash jn band, the following described property: The East half of Ixit Eight in Section thirty-two in Township- 32 South of Range 16 West o f the Willamette Wo rld iau, Currv county, Oregon, subject to the confirmation of the oourt. Ten per cent of the offer must aocom(>any each bid, cash or certified oheek. P. J. L i mobs no. Administrator of the estate of » Thomas Corneltu»».ile»c»sed Date of first publication April 28, 1,18. Trespass N otice. PYORRHEA AND ITS EFFECTS to Have you ever heard of Pyorrhea? That is a name given to that disease of the gum«, characterised by spongy, sore, swollen, bleeding game. They usually look red instead of pink and Weed very easily. The gums keep «ceding and the teeth look larger than they should; flnal- * * • Ueth get lo w . and you can almoat pull than» out with your fingers. When they gat in that condition there to a great deal of pus aad poison formed and every time you swallow some is carried into the stomach, giving rise to a 1 great many ailments such as dyspepsia, indigestion, auto-in toxication, rheumatism, heart disease and bad breath. i two oceans by building the canal, a couple of days in Port Orford last but ba need nut bring into the fam week. ily all those poor relatione in Cen Miss Id a Ilainea has given up the tral and South America. idea of teaching the G old Beach school A salesman who never opens hia end has le lu m td to Portland, where sample esse toon fails a t busioeas, she w ill resume teaching in the pub but th a t is the way some persons lic schools at th at place. Carry around their religion. Shipping is paralysed on thia Miss Florence Vondergreen came coast by a long shoreman's (trik e of Tbe mind can hardly euaprahamL up the Aral of last week, on her way over 10,090 men, winch has lied up the magnitude o f the slaughter a t to Eckley, to begin a term of school boats jo every Pacific coast port in Verdun. Fifteen thou.and men at that place, but concluded to re tlie United* States. The men are mewed down in fifteen miuutes, one main over u n til after the In s titu te. asking for a 10 per cent increase in thousand a m inute. There was D. H . Divelbiss, of U pper Sixes, th eir wage., and in view of tlie enor never a like slaughter in tbe history was in town last week. M r. Divel mous profila made by ship owners o f the world. W ar is insanity and bias, like all the residents of the at thia tim e and the high cost of fighting men are blood-erased lun 8ixes and Eckley country, is deeply liv in g , i t would seem that their de a lic t. M ay thia country keep out. interested iu the building of a wag mand i» reasonable aud jual. on road from the Sixes bridge to D id the longshoremen strike start T h e Zum w alt Bros, traded their a t Port OrfordT I t 1« true that they E ckley, hut there seems to ba a Chevrolet automobile in on a 1917 struck here first, and some of them « rio u a difference of opinion a t to Buit-k Six last week. T heir new struok m ighty hard, bat not like the most suitable route, w hich may car ia the first of its kind to"be own most ports, here tbe men h td the be detrim ental to tbe early aom ple- tion of the road. M r. Divelbiss and ed in thia vic in ity , aud ia a machine sym pathy o f the com m unity. others w ant the road to follow tha th at its owners are justified in tak ing considerable pride in. The Early Day Items From The C «s Bay* river to E ckley, while a considers hie num ber claim tbe road should Huick has proven itself one of the News. leave the river and follow the ridge best cars m anufactured to withstand via J. W . W ilson’s place. I t is tlie hard knocks of our coast roads. The following items wereclip|*ed the C o o t' Pr" b* b*# two Pet‘ ,ion' w i,l h* Pre from the current issue of J. H u n tle y, editor of the G old ‘ sen ted a t the next term of the Coun Beach Reporter, passed down the Bay News, and first nppesred in ty Court. I t m ight be well for thoee coast Saturday on his way home that paper aa new* on M ay 30,188 3: luterealed to discuss tbe m erit* of from an extended ' trip in the eaal. J. H u n tle y , Eeq., has established the different routes through the col H e visited in Iow a and at hia old a law office at Ellensburg, umns of the T r ib d n b . home near Carthage, U liuois, and The m ail from Bandon to Port W alter Riley arrived from Gold on bis return .visited with h i. daughter, »Mrs. W in. Goff, of Spo Orford w ill ba carried in a buggy Beach Sunday evening, on his way to Coos bay. H e was d riv in g a dou kane, Wash , and also w itb another during the summ er months. Slate Gam e W arden, Carl D. 8hnem aker, and K. F. A v e rill of the The Post Bays the spring run of daughter, Mrs. W. E T om pkin s of Biological Departm ent at Washing- S o rlh Bend. I t was M r. H u n lley’a salmon in Rogue river continues mn, pas»ed through Port Orford first visit to bis Illin o is home in 4« good, and th at the fish are of excel last way north. u b i evening e v e n in g i on n i i their iic ir ""j lent q uality. years. The gentlemen came in vis . G ra n t, D r Vondergreen’s bouse at E lle n * Paes and Crescent c ity , it b ein g M r. burg w ill toon bn>completod, and Sheriff Bailey Turn* Benedict. Shoemaker*« Br»t visit to C u rry in the people ol th at section feel ju b i h i* official capaMW- »Mr. A v e r ill’ - — ■■ - — lant over the acquisition of a com MpjMiinled three men in this county Sheriff Charles H . Bailey and petent resident physician. to h un t predatory anim als for tlie Mixa K ale Lehnherr were uuittjd in M . Doyle, of Elleosburg, visited Biological D e p a rtm e n t J. G. H i l l : m arriage by Rev. W . H . M yers last was given the position a t thia place) T hursday evening. The uoupla slip the ba.’ last week fur the purpose -Itorneys in a proceed and is an excellent man for the prd quietly away from their bom» In g in tlie Circuit Court a t Ellena- work. ( * in.G old Beach and th eir marriage W h ile fishing in Uie ocean at w hat! at thfe place came a« quite • suamburg, in which be is the defendant. ¡a known a» tlie Fi»h Rocks, several prise to their many friends # I t appear* that a M r. Sprat lately ble team and a two seated carriage H e looked lonesome, but we have a »uspicion that he ill not re tu rn alone. W alle r report* d u ll limes at Gold Beach at present. No Ash iu the rive r, tha hotel left tbe w orthy official and his w ill par and ing prisoner in POOLE. rubber—« M c K B N H E * men and hung up h i* nets; the Alaska Compnuy ootitinue* fishing, but w ith poor success. F O R S A L E — Some young pigs, a fat cow and some ye arlin g vteers In q u ire of McKenate A Poole. P . J. C H K N H T A (X L , M g fir . . Han’s Family Fitto tor BANDON, OREGON TELEPHONE 1222 BAND CONCERT N e x t S a tu r d a y N ig h t D ig u p t h a t h a lf d o lla r a u d c o m e — b r in g t h e fo lk s ! N E W L IN E O P I-ADIES A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H ; INGS, D R V GOODS, N O TIO N S, GROCERIES C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS G all and g e e 0 u r L ines D e n m a r k M e r c a n tile Co. . S to r e closed down, and people scattering out. M r. H u m e ha* discharged all his m ile* south from Port O tford, N . M r. Bailey is one nf C u rry ’s pro* turned up in the « n in ty , w ith a For Sale. Notice is hereby given to a ll persona Furgensen fouled h i* line on the peroua ranchers, and is also a popu- power of attorney from tome tnan A good saddler and driving home; Whom it may concern, not to enter up bottom a week or so ago and pulled lar politician, having been twioe in the east, whoae grandfather or oa or trespAsa upon the premises of L . weigh* about 1100 lb*.. wiU sell reason ! to the service a clp -ter of barnacle« J elected by large m ajorities to the great father l* supposed to have Knapp, for tba purpose of bunting, or able. Call on or address J, B C ube , fisbliiL With uooa and line. Said pre I clint is the finest specimen of its o ffice of sheriff. T lie b rid e ia a n ao been washed ashore on tba M aim , Port Orford, Or, mises are situated on Elk River, Curr» kind ever seen at this place. The complished aud estim able young now held by M r. Doyle under a pat- County, Oregon, and generally known leu barnacle» form ing Ilia d u -te r | l l woman of northern C u rry , and won [ en t from tbe United Slates; th n n p as the "Bond** place. 1 open in tbe same <lireali<on. and « s k a ' n sweeping victory at tbe late pritn- plicant claim ing that he then in a n y person or persosa m iraapa<e- T h e re la m arc C a ta rrh h l th ia aarttoe tended tot locate it a» a donation o f the coun try than alt o th er dtaeaoaa isg for tba purpose of hunting, fishing 1 a stool about a f<a*t bigb and some aries in the raoe for tlie Democratic pe t toarcther. and to r p a r e H w aa sap- T h e m atter w ill ooineap for bearing soaed to he la c u ra b U D o M m b p re ov travrllng thiongh in any ahaph form j eight inches in diam eter, which ia , non>:.i>ation as County Treasurer. scribed local rem«dt«a. an d by «asatant- turned ' nt the uexl term of court. .D o y le • r manner, or tearing down fences, or | nicely ligianoed th at it seta u p . , In tbe evening the band ly ra tlin g to cure w ith local lr«atapu»t. It tncuraM a. Catarrh to a lastin g out eide g toe open, or molest right on a small base. Several of out and serenaded M r. aad Mrs. ba* ritaio nd H axrrd and W atson, pronounced beat dtjeaa.. «really ln«u«n«8 hy ren- ing personal property, will be prosecu the barnacle cup* are perftoily eliap ! Bailey at the K n ap p hotel, and *f-. anil Sprat is represented hy J. H u n t a tttu tlo n a l cond itio n , and tborrtorc r e aulras constitu tion al t r w t m . n t H a i r , ted to tba fa ll estent of the law. ed and are about 3 inches in depth? t»r lb4 beaming sheriff hafi treated ley. O u r iiifurm snl aeys a Sprst c a t a r r h C are, m an ufactu red hy F . J. Ch«n<y U On.. Us I iS o . Ohio, to a cooM I- Ww>. K. Johnson, won't catch ngapkersl in Rogue riv tu tlo n a l rearndy. la « * « ■ ta ta rn a lA I of the above aud diam eter. M r. Furgensen w ill the boy* to cigars sad the girls to sad acta th ru t h . Blood o n t h t named premises m ount this m aritie curio on a ped candy and he and bla bride bad re er. B u rtae re o f t h . B retem . Ona D oH are re w a rd la o d fo r th a t H a n ’S C a ta rrh C ure fa lls estal xm l exhibit it at (he Agate oeived well wishes and congratula Bond fo r c irculars aad tretlm o i Wa buy h id « , mcks, bra«, cop- FOR SALE. C arn ival. I t was hoohsd and b ro k lions galore, the party broke and Logging Donkey in gord condition en from the rock th at it waa fu to n Liria and equipment practically ito ~ ’ Apply to N . H. L asson . j ed to in 3« fathom o f water. bit longer? Or have a tooth pulled that “ almost kiltod you’ as they commonly aey? Those things have nearly everyone who has gone to a dentist, till aueh a dread and fear of a dentist that they would rather tot their teeth go than to go through the torture of having th a« Axed- i can do all the work with no more pain than the prick of a needle. This method to wonderful tossy the least You say “ yea, but don’t it have bod effecta’ ’’ Positively no; it has been used in Germany for eleven years and to tha only anesthetic that has been employed any length of time with a record of no fatalities. 1 have used thia method for four years and know its value. You can ait in the chair for hours if necessary and have your work ail done up in a short time. I can woik faster than by tbe old method because you do not feel any pain, either from cutting the tooth or from the heat caused by the rapid drilling. That enables me to do your work bettor for 1 can cut the cavity the way it should be and tbe work will laat as it should. I also give gas and aomnoform if preferred. Having purchased the practice of Dr. L. P. Sorensen I am located in tba First National Bank building of Bandon, «bare I wiU be pleased to examine your teeth and give you estimates of cost. I will make regular trips to Langlois and Port Orford. Ona trial wifi convince you of my superior methods. » Yours for bettor dentistry. DR. F. H. VOGO lie w ill J tin »Mrs. H e w itt, who pre Ils a long lane that has no Fords, ceded him by several seeks. O w Item s F ro m A w a y B ack. ing to the la tte r’s health the couple and aocidente. From the files of the Taiaoas of July w ill m ake Uuis. future home in that Gossip ia the hcedlees chauffeur 18, 1SU3, W alter 8utton publisher: section. F o r the past several year* wbo never stops to consider the 1«- M r. H ew itt has taught very success j ured. fu lly in the public school at Gold Zahniser's new store buildin g is Beach? T lie man who hailed on third looming up. T h e band boys are preparing an b a « Io congratulate himself failed B O R N — In P o rt Orford Oregon, interesting program for Saturday to make a home run. on Saturday, August 5 th , 1893, to night, and those wbo attend w ill A good State Legislature ia an the w ife o f George F o rty , a daughter. not only be spending th eir money able body of men aot in aeeaioa. Miss M ary Colebrook was visiting in a gond cause bat w ilt get value friends in Port Orford for a few days received for it. Those outside of W hen T . Roosevelt objected to last week. She returned home Sat tlie band who w ill « M a t w ith the race suicide he did not mean tbe urday. program are, the L ottie and Presidential race. Neats F o rty , Misa Iiiex Woodcock, Miss L » ly Sutton accompanied The Am erican— tba great patriot Robl. Paakins hofee last Wednesday, Miss Eunice Jam ieson,C. H . P e a r« on earth— rises gloriously to tbe for a few days visit among friends and Mrs. H . T . Stewart. Star Spangled Banner aud then re at Gold Beach. « There has been a fa ir run of spring members ho doesn't know the Joseph A . Haines, one o f tha pion salmon on Rogue rive r since tbe words. eers of C u rry , who owns a beautiful season opened, tba Macieay Estate Uncle Sara may have married tbe and valuable home at Eckley, spent company having packed from 200 using the grader i|i this district, snti to 300 fish per day. Up to the pres l l w ill now he. pul to work on the ent a ll tha salmon have been going roads in llie northern end of tbe to this company, but tha Seaborg sounty. cannery is to start operation this D e|uily F ire warden, B. W . Dean, week when the catch w ill be divided is getting the trails io this section and liv e ly times are expected ou tbe pretty w»ll opened. L ike others river. Be the Brat girl to get one A TTO H N EY R L . W, road supervisor in the Langlois district,.nam e down to In Gold Filed or Sterling Sil ver, engraved with three initials a t 20 cents each. Start your friend with a link engraved with your initial for a bracelet. Tan to twelve are enough for one bracelet. We connect them »-RKK if bought from us. Final catches 20 cents each. Thia is the very latest in a L. A . R O B E R T S , tuer A baby boy was born to M r. and Mrs. W m. R John ton at their E lk river home May 29th, 191«. A n P r o p r ie to r . Ne. 5 4 L forenoon loaded witb chandite for W edderburn. She went on and entered -»the river in tbe aflernoou oLthe tame day. knap £ hotel ATTORNEY AT visitors in town from their home on hidee— U o K u w c A P oo l «. The R u stler waa in port la ri Sat aa abstract aad be ready. Feed HfitoMtoaotoffirf^«« ■tostato B in d C o n o rt 3a turd a v night, Teeth And Modern Dentistry Mr». E. L W hite returned Satur hia old Ford back to the factory aad Seaborg cannery at Rogue river. day from a few days viait with friend, is notv the owner o f a brand new Batik Reck jitn e y . “ Bob’’ Is now more popu a t Bogue river. lar than ever, and hia friends be F. B. Tiehenor has accepted an By F. B T . Up to a few yean ago it waa elaimed that Pyorrhea lieve that the neat announcem ent in vitatio n to deliver lire oration at could not be cured. Today we can positively cure it. I have about him w ill out be relative t o 1 Latter w ritin g weak June )2 lh to . taken two post-graduate courses on that disease, one of Dr. the 4th of Ju ly celebration at Lang 17th. automobiles. ' C. If. Carr of Chicago, in 1913, and one of Dr. A D. Black, loia. ' of Chicago, in January, 1918. These men are recognised as . I A deputy U n ited Stales marshal Flag Day June M th . leaders in the science of dentistry. E. A. Lindberg drove hia wife ,1M o„ Coog B„ y teceilV,y , ub Fourth of Ju ly Celebration a t I Did you ever go to a dentist to have a nerve killed, and and child to Bandon M onday, from : p ,^ oaing , nutnber of w itne.,es for Langlois. have to go back three or four times to hava your tooth treat- whence they went on to Ma rshfield „ fcu— t .. a federal invastigation o f the alleg M id summer rare meet at M y r t l e '* 1 then h,ve “ hurt J“ 1 “ “ “ *” e wben to visit for a tim e w ith Mrs. L in d ed riflin g o f m ail pouches during Point J u ly 3rd aod 4th. nerve. n .i.» » berg’a pareuts. - „ the tooting of tlie steamer Santa J PAINLESS DENTISTRY Postmaster A. 8. Johnston left C lara, which waa wrecked al tbe en S ixth A n n ual Agate C a rn iv al at Did you ever have him drill in a live tooth, trying to re Port Orford August 10th, 11th and move all the decay, when you felt you could not stand it a yesterday for A lb an y, where be goes trance of the bay Inst winter. aa a delegate from the lodge at L»og R I). H e w itt passed up the coast 12tb. 1 >i. to the Mason io convention in tbe latter part o f last week on his C ikn ) Bay Railroad celebration FIRST NATIONAL the W illam e tte valley towu. way to the W illam ette valley where August 24th, 2bth and 26th. RANK BUILDING G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n G o rd lings I Local Happenings M n . J. O . H ill made a abort bus- : M cK E N Z IB A POOLE— While i new viait to Gold Beach laat week, can vae aboes 90c and 91. Hon. 8. P. Peiroeand wife were) Wa buy eaeka. braee,copper and MvKensie A Poole hare tbe agen- Poi“ 1 >•« * * * k • • * W ‘ witb relatives. Port Orford Agate C arn ival Aug. ency f ° r *!»• Bandon steam lau nd ry I 10, 11, and !2. Articles 1,41 by 1 uesday w ill be re-1 The W alatrom suto truck from Bandon, pasted down the (toast yea- The L ad le . Aid w ill meet Friday turned on Saturday. R >bt. MuKanxis J r. h a . traded torday with Ov. Chinamen for the with Mr». P. J. Lindiw rg. Carr, Count; Abitract- Riiltj Company. C. K N A P P k TW O J Cvlcbrale the 4th at Laagloia. Watches and Cloeks repaired at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Post O rford , O rkoon . Get « The Place Where Ton Get • Square Deal To better acoommixîate out growing trade and increasing nutnber of patrons we have been compelled to add to our general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, aa follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the oelebrated Web ber Wagons, été., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies* Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipés, Tohacco, Candy, Nuts a i d o-» lions, Rolled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed Grain. » O rders ta k k x for anythim u wot oh hahd G iv e ns»« t r i l l i o r d e r J A3.5 CAPPS. P ro p .