o i (Hr - ■ '1 V o lu m e 1 itiönne. ...... X X V . P O R T O R F O R D , i ' T he women college« of thto coun­ try have graduated a ll th e ir claaa- ea, and the girls who b are reaped the tangible rew ard o f a foor year«’ course in the shape of a di­ ploma hare passed into th a t state of life to which it pleased the pow­ ers to eall them, says the New York Han. As in the case o f every Mass th a t is graduated from a women's college, many o f throe student's h are prepared them- m ires to be teachers or fo r work In other" fields of Inteltectna. ?a- learor. Horae wiiLJollow profes­ sions, sorb as lttw and medh-iue, or w ill take u p lh e practical study o f economica, which has interested during recent ream so many r o.kssM« women who b are labored to gire f in c o w x P a | I A M a m ..U .S .A . I hemsclves the advantage of a col­ lege edacatioa. Theh influence of these coliege- ° * th* W gold place from c ir c u la * » bred women haa been fo r the good and tha premium hls cola commands aa of th eir sex, and of a ll those with • eurlo have set many to rummaglcg In oM pocketbooks and the bottom of cash whom they came into contact ere r bossa and drawers la march of odd or out dnee women began to go into pro­ o f data cotas. Soma bare found a two fessional life, and it is too late now dollar piece, but not a w a y . say a tha Port­ to question the value of theirserv- land Oregonian. The two dollar piece, ices to f t e world. W omen doc­ S«ita common, but always a sort of curiosity, ts oftenar found, sad many representing fig and M esata, which ware not minted by the general government and probably have not so much sold In them as th ;v » presen t They used to gaas se cola, but wore aevar In general elrcala tlon. being so easily lost that they tors may not become the moat em­ inent in th eir profession, but they ran accomplish great good in the treatm ent of »M oen, more espe- •inlly. W omen lawyers may not make the greatest Jurists, but they are able to be of service to the defranded oe wronged mem- iters of th e ir own sex. The achieve­ ments of those who have taken up the calling o f practical sociology are among the most notsble which are to be put to tbe credit of wom­ en college graduates in thia coun­ try. O R E G O N , L early age is supposedly learning life while the students are a till at their books. S4. iO lO . N um ber 7 For Partridge, Wood­ cock, Squirrel or Rabbit Shooting the •o much admired by their m .n leads l u A k P L C t them to (ba practice of • form of. beauty culture which has lately re- suited lu the death o f Jane Mold, who -¿ U I M t succumbed th e « o th rr day to aa Mb n , u induced by the habitual eoa- * sumption o f raw starch and uncooked eonvthcnr sroof Hsa. says B I.« * and W hite. dw are nut eford I t Is a well-known practice la the u north, and hundreds of woman who Thera I* oom w ork In tbe ««Ida hare the white often expramod, 1 magnolia roinpleaiua-t reetslUng fro m i Hoot, the great h ( h i. treatm ent. | T he W orthwnbrtaa woman hare a n -| ^lle?” Looking around frantic search o f all the side pockets passenger on hoard who had had some be fountfl two Ipixora women, who hesi­ and receptacles la her bag. “ f only experieqge w ith the beasts before. He tatingly explained th a t they were ru l­ ordered your luncheon because yon went todhe cook and got him to mnke ing on a pass made out in the name o f a wouldn't order It yourself, and we’d a lot of dumplings^ He esine on deck gentleman and his wife, end as the gen­ waited ao long for you. That’s why w ith three or four rfuqgn of them and be­ tleman was not preaapt, they wanted j I hail the tee, too, and ordered one for gan tossing them Io the sharks. They the gcnisl-looklng cIMten to plnce hix Marcfiann. I waa going to ask you to snapped, them down eagerly. Now you lo u g b t tick e t a t the diapeanl of one , pay for my Ice for that matter. I must begr In mind that these dough lady, and «alee the other one under his thought you got paid to-day.” balls In <$>ming from the caok had time w ing w hile be personated the absent 1 “ I do get paid on Monday usually,“ to cool op the outside, ao that aa they owner of the fiats. i explained the distressed Jennie, “bat "W hich la ttl'y w ife?" he in flu lm l, , the new rule shout paying on Tuesday slipped down tbe shark’s throat he did not notice anything out of the way. But w ith ah Inward q u alA Jest his own ab- ' goes Into effect 4*1« weak. I M U t the inside of the ball waa like a fiery w n | better h alf ahouid ever hear the i to ask one of you girls to pay for my luncheon In the flrjf nUgn. How about furnace, a n d in a minute a fter It had story. | vntt Uawohsas«» r “ You can take your choice, sir," said been swaflowed the h in t began to act. I don’t believe there IV anything hotter the lady In search o f an escort, and he than hot dough, hnd If not exposed to promptly dkl ao by takin g «he arm of the e lr It.keeps riot. N e ll, you should the younger fa ir one under hls own and hare seen those sharks jum'p plunge leading her into the ear. T ha couple cad throw thesritelvee. Jnevkaaaw any- proved to be rig h t Jolly traveling com­ I'tyng Jlke It la 'm y life. and. while I am p a n io n s and the c ltlie n ’oooly re g re t In kta'nya oppose^ to cfadlty, It doesn't the transaction waa due to a fear that ieem as If there sees ring harm In doing the story m ig ht leak out and get home n head o f hiss. All necessary operations in writing, billing or Statistical work are accomplished from tbe key­ board of the light running, easy adion M odel 10 (Visible) Wihe lev iofovsMhoa to The Smith Premier Typewriter C o , log. Syracuse, N .Y . Beds cvasywhsm N othing h a t ever equalled it. N othing ca n ever yergass it> Dr. King's New Discovery rorCôïSsra-.%. A Perfect For All Throat Cum : Lung Trouble*. OfoMyharoiVHIMs. T fiS hH w r s M " « " - ^ f e r i s c i » « . l e i . A 's t.J l ,^ .s n 4 W is e s t ss J B V ! W F * ï l A T f i F « p A rl u m roi ► fM iród Ar 1 >4-, «|s4 C«» *• « Ix I r » 4M SW IFT A CO.