ÿtof $ û ti trttv W éU U U U i the • □‘ •jeet o f jest and repronoh. people whoee life struggle it ba I Order Your New Suit -A -H . been to keep (be » o il front the door .1 As was foreseen by m any tboegbt- w ithout eating h im , and increasing fu ^ persona, Gernseey’s “ peees” of numbers of them w ill tell you th at W K D M W ftA T H i r 17tfe, tout. faring* have brnru a h a « aud intend inordinate aoeuiuulationa in the == ad to »II,A the blame for oonti»u»aoe Published jtrery w*Uu*d»y, br hands o f tha Special P rivileged few of the war o w l» tbe allies. B ut the are and must be a t the expense o f j H4MIA T. MTBWAKT. subterfuge w ill not mislead m any. the m any; that whoever acquires W hen G aripany has reduced her wealth w ithont rendering an equiv- f W ho will be at the K napp hotel each Saturday and SURaORIPTIOh KATKfc. I p e a c ” prnpunala to definite term* nlent in useful service <>f some sort 8 uuday with a fine and up-to-dule lin e of m ade-to-m easure OuQopyOïM Year...................»Mo g»« * 5 ? ° “/ ............... n the clnveii'firot ha» been as posed to has rendered men and women iu the sam ples to select from. H ave your clothes made in th e « i ftwe Oopy Three Ifonih»............ v ia * . She w ill gat out of . Belgium inasa who toil and produce wealth iate8t g, y ie . Prices reasonable. NO F IT , NO SALE, p ith a string to it, and sleims a big _________ ”__________ poorer by Just so niuch; nt the very ; ______________ ind em nity but doaa not axplioitly least, Ute opportunities o f any of ' — . , rt . • r l > -i j projutaiUon th at, in scientific book- aay from «h o rn . T h a tru th is, she .i the units of the mass are curtailed. ; * . , ... . . must have« ------ _ _ | keeping, every d J eb L ’ it ------- " u-------- realises th a t she oannot hold out ag ain il ths inevitable In d e fin ite ly .1 T ake lbs career o f J. P . ------w— ______ „ credit ----------------------- -------- Morgan, --------- corresponding and every cred - Aoramawe Bavas B babocaulb . whose first explo it of moment took ’ U a oorreeponding debit. And th e or£ £ And the Kaiser, in his resp»n>a ing to the breaking into the m illion i fundam ental fact applica « n o « a | Election next F rid ay. to President W ilto n ’s latent note, aire e ia « was in his purchase from few people take to thera«el vee large j Call and see me, or send full deecrip- surrenders w ith a condition, an«Tia the m anufacturers early in the war gains, rendering wo corresponding tion and list your property with me. Seldom^ i f ever, in the hi elory o f equal to adherence to the mono Somebody Oregon, have tbjs people itf the s la te ' W ei,tai aM u inp liu n that the sub I of the rebellion of 0,000 cavalry oar i equivalent in value. A G ENT for Underwood Typewriter. biota oondemned by tbs Governm ent must loss. A n il so it goes rig h t ¡ aervjsd fey a store efficient S hi . y u rh ie r*ign o f terror was naug 1 , .. , . , I , . . . . . . - - AU old machines of any make taken ra . . .u __ . 1 1 , , •• • . ' M not o nly worthless, but ac tu a lly s ong while the hapless victim » of Slats than the present t i n - , uraied 1 „ , u_ B , . . . part payment. pstnry y o o f Stale uruied in retaliation against the A i. _—. i , ---------- ' For these ----- ■— he agreed — — — » u y o f them — — ,. . _ ... ... .. . _ I .. , j dangerous. tq extortion— a || ll tjo too m m a any pgm hent, Ben W. Oteott. lis le en- British blockade. This in d h e fao el . . , , ; | . , . Careful and prompt service given t j a With L i. bon«», u . end i cour. ... of » the . » . pay e2 2o apiece soon thereafter go ^ right dowed s l b iu iil.y fact . » fam d iar to every one who £ (he and q aar, . riBa. Ur ! J U m on . currying torches In the the business of non-residents. age apd i f the oitiaens of Ibis state e a rn to remember, r h . t i t was w biI. G an. J „ hn c . Pr. F. B. TIC HENO R, w an t a “ square deal” in th at offfew «*"•“ lM command for $23 50 Severs) nf the people up here hsva Port Orford. Oregon, w>, # they need not Jocfe fyrifier than Bve ivt IffMkrfts submarine dog. of w ar, 1 told me that they Intd received a “ ■ gnd sfte rs h e had resolved tu com printed sheet in which it ia stated Fur this and o ilier blunders Gen. m endar e ll foot stuffs, and to dole with both G a r. ¡ same qut tq her o ivil population by Frem ont was removed to a post (in that Judge Coke is urging the elec O u r relations i improved ' m ilita ry au th o rity , th at the B rillali North C arolina Is th in k ) by Presi tion of M r. Johnson asx Diet. A ttor m any and Mexico have K UM M O N H, i ney. I t is doe to Judge Coke as gritfeU {the pest few days. A ll dan Order» in Goqncil organising the dent Linouln, where there was noth well as M r . Johnson to »1st« that ing for him to do, good or bail. gar q f s fegeqfe p ttb <b.e form er gov felochada were leaned. I N T H E C IR C U IT OOURT O F T H E this is a misapprehension of the pur BTATE O f OREGON, »OR T H E ernm ent seems tq have been avoided L et us follow M r. Morgan now to |iort of a Courteous note th oo giit. T b s Coquills Beulinel Is m aking CO UN TY OF CURRY. for the present nt isaat, w hile i t 1» a heroic fight in favor o f the people, the point where he engaged in the ieasly included among others ,»riol Raleigli Jurrian and Stated th a t Cerran>a troops are now aqtfeorlung a large hqnd issue for industry o f “ reorganising” railroads*ed a - a . . iu . the .. circular | iuir.kluoi&g Lester Jordan, feeiptog tfee American» io rqnoing PUlstlfis. road building purposes, and takes whose bankruptcy hqel been, i ,u “ whom it may concern" dow n tha M exican bandits tfeat vs taaua w ith the peeHtoq assumed by moted, i f nut by him self, thei 'tTby and dated at Marshfield March 2, Marie L . Howell, and Jefferson D. Hot Springe- Hoa-elL her husband, Ktbreal Jor paany and correctly, that a pay-as other speculators. i 19IÔ, more than » year previous to dan, Clinton Jordan, Ha-nuel Jordan, ___ a : i * M Kf r. a> J I ilinu^n you-go policy ia as correct when ap dmsan liecoming s candidate. Ida M. Ray, formerly Id a M . Pitser, H is most profilable venturi -to and Tliouins Ray, Iter husband, Jaue H o n . /.qfeq B. Coke has a word to plied to county a ffiirs as to hull L- ! F . . . t . o fi Doe Rexford, wife ol John Rexford, 5 ___ S f _________ t o ^ i s j ^ i 7 _ I t l L . . £ r T ” " ' 7 . " hiiftself— the V- 8 . was 8 tm l tha T ru s organisation t e s p ita lix , d a t ' „ ’ « '« * * «» - U ^ e l y th a t, if M r. Janies M. Leach, h taltand of Hoplda ™ í b J . f a Í S ' jld Íé c o J lit ? ? " " ’ ’ , m o r. than o n . b illion dollars No »e.herger had bs.,, .m e m b e r o f i f . Leach, aud June Doe Riley, wife or J W, Kiley, | putable fact th at Judge Coke h a. bus,nee. ia based up«« “ credit,” , * hM Hn(J c je h(W tbe Court, he would have stood for Hefendanta. S f t i i l e ^ v t o ? n ^ i n ^ h e i i i W h i k * * “ d * 1*1* ” bT * * “ » • « ‘ “ a., h a lf of • ’‘ ameles, extortion involved in To Ethreal Jordan, Jane Doo Rex g elf w hile serving upon the bengh | , ,,,orB „ „ r e e l statem eai o f a very i (h ¡ , WHter) pure , IU| ! M "to ter. hill for publishing the ford, wife of John Rexford, James M . ; Leach, husband of Hoplda E. beach, 1 Coos and C p rry oouotiss. H e is lamentable faeu______ ¡»im ple. Y e t we are a ll kept p o r ¡ ’^ kep o rt tax forechiearc». H e «ould and Jane Doe Riley, wife of J. W. Kiley, the above named defendants; pesmss ad o f n clear legal mind, le bave held him down to law ful lim i In the name of tho State of Oregon : i A nd the pay ee you go theory is by having to pay interest and riivi git indefatigable worker, aqd, ropat you are hereby required to appear and tatim i* of. 10c a description which im p o rth n t o f a ll. ia not moved by fey po means impraoticsble, for, as in dends on this “ water” in the en . answer th<> com.-dalnt llled against hanced price o f iron and which ia is more than am ple pay for the you in the above eutitlvd suit within g n y infiuenpg in his actions other providing funds for Common School six weeks from the date of the Hist pub a uoiveraal neoeoaity. And M r. work. And wli»t the^Ghiha means lication of. this summons, to-wit, with- ’ tfeag th a t of justice. H e » i l l d ou b t, support, the election to he feel«, iu by saying that the county made In six weeks fr- in .lie 12tli day of A p r il' Mprgan wee paid $62,000,000 for jg w rBStife th e big vote tfeat he ie Coos to authorise a bund issue, money in the transaction is beyond 1M16, the smut) being the date of the the job. pnuld authorise a m illage tax suf lirst publieatiou of this summons, and g au ged tq in tfem district. me. I t cannot to sell the little lots If you fail to appear an.l auswer in tbe ficient to meet road requirem ent, But we piust skip along h ittin g in the brush and canyons round above ei:tited t-uit < hi or before the: -----------« w r * — =■=■ thua saving to the taxpayers tfee o n ly ih e higher points. T h e sue 24tli day of M ar. 1UI8, tbe some living , I n easting your ballot a t the polls about for $5rt7. The valuable part the laet day of the time prescribed in thousands of dollars of interest, pieion has been strong th at M r. M or n s x t F rid a y do not he misled by of the dead town is not included io Ute order of publhatthni, jwtamunt wi I i whioh the nearly $ 4 j QO0,000 iu gan was not idle w hile the bankers be taken against vn i for the want empty campaign pjpraisee— n il too feonda w ill an tail. the pi is« poor old C u rry draws in thsreof, and the plaintiffs will apply 1 panic ufOotober 1907 was being or the lottery: as the^ptats covering the to tne c- u rt for the re lef di-m tiiddd In j gtofeF $ i tlmm are assde to bi* brofesn. their complaint asu-ciuct statement: fend tha Sentinel, unoonaciously ganiyed. T his panic ooel the coun improved p a rt had been rrj-o ied <>f which is aa follows: That plaintiffs Few ngn^idetaa w ill seek your snp p o rt th a t are w ithout poblic record. one must assume, gives its whole try a t large more than three billion and taxed as acreage and taxes paid title to toe West half of tlie West half of Section fourteen; Lots numbered dollars, w hile a com paratively few f t to the past they have been honest case aw ay when it says: up b y .tb« Portland mortagee. one, eight, nine, fifteen and aixieeu gf bankers and other oa pi tali »tic V u l Section fifteen; Ixita onw and two of “ I t is not too much to say th a t « a d efficient and coasoientioue in Section twenty-two; aud the North tu re. cleaned up sums a t least squat fu lly fifi p fro e n t of tha fortunes th a t irftap fes rg etf their duties they Gov. W ithyoombo’s candidate west quarter of the Northwest quarter your support, but i f have been made in Americn have to the toeeea tha public was made to against Olcott is a law yer politician of Section twenty-three, all in township i wtsrthy o f ’ yo forty. Sooth of Range thirteen west of jfeey have not been nil pieee it Is nqt ' been based upon the theory and 'suffer. T h e shareholders in the and not one law yer in tbe hundred the W ilb naette Meridian. Curry coun I great Tennessee Coal and Iro n Gnos- reasonable to prvtume they w ill be ' meeba, 1s n o f credit. ’ ty, Oregon, containing 49(1.1» auras ba is a bookkeeper or aocour.tant, cap |nieted in them ; tiiht defendants be r u s .' P’to y were plundered o f their a ll na a n y different in tbe- future. And ! things are, yes, that is , t ------ . aide o f understanding the routine of orever Inured from asaerting any |b e most dangerous of a ll to the B “ t »UL'b th in g , right, are they r* ° t this B ig Business Couspi theoffioe of Secretary of State. And claim whatever in said premises; that it be decreed that plaintiffs are the racy. B ut 1 rouat pass on- public welfare is the pngn whp»e ^*i r > arv tb*y J " *1 to the great on the Secretary of Slate is imposed owners in fee of said premises and for such other relief as to the court rhall talent enq he bought by the oorrup J 'r ity of the w orld’s people wl,° . - The sbameieaa looting o f (be great the office of A u d ito r of accounts seem meet and equitable. work and consum ef For these are ‘i w * Servioe or tills summons is made by New H aven railroad, aome o f the also. pubih-ation pursuant to an order made the people who, iu tha laat analysis Directors of which are yet under in Langlois, Ore. -------v . i y f i r i s m t . by Honorable John- 8. Coke. Judge of pay a ll and none nf whom shares in dictm ent cost the shareholders, very the Circuit oouit of the state of Oregon, Tfee sinking of tfee old steamer in and for the county of Curry, which 1 the profits derived from thestupen m any o f whom are widows and <> HARDY T \ 8TEW A R T Roanoke, which used to ru n to Cpoa said order bears date April 10th, l»lfl, doue annual interest charge fosepa- phan#> , h< d iffMellce between $211 aud directs publication of this sum P ay, off the 0oasl o f southern Cal, ruble from the current trensactiona a share and the $41 they had to sell IT. 9 . C O M M 1 8 8 I O N E H mons in the Port Orford Tai bums , a fo rn ia last wtefe w ith tfee loss of newspaper published in Fort Orford, P o r t Os*Tor<l, O r e g o n . o f a debt ridden N a tio n , Slate, and nt in the gregt crises, and m any In taxi Curry county, and directs that febout 4.Q lives, is qnqther sacrifice the same be published not lees than County; and all too few o f the vio m illio n s o f this lout was said to Jo Mammon. T h e few su rviving Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed once a week tor six suuoeaslve weeks. tim e of false and vicious economy have found its way in to the coffers W. A. W ood . neaday and Saturday of each week. psembers of the craw aay th a t p e r, Attorney lor Plaintiffs. realise that interest is something for of the Morgan banka. President Xitions had been removed from the nothing absolutely; that Ho man or M ellen testified that M r. Morgan pld craft ju s t before aha sailed so J . J . S T A I.E Y J. H . U P T O N , woman can shake o ff or dodge th is 1 bad fur years usurped the chief f h at more freight m ight ba crowded oharge, thia contribution toward the oontrol of the New Haven manage- NOTARY P ilB I-IC , |n to her, and i t is stated th a t area accumulation of the targe fortunes m eat. per oabins above dqo$ were ia m any LAItOto««. Otiaav Co., O bboos . lb s Sentinel had in m ind and which C O Q U IL L E , - . . OREGON ipetanuas jam m ed w ith hesgy goods. arelstijoyed by the cuuuiug and Now. the U . S. Steel Corporation, F o r Sal«- fey Being overloaded the vessel sprang grasping few. tha Tehneeaee Coal and Iro n Com a leak, and then turned tu rtle. T h e | A T T O I I N E Y A .T L A W There Is more Caiarrh In this section Kvery garm ept worn by tbe m il pany and the New Haven Railroad feaif p dozen or so of thp crew that of the country than all other diseases 21 Year» Practice in Oregon Courts were rescued d rifted in opep boats lions of poor people; E very neoes Com pany were and are bottomed pot toeether. end for years It was sup- to fcs Incurable. Doctors' pre ible. Doctor«' on “ C red it” and the results flowing G r o li l l l e u e l i , . • O r e g o n scribed local remedies, and by constant U n til they were found among dead shy tfeal each ran»l buy comas to ly falllnc to cure with local treatment, Companions fn d res,'red w ith d iffi. him charged w ith — Interest, Bent, from tbe comparatively recent m a pronounced It incurable. C atarrh Is a D i s t r ic t A t t o r n e y f o r C u r r y C o . local disease, greatly Influenced by con n ip u latio n o f these properties go stitutional eu lty. There la something wrong F reig ht, Insurance, T ariff. conditions end therefore re quires treatment. Hall's far to vindícale tha claim approv Catarrh constitutional w ith the system th at footers .o fi Cure, manufactured by F. J. Since “ Bonds” were invented by Cheney dt Co.. Toledo, Ohio, la a consti in g ly p u t forth by tbe Coquille V a l- to ’eratee a greed that '» evey end . . . ■ tutlonal tutional ratiMfly, remedy. la Is taken In te rn a l* N athan Rothschild in G erm any . ley Sentinel th a t moat o f our great ‘ to “ ,h» stood on t h . iiucoua anon taking its toll in hum an lives. , , . , , . . I *to System. O n . Rundrwl shout 100 years since, they have , .. , landen, Oregon in d ivid u al fortunes had been im - OoUara rwward It o ffm d fo r any case taen made the medium of extorting i the vigue o f the ’ teat H all's Catarrh Cura falls to cure, Frcm BANK OF POWERS Chas. E . M a th e rs , T h e T a ilo r ffa ô 2 v e ry J ’a c i l i t y 3P& f f a n à l i n g l 'o r a r B u s in e s s B a n i-iin g CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE by J t f a il S o lic ite d I n t e r e s t p a id on S a v i n g ¿ c ’ts . POWERS, OREGON SBw X— A N IN N W ORTH W H IL E up N E W L Y B 'lT T K O T A B L E TJM lSJCCEM LaUED COLD BEACH, OREGON H o t n u d C fo ld T u t» u n c i H ho-w ot* H u t it « toWM M r*. C. D . L am son , P ro p . Langlois Hardware Store #, ♦ I Hardware of all Kinds M c h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e * . E x tr a s fo i D a ir y in g O w borne, M il w a u k e e M a c h lia e r y . P a in t * , O il* & S t a m p in g ' P o w d e r P i n e l i n e o f G u n * , B a e e b a ll p a r a « p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g co d a k e p t in S to c k . ? D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s In v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F it t in g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a l l k in d * d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . t-._ » - Cheever ® Bowman. L a n g lo i s , O r. I awjw , Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store J . O- JO H N SO N DR. L. P. SORENSEN Resident Dentist ÇURRENT TOPIC8. b illio n s of dollars in the way of in - -c re d it'’ system in this country. terest, bun usas ajwi “ excfeengqÆ B ut a t whnae loa»? The big gainers By J. H-Urrov. ( - i n tho manipuhQiona of the above ” Bunds” were T hu m es Jefferson’s pnyrof Ts/iu)ya>- enterprises wore— J. P. Morgan, W h ile Oregqn eobqc) »tuhorjt,ee pet avereion. for he had the sagacity OeB W . F a r i n a , W illia m Rockefel- g t Salem »ere actually Seeking opt to see iu them the m eant o f e x t o r .1 ) e r -------- B<co„ H c . PHck , nd g »venues through which to squandcy tmn and robbery, wherefore i t * « s j /ew _ no, o te r m any other _ a o d jts school, tid e end swamp lands, t h . t h e could scarcely find wo.ds th eirg aio , „ „ „ , (J(I1Bi h in g , , upen(1 naUlra o( W ashington gad Idaho were o»n adequate for hie purpose in denbttnc I o a || w hich, in lh , T. r, u b . , anoed by eor which posterity was to he plundered responding losses. A nd who were indefinitely and w ith o ut itseonsenl. tho losers? T h e y were« Consumer* of Iron end steel. — Big Business bankers constantly Wage earners whtme union* were encourage the issue nf lung tim e im m ediately disrupted at Pittsburg. bonds for them to “ fl«ml” at a ltre e l T h e general publie. Hnfi .Orvgqa, like Idaho and Ws*b ive ratas of oomBission. Louis D. A ll psiroos u f railroads |n g to p , Mippeeota and ponfibly some Brandeis’ book, “ Other Peoples’ Shareholders in the .m u ltitu de of .Other public land States applied h»»i Money,'* illu m in ates this point. factories taken in to tbe ooabine. pees principtef end b<toest pqrpqfe fn the Tennessee Coal and Iro n Co. ,n the h an d lin g qf its broad acres N o; I shall not take issue with I n the New Haven R ailroad iq- supposedly paid ia trqst for the ed tfee Ben line) in v o lv in g the point it poattop o f its cbildrea ‘ he sorry makes th at “ the big per8O» * I forr cluding widows and orphans gafore. Spectacle presented to tfee d 'strihu tunes b u ilt up in this onuntry owe Ston o f t f e c p e itrF t o « annpnlly their iatn en sity to tbe “ credit” sys- Am ong the vary first things itp- yaoging grognd $ 1 J 5 per capita of B u t a t whose expense? Ask ' pressed upon tbe student in a Coifi* pprolMff p u n k « W M « « » n o q fe p lfe » more tfean T5 p«fto«>‘ q f o $ r « « p i a / College i s ‘ be fqqfesm soUi yarv,ag jtheire « i'h tbe result that pach o f these States, while i t has a large accumulation of money sulqrct to annuel «jiatiifeution among it* Schools, s till retains a targe balance ,of its school lands. ■sad for circular, and tastlmonlals. r . J. C H B N E T a CO.. Toledo. Ohio. 5p';i by D ru xg to u rifc. r H a ll’s Fam ily Pills for oonatlpatlon. W ill make peritxllcal visits to Langlois, ' Port Orford and Gold Beach. A U ,— •- guaranteed. Harness, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder > ■ ~~T GENERAL WM. GILDINGS, PROP. mg “ refunding" of pul,lie debts by . th in g i h. d Blacksmithing W agons and B u ggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also A gent for A ll K inds of Farm ing Im plem ents; M cCormick Mowers, e t a , ' a Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done fet a Feasonable price. Y our patronage solieited- beecher je s s P o rt I h . O rfo rd , O re g o n s X ^ full linx of S uem scy, S to v e s auftd. R a n g e s , i ( u g s a n d D y ta t- tin.g, S t i l e t t o C u ltU r y , j j i a t e n x s , E tc