Dean Mastenbrook &£ -I ---------- . . . . . . . . - Born—- a t W edderburn M a y T ib , I M S , to M r. and Mra. F ra n k l i o i n , Tm iaictutr a w b aain g March weather i Q a auo. W atches and C locks repaired a t reasonable prices. AU work guaranteed. w ill meet this ties an d shut. • « * k w ith M r*. J . G . H i l l. MeKeoxie A Futile haveantae attire nule* in thia iaaue which they expect M ra. W . F. M U ier, tro w near Lob- tu milite a regular feature, end • t * r creek on Rugae river, i* visiting I uhange fn»m week lo week. • t Gold Ucacb and W edderburu. P ort O rford , O regon . Tin -eig hth grade fX -tm iiia ilxn « a * I Bandon, Ore. carry a fa ll stock of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ARTICLES am ong which are “ BIG B E N ” and “ BA BY "B E N ” A larm s, HAMILTON W atches; R. W ALLA CE and A T H E N A Silver-w are; PA R ­ K E R Fountain Pens; SIM ­ MONS W atch C hains. BOYLE JEWELRY GO. hiltii, On. t We carry as ac’ h. Curry County Abstract- Realty Conpioy. G o l (I B S f l C h , 0 f S g 0 II c m n ty — Slier Iff aud Treasurer— for »»»u'«“ ' 1' “ « which Democratie aspirant* w ill a p - ' : \ S t a b le a tta c h e d . ‘ " “ ”- -----------------’— > M r. and Mrs. H a rry G a u n tle t!; were k ill'd . I t i« esinnsted there passed through town (art F rid a y re ¡were from 200 to 600 of the outlaws, tu rn in g to th eir home at Gold Beach A b aiillliin of American troops and from a visit to Seattle, W a .li. M r. a p»»«e of T « x m s are in pursuit LAW ' N u t l c c o f S u la . Notice is hereb bcgîven that pursuant to an order of sal *le mads and entered by the Coantv Court of Curry county. Mate of Oregon, on the IVtli day of A pril, Itflt, in the matter of the estate o f Thomas Cornelius, deceased, I will aell at private sale, by sealed bills, on Thursday, May 25 h 1U16, to the high­ est amt best bidder for cash in hand, the following dcsi libw l property : Tlie East half ot Lot Eight in Section thirty-two in Township 32 South of Range 15 West of tlie M ¡Barnette M e­ ridian, Curry county, Oregon, subject to the confliraatiao Of the court. Ten per cent of the offer must accompany each bid, cash or oertltivd check. P.-T.LtXDBtao, Administrator of the estate of Thomas (orneltus, deceased Date of drat publication April IB, 1918. paas X o tlc e . Notice ia hereby given tu a ll per»oae wnom It may concern, not to euter up 00 or trespass upon the premises of L . Knapp, for the purpose of huutlng nr ttahinv with hook and line. Said pre­ mise« are situated on Elk -Fiver, Corry Coaaty, Oregon, and generally known aa the *'BundM place. A a r person or prr«oi a m trospn»«- iog for the purpose of huntialf, fishing, or traveling thioegh in any shape form • r manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out side g >tea open, or mofeat- ing peraoaal property, will be prosecu­ ted to the full extan 1 of the law. IVm. R. Johnson, Leareaof the atsive named premises N o tic e t» C red itor«. • pearun the ballot. Dennis G uneiff Mexkaaa Agah Raid Aaericaa Tewa. ha* announced him self for surveyor,-^ —----- -— but hia name did not g rt upon, the! w A band of Mexican bam lii« raid ticket, aad it w ill have lo b e w ritten ed Glen Springs, Tex««, lual F rid ay. 1« i f lie receive« hia p a rty u om iaa 'Three of ibe nine U u ile d 8taies sol hon. _ , divrr •la tim ic l there, Mini 110a boy, P r o p r ie to r . W. A. WOOD i- ,;3 General Brown which be believe« j wdl make it impossible for him to qualify for that office, and he wrote to the p rin te r a«kiug that bis name coutiuued o d d and showery w ith * “J’» but In view of ibe alaive facta occasional thunder. *l would be inadvisable for the vot There ere bet tw o..M eet ia 'C u r r y ot C u r,> Cou" ‘ 7 10 l’1« * Port Orford, Or«goii, O O L I) B E A C H -O R R ltJ X town Inst Thursday returnin g It» their home a t G old Beach from B .a ilo»» where M r. and Mra. Johnson had gone a few d ay* previously to shower* in town, w hile the nearby , >be en tire ticket. I f M r. S m ith m ountain« were covered with a cost could qualify for the offToe the T b i ing of snow. Sunday the weather b u n k would m il put » s tra w in bta K N A PP HOTEL A T T O K X lfY AT received an opiuion from Attorney M ay iiaa lawn a boisterous month had already gone to pre«« County eo far. L i» t Saturday the weather Clerk ritannard thought il advisable tu rn ed colder and there were ball . •« I*.1 name continue throughout R et « c e , Tha Pateat he had aaver aaaa, bwt wa«M laek d u i ap tea. Thebayer waated thè fana il thè title w u gaad, hai had te ha *h»wA ThedealfsUthreagh. Gel aa abstract aad ha ready. Feed wife and daughter, |»u««ed through meet th eir daughter whu ia coming be left off the ballot, but a« (lie bal i in un a visit. j Iota fur several Republican precinct* Coma ta rn é a a ttb a fc v J waa aot aa racard; bii waald file Q o«d gave a danoe io Gold Beach laal Sat ► «A M A (hem , had an experience w ith autu We have a ease of dry goods in last mobiles and unuddy rued, th at they shipment damaged. A holt of flanne] w ih nut be liable to forget fur eon»« and a bolt of flannelette ware soiled We are selling the White flannelette at tim e, ■" 16 yards for 61.00, and white flannel U The party, | * in a ll, were J o leave , or gj. Itere at 10 o'clock s .lu r tls y m orn j We have some tender and sweet can- lug, but they did not gel aw ay u n - aed peas at lOe a can; also some exeel- U l about 1, anti Iheu the Inoat uf •«“» pink-salmon at 10c par pound G a e u lle tt, who is acting cashier of | ------------ ----- «------- tit« G urry C Aad Carnival new Oakland automobile w hile on lag Satarday. ibe Irip. I l la a nice looking ma chine, sod i« the first u f its kin d to There w ill be 1 public ineetiug in I»« owned in lliia county. Pori Orford next Saturday evening Ed Lindberg, wife and ch ild came for Ibe pur|aiee of electing olBoers down from Marshfield on the Rustler for the Commercial Club for the en last W ednesday,and w ill make their a ilin g year, and also lo take the pre­ fu tu ie home a t thia place. M r. lim in a ry step* for bolding Ibe 1916 Lindberg ia now assisting hia father Agate C a rn iv al. Everyone in tlie ill getting the new garage on Hie town and v ic in ity a re invited to at corner of Jackson and N in th streets! I tend. T h e Agate Carnival baa done ready for business. H e ia. a good more to advertise Port Orford than mechanic and thorough automobile any other one feature ever did, and m an, and aa aoon aa he gets started it it up to every loyal and enter w ill be a great convenience to the prising cltisen of this com m unity auto travel ia G urry. t o g iv e it h is unqualified support. I f the T r ib n n k ia not up to aland, I f plana do not miscarry th ia Car ard thia week wa have several Sxten n iv a l w ill be bigger and better than uatiug circumstances to plead. In any th a t ha« gone before, so come the first place the ollieb - foros baa been busy w ith (he eleetiun ballots which weie gotten away yesterday m orning, and then our regular lyp u was among the jo y riders to Gold Beach who were a day longer than anticipated 00 the road, and had it caiue to town on font, arrivin g her« aliout U o’clock and again h«viag missed ibi-ir ux-ala. However, ds-pite the hard«hi|>e of the trip , all who made it M id I hey were an ply repaid by the giaid um e they bad aad were united in not been for M r*. O liva Cabot, one of our former proficient helpers, Agent Beat of the A. F. E«labrook coming to the rescue, we could company waa down I rem Bandon hardly havw gone i*i pre«* at a ll on last week and aprnt *ever«l (lay* at schedule tim e. . 4 - Port Orford m akin g arrangem ent* I hereby iwapeetfullv ennoenee my candidacy for the nomination aa Coun­ ty Clerk, subject to the will of the Ka- pubileaa voters at tlie primary »lection May 1», lu ll. 1( nominated and «defi­ ed I ahull make the dutiedol Ute otBce my buainea-. Reejiectfully, A. H. JtiM N S T < K - I hereby announce my i>ndi«lacy for re-nom ination to tlie office of Coun­ ty Commissioner, subject to the Re­ publican electors ot Ourry county. licsnsctfully DE1.M ER (X lL K G ftO V E . I herewith annouoee my candidacy lor nomination to the office of Sheriff of Curry eonnty, Oregou, snbjart to the will of tbs beuiuciatic voters of the oonnty to lx- expieaaed at tlie Priiuar« eleotiou May lOtii. 191«. I f nominated and elet-e-d I shall endeavor b rn ien t tbu iru .t re|xMed in me by an economic and business like adiaiuis Irutton of the 11 flair» of I lint office. Respectfully T. J. F R C M M . FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. “ F0R PR o r ECU TING ATTORNEY. To vua Vorxite nr C us B y O oontt : I hereby nnnounce mvaelf a« a oan- ilidate lor nomination, at the bands of the Uepublioau party, for re-ele.tion to tl«e ottieu o f District Attorney for Cur­ ry county. I f eu rnate-l 1 1 agsin Ml thia office by the Voter« 0/ the eonnty, I promise a (aitldul ad mi l.tration of the affair« ot the office, aud a at rid and impartial euforcemeut of the law* a* tliey appear on tlie stHteto iwokt and «ithoutfewr or favor of or to any pe-- aou, Unw-pr corporation whatsoever. Aa to iny'qnaliticatioiia lor the position I point you to tny record aa your t i n s - venting attorney since the Ume <<( my appointment. M ay 1, 191.1, and my me- om aa a practicing attorney iu Oregon for the past twenty-one years. « Sincerely yours J. C, JOHXSON •" I hereby auu >u«ce th a t I am a earn dalate fo rtliu Kepu'illesu nomiontloa tor the oil lee of Diatriot Aitorney of (hiri v t> mi» . If nominated aud efeeV «d 1 pkvige nnw lf to the honest an I iiBimrtial porformanev or tlm duties of the oflj'«. C O L L IE R H . BU FFING TO N. FOR SCHOOL SUP’T. To tbo Republican vot< rs of Ourry county; Plen-e consider me aa aoan- didule fur Utu office uf County School Suporinteiidvat, subject lo the decision o* the ltepnbl.oan vuteia at he Primary elec ton to be In Id May 19, 1916. i t Dominated and electo l I shall make It uiy buaineaa to work for tbo Inter»-ta pf the aoboolai of the county. pectfully Reapectfu W . M. K E N T I£OIt SH ER I FF ASSESSOR. T hereby respectfully an 1 «ou uce my I herewith respeotfully an ounce uiv camliiiacv for tlie Democratic nom­ - held in May. 1616. Yuura very toil v F. 8. .UOUKK CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination to the once of County Clark subject to the wishes of the Re­ FOR SALE. publican Electors of Curry county, Four Jersey grade yearlu« heifera __ ___ expressed at the coming Primary Nom- and bull from good dairy cowa. Seven- inating Election to be held Friday May ty-five d oliarr Chance to grew good , 1 V r i “g my three year, of service as CALL. I fbali earnestly endeavor to merit the nupport of (he people by a conecieu- tious and business like administration of the affairs of that office. JBetpeetfuUv, J . a . R U aS F .IJ . Iu this manper I respectfully an­ nounce myself a oaudfiiatefor the nom- ination aa Sheriff of Curry county, and would aek that the Democratic voters of the county consider my candidacy and fitness for the offb-e when they go ■ to tlie polls at the primary election on the 1'JtJi uf next May. Since rely i* - -M O S S A V E B IL L . To the Republican voter* of (Airry regoni. I b county, Oregon by respectfully a r e v u n c e m y c a c w i u a c v for the nomi­ nation for the office of sheriff of Curry coanty, Oregon, subject to your decis­ ion at the coining Primary Election for said courfty held May 19, 1916. Should I 1« nominated and elected toeaid office I shall endeavor to discharge the whole duties of said office discreetly and with dispatch. _ Sincerely, W. A. BASH EL. To Tun R cpuslioam V otkbsov Cva- XT county , OaaoiiM. I hereby roKpoctfuliy announce 1 my- s» If as a candidate for lor the office of Sheriff of Curry count , subject to the w ill o( tlie Kepuldican partWTo be ex­ pressed at the Prim ary to fie held un the 19th day of May, 1916. Before you cast your badot I would a«k that my record aa a public aervau l as Asuessox for she psst aeveu years bo considered. Respectfully, WM. 1O LM AH. FerSele. A good «addle borse and new saddle for frti. F o r fu rth e r particulars iu- I t is about tim e the (»eople o f Port this office O rlord Were holding a ms«« meeting 1 and m aking plana for the 1910 Agate C arn ival. T h e big railroad ueiebra lion on C ow bay w ill attract thou • anda to thia aectiun aud we should help in tome way and In return re ceive our share of the people who w ill vis it this notio n for the first time. W a haven’t any loo much lim a to get ready. StaU the ball ro llin g, elect a good liv e commiitee and then put on a show that w ill entertain and w ill attract the people M any of the Democrats, of C urry County w ill write the names o f Geo. I ’ulnatn for Congress, and Jake Stem m ier for Senator, Gen. P u l nem is E d ito r uf ibe Medford M ail T rib u n e, M r. Stem m ier 1« M y rlje P o in t’« p<»| u lar Attorney and all around live wire. hack lo Bauilun by deputy sheriff Point to load the lies onio ils boat«, j Thursday n ig h t and every member B. W . Dean, where the lad w aa lu rn ¡and went so far a* to h av* tbs point should be present. N E W L IN E O F L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H * IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S» G R O C E R IE S Cf W ZUMWALT & SONS C o m e to th e G a ll and gee 0 u r Lines C o m m ercia l '~T ~ , i». • C lu b a n d A g ­ a te C a r n iv a l m e e tin g S a t­ u r d a y M ig h t. W illia m H o rs fa ll, the 17 year fur shipping tie* from here thia old son til D r. Hurafall and w ife of summer. T h e Kst«brook cuin|*any several ncca-ion* occa-iuns lh llia M sm tifield, we*«topped ia Port O r- announced on «everal a l j There ie a giaid tHffie in store for ford lest week «tel aoenmpanied | It it would put in a » wire cable «1 F o rt the member« of the T illic u m Club • CLERK. cowa cheap, i f you have pasture. A b o ; County t ie r k I have tned to run the two year old steer for sale. , Clerk’s Office as economically aa possi On Barrett place 1 # miles above Elk ‘ *»le and give every o m honest, prompt river hridwa aad service,* and the record I th eir praise o f Ibe royal treatm ent n__ 11 n zv . h* v® made Clerk b my reason for W. O. Purdin, Port Orford, Ore. again asking for your support they received at the handi of the Respectfully, people o f Gold Beach. The music J. R. S l A N N A ltD . The ladies will find a nice made by the orchestra waa well re ­ of New Spring Hata at Mrs. I L ceived and the boys hope th a t they Niefaen a—all sixes and shapes. SURVEYOR. may sometime be able lo repay the I herewi'li reaoectlully announce my candidacy tor the Dcinocrutic nomina­ m any coitrletiee they received. tion to the off ion of County Surveyor of The orchestia who made tlie (rip Curry ix-unty, Oregon. Reoaectfnliv were, R. W . Buffum , N. F. anil Lyno DEN NIS CU N N IFF. To the Socialists of Curry county, Ore­ Woodcock, J.. H . Z o ta w a lt, Louis K napp, Deluaiir W right, Bernal F o r­ gon, you and each of you are hereby no- T1EAS0IER. ty , John Htoaesnd Mis« Lau ra Sut- tiffed that there wiU be a Maia Conyen- r .., 1 U ° f the Socialist Party of the above l . j . z. n . 1 1 hereby announce myself n« a ean- low, O ther* Bfh« went were, M r. fo, be held at Gold Beach on didate for the nomination on the Dem- and Mrs. F. C. Hawkins, M r. and J a m the 1st, ISIS, for the purpose o f ocratíc ticket for the office of Conntv Treasurer of Curry county, at the I rf Mre. T . B. Davitlenn, M r. and Mrs. Electing o f Nominees fo r the mary eleotton to be held May It . 1916. and Electing a new County Cen­ H etfe-rl U n lean, Mrs. W . H . E l ­ Yoori respectfully KATE LEHNHERR. wood, the Misses E th el Richer J aad tral Committee, and any other buaincaa that may come before the < onventioe. L o ttia Dean Bud Jveee Butto«.- M rs. The above Call bordered by the Chair­ (Jolcan, Laura Button, Lottie Dean man aad Secretary o f the County Cen­ and Luuia K n a p p staid over to visit tra l Commit tee o f the SoeialMt Party G. W Hoxie, Chairman. a few d ay* i t G old Beach. John Van Pelt, Secretary. thie Way. The big feature should be the Battle o f Battle Ruck and thia can be made a big event i f tak­ en np at unoe end d r ill a team for the iuiportaut pariee» there w ill be out Saturday nigbl and by helping no hitch on the big nig h t. A big the cause along show th at you are a get together meeting is whet ie want­ wide awake member of your com ed iu P u rl O ifurd. fu n n ily and take pride 111 prnmot ing its w * i r « f * f * Tie* Will Be Shipped Over Wharf s . A- ■ aa» . a« • • fe - *y***. ••»<* before U n alioo , and the u iu d of them did 6000 lba. capacity, for sale at a bargain the p arly broke up a lunch w ith hot ! not take lim e tu eat u n til m idnight at the weeks at the county seat. PORT ORFORD H A R D W A R E STORE , Coffee wa. served. The m ain feature »upper wke called. H e n ry Adolpbeen cut hia wrist of t , „ w#g „ 40 lb g l(gui. r i „. J n coming borne M r. Hawkins severely nn a crosscut saw M o nd ay, er FOR SALE. „ „ that had been «cot for the did not experience much trouble A n artery w a. eut and c m -id e r a b l. •WWJoj„ M w ll(l lh,. c, ¡ „ „ „ „ „ n V . and the truck p arly w*ra- bo .»ling Cheap, if soon. Five head good Dur­ d ifficu lty w*» bad in stopping the A Biaht l The Halt was baited and m errily along u n til g m ile or tw o ham cowa, no old ones. One with young ffow of blood. T h e injured man calf, two more fret-h soon. One two- after cveryfeaiy bad calen their till Ibis side of the Arisons In n when year-old heifer, five three-year-old was taken to D enm ark w here a D r . 1 , there was a lill salmon left. I f W . they pulled the valve from the in ­ steers, two yearling ateera. m et him and dreaeed the wound Call at Jim Crew'* ranch or write I A can pirate the people at large at ner tube of one of (b e t in a. Tbi« Mss Lee Peirce, Denmark, Oreg Dr. Robbins darted from G old , be plcaaetl the T illie u n t party with neceasitated a delay o f several boars Care of Zumwalt Bros. Beach tu Port Orford ia b i. Ford last Ible ralm on, he w ill lie a hard man u n til one uf the boy* Welti lo John week, hut when neeV the A ris o n . In n ' to bead in hi* raoe for the sheriff’s F rom m ’s place and secured a new FOR SALE. he broke down Xnd wae forced Io office. tube. And after ibis mishap every­ Registered four year old Hereford corue nn to town in the stage, The I The name of Geo. \V . S m ith w ill thing weut lovely u u ii| near H ub- Bull. D r. returned M onday, and having appear on the Republican ballot for hard’s creek whet« the machine sunk High grade yearlings, two and three the maaprml to repair b i.c a r , d ro i^ B,„uillBliun lbe oUkw o f County hopeleealy deep iu the mud. A fter year old Heifers. r hwm«. | 8ulniol Superintendent. After hia tryin g for a tim e to extricate it the H . C. HawrroM, Phone 14D1 Eckley, Ore. C ounty Attorney J. C. Johnson, petition had been filed, M r. S m ith task wa* given up and the party Does your Watch keep proper timeT R EM EM B ER Watch re­ pairing is Our Specialty. FOR TKEAhURUL McKenzie & Poole The Port Orford orchestra, which that «he I* going to display for a few ; Mail Orders Promptly Filled r * '*-.•** Plrat-etasa in «very rvtpaçt. ' Another r,hi| |a w h t . j u . l been en­ forced. A Guo. puunty farm er was ennducied in F « t O ifo rd la d week I (Wrested and line.! for duclorilig hia by A. S J tilin .im i. T h e p u p il, tak {ow n fewre. T hia «« one of tha fool Ihctn left w ithout ra tin g lunch. ing the exam ination were, Harold Twelve <>l (be party rode in T . B ? ~ Jolt neon, George H u ra l, N e llie H U I I law«, which with ntlier«, makes ibe FOR SALE. Davidson*« truck and aeveu in P. ■ elate ridtculou».— Coue B«y H arbor and L a u ra Sutton. Logging Donkey in good condition. U. H a w k in ’« car. Several lime« co M r and Mra. M ax T im m erm an ' ,<* ’ 1 T u re d a y evening was ladles routs the cars drojiped in to taud Line and equipment practically new. Apply to N. H. L jibxon . of M gndigeld, passed through Port U' * T illic u m .clu b . and a hole* where Ibe paaecuger« would Ot ford one day last week on their * ,|'“My nuffiiberuf the fa ir «uve tu rn have to get out aud help pry theta FOR SALE. way to Gobi Beut h Mra. Tourner- I * d o u t “ ‘,d »*«lp*d th e T illic u m * pare oul, *0 that it was 10 o’uluck that uian bad a tl.OOO m illin e ry stock * pbrneent w an in g . G am a* of war utghl alien they reached th eir dee One Davenport roller-bearing wagon, Boyle Jewelry Co. K N A P P « ■ a 4MMW««o r' E ig h t ot the lender* of the in a u r. T h e Ladiee A id He thought the (Me gwed, for he had bought beat aid Have Eveffifxi Trip Ta GeU Beach. Attend the Agate Carnival uaaat- rection in Ire la n d have been epuri u rd ty nig h t, and a nuipjier o f loyal tng Saturday night. inarehalMi by the B ritish a u th o ri­ supporter* who onade I ha trip w ith Jeweler me Na. 541. S' P o I O I o a I A u iiO u n c e B ie n t f i. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ed over to hie m other aud taken surveyed for th at purpose, but w hile STATE OF OREGON FOB home. I t seems that the boy bad , here M r. - Beal made arrangements CURRY COUNTY. Political card« will lie carried In this M an y vfeitors were entertained by onlumn until after lb * Primary elee- bad some trouble w ith bis high 1 w ith the W h a *f cu npany to ship Ibe T illic u m C lub last week, and a l l , Mo,, ,n May for ia THB WATTxa o r t h x m t atm ) tebuol teacher, aad did not w ant t' the seasons eut over the wharf. This or > -------- Who visited the club rfewwa Mn«e»a spoke f s FOR ASSESSER. W IXABMH O aUMWALT, Pe0«ASXI>| lo return to m ho.d, and when hi« means the cable w ill not be in * le il T i . « .m . -n v h i* h lJ o i lh ® C,“ h( • " d w«n l • * f»r I I hereby announce myself aa a eandi- •e far | j I pofetei-f Elisalirtii O 0O0 tie*, which w ill be the largest 19, 191«. Zumwalt deceased BO‘*_ tl> pr*»«e»it them hat and was wet. but this had aut reason. E. J. Looey, who form erly bea been a great advertisem ent 10 verilk'il m reqoire-l by few. willdn a l. dampened hia determ ination not to handled the tie business here ship FORCOMM18SIONKR. Purl Oi furd, end it ie the only place month« after toe 6ret publication ot I hereby respectfully announce my thia notice to eaid administrator at Ida return to school and after buying pad from 5U,000 lo *0 ,0 00 a year, but where you can entertain elrangsrt candkfecy fortbeiioininalion of County place of business at P