Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1916)
Dean Mastenbrook &£ -I ---------- . . . . . . . . - Born—- a t W edderburn M a y T ib , I M S , to M r. and Mra. F ra n k l i o i n , Tm iaictutr a w b aain g March weather i Q a auo. W atches and C locks repaired a t reasonable prices. AU work guaranteed. w ill meet this ties an d shut. • « * k w ith M r*. J . G . H i l l. MeKeoxie A Futile haveantae attire nule* in thia iaaue which they expect M ra. W . F. M U ier, tro w near Lob- tu milite a regular feature, end • t * r creek on Rugae river, i* visiting I uhange fn»m week lo week. • t Gold Ucacb and W edderburu. P ort O rford , O regon . Tin -eig hth grade fX -tm iiia ilxn « a * I Bandon, Ore. carry a fa ll stock of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ARTICLES am ong which are “ BIG B E N ” and “ BA BY "B E N ” A larm s, HAMILTON W atches; R. W ALLA CE and A T H E N A Silver-w are; PA R K E R Fountain Pens; SIM MONS W atch C hains. BOYLE JEWELRY GO. hiltii, On. t We carry as ac’ h. Curry County Abstract- Realty Conpioy. G o l (I B S f l C h , 0 f S g 0 II c m n ty — Slier Iff aud Treasurer— for »»»u'«“ ' 1' “ « which Democratie aspirant* w ill a p - ' : \ S t a b le a tta c h e d . ‘ " “ ”- -----------------’— > M r. and Mrs. H a rry G a u n tle t!; were k ill'd . I t i« esinnsted there passed through town (art F rid a y re ¡were from 200 to 600 of the outlaws, tu rn in g to th eir home at Gold Beach A b aiillliin of American troops and from a visit to Seattle, W a .li. M r. a p»»«e of T « x m s are in pursuit LAW ' N u t l c c o f S u la . Notice is hereb bcgîven that pursuant to an order of sal *le mads and entered by the Coantv Court of Curry county. Mate of Oregon, on the IVtli day of A pril, Itflt, in the matter of the estate o f Thomas Cornelius, deceased, I will aell at private sale, by sealed bills, on Thursday, May 25 h 1U16, to the high est amt best bidder for cash in hand, the following dcsi libw l property : Tlie East half ot Lot Eight in Section thirty-two in Township 32 South of Range 15 West of tlie M ¡Barnette M e ridian, Curry county, Oregon, subject to the confliraatiao Of the court. Ten per cent of the offer must accompany each bid, cash or oertltivd check. P.-T.LtXDBtao, Administrator of the estate of Thomas (orneltus, deceased Date of drat publication April IB, 1918. paas X o tlc e . Notice ia hereby given tu a ll per»oae wnom It may concern, not to euter up 00 or trespass upon the premises of L . Knapp, for the purpose of huutlng nr ttahinv with hook and line. Said pre mise« are situated on Elk -Fiver, Corry Coaaty, Oregon, and generally known aa the *'BundM place. A a r person or prr«oi a m trospn»«- iog for the purpose of huntialf, fishing, or traveling thioegh in any shape form • r manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out side g >tea open, or mofeat- ing peraoaal property, will be prosecu ted to the full extan 1 of the law. IVm. R. Johnson, Leareaof the atsive named premises N o tic e t» C red itor«. • pearun the ballot. Dennis G uneiff Mexkaaa Agah Raid Aaericaa Tewa. ha* announced him self for surveyor,-^ —----- -— but hia name did not g rt upon, the! w A band of Mexican bam lii« raid ticket, aad it w ill have lo b e w ritten ed Glen Springs, Tex««, lual F rid ay. 1« i f lie receive« hia p a rty u om iaa 'Three of ibe nine U u ile d 8taies sol hon. _ , divrr •la tim ic l there, Mini 110a boy, P r o p r ie to r . W. A. WOOD i- ,;3 General Brown which be believe« j wdl make it impossible for him to qualify for that office, and he wrote to the p rin te r a«kiug that bis name coutiuued o d d and showery w ith * “J’» but In view of ibe alaive facta occasional thunder. *l would be inadvisable for the vot There ere bet tw o..M eet ia 'C u r r y ot C u r,> Cou" ‘ 7 10 l’1« * Port Orford, Or«goii, O O L I) B E A C H -O R R ltJ X town Inst Thursday returnin g It» their home a t G old Beach from B .a ilo»» where M r. and Mra. Johnson had gone a few d ay* previously to shower* in town, w hile the nearby , >be en tire ticket. I f M r. S m ith m ountain« were covered with a cost could qualify for the offToe the T b i ing of snow. Sunday the weather b u n k would m il put » s tra w in bta K N A PP HOTEL A T T O K X lfY AT received an opiuion from Attorney M ay iiaa lawn a boisterous month had already gone to pre«« County eo far. L i» t Saturday the weather Clerk ritannard thought il advisable tu rn ed colder and there were ball . •« I*.1 name continue throughout R et « c e , Tha Pateat he had aaver aaaa, bwt wa«M laek d u i ap tea. Thebayer waated thè fana il thè title w u gaad, hai had te ha *h»wA ThedealfsUthreagh. Gel aa abstract aad ha ready. Feed wife and daughter, |»u««ed through meet th eir daughter whu ia coming be left off the ballot, but a« (lie bal i in un a visit. j Iota fur several Republican precinct* Coma ta rn é a a ttb a fc v J waa aot aa racard; bii waald file Q o«d gave a danoe io Gold Beach laal Sat ► «A M A (hem , had an experience w ith autu We have a ease of dry goods in last mobiles and unuddy rued, th at they shipment damaged. A holt of flanne] w ih nut be liable to forget fur eon»« and a bolt of flannelette ware soiled We are selling the White flannelette at tim e, ■" 16 yards for 61.00, and white flannel U The party, | * in a ll, were J o leave , or gj. Itere at 10 o'clock s .lu r tls y m orn j We have some tender and sweet can- lug, but they did not gel aw ay u n - aed peas at lOe a can; also some exeel- U l about 1, anti Iheu the Inoat uf •«“» pink-salmon at 10c par pound G a e u lle tt, who is acting cashier of | ------------ ----- «------- tit« G urry C<iunly bank, bought a Cmamercial CM> Aad Carnival new Oakland automobile w hile on lag Satarday. ibe Irip. I l la a nice looking ma chine, sod i« the first u f its kin d to There w ill be 1 public ineetiug in I»« owned in lliia county. Pori Orford next Saturday evening Ed Lindberg, wife and ch ild came for Ibe pur|aiee of electing olBoers down from Marshfield on the Rustler for the Commercial Club for the en last W ednesday,and w ill make their a ilin g year, and also lo take the pre fu tu ie home a t thia place. M r. lim in a ry step* for bolding Ibe 1916 Lindberg ia now assisting hia father Agate C a rn iv al. Everyone in tlie ill getting the new garage on Hie town and v ic in ity a re invited to at corner of Jackson and N in th streets! I tend. T h e Agate Carnival baa done ready for business. H e ia. a good more to advertise Port Orford than mechanic and thorough automobile any other one feature ever did, and m an, and aa aoon aa he gets started it it up to every loyal and enter w ill be a great convenience to the prising cltisen of this com m unity auto travel ia G urry. t o g iv e it h is unqualified support. I f the T r ib n n k ia not up to aland, I f plana do not miscarry th ia Car ard thia week wa have several Sxten n iv a l w ill be bigger and better than uatiug circumstances to plead. In any th a t ha« gone before, so come the first place the ollieb - foros baa been busy w ith (he eleetiun ballots which weie gotten away yesterday m orning, and then our regular lyp u was among the jo y riders to Gold Beach who were a day longer than anticipated 00 the road, and had it caiue to town on font, arrivin g her« aliout U o’clock and again h«viag missed ibi-ir ux-ala. However, ds-pite the hard«hi|>e of the trip , all who made it M id I hey were an ply repaid by the giaid um e they bad aad were united in not been for M r*. O liva Cabot, one of our former proficient helpers, Agent Beat of the A. F. E«labrook coming to the rescue, we could company waa down I rem Bandon hardly havw gone i*i pre«* at a ll on last week and aprnt *ever«l (lay* at schedule tim e. . 4 - Port Orford m akin g arrangem ent* I hereby iwapeetfullv ennoenee my candidacy for the nomination aa Coun ty Clerk, subject to the will of the Ka- pubileaa voters at tlie primary »lection May 1», lu ll. 1( nominated and «defi ed I ahull make the dutiedol Ute otBce my buainea-. Reejiectfully, A. H. JtiM N S T < K - I hereby announce my i>ndi«lacy for re-nom ination to tlie office of Coun ty Commissioner, subject to the Re publican electors ot Ourry county. licsnsctfully DE1.M ER (X lL K G ftO V E . I herewith annouoee my candidacy lor nomination to the office of Sheriff of Curry eonnty, Oregou, snbjart to the will of tbs beuiuciatic voters of the oonnty to lx- expieaaed at tlie Priiuar« eleotiou May lOtii. 191«. I f nominated and elet-e-d I shall endeavor b rn ien t tbu iru .t re|xMed in me by an economic and business like adiaiuis Irutton of the 11 flair» of I lint office. Respectfully T. J. F R C M M . FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. “ F0R PR o r ECU TING ATTORNEY. To vua Vorxite nr C us B y O oontt : I hereby nnnounce mvaelf a« a oan- ilidate lor nomination, at the bands of the Uepublioau party, for re-ele.tion to tl«e ottieu o f District Attorney for Cur ry county. I f eu rnate-l 1 1 agsin Ml thia office by the Voter« 0/ the eonnty, I promise a (aitldul ad mi l.tration of the affair« ot the office, aud a at rid and impartial euforcemeut of the law* a* tliey appear on tlie stHteto iwokt and «ithoutfewr or favor of or to any pe-- aou, Unw-pr corporation whatsoever. Aa to iny'qnaliticatioiia lor the position I point you to tny record aa your t i n s - venting attorney since the Ume <<( my appointment. M ay 1, 191.1, and my me- om aa a practicing attorney iu Oregon for the past twenty-one years. « Sincerely yours J. C, JOHXSON •" I hereby auu >u«ce th a t I am a earn dalate fo rtliu Kepu'illesu nomiontloa tor the oil lee of Diatriot Aitorney of (hiri v t> mi» . If nominated aud efeeV «d 1 pkvige nnw lf to the honest an I iiBimrtial porformanev or tlm duties of the oflj'«. C O L L IE R H . BU FFING TO N. FOR SCHOOL SUP’T. To tbo Republican vot< rs of Ourry county; Plen-e consider me aa aoan- didule fur Utu office uf County School Suporinteiidvat, subject lo the decision o* the ltepnbl.oan vuteia at he Primary elec ton to be In Id May 19, 1916. i t Dominated and electo l I shall make It uiy buaineaa to work for tbo Inter»-ta pf the aoboolai of the county. pectfully Reapectfu W . M. K E N T I£OIt SH ER I FF ASSESSOR. T hereby respectfully an 1 «ou uce my I herewith respeotfully an ounce uiv camliiiacv for tlie Democratic nom -<di as » candidate lidate for the eoiuiaation ination for Sheriff of Curry county, (or the office of Aasesao r of Curry eu«u- and alioubi I be noniinntnd aud elected ty, Oregou. atil0»<< to tlie aeoept.iice and approval u the Repu^Uiao voter, a t tlie primary election to fe> held in May. 1616. Yuura very toil v F. 8. .UOUKK CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination to the once of County Clark subject to the wishes of the Re FOR SALE. publican Electors of Curry county, Four Jersey grade yearlu« heifera __ ___ expressed at the coming Primary Nom- and bull from good dairy cowa. Seven- inating Election to be held Friday May ty-five d oliarr Chance to grew good , 1 V r i “g my three year, of service as CALL. I fbali earnestly endeavor to merit the nupport of (he people by a conecieu- tious and business like administration of the affairs of that office. JBetpeetfuUv, J . a . R U aS F .IJ . Iu this manper I respectfully an nounce myself a oaudfiiatefor the nom- ination aa Sheriff of Curry county, and would aek that the Democratic voters of the county consider my candidacy and fitness for the offb-e when they go ■ to tlie polls at the primary election on the 1'JtJi uf next May. Since rely i* - -M O S S A V E B IL L . To the Republican voter* of (Airry regoni. I b county, Oregon by respectfully a r e v u n c e m y c a c w i u a c v for the nomi nation for the office of sheriff of Curry coanty, Oregon, subject to your decis ion at the coining Primary Election for said courfty held May 19, 1916. Should I 1« nominated and elected toeaid office I shall endeavor to discharge the whole duties of said office discreetly and with dispatch. _ Sincerely, W. A. BASH EL. To Tun R cpuslioam V otkbsov Cva- XT county , OaaoiiM. I hereby roKpoctfuliy announce 1 my- s» If as a candidate for lor the office of Sheriff of Curry count , subject to the w ill o( tlie Kepuldican partWTo be ex pressed at the Prim ary to fie held un the 19th day of May, 1916. Before you cast your badot I would a«k that my record aa a public aervau l as Asuessox for she psst aeveu years bo considered. Respectfully, WM. 1O LM AH. FerSele. A good «addle borse and new saddle for frti. F o r fu rth e r particulars iu- I t is about tim e the (»eople o f Port this office O rlord Were holding a ms«« meeting 1 and m aking plana for the 1910 Agate C arn ival. T h e big railroad ueiebra lion on C ow bay w ill attract thou • anda to thia aectiun aud we should help in tome way and In return re ceive our share of the people who w ill vis it this notio n for the first time. W a haven’t any loo much lim a to get ready. StaU the ball ro llin g, elect a good liv e commiitee and then put on a show that w ill entertain and w ill attract the people M any of the Democrats, of C urry County w ill write the names o f Geo. I ’ulnatn for Congress, and Jake Stem m ier for Senator, Gen. P u l nem is E d ito r uf ibe Medford M ail T rib u n e, M r. Stem m ier 1« M y rlje P o in t’« p<»| u lar Attorney and all around live wire. hack lo Bauilun by deputy sheriff Point to load the lies onio ils boat«, j Thursday n ig h t and every member B. W . Dean, where the lad w aa lu rn ¡and went so far a* to h av* tbs point should be present. N E W L IN E O F L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H * IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S» G R O C E R IE S Cf W ZUMWALT & SONS C o m e to th e G a ll and gee 0 u r Lines C o m m ercia l '~T ~ , i». • C lu b a n d A g a te C a r n iv a l m e e tin g S a t u r d a y M ig h t. W illia m H o rs fa ll, the 17 year fur shipping tie* from here thia old son til D r. Hurafall and w ife of summer. T h e Kst«brook cuin|*any several ncca-ion* occa-iuns lh llia M sm tifield, we*«topped ia Port O r- announced on «everal a l j There ie a giaid tHffie in store for ford lest week «tel aoenmpanied | It it would put in a » wire cable «1 F o rt the member« of the T illic u m Club • CLERK. cowa cheap, i f you have pasture. A b o ; County t ie r k I have tned to run the two year old steer for sale. , Clerk’s Office as economically aa possi On Barrett place 1 # miles above Elk ‘ *»le and give every o m honest, prompt river hridwa aad service,* and the record I th eir praise o f Ibe royal treatm ent n__ 11 n zv . h* v® made Clerk b my reason for W. O. Purdin, Port Orford, Ore. again asking for your support they received at the handi of the Respectfully, people o f Gold Beach. The music J. R. S l A N N A ltD . The ladies will find a nice made by the orchestra waa well re of New Spring Hata at Mrs. I L ceived and the boys hope th a t they Niefaen a—all sixes and shapes. SURVEYOR. may sometime be able lo repay the I herewi'li reaoectlully announce my candidacy tor the Dcinocrutic nomina m any coitrletiee they received. tion to the off ion of County Surveyor of The orchestia who made tlie (rip Curry ix-unty, Oregon. Reoaectfnliv were, R. W . Buffum , N. F. anil Lyno DEN NIS CU N N IFF. To the Socialists of Curry county, Ore Woodcock, J.. H . Z o ta w a lt, Louis K napp, Deluaiir W right, Bernal F o r gon, you and each of you are hereby no- T1EAS0IER. ty , John Htoaesnd Mis« Lau ra Sut- tiffed that there wiU be a Maia Conyen- r .., 1 U ° f the Socialist Party of the above l . j . z. n . 1 1 hereby announce myself n« a ean- low, O ther* Bfh« went were, M r. fo, be held at Gold Beach on didate for the nomination on the Dem- and Mrs. F. C. Hawkins, M r. and J a m the 1st, ISIS, for the purpose o f ocratíc ticket for the office of Conntv Treasurer of Curry county, at the I rf Mre. T . B. Davitlenn, M r. and Mrs. Electing o f Nominees fo r the mary eleotton to be held May It . 1916. and Electing a new County Cen H etfe-rl U n lean, Mrs. W . H . E l Yoori respectfully KATE LEHNHERR. wood, the Misses E th el Richer J aad tral Committee, and any other buaincaa that may come before the < onventioe. L o ttia Dean Bud Jveee Butto«.- M rs. The above Call bordered by the Chair (Jolcan, Laura Button, Lottie Dean man aad Secretary o f the County Cen and Luuia K n a p p staid over to visit tra l Commit tee o f the SoeialMt Party G. W Hoxie, Chairman. a few d ay* i t G old Beach. John Van Pelt, Secretary. thie Way. The big feature should be the Battle o f Battle Ruck and thia can be made a big event i f tak en np at unoe end d r ill a team for the iuiportaut pariee» there w ill be out Saturday nigbl and by helping no hitch on the big nig h t. A big the cause along show th at you are a get together meeting is whet ie want wide awake member of your com ed iu P u rl O ifurd. fu n n ily and take pride 111 prnmot ing its w * i r « f * f * Tie* Will Be Shipped Over Wharf s . A- ■ aa» . a« • • fe - <a a I hereby acnounoe my oandldacy for nomination to the ottico o( oeuuiy Treasurer subject to the w ill ul the Republican voters at the coming pri- mary eicctam. ^Respect lull; iy KU AUG HB LL. Notes " * re *»>*y***. ••»<* before U n alioo , and the u iu d of them did 6000 lba. capacity, for sale at a bargain the p arly broke up a lunch w ith hot ! not take lim e tu eat u n til m idnight at the weeks at the county seat. PORT ORFORD H A R D W A R E STORE , Coffee wa. served. The m ain feature »upper wke called. H e n ry Adolpbeen cut hia wrist of t , „ w#g „ 40 lb g l(gui. r i „. J n coming borne M r. Hawkins severely nn a crosscut saw M o nd ay, er FOR SALE. „ „ that had been «cot for the did not experience much trouble A n artery w a. eut and c m -id e r a b l. •WWJoj„ M w ll(l lh,. c, ¡ „ „ „ „ „ n V . and the truck p arly w*ra- bo .»ling Cheap, if soon. Five head good Dur d ifficu lty w*» bad in stopping the A Biaht l The Halt was baited and m errily along u n til g m ile or tw o ham cowa, no old ones. One with young ffow of blood. T h e injured man calf, two more fret-h soon. One two- after cveryfeaiy bad calen their till Ibis side of the Arisons In n when year-old heifer, five three-year-old was taken to D enm ark w here a D r . 1 , there was a lill salmon left. I f W . they pulled the valve from the in steers, two yearling ateera. m et him and dreaeed the wound Call at Jim Crew'* ranch or write I A can pirate the people at large at ner tube of one of (b e t in a. Tbi« Mss Lee Peirce, Denmark, Oreg Dr. Robbins darted from G old , be plcaaetl the T illie u n t party with neceasitated a delay o f several boars Care of Zumwalt Bros. Beach tu Port Orford ia b i. Ford last Ible ralm on, he w ill lie a hard man u n til one uf the boy* Welti lo John week, hut when neeV the A ris o n . In n ' to bead in hi* raoe for the sheriff’s F rom m ’s place and secured a new FOR SALE. he broke down Xnd wae forced Io office. tube. And after ibis mishap every Registered four year old Hereford corue nn to town in the stage, The I The name of Geo. \V . S m ith w ill thing weut lovely u u ii| near H ub- Bull. D r. returned M onday, and having appear on the Republican ballot for hard’s creek whet« the machine sunk High grade yearlings, two and three the maaprml to repair b i.c a r , d ro i^ B,„uillBliun lbe oUkw o f County hopeleealy deep iu the mud. A fter year old Heifers. r hwm«. | 8ulniol Superintendent. After hia tryin g for a tim e to extricate it the H . C. HawrroM, Phone 14D1 Eckley, Ore. C ounty Attorney J. C. Johnson, petition had been filed, M r. S m ith task wa* given up and the party Does your Watch keep proper timeT R EM EM B ER Watch re pairing is Our Specialty. FOR TKEAhURUL McKenzie & Poole The Port Orford orchestra, which that «he I* going to display for a few ; Mail Orders Promptly Filled r * '*-.•** Plrat-etasa in «very rvtpaçt. ' Another r,hi| |a w h t . j u . l been en forced. A Guo. puunty farm er was ennducied in F « t O ifo rd la d week I (Wrested and line.! for duclorilig hia by A. S J tilin .im i. T h e p u p il, tak {ow n fewre. T hia «« one of tha fool Ihctn left w ithout ra tin g lunch. ing the exam ination were, Harold Twelve <>l (be party rode in T . B ? ~ Jolt neon, George H u ra l, N e llie H U I I law«, which with ntlier«, makes ibe FOR SALE. Davidson*« truck and aeveu in P. ■ elate ridtculou».— Coue B«y H arbor and L a u ra Sutton. Logging Donkey in good condition. U. H a w k in ’« car. Several lime« co M r and Mra. M ax T im m erm an ' ,<* ’ 1 T u re d a y evening was ladles routs the cars drojiped in to taud Line and equipment practically new. Apply to N. H. L jibxon . of M gndigeld, passed through Port U' * T illic u m .clu b . and a hole* where Ibe paaecuger« would Ot ford one day last week on their * ,|'“My nuffiiberuf the fa ir «uve tu rn have to get out aud help pry theta FOR SALE. way to Gobi Beut h Mra. Tourner- I * d o u t “ ‘,d »*«lp*d th e T illic u m * pare oul, *0 that it was 10 o’uluck that uian bad a tl.OOO m illin e ry stock * pbrneent w an in g . G am a* of war utghl alien they reached th eir dee One Davenport roller-bearing wagon, Boyle Jewelry Co. K N A P P « ■ a 4MMW««o r' E ig h t ot the lender* of the in a u r. T h e Ladiee A id He thought the (Me gwed, for he had bought beat aid Have Eveffifxi Trip Ta GeU Beach. Attend the Agate Carnival uaaat- rection in Ire la n d have been epuri u rd ty nig h t, and a nuipjier o f loyal tng Saturday night. inarehalMi by the B ritish a u th o ri supporter* who onade I ha trip w ith Jeweler me Na. 541. S' P o I O I o a I A u iiO u n c e B ie n t f i. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ed over to hie m other aud taken surveyed for th at purpose, but w hile STATE OF OREGON FOB home. I t seems that the boy bad , here M r. - Beal made arrangements CURRY COUNTY. Political card« will lie carried In this M an y vfeitors were entertained by onlumn until after lb * Primary elee- bad some trouble w ith bis high 1 w ith the W h a *f cu npany to ship Ibe T illic u m C lub last week, and a l l , Mo,, ,n May for ia THB WATTxa o r t h x m t atm ) tebuol teacher, aad did not w ant t' the seasons eut over the wharf. This or > -------- Who visited the club rfewwa Mn«e»a spoke f s FOR ASSESSER. W IXABMH O aUMWALT, Pe0«ASXI>| lo return to m ho.d, and when hi« means the cable w ill not be in * le il T i . « .m . -n v h i* h lJ o i lh ® C,“ h( • " d w«n l • * f»r I I hereby announce myself aa a eandi- •e far | j I pofetei<Uby TRo uuderaigLed baring been tim^Oouuty " tto irt^ o f îl'o ' parents insisted that he should bej ed, this year at least. fl.e c o m p e n y i e» t to _ ________ say _____ th at they were ___________ the neatest rf.e. d ,*B. r«» rto, th? nomination nomination of J -abject to the vote of the Republican Htete of Oregon, (er Ourry « ’uniy. e d - 1 , u r l e d out dowu Ih e ousel to tusk« proposes lo ship from fron 71,000 to 100, and UHal u p -lu date clu b room* a t U m Primary Election to be tuinistrator of lb« ee ate >-f Elisalirtii O 0O0 tie*, which w ill be the largest 19, 191«. Zumwalt deceased BO<t having qualified bis own way iu the w orld. W hen they had v i.iic d on lit« eoa.t out Respectfully, notice la hereby given to tlie creditors be arrived h e re *h e was w iih ou l a nam ber ever sent from here iu one side of (tie large to w n *. T h e club GKOROERUTTON. of, an<l all persons having olatma •ira i 11 nt na id iirmirrf>‘*_ tl> pr*»«e»it them hat and was wet. but this had aut reason. E. J. Looey, who form erly bea been a great advertisem ent 10 verilk'il m reqoire-l by few. willdn a l. dampened hia determ ination not to handled the tie business here ship FORCOMM18SIONKR. Purl Oi furd, end it ie the only place month« after toe 6ret publication ot I hereby respectfully announce my thia notice to eaid administrator at Ida return to school and after buying pad from 5U,000 lo *0 ,0 00 a year, but where you can entertain elrangsrt candkfecy fortbeiioininalion of County place of business at P<rt O rferd, Cue- eo aiething to sal be was ready to it is understood that he bee sold hie who visit u* end a ll enjoy (be many Commissioner of Curry county, Ore- " ° 7 f i ï i . . ». JûH B »TO M . Ooniinne hie jo u rn e y , b u t the law interests to the above eompany who ffon. subject to the will ot the Rrpubli- good things to read, and. rbove a ll ,can voters at the primary el •■etlon. May Administrator o( ibe ewtat« of stepped iu and returned bina lo bis w ill be the only concern engaged iu 19, 1916, Reepectlully the nealne** uf the pl«ee, Kliaabeth C Zumwalt, deceased that business here. G. J. HmaxBoxa. percute. Dated.Apnl 7.1916. ln Denmark Mercantile Co. Store The Place Where Ton Get a Square Deal To better nccomm odii'e out g low in g trade and increasing number of patrons ire have* been com pelled to add lo our general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stum p in g Powder, Oils and Paint«, F arm ing Im . piem enta of all kinds, including M cCormick M owing M achines and Hie celebrated W eb ber Wagons, etc , etc. And don't overlook our up-to-date «lock of Men’s and B o y s'C lo th ing, Boots and 8hoes, la d ie s ’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, N uts a r d o- tion s, Boiled Barley, G rrss Seed and Seed G rain. O rders H ., IN G taken for A N Y T X NOT ON HAND G iv e us a t r i a l o r d e r |P |g : ‘ J A S . S. C A P P S . P ro p .