The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, May 10, 1916, Image 1

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    5 -5 5 — BHI
“■pirit” af Old Marenchnaetta Taw»
Medford, It Is needless to say. Is a
place near Boston. Paul Revere rode
| “through Medford town" os his way to
arouse the countryside. Yet for over
js century, says the Springfield Repub­
lican. the thing that has brought the
greatest fame to the place haa been
'th e Medford ram . I t Is quite within
our province ns chroniclers to call at­
tention to two recent events of Im­
portance In the history of the town.
The 27ith aantVersary of the first s e t
tleasent an the Mystic, where Medford
stands, was celebrated most fittingly
<m Thursday. D r WlUlam Rverett. of
Quincy, whose facility In the writing
of occasional verse Is not unknown to
a whole nation, recited a historical
poem whose concluding steaa nuda-
; dously reminds one o f the town’s most
celebrated ladsetry:
“W lu t swans “Old Medford“ to her
exiled tone?
W het dear, domestic dream t to want
and wandering through their vis
toe runs!
Close to their hearts • warming taste
of home .
They pralso perchance; they share
and feel,
Though from th e » mother Mg they
' •
H er spirit still is there."
- But, ns a matter of fact, her "Spirit"
haa departed. Medford rum is no j
more, save In a vary small and con­
stantly diminishing quantify, for tha
firm that has made tt has decided to
close up the business and -withdraw
this redoubtable article of commerce
forever from the markets of tha world.
When the supply now In the bonded
warehouses Is sold. Medford’S chapter
in rum will ba ended, and the old
taunt that so distressed our orthodox
graadmothers about New England Bi­
ble» and Medford rum going on the
same «hips to the ehstben will toes
both Its pertinence and Its sting.
Edible birds’ nests are found In
the clefta of rocks or in under­
ground caret which are frequent­
ly oF<reat extent. John Mac
GBegor, in writing of a bird-nest
Ing experience be luul in ltorneo,
aa/s: “Off we west with about a
doaea Dyaka, as the little brouzc
aborigines o f thia part of Borneo
are called, for guides. The en-
trance to the cave was so small
and so elevated that I lut^l some
difficulty ia reaching it.
A fter
we had traveled for some lit lie
distance we came across the in­
evitable stream.
The ground,
which was to a great extent cow-
poaed of the bed of the stream,
was rough and irregular. We
were lighted on our way hv torch
•s carried by oar I H ajj guides.
At last we^auie to a passage that
seemed a veritable eye of a needle,
oo hard it was to enter, for it
looked so narrow and confined
that I despaired of ever getting
throagh It. W hen 1 fairly got
sqtMesed into the breach I could
force myself neither upward nor
d o w n w a rd -fo r that was the dl
reetion of the passage— and there
I was, sus|u ndea like Moham­
med's coffin or a lra»s<d fowl.'- By
dint ot wriggling, however, 1 at
ith > -w
• j hours; »
•I or s»\.
“ •**« — .este,
.untaallhy condi-
'H m of the kU-
« •> *: ■ -« «aina
your linen It la
evidence of kid­
ney trouble; loo
frequent desire to
For C artridge, Wood­
cock, Squirrel or Rabbit
Shooting the
- ea. Iftt
aiuctw-u. w ^ i m
, r—
& « **« .■ «< * " .r «Marth 0 - ,
LM a<ir, Oni, SS.OO
dersrseut of order.
... -~A____ * tv»
'x-r- I
What team .
There Is oom/ort In the knowledge ee
Mien axprsssad. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root. tbs great kktoty remedy fulfllU every
wish in curing rheumatism, .win In the
kidneys, liver, tladdvapd every pert
ef the »finery psjs.go. It «TVvet. iubllitv
gain hi passing
* , or bad eftoels following ese oiHqnor,
wine or beer, and overcomes tWoaoMiMl
necearttyef being compelled to go eften
luring »be day. sad to get up 'many times
A-J.„g the night. The mild and the extra-
ordinary ellect os Swam p* Root ta soon
Il «lands the highest for its won­
derful cures of the most dlstmsstng cases.
If you neod a modrane you should have the
bast. Sold by diuggtsts ir aOc.aodil. sizes.
Yon may have a sample bottle of this
Irish Cobier, Extra early variety
Pride of Multnomah
Early Bose
The eeed we offer was grown by Seed Potato Specialii
and are the beet need ob tain ab le. Good seed m eans larj
crops o f better potatoes—d o n 't put o f bujring your seed.
• . • Visit; ix«iii,rur«
ur« «tritatipat:3ft
C R E A T rceor.t
<tu .lld liu iu iv
)iou<i t. 6xci «parli n | < <
Buy your seed potatoes now from
•-lunvil to any ntlier ;
Always iUsss&mbcr the Fail Hear.
[ .a x a tiv e p .r o m o Q m a in s
ings to cat a.n.i w ear
Cores aC$Id In One Day, Grip saTwc*
In Prederlek Villiers' recent boob
telling of bis experience« with tbs Jap-
u>«w> to re « at Part A rth u r ha nar-
rates as JnterM 'log little Incident that
-ecurred the day (he et-rraapoadenta
, first reached tha fro n t They wars
«uartored la rooms at Daisy wkteh bad
"•an pillaged and desecrated by tha
Cklneac rubbers after the avatuatina
n It » Japiueae. Ha «aya; “W a ware
«&<a hazy trying to maAe. (he «face
a > Ifatle
Ration« of food wara seat
'root ke«dquartei-u sad our party of
.•u waa exjfi split up Into laviser
llarry (correspondent of the Chiengo
i» l l y
New»). Rlearltoa, tha expert
.'hotograpbie arttat, and myself re­
Tim e of H e r (M ath.
ceived bread, potatoes and two cklck-
A gentleman took a bouse In Ireland tna. Rlearlton took a areal fancy to
for six months niwl waa accompanied <ne of tha birds and. being tender nt
t k it her by Ma wife < mk I daughters, rays heart, would not have It killed.
1‘ licnlm. The house waa fuinnrheil and
"Io fart, ba was quite a UuMblst In
la bad plenty o f betlrooma. Therefore it
many ways, and would destroy only
¡() waa decided not to use a certain large,
dies. Thaos ten ets I have seen him
. long room w ith cupboards along ooe
send, with h!a unroalled fiat, a aoxen at
aide (w h ’cli had a ll been lockrd and
•I scaled up w ith tape) In which things be- i lime, without warning, to the shades
>f tha blue bottle. But be spared
Fl longing to the owners ot the bouse bad
cMakeaa. and (his especial olrd learned
¡t been put away. One evening one of the
. duugbtcrs going to her rtfcro saw an io perch on hie shoulder sod to peck
old lady wrapped In a shawl w alking bread fro j. h it hand. It waa ah awk­
'' along the |winmge in front of h rr. The ward siiuntiva. I tack no delight la tbs
R old lady appeared to know her way and fow ls winning ways and simply want-
,» hurrietl on w ithout hcwltatlon into the ad Its flesh, and Barry was of the same
r unumil room. The g iiI called ber sister mind. Rlearlton at last proposed a
and they followed the dame into the compromise.
“He said that ba would taka So share
'• room. But nN waa silent; no one was
v there; the dust lying about showed no of the bird that wa had already
doomed, and he would let ns have the
I. xlgna of footprints.
Shortly a fter the same yoong lady first dosan eggs that bis chicken—
was reading on the hearthrug by fire- which he had rhrlsteued Kuroki, la
* light. Looking up she beheld the old honor of tha famous Japanese general
' Indy standing in the doorway watching —should happen to lay. We agreed to
I her. Greatly frightened, she sprang up thia arrangement but It waa most un­
l( and, rushing downstairs, waa found satisfactory, for. although of course I
. tain tin g at tlir drawing-room door. A t reel certain that Rlearlton waa no
’ last the fam ily returned to Dublin. One party to the deception, the wretched
day when a friend waa calling the curi­ bird turned out to be a rooster."
ous Incident which I buve narrated wus
I re fe rre l to. The young lady very’ un-
, w illin g ly told her experience*. The vis­
itor ac-n-rd much atrerl; ar.d oaked for
■ on accurate description o f the old lady.
. “ For." sa d she, "th at hou.» belonged j
, to two old ladles, meters, and when they
let th e ir house they went to reside at
Geneva, One o f them, answering ex­
actly to the description yon have given,
died nt the time you saw her appear.
Sàaple Stendi Cutréf I
Rdsnme R i U k »
Ulularsi Touch
Bull Bmnnq Typa Bw
Catania Fiadsr «ad Pw
Decimai Tobulaloi
Vniblu Wrsnq
A Key lo» Erery Ckar
Pe-ioet Enauu Fac<b»
operations m
writing, billing or statistical work
are accomplished from the key­
board of the light running, easy
action Model 10 (Visible)
«-■■rto«« Casa a t Catalepsy a t Hospital ds
Pont-PKvsqws a t naasvllla.
The Temps reports a curious cam of
catale|>vy which for sc-.ertU weeks hne
been rngngfng the attention of the doc­
tors nt the Ilo p ita l de PoRf-lTvctjue at
Demo ills, reports the New VbrkHcruld.
On the morning o f J u ly 25 last a
young mnn, quite naked, tvns found on
a seat at Deauville sleeping roundly. I t
was found Im j siMe to harakrn him
aw l he w as can J to the hospital.
During three weeks lie remnined in n
cataleptic condition a t Deauville. Pho-
tog raphe were taken o f h :m nrd circu­
lated in the district, t u t w ithout being
irrogElzod. On Thuradny evening the
nnk non n man aw okr ar.d, ciwpnscd at
finding hlm aelf in a hospital ward,
questioned his neighbors as to how
he cyme to he then-.
“B ut it is impossible!" he exclaimed,
on being told where he was. “ I am In
Piu-is ar.d I have never le ft It. Only
yesterday 1 waa w orking for my em­
ployer, a packer In the Faubourg du
Tem ple."
He »toted th a t hie name was Louis
p ------, nfrt,| 31 yrera, living in Pana
w ith hia father, ('port a telegram he-
Ing sent to the address given the f a ­
th e r replied by sending money and
clothing for his son.
I.ouls P----- haa returned to Paris
without reiving the myvdery of
strange od>eat»re.
C®«« a t ad s lte ra teg — -ffir.
Tha people of.the United State« apend
»10.000.WM a y ta r In adulterated foods,
which are classed as haring "poisonous
and otberwlre noxious iagredisata," by
the government analyri.
Nothing has erer equalled iL
Nothing c m erer surpass i t
t a j C 9 t . a a m r i i o f i cam »<•
e a r e d . N o t a r e A lc fto w e a 't
do it, it needs
h e lp .
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
For All Throat and)
Long Troubles.
! « • writs foe .»or coufidci-tlvi leUer («fore
djoytrs foe RS. it| it UMV lx, w-.rth woev'y.
Ws pttuaptH . '-win Q. A «sd t 'w . n
w k
, Chefci? .ng J
; 4taAry«Bffr> «.o-iv Att. Tty ra
»M< «W
& CG.,
RMdwsaf X M rrj'-’ ^ e
O r . U » . PaltsR CaM,W ask-.t(O«, • < 1