Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1916)
W w . C a n k lin , the genial paper Vuveet Supervieet M a D u ff m m e of m yatery, or m u d , surrounded the COMMISSIONER. F O t TREASURER. from O iq u ilte » M «a ilin g in from Grants Pats laat Tboraday. arrivals u n til »her »'good appliea- 1 hereby announce my candidacy I hereby «cnniince m candidacy tor upoa t i i P o ri O rfbrdeu«tow er» the anrf w ith K in g e r C u rl, returned ’ tiou of soap and 'hut water a t the nomination to the of6,™ l, returned oi" "eoi coiintr for re-uondnatlon to the olilo, of Ooan- ty C-owmlgaioner, subject to the Re first •»/ the week. the M onday from a several d a y .’ hike K n ap p hotel, and is ctusml no U t i l , Republican coming pri- publican elector* of Curry county. Beaprctfnlly D r. H. C . D ippel, a d en tia to f Bao- in the mountains. The gentlemen, surprise whan the crust o f soil waa rnary elecdou. DE1.MEB CÖ LEGROVK. Respectfully don aaauciated with D r. 8 . P. E n d i- went out over J ihuson mountain broken that eiinaesd then» and tbs FRANK C A C O H E L U I herewith aunouuoe my csndldocv and M b B u tler, and returned via. jo v ia l feature, o( tha above named M . R. Z u m w a lt went down w ith colt, ia in Port Orford and w ill fcur nomination to the office of Sheriff “<..<; “r,7 e.ou,“ y> Oregon. Hubject to the Watches and Clocks repaired D r. Robbins, M onday, tu apead a m ain u n tíl Sunday. U 'o rk guaran Eckley and down S iam river. They ' gvniteuieu cam * Ut tigh t. Thcy va will of the lietnoui atlc voters o f report th at the miners have the plain their long tinta on the road leed. . A 1 hereby respectfully a on on nee my at reasonable prices^ A U few d a y , at Rogue river. trail» through the m ounfainsln good by »eying that tba first day they i eandidocy for the nomination aa Coun- the county to be e i pleased at the The «rebeaira w ill g„ t„ G o ld ! The U d ir o Aid w ill mee,t this work guaranteed. Rv- Primary elei'tiou M ay 1'Mli, 1918. I f •bape, but they «ay th at they found , reached the Arts ran Inn , where they ' ty Clerk, subject to the w ill of — the •i ’ 1‘ ,n hoiniontnJ and electel I shall endeavor publican voter, at the primary eteaUon Beach Baturday, ' wli«ro they w ill i Wl* k w i‘ *‘ A', r ’*- A- 8 ' At to merit the trust ropo*-.l in me by aa P ort O rford , O skoos . very lit t le game. W hether.the »sow stop|M«| ority.uight, aa I this i , prob ■May 13,1311. If nouiiuatod and elect elect- economic a n l bnain«*, like a lin la ls give a dance that night. T . U. D a *-1 lb* ir * * * ‘ me‘!ti“ * ‘ h«Y « te n d e d a of the _ offict offic« __________ kilted m any of the deer or they had ably one of the feature, of the trip ed I »h ill make the duties tration of the affairs of that offiua. wy buainca-*, idrou w ill take die party down in I ***‘ * of ,h “ " k‘ 10 lb " ‘" eo * ho U**P- Respec h I I v ju»t changed their range, the forest that w ill remain a m yatery, (or when RcajiectfuHy, T. J . F R C M M . ' h i. Hack. j* d in b u ildin g the sidewalk, and to A. 8 . J C n N S T C N men eoaltl n u tta y , but they thought they reached Port O rford the gen FOR COUNTY ATT0RNET. ~ ,, „ ,, ' ’ 11*'« ladiea who donated toward» the i t wa* probably ntoatly dae to the tlemen certainly looked more aug M r. Hollyw ood, a veteran »uh. dinner. FOB FR0TECUTING ATTORNEY. t h.-rnhv ana mnee th at I am a cau- latter cause aa they did aut find the geslive of a mud hole for a reeling •crip tio n ageat fo r d ie Oregonian, I did.ite for the U,pnti| nnmlnatto« * « • in town a couple of day» la a t 1 r “ ero f» e till cona'.dernblv corn- careaeeeaof any deer that had died place than one of mine host F ria n t’s To Tu» V o t x m or Cuaav ftooiirr: lor the office of District A ’ torney of I hereby Announce m vielf a» a can Curry orutitr. 11 nuininaUxI and elect week op hig way oOqlh s(eUg tUs «bout dog» running drh-r in from en,maure. They were told th at , feather bed« didate for uoraluation, at the hands of ed 1 pledge myself to the honest aad the Republican p a r ty , fur re-electb>n to Impart?»1 pcrforinaneu of the duties of coast ia the iutoreat o i that paper. ' <b‘* v ie io k v ’ • “ * the "»“ « « there are more panther in the South Another open question ia, aa to th e o tie e o f District Attorney lor (lor probably tie taken up with Game Fork of the hixe« country, than whether the D i’v , c r was “ hmuloo ry county. I f eu’ruatoit to again fill the ofth-e. « « L T .IE R H."BUFFING TO N. A fter interiw ittait* «bower* for Warden.. John Adam«. Owner» there h,« heen in m any year*, which tai” or not by carrying « Democratic tida o.-ticu by the voter* of the oountv, I prorake a faitlifnl administration of avverai week* the weather seems to FOR SCHOOL SUP’T. would do weft to look ovt for their probably account» for the searcily Judge and Republican C lerk, hut be , the affair» of the office, aud aatrlctand bave «ettleil. and Supecviaux M ir * h dog, w ithout fu rth er warning. thi» as it may, the Dr. says that the < impartial enforcement of the law» as To the ttepubltoan voter» ol C u rry among which are- o f deer in that section. .»-« M il' ‘ - 'MJ , „ ' , | they appear on the .-tatuU hook« and eounty: please consider me as ae ae . haa u crew of men at work putting *«•-“rrr-rF qtt : . »«> y “BIG BEN’1 and “BABY Ibe road* iu shape fur the eu m iner’, two certainly luuke a fine ten w when ; without fear or favor of pr to auy per- didute fftr tlie i.fflce of County School J , me* O ’Conner, a ptonoer rest 1 < p u ttin g togetlwir in the mq«L .^ h 'i aou, firm er corporation whatsoever Superintendent, subject to thedeeiidoa A Success. dent of Crescent C ily i California, “BEN” Alarms, HAMILTON Lr.ifiic. As to my qualifications ior the position ol Hip Hepuhboan vote,'« at 'he Primary he enjoy» a hearty laugh whenever I point you to my record os your pi win» landed at Port Orford in 1877, elec ion to be to b i May . 19, 1X18. I f Watches; R. WALLACE and •euting attorney since the time 6 f my nominated and ctectod 1 «hull make it E d ito r S. E M ariterà, of th e G-dJ The entertainm ent given* in the he recall« one occasion that (hey and resided for a tim e at thia place appointment. May I, l#lo, and mv rec- my buviuesa to wafifc for the ialereito ATHENA Silver-ware; BAN Beach Globe, passed down the coaat aud at G old Beaeii, died recently b all last Saturday evening by the hung up by m .l having »udlcieut oru aa a practicing attorney in Oregon of the »ch»uis of tlie county. Respectfully * KER Fountain Pens; SIM Munday fe tu ru iu g buu»e from Port aged 71 year». H is uaiy son, Frank children in the-prlm ary rum»- waa eiearnnee and the wheel« were lifted fur the past tweaty-one years. Eincerelv yoors W. M . K EN T la I'd , where he weal several week* witnessed by a large audience, and from the »olid road lied into the MONS Watch Chains. J. 0 . JOHNSON O’ Conner, taught ►eliool a t thia . ........ ,— -------— --------— •g o to take treatment foe rh e u m , ! p |„ce a v e r s i year» ago. affain the teacher, M r , . R W . Keef. roil elay atnd, and when th e Judge FOU SHERIFF lis ia .. er, dem oiulraleil lief natural talent w»f liftin g froin'Xebiud and the eu ASSESSOR. M r*. J tnies Conley died auddenly I herewith rcs|«ctfully announce in l(jii>dliiig and training th e little glee was ttarleii a »trentu of mud T hereby respectfully announce my- mv candidac for the Democratic iron- T li« m a il between P o rl'O rfo xt and at her home in H a rb o r A pril 13lh, Does your Wateh keep proper one*. Tile singe was nicely decorat like front a gatiltng gun c.-ims bis fell aa » candidato for the i.oinmatioh ¡nation for Sheriff of Curry county, time? REM EM B ER Watch re Bandon went u t t a new »cited ul« 191«. H e r death Waa unexpected ed in evergreen, and colors, and each w ay, hut. he staid m anfully with his for the office of Asaeaaor of Curry euun- and should I be nominated and elected pairing ia Our Specialty. ty, Oregon, suldect to the m-cepj«ncs l « lia i I earnestly endeavor to merit the Monday. Contractor Ditvidsnu aow uud uooaually aad for the reason oao of the little aotor, entered iuto jo b u ntil tit« car was out. and approval of the Republican Voters support of the people by a conaclen- m a ke , the round trip w ith hi» auto . (bat betid«, her husband she le ft the spirit of the oocasiun iu a m an Judge Wood had official business at the primary election to -be held tu tiou« and business like adm lnktratioa M *y. 1918. .track, inatead o f meeting the mail five little children, the oldest 11 of the affaira of that office. ner th at ahowed considerable ab ility at Port O rfo rd , and after ataylng Yours very truly Respectful! v, at Langlois a* he form erly did. years and the youngest I mi I a few F. 8. MOORE. J. O'. R U S S E L L upon their p art as w«Jl a» in the over Saturday afternoon and Sun h o u r, old. She w«» buried at biu itb T b i , ufllce acknowledges a pleas a i N M r in which they ha«T beeu d ay, ah««red that he is no q u itte r, ’ A. Phone No. 541. We carry m ac’ ta, In this manner I respectfully an riv e r. Cal. CLERK. train ed . Thi» ig th e th ird enter by »tartiug hooac w ith D r. Bobbins nounce myself a candidate foV the nom —___________ __________ ______ a n t cull from C. A. Potter, shurthuud I hereby announce my candidacy for ination as Sheriff of Curry oounty, and D r. J. L . Masvon, the reliaht« U iu iu e n t d u ria g (he prerasl term Monday atiwaio*. reporter and uewtpuper m au from rw-D«m>natiea to the office of County Would ask that the Democratic voters Veterinary Surgeon, of M yrtle Foiut, • f school th at B ra. Keefer A m givan G old Beach, who waa ia town Mon County Clerk S uunard i f oat oo Clerk subject to the Wishes of the Re- uf the county consider m y candidacy day n ig h t returning home from a t w ill be in Langlois oo Monday M ay and each one aeeme a little le tte r a b in d sliakipg trip am ong th e vo pablieen Electors of Curry county, as and fitness for the office w ben they go oaysuased a t the coming Primary Nom- to tlie polk at the primary election on tending C irc u it court in Coua county. 8 lh , and w ill go to Fort Orford if than the one before. . One th in g ters, and after naoetiag th e hoys hero iaatiac Bketsoa to be held Friday May the 13th of next May. Sincerely ' ,lli« r« is enough baiane,« th ere to that makes possible their «uoce»*, is tie went <ra . into northern C arry UL 1M«. Daring say throe y e a n o f service as MOS8 A V E R IL L .. Checking tic , at F o il Orford and Jjg«U|y h im to make the trip . A ny the tnore than o rd in ary musical (al Sunday afternoon. Coaaty Clerk I have triad to roa the in the surrounding wood, has be«u . i ____ ____ _______ ’ Clerk’a Office as economically aa poaai- one ivisliiug h i, services uiay l e v « ent among the childrea of her room. ' Tb the Republican voters of Carry ' He thought the title good, hle and give every one honest, prompt county. Oregon: 1 hereby respectfully going on for the past week, and it is word at the Langlois hotel or auy Not o nly did Mrs. Keefer -work un aad efficient aem ce, aad the reeved 1 I l TakeaT. kw my candidacy for the norai- ior he had bought from old understood, th at i f the check tallies uthei oonveuieut pince. have made as Clerk k my reason for fer the office o f sheriff of Ouyry tirin g ly to make the event w hat it m at Brown, an fcaaeit man. ^ r o k w fm y o ttg to r o v c . up aatiafuctorily E J Loney wiU aeil Oregon, '»ubjéct to your decia- W hen Judge Wood and D r. B o b . waa, hut «ever») of the l»Jie« of the' M r. and Mr». Chauncey Carpenter, the coming Primary Election for Tome ta find out the deed waa hw tie iotereals a t thia plaetV to the M n» " r r e in town laat „week they J. B. 81 said eoawty held May 19, 1916. Should who were m arried at the Imine o f tow0 »ho made the m a n y e utmfte» not aa record; he would file Fyfe company. I Ml nominated and elected to said office - for the children and others vxauiioed If«-*, O ra m Dean, who tlw bride’s paieuts, M r. and Mr». J. 1 shall mdeaver to discharge the whote it at race. The Patent he SURVEYOR. MB O n o n tjr Attorney J. C. Johnson K H i l l near F i,tu l r iv e r ,u n -*A p ril stated io various way» are entitled wAs oom w it ted to one of the' state dotiea of said office discreetly and with had never teen, but would I Uetwwiib respectfully annouoee ray and wife paaaed lb rough P o tt U r 2<tb la»!, passed through Port O r to much credit for the part they iostitutions ot Salem. Tw o lady a * . Sincerely, candidacy for the Democrutic noioiaa- St np too. Tbo buyer fold yesterday <»n tlm ir way to Ban - ford I be latter part of last week on took. O ver 127 was taken in at the tendsuta esuie in (rein (h at place tiuB to tlw office o t Coaaty Hurveyorof W. A. B IS H E L jjthe farm if the tide '-’I f dim, to meet llir ir daughter, who « h e ir way to Bandoli where they door, and several dollars was load»-- M onday and Oedt the p atieu t hack C arry eoanty, Oregon. was gkod, but had to ho Retwectfallv . To Twv Rgvuftucvx V ut C bs or Cna- with them. F «r a num ber o f year» by selling ice oraam and at tb ed oM e. w ill »pend the summer w ith them. DENNIS CÜNXIFF. ; wiU make tfivlr f«tu r^ .. The XX oocuffr. Owwow. , ah ow ajllie deal fait, thro a«h. ri W ’* Mrs. Dean has been a flic tm i w ith I hereby respectfully announce ruy- The T b ib u n x forae I» busy l h i , LLride who tv theaecond daughter of T h e orchestra furnished free and Get aa abstract a a l ba ready. a r ifa a a candidate (or the offloe df epileptic it s , wh ich loca l phytitiaUV excellent miisio fur the'uooasnl». ’ week printin g ihe C u rry county bai tM r . sod Mra. H ilL waa .one of the TREASURER. Sheriff of Curry count*, sabje«» to tb a were unshle to cure, and which AU lo t,. Thè num bering of the «tubs estimable find popular young ladies I hereby annoonoe myectf as a can w filo fth e Kepubitoan party to he ex- -A« weakened her m e n ta lly and phyai didate for the nomination on the Dem preseed a t the Prim ary to be held ox A CARD/ and thu rotation of the ua tue» of «f southern G urry, and ba* many the 13th day of May, 1916. Before you cally. Mrs Deau had not loal her ocratic ticket tor the office of County cis t your ballot I would ask that aay P o rt^ O rfo rd , O re g o u , candidate« where there are more friend» who wi»h her Well in her Treasurer of Curry county, at the Pri , . -------- mind, but she wai in an u nfortunate mary election to be held May 19, tile . record as a public servaxt as Aaaoasor na-*> a I l 1» w ith g great dtialuE plvaaure for »he past »even years be oomidsred. I - ic r u jk .F 'l’ i> » -o p i-i« t< > r. than live tunning for one office, i» new home. Your* rea, .dec (fatly condition where she could not caret f V Respectfully, I again ure the»« columns to exprree causing the printer much extra work. K ATE L E H N nblerr . L i» t T n u ra la y afternitm* sorga 12 WM, TOLMAN. fo rJier/A nsily, and where she, her •? *. appreciation: on behalf o e o iiil- Firat-eten ia every respect. Mra. C. W . Robbing, and little or 15 euterprixing citixens turned ♦ì* self, cuUld Dot ^receive propel eare,J dren and inVralf fotoTSe interest son, came up from Gold Reach last out to wdrk on the»idew nik from and it waa deemed advisable to send Q o »d Feed 9 ta b lg a tta c h e d . taken as shown by tbo large audience week and are visiting frienil» at thia Jackson street to the church, and bfcr to one nf the state institutions at the School E utertainm ent S atu r place. Ur. Bobbin» expect» to come at noon the following day the walk where »lie could have that care, and . W . A . WOOI> day evening, A p ril M lh ^ j up again ill bi» Ford F rid a y , and was done. On the latter day the «here, if possible,she may be cured. I l being the th ird o f its kind 1 A T T U H S K V A T LAW i f hi« trip is not so etrenuous ns hia members of the Ladies Aid served was a little afraid th« interest m ight The following item waa crowded luet one Mrs. Robbins w ill return a dinner to the workers tu their ulab GOLD B B A C B .O iU t-lO X • hate hut w ith a great deal of aatte rcaini, and the men deuided that the out o f last week’s paper. Willi bho. N E W L IN E O F L A D IE S A N D . N o t ic e o f Hale. ’’ loads and losdt*' of delicacies they faction found it to Ilia contrary. T he Rustler laid in our harbor Last Sunday Mrs. G , W . 8ydaam W e th an k the Public generally were stuffed w ith was Atnple reward G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H J . L ;-r over Sunday night While on her to an order of »ale made and entered lor the work they had dour, to aay and «epccially Mrs. SlewArt, Mr». was given a very pies »a nt surprise IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S , by the County Court of Curry county, way from Rogue river to Coo» bay. '»Y the aatisfaction of seeing Davidson, Mr«. Womlcm-k, Mrs. when about 85 <•( her friends and 8tate of Oregon, on the 10th day of 8h« had on board «uine 800 »m ail thia iio p to y e iiie n l. to the town and Tichenor, Ml»» H ill »nd Mr. Bunch relatives called to spend the day and A pril, 1310, in the matter of the estate G R O C E R IE S o f Thom»» Cvrneliu», dVoenaed, I will ease, o f »aitoon packed by the Mac- of the privilege of w alking dry »bod for their u n tirin g efTurta to make it wish her many more birthdays. T iie sell at private sale, by sealed bids, on leny Estate cuinpnuy,. whom .it i , along tb i* thoroughfare. The walk the success i t waa nod also the Purl guest« brought well filled baskets sail Thursday, Muv 2a h 1310, to the high, eat and beat bidder for cash in haud, »aid h a , (.»cited 1500 ease* since the i , »anther memento tu »omo of the Orford Orchestra for Music furnish the lunch was spread on a table in the following dvarribed property: Helling »ea»on o|>ened A p ril 15th. good w o rk, of the A id, whinh, fur ed was a necessary attribute, also the front yard and after lunch the Tbe-East half of Lot Eixlit in Seetion lim e wasapenl visiting. Mrs. 8yd- tbirty-two in Township 31 South of T . B. Uavidauu w ill run two car- nished the ataterial fur building i t the T r ib u n e . Range 15 West of the » illambUe M e n*u> received many useful (treranta. But we must not overtook the tbi» »unnuer between Port Orford ridian, Curry county, Oregon, subject J«». Ol»eii, form erly a resident of main thing and th at is the ch ild ren; Those present were: M r. and M r*. to the oo 1 rotation ol the court. Ten mid Bandon. One w ill be hia truck thy offer must accompany Langlois, passed down the coaat one per cent carrying tbs m a il, which w ill leave they have improved w onderfully, G. W . Syiinam , M r. and M rv .C . Y. ah or certified check. each bid, dgy laat week. M r. Ol»en has ta- f F. J. LiHuaaau, here at raven in the m orning and have grasped the idea and have mors 8ydonm , M d Mrs. Geo Edwards k e ifa fancy to a certain pot lion of ‘ confidence in themselves and I wish M r. and l^rs. A. A dolphren, M r. miniatrator of the estate od get back at 5;30 in the evening. itomas (SoraeUdn, deceaaad Mexico, and 1» try in g to get enough ! Date of fi I it publication April 28, 1318. T h e other w ill be hia 7 passenger to thank them publicly for doing and Mra. J. 8. Capps, M r. and Mr». people ioterested so that he can form well a* it »how» that tim e and la b o r! R- T . M o M ullen , Mr. and Mrs / . J- Siud tb aker, ahich w ill leave B in a emony to loratv I here. H e aay* have nut been thrown away. j K reu lxer, M r. and Mrs. A l lie F u rrier T rca p a as ’.¿otic«. don at 7 in 'he jnatWiMiig atid get the oppm I unities for m aking good Door receipts far Entertainment. .$27.20 ,D ,‘ ^ r - ' H. D. Cupk, M r. au d buck there at 2:30. The cart w ill • 7 ; Notice ti hereby given to a ll person* in the agricultural -line are unegoell Ice Cream if..» Mra. M r. » F '/...,« n . . f i l . O 18.901 .ffU a - « .— Geo. wmmvft Chenoweth, v u v u w n w » n , ««■ I . «ltd « T I D Mrs. M l a. connect with the boats at B in d o n , whom It may concern, not to enter up i . t b ......... cd, and th at the portion uf th a t lu r Dance...................... . . 3.75 W ilt Olenlterg, Mr. and Mrs. M . M. on or trcsp.-\se Upon the pregfieea of L . an (j, w ith uther car,# (p o llin g »oulh bulent country that he ha» h i, ays Total .................... X . . . S V IffiA K . « 'ri i.. . a .i l U . « ta.BR. j f rg . W h ite, Mra. Knapp, for the purpose of buiiflrtT, iW from tb it place. o n i , [»copied almost »h tlrely by J H a l l . . : . . . . , ; ............. 2.50 tlstilnp wi\h itooa and line. Haid'pre- E. J. Bement, Mra. N . 8w»n»on, * *.r• • " y ‘ ■* x- - 5 a * Mrs. D ella. Nichols and little Americana, .tnd lie Iwlievro it to be Ice C r e a m ...... ........... • rflL-. . .tr y '- 12 65. miser are situated on Hlk River, Curry P. M Ç b a r l . e , C lifford, Km 111 ■, H a ro ld , Pkya A Tableau L ig h t» ...,., daughter> V elm a, were In P'frt, O r County, tb rg oo , "h-l goneihlly known la fe /ro m marauding bands of M ex Coatoraes............ .. T h e P la ce W h ere T oo Get a S q u a re D eal 7.66 Alton, M a rl and Lloyd Hydnnm, ford over F rid a y night w hile return as the •T p ii.l” pluc -. icana. I t ia »aid that Mr. Olsen ba» Programs ............................. 2.10 M uiion 8ne»d, H u b ert, Luo and Any p'-rt-jn or pers-’rs *o tiwrpa*,- iug to th e ir Gold Bjacli home from interested »ev«r«l parties at Gold S ta g e ....................... . . . . K M Gfadys Edward», K a tie and Fred iog for Ihct purpose of hunting, fishing, a visit Ml several of the Coo* County Beach Hi hia scheme. W h ile ru n Wire laat Thanksgiving Time .66 To better accommodate our growing trade or .traveling through in any shape firm Adolpheeu, Edna, Edgar, John aad Duplicator A Pencil Paper. . . . 1.70 or manner, or tearing dowu fences, or town». Mrs. Nichol» who was g iv ning a country newspaper ia «onie- aud increasing number of patron* we have Eva Capo», Teraie, J >lm, Rose and Orchestra to buy Music......... 2.60 leavingont side gate, open, or molest ing recital» for the betiefit of »n ed times »trvnuous, yet we believe we , Clock for big Room................ 9.00 E d ith M cM u lle n , Louis, Jahn, V ir been compelled to add tri our general stock ing personal property, « ill lie prosecu ucational in a tltu tiiM to be e»tabli»b j would prefer Io have the print shop T otal......................... ................ 47.00 g lnia, Ftancia and Alice K reulxer, of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as ted to the full extent, of the law. ed n e tt G old Beach, had expected devil after u», and other calamities Balance............. .............. ........ 2.25 Baiah, Lena and Id a F arrier, Neva, W it . R. Johnson, to continue her trip in to the »Vii that often liefall ua, rather than to follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump Mrs. Mary Keefer, N orm an, Iren e and N urris G heun- Lesweof <h» above ■i , Teacher. >, ¡■Mäettä V s llv y and return down named prendm.-» ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Fanning Im m igrate to soil at tb i, lime. weib, R uth W h ile , Nellie Oleuberff, 1 Bogue river. W h ile aaeeting with plements of all kinds, including McCormick J<ie, Beatrice and M ildred ClapsliMW, cotiaiderableeneouragemenl ehe was Car Has Reagii Trig Frap (raid Bead-. Arrested At Pert Orfard. Mowing Machines nnd the celebrated Web N o tic e to C re a lito n i. compelled, however, to shorten her — --------- -- ‘ ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook IN T H E C O U N TY OOUBT O F .T H E trip on account o f p m r h e*h h . A t 10 o'clock last F rid a y m o rn - A. H- B«ah wav arrested in Foal our up-to-date slock of Men’s and Boy^Cloth- STATE O F ORF.fJON FO R R Siannard « aa ' O rforJ laat week bv deputy sheriff ing Dr. C . W. Bobbin», Jiidg * csrd* »«• be carried in thia County C lerk J It O iannaru waa t/riv ru ma* w e e » wv u e p u i y c „ « . i u <ng err. v . w . noowinv, *<Klgv »» too,,|umn nnl,| B, ter n ,. Primary •lee- CURRY CO UN TY. ing, Boots and Shoes, Laditw’ Dress Goods, in town M onday night retXvning , B, W . Dean, and taken to Bandon i A. Wood and C ounty Clerk J. It . J tion in May far 93 SO, IN THE M *TT KB OF T H fi H fT iT i) CigarB, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nutff and o* v i*it Io L in g where he was turned over to a Coos ' Rtannard, le ft W rddarbqra for l ’ort hoinv after a hurried or h I FOR ASSESSER. f 1/MUTH V XVMW aLT,pROKAaBD j ’a1 * usually ex cnuuly deputy. Basil had worked Orford in the Dr's , F o rd and at lions, Bulled Barley, Grrss Seed . and Seed ksi». “ J'd niay Clerk I hereby announce myself as a I eandi- T h e underalgced bavbig been a p brvudvr for Ibe U nion M eat compeny a l nnoo the following day tlie p arly pi^nvire «m ile was a tittle date for the nomination of asi Grain. the p o i n t e d by the County wuurt of ---- . . to the vote of the Rcpubli. a n Oregon, for Curry i-ouu‘.y. a d - eVe, tiii« time due to lb * urri North Bend end was found abort in showed up at this place. Consider subject . - - ■ ----------- to b z in t |,.?ttr i ^ « T M , |'haringqutlitt«U ! val at his home on A p ril 24th of a hia aoeounta. H e was marnad s i ! able excitem ent waa earned when IMs“ “ ^ " O rders taken y o n axythixo wot or hand Respectfully, ii -tlee 1« lieret-y given to the orwiitore - boUncj„ g babv boy, axd while prep Coquille just before alerting on h is , the parly bove into sight, Ibe first GEORGES UTTON. to " r^ ro n to h ™ | aratloiia had been made to receive a trip south, but had left 1>ia w ife at guess being (bat it was Use first over- Boyle Jewelry Co, Bandon, Ore. carry a full stock of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ARTICLES Mail Orders Promptly Filled BOYLE JEWELRY CO. BanJoi, Ore. Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. G o ld B e n c h , O r e g o n K N A P P HOTEL C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS © a ll and See 0 u r Lines Denmark Mercantile Co. Store - JH Politicai Annooucemeuts. v.-rithMl a t^ e q u ii* I by b»w. «iUun stx | g j,) j„ the fa m ily , thia being tnontha «(fer tor first publication of the third boy, yet J. R 1« *>I ‘ be op thia i.otioTfo Hii I »draioiatrator at hk place of bosiuess at V r t Orford, Cur- lim is lic nature and never loves hope, .. ..........» J M » n o » . eo the stork’s getting h it order» m ix Administrator ol tbo estale of ed did not prevent the little vtraog- Elitsliutb C Zumwalt, deiiaeed [ er flo w reoahriaf a w arm welcome, Ditc.| A p ril7,1910. Bandon, and waa apparently in a len d sxpreeS try in g to Ooma ahead rO B O O «X IS 81O lfE R h u rry to get over tlie C alifo rn ia line, of the rails «ad then tbw town w it I here for tbe nnmiaagion of County H is shortage wae M id to be between 1 h it upon the bappy thought th at h i raer of Corry county. O re-, _ „ - . . . . , _________________ nrrx county. 40 and 950, and ha waa bound over waaia German eubm«nnX and bad gun. subject to the will of the Rep ubli-, tony10"' M*y ! to appear before the Coos oounty mistaken a C urry oounty mad hole f grand jury I»» ike aura of |7 fi0 . for a new tea to oenquer, and a cloak | G, J. Hannasta. G iv e n s a t r ia l o r d e r « JAS. SCARPS, . ' - • v P rop.