CURRENT TO PI0 8 . ------ - By J . H . U r r a x . Korrox T k ib u r k :— Your New Suit maxi of the work o f th e greet Pepo list I'a riv which Ute other Woodrow W ita m denned the em anation '•Crude I gn-.rance '•’ çf F rom >w* BANK OF POWERS The prgp«re«l»v‘ x fanatic« yre e j Some » f ilia people up here who tperieneing y f u r l.l >rd, oqt-iaikei» opponent of lategt gtylo. Priees reasonable. NO ^iT, NO SALE. „eaid county, W h a t doea ha th in k ¡•T il W iU oii« arm y |ioli«y, nt the M ic h i­ ,^e is hired fo rf Since the feeabuee gan doth- « h ie p rim ary elraiion. was abolished m any count fee make the S3.« PPM. N O T IC E P 0 U P U B L I C A T I O N T he Oregonian ed ito r rack« hia Tqara ware four entries for the horse­ ^ e ripo't k M W whether • d o lla r a profit on the work o f sosse o f their DcrSKTRSXT o r TUB I h ts s io b , brain for reasons conclusive that race, wbicb was wen by WIU Crook's United State« Land Office, \ goes m far as it used to b a t it err* officer«, t«lt not C a rry . tlo v : W illiyoouibe’a new departure Muldoon, AH Qauntlett rider. Roaebtirg, Oregon. March 14, Wig. te in ly goes fatter. The racing spoils were wound up with M r. Stannnrd does not mention in penitentiary management rloea Notice is hereby given that a race after a greased pig, or rather a > W IL L IA M P. B R YA N T hie additional xource of personal In ­ com m it h im to nil unqualified en- greasy bag, for be was a large fellow, ■ Kditore who had V illa ’s obituary com« ,in the m atter of public land j O rw w #ut of u ,e \ Ve«i program of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on March full of lard inside and covered with lard 4, ttH"., insde Homer toad Entry, 8eri«| "set op? a week o r so ago are b r- fv r t, and copies ol documenta to all OUtaide. Be was aeon captured by Gun. t No. otfotu for the W * NEJ and E | NWJ G ov. W ith y combe fa irly combed jin iv r ig to realise lliaft thia prepqr who require them. der Anderson. j Hectiou 2«, Tp. 32 « , B. 18 W .«t, W, M., ha« til oil noticu. of his in tun'ion the B u te high and low in a frantie ‘ *♦ ' *4 in . ,t pdnaaa busjne«« can bo oyejrdone. Tbe brass band discoursed excellent to make Hunt Fire-year Proof, to Am i would not M r. Standard quest for a oaitdidsie to run against music during the day, and was foe fife 1 establish claim to the laud above des- ---------- gladly accept tha C le rk ,h ip eve» at H on. Ben W . Oloott for Secretary . of foe pie-hie. The dinner was excellent orlbed, before Hardy T. bteaaft, U uit- Regulation q f lb« »peed ot auto the naked salary of 9100b? T h e c f Slate, and fin a lly landed M r. ’ and plentiful. Everybody eftjoy-4 foam- ed Stales Commissioner, at his oflioe a t Port OrfoW, Oregon, on the 87th dsy tnobiloa oyey the p oqatxieoue roads average employee in dairies and oth C. B. Moores, whose d m p n lg n ex T*** ***** foUsatuwtent, and tbe en- of April, mid. * Ijir e occaaiop, including foe baH in foe of C a rry pouply, a paJtjer that Claim «nt names aa witnesses ,- r a - penses are «aid to h .v « been pledged j w l n | er industries— working long hoar»— should rroeive foe «Atentjon p i onr particu- A. J. Month, Qf PortOrtord, Oregon end bÿ the S tale Committee. fer. " ’“'"”'7 J R HatohcaOB. of ” •’ radeiaa lees than |5 0 0 a year art. Reckless d riving baa already Bud Huh-ht-sort, of *»-, ■ •» not a few o f tbe wen end women ao I have nut the «tightest objection A Uliain ij.B e n n ett, ol ’’ ” caused numerous M eidenls by fright A n eh-ction^wili be held in Coos employe.| would ihem»elv«a wake to sll thjx, only th a t in mjr task J M Uv.ox, enieg team«, xod-WhO« no on« hae Register efficient C o u n ty Clerk«! and one of keefhng Oregon history straight, county u> tlis near ¿future to vote /awn killed as yet it is on,ly a ya«t- on-a goue hold io ebeck the aotom»bile epeed In the long ago I rnjoyed (he C O U N T Ï OF C U R R Y.' Bandon to C -q u ille 48,0011 o f thayeasoni why working men Jool. ^ t ia never advisable to w ait honor of a more or leas in tim ate ac­ Raleigh Jordan gmj Coquille to M y rtle Hoi ot 40.0.X) and working wyrpaa should set their Lester Jordan, h r the Uqrse to be stulmi before Jgpk- quaintance with C. B’s., father, Hon. f-tf.OOO Plaintiff*. faces>leudlastly «gatast salary grab« J. H . Moores, and more especially Coquille to M arxhfiri I donr- va N orth of C> hm , Bxj 69,000 and other speoi«a nt graft. Marie L. Ito«-. II. and Jefferson D . with Hon. I . It. Moores his g rtn l Ros-ell, her hnsbund, ’Ctlireal Jor­ And 1st not au y wags earner over father, good people, at Salem. jUoyerjng a p e rio d o f four daye-^ T o ls i dan, C'liuion Jor.lan, Ka.nuel Jordan, 8302,000 1-I« j M. Ray, formerly Ida M. Fitter, T h e G overnor’s reasons for desir­ F rid a y ,S a tu rd a y , Sunday and Mon look the fsot th at lie stand« to pay and Thomas Ray, h. r hnabsml, Jane t a y , no paper m ail arrived at Port taxes even though bis naiqe je ab ing a change in the office o f Sei-re. Doe Rex for, I, wife ol John Rexford, F»y F in i Half Taxes Aay Tig Jam»« M Loach, buslHtno ol Hopliia p rfo rd excepting aome Coos county sent from the s«se*«inent rqJJ- H« tary of Stale, via: T o bring ab-ntt M. Leach, «ud Jane Doe Riley, wife publication«. W h a t ia causing the pays in the gray of the enhanced perfect harm ony in the Stats De­ el J W. Riley, A taxpayer has the rig ht to pay „ _ Defendant«. /Is la y baa uot been learned, and poet oqst o f f ha necessities be tqust b «v, partm ent, w ill not appeal to tha av the first h alf of his taxes after A p ril To Eforeal Jordan, Jane Doo Rex­ and by reaaon o f tbe curta/led pm,|- master Juki talon haa written severaj ersgecitixxn as a desirable oonsutn 3 w ithout paving the second h alf, ford, wife of John Rexford, James M . tatters in an effort to find the cause pensation for bis toil eqtaiied b>- ipsiion, inasmuch as, wherever di- on paym ent ro made Interest is to Leach, husband of Bophtn E. Leach, and Jane Doe Riley, wife of J. W. Rilay, o /tb a tropblr^ and if neoe««ary, call .the high tape« hi« aeigbqor» tqu»t yvrgeneies have manifested them- he charged mi A,« Ijrst h alf o n ly , «1 the above named defendants ; In the name ol the State ol Oregon | U to fo e s t a t i o n qf tl>C dy p a r t i t a t. b y b iitta lly pay. yxJxM between O lcott on one side tbe fiat rate of one jier cent for each you are hereby required to appear and and the G overnor and Treasurer mouth or part of n m onth, th at pay. answer the complaint filed against A t foie tiny« of the year it would *eem On A ^ ril 18, President W i/son such ¿Way is inexcqsahta. K ay on the Other, time has p ro w d m eat is deferred after A p ril 5, sc you in the above entitled yujt within six weeks from tli« date of tlie liist pub- was spokesman in chief at tbe Jef Better service than this was had th at he v # * rig h t pnd they were Cording to a ruling of the state la x lioation of this summons, to,wit, with- ! ferson Day Banquet a t New Y o rk , wrong, to otaptiuB only two episodes,1 commission, a copy o f wl.ioh has In six weeks fr in : It« I2tli day o fA p rll ' over the notorioua M yrtle Point* 1*16, the same h> iog the date of the | and of ooursr, in tha l/ue of o ily , Rceeburg wagon road, and w hy it scholaatio platitudes, d id fu ll jus- those.involyjag tits Lewis^Canlina beca received by Sheriff Harker of first puklieiitiou of this suiniqotis, and ! em broglio and tbs M o rs o n -W s s t' Lane county says the Eugeue Reg- if you (ail t<> appear and auswer in foe i ¿honld happen now with tra in eef- lice to hia «ubjeot, b a t, lik e Repub­ eonteutioii in tha ra d a im alio a con ' later. above entil e I -u lt ou or before tbe ' vice into Coo» county ie a m ystery. 2llli day of May, 1UI6, foe same heiug lican lenders at Linooln Banquets, tract m atter. "U n d e r tbs la w ' now in effect the the last day yf the time who u n ifo rm ly deni in generali«« tlie order of publication, Judgment wi I Langloie, Ora. .< ) aacunJ haU js t«d ^»nnM doge ran to tlie Court for foe re ief drmanduii In th at the people remember and lova, • ping fiqyr. J t is said to ba quits a tbeir complaint, a sa.einet statement o u t. of which is as follows; That ptt-ntiffs oom men occurren^ for deer to be Tha following d tto by A p ril 5,” thw cnmmtxxioa held- title to tne West half of the W eat half run in to the lake. J f t , trouble does S; A nd it was in bis "H is to ry o f tba * In thwGaaetto by E. “ •*««'[ t<> lbs date of d^in qn en cy, oi: Section foarleoai. .Lots uumbered w o ° f theRaperteri foeReperter. who isMdb "under a ll cixximytances is one, eight..nine, fifteen and slxieen of not sesm to be to much from hunt- Am ericas People” writteu aouu a f­ fa ction fifteen ; lu te one and two of ter tbe Ocsiy Populist Convention jag parties aa from doga th at go out OctoljBr f lj tlieM wA’ Hal ir e / lreptax<-n t Section twenty-two; and tbe Nurfo* and wee 1 of their own aocord info take up the wherein Jefferson ^ t / Jeffersonian bration:» jaeparsito am i iU iM inct obligations west (piarter of the NortliwAsi quarter of Section twenty-three, all in township jcbasa. I t i t a bad habit at any tim e isnp had b*«» made a feature of the Immediately after foe diffnsr fo afo ct.' uOfco.irse (axes may be paid in forty, South of Range thirteen west of races began in front of the grounds and r..n • _ .t l . . ,, the n 111 .mette Meridian. Curry oouu. f r w 10 m ' t o ’ If*.® f M p /a t fo rm , th at M r. W ilson stigma- court house, and continued tor sever.! f“ H f * bttt U ilu r " *° W ty, Oregon, containing 4uO.1V acres be especially a t thia season wjieq ft ix tiged tha work of (bat Convention hogre. • f the first h a lf h y v A p ril 8 dues n o t |iiietod in them ; that défendants be jldre to be harm ful to the pmpog* as "C rud s and Ig n o ra n t.” urever toirred from asserting any first race was tor boys under six change, in any resjmgl, the status of claim wiia'ever in said premises; th at gtao o f deer. Owner« should take In this Convention a leading fa r. yearn, 26 yards, Willie Moore end Char* ihe secoud h a lf no* the requirements it be decreed that plaintiffs are foe owners in fee of said premises and for lay Gauntlett entering foe contest, foe for p s jm r .il foejtsof.” pare of tbeir doga before evidence I» pjer delegate, recited apiuug things such other relief as to the court rhafl latter securing foe prise of gl. laid before tbe gain? wnrdep, and jihp following Jeffersonian gems; ..-»..•a,. seem meet and equltabl*. Next Reuben l|oor«, Weajay Millar Servies of this summons is made by Àbey I f * V“ 1 **? »eeqjaa« trouble and C o q o im /I c B e s t i r ««.. v - ' * / ’ The lilterty of Mteaking and end Jimmy /ianntlett contested for foe publication pursuant to an order made pgpeqse. The p ro s ic e la one th a t w ritin g guards our other liberties. prise for boys C^wecn 6 and 8 yaara, by Honorable John, ft. Coke. Judge of The total receipts of foe 1915 tax the Circuit couit oftbe state of Oregon, should be, and doubtless w ill be, U nder the law of nature ws are 60 yards, Jimmy Gauntlett securing the es at the Sheriff’s office here up t<» in and for the oounty of Curry, which prise of $1.50. . plopped. said order bears date April 10th, 1916, a ll born free. Johnny Satton and Clinton Gauntlett '" « •‘" ''" g A p r il 5, a fte r w h ic h apd directs publication of this sum­ The mass of m ankind -h e e not then «n contested for foe race for boys lbe P«u«lty went m i. amounted to mons in tbe Port Orford T r ixjm s , a John C. K endall, candid ite for Iteen born w ith saddles on th e ir from 9 to 10, 80 yards, Johnny Button 8341,000 in round numbers. Thia newspaper published lu Port Orford, in a nd Curry county, aud directs that poqjinslion to the {legislature from winning foe $2 prise | leaves ju a t about 8800,000 pone (Bounty, ia a m an who tjoes not Itackx, nor a favored few booted end ye t Io foe same be published not less than once a week for six suuoessive weeks. A race tor boys 10 to 12 years old, 76 ; cd »-« . ‘ spurred, reedy to yi^q them legiti­ shirk the responsibility q f taking a A. W ood . yards, waa foen run by W ill Forgey m ately, by the grace o f God. Attorney lor Plaintiffs. M r. auil Mrs,. Hat Rsckleff have sfond upon im p ortan t questions. and George Gauntlett. tbe latter win­ I f a nation expects to be igoor ning easily and securing ti^ $2.50. ' ju s t returned from C a lifo rn ia to W h ile in Port Q rford the fireC of J. H . U H T O N , The next race iyaa for bqys U to J6 again make Coquille tb eir bom*, to e ^ r' f e n d a li etated bis po «nt and free in a stale of civilisation, it ex pec ta what never was and never years old, A lf Caugkell, Harry Wineoj- M rs {jacklt-ff Was form erly stenog ffl/o n clearly upon ceyeral o f tbe NOTARY P IÍB U C , ****** ........... and Jack Bagnell entering. When it w ill be. /fa d in g issues, probably the |w o came to the start the other boys refused rap b erjn the «h eri^’aoffice here end L aso «»'-«. Ci aa r Co., Oaxooa. H ut it out of foe power of the tew ipost itp p o rta n io f which is the pro Is now to act aa stenographer for to ran again»/ /a c k Bagnell, so be htbilio n question end tbe regulation to riot on the labors o f the many. through tbe «ourse and took foe prisa tha pounty Judge «nd oounty road T h e principle of sending money of $2.60. i. o f the salmon fishing industry. master. ’ to lie paid by posterity, under the A young man’s race «vas foen made A .T T O Ä I M K Y A .T L A W - W h i,e not claim ing to ba ' a probi Judge J. YJi'. H a m ilto n came in up Lou Miller, A lf Bagnell. Charles name of funding, is but sw indling /ridonisi, yet M r. Kendall stales 21 Yexrs fa c tic e « Oregon Courts Owens and Thomaa Ghapm«» «forting, friw R o s e b u rg yesterday m orning fu tu rity on a large scale. em phatically th at he is opposed to with A lf Bagnell ahead at the outcome, and took yp thg work o f the ad Q < i) ( l U o i i c l i , • «s O r * O f f o n W henever there is in any country fous securing a $2.60 prtgg.' an y measures in tended to pull rhe jou r tied term of eoort here. H e D is t r ic t A t t o r n e y f ö r C u r r y C o . uncultivated lands and unemployed ^ ’ b ead >Ai 6 but all proved too timid save Isabelle W ill matte periodical visits to Langlois, iaaue in Coos »« well at in C urry, qomplishfocnte pf M r . Jefferson like gold, o f Bandon-, '«gainst (lie Marsh McGreery, who run th« 25 yards and»«- Port Orford and Gold Beach. AM work ha stands aquaWly in favor nt an tke follow ing! _ , field Record atid ol^ers. ¡ , jie question, ing $2.60. • * ollection of that Jefferson, though The final race for ladtas was for mar­ also Agent for All Kinds of Eart^jjig Ina- arid a t tha last session of tjiis Lagis a finished scholar, was a yary qract- ried ladies, Mrs. McCreary, Mrs. Wm. la tu ie it wee the Peirce b ill, regard tylenqgnto; McCormick Movers, etc. lees'of large petit Woe to lite contrary, ioal m ax; th a t it’ was he w bo'dre^ Gauntlett and Mrs. Wilton appearing. On the start the latter failed to get the plana o i the U n iversity of Y iy k ra y , hut the two former failed to hear tyood and iron Work promptly donfr -at a ‘h® rf** *® ginia buij J mgs; th at it was he who tbe call to come back, and rah fotaggh H r . l/sirqa ia qgala a aandidale for fu ll lin e of S t o v e s a n d ' R a n g e s , I'eqaOftable price. Your patronage solicited. rc'etqqtion from C n r r jf aed haa not ■toviaed o ur system of publio lend > foa goal. M ri. McCraefy reach •urveye anji gava'ua our decimal there a few inches ahead. But as ft announced hie pqe/tiòn upon either G u e r n s e y , s i^ lu m in u m , X u g s a n d O y C a l. no race the iadfe« came back, and o f the above Questiona W ere f lr . system of acooeeling and eoiaaga. next start foe three were joined R e n d ali ruantng for the Bepublieaa 2 ^ *" - tV’hen next they start­ ^ n d i t is quits worth lbs saying ed focy nil went forward together, mak­ b a g , S t i l e t t o C u tt le r y , £ a .n t e r n s , E t c ^nasiaatlon In C u rry , he wtiuid re- that it is another Woodrow W ilson ing an interaeting race, Mrs. Gauntlett fu lve e big vote ia titie feet ion. Ijt} ! a n d o p as if he does not applaud this time gaininw the outcome slightly, Of Mrs,- /faCraory, »nd winning! Chas. E. Mathers, The Tailor f£as B very fa c ility Z’or Jfan&ling Y ou r B u sin ess B a n k in g b y Jiiail S olicited In terest paid on S a y in g ¿Lc’ts. POWERS, OREGON 1^ ; • t.'* M il” ! X • - ■. I.’ J G <• Langlois Hardware Store Hardware »fall Kinds M c h in e ry « M o w in g M a c h in e s. b flw w a fe P a in t« , O ils & S tu m p in g P o w d e r P in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a ­ p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g o o d s k e p t in S to c k . ? D oor* a n d W in d o w s in v a r ie ty c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n k a n d . P ip e P ittin g » , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d » d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . , i • W. J. 0. JOHNSON Bowman, Cheever $ L a n g lo is , Or. Furniture J & Hardware Store C stackle ing Powder GENERAL WM. GILLINGS, PROP. Blacksmjthing BEECH ER JE SS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g e a & L * u n tac i 91 i 1 I 8 I II I. 04 z i?«- ? M