Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1916)
Dean MastenbrooK Jeweler . Town u i cm ty D r. J. A. T y ie r was alaetad City Treasurer of Creeeent C ity last week Wise Echo Marttert end M r. Fred N eat Saaday ia Eaetar Sunday, by a majority of 98. The maay old friend* of the Dr. in th i* eeclion era Fish were united in marriage a week The Aid will meat this weak with glad to learn of his political sueceaa. ago Suuday a t Gold Beach. Justice Mrs. T . B. Davidson. Stafford performed the carr Fifteen Chinamen from A tioria Neat 8a lor day evening will ba ot tha home of the bride’s paaaad down the eoast last weak to chess night at the T illicum d a b . work in tha Maoiaay cannery at parents, Mr. aad Mrs. 8. K. Ms re Ralph G Hslmksn. Judges: F P Cook, Chainuau, L E Farrier. ----- Floras Creek Clerk»: Mrs U»vmo>d Capps, James White. Jeannettad- ibeon Judge»: Jut P Ruaaal, Chaiim an, C V Woodruff. ’*8' fiecood Board * . IX“ Watches and Clocks repaired at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. P ost O rford , O broom . R CtoAe: J 8 Csppa, 8 Malehorn, C A FOB TREASURER. I hereby acBounce my candidacy tor nomination to the o m r e o f c o u n t y Treasurer subject to the will of the Republican voter» . at the coming pri- rn»ry election. ke * Respectfully FRAN K U A U G H ELL. FOR CLERK. Judgea: A Adolph ten, Chairman, F H «train. ^ 7 “ Clerks: H arriett** auwton. M W Strain, Oma K Nall. rk, Chairman, T Judges:,Claud E Clark I hereby respectful! ----- y a noon nee my , * uerew.m announce m y ------------- candidacy for the nomination as Coua- " T nomination to the office of Mherifl ' O * " * , subject to the w ill of the Me- j « * • “ **. Oregon, subject to the publlaaa voter» at the primary etootioa *« 1 °* ‘ be bemooiatiu voters of “ „ V «•. 1 I»»«- 1» nominated and eleo*-1 the county to be eipmeaed at Uie MW ___ _ ad I shall Blake the duties of the offtat Primary elertiou May lvtli, 191«. I f J Gibba n»y busines«. • aoinioated and elv-tsd 1 »ball endeavor « Meta Creak Respectfully, to merit ths trust reiaxed in me by aa Clerk*: John Hall, Edna Frye, Viola _______ A. fi. JO H N S T O N . economic and hnaineM-like adini, 7udgee; ftoo W Billings, Chairman, tration o( the affairs of that odioe. Clias f l Tucker. itmpeetiully FOR FROTECUTING ATTORMET. T . J . PR C M M . Hlahe To tub V otb S s or CuaXr Oovarv : Clerks: C P MaoKarlane, Mrs Jacob FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. F ry, Mrs B L Billing*. | I hereby announce myself aa a ean- .. W elter Button returned Friday Wedderborn. They were takes f r o * tar». . Both of ibeM worthy young peo from a abort visit to Gold Beach. Bendon Io their deetination by auto ple were burn end raised ia the vi track, lbs machine returning up 11 m band boy« expact Io go to cin ity ol Rogue river, and w ill make Gold Beach and give a dance there the coast Saturday. their future home at Euchre creek. about May fith. Mr. and Mr*. W . C. Purdin and They start out on life’s journey to |IA PC H (W ANTED—Ona that w « Born, Thursday A pril 13th, ISIS, tix uhildrra arrived on K lk river gether with the friendship and good ■ » head milk eowa. Would Hka to to Mr. and M r*. Lawrence M iller, hurt week to become permanent met wishes of a large circle of acquaint with option of buying. on Cedar Fork, a 1 0 | lb. daughter. deeuo f Curry ooonty. ’It r . Purdin ances. Address ia-the gentleman who traded ranches r.B. Bditnr 8. B. Marafera, of the Gold “ uaaight and unaeva" with M L Port Orford, Or. M r*. Della Nichols and little A o f ^ l . ^ t yA t t a r S y ^ Cur-1 of Beach Globe, pmaed through town Barrett, and expresses inmeelf ae Clerks: O W Mnninger. Rena N 7 county. I f emruatod to again till c i r ^ u M ' * V I L & ^ d e te £ daughter, Velma, gave a recital in last week enroute on a short buei- well pleased with this (action of the iu,ne. t . „ j the church at this place last Friday Weeralnu, Nadia Lncas. Judges: Ed tills o « m * by the voters of lha oounty, ,4 j „^,1 ’ ’ Miller, chairman, R L Vernon. , I prnmlm a faithiidadm i-tstration of “ n iu ft^J neea trip to Portland. suuntry. Impartial performance of the duties of night that wa* enjoyed by a large Boyle Jewelry Co. f / Bandon, Ore. carry a f a ll stock of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED X ARTIQLE8 among which are ‘ BIG BEN” and “BABY “ BEN” Alarms, HAMILTON Watchee; R. WALLACE and ATHENA 8ilver-ware; PAB- KER Fountain Pens; SIM MONS Watch Chains. The Roemer celled here Saturday During the pest lea day« the mail evening, while enroute from Coo» arriving at Port Orford from the Bay Io Rogue river, and landed some uutrtda h u been very irregular, but 12 (one of freight. beginning with the first of the week A rthur Hailey and wife (nee Miss it bae eotuoetioed to show the ef Georgia M ille r) who were married • * doming Into Owe county on at Gold Beach some three weeks the railroad. Sunday** Portland ago, pasted up Hu* coast several day» papers arrieed here Monday eight, ■go. on a short honeymoon visit in wbioh is reoord breaking time for mail coming intu this ooauly. - Coua county. A braes baud is to be organised at Powers, wiiere they claim they have 17 accomplished musician« to etart with.' Coining from a turn baring town ilia band proposes to have uniforms that will harmonixe Mail Orders Prom ptly Filled with its surrounding»— the regula A t the close of J. 11 Upton’s Oom thru logger’s outfit of blue shirt, Doe. your Watch keep pro, er munication in this issue w ill be high stogy shoes aud sawed off over timet R EM EM B ER Watch re noticed an obituary of Mrs. R. E. alls. pairing ia Our Specialty- Cope, whose untimely death is tha I f the weather permit*, the able- enure o f general regret anday apathy throughout thia end of the county. bodied men of town are expeoted lo turn out lumonow to lay a new About May 1st the County 8 S i sidewalk from Jackson »ireet to the 541. We carry aa «c’fa veyor will make a survey of a wag church. Dinner for the worker* on road to connect the one -wow ia w ill Ip served at the P. J. Lindberg use up Sixes, with the one near home. The material for the work Eek ley, and it seems quite probable is being paid for by the Ladies Aid, that Ibis much needed road w ill be and it is hoped that enough dona built in the not very distent future. tion work can be scoured to ley the G o l d B e g e Jt, 0 r e g o n Geo. W . Billing*, who base home walk. stead at tha mouth of Mdle creek, Mr«. Alios Zum walt rented her Hatbeaght (b e ttle gaed, on Rogue river, we* ealled Io Rose imine tu Guhl Beach and mured to far he had haaght I n * aU burg tart week Io give evidence ia { Port Orford last week to make her « omteet brought against hia a|»ph residence here indefinitely. Mrs. cation by G. M . C brnry who claims Zum walt oon tern pi atte opening a aal ea record; be weald file tha land is chiefly valuable for min. restaurant and bakery on Front R at saca. Tha Patea* ha eral purposes. •trevi, abd with .h er well known hadaever asea, hat w .«U Jobs W. McKenxie returned m * skill in the eulinsry department it leak f e t ep tea. Tbebayer rrk l day» ago from »pending puns U aeauied that òhe wtil tweeive a waated the farai il f e tide threw week* in the hospital •«* Baa good patrunage if »he engages iu « a s gaad, hat h a i ta ha don recuperating from a recent at the enterprise, ' ¡c ’ , ehawa. *Th» deal fili threigfc. tack of pneumonia. - Mr. fileCeniie P. J. Lindberg, who for some time Gat aa abstract aadha ready. it getting strong again, aud says has been oollectiug tha m aterial, that ha is certainly glad to got back commenced construction work leet tu (ho active life of a farmer ooes work mi a garage oa the corner of more. P o rt O rford, Orogou, J-ffetson aud Eighth stree t s Just Chas. Doran, who baa a forty ear* opposite the, T bibuxx office. The K- K N A P P P r o p r ie to r . tract of timber land on Hubbard’s building will be one story high and creek, was in Lorn Springfield O r , 82x5« feet in rife. E A. Liadberg, First-elaes ia every respect. a few days ago, looking over hie who will conduct the garage, is a <hesd F eed 8 t a b le a tta c h e d . projierty. M r. Doran la in todbh g'tod mechanic and automobile man, with a Michigan syndicate whom :aud it w ill ha a hard jo b indeed in J, O, JO H N 8O N he say» will invert heavily in Cur wood or iron that bn and P. J. ean- A T T O B N E Y A T X - A W ry Bounty timber if lie can got i t in not haudls. 21 Tears Practice fa Oregon Caavto large traeta. Several days ago ths staanarr Fi Q u i d K 3e«s«h, « e O r e g y o m Miss Kate Lehnbrrr, Deraocretta field broke the lines that held her P ls t r t e t A tto r n e y for C urvy C a. candidate for Treasurer, wae iu Port un tlie beach and slipped bask into Orford over Friday night while re- llta oeeau. She Is now being hsin- turuiug hi Guld Reach from a visit uiered by tha breakers, near the C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. to hnr parents In northern Curry, south je ttjr of the entrance to the P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g eo a and, < w iden tally, of aoursr, entiling Cuqnillr, and will probably be un some of the voters enroute. Miss wrecked although it ia etill thought Gold Beach, Oregon. Lehnberr is aoompetrat young lady, tier mauliinery can be saved. The L. A . R O B K B T8, and is going to receive the notpina Fifield was polled onto the beach tiun by h er party without opposi with cable and donkey engine at an A TTO R N E Y A T L .A .W tion. expanse of 83,500 lo be repaired. M yr tie P o in t, O rego n . Jf. h . Larson, manager of the lo Mrs. W illiam C. M iller «fid H r*- Probate basino«* • »peoUltv. W aller Miller and two children, cal saw and shingle m ill, made a from Ophir, were in tows over last business trip to HanJon Friday re W. A. WOOD Wednesday night «bile un their way turning Saturday. M r. Larson is to Guos county. The former is go well pleased with the business out A TTO K XB Y AT LAW ing for a visit with friends and rel look fur Port Orfoid for the ooming « O L D BEACH. OREOOS ativee in the M yrtle Point section, nreson. He has recently started Usta a - is » while the latter w ill jo in her bus' several men cutting lies and shingle *te»|eyatM u To Kute-y o f Landa In baud at Powers to make their future bolts on property that he owns north y u tio g a j F o rest. o» I**« !*ke, and expects to innreese i is i herabi hereby gi that the lands home there. ' »t 4 No«.» deecrlbed M o * , , ein ambra' ng* 5.48 tlie force to b u ' 10 men. The shin A- 8. Johnston, postmaster and s X i ’R r e i s - , N . » tonal Forest, gle m ill w ill st.irt ebout May 1st and will probably ran StaadUyVll a n i ent'v under the sroriaipna of the candidats for ths Republiean homeeteaid laws of (lie United States nation as County Clark, has summer, while saw m ill will and the apt of Jpna 11,1W8 (84 8toA, W . J. Colebrook, in rending an order for a year’s subscription to the T u ib u n k , writes that he is lo cated at K nipp a, Oregon, where ha is engaged in making maps for a big limber syndtaste. BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Bandon, Ore. Curri Cinti Attract- Ruit) Cinpiny. K N A P P HOTEL Qn osaten i —Continued from pogo 1. road oa Monday, May 89, 191« or with 19, 191«. Beneeotfnllv - Respectfully ‘ D EN N IS O U N N IFF. — that tha d a r k draw a warrant in the in five days thereafter and report to U . J. H sibkk sb . sum of 83.30 on the gooeral fund la thia court at the Ju ly term. lieu of said lost warrant. . . The Treasurer Is hereby ordered to In the matter of the appilu.ition of a wagon road aa petitioned for com W alter Moore fee axpoaae of feoeidg mencing at the te rin ln il of the present ean-ed by Cedar Fork road, it b hereby Sixes river road and thence running ordered that the clerk draw a warrant easterly up the Sixes river to a point in on the Ueu Rd Fd la faror of W alter tersecting tlie present oounty road near Moore for 832J.00 tooover sal I expense. said survey or to meet to survey Iu the matter of the Special tLhoel transfer the sum of «1200 from the gen Tax Levy ia Diet No. 28, it appearing to rJ id to.the credit of rd 7 for ol. mging Ive mills the oourt that a tax of fli aad repairing the road on the lull levied in said aehnol district by the south of Port Orford, court through mistake and tlie court _ „ „ _ I t ___ is hereby ordered that the District being fully adytee.1 in the mrtter, i t tot Attorney prepare rtipulations with 8 E l _________ Who will be at the Knapp hotel each Saturday and hereby ordered that thBUx 1« remitted Mars ter sad refer tlie lacto in th a d to - a a d sheriff take credits« the tolls puts the Gold Beach Olobo and th ia ’ ^Mtoferamta?«itw«!M> 3oid 8 ° n<i*y with a fine and up-to-date line of made-to-mMsnra foraamr. - ■/ 4 . " O r d e r Y o u r N e w S u it From Chas. E. Mathers, The Tailor Thaelerk Ja hembX °<d«rei sïïSfSA*afSi«i*& a 'a for the year 1887. % ** ’ _ _ the _ notice «amplea to seleot from. Havo your clothe« mad« ia ' Globe for,pubiiabing tax foraci- ware suit being I latest ityle. Prices reasonable. NO PIT, NO SALE. Carry cuuoty, upon Court adjourned. W. A. Wood, tiounty Judge. Deluier Colegrovc, Commissioner. billa, no transcript. - K. B., Commissioner. Tha petition of Ute Maeiepy Estate Attest: J . It. S tanmámo , Clerk. Bills alseUowod: Wright« Jurtiee. A , IF U D , B D U fifi«H9 H tto u o w u uw uvu »sat has a preference right to make In« ste al entry (or the lands act dally copied. Maid la - “ ------**-J ‘ - land« were lifted is 6 f (he pertoi the applies* lone tinned be tow. who have a M rig h t subject to the p.)of Hgb( of auy such settler, provided suoh Settler or applicant ia qualified to* make hoes« atead entry and the piefetena* right is exercised prior to May 2u. 191«,uu wliu-li date the lands w ilt be aabject to settle ment and entry by a n f qualified pat- aoo. A tract of 47 «2 nerta <1ea$rjbeJas the H* N h j of Lot I8 ( t scree) mid 8KJ N W J of Lot 181>.5 acres) th «'sj at DA 10 (80 acres) the W l W l of Lot S (9,| acies) the Lot 11 ( teres) 8m. Iff.' T 0 W ., w W. . M e S 8E m s ., r T i o w „ m ., ., f t w k i | ÄK1 a tec. W .T 3 » fi, R. H W . e Z HE| NE|oec h'iretofore re-tore I cep« tha« portion . jnder L lrt t it-T58emlwaclug 42.14 acres. net area hereby lie ed being «.«8 llc*H>n of Charles i f Pet aeree, aimlicati >g»r, M ariai, onteop; IA*» *-1885. arch t, 19] 1918, of the G enonl Assistant ommiaeiuaer Ce p in d Office. e ibeeouaty. Mr. Johnston is per Carry Comfy Mm Here To Take Wib th« do transcript; Adolphsen and Wallace Company fora renewal of timir Ferry franet.ise aoreas Bogue river at Bag Registered four year old Hereford for Bull. High grade yearlings, two and three J G Russell, deputy sheriff expense, year old Heifer*. eonveying prisoner to OolJ Bcacn, H. C. H ampton , 8'80.50 silo wed. Phone 1401 Eckley, Ore. The Treasurer 1* hereby ordered to transfer «473-fff fruin (he Forest fund to the Rogue river trail fund and do«« Far Saia. said trail fund. A good saddle horse and new saddle O tt ('augh' ll, work In the Clerk's for |«5. Fffr further particulars iu- offloe8<ue The clerk is ordered to advertise for quire at this office. bid* (or painting the Pistol river bridge one aoat, bids to ba opened the first day P o litic a l A n n oau cem en ts. o f the Ju ly term, ooonty to furnish tlie material. Political cards will be carried in this The court now proceeds to examine tlie list ol J udgea and Clerks of Election column until after the Prim ary elec aa appointed a t the Jan. term and after tion in May for 83.50. considering the objections and sugges tion» presented by eitlsens tlie follow FOR SHERIFF lng eleetion boards are appointed and the Clerk is orilerrd to notfi v M id elec I herewith respectfully announoe tion board« of ib«ir appointment, to mv candidacy for tlie Democratic nom- j sene fo r 191« and 1917. ¡nation for Hheriff of Curry county, I Che too Precinct and should I be nominated and elected Clerk»; M y rti» Cooley, Bertha W . I shall earnestly endeavor to merit the Wood and Joe De Martin. support of the people by a co iscien- j Judges: Carrie P. Gruver, Chairman tfou» and business like administration ' B W McVay. of tha affairs of that office. Upper Cbetoo Respectfully, Clerk»: Lela i'olm tn, Gl-dya Payne, J . O. R U 8 8 E L K Mrs E G Gardner. ------► Judge»; Joseph Reimer, Chairman, FOR SH ERIFF M,«i, «to Peini. To T he Rxruei.icm VoTcaaor CUB- Brookinn * Clerks: W ill Moore, J H Thompson, a r couktv , Osa««». A F Van De Vent»«. I hereby rrepectfally announce my- Judges: C B Rteea, Chairman, Geo8 t« lf aa a i-andldata for tha office of Harrie. Sheriff of Curry count , eubject to tha Will of the Kepuhlfoen party to l>* ax- CJ<-rka . w M KuseeU. Abe Harden- preMte i at the P rim a n to ba bald on brook, C A Smitl., the I9tb >iay of May, Í9I». Before you Judges: H E Farmer,Chairman, John oast your 1« lot I would a»ir that my record ■• a public aarvawt as Aeaees -r H«m- Pistol River for .ha peat aeyeu years be considered. Respectfully. Cterks; W J Walker. Mr» W McCor WM. lO IJfiA M . mick, M i» J K Itawrenoe. fafatik Jt - rj. t - -t • BUI of Geo B Stafford for | t . » making poll books disallowed. Judge»: Henry Ismert. Chairman. A Damon., / " for ll»e piwi1 *on, and the race between Clerk»: D M °M q ore,"S 'M B ogard« he and the praeeot efficient emeu mb Francis Hughs* of the Sixee r iv and C G Caugtie'L cut is causing nonsiderabie interest Jadgee: PDOofrta,Oheirm*A, O fiu er, C urry cuanty, Is here to remove Starr. and protpissfi Uf he alose. Mr». Hughe* bom», having spent Clarks: C h « Doyle, f r e Gilbert A m jp*y, J. V . Jfoyt, of Gold Bswh. the pest five or tix month* here in d a re o a .T L Carey. Judges: W T White, 2r., Chairman, was iu fown FfWqy «fglfi *b il« re the hospital part of tha time and at Fred Postal. tur it) ng home froqf pMnu<)iiig the the home of her sister, the remaind Clerks: U r s E M rk lo foore, Mr» Hannah Presbytery ft # fr lle jr.pnt er. She ta now able to return home F M i. W B Smite. Rey. JJoyi hpp fsociujy been honor and ta glad to go. M r. H e g h » Judge»: J G Porterfield, Chairman, . ed by bring appoiufo<l p defagafo to restigated the report that ensilage M n W B f i m i t h . Port Orford the ÿa lio n a l Presbytery at Atlanta way injurious to concrete silos. C. C'erks: Louie Knapp Jr.,M ps A 8 C ity, Í Í J , for wbioh place he eg 8. K«issr proved to him that a tilo peels lo st»rt in aboift tog 4*ya. properly oonttrootad would with Mr. IJoyt baa pot visitad hi« mother Mam) »11 tart» and that acid* from ia the eart for 8 wwwhsr «ff year», the eotilage wa* not injurious. Mr. and thus his trip aerosa tha conti Hugfiffs wilt oonetruct a tifo o f eoo- nent w ill oosibine pleasure g illt orrte at ■« 4ista»l (Jsfo— O » » l ' Harbor. bqeineee. 1 - 1 FOR SALE. FOR ASSESSOR. faith claim ing any'of said lands the affairs of the office, and a strict and the office. Clerks: Mrs Annie Lowery, A P Bag- impartial enforcement of the laws as audience. Mrs. Nichole is out on < O L L IE R H . B U FFIN G TO N . Mrs Richard Pugh: Judges: J 0 »hey appear on the statute hooka and quite ea extended trip, as, after nell, Butcher, J M Woodworth. i without lear or favor of or to any per- FOR SHERIFF. •peaking in several of the Coo» errt ’* Flat ' son, firm or corporation whatsoever. To the Republican voter* of Curry ( Brinoe, Walton M ill.-r, As to my quallHcatiniis (orthe position county towns, she will visit many M W Overton. I point you to uiy record aa your ^>roe- county, Oregon: I hereby respectfully pointa in the WlIhfmdtt* valley end Ju d gu ; A 8 Miller, chairman, Fred editing attorney since the time id my announce my candidacy for the nomi Bair. appointment, M ay 1, 191«, aud my . ree- nation for the office of sheriff of Curry will return to her home at Wedder Hills Allowed: I om as a practicing attorney in Ore Oregon county, Oregon, aabject to your decis ion at the coining Primary Election for burn Via. West Pork and down Golt Beaohd lobe, pub Co ot pro 47.25 for the part twenty-one years. said county held May 19, 1916. Should Be*, h Clplie, publishing J8<> 70 Sincerely yours Rogue river. She is traveling fur 'fold I l>e nominated and elected to said office JOHNSON In the math r of ' (-Hinging Hi- pul is die • cliiiig in a th- J. 0. JO the purpose of raising Linda for a road In M t Xo I, fr.m the 8 E end, I shall endeavor to discharge the whole duties of said office discreetly and with Hen hum ' FOR SCHOOL SUF T. free school to be established near of the brid.e to the (not i of the Benlixm dispatch. r t i L n e ^ r ’i n T ° lh ‘1 « ‘‘puhltaan rotors of Curry Sincerely, Gold Beach'and called (he S h ad y St T ’/ i." <*>•»■•/! M « » « oohsid-r .no as a can’ W. A. U1SHEL. brook Study Center. I t ia the a in ih /ita w e re n u l ’" i t 2 ” ‘Y l to Superintendent, subject to the decision FOR CLERK. bition of ilte promoter» of this move !?.* “ W « « Repuidican voters at 'he Primary “ • he held May 1». 191«.* If to start a -chool where growoops, n?« J iL Y ? S h to Y L “ 1;1' ? '“ «"tfu n a ' I hereby announce my candidacy for derw Tihrt S P Prt m and x fH th|OdOJ ’ •>®«»"*»«d *»d elected I shall nuke It re-nomination to the office of County a» well as children, who are back, w h o v i « w i ? 2 i d my business to work for the lutereda Clerk subject to the wishes of the Re .l «to » „r» r I d| “ 5 * of the ^hools ol tlie county, ward in their education, may go at u tat publiean Elector* of Curry county, as repo: Ble an amended and oom- j tu t report Beepectfully expressed at the coming Primary Nom a small cost and feel free from tha _ lute rep inating Election to be held Friday May 4 1 9 , 191(1. ‘ usual embarrassment that would mentioned on or before the first day of —— the July term of court 1915. _ follow their taking Ibeir places ia It ia hereby ordered th at J M Caugh- FOR COMMISSIONER. County "Clerk I have" tried to run the county surveyor, proceed to survey . , . the classes iff a public school. I t ia eli, Clerk’s Office as economically as poeai- ark's umo »aid rood on May 1.191« or within fire ' 1 hereby n >y candidacy M — * give ' every one honest, prompt and the intentiou Ui leach eoioneou, high days Umreafter, aud report at the first for »^nomination to the office of Couu- ! hie ______ e®«“ "» service, and the record I of foe July term ol Court. »» Oj»wi«i«H»er. •ubject t to the Be- ' f™1 school aud college oo ureas. Mrs. day have made aa Clerk la my reason for In n the matter of the road un up the P»Wtaan elector« of ( urry eouuty again asking for your support. ap-etn Niciiola give* a good recital, and Ohetoo river; It Is ha eby ordered that Respectfully, DE1.M EB C Ö LE liB O V E . the county Surveyor proceed to anrvey J. R. STAN N A RD. bar little 7 year old daughter, who that part of the wagon road up t h too F O B O O M M IS S IO X E R ^ has sereral numbers on the program, river M petitioned for commencing at FOR SURVEYOR. tha Jack's ereek bridge and following I hereby respectfully rnnonnee my lias natural talent and took the the said 'rend aa petitioned lor -to a candidacy I herewith respectfully announce my fortiienomir nation of County .. ■»» ■ youngsters beie by storm. point un the south side uf the Cheto« Commissionar of Curry v county. county, Ore- Ore candidacy for the Democratic nominal river near the residence of John Bravo. gon, subject to the w ill of the Republi tion to tlie office o f Oounty Surveyor of Paid surveyor to meet to turre - can voters at the primary el otion. May Curry oounty, Oregon. N E W I j I X E O F LA D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H - INGS, D R Y GOODS, N O TIO N S, G ROCERIES C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS * ©all and See 0 u r Lines Denm ark Mercantile Co. Store A The Place Where You Get a Square Deal To better accommodate out growing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to our general stòck of Dry Qooda, Groceries and Provisions, as reif as » «ándláate for th« uominatióa ing Powder, Oils and Paint», Farming Im- at tlie'primary election'to be held in Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagon», etc , etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots and Shoe», Ladies’ Drees Goode, Cigars, Pipe«, Tobacco,'Candy, Nuts and o- tions, llolled Barley, Gres« Seed and Seed Grain. May.jei«. Yours vary truly ----- •’ OORE. J SHERIFF. In tltia manner I rrsp ertfaty a n -. nounoe myself a can 'li'ate for tlie nom -, ination ae Sheriff of Cnrry om nty, and Would ask that the D-mo. ratio voters of tfia oounty mnai l- r my caii.ll laey 1 amt fitnea* for tlie office wlten they go to the poll* at tli* primary election oa Hfm-erelv MOF“