The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, April 19, 1916, Image 1

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    P O R I
O R F O R D ,
O R E G O N ,
W E D N E S D A Y . A P R I I , JD.
lo ie
A M inolng......... ................................
¡y y
ï (K&Obdag»
C H ieo ra F ax w . M a « . . V. M. A.
A 8 M i l l e r . . , . ; , . . . . » .....................,
Amos Miller . . . . . . • » .......................
Geo W illiam «......... ••..................... .
| Hill A Uughes Blackgmith Work
e tc .. . ................................
Road 16
Mark Wood. . . . Rd Happlte*...........
Helmer Colegruve Rd W ork...........
Road 16
P M U ttler Rd Bupplioa ,
Road 17
Jeff Howell Read Work...................
Road 18
Wm Gillings Road Supplies......... i
Wiu Gillings......... . »
................. ;
Hannah Fl«h J .urn h e r ...................
Road 10
D A F in ch ......... Road Work..........1
H H Finch.......................................I
Ed Magruder............. •’.....................I
' Road 83
Geo W llik -s....H oad Work . . . . .
Ed W alker— Trail W ork .t........1
Hon Luciw..................*•???... J
Paul Moore...........
C L Cunningham ..'.” . . . ..............
Rood 81
H Cheater....... .road w o r k ........
■ Wm Strain................» . . . ' . ............... 1
I Henry strain ......... ............................ 1
K H Strain................ ” ............ . . . . . 1
Road 35
Joe He Martin . . . road work......... ,1
Gen Rd Fd; F J H untley, work on
Cedar Fork Survey...... ............... 3
J M Gang h e ll... .surveyor......... .9
A H B oioe......... bridge work.......... *
Earl H a le......................” ................... 4
Fred G u erin ............... ” ..........
8 A Johnaou................*’...................4
J ease Mala..................................... . . I
M M C la w a h a * .......« ................... 1
R L Wuflaoe...............*’ .......... .
General Road Ftutd.
S P Peirce, road viewer, O k eto rd ji
................ '•........................Ti
Erneat S titt........ surveying.......... II
For Partridge, Wood­
cock, Squirrel or Rabbit
Shooting the
Ma >01
WJwh t»rM. -*»h, 4 1W.. .... Wi^.
rwuxL.uw.'-, » « » « i r u ,
u»< ertM s>6 »a.oo
¿tW Pft/Sf.
,V ’
• a»,, « w » « ,| i , i
A -
There Is comfort In the knowladgs sa
«*•" «preaeed. (hat Dr. Kilmer a Swamp-
Root. tbs peat kidney remedy fulfill« every
Irish Cobler, Extra early variety
Pride of Multnomah
Early Rose
# < *h« “ d B a ry p a a 5acB. lta o n w c ta InabUUv
to bold water and scalding pain In paaalnc
8. o rb e d effect« foHowtnC \ u s e f Heuer.
wins e r beer, and overeom aa that
t o t o ^ e d » y * * 5 |f o g ?
manV t o s s
t o y * the night. The m«d and the satra-
»’•, amer
It • C °
The seed we offer was grown by Seed Potato gpecialis
and are the best seed obtainable. Good seed means larg
crops of better potatoes—don’t put of buying your seed.
Tilth i Ntrsrsta
io r e v (i
»«• I. -b czcriMt« r-f'tr/1 *twww<.
A C H E A T n w r .t o»' cares, -.ce.
“ 4j(4a.4»t in uu dicii Inatoty, psovtt
M ootiiS an ip ad i a | <
k n o w n to a n y o th e r
Always Sesaeiaber the F g M Nanis
^ p a t i v o p r o n a o Q a sn ie ®
ings to eat an d w ear
Cores a C g M in One Day, Grip in Tw®.
ea-Boi» «e.
■toisal Mikado.
Mntsohito, the emperor of Jap­
an, is about a« stoical and irapaa-
live naan American Indian. When
Prof. Milne, the greatest living
seismologist, was studying enrth
quakes in the far east lie spent
some years in tbO Tukio univer­
sity. In that island empire earth
quakes occur two or three time«
a day sometimes. The professor's
researches und ex|'erlineuts at
tractetl the attention of the mi
kado, for whose pleasure a sham
earthquake wan arranged. O n a
waste piece of grotibd the profes
sor caused to be »reeled some
buildings, beneath which were
quantities of powerful explosives.
The emperor pressed the button
and the mines Exploded with ter­
rific force. Ilia majesty remained
calm and imperturbable. He had
neither started nor blinked. Mo
t ion less and
watched the scene. Then, just on
taking his leave, he remarked the
tne word “Really!"
T C irakaudow... .road work . . . . . 10.26 Chaa Simona
2 0U
A H M ow.................... ” ....................12.6U Mrs Anglo Hawkins, cook
Alfred P ettis ............. - ...................
2 50 » a n le y Fry,
W M oors.................. » ..................... 8 6« Mat Coy
C K W hitworth...........» .................... 23 60 Geo Edwards
Fr.-«V d ia llin g ............. ’•...................16.1»' B W Haybcll
TChristaon . . ............. » ...................10 U0 Chas Simon«
30 26
H H oney......... ................................'..12.60 Ri.hird Vonner "
T J Fromm
........." . . . . ........... 2.60 F L T Iiom u s
3» 1»
G Anderson................ » .................... 2.50, Stanley Fry
42 20
H E iw.irda ...............*’....................2.60 1 Mrs Angie Hawkins "
„ 36.00
E U n lit ...................... ” .................... 2.60 M S Do. atlsr, supplies for camp
3 60
Ed Hnyea
................... 8 6 0 ... » Coolsv ’
F 86.46
J C Mider ................. " , .......... ...... 6 0 0 [T D Barry
Mer’ M iller......... . . . . ” .........6.00 Jones Ca«hStore
Frank Kuebeucrr.
’ . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 0 0 Jt W Dean, fuluphone messages
Road 1, Gao. Rd. Fd. Road a t Chetro Nteo W Sm ith,cash advanced for
Bridge Approach
| at am ¡a and expenses
10 80
A F, Stickney..>ad W ork....1 3 .7 6 . C W Robbins, professional service«
Jack l i t t l e ............. . ” ..................13,75
rate of Wuv. indigent
R G Gardner............” .................. 22 60, C W Zum wait <& Sous, supplies fur-
BertToluiaa................ ” ...............1 6 85
niein-d Sparling, indigent
W m Tolman....... ............................. .11.251 Mrs A F Uaidner, keep of Haines
Letter Lucaa ,
...................18.60' indigent
Road 6
1 M W00J, mdse for J H McFerran 10.00
C R Browu:........ltoad W ork......... 2.60 M F HeVlerritt, wood, etc for Way
G oH unn
.........» ......................................................................... 10.601 indigent 6.36
J G l'o iu rflvld.......” .................. 6.2rt T H E-tes, tel rent and toil mes’ga 19 -5
Geo P ostal.....................’ .................. 2.60 WtxJ ierburn Trading Co , supplies
Road 7
for Way, indigent
Wm L im p a th ... .Road W ork.. . .22 60 Bancroft Whitney Co., Oregon 1»-
J M U n p a c h ...............» ................. 4i.6»| p o n s
A J .Marah
.................12 60 Kate Lebnberr, work in Sheriff’s
Bernal Forty......... ............................ 6.00
Clias Neum an...... .......... » ..............,13.75 Gold Beach Globe, stationery
Port Orford M ill Co. Lumber........6.76 DM Moore, aundry sn polios
Road 8
! Bushong & Co., supplies fur offices
L K Farrier . . . Road W o r k . . . . . 16.68
and eieeitona.ete
286 16
John Farrier....... .....................
. 6 8!T- J R Stannard, caali advanced for
Robert F a r r ie r ..,...” .................... 6 25
stamp«, freight, etc
I R Fitzhugh ..........” ................. 10.62 C H Bailey, stfimps.
60 20
Lcgter Keller
................... S 00, Malehorn A Cornwell,supplies tor
1 W Fltxhugh,
n 25
bridge, gen road (und
13 06
J W Mackensie......... " .................... 5 00 J R Hill, roiyil word, rd 2 fund
Kred M ack en sie___" ................... 6.Ml i Hans Adolphacn, lumber for bridge
Oenmark Mercantile Co. Hoad
In rend 9, gen fund
Supplies ..................... ..................90 Mel Fitslmgh, wagon hire, hauling
Road 9
I witli tract < roa.I 7
6.00 ■
A H Bolec......... Road Work . . . . 82.'0 Heo B Stafford Jr , woFk in Asses-
’has Sydnaut___ , . . .................. 37.60
»Of'« offioo
R L W allace....’................................ 2 W Fred Bauer, repairing elec, boxes 6 25
fro.I G u erin ...............’’.................... 7.60 C O Onughell, work In Sheriff's
iarl H a l e ......................................... 5.00‘ «Woe
Jlnrence Sydnanj
................... a.50 Douglas Coonty Abstract Co., Hat
Jeo Sydnsin ............... . . 3 . 2511' for Assessor
4eo D I l i e n o w e t l i . . . . . . . :36 85 H A Potter, clerical wk for Hist Aty 12.60
Sheerer A Bowman Kd A Tractor
-I State Forestry Department, tire
— --MltOBllM'. . . a —r *• rnrtrjn i 10,901 protoctitm expense
Rood 10
j O O Onughe.l. work <>o Cedar Fork
1 A T sy 'd r ......R o a d Work......... 88 60
road survey, gen rd fund
2O.00 C A Potter, labor In clerk’s office. 7.80
. 2 60 O®o H Wood, registering electors 8.20
.10,00 W H Manwuring, auto hire, Naff c 6.60
. 7.80 Hro w Smith, exp ose
26 60
R «4 13
I J K Moles, m rvioes Neff case
J O Ei -Imsn ...R o a d Work
.18.50 L L Jackson, overhauling A repair-
Ch> is!
8sm H u it ............... ’’ ...........
8.78 " m Kistler, road Work rd l t d i s t 10.00'
• 7.50 ¿''see Miller, services Neff cane
3.00 I
Il Dewey....,........... " .........
,46.76 , BiU of H N Phinucy, services Neff
J C Butcher
I» M Moore Rd f f » id le s .........
<7.7ji . °6‘r. continued
10.00 1
. IS flu £ C Johnson, expense of Hist Atty 12 75
K H irrisoti..........*d W ork...
.17 60 H Knapp, huertlof indigent
t e l asr M iller......... ...................
I H C VanAlstain, to hotel bill of
R<>s<l 14
Wedòerlmrs Trad컫 CoRqsd
« ... - Suppitos
ai„ner 8.80 1
18.75 i E B 8vpher
8 50' la the matter of the petition of T L
, 2.80 Carey for isauanca of new warrant in
. 6.86. lieu of lost warrant, it la hereby ordered
10 00 —Continued on inside page.
A ll necessary operations m
w riting, billing or Statistical w o rk
are accomplished from the key­
board of the light running, easy
a&ion M odel 10 (V isib le )
Nothing has ever equalled i t
Nothing can ever surpsis i t
s fiii iíCMLISIO
New Discovery
W«», a n -ri3 > M «(i.
t ry ee.
5 m . (f t . roast MtM,WsM6>«fss, S.C