Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1916)
O x fo rd K fy iïm t U U N n fc P fT T O P IC S . U U N I n « By L U . U n x u u BOU LUT M I» « proposition looking organising o f means wliereliy fa r. m «rs in « y be enabled in borrow mon The Portland impera complain o f . , ,(M. improvement« on lo n j lim e Published Every Wednesday, by the dccisioo of thè U. 8 . Com m i* |an<| a> low Interest rates h is been HA RD» T . 8TJSWAKT. sino for leaving Souhd and Portland j „ ,,4«r diarut-ion for several years. ~T7 .7 a m L À r . I ’ * lb‘‘y The s c i . m «..ugni I , be esUblwl,«,! The people of Port Orford .h o d d p . n - t bo advantage by reason of i» «sailed “ Rural Credits,” and would t tbep bends lo the wheel »«<*1 b„ “ w«ter J«»el b *B l from tbe in- i pr„ „ a of ¡„ « .4 ,« help to farmers W ED N ESD A Y M AR . «9, |H « . E d ito « T m ib u h «:— P ip them there wntil the n jtia r h io J , l ‘ le * rjo r' Ur f n ” JJow, N " W» iuasinuch ‘ “ • • u,uch as * • it U i« '» re- '* • ptreet in town is graveled, M ^ . n l t e d In aaid. itpois|pn th « | P u g e t towns h»»« it— w hy not us» jBouQd rales had long theretofore been ------------- lowered to Portiand » to « by ■ - " — ) ------ eeueeialtv. especially. X A few f« « y e a rs ‘C m n r o i-s im i” w as s e n t s in c e , a to E u r o p e to exam ine into eyetema o f rural Crt J , u in ¡„ vogue V(Mflie „ nver „ „ there l l | W hut in- in . crcun. A feet th a t should make the poo- the voluntary action of tbe oarriers eluded too many bankers pie sit up and take notice, is, th at ( from the in te rio r to Seattle «ud T a ' „u thin g came of its wmk. yrbile the price of enmmodotiea are coma, thia Portland com plaint going up all over th« «w in try on aumes a fu an y look. the account of war, Jet the steel I . p trust hasofferwi to fu m m . h n u r gov 1 e r n m e n t w ith » rm « > rp la te a t a g re a t-1 lv reduce-! ..rice This Iwcsum ,,f ; . , *n ’ * , . the agitation tp m anufacture i t in eove.nrnenl factories otherwise lbe, pqvarnment r.C tones, olberwlfe Hwi gprern,pent would d o u M M * be p a y ing double the price iiq w a-ke>|- aa ,h . c it.m i|n i. « ...» n ir v b u t u n .fa .p a by £ h ili» r .» « . ' . . . ,. . 1 11 n >l ny, a t least for, tbe cb 8 , h ra te s o r would they bankers .b u t w ith such lim itatio n s compel carriers on the so cal ed “ wa- !aa Br- . . i v dim inish its .a s to g r e a tly lu n tn is li its practica rullta tu Portland exact b lllty and usefulness, bigher rata, Portland |o r j|# cU |u)#4 w t r , Dhi0#l Tliere oould have been no other lor it» claimed geographical advaa- lage> for lim itin g the total sum Arie m ay deposit i in a A Poetai Bank J ** ll ■ U ff I « « ¿ k ill To the man in the street it looks lban Ulat tha backing oom G. J. Heiberger announces hie candidacy for the Republican noin like earn er, to P < *‘ l« n d - H I b ays, bins demanded it, wherefore one it (nation aa County Commissioner in 1 1 ° * * * their rates to * * th a * * t o * .ly * ‘ to «gain reminded that Da T oquevills 1)4» iffne o f tbe T b ib U h b . M r. re»P » d y a n la y o v e r thegoqnd cities did not know Big Business when be Heiberger Heiberg« has been a' resident ol by attractin g more shipping P o rt confidently assured the world th at - ' ... I . . - J ___ ____I __a sl_ f at. P tbe eounty fur many years, liv in g land way, and yet this b it o f strata no people capable o f b urlin g a K in g at Euchre creek and W edderburn gy would not necessarily rescue Port from bis throne would over take before moving to H arbor where be land from its dilem m a for, m ay not orders from mere selfish “ Business.’’ Bow resides. In sending bis an carrier* to the Sound again “ meet And now astu “ Rural Credits,” a pouBcement M r. Heiberger says in the cut?" -e b ill now before Congress looking In part: “ 1 w ill no t m a k e s e n v a - e But th T P o r tl.n ., Journal th in k , th at direction w ill probably pass, before election, but if elected w ill . „ „ „ ..... . „ _ which provide« for in itia l finance’ people want I an, for I.. ■- r t a n d a d o lla r h w . , r l h „ f im p . A w n n - t (or a dfiilur ppftiit, and a 8>iuare deal for all.” T b e (-old Beach Reporter bed an interesting article last week on the Y u b a Tractor, but its reporter, after over the records at^ibe county 11“ « by th* How thoroughly plotting it is you will beat app?o<:tAtd by trying to find some one de tail you would c«u*e to bavo it changed. ffas Every I'asiliiy ffanàlixig ’i ’aur Buæiïùec Banking by Jtfail Solisiied Interest paid on Saving JLe’te. The lines of the ear are striking, and the enamled finiab holds its luatre for a long period. There is just tbe right depth, just the right width and just tbe right tilt to the seats. Everything you have to touch with hand or foot ia within easy reach. The compartment at the rear ia unusually spacious. POWEKS, OREGON The Motor is 3C-36 horsepower The price of the Touring car or Roadster complete ia 1900 (f. o. b. Bandon.) f»|V- M. D. SHERRARD, BANDON, OR AN INN W O R TH W H ILE ’ -h«to Hon same rata for tha money that is |p- ihg charged by th e government. The resu lt w ill ba th a t tha inde pendent lender w ill soon be one of 4Mho 8- poke w ill hold an io most quarters for a time, to be the governm ent depositors in ita •q m ty term of oourt at G old Beach. fullowed later by outbursts of oon postal savings or other depository designated for the purpose o f re D u rin g the im U four years Judge ternptuous derision. ceiving these deposits?’ Coke hke been serving the people ol , But tbe H o n . Agusius unabashed, f l , u r r y - county, an tboee o f h a jj on bj , oourse and actually se . . • ■ aa wall --------- But w ill J. P. M organ's Co., stand Poos, in the capacity o f C irc u it' pured the a p p u in t ^ n t o f committee for a regime at Onoe so practical end Judge, and by hia ju d ic ia l mind, - w llh lo for p. helpful to our great R ural oommuni- b it unswerving justice t o ’ rich and tiee where there is so pointed a need pera.” This committee was to look 1 g^*B poor alika and hie high moral char into and make report upon tbe state and where all the wealth is created getar, h« h«« ju s tly earned an en o{ «pre, preparedoees’* o f the U n ited which so speedily drifts ia to Bank yiable place io the eyes of the peo States for war. A d m ira l Fletcher, er T ills » pie of thia oquuty. H e is a candi lending naval a u th o rity o f the G o v Langlois, Ora. date for rem om instion at the p rim ernm ent. in his testimony astound- ortrn in M - r . a o d opptmed to him «d M r. G ardiner by the statement Ite m s F ro m A w a y Baclf. n j dge|.C' A ’< 8 h ‘,,breda ° i N o rth th at our navy was equal lo th a t of th a t i t is unfitted for the pnrpoee for a war w ith even a th ird rata -power. H ie hysterical shrieks of for which i t was bought. great danger impending became tha Q n A p ril lO tb, n«xt, C irc u it subject o f good natured badinage attorney o f Germany and superior to that of m any attainm anle and high char 1 Franca. peter, but, having tried Judge Coke '----- — — and found h im not w anting, i l l s ' 2 ° a**‘ wer to questions, A d m ira l highly un probable th a t tha people Fletcher stated th at, though the w . ill see uuy , need of making n obangn. ^ "H ed States should enter upon the .. — IQ V U V I U M B I I I g It U U f i U g « . ----------------------- ----- H J O Judge J. W . H a m ilto n , o f Roseburg, * " le rPr'"« of naval construction on gho used to have Coos aod C C u u rry r r y , an exten»'’,a aoala, European Gov jn hia district, is another Judge w • h o 1 . ernmen 1» would not be idle mean has proven h|s worth through years i w hile, and would strive lo m aintain of service to the people, and who th e ir relative positions. H o t a n d C o l d l'u t» a n d S h o w e r U a t ls a M rs. C . D . LaunsoB« P r o p . Blacksmithiug Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done -at a Eoasonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER JE8S P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n ±1 many years a resident of P-»rt O r ford, now of the H a lfw a y House, Mussel creek. Johnny, in company Dfi. L P. SORENSEN Resident Dentist Baaduu, Oregau w ith Chris Bertager, Isaac Knuisen and another gentleman whose name Will make periodical visits to Langlois, did not learn, were out in a boat Port Orford and Gold Beach. AU work engaged in towing a couple of buoys guaranteed. — from tbe mouth of Mussel creek to tbe Frank port harbor. When a b o u t! Natiea Far PubKcatiea— Isaiatsd Trad, halfw ay between the two points and ' P u b lic L a a d S a le . about 800 yards from shore, the From the file« of the T u a n m of M ay DarABTgBBT or t h « I x t m io b , boat was suddenly and unexpected SO, 1893, W alter Sutton publisher: P . 8» Land Office, at Roseburg Oregon. ly struck by a breaker and capsized. . . . March 7th, 1919. Born— A t D s lry v ille , on June 19, I* herebv given that, as direct T he three men succeeded in reach 189-f, lo M r. and M rs. J. Sorensen ing and d in g in g to the boat. They ed by the Commissioner of the Oener- Office, under proviaiona of Bee. a daughter. Pu r,u »o tto ‘he application naw Jobnny ia the water soma dis- ar f ’ ofLoals Knapp Serial N a OlOiog, we George C urry came up F rid a y tanoa aw ay, sw im m ing toward tha w ill offer at publio sale, to the hlwheet id --------»^wae nut swim far whan bidder, but a t not leas than 93.00 per from Carey’s U — nbsrk camp, and ------------ - —.« VWlUp, BUU TO* re boat, ’ but he d ---- sere, a t 10 o’clock A. M ., on the 26th porta bneineaa rushing there. Peel- ' bs ws* Men 10 l *,row UP bis bands of April, next, at this office, the ing w ill be continued for some tim e ¡ ,n d n* Ter t0 r*,e - The body l»“d: Lota X and A S £ M S " - ing on bia way to G old Beach to claim bis fa ir young bride. H a I f Q T I C E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N was aooompanled by M r. Fah y, snd tbe Missea M ay W alk e r, M ay Mars and Genie Harper, a ll of Ben don. T h a merry wedding party reached here last evening on th eir return. T h e y departed for home this morning, taking the best wishes DxFÀWrWBXT O f THS IaTB B IO B , United States Land Offloe, Roseburg, Oregon, March 14,1911* Notice Is hereby given that W IL L IA M P. B R YA N T 2* Orf; rdj Cfegfin. who, on March if l9ÀÎJ ,n^ e Home»t««d Entry, S e r L I « ° - « i« .f t » r t h e WJ N E | an<fE» N W i 2?CtLC,n f t J P - 32 «< R- >• W, M ., has filed notice of hia intention T îi kî Î ”?1 Five-year Proof, to setoblleh claim to the land above dee- ‘»■'md. before Hardy T . Stewart, V n it- 6,1 ” u te " ('■oinmissioner, at bis office of A p r i l Ore“0,,• on ’ 7th <toF I Hardware of all Binds' M c h l n e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s fox D a ir y in g ; O s b o r n e , M ilw a n h e e M n ch in ery r. P a in t s , O il s & 9 t ¿ im p in g P o w d e r wuu“ - vote at courage p,|lage and brutal m u rd e r' appreciation o f the Im m in en t nerd that they m ig h t reap a golden bar of “ preparedness” in order to avert vest therefrom. Y et there are-many a great danger, w hile, like a ll tbe things that point that way. Tbe reel o f the propagandist« of “ prepar- Columbus raid has an uncanny look. edness,” ha oould not, for the life W ith Am erican soldier« camping at of h im «tale specifically Wbat that tha edge o f th a t little village in danger was. tvrb e le n t lime« without one lonely Langlois Hardware Store GENERAL yet, and some seven or eight hqn had not been found a t las t accounts. “ ¡ w a r a in s s ^ is A nd a ll along durin g this agita dred cords w ill be delivered a t the Tbe blow to the afflicted fam ily is ^ |he coining prim aries th at ba «u tioo sychology was getting in its F ran kp o rt sheds. indeed a tad one, and to tha poor, Pf^sent at the hoar named have ceased rich ly deserves. T h e patriotic citixene of P is to l?,° ff’’riin« q,o‘ ber- " h o has as y e t ' work. Big Business especially in P’“ * ”' nt«M n<theb|| ert bid will be required to imme « , ,. New York C ity became alarmed and riyer are preparing to honor o u r ! T ? 7 T "0 '" d rM *1 " i* y Pyy to th" 8®°®!’ «* the am oi Senator Lew ,» declared a rem, Its pre^ w6rk ^ tT liim , country’s birthday by having ’ » ' J " “ ’■«’ hrance of the trag.c acci, thereof. ut,on in tbe Senate a few days ago Soon thereafter, President W llaop, adTene,y lhe ahove-deocni»»l land are advised to grand celebration on the F ou rth ' hat Amencan author, H m bad know j who ha<1 lreal#d th< G ardiner W m . A . Forgev, w ill deliver the ” ! “ ll g° " U‘ in lie their claims, or objection«, oa or kdga that supphm and money wa, w i,h the contempt it deserved by nlore tbe time designated for Ute rale. oration, a n d H o n . A . H . Crook w ill k ¿’’ ’’ " " i J. M . U r rU N , Regi«tor. R. R. TU R N E R . R e iv e r : U .r iL .f r o r a * u t i n I iB > message that thia ooun- m o f ^ “ an honorable, straightforward P n .te d ¡s hard tu bpl.eve , , y bad no apdon of converting the read the Declaration of In d ep en d . yo u n g man, m oral, steady and in Ib a t such ia tbe«mte— th at some o r Ualted States into a m ilita ry c a m p ,, enea. Trespass N otice. duslrione, one on whom tbe widow • our own countrym en have ao far began u, me the lig h t, and later on ' Jam#' M ara’ tha haPPJ » ’» W of ed mother m ight have oonfidenlly N q tiw i. hereby given to all person« lost all sense of loyalty, hum anity actually weut forth to address tbe i ,ha haB(1 and heart of M iw ^ H e depended for support snd comfort whom It may concern, not to enter up and honesty, th at they would e n - 1 people and arouse them to an acute o * U atlett, B tU u « r i — « Saturday even ------- in her declining years. G au arrived on or treapnas upon the premines of L Will, no dopbt, get the bjg N E W L Y F I T T E U THP TABLE UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH« OREGON y whu has d o y .t l , the railroad« ‘T , 1 given . much 2a ______________ >___ _ f . _ •objact, w ritin g in which it ha« c o lp ii) ' »ed are fencing • , ne i>„r . i ai,,i j „ llrn . . . ,U 1 ..... .1— L I.........2 : tne * —ould remove fanners and other woul-l be shipper« tbe illogical lim it of depoeiu in aw ay from long stretches of river Postal Banks for tbe rehson that— fro n t wherever the R. R. conipnuioe “ These moneys c m be Invested own lands reaching near the w ater. by tbe government in rurel eresili et,8e? __ ___ c____ _ bond* haaring the same rate of in A demonstration in Sychology. terest a . is paid to depositors. As T h e H on. Agutlus C. O arduer, meut soon as the land owner is able to ber of Congress from Massachuaetts, secure a loan from the government suddenly made the hair-raising dis aud discharge a pre-existing high covery during the short seaaion of iutereat loan, the oaa to whom the Congress im m ediately preceding tha high interest loan is repaid w ill im existing “ long session,” that, not m ediately have money oa bis hands h ’ w ill not bear the } ig h t of day. w ithstanding the fact o f his own which is not working and w ill im L . L. Jackson, who is to run the p arly dom inating the dBuntry for m ediately be forced to tha necessity machine thia season, is a first class the f u ll eigteeo years and spending of placing it, • O n aoeount o f the m achinist, and it is safe to nay that billions of dollars on the a rm y «ad uniting dpwn o f tha rate of intyfagt i f tbe tractor does not make goml navy, tha ooantry was in a moat he w ill be forced, if another lead under hia care it O«vey w ill, and deployable state o f “ unpreparedness” loan ia to b« mads, to accept tha also is an ICAR w j„ unable to find accurate fpoord o f tbe work done by the ma- china. T h e suggestion that a care; fu l record be kept this JfM r >H the work and ex pease of tbe tract p f la a good oaa, and the only poaai H e faaaon for not doing so is that Bend, who BANK OF POWERS and ao -— —— I After rears o f agitation Poetal ’ * » ' « « • H»n k’ •«»h«vi>ed in W o u ld th e y h a v e th e C o m in iM io i} 1 [RQTHER5 tn the Knapp, for the pnrpora of hunting, or fishiug with hoox and lias. Said pre mises are situated on Blk R i m , Cnsry Ceenly, Oregon, and generally known as the "Bood’ l plsos. Anv person or persona so (ra s p e r lag for the purpose of hqqtiqg, or traveling through in any shape form or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out aide gate« open, or molast- ing personal property, w ill be prosecu ted to the foil extent of the law. Wm. R. Johnacm, of the above premises «entry to guard Ila approsuh up « Manufacturers and dealer« in war R v |„ a frqm the Mexican side and supplì«»aud equipm ent anon had of th eir P o rt Orford friends. T h a t y jth mscbiqe guns, etc , unready our Congress in lin e to tha extan t they may successfully run the for uea, it seams that it muai baT(, even of proposing u u iversai oon- (■suollett of a long and peaceful been inefficiency, If nothing worse, life, and escape a ll the little trials soription. th at waa responsible for «k» loan of and turm oils which often M ara the Olaimant names as wltneaass : I f Am erican livas there. Aod now W A N T E D -T ra c t at lend ___ . J- fiiawh, of Port Orford, Oregon So much for sychology, that un- pleaanrea o f the m arried «late, ia J R Hetcheson, of ” •“ Orford or Gold Beach. Addrera O. Oeb- if Hm proof ia available th at A m ar. force which im pelled God's th« wish o f tha T b ib u n b . Bud Hutchrson, o4 ” ” er, S15 Yson Bldg., Portland, Or. foan speculators are lac kin g V illa A illiam H . Bennett, o f ’’ ” people In Boston to hang qnakers The sad news reached here last sad bis cutthroats, tbe g u ilty p«r- J M Vue», and m il th eir children in to slavery Thnraday o f the drow ning, a t the J. H . U P T O N , Regiamr ties should ba ferreted out and treat io the W aat Indtoa and that move I Three Bisters, of Jo h nn y McBride’ ad a« traitors to thia Country. ■ » - X a b a < t » , t i n r CMna. MOTABY PU B LIC , the clergy a t and about 8al»m to youngest bob o f M yt. M cB ride, for t o * a < - u > h a b i t . . r w , « M is e » — — -uod p ro Lsse>»*e, Cuaav Co., Oasooa. F in « lin e o f G n n s , B a s e b a ll p a r a - pi*«r >*aHa, a n d o t h e r S p o r tin g ; o « d s k e p t In S t o c k . D o o r s a n d 'W in d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t n o tic e . Cheever ® Bowman. L a n g lo is , O r. Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store -tackle Stumping Powder WM. GIUJNGS, PROP. siA full line of Stoves a n i Ranges, . Guemsei), A lum inum , l ^ a n i J y C n t . : ^inE, Stiletto Cuttlery, lanterns, Etc. • ■P SShZ t . C.I«- ■á-rlW afotodbffie