Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1916)
'Y Towwand C ut , 6 m lu H )6 n p iq . Dance Friday night.. He A s á * f e t t » psai. f e b M U e g h i b » sM Mt Ml MCMtk k» kM «c¿ tu Fife» KNAPP HOTBL Port Orford, Oregra, K~ K N A P P h « m Cafes O rear«»» c. w R obbins , m . d . F b y f e t e a a n d Swrgeon Gold peach, Oregon. D E N N IS C Ü N N IF F , JB ., D e p . O . i . M in e r a l S u r r e y « ! Surveyor lor th e D istrict oí Or- - • - Oraran, u A id t Ó B ic ir r e . A T T O H N E Y A T ]topubitas»ro£rà w hen ât tiw ooining pri- of a County Ktuvl cuiiiinuuclng »t tlm Hires river bridge andextandtog up the Hixea river for a distance of ooe mile, Respectfully lees the amount already grnvele I, ao- KRANK CA OU H ELL. Beach for the purpose o f m aking ar JETaito oordlna to nlaua and epeelUcatiotis io the office oi the County Survevor. TUa Rustler and Roamer both ar«* rangvmanta to e a t.b li.b a e irc u iti W hitsett A Sherrard, aa to dealers A ll bide a u » t bo (tied with the Oouu. Hand at Bogue river Saturday w ith for tha summer months |n f e towns th ereby rospeatfaily aaaomoo my ty Clerk of Curry auunty, Oregon, In o f Baodon, are preparing to eetab aammacy for the nomination as Coun reeled enveloi«», e«idor»»>d “ Bid for M l load«. ... lia h a n a u t e service between their o f Langlois, Port O rfo rd ty Olerk. swbject to the w ill of tha Be. Construction uf Hixes River Road'* w»t R . L . M aoleay la a aaadldata fo* town end G old Beach aa aooa aa tha B a ao h w itb tha object o f g iv in g s uufotoaa Voters at the primary «lection later th in 1(L«'dock of Wednesday, M ay I t , 191®. I f nom inated and elect April 6th, raid, and euch h id must be nom ination to th e Oregon foglslalare condition of the roads w ill p erm it weekly performance in naoh place. ed 1 shall malts the duties of the office nooompnntot by a eertitled ebevk, ip | | r . Ballmer a»ys th a t i f ha takes the sum o f 6 per c at of the «mount of from M ultnom ah » ru n ty . They plan to have d a ily service the kid, to be fork itof in case of failure ■ bold of tha proposition, as ha ia con both ways, and w ill put on sufficient of the anocreaful I id ler to enter into lir a . F . J . Lindberg atortad fur A . 8. fident th a t ha w ill, ba w ill give an contract under bouda for the cooiple Coqui Ike last week where aha w ill Cera to handle a il of the traffic th at tiou of usd road within a «pt-ciB- d time A . No. I show o f two hours dura FOR PROTECUTINC ATTORNEY. viv it Vwr a few weeks with- bar aoa, m ay develop. M r. W h itse tt ran a The Court reserves the right to rajs' t jitn e y H im . between Bandon and lio n . H a h a * one a f tha heat ma TO van Voraas oi 55135 any and all bids. Thu*. Lane. • . 1 '■’ITTINRNVw’T i . , , F o r plana, .peclflcatlon. or fp ether I hereby annoi Port O rfo rd last sum m er, and pro»« obinae to ba had, and w ill m o w la of information, mklrCM I . M tjnn g iell. dtdate for nomln H a n y o f the inhabitants o f W ed- from place to piaoe by auto tru c k ; ed a t that tim e th a t ba ia able to »a I» County Surveyor, Gold Beach, Oregon. the Republican p derburn say they w ill not l ir a theta BiUy** ia a m e tie r e n d s man o( O ooxty O ctavos CuaavCoosrv. Qnm the oOes of Mali take care o f the publio needs. H a Ry J. R. Htaunard, Couuty QSerk. ry county. I t e« another v i a tar because o f feat of bis word, and i f ha comas into Cur;, and M r. Sherrard make a strong inty, this« olBia - ‘ by the ry w ith hie show tha publio with further elUiss- •. T promise n faith nombinalion, and thia section ia as N O T IC E TO 'CONTRACTORS. 11 tem i the affaire of the not be “taken in ” s e t t often fo bji lira. P. H . Poole b at gone to Bap- sured of g o M aarvica. ; ' ra aa impartís* en loro travelin g troupe. ’• 1 don to epaad a few waaka. 8ha w it is hereby given that the Codn- Ä u r a is .' hv ty Novics .« .4 Court of Curry county, Oregon, « til aoootnpanled aa far aa Langlois, ever. receive seated bid» for the uou»l it •(«ÍV’ P pa, firm e r ooi Ninety Days Far Wife e at i ng of a County Road lroin Ragnelt _ B unday, by M r. Poole. Carl ¡title » i» .'1 _ .-n “p . Ä 3 " i " S on Rogue rivef to a pdint oh tae Deputy Sheriff. G en t Russell of Fork croak near the roetdeiioe of The B ustler waa in port S a tird a y I X a b a lK M l. We ua ae’ts- Pasa. ; «Wfld »'«. \«< •< C .irC» »i»a* 1 ‘ TElnce to'Join wKh the TdWtl Ntwr m orning and landed considerable Langlois, N m in towu over Bunday a dwtonCe of approximately five tjtllrv. « f J S S S F Ó U S A L tO IT ÍA D L aooordlug to plans and »pecincaliotnf in freight for thia piaoe. 8Ue sailed enroute titG u ld Beach having in L.w al Purest Ranger, Hin« the hands of the County' f*urveyott£of 1 in the afternoon the earns «lay custody 8. ‘ H . W h itn e y , sentenced returned M onday evening , )N Corry county. Said bids tot»MMen<;b , mile separately, and any bi Idar may to 80 .lay» in tha county ja il for tw o weeks’ trip to G rants Five Bead j»f young cows; will sell fop Bogus ri»ar. bid on one or more miles, and may al ' wife heating. M r. W ld tn a y had where ha went to attend a meeting or tmd® for steer., FOR SC so file a bid for the eutire distance, but A t a maeting ia town last F rid a » J ambs Cnattowrrx, been accused of abusing bis wife o f the Rangers, of tha Siskiyou Fori each bid must 1» separate. 'u rry To the Repub evening John F ro m m , D. Quetfon, ;V • •’ Langlois. Or. AU bids must be tiled » h h theCout^ team county ; Pleas« some tim e* ago, and for the past m t. Who are under Supervisor Md- and P. J . Lin d berg were electro s» chool ty Clerk of Curry « ra n tjfo JIrefg «. in didate for the of — Id - fo - - r month or tiro waa under peace bonds D u ff of th a t piaoe. Superintendent, DuperiuK.iiueu», jW ra sealed envelopes, endorsed a board of trustees to b a r f charge Of ol the Bapohlm RepobLea Imarv Construction of Road Between Bagnell« M r. C a rl said th at ha had a har’d W hen he violated these, Justice A . Kerry and Cedar Fork, MileNo. o f the tow n organ. «lection to he In ff not later than 10 o Clock A. M .o f jt «d-. . Adolphsen sentenced h im to a term trip o u k .g o iu ( via. M apleton, and nominated and < he I t nosday the 6th day of Aprtl, 1»»«V a««» " D Q oellan was taken suddenly in the county ja il. T h ia.ia believed th at whan he landed a t Bugena ha my business to sro»ta each bid must be accompanied by a of ithe schools ol .. i l l a t bis home in Port Orford sev to be the first conviction o f this kind found a fo o tu i ejw w U^tra, and aa oartifiad cbcck In the sum of 6 per o ert of the amount bid, to be forfeited to eral daya ago, and haa since been a ever had in .C u rry county. M r e v id e n t« W soma o f thS’/lpeather he ') the County In case of failure on tho very aick m an. He la Im proving, W ld tu e y form erly lived in the Kuk b ro ug h t-b eck a "b e a u tifu l" oold. part of the bidder to enter in to oon tract under bonds tor the completten ot said t . however, and w ill soon ba about ley country, but for tha past several N o tw ith stand ing FOR TREASURER. tba^ „barittM pe, road within a apecified time In case again aa uanel. I hereby snnounoe myself as a can said contfoot ia awarded to him. months has bean raining on the old liow sver, he returned Ife bsttePvpir- The Court reeerves the right to re]cot dtdate for the nomination on the Dem its than when he left, htoanM ^0J>e D e lm ar W rig h t and Mi«a E th al Butler m ina near D enm ark. ocratlc tieket for the office of Conntv ny and a ll bids. . F o r pUua. specifications or further Treasurer of Curry county, at the krl- M r. Bussell λ one o f the Demo explained it, he « m id W » h « lp ' t y t Richard were Coquille visitor» the mary electiuo to be held May I». l i 1«. information, address J. M. Caugho.l»».ci latter p art of last weak. T h a latter, cratio candidates for the nomination eatob, as well as a ooltf, County Surveyor, Oold B .ach, Orogou. Yours respectfully K ate lk h n h k r b . C oobty Couwr o r O jbbt OotftlT», Oxa. who ia the e ffio le n tty p o m t h e T a i aa sheriff, <nd is k illin g "tw o birds optimism th a t ia |k<varijng the By J. Htanuard, County Cl art. ■ o x a office, went u|» to eonauYfan w ith one stone** on A his tr ip by outside, liv e ry where He fouridoue-. •' ------- - shaking hands and k ittin g babies loess conditions pinking up, and as noculiat, and D a,m ar went— well, LAW • O n account of I t coming on Probata haaleaa» a apaoleltr. * T BOYLE JEWELRY GO. > • B w fm , B f*. the club has been changed from Mon- day to Tuesday avaning. the l l r i T h a club w ill endeavor to make the LAW » B A C II. OK g o o y evening a pleasant one fo r the vtet R E IL OF »A L B OF P R O PER TY. C. S m ith , e x editor o f tha Cqr Oávaa a r í w m l á a A b y C a p u t* jMedar.V»ae ia town Sip- ton. " ' V. •' O a u « » .n r d a y n ig h t oaf his return from O Oaav di G old Beach where be bad goae jo et tha Estate of! herebjMdven th at by Virtue m t up Leader plevrt fornts new owhera. T h e first hmm a f it li ‘Gold of N»a Oouaty Court £ ^ * ¿ £ £ 3 0 ^ Beach Reporter” is doavtoXWake jta o f Jeliua A H . Koch, de appearance this week. a l private sale, <m or N . H . Larson and A lim * Ojisa of Mafoh. l» M . far lag described real pfop- left Port Orford la s t Thursday 'b n in the town of Port Or- their way to San F ra n e i**» t _junty, Owjron, to-wRi . L o t one in Block forty sev- vie. Bandoo where thay ,»» ilad »w il W il u b T . W aive, Sa., Executor of the eatato Julios A . H . Koeh. deeeaeed pecially ha said, is attention being draw n to this sectioh d T fbe tfoaat where it Is believed th ^ I a r a i d e d enroute. regular evening fo r band practice, tha ladies* n ig h t at tha T illic u m W . A. WOOD . ,°s A B a n d D an ce a t . P o r t Or ford, F rid ay, sum« wp*® ¿oh 17th. Of ju s t beeausel M yt tSo P o t a t , Ororara. BKBY AT a complete ettwk of a ll the Jfe weet Deeifne in Jewelry, Silverware, Cut °®*d Glaee a n d Novoltiee. ft D is t r ic t A.«fc»n»«y fo r Cwrry C o. OoM Bod»*«. Bandon, Ore. twtj J. O. JOHNSON ATTO BW K Y A T YJkW A W m B a ll » ? , the m i n g kin g o f BandAu, *a » iw > ° F * * * - M onday n ig h t J * his W<y to>Gold B G o l d Food B to W o a t ta c h e d .. - - a t Langlois S aturday sight. Send ue your watch and it will be repaired by experte Eye glasses duplicated. Cat M abstract aafi he nM y. m > - - - - - Jovtca b hereby given that the O « n - .»tor enounce my r a ty Oaert oi Curry county. Ore»“ “. w.‘ ‘* to the ~o««» of „ county _ _ uUeet _ to _ _ _rll| of 0 » . receive scaled bids for tl>e coustrtfctiba tha w ill uf for out-of-town oue- tomert returt ed as soonae re ceived. leek fe tp p fe . Tbehwywr W M tU lW fM M l f e t t a was gaaj, U t hai •• he 31Ϋ m À M < th e ataasaer B rooklyn. M r ." Lanoo was m aking tha t r ip ó n business onnneetad oonneotod w ith the shingle ahiagle m ill abd ai»d . return on •««.- expected . to the -úh___n-l^ rim e trip o f the boat, w hile M r. O tw riS ren ^ io spend a few weeks visiting w ith Wd f t lends. / 4 Of CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE ’ PòllfìctH Announcement«. Frittesi carda wW be carried a w s w i ia about to bring the rest of tha worijiE > ‘ i l k . T h e basketball game in the hall in several ptaoea her FOR SHERIFF last S aturday eveuing between the ______ M & Ö Ä annon not married women and g irls , waa the a crowd and n>" Ions aa beat lie beat contest o f its kind, th a t took inâtion for Sheriff of Burry ooui learned th at h # arid should I be nominated and ale piece here d u rin g the mason whute clpaa i t lla rk e d . , T b * t lb « married and ha bellavae f t i f t fl women h o u lif, w in wfof jfvnerally C o rry .a b o b id ^ U k a A iM M »atadsito- wwrda iM tia g «toNNtoidw h f if f » H > r® eonccdW, t»'« t b * v i e ’ dUrprtsed about our lim b er, to ip aral, agrieul- evep «» th M»i rir moat ardent^ ppppprtrre by putting up a fight th at left th e tural and other resduMm. •* • ^ Another th fogrih ar brought Mr. j otit&oute h i doubl u n lit Ih if •To T n W k ív V iriírtji* V o tare o r Cce- -■liiistl» ’ at th e C o m of this game. C u rl hums la good hu roor. • f in i a f «mmTVtDnnoex. Both »ides played dean and worhed the-Kpvmt, Service b a ll tha P ky G aad M. I have buyers for Farms, Timber __ Primary election May M th , 131«. u Clalma, Sheep,, Cattle, or Dairy ranch«». nominated and elected I shall endeavor Call and sag are, or send full descrip to merit the treat repoanlin me by aa ecenomfo nnd busiuere-like adwinia tion and list your property with me. ' tratfon of the affaire of th a t sffioa. • I will.soon have published a booklet ’ , ' •• .Bsepeatlully ■ £ i t •. . : T . J . FR O M M . «dv«rtiaing Curry County prop*«# that \ hre been Hated with ma. Thto hdefciai wfll betoafied otrt io aH aectirita offiffiffifto COUNTY ATTOU«t . FpR C fihftfl artiiprompt sefvlri gtvka for «to office e< District AUrtraey ot, the boainris df noa-réekirit». ‘. ’».».f. K B. T IC H E N C R .v . ^ ■tisi perforili»ucs the d uties el P e ri Orford. Oregon. ~ Ú ot FDRlaiRIFF <» I A I K R H . BUKKINGTON. . Ja f d E » 7 S .S S W i<i came back »trung and fm W their op velopment ia any- way-.- >*Th«r poneuia w ith o u t a Bald basket, run furnish free ro ttd tY liT liird rtfrrtw n uing up the M ore in the seeantiaie along all kinds o ( ag ricultural p u r | a ll, but ju s t before tim e waa suits, and w ill assist <Yrihs wardvoa -i ■ '•efi'il FOR ASSESSOR. j <b# WMtried , hrew a ia protecting game ,re jto c k ip fi ' Thereby respectfully announce nay — g fo a ! . line sad thus'atrenma with troaL A r 4 n atu rally basket from tb reif «AaSAudiaato Jot the nomiaatioa „«m e by a I ptrint m a rg in .; it pleases M r. C u rl to kqpw th at kh»J dor the offi«* ®f Aaaereor of Curry coon- - I - . »«. aus, r X w m s . s s s w i S ‘ ï i S â S x en crack, ta visiting, ma qwugiwe » near Prosper. - » « v. J. W . M c K , . . ' . t e » . r k NI are cun ‘'“•'t* "f **»• ' Frcccr aa sa 1hT h a dent tie t lug, hi« forces being estimated d Bert Preeoe tue owner «u s«® p»«, " " O** G m u ilU — river. -------- T ----- n t’all the way from 600 to aeveral title of the abovedeearibed prora ¡B to |r » j an expenditure of h l 1.I * fo rtÄ T n o tfiR ri tikat WriSm P , T h e seqaisitioo o f this property o i thousand.... T h ia latest msss.ors k iib x « brings tha number o f Americana will apply to the CTreelt «eertol c , nquille, M U ¡ | | . togetnvr together w itn ith us its iio holdings w in M»p*y ’o rsfo ii for. a on Rogue river, makes the Mseleay hilled during the peat week by V il- ortty and state : ” ” Z ^ ,ï â Od ÏÏr iTlh*C<1 mh 4 January,!««. S 3 tola. io C u rry county. 'X â t e k i f f ä f t t e s « F U R N IS H - . . ENGS» D R Y G O O D S , N O T I O N S , g r o c e r ie s ■ G all and S e e 0 u r L in es « ‘ • M o s ï 'l * T S » O . t . FORASSESSER. Denmark Mercantile Co. 1 ‘ a H. Hurley of ^ e - ^ O t h r t f o k ] ^ company went to P o ri Orford Mon day to attend S e v e r* ttfow fowhing after the eotapfinj*® rtii*h u a li*e t in -r : T ie H»c» Wfeert I« » Get a Square Dqal .„ A d 'f o r to s 'w m ^ ‘ Tsherlff of Owfoy . . f county, Oregon, aubjeet to L . M Strong wf «B e , ^ S ^ a ^ a M ¿ r i t o d * to"a^ cheese factory. Lex Cofibdf »he IriWf- .s h a ll endwavor to discharge thowhafo foie D a iry ProdufctaQb. duties of said office discreetly o « f irith M u llen of the Denwart^ jdfeesk twff lo ry , M r. W est of the Maoleay eetafo * « > ’ “• * a .’ b w h L cbeeea factory a t W e d d e rh u rn ' »hA. X L ------Ï ----- -- ---- '^ '“ 9 ‘ o u t of the Z u m w a lt B r o t h « « - d f Port O rford, weal to CoqffHJa Hffi ___ nsy e-------------- . — latter part o f the * t tb< r * s s :te .ir S a s ing auihmer. tbrff** __ Jora o f _____________ **“ ‘ r c ' f i n s K / s ; t •'i . • J *•'*• *• F During m y t t * * * County Clerk I hare t r M to mu tM « Stataa ill be States troops troops w w ill, oe sent sent a a t t oaca once in m C oquille ia Hm® fo r the m eeting, Clerk 4 Office afe econamic«Ry M potfei- r pursuit of V illa , w ith the single ob- however, and nothing wae accom æ A nother m a a t ir ig 'w ill ject o f capturing him ami putting a plished. asking foe your r i p p o r i ^ ¡atop to hie outrages. T h ia can and probably be c lfe d * w n , which aaay X » . r K S m a J' u w ill be dons aa a frie n d ly aid to the ba held ia Bandon .«is«’ ■ <* ' .3! oonstiialed authorities in M®x»co Ì)B. L I . S O a ïN S B Î i . *A " and with sorupofooa reepeet fo r the ’ ‘t o S the h eri all-ro dad men ,that eviv ulayed ia thia county, says th at Ira sovereignty o f th a t repnblla. .. • i l l help the Port Orford b oy. out ttowe Iff,000 A w arioan troops are thi® eatnm vti whieh mean« a team now along the border, and 15,000 F. ih r e . fea re-nomination to the offia of Coea- ty .Oemalaaioner. ««bPo® fo the R e- puMfoan electors of Curry « ' AB' - 'iPw , .‘- . j* « .. TOR S H E R ê f . , j o d " r that section.. * pany expect»« shipping from that p l ^ / h ® th at should he able to make a good more are being ruahed to the seen«, showing against tttn e of the team s' A foree o f 5000, under G eneral Fun PariOrfoadi w . a W OOD. Attorney for Plaintiff. j from the forger Cuua opauiv to^ua. «ton, w ill croea the border at one«. Oregon. . G E N T L E M E N ’S .. . !» < ,, estate eompsny the largest salmon tistas up to about 6 0 .- And too «re canoera in waRthweetern Oregon. , After a cabinet meeting a t W ash- — -»J®*» Within of the representatives o ( t |,e 8 . J. 8«w iL «P ffn t atw uple of daya Ington, following the above raid, quest , in tow n Wtoky shaking turnJa! presidential .«Cretery T u m u lty gave O. A . (foto diaeuea tha proposed oheeae factory oo operatlvatn.» ^ ¡ E d V r o r i ' With h i. IUA.V Criemfc M r. Hpoer) out the following atatement: The 0 . A . C. men did hot a rriv e in H y o U r failure to f,< tlie pa»t rayerai |e a ra ^ has been ; hAu adequate foroe of Urn M doer OovMa. "Stovo” who fo aa ardent haaahali fqn and one a f ' oouoty consider my candidaey fltnoss for Ute offi«« whan they j “ week. The an im a l w iH -b e ta V aiu *. •b is addition to ooe d f t W % H t harffa £ '“ ¿ X o m J j ¿ e ta ' am by th® tha government govvrament as e m p p lo l» y y * *I I by aa a a Form ! Rn"«®r, b u t hha o«w decided aremffim abo promut« Io glva-np thia peffftfon and reside \a«.*,ffrA> UMIBOW ril a » — ’J o-affh» tavvaxT» ’ A« 4wtwre’ fik-the ■> X Bake® ä a Ä “ ,‘k* « In d a )M M t 1 # Elisabeth from 8®a.Fraqpiaoo af 16 ' operativa Caaniagoom paffy at Proa.’ ¡o f tha hsndit’s following . m . N E W L IN E O F L A D IE 8 A N D ' I C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS commence in the near fu ture. I f f G eneral Francisco V illa crossed add itio n to h an d lin g tfo ejlh ey p r o tha border w ith several hundred. „ » Northeast quarter e ftk e fforAi- pose to land freig h t here for 44 off I hia followers o n ' M arch 9th and wm qnarter of Section Eleven» ill par ton. T his ia abuut one h a lf o raided tha town o lp o lu tq liu ^ N. M. w hat H i t now « s lin g to get freigh About 17 A m erie sn i war® k ille d , ^ T S ^ f u r t h e r notified ih a tW a lto u in hare, and it w ill also prqvant thi araoBgiWfowp waret.fivs Mddfora aad • haa peid taxes on retd pvem- long d elay ! and doube handling, a one woman. V i ll y ^ ..thwp® were ’ nt years, with rate of v -a « — IB a. — ym «e attacked b y .2 0 0 Ameriuun aoldiera . T h e Maoleay «state iitJ n ^ d re k » 7 and driven in a t rout back into week bought theoanqvr a m 3 9 1 « ! T « r i t no N o r v» t JAOO J6 h old in g! o f the Fisherm en’s Ooé 1 M etio or- Reports of the strength ^hfiW c*i • 4 N S S * ® S ïiV r o iV S lff ■ ¿bris«'1'** .' ’íít.-g f í* ■ «¿A.-» ‘inarriyd womon, but in .tha second g.M>d o f, the general puMifiy la a g h a lf Ihesiugle e x p m s n U Of the gama ers are instructed to assist loctl de " THE C _____________ — OK T H E XH IR C U IT OOURT S tA T E OP O REO O S. FO » <ï C U R R Y CO UNTY. John MoKenxia has W altos K M iller f Plaintiff N u m m en a f a r aick fo r the past week P u b lie n t ! » « In Bert Prése» F o re c lo s u re « f mortis. D r. M ann waa T u x Liess . .‘Défendant B in d o n , and his riator, ____ _____ fTWBert Preece the above samad da- who ia .asatron o f tha Emergency , m a r * ic d W o m a n : Mimics. fondant' I x v a i haxa or t x t S ta ts os Osano« : h rw piu l a t Bainjoit, also oaroe down L ilijr W hit® F o b w a k d Laura Button Ye« are hereby notified th a t Walton to nurse bar brother. M r. M cKnn Agnes W rig h t ” * Im a Johnson F M ille r the br i 1er of certificate of 4s- aiv is reeling quita assy a t thia tim e Bessie Uuicsn C k x tb r Cassia Me sm S although the tu rn in g point In the L eilaa. erifootorof th® countyofO UTry^tatoof disease has not been paaaad. ’ Francis Sutton G c a b d A lls Sutton -Of _ " W.<W» VOW rforthe__ R __ F h y llia Elwood ” M y rtle Clareo ■ the amount then dne and delln- I t ia staled th at the Kstabrook. lor tox«a for the year 1811 .togrih- com pany have the n m tariaT at Ban Ith penalty, intoreat ay l eerie on upon the real property Mares don for in s ta llin g s Wire cable a Ry Vila. p,w t Orford and th a t work w itf a* w ’ V. bard, f A t. the end uf the^b'at h alf the score stood 7 to 4 in fa^or of tha I. ■ N O T IC E TO OONTBAOTORS. FON TREASURE*. Boyle Jewelry Co. Remember the tw o da P o rt Orford F rid a y n ig h t, and one Tka Ladiaa Aid will m eet at the boma a f Mra. J. F. Davfo tb b week. G ol d B a tc h , f « * f $ » O o l d B i^ a o K C tr n t t y i • » Bespet tfoMy - D E I.M E R O O LKG ÄO Y». ^t* ♦ hi. i ** To better •Bcommodnte on» growiug & r?de and increasing number of patrons w e h iv e been compelled to »dd to mjtr general stock. o f D ry Goode, Groceries and FYovisidnH^is;’ follows: Hardw are, D a iry Supplies. Stump ing Powder, Oils anti fa in ts , fa r m in g i m plements of a ll kinds, including MoGofmick Mowing Machines and the celebrated W eb ber Wagons, etc., ete. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of M en’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Bpotfi and Shoes, Ladies’ Drees Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuta and p- fiottSi Rolled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed G ratli. O rders t X kkn F or anythino wot on hand Give «*• • tristi ordfer JAS. S. CAPPS P rop . tu».