* ■ e -.’ - » ’ < .. o r v o lu m e X s g o M A H C I1 IS Ww 1 O IO i» e r 40 OÜR GBRMAR co ü s n u ie German e m p li* had, lx The Aak y«wrdM*arM>l la ri« •S ftto STKTBNV. I f yon 1 *•* I l 11 her m anufacturing «Opacity tenfold In German cities merahnWe are not allowed to put up “selling out" signs unless they are houaav In Mayeaee a fine o f too mark« is inflicted for every transgression of the law. T h e German exploring vessel Mows »topped on Its last cruise a t tw o small Isolated ialamis, M atty nod Durour, the inhabitants o f which strikin g ly re semble the Japanera, though the Island» are only a short distance from Mew Guinea. » I t is an extraordinary fe a t th a t np to the present tim e dead s a lma l c were le ft to decompose oo the Parip streets, aa there were no facilities fo r remov ing them. The prefect of police h aa at last taken stops to have such nui sances removed on application. The ccet le a c t to exceed ooe dollar. This Is to be paid by the applicant According to a decision affirmed by ARMS AMD TO OL 0 0 . r o.Bwww Cm corss r * i u , M x a . U . » . A . • The two country girla were on a. ria tt to town, aad they were en- Joying them selves immensely. But somehow there aeemed to be a conflict of ideas between them and their hostess. She had strict ideas of propriety, sad they bad appar ently only thought they had. They had determined to show that they wore folly up-to-data ia social matters, bat,— well, here’s what occurred. Two young fellows from their pa<f of the country happened to be la town at the same time, and they invited the girls to go to the theater, w ith a little supper to follow. The girls promptly accepted. The hootess in whose charge they were raised ber hands in hprror when she beard of it. " I t will never do,” she said. "You must be chaperoned on any sash occasion is that.” "Chaperoned!” exclaimed oo» of the girls. "W hy, of course wom be chaperoned. Ton don't suppose we’d neglect such an irn purtaat feature as ftiat, do you? W e’re not entirely ignorant of social usages.” . f "Then it ’s all arranged?" “O f course It’s all arranged.” " I ’m glad of that,” said the hoe lass, w ith relief, "but it would have been just as well to consult ■ a. W ho is to chaperon you 1" "W hy, Ethel will chaperon ma and I will chaperon her,” was the lagenoous reply. For“ Cartridge, Wood cock, Squirrel or Rabbit Shooting the old lady wrapped 1« • tttto ri w alkin g along the poaaage I * fro n t o f her. T he old lady appeared to know ber way and hurried on w ith ou t h r a lt a r ie n Into the unuaed room. T h e g irl railed ber ajatci and they followed th e d a m e In to the room. B u t all wae alien»: ao one waa there; the duet i y h * about abowed no i signs of footprints. Shortly a fte r the aaine young lady waa reading on the hearthrug by flrc- I lig h t Looking np ahe beheld the old ' lady standing in the doorway watching ' her. G reat!y frightened, ahe sprang up 1 and, ruahing downataira, waa found I fain tin g at the drawing-room door. A t htat the fam ily returned to Dublin. Ona day when a friend wae calling the curi ous incident which I have narrated was referred to. The young lady eery un w illin g ly told her experiences. T h e ria - Ito r aeemed much struck and aaked to r M> e rv ira t» draerlptioo of the old lady. CLEARANCE SALE CUM BOOTS AND ROBBERS Children'»Giira Boots $1.75 4 .9 5 696 Dark Boots Y b É ob necessity of belny cor iurinr »he day. and ta | /»ring the night. The Duck " ” Leather sole 6 .9 5 .90 Men’s R abben Ladies R ubtieiH '»uff • » n i f i VfiLflh l a a » If— feauff Caliiartlr, tor- cofeotl^M.^at ff<erpr • *’'* IT /L f *w;l toto*; q u m ^ x l tn n i o l k - . i h i - tory, provai flood'» Saraa pari I a pt»acssea nier it u a know n to any «»bei M E D I C I t l " Children» Robben .70 .ffS ™ Thar« era »131« tenements i a the borough o f Manhattan, ia which lira 1,«M,»13 persona. T h e population of the tine and. lead fields of Missouri and Kansas Inereaaad over 90,000 laat year. T he product o f tha potato farms in D etro it In 1800 was 10,00 bushels, pro duced at h coat o f about eigh t cents a bushel. The Bland o f Tutulla, o f the Samoan group, which comes under American sovereignty by th e partition treaty, has about »,000 Inhabitants of tbs Poly nesian race. Some o f the picturesque features of the cataract at Niagara Palls are slow ly disappeartag. Uecently a large mass o f rock close to the Horseshoe fall gave way. Tabfe.rock and Goat island, are said to be fia l'i' .-gratlsr. tho Foil Narut The Tempe reports a curious case o f catalepsy which for several w eek* has been rugnging the attention of the doc tors a t »be Ilo p ita l de Pont-l’Ereque a t DcauvUle, reports the New Yo rk Harald. On the morning of J u ly ts last a young man, quite naked, waa found on a seat a t Deauville sleeping soundly. I t naa found impossible to awaken him and he waa carried to the hospital. During three weeks he remained in a cataleptic condition a t Deauville. Pho tographs were taken o f him and circu lated in the district, but w ithout being recognised. On Thursday eveolug the unknown man awoke and, surprised a t finding hlm nelf in a hospital w ard, questioned his neighbors aa to how he ceiBA io be tim e . * “B u t i t ia impossible!” ha exclaimed, on being told where hnw aa. T am In Pari» nnd I hare never le ft it. Only Cares • Cold in One Day, Grip in Two, MCKENZIE & POOLE t h i n g s to eat and. wear” P O R I* O R P O K O tag eommwntfjr. D e a p a lr W ito ld flu th e a blot upon It. Thoaa who hose Inst h eir fortunes dlsappaaV like magic, and while the newspapers announce on th e ir drat page. “ Monsiear Is Doc has le ft the aaura coast and has re turned to his sumptuous apart- k * t In tha ocean o f Parisian room, •ays Harper's W eekly. But a ll have not the eouraga to go away. Many stay. O f each not n word In beard. Tha oold. the rain, the fog. rain , and death are and ought to be, according to the annoehcement o f the company and the p'reaa. Wholly unknown In M A T C H -M A K IN G SECRETS. - thia favored spot. Orange trees al ways In fiowar, palm * trees always t o t e r a a t t n a S t a r t « o f W a d S ls e s B r o s g b t green, and the sky always blue, a A b o u t b y T a c t. I f I t were sot gou ip I would write continual fate, winners, fo rtu n ate something about maioh-maklng, not la gamblers, nobles, m illionaires, counts, general, but In particular, now Interest dukes, grand dukes, highnesses, and ing official circles, writes the Spring- princes, princes, princes— th a t la field Republican'» Washington man. w hat people w a n t nt M onte Carlo. They any official society is made up el A plstqj shot la, never heard, never broken sentences. W ell, the pleoea are —gossip. Every body talks it, every body reads it, and every body scolds about It. When the Chamberlain-End too« oourtahip began, it was by the design and deliberate management of other people. Mr. Chamberlain and Mias The summits ot them bills command Endloott met a t the Chinese M in lrtc r'i unobstructed views of practically all ball, and took a turn or two, arm-in-arm, tha grazing land moat tapped by the about the bell room. I t waa enough. thieves, and I t la proposed to keep T h e ir friends a t onoe began the dinners the beams o f d au lin g ligh t sweeping and little maneuvers, at which M r. over the flocks all night to detect at Chamberlain and Miss Endloott were In variably guests. They were thrown to once any commotion In the herds or gether doily in this way by the people the presence o f unwelcome rieltora. who gloried in making such a “ good I t hns been shown th a t five men w in supplant the M or SO who now ride matoh." One hostess gave a luncheon to young the range a t night, aod the cost w ill women and asked M r. Chamberlain, lie be practically nothing In comparison. flaring W head o f horam In tw o waa the only man present among twen ty or more lqdiea. Even th<-hueband of years w ill pay for the entire plant, the hostess was sot naked. I need hard and the security from th e ft of e th e r ly say that M r. Chamberlain's seat at animals w ill mors than pay operating table waa next Mias Endicott's. A e xp enses, m a k in g th e « « v ln g on th e thousand and one well planned social present range riders, at 9M a month affairs favored and urged along the ac and board, quite a respectable Item . quaintance to friendship and friendship It is proposed to have ooe man at the generating station and another on to courtahiD. >- I t was nil plain aa day, end I t waa a ll each o f the fou r towers. These in legitim ate, but none the lees amusing. tu rn w ill beuooaaseted by telephon«, ** And now the match-makers are busy which w ill also he entooded to aa •A many of the ranches aa possible, so again. In tha a»me way, managing a •• widower and two widows, tha three very that, should anything auaploloua OW prominent tn official circles. eur «van n t th e outer edge of tha The gentleman, though not a young lighted area, aome persona can ho man, la a “ g rM t catch,” the match makers any, not paly on his own ac count, hut because of his high position. T he ladles who have Just laid aside their mourning—*a d i t waa the deepest mourning—era attractive women, one younger than theothov—perhaps fifteen years younger, T hey are not only nt- tractive Io personal appearance, but both am women ot fascinating meaner. Thny are not rich, but are too comfort ably off to a u k a a mercenary marriage. T h e sentiment of love would hardly con trol cith er of them, for th a t is with th e ir post. B a t th e ir ambition .(a for position t s l tho power that goes with IV T h e only temptation to a second mar riage would ho to regain th e ir old place and power. T h e »Idow er and the widows are nt a ll the notable dinners, not the three a t the same dinner, hut the ladies as alternates. For Instance, the gentleman and ooe of toe ladies are guests a t a dinner. Then the gentle man and the other Indy are gusata nt another dinner. T here ta nothing lik e » d in n e r to bring out the beet of men and v o w s In attractive qualities K L. Par jeon, the Bag Hah novelist, la a son-in-law o f Joseph Jefferson. Conan Doyle's first year o f w ritin g •reek. Mrs. Am elia K B a rr waa tha mothar of IS children before she over w rote • book. The first visit o f Thomas H ardy, the novelist, to America waa made aa a col lege lecturer upon architecture. Upon being protested w ith to r “tu rn ing oat novels w ith the reg ularity of n railw ay tim e tablet'' Sir W a lter Beaant replied: “ W hy should not my bnaineas be as regular as any otherT" W illiam M orris once began a story of Roman life, the other side o f “ The House j f the Wolfing»," bat abandoned I t la liagust. H e lo ft six completed poama —“Troy poems” —which hare never ap peared in p rin t, eave in the form of az- tracts In M r. Maekall's biography o f their author. AD necessary operations m writing, biDing or statistical work are accomplished from die key board of die light running, easy action Model 10 (Visible) FOR THE HOT SKASOR. Even too much well w ater w ill mol ooe sick on a hot day.—L . A. W . Be , letin. ! When la a oold spring moot appre I ciated? On o hot summer day.—B o ra l Rew Yorker. People who can't afford to summer a t the reaorts may w rite to those who can, telling them how nice aad enol it ia to home.—D etro it Journal. When a man has hla h a ir ehiagfc close to his head everyone ia r e n in ed th a t ha waa one« a boy, aad hi cuts and hruiaeapn his ^ead.—h |to la o a 1 Globe. S o tti Render I M r. Bodkin. Q. C.. te ll* the following anecdote of the late M r. Francis Mao- donagh.. Q. CL, who. says the Green Bag. waa for upward of *> y « *rs the recognised leader of the Irish Oar: o f my wig and gown I got a aaae fo r aa opinion. The solicitor thought it a very simple earn, or he would not have seat It to m a I thought so, too. W ith the touching eonfiflynev of the neopbytd, I took my poo nod bta gun: “ 'I am clearly of ophtloo.' "Row i t happened tk a t I sot Io th a law lib ra ry beside the sltver-belred silken neater o f the Irish bar, a load er ot unfatbomahlc astuteneea This elder eh.used to glance over my shoulder as I wrote. " •M y deer young M e e d ,' he raid, softly—we were a l l hts dear young friend«—'never w rite th a t you am eleariy o f opiates oa a law poloj. The m ost you can hope to discover ta the preponderance of the d o u b t . '" W a w I n VENW Br. Use's Nnv Disewsry T vQ SS aB SX -M . s 8 .ù.1* iÆ b? t l ■