H g k PAPE» CENTURY OLD. has few tr a o e f a o iu tie » BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK «’J POULTRY MEDICINE uc.liaallhy condl- Uon of the kid- F o r«X X . « WC.F « ¿ » « ria Mlnnaapolts. M in n —Georg» Morse, , wouj ( j have to be pecked over the moun- the Central avenue newsdealer, has In u tn < by Indians or on wulebaek. The bla possession a newsfC per which, In ad- I „ „ „ h a n t found It cheaper to ship by dittos to being ditad 1 » ream ago, also I way h , Francisco, thence by boat to contains n ptwcianaatlon of Gen. Wash- Joaa> QW tatnala, and to the cnp- lagton to the deeertlng and recruited ; ltal ky New Orleane, terminus of soldiers of the Suited States. I t to one t a , Southern Pselflc to almost next door o f the many cherished relics connected to M obil* New York, however, eh- wlth the namt -oPGeoree Washington, joyed a cheaper rate bee*»»« there wan which coma to lt 1 • __ ••...............' ........... . i . . ..............* Mr. Mores cam«- into possession of the paper by accident. One Saturday alterncon he and a boy chum went on en explorinc trip In Sammy's grnnff- «a'her's barn. G randfrther waa an old r'ongr*catlonal minister, a ssaa j t 'earning w ith a mind beet on hoarding •lierary trot;»»res. Among the several old newspapers which attracted George Morse's attention waa the one men- '.loaad above, the oldest He took I t itoma and It ha* 1 een In his possession •car since. AO this happened in Pator- have» . Edible bird»’ nw t» are found In the cleft» of rock» or io under­ ground cave» which a rt' frequent­ ly of great extent. John Mac­ Gregor, in writing of a bird test­ ing experience he had in Borneo, »ay»: “Off wo went with about a doaen ily a k » . M th e lit t le bronxe aborigine» of thw part of Borneo are called, for guide«. The en trance to the cave wa« ao amall and ao elevated that 1 had some difficulty in reaching it. A fte r we had traveled for some little diatance we came acromi the in- eritabJe at ream. The ground, which w*a to a great eatent com posed of the bed of the otream, waa rough and irregular. We Were lighted oa ear way by torch- as carried by oar Pyafc guide». A t last we came te a passage that seemed a veritable eye of a needle, ao hard it w u to enter, for It looked eo narrow and confined that I despaired of ever getting through it. When I fairly got n i « u d - l * M Ite bread.,1 Children's Gjuu Boots $ 1 .7 6 Duck Boots 4 .9 6 Yukon ” 696 Duck ” Leather sole 6 .9 5 Men’8 Rubbers .9 0 Ladies Rubbess 70 Childrens Rubbers _ .6 0 C M C A T recyak» going through their but could not be purchased of the owner ' “ Oh," said the aides« g irl, barolj for It« face value, though If praaected seven years old. Jerking her elbow ex gymnastic» of robbing the birds’ vreaslvely is the direction of ono o. at the treasury tha government would nests, with their ropes and long bo bound to redeem It o r coulees tha her stosll companions, "she gave yoi pole« creeping along the high s Dickel Instcod of s eent.” T h e o k fec trla c of "repudiation." ridges and ledges, in the lurid woman went behind the counter ant light of the torches, like unearth­ Soak out a tin box containing a num her Of coppers. She peprod Into lie Out the chiefest terror of the ly »pectera. box, she shook IL to m»sa ,u r* u ‘er' Pinkerton detective agency to “These peculiar neat» are bull) was ao nickel lurking among thwolhc; iril-doers lie» in this: they never by h species of swallow. The ^ n i.. and than bald I t ander th nocaa of tbs Mills girls, •sclatin in i i stop; they never give up a nests consist of shallow, cup- Sharply Thera, now.' Do you aro snj '«aae in which a member of the abaped cavities, truncated at one American B.inkers’ association is tilde, where they are attached to nickel theroT“ JVIthout replying the girls (lied ou involved, writes Charles Francis the rocks like brackets to a wall o f the shop each face clouded by ar Bourke In Leslie’» Magiitine. and forming something like s expression o f hopsicas dleoppolAt- . Ho thoroughly is tliiff recognised two thirds segment of a circle. . Jt “ "Tto« wouldn't kXltova IL ” nnM th, that the little sign hanging inr is not always easy to get at them, old 'woman, bitterly “ I wouldn't ha tuauy banking ofllct's nnd readibg as they arc sometimes glued to tie r« I t myself If I didn't stand her< “Member American Hanker«' as the perpendicular side« of I be sblid a ll day and »•» I* w « * nwn * ) M lociatlon,’’ senes as the best pos rocks high overhead, so that the The decHtn Of children are aimne enough to drlva a p sraay. They tool neat hunters have Jo scale these you right m t f p f»ce w ith angel <»e crack« with ropes and poles to get and Ue to /n u as easily as If theb kt them. In substance they con­ tongwee Were bttod. Many s penny sist of an elastic, semitransparent lost because I could not hellere that mucilaginous malerinl, which is mere babe» Ware trying to swindle m< W hen I catch them nt It they run ou •aid to be a secretion, or roaeeraf- 5 J S j Y » f f ^ 2 U ,S 2 e. h u t .t o m u t bn e « c t:tonw’ m e r na w«F r s « W h t . ro t. a u <-1 * ’««»** " ' • * • F ÍL fa .. GstnsevC.-c” - "e-*." er equalled i t E’P »*rP*** Dr. King s . New Discwnry rerCfjjsaKa^sJftM Perfect Por A li Thront »ad, Cure s Long Trouble«. i d m hash If « » " ’ • Trito «cMtoc Wem Itktohto everywhsss