P E B R V A H Y FOR BLACK - DRAUGHT pick » I (UN, i- " * s g * r o f digestion. B eceat In r a o t i g at ions h a re shown th a t fo r such a purpose i t to w o n d e rfu lly eS cn - e- clous, riv a lin g i f it docs n o t excel •- th e product o f poor piggy. I f a piece o f o rd in a ry beefsteak be placed in a bow l o f pineapple y Juice, i t to found, a f t e r . a few n hours, to be reduced to a lu ra p o f * m ere Jelly,' b a rin g undergone a « process o f digestion, l a th e name d w a y th e Juice, when d ra n k , acts upon th e food la tbe atom aeb, and ia capable, i t ’is a u th o r ita tiv e ly “ ' said, of d ig estin g som ething lik e it Children's G obi Boote $ 1 .7 6 Dneh Boots 4 .9 6 Ynkon * S96 Dnck ’ Leal he? sole l e u ’s Kabóers a thousand tim es its ow n w eig h t *• o f edible substances. ■ j M ow , the reason back o f these fa c ts to th a t thg J a ie e o f tb e pine- a p p le contains an “enaym ,” a ope- ciea o f fe rm e n t, w hich a tta c k s the beefsteak o r o th e r food and disor- ganisea it . I t to each a a e x tre m e ­ ly p o w e rfu l fe rm e n t th a t, ac tin g I much in tb e sam e w a y as pepsin, it 1 w ill, in the coarse o f a fe w hoars, ’ cause th e substance upon which t I i t w orks to dissolve and m e lt i arra y. T h e n am e Mb ro m elln ” has > been given to i t by science. ■ at this medici sad k-sp his beaKb far weal t r - * ’ ally keep Black Paul try Medici i THI It b YEAR THAT 18 FA ST Always the Becord of WhaSW. Now Tear's day la la soma way roe ognlaed by every people having a lo r m araiftifflu',- y s n s o f f l » W W f i f CHILDREN’S SMALL DECEITS Tutors. N atural depravity of the youthfu ■rind was fully shown In a North std< confectionery store, when three lltth girls enLered Ute ehop in Indian Sit a beeline for the esnd» oounter in the rear. T bclr faces won aa expression of injured innocence Says ths Chicago Tlbuna. "W ell, what do you w ant now?’ the old woman who was proprietor o. the .place inquired. "Oh,” said the eldest g irl, berelj seven years old, jerkin g her elbow ex prsssively ia the direction o f ooe-o her small companions, "she gave yoi a Bickel instead of a c e n t” The o.< woman went behind the counter an took out a tin box containing a ant­ her of eoppera. She pepred Into tn bos. she shook It, to make sure ther. was no nlcksl lurking among ths oth- coins, and then bald It under th noses of the little girls, esclalmin sharply: "There, now! Do you see ns. Bickel there r* W ithout replying the girts Sled ou o f the shop, each face clouded by m expression o f hopeless dlsappoln, "You wouldn't believe It,” eald-th old wpstoU- bitterly. " I wouldn't be Here It myself If I didn’t stand her all day and eee It w ith my own eye. T h e deceits o f children are alm<. enough tm drlve mo erasy. They loo you right ia the face w ith angel ey- and lie to you as easily ss If the tongues were oiled. Wnny a penny lost because I could not believe th i msre babes w ire trying to swlat”.» m W hen I catch th f m a t It they run ou just aa thpoe girls did without saytn a n y th in * That doss not keep the» from coming bask hero Mmin. though "Tho hoys around Kkre are just a lo ie , 1* P in e ap p le Joice bid« f a i r t e ta k e £ the place o f pepsin aa an e a e to r- STOCK *nd POULTRY MEDICINE glgws o f D epravity in L ittle One» T hat Bode 111 for Their O. day of tbe old year geaerally pass w ill little variation from ordinary routine Nevertheless, U la ina totupieted boot whose story Impresses ibe reader to good o r bad. not the cover o r f t frontispiece of tbe new one. Near;, all the words of our language apply I a. to a course not absolutely infusedou describe th » path that is M t beam., and not m a t which is before, says th Youth’s Companion. There la no coun terpart to the ship’s "wake’* tor th course which tbe prow Is about t, break, nor of tbe ’’track of the ey clous.” nor o f the spoor of the tigs« nor of “the tra il” of numberless ani male. I t may be noted incidental! that many sia.es and cities have re eently passed laws or ordinances re qulring automobiles to carry a nun» her. In large figures, hanging from th back. Nobody who saes an sitom obtl coming cares w hat Its number is. Onl. when It happens to leave some recur- behind In he track la the knowledg of Its number important. I t la doubt less because tbe future Is swarmin, w ith possibilities, whereas tbe pas constitutes a record which cannot b changed, that mast of our fasuvitie eenter about tbe anticipation of th afeofiF fto w a to M ints <‘w*ewrmea ja®»«/ < ;M h u rtlr, c u r * rou.odiMU M forev«« Ladies Rubbess .7 0 Childrens Rubber- .60 rarat recor.l a . cnrrs, U » A fiomi’s Sur».parti s j , « e w < mer U in q uali«! io utetlica'i history, p ro ra lu o w u to any «ober M E D I C I I T mgs io «ai cuxà wea; I t to e x tre m e ly easy t e se p a ra te tb e d ig estive p rincip le fro m the piheapple Juice. A l l you have to do is t o ta k e some o f tbe Juic^and dissolve a tablespoonful o r no of eomm on ta b le s a lt ia it . T h is w ill cause tb e d ig estive stu ff t e f a l l t e th e b o tto m o f the receptacle, w hen It ssay be ea sily separated . A good sised p in eapp le w ill co n tain more th a n a p la t o f Joice— a q u a n tity w h ic h to am p ly s u flc ie n t t o help ia th e dig estio n of- h a lf a dosen h e a rty m eals. * H o w p o w e rfu l i t to m a y be Judged fro m th e fa c t th a t a Single slice o f the f r u it laid upon a ra w beefsteak, w ffl, In a vary sh o rt tim e , cfaangeM he eaaatoteacy o f th e e o s d o M t* t h a t o r r je n y . B u t I t should be realised th a t cooking d estroys th e “e a iy m ," and th a t , th e o n ly w ay to get tbe benefit of th e d ig estive fe rm e n t is to e a t the p in eapp le in its n a tu ra l s ta te . tlve affection lo r tbs old. In ths eide days of tbe world prophecy held » place of prominence among all peo pies, but of history la the scientlfl sense there was none. This has beei reversed by the severely practical mod era world. History Is a t a premium prophecy at a d.eeount Yet tbe al most disregarded last day of Decembe stands lor the completed record, n New Year's does for ths prophecy o What M to come. operations m w ritin g , b illin g o r Statistical w o rk are accom plished fro m tbe key­ b o a rd o f the lig h t running, easy adtion M o d e l 10 (V is ib le ) W hat! make New T ear reeoletlon again? Certainly, no one is too ot or too good to have need o f them But curb your enthusiasm; weigh wel your chances of success, and bo a lit Ua more lenient w ith yourself that you wore a year ago. Better to sot ss. easier task and win than to risk weak enlng your will power and self-rsepee' by another failure, says the Oountrf Gentleman. Have your Ideal ct par feet manhood, or womanhood, by hi means U fa la Indeed prosaic ant commonplace without one, and—steal It Is a U tte r dtoappolotmeat w ith oae unless we remember that we buUd th» ladder by which we rise to a aobh DOCTORS hto toad to the too»* and shout«1 , 'to y . , misses. ftr n f sign has tumb! down!* H is eyes bulged out as If h was scared, and m y heart gave such lum p that t UnaM scarcely get out t> the sidewalk. The alga was all right T h e boys left the store by » rear don While I was looking for ths boy. A f­ terwards they declared that they paid for the eandy when they got I t It I. dreadful to think w hat men and wom­ en these boys and girls w ill be when Nothing has «vug equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King’s New Discwsry F®rŒ^K3” -.,ttîm Jr' W a ^INVENTI for jr- rati tt bw w d i ■ Mhptoy obtain V . Z and F t o / r PATENTS W A O » P A K H W « w -. p '-t 'a? r i tea. fidtfid itom: 9 ' 4 « • .* * • I » » r r l ost ,M -• sa?/llhr. k -.4 p