" ........ Political Announcement«. Carry Crärtj RiaHy G oi 4 year ball F rid a y night, ta in bow clu b , o f Langlois, B o * x s s r d“ “ Uuk that up tec. Tksbwysr the farm ■< the title good, bat had la ba shows. Ths deal fel through. Get aa abstract aad ba ready. KNAPP HOTEL Port Orford, Oregon, U. KNAPP Proprietor. on his way up the ooaat. I t took tout horses to lake the stage snath last S atu rd ay, there be­ ing about two fart of enow in , the road at the su m m it o f the moun it •• ' ' “ .. ■ ?£ • ‘ -Jos H udson, o f Sixes, advertises Go .»ft Feed 8 ta b le attached. in this Issue for tw o dogs Inat in the m ountains last week. T hey are ta iu a b le h u n tin g d pi», sod whsn FOR SALE. ¿ t ..g .» ■ «•**; ■ ' î 7-. ’ feat seen were on the track of a ooh - • / -5^ i E IG H T Y A C RES ofvery ytoh bottom 41> land oa Sites river, six miles from Port D r. Lsep was called from Band An Orford, not cleared and no Improve­ ment«. WiU tell .oa a*ay terms—no I,last week to prescribe for Mrs. Mpl ’ Johnson, who, we ere glad to sev, agen U, Mae. A nxa E mm b it , ie now recovering from a quite Se­ SS3 Valencia St. Rea Francisco, Cal vern illness. t*r- J. c . J O H N S O N A TTO BN K Y AT LAW « « Bandon Ernest N . Branson, of Salam , who has been teaching a term of school at Agnew , was In town over Sunday tain. , «... Flr»t-cUe* In every respect, ¿p - Cider being sold in soft d rink places in Coot has bean abuwa by den tist, odvsrtioso to be ia P u ri O r­ analysia to contain from * to 7 par ford from Fob. K h k to 17th. I n C u rry eounty the oounty print« cent alcohol. 0 u e dealer arrested Gold T h e Ladies A id w ill meet F rid a y a t C o q uille has been Soavietod o f ing was awarded to the . . . Beech w ith Mrs. N . H . Lemon. Last week selling in te x im n ta . A t Powers the | Globe because of tbs largest oircula we om itted to m ention th at it m et authorities are investigating the s e ll-, l l ° ° - T h a t paper showed a l i f t coo­ in g of tablets Ib e t create ths same W ining three more names than tba w ith M rs. A . A . Jomissuo. U r. L . P . Sorensen, the -1 T h e ladies of Port O rford w ill give a L e a p -Y e a r B all in F ro m m ’s h a ll, F rid a y . Fab. 4. Gentlem en to to la one eoi am e «edi after Ute lost Uno la May for *8.40. sensation and effect th a t whiskey J. W ard of Brookings retura- n— v t " 'L L * r ™ . T - t . ha bag been for some tim e visiting his mother and other relatives an d attending lo business for his com­ pany. He was aeomnpsnied by C. L aad a lo fo f San Francisco, H . 8. N u ttin g o f Portland and James H . Owen of th is oity. I t la reported th a t tba Brookings. Del N orte and Hobbs, W a il dc Co., people have consolidated to some extent a t least and that tbe other side o f Die Brook­ ings m ill w ill be pwt in and run to its fu ll oepaeily. Among other tm provemeiita w ill be an extension of the Crescent Sm ith River R R to Brooking*.— Crescent C ity Courier, SrowfeE Breaks ad Rscsrdx. list submitted by ths Port O iford T ribu n e. The question o f bonaSde Orford peper but I Democratic noiu- my Curry county, ioation for »tod and elected and should I ba vor So merit the I »apporto! ths by a eoneclen- ^ I m l ntnf n a tio n »fous and of that . G .R Ü H S E L K FOR V o rn a o s Cua- bt c o in « , O xboow . was disposed Sheriff of Curry c count--, o f sheriff o u n ts u subject b je c t to the be ax­ on to to pass upon same sains, I f a list, sue h , the 18th day of May, 1916. Before you i. petent medi­ medi- ca,t f? a r ka 'lo t.t would aek that my as m ail order bouses,.patent record as a publia servant as ums concerns and others use, oonsti for toe past »even yean be considered. ectfully, tute a bonaftde subscription Hat, the W M .T 0 L M A N . getting is good and the Port Orford FOR TREASURER. paper should avail itself of tba op I hereby sen ounce my candidacy for p ortuaity.— Coos Bay H a rb o r. nomination Mr the oBre of oounty Treasurer »ublect to the w ill ef the n i It« W o d d e r b u r n t Ite m s . R e p u b lic a n voters at tba warning pri­ m ary sleotion. ’-F ran ^ T b s high water nfl.a week ago, has subsided w ithout doing g a y damage la this locality. The weather has been unusually oold during the peat week, and a little snow fell during three d iffe r­ BANK OK POWERS J£ac Srw ry f a c i li t y F sr h a n d lin g Your Businese Banking b y JÆail Solisitecl Interest paid on Saving ¿ e ’te. POWERS, OREGON «»«■ I ga ^ gh E ll . — be- FOR ASSESSOR. i«.1 41 «0* I hereby respeodnlly announce my- »elf «s * candidate for the nomination tor the office of As»n»sor of Gerry coun­ ty, Oreyon. anldwt to the aroepttnro and approval of the Repnbliean voters at the primary eleotiou to be held in May. 1*16. Yours very truly F . A MOOBB. D aring the past week P o rt Ororfd en t days. has bean visited by lha biggest snow T b s Rustier arrived in port early fa il in the history of the town. I t Sunday m orning. commenced falling last Tuesday FOR SHERIFF. M r. W illh ite o f G old Beaeh baa night and from th at tim e u n til yea in thia manner I respectfully _ . sa­ moved his fam ily to W edderburn. nouaee myself a candidate tor the-nom tarday the streets were covered with 21 Tears Practice h Oregea Courts are co rd ially invited. G rand march G o l d B e a te lo , » « O r e y o n a t 8 o’clock prom pt. Refreshments a mantle o f w hite from 2 to 6 inches 1> 1st d e t A tto rn ey foe C arry Co. free. Music by orchestra. Sunday night by ~3. W . H o y t o f of _________ the oounty „ consider , Ider my « oandidaoy deep, While on the elevations near sad fitness for the office when they go G o ld -Beach. W h ile the m ail was being carried town the snow was raueh deeper. to the polls at the prim ary election on the into of next Mky. horseback between Port Orford and 0 . W . R O B B IN S , M. D . T h e storm has been general along Rema From A w ay Back. MO88 a V b R IL L .. Corbin last week on aooouot o f the this section o f tba coast, and stock P h y sicia n and Bargeoa snow, M r. Davidson was running ranges have been covered as never From the files of the Txiscxx of M ay FOR ASSESS«. G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n . his auto truck between here and before since the advent of the w hite U , 1893, W alter Buttes publisher: m myself as a candi- I hereby N E W L I N E O P L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N ’S F U R N IS H - EWGS, P R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S , G R O C E R IE S & X M A S . G O O DS Langlois w ith o u t troqble. m an. W h ile the lots of «took w ill lination Of — ______ W e are inform ed by M r. F ran k date for the neoeeearily be heavy, as the ranchers Cook tb a t D . K . M ille r has sold bis subject to the vote of .the Republican rty a t the Primary Election to ba are not prepared for each weather, M May 1A 1M *. fine place on Euchre Greek to R. Respectfully, I have buyers for Parms, Timber tf yet i t appears now th a t it w ill not GEORG E B U T K IN . D. H o m e . Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. be ae serious aa was feared. Uncle John H u n tle y , Is fittin g up Call and see me, or eend fall deacrip, Farm ers on tba low land», how FOR SHERIFF. tion end Hat your property with me. Carm , an „ boose ! for ever, are threatened w ith a freshet the , v . a shop, ... . and of Curry Toth« I will soon have published a booklet aa tba streams are rising J» P « l» r in g to m ig .g . in the shoe county, Oregon: ■ s r s advertising Curry County property that snow. m aking business. from a south storm thaleommenoed has been listed with me. Thia booklet 8 . E . M arsters, editor o f the G old T . j r W L of i ^ ^ B e a o b G W , -ep in k -k rtt Thursday will * I Z £ £ - rssult L ig h t House, spent F rid a y n ig h t io United longer great damage a t P o rt O rfo rd . Considerable spec­ -«to w n , on a short vacation- H a ra 111* nominated and Careful and prompt service given to from high waters. ¡ . ' S ' Ä ’d ' Ä « S S i y ' Î î d î i S ulation hto been rife Ms to Use- exact the business of non-residents. Coasting and snowballing, u n u i , mission of M r. M erstar’s visit, which nal sport for Port O rford, have F .,8 , T IC H K N O R . d is p a tc h . out • * the Cape. Port Orford, Oregon, ths town saga says had something a « w d the youngsr set, sad some of j Miaeee Balia Nordbarg and L a ly W. A . ...........i i~t .....- n sJiX-imsi ¿ a i .... to do w ith the political eituattoa. - tba old onea^oq, for tba past weak. . 8utton accepted aa in v ita tio n from —— ~T” JW . A. WOOD ’ - FOR CLERI» ______________ Jsese C orner * • Hde in bis Miss E lle n B ailey, retu rn in g ftp» 'gfaga to D airy Villif and hack yaater I hereby annoones my candidacy for L anghnstu. her home at WadsMr ATTQKKKY AT M W .................... • * “ °' ° 7 K ▼erd Of PjMaangby d a y , and they had a W ry enjoyable re-nomlnat— _ land Rook Sunday, preparatory to candidacy for the nomination as Gena- Mum m ona fo r and federal Plaintiff Hoey declared it waa the next piece beginning the egg harvest, and Acs ty Clerk, subject to the will of the Re­ P u b lic a t io n in k illin g of sm all biids. va p u b lic a n voters a t the primary eleotfon o f work contemplated by the eor j 0,1,19 w ith in an aèe( o f “ losing ths F o re c lo n n rw o f Bert Prec.-c M ay 19, (916. If nominated and elect­ 8. P. Pekoe sad A. I I . Boles ra T a x Lteja , Defendant porstion, it was taken as a foregone J number of his mess ” H e was stand- ed I shall make the dutiea of die office To Bert Pieeee the above named de« turned the first o f the week from my busiiies«, 1 conclusion th a t announcem ent o f . • n8 on roc'£ aw isting in discharg­ fondant A . 8LJHNS'&N. view ing some proposed road changes I k tb s mams or tu t S tatb or Oaaaon: ie ihe southern end o f the county, actusl construction plans would ba ing tba boats cargo, when be waa Yon am hereby notified th at Walton suddenly picked up and .carried F M liter the holder of osrtiScete of de­ They report th at ths loss of stock J forthcom ing very shortly, FOR FROTECUTIHG ATTORNCT. linquency numbered 100 laened on the from the rock out into deep water The announcement from Eugene To t h s Vuiaus o r O obrv O ocrrv: 2Srth day of November, 1612, by the tafc in th a t seotion fiom ths snow is not^ collector of the county of Ourry. State of as heavy as has been reported, and was not unexpected, for it has been by an unusually big sea. Being a I hereby announea myself as a caa Oregon, for the sum of *8.46, the same _ tim e. The ___ 8 °°d swim m er he managed to eave dldato for nomination, at the hands of fur ___ eome th at m any of the sheep th at have forthcoming have teen m~ada fer" mverol •‘ imaelf, but suffered a severe sprain the Republican party, for re-elei-tlon to being the amount then duiraud delin­ the offloe of District Attorney for Oar- quent for ta n a fo r the year 1911, togeth­ died were kille d by a throat worm surveys of ths ankle and waa roughly used ry eounty. I f entrusted to fill er with pen «Ity, interest and coats and not by exposure. • years and o f la ta there have been _______ tills office by the 11 voters of the laaumkft thereon upon the real property generally. m any hints o f probable w ork on I promise a faithful adminiatrattou or ed to you, of which yoe see the T n e re w ill be a w restling match T h e other day a Boston man the affaire of the office, sad a strirtsnd the rem aining 707 miles being pros­ »a ! appears of racor-l, situated in sail impartial enforcement of the laws ss ■o my and state, and particularly in F o rt O rfo rd February 14th be coun jum ped from a steamboat, and waa they appear oa the Hatato bookt and and described a t fol'ows, to tween M a ttC o y and Percy Zum w alt. ecuted tb it year. T b a t th a oom b o >unJed un pany has been w aitin g for money drowned. H a le ft a note behind a I thou t fear or favor of or to any per­ w it: son, firm or corporation whatsoever. The Northeast quarter of the N or h- These two hoys m et laet sum m er caa no longer be an excuse, for a staling th at he had intended to sum ­ Aa to my qualifications for the position went quarter of Section Eleven, in a t G old Beach, Coy w in n in g the Township 88 South of Range IBfWeataf country that can loan h a lf a b illion m it silicide Ihe night before but the W illamette M eridian, Curry coun­ first fa ll and Z u m w a lt tha second dollars lo European nations surely was prevented by the wet disagree ty/Oregon. - „ , lu which C o y ’s thou Id e r was in ju red You are further notified that W alton can furoishr fun.Ja w ith whioh to able weather. This reminds us of on« ae a practicing attorney lu Oregon ’ *’ whfoii ac­ * tor the past twenty-one years. F M iller has^paid taxes op said prem­ so th a t he could not come hack for a sim ilar circumstance which 1-lnoerely youra ises for aubseqahat years, with vate of t h e decisive tall. T h e return m atch, build domestic railways. tu ally oocurred at Gold Beach a few 0. J M OHNSON. intritost on said ambdnttas fdltows: I t is not b«l>a*eunty. h?W sy I t . 1916. do so, a decree grill Im tendered fore­ from a business visit to the C .K jn .H .. la tr t than the latter p art of March . m il Your- rrapsctfulir closing the Han of sold tasea and cost» up the river a short distance, »h ere KA TE LEHKH KRR . ogaiust the Und and premia--» above valley town io C ou* County. H e or the first of A p ril, the water wea very deep, he made DAined, repurta lh a hiss of .took iq that sac Thia snmmoas is publish«.! by order a spring out into the rive r, b u t on FOR SHERIFF, of the Honorable John 8 Goke, Judge l i o n , » « ihe hUi ranges in p articular, rising to |b e eurfaos he im m e d ia tely ol the Circuit court ol the Stole of O r­ as large i f not larger than than in — - , , . . X Mprww,»h aunounoe say egon, tor thg ooanty of C n iry. end said Bandon, started tor ahora, and explained th a t p,r nom inato» to the office of Bharii order waa made and dated thia 13th C o rry . W h ile a t Bandon M r. Jam- day of January, 1*16, and the data of the first publication of this snmmonv c o u n t v to b-~ expreaead at tl«e 1». - n » - » » M . »o w . th a - t the ^ s t e r .m ay would engage e x te n .iv .ly in ' D r. is a local practtttoaar w h o uoe. w a. S S X X fe ito S S i is the 19th day o f January, 1916. n ¡ n D , . » . I—* . I—« * . » — » b o * ~ « .-W O W « » ,« U AU prooess «.»I papers in this pro- « '“ • “-" " W J " ’ - ha Ua buainas. at P o rt O rfo rd th is 1 guaranteed w ork, and i f y«u era in after took h i. departure, but wbelb uurtrepoand to by »u raeding may be aerved upon the un- derat.ned residing within the State of w « > » » « • - « » ' h - ^ 3 = ■ s s í x » " T S l s J í : ' ■ ,* O.-egon, »t tlie add. eaa hereafter raen- ti '"ed- W. A W OOD. CURRT COUNTY REAL ESTATE A big m a il passed down tbs coast yesterday f t * Rogue rive r and.south ern C u rry points. I t was m ail th at o rd in a rily come from W est F o rk down tbs rive r where the tra il is now blocked w ith 14 or 20 feet of C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS C © a ll and gee 0 t i r Lines WCSR-Wiii» l»k* • 9. ___ ___ M BLig Denmark Mercantile Co. Store Tbe Place Where T m Get a Sq«are Deal T o b e tte r a c c o m m o d a te o u r g r o w in g tr a d e au d in c r e a s in g n u m b e r o f p a tr o n s w e h a v e b e e n c o m p e lle d t o ad d to o u r g e n e r a l sto c k o f D r y G o o d s, G r o c e r ies a n d P r o v is io n s , a s fo llo w s: H a r d w a r e , D a ir y S u p p lie s, S t u m p ­ in g P o w d er, O ils a n d P a in ts , F a r m in g I m ­ p le m e n ts o f a ll k in d s , in c lu d in g M c C o r m ic k M o w in g M a c h in e s a n d th e o e le b r a te d W e b -, h e r W a g o n s, e tc ., e tc . A n d .d o n ’t o v e r lo o k o u r u p -to -d a te sto c k o f M e n ’s a n d B o y s ’ C lo th » in g , B oots a n d S h o e s, Ladies* D ress G ood s, C ig a r s, P ip e s , T o b a c c o , C a n d y , N u ts a n d o - t io n s , R o lle d B a r le y , G r a ss Seed a n d S e e d G r a in . O rders taksn pob anything not on hand G iv e n s a tr ia l o r d e r . JAS. S. CAPPS. .. ' P ro p . ■ I, 1. S Attorney for Plaintiff. A