Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1916)
Always Stays“ l’Bt" The Burrow Clevis Wu ELEK AVI A u i u r j Aao.aa.“ - H. T. STKWABT Kiitoraad Publisher. M iiH t t « ; r ip t lo u , O l.A O p e r y e n r . The Leading Paj»er of Curry County, LIGHT BINNING A 1UP1L, H u l l lU -u rlu u . J O U B X iA a . A S d T R I B U N E S t t C A L IB U E A U T O A T IC P IS T O L The .kavag»» Automatic smoUier» e \o r y adversary in She sapidity oi its tiro, t/u eu the aacaaiou come» you have n ad y the q u ic k e s t, iia m iie s t a m i m«»t aecuratu arm made. CHrs yourself every possible advantage. It mean» life or ioalb. That is why you » ill discard your revolver when yoa aae the Savage. SUrfll Featwen which w ill Appeal to Too W S U O r » Double the number contained in an oidi- ' Mary revolver andtw o more than other automatic«. I ho OusooX l i . l f . t JouRtut ia the leading Oregmi.t tru e d at Portland. Permanto! an the bill«, to t can be Dentournlje ncwrjiaper oi removed la a serrnd of tim e. The only clevis so« ou the market that ataya where >nt. The manngert »loo issoa a SsM i-W sicai.r, which ia eepetislly adopted for people who do not oaro for a D a ily , but want a good fam ily paper. Any o f these paper, ran be bad in combination with the P O R T OR F O R D T R IB U N E , »t the following rater: ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilised, insuring extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling IltFLIGITY: Fewer parts than any Other automatic pis tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. SA FITY i Breech positively and automatically locked during the tim e of discharge. Cannot be tired un less the triggei is pul'.ed. When the safety is on neither foroe nor folly can discharge it. BALANCE: Perfectly huanced. Center of gravity well toth erear. Lies naturally in the hand-. Will not flinoh on the trigger puli. The only automatic which loekaat the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel Daily and Tribune - - - - . i > ,TA-• i 'V A r Daily Sunday and Tribune Semi Weekv and Tribune 6J inches. Price #15. Any wide-awake dealer will show yon this miniature rapid fire gun. If he will not supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it prepaid. . - SAVAGE — ARMS WEEKLY OREGONIAN W.. E . B u r r o w , C o r b in , Crp. Papers ano pear for $2*25. Mo M o ro C e d a r to S p a re . The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNF I must hnaband my tinahor to re pbee (eucea and buildings »n the furni, therefore i must not «pare ant n.err eeilar. Pic«»« do not ark for it The green tree« will grow and tlie dead one« w ill kuep. J. I I . U pton , - Lanirloia, O r.. Augurt 27, 1910 --- AND---- E C Z E M A and P I L K C U K E P B E E Knowing wb«t it waa to »of fer. I will give FREE OP CHARGE, to any afflf*-t«d a positive care for Eczema, Salt E ‘ velie- las, Piles and Hkln Diseases. ln«Unt relief. 'Don’t suffer longer. W r ite F. W . W illiam «, too M a n h attan A m i r . ' Mew York. Enclose Stamp, WEIGHT: 19 os. including magasine. length over all >’ The exclusive right to handle ta b Clevis will bo »old by Counties or £ta«M, or set oi three can bo purchas ed (or Sl.uo. 'Address n u < ] L ite COMPANY, V T IC A , N E W Y O R K The New Idea Woman's Magazine ' BOTH ONE YEAR FOR 9 t 7 0 . T hm Kaw ( o i l W oman ’» M aoazibb b an authority nn D ro n m tk in , y and Hnneehold Economy. I t averages more than 10« D am . . . . ,th Wn rnffa, VAn thaFAlAI*« > i !*«■» The Start to a Better . S a AAA — F*. * Yon «an have it all tv ' 60 c , S H Ä Y R J ,,* ’ i f S em ngiiew npnper pnbllehed In On- »on ; U containa a ll the new» of th . ‘ be ,n * ‘ io ° - T ry It fo e . (inj»tilti. A »ample copy w ill be mail ,ed to von ire « . A ddrevr n id i/m THE TELEGRAM I f F W w s « t to bw si c s s i .V 4- ^ FOO w a s ! to better pow iilJ»-’ #Rrr/. W « b ars ra tiw rho a fa r/ « o a r. «ad hwvo »tad« t to s m z to womwmag a«»» •*•» » b iis c f. tbat yociteiU * c at tho fasEirb.A' i t s oi .4« h tr* *r that h s tt ta d r • ba ’ <t ( • to u s n j v / t r r m i ir U T tc O b taw eonpo«*. totow . x? boa aatraan QOKAT BALAS p>ovr thegrem ’■m,ment ad Moua’s Sanaparilla. Hood’s S anap arilleen» became t vmootpUahM CBhAT ^URBA - E wa J. o v a r Uitu f st fa t« a ^ou^aa, Jtir..< a .• rtfrutfl 'j • a t « r ® t « w r . x l Wisfe . G« In aari tr a il t’hwcf.uiu/u t >us. Jh ruturn w a il tvs w ’I t •asU > . fn^K'.tMi* »J n s . m . i. you cw* ♦ .«* ywur «M« «e.mW , . isoa naoAN ur » wtA /•• • yjag g pnrt ao psPsaSwMMr. to asonX;. rU N- FASSINS Ff-rtbCNCCO. F t r ir ^ t 3whto • m A «n Ffwata»« rVdtota writs So W A S H IN G T O N ,, .* frt the apor« Him» -J*««« » y: • you u < i * . . . a .-9" p r o jf o f I’ io the fu. ui 1 4> posUimi • Kt TOADS - fa Artp-O Hujed in .« hmm t.a, tM*W» .«u Js OU. - .; P A T E N T S T H A T F A T . Ml».«rti<e tfejnm »Ur«.-, > /,«A«ws «aqSMUr». MSd k. If to Memes .. mi »end h a rd h ltlh w ««< 7%s IfesS io be Uuniin Curry County, a t reason, a ble Prieee. W ANTED ['TvioO? McCall’s Mafasine ani McCall Patterns BiU Heads, - Letter Heads, Le^al Blanks, Any Briefs, Posters Envelopes^ Statements. Thinf, MANHOOD Onrm Impotency, Night Kribaione and dUm!«», ail effects of sell abuse, or cxceao and indie cretion. A nerveto nlcatM l blood b on d er. Brings th*. pint, glow tc pale checks ant reriore« the Are of youth Bj mailAOcpet Ni»:Oboxe- [>; w ith a w r i u . 1. gnaran- SM to euro o r re fu n d t t e money B NERVITA M ED IC A L CO. « h t o n A M ee to o n n t a , Or**CACO. I U . To Whom I t S Up-to-date Work Done on SKort Eotiee. Satisfaction Guaranteed M aCALfS MAGAZINE M a y Coaeera. 1, the ondenigned, hereby give no tion that I have a oonveyance from the Patentee to tldelends and water lots in the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, oa a portion of whioh a part of the wharf la erected wltbont my eonseet. All parties are hcvrhv warned not to drive piles or treepaw in any manner what- soever on said tidclands or water lots. Uw Anna C -Darr. Portland, Orrguo. AFTER ANY I n c o n n e c tio n w it h C. W. ZUMWALT j I E J L X S I t t