Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
I© Shots at your Finger Ti H A V A -0^» Always StayCVut” The B u rro w Clevis W IL M iS U. T. STEWART Eitlloraml Publbker. » ..■ » » rlp tlo n , S l . n o p « ,\ y e . . . - The Lending IVq^er o f fu r r y County, JO i/ftiU ,« S U C A L IB R E A U T O A T IC P W T O fc The Aavagu Automatic duiotbeni every advurwary in the sapidity of ita tir 1» heu the ocuosiuu cornea yon have ■MAtiy the quickest, haudiAt and most accurate.arm made. Give y o arseli every possible advantage. it mesne life or 'MeaSh. That u why you will discard your revolver when you see the Savage. ‘ • Spadai Feataers which will Appeal la ’ ' 5 * ■ ' * («• 4. «V» Ta« auc L TRIBUNE, The 0 « « . « « I U , L . J c v a a A M .tb e .o m h M g lfe m tÄ T a tU newspaper o f regon,issued a t l > r t ia u d . keklv , whioli iae for people who do act «are fur a D aily, but want s go,, '■ Any of these papers can be bad i„ «.mWsatlon will TEN SHOTS: Do able the uumber eohtaineA'th an oidi- » nary revolver and two more than other* automa tics. I P O £ D T R ia U N H , at the fo llo w in g rates: ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well Daily and T r ib u n e ................... as freedom from fouling IMPLICITY : Fewer parts than any other automatic pis Daily tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. > Semi Sunday and Tribune * Weekv and Tribune - 9 7 - WEIGHT: 19 oz. including magazine. Length over all 6J inches. Price #15. Any wide-awake dealer will show you this miniature rapid fire gun. If he will __ not supply you, kiudly advise ns and we will send it prepaid. ' i f U T IC A , N E W OREGONIA W . E. Burrow, Corbin, Ore. • 6 SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically looked during th& time of discharge. Cannot be fired un less thè triggei ¡9 pul'.ed. When the safety is on neither force nor folly can discharge it. - J BALANCE: perfectly ba. a need. Center of gravity well ; to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will not j flinch on the trigger pull. The holy automatic which < locks at the breech while the bui (et traverses the barrel 1 TH E T R IB U N E I'e iw a n e iil as the h ill« , but ran be removed | b a second o f tim e. Thr only < lev is now on the m a rk et that stays where t o t . - , The exclusive tight to haudl« tai« t|»-vta w ill bo sold by Ooimtlea nr State«, or M t ot three caa be purchas ed tor *l.w ). Address OO. Nw Mor« Cedar to Spare. The PORT ORFORD TRIBI\, I I jn n s t husband m y tim b er to re OOt Í troces and 'b u ild in g s on the farm , therefore I must nu| spare any sa oo. i more cedar. Flesse do not ark for it The green treat will grow and tbs dead ones a 111 keep. r o p e r s one y e o r io r $&.2G. m i ------A .T M D ------- l l i e New Idea VV(,man’s Magazine l a l l h ^ O M E YEAR FOR #1 7fi. J. H. Urrojc, Langlois, Or., Auguri 27, H10. E C Z E M A and P IL E C V U R F R E E Knowing arhat it was tnsuf- _______ter. I will .g ive F R E E OF ( H A F O E , to any affiL ted a positive core for Eczema, Salt Kt-enin, E yslw- t®*, Phed and Skin Diseases. Instar, •Jeiief. D o n ’t suffer lontter. W rite F, W . W il lia m s . 4hO M anhattan Avera.-, hew York. Enclose Stamp. 1 I I l O .A .8N O W & C O . The Start Month YORK Better Salary O V C ^' ” t T v m o i r ’V ' " ' - X «d to you O m ' ” A d ^ i j r 111 be f t THE TELEGR4M. j . P O K Tl.A JID . OK. ! «rt «» !« I S«tUr«., , r w « k , i ,'>la u . ln»,faa*y asaShwerfc, rtlqurtl«, ttw.iwr: i M»w » tw to i r t i M u trwi ' J • e r e *w u -rrm r*« > r< ta ra ra is O l i i , 4(.'wr<U. ****** sa v ta ra Op te s ilo i?. ¿5. t’ v to n t i• Hood’s Sam perille «soll. beJu«e J 0 a rem edy omen to-day. Item ed end that Is Why she f urry County, a t reason- W ANTED oble Prices. McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns r*e VTomm • F rtswdi WERVITAdF— -#ZZZ Heads, * than any other aturua. I f cCalTt is ths h>« Owido monthly in « OSO hundasd thousand tbs latest detail Patterns, sack issue »WriM Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Any 'Thing, a Briefs, , Posters Envelopes Statements, ires Impotency, N ig h t E r ilsslon s an, i«ting diseases, a ll effects of set 7*3» abuse, or excess and indu cretlon. A a e r v 'a to u lc a n t. W o rd b u ild e r . Brings t b , L * A f Pl ° * Klow *® Pa,e cheeks a.n Jhfcf res.-,res tb s lira of youth B j m * n u v « r « **».: ® b o te $2 .A O ; w ith * w rritt*i. g u a rn u - r*O J to euro o r reftond ti*« pxmey NERVITA M ED IC A L CO. itoo * JaoUson RtB.. OrtiCAG O , IL L T o W h o m I t M a y C o n cern. To W hom 1« M ay Coneerni. M c C all ’ s magazine »•MS V. ant flu New Vetk Chp The undersigned hereby give notice that they are the owners of the South half of Section 1«, Township th irty three, South range foorteen W est of Willamette meridian, Oregon. A ll par ties are warned net to trespass upon e make any loeatfou, either placer quarts claims at their peril. "Dp-to-date Work Done on Short JVotice- Satisjaciion Guaranteed 1, the undersigned, hereby give no- tice th at I bare a conveyance Iron» the Patentee to tidolanda and water lots in the * Harbor Oiwgon, w a w « a « w a of w a Port a w s b Orford, v A s U SE <z , L Z a V | | U U , t on ill a portion of which a part of the w harf Is erected without m y consent. A ll parties are hereby warned not to drive Piles or trespass in any manner w hat-! soever on said tidelande or water lots. _ . . Mss. A ra a 0 . Dear. D. X xllaxkb ) J H .M r A r s B .|OWI” r’ ' Portland, Ore .* N O TIC E Is connection with C. W. gUMWALT