I ? I Laat M o n d a ; the Port PERFECTLY Orford pootofBoo o u t o u t tha largest letter n o il in H l history. MANUFACTUINO J « W Ï BANDOS, OBROOS The Purl O rfo rd band b u renar- lo t to ( ir e • big N .u Y a a r d a n « . M r». J. H Z u m w a lt to expected home today from a Iv o m onth’« - »i»U In C alifornia. John B ^ k . of F o r R ale b y B r t le y , BM (o I ’ to enter the hay, she mas kept bafese 1 ** . I th* aaa a id by bar canvass prevented T re n p ess N o tic e , foam broaching too near the share« A h * --------- dh* r , T * * 1*? ? uU?* ’• h* ‘* ‘*y «Ivan to a ll partoaa the ternbia ordeals. The Captain took whom it may concern, not to enter op- ' command nod ran a MnaX line to "tha As or trespass upas the premises of Lu shorn, making i | fast t e a large Rad Knapp, for tha purpose of hunting, or wood tree lying upon the shore. He ttetii>r, with hoc« and line., Bald pre- eould wet return In (he boat but- «pew « i s « are situated on Bik River, Carry order» to the eraw, and polled h im » U Cnunly, O « g « « , .ndgenerally knew» fbaek to » » s h ip s o tke lU» run, r o s r t * '.. the “ Bond” place. Ing which i t o v r o w u W i W i ^ ^ J X , , „ town la s t n ig h t ou h i* way to Gold Botch to taka art ion to w ard * gat* g ling h it a a tu r a liu iio n peperà. d . C a rl Maukach make final proof on h it Denm ark, homestead a t Port Or*, f a d last Thursday, J. 8 . Cappa sad M . M . ^lapshaw acting aa witnaotaa. » , F lo yd H u n tle y spd A rth u r Bailey • passed down the e<>a«t last Weak re- ' t u n in g to their homes a t Gold Beach from visiting a t Coos h a y and W il J lam ette valley points. t “ *• Pa rP°*> «<> unting, fishing, teortrt hrtrterP A big shooting maieh for turkeys, ^ i e n v i n t o a t a id e gstos open, or molest P ***“ * K l bd fkomeu. * s ta , has been advertised ' to take plate a t Langlois Iboem bar - M t h ’ sad 25th. I t w ill bs concluded W ith a d an te on the la tte r date. M an y packages o f parcel WM. GILLINGS F O K T O K FO K O , OKEGQM H . DPTON. NOTARY POBUC. Lxndt*«e, Onaav Oo., Oaaaou. ; ATSW ART yomt U . to. C O M M I S S I O N E » P o r t O rfb rd L O r e g o n , post m atter arrived In P o rt O t ford Mon- » fis-y n ig h t f.oin rhe-hortb. I t was some of tha m a il which had been 1 ouageeted at Portland sines tha wreck ‘ o f the steamer Santa C lara. » T h a Rustler, whieh want down last week, is still bar bound a t Rogue river. On her return north she W ilf slop hers for tha bank fix tn rw , which ara being moved to Powers. ’ I t is reported th a t tha Rustler w ill I make but one more (rip to Port O r ford this winter. i . Antons Canonica, better known as 1 I “T r tiy * , who for soma tines has been ‘ 1 f*rn iin g the A . 8. M ille r place on 1 Rogue riv e r, was in to w n M onday 1 night returnin g from Banden, where 1 Carrj ¡¡Cintj Mstrut be took sight Chinam en who C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS had 1 been working durin g the an turner a t ’ the Seaborg cannery, - n g a ll and See 0 u r Lines ’ . ’ • ' I l a a w restlingonnteatat Portland j a f a « days ago, K ddie O ’Connell do- , fealed YoungdSsntell, alias S m ilin g , cn Pacfflc 4>utch of tosai fam s, in a lt sight falls ( <>f 26 a u f r i i m inutes. A t the asms ( tim e J im Lon doe, known here a * 0 Jigt W iison, easily defeated* fo u r j m en w ith in an boar. >. ; X '• . i (• I l f . and M r s luddertaFrom K N A PP HOTCL Port Orford, Oregon, tu UMA.FUP Fi-wyrtete»*. assembled in Coos It o §1« Franci«». Work wae at once "v i eMttmanced to repair and put in brdarJ -Continued from Urn w art: 1 ,,Uta eT^ wW*h;• • • ,a r “ T u ship before daylight the folltftr.* Wa. was soon accomplished. Some of ing morning, wa»,enable to g *t ^eoRpad" the paasensers wrecked in the Sea Gull immediately put io aaa, H«d-S.-rtW d had freight deatinad for Trinidad, which run to BumboHt With wind ao^hwest tha Captain agreed to take there if pse- aml inecanatog a /a ry m om ent w’ .h slb U . A number of persona w e n at every appearance ad * W avy RHkJ th e Hamboldt wishing to gat to San Fran- Captain therefore engaKSd to disehnegw <*«». but were unwilling to risk cross- all for that port and p- ocecd o., fetr fog Uw tarriWa bar- These weald pro- voyage without delay, the tides rondai* eead to Trinidad by land, and there Join !-<< It possible at > p. m. a t which tone th« “ Bona Dee” , that being her riie proceeded to the ba.-, The jtoB i f »>* succeeded in reaching having increased durii g her deiaaueu foere. Whan ready for sea none would in m s bay presented a w ild appearance, undertake th e venture save one sailor, Ou bar approach she however stood for who had bean a number of voyages with sea sod t r a m H tha bar havtag rdaehed the Captain, and his steward and cook, eight fathoms when ona o f those f m - ' aM ethers being too timid. mense seas, teimed by seamen “ the Tbe little craft drifted down the bay three brotheis’t.i struck aad bearded to «-he entrance late one evening, th* over her “ night heads” eanytog awgy weather being thick and foggy with tw “ Bulk heads” gangways and every * f - wiod Hh* l " d ***= * until <*• tide m ovable and by .he great corn-us- morning. Fab. 19. 1858, end at early Sion forced her steam pipe whieh w <| A ^ beating pipe leading from the strtm w rite Feed S ta b le h tU tb e d . b H n . * or * to Dr. ’ Welherbee a t Langlois. G o ld 1 C«rrry co u n ty , and anyone conlem platin g . Invertin g in this breed of " cattle w ill do wbll to .;•» » Dy. Pemberton w ill move shortly c from Langlois to M yrtle Point* a t f ------- . « . „ - - w h i r t iattor place ha w ill take the j. We run the Stage from f o r t Òrto practice i> U )f, Leslie Johnson-w ho „ la D a.ryvfll.-, connecting with thr ¡ , rtis n g iiT h is location from the' j Wt A. WOOD O H N E Y A T .X .A V V f S THE CO STATB IT I COURT OA il P OREGON F O R RYOOUFTV. Md rt^ d a te d U'^ndi> £ -M m --4**** /- probably spend the w in ter In thio » section. The poor health e l ' M rs. ? stems ever ^ * went from here to Portlan d la s tia li | have returned to Bandon, anti t r i l l i H ille r ’s mother, Mrs, J. Uoiowft who C|fb Y»s. RM .>YMwwer>‘» Realtor BsptefgsM,« r tfll# offered her to tha Captain, and ' ¿ t ftffrrt '- 4 ^ a g y ito e c m p e n a a ta h lm lfh a to o k b a r . W f W A 'Ù h n is now in the Emergency hospital at Bandon, had somsthieg to do with tbsir coming back at this lim a, i r ? Mr. J. R . Welherbee, of tha Star * ■ - , r rnriclr, is offering some of his choioa lio lslein slock for sals, preparatory to g ivin g up h it lease on that p late tbs first of-the year. The Dr. prob ably has the lieat collection of H o i »W Ufa f on th en ar and drowned all heads, T b a u e s t plate vtoiteri w «. the 8e«a boardrt and drove tha riiip |Jioma of M r. and Mr». W m . G ill the bar against the strong ahb tide. I in g *, where salad and aandwichee Hero ahe waa helpless. Presence of i were a^ ved . A peanut hunt at thia mind and prompt action was now nec- placa caused mueh fun, first prixa . * * * " * * 0,1 ' « n i n . r o V H T in h .n n r .n d U r . H b° * rd ^P fo fo TUhanor Sang ttUtto got g to r . IL Ttohenor and M m . a g r t0 itoppyr, ha faring W . l> a p wbtfo H . T . Stew art sad y,« foreeaetle holding o nio the b itu M rs. A .® . Johnston carried u ff ah?- io the midst e<^ m erom ,-iM acd U :ino( lend honor.. • * ’ J respond, when 0 » Captain .p ro a . fo p . , U a n y x l a o d last heme viritod ^ J J ^ * * * 7 * * was that of M r. s r i f M r a , / > f t . ^ °J m S Denmark Mercantile Co, w. . To better accommodate our growing trade and increasing number of patrons wo have benn compelled to add to our general stoelc of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, aa foilosrs: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump* ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im- plemenU of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Maohinea and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and o- tions, Roiled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed Grain. O aD B B S TAMaS FOB AMTTHIKO SOT OB HAND lift«» Laraon, M b.be aoag sod «.» r . wbH- H 4rom tbe roiL A , Z ¡ r o f e fo tM jto . ed away th a ^ o u r. u ntil after mid d t all time overhauled fo rw a n l.o f the night. Cake and coffee appeased windlete ready for aa amofgenrF and the inner m an at thia plate, and ba i *“ " * ;ceil having p>ini»trator< neliua, deoea n o tite la hen of, and all ’r ü ” ■ nor. In behalf o f t h o e present, ex- to kte P etoar from tha lea of the Ammo, pressed t h * friendship won by Mr. eo d art. Ha aart all of tha-paaaengere and M rs. Lonay in tbetr five year’s to the weather rid* a f the boa t neaday evening between ..d -« .« ~ the girla reaidente>t Port Orford: and the tb®n .T T nt >? >?,w. ptod* ? ,tW .1 « ¡ . h ~ o f . l l H . O . W »1,1.1 « . j . , «á> "T*"* tended,'am i the way each aide work- health end pruaperity la their new i f hi , order* werv obeyed, m lfo r a vlclo yr aetlofied the »penis' home. Id reepondiag. M r. Looey I W ith aisty fathom* acope to her an- ,, N o tic e d * Crorit t r t p . tore tfaaA-tho gam e wan wall worth stated th at be regretted to sever <*w, the ship toiled foto a north «fean- I lh< prJct „ftn la rie n . T h a oonfoot' the aeaooiation» that he has formed I U Th>< >^ ¡^ *i* * a í * »eo, which i. ’ 7 «df._ was elope, »od i t wnh anybody's her*, b u t he fe lt th at MMiteeir c a ll- ware orderoTto t r t e th * aaa* ri’h i i b S i / u l y » p ^ ín t e d t o S Í ’ ••>»« llm * WM « ••**> . when 'ed h im a h iw b ere, however, he M id , ^ ¿ n T t h a t tha least oorface riioald b* f Ourvy e°«nty, Oregon, Augrd- is ssUta,of John Dobflh, « - the score abywed ft fo rhe m arrtod woman. I in /¡Ivor of th a t i f the tow n* were connected by presented for th * action of tha aaa. T h a t the«* railroad in -th e near fotuta, a* be ha- ¡N o t a hat remained on the head a f any GENERAL B la c k s m ith in g Wagous and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im- pleftients; McCormick Mowers, e.c. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a Reasonable price. Your patronage solicited.