The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, December 08, 1915, Image 3

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? I
Laat M o n d a ;
pootofBoo o u t o u t tha largest letter
n o il in H l history.
The Purl O rfo rd band b u renar-
lo t to ( ir e • big N .u Y a a r d a n « .
M r». J. H Z u m w a lt to expected
home today from a Iv o m onth’«
»i»U In C alifornia.
John B ^ k . of
F o r R ale b y
B r t le y ,
’ to enter the hay, she mas kept bafese 1 **
I th* aaa a id by bar canvass prevented
T re n p ess N o tic e ,
foam broaching too near the share« A h *
dh* r
, T * * 1*?
? uU?* ’• h* ‘* ‘*y «Ivan to a ll partoaa
the ternbia ordeals. The Captain took whom it may concern, not to enter op-
' command nod ran a MnaX line to "tha As or trespass upas the premises of Lu
shorn, making i | fast t e a large Rad Knapp, for tha purpose of hunting, or
wood tree lying upon the shore. He ttetii>r, with hoc« and line., Bald pre-
eould wet return In (he boat but- «pew « i s « are situated on Bik River, Carry
order» to the eraw, and polled h im » U Cnunly, O « g « « , .ndgenerally knew»
fbaek to » » s h ip s o tke lU» run, r o s r t * '.. the “ Bond” place.
Ing which i t o v r o w u W
i W
i ^ ^ J X , , „
town la s t n ig h t ou h i* way to Gold
Botch to taka art ion to w ard * gat*
g ling h it a a tu r a liu iio n peperà.
C a rl Maukach make final proof on
h it Denm ark, homestead a t Port Or*,
f a d last Thursday, J. 8 . Cappa sad
M . M . ^lapshaw acting aa witnaotaa.
» , F lo yd H u n tle y spd A rth u r Bailey
• passed down the e<>a«t last Weak re-
' t u n in g to their homes a t Gold Beach
from visiting a t Coos h a y and W il
J lam ette valley points.
“ *• Pa rP°*> «<> unting, fishing,
teortrt hrtrterP
A big shooting maieh for turkeys,
^ i e n v i n t o a t a id e gstos open, or molest
P ***“
* K l bd fkomeu.
* s ta , has been advertised ' to take
plate a t Langlois Iboem bar - M t h
’ sad 25th. I t w ill bs concluded
W ith a d an te on the la tte r date.
M an y
packages o f
Lxndt*«e, Onaav Oo., Oaaaou.
U . to. C O M M I S S I O N E »
P o r t O rfb rd L O r e g o n ,
m atter arrived In P o rt O t ford Mon-
» fis-y n ig h t f.oin rhe-hortb. I t was
some of tha m a il
which had
1 ouageeted at Portland sines tha wreck
‘ o f the steamer Santa C lara.
T h a Rustler, whieh
last week, is still bar bound a t Rogue
river. On her return north she W ilf
slop hers for tha bank fix tn rw ,
which ara being moved to Powers. ’
I t is reported th a t tha Rustler w ill I
make but one more (rip to Port O r
ford this winter.
Antons Canonica, better known as 1
I “T r tiy * , who for soma tines has been ‘
1 f*rn iin g the A . 8. M ille r place on 1
Rogue riv e r, was in to w n M onday 1
night returnin g from Banden, where 1
Carrj ¡¡Cintj Mstrut
be took sight Chinam en
had 1
been working durin g the an turner a t ’
the Seaborg cannery, -
n g a ll and See 0 u r Lines
’ . ’
' I
l a a w restlingonnteatat Portland j
a f a « days ago, K ddie O ’Connell do- ,
fealed YoungdSsntell, alias S m ilin g ,
cn Pacfflc
4>utch of tosai fam s, in a lt sight falls (
<>f 26 a u f r i i m inutes. A t the asms (
tim e J im Lon doe, known here a * 0
Jigt W iison, easily defeated* fo u r j
m en w ith in an boar. >. ;
X '• . i
I l f . and M
r s
Port Orford, Oregon,
tu UMA.FUP Fi-wyrtete»*.
in Coos
It o §1« Franci«». Work wae at once
"v i eMttmanced to repair and put in brdarJ
-Continued from Urn w art: 1
,,Uta eT^
wW*h;• • • ,a r “
T u ship before daylight the folltftr.* Wa. was soon accomplished. Some of
ing morning, wa»,enable to g *t ^eoRpad" the paasensers wrecked in the Sea Gull
immediately put io aaa, H«d-S.-rtW d had freight deatinad for Trinidad, which
run to BumboHt With wind ao^hwest tha Captain agreed to take there if pse-
aml inecanatog a /a ry m om ent w’ .h slb U . A number of persona w e n at
every appearance ad * W avy RHkJ th e Hamboldt wishing to gat to San Fran-
Captain therefore engaKSd to disehnegw <*«». but were unwilling to risk cross-
all for that port and p- ocecd o., fetr fog Uw tarriWa bar- These weald pro-
voyage without delay, the tides rondai* eead to Trinidad by land, and there Join
!-<< It possible at > p. m. a t which tone th«
“ Bona Dee” , that being her
riie proceeded to the ba.-, The jtoB
i f »>* succeeded in reaching
having increased durii g her deiaaueu foere. Whan ready for sea none would
in m s bay presented a w ild appearance, undertake th e venture save one sailor,
Ou bar approach she however stood for who had bean a number of voyages with
sea sod t r a m H tha bar havtag rdaehed the Captain, and his steward and cook,
eight fathoms when ona o f those f m - ' aM ethers being too timid.
mense seas, teimed by seamen “ the
Tbe little craft drifted down the bay
three brotheis’t.i struck aad bearded to «-he entrance late one evening, th*
over her “ night heads” eanytog awgy weather being thick and foggy with tw
“ Bulk heads” gangways and every * f - wiod Hh* l " d ***= * until <*•
tide m ovable and by .he great corn-us- morning. Fab. 19. 1858, end at early
Sion forced her steam pipe whieh w <| A ^
beating pipe leading from the strtm
w rite
Feed S ta b le h tU tb e d .
or *
to Dr. ’
Welherbee a t Langlois.
G o ld
C«rrry co u n ty , and anyone conlem
platin g . Invertin g in this breed of "
cattle w ill do wbll to
.;•» »
Dy. Pemberton w ill move shortly c
from Langlois to M yrtle Point* a t f
. « . „ - - w h i r t iattor place ha w ill take the j.
We run the Stage from f o r t Òrto
practice i> U )f, Leslie Johnson-w ho „
la D a.ryvfll.-, connecting with thr ¡ , rtis n g iiT h is location from the'
O H N E Y A T .X .A V V
Md rt^ d a te d U'^ndi>
-M m --4**** /-
probably spend the w in ter In thio »
section. The poor health e l ' M rs. ?
stems ever
went from here to Portlan d la s tia li |
have returned to Bandon, anti t r i l l i
H ille r ’s mother, Mrs, J. Uoiowft who
C|fb Y»s.
.>YMwwer>‘» Realtor BsptefgsM,« r tfll# offered her to tha Captain, and
¿ t ftffrrt
'- 4 ^
a g y ito e c m p e n a a ta h lm lfh a to o k b a r
. W f W A 'Ù h n
is now in the Emergency hospital at
Bandon, had somsthieg to do with
tbsir coming back at this lim a, i r
? Mr. J. R . Welherbee, of tha Star
* ■ -
rnriclr, is offering some of his choioa
lio lslein slock for sals, preparatory
to g ivin g up h it lease on that p late
tbs first of-the year. The Dr. prob
ably has the lieat collection of H o i
»W Ufa
f on th en ar and drowned all heads,
T b a u e s t plate vtoiteri w «. the 8e«a boardrt and drove tha riiip
|Jioma of M r. and Mr». W m . G ill the bar against the strong ahb tide.
I in g *, where salad and aandwichee Hero ahe waa helpless. Presence of
i were a^ ved . A peanut hunt at thia mind and prompt action was now nec-
placa caused mueh fun, first prixa .
* * * " * * 0,1
' « n i n . r o V H T in h .n n r .n d U r . H b° * rd ^P fo fo TUhanor Sang ttUtto
got g to r . IL Ttohenor and M m . a g r
itoppyr, ha faring
W . l> a p wbtfo H . T . Stew art sad
y,« foreeaetle holding o nio the b itu
M rs. A .® . Johnston carried u ff ah?- io the midst e<^ m erom ,-iM acd U :ino(
lend honor..
• * ’
J respond, when 0 » Captain .p ro a . fo p .
, U a n y x l a o d last heme viritod
^ J J ^ * * * 7 * *
was that of M r. s r i f M r a , / > f t .
^ °J m S
Denmark Mercantile Co,
To better accommodate our growing trade
and increasing number of patrons wo have
benn compelled to add to our general stoelc
of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, aa
foilosrs: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump*
ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im-
plemenU of all kinds, including McCormick
Mowing Maohinea and the celebrated Web­
ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook
our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth­
ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods,
Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and o-
tions, Roiled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed
Laraon, M aoag sod «.» r . wbH- H 4rom tbe roiL A , Z ¡ r o f e fo tM jto .
ed away th a ^ o u r. u ntil after mid d t all time overhauled fo rw a n l.o f the
night. Cake and coffee appeased windlete ready for aa amofgenrF and
the inner m an at thia plate, and ba i *“ " *
;ceil having
neliua, deoea
n o tite la hen
of, and all
’r ü
nor. In behalf o f t h o e present, ex- to kte P etoar from tha lea of the Ammo,
pressed t h * friendship won by Mr. eo d art. Ha aart all of tha-paaaengere
and M rs. Lonay in tbetr five year’s to the weather rid* a f the boa t
neaday evening between
-« .« ~
girla reaidente>t Port Orford: and the tb®n .T T nt >? >?,w. ptod* ? ,tW
.1 « ¡ . h ~ o f . l l H . O . W »1,1.1 « . j . ,
tended,'am i the way each aide work- health end pruaperity la their new i f hi , order* werv obeyed,
m lfo r a vlclo yr aetlofied the »penis' home. Id reepondiag. M r. Looey I W ith aisty fathom* acope to her an-
N o tic e d * Crorit t r t p .
tore tfaaA-tho gam e wan wall worth stated th at be regretted to sever <*w, the ship toiled foto a north «fean-
I lh< prJct
„ftn la rie n . T h a oonfoot' the aeaooiation» that he has formed I
U Th>< >^ ¡^ *i* * a í * »eo, which
i. ’ 7
was elope, »od i t wnh anybody's her*, b u t he fe lt th at MMiteeir c a ll-
ware orderoTto t r t e th * aaa*
ri’h i i b S i / u l y » p ^ ín t e d t o S Í ’
••>»« llm * WM « ••**> . when 'ed h im a h iw b ere, however, he M id , ^ ¿ n T t h a t tha least oorface riioald b*
f Ourvy e°«nty, Oregon, Augrd-
is ssUta,of John Dobflh, « -
the score abywed ft fo
rhe m arrtod woman.
in /¡Ivor of th a t i f the tow n* were connected by presented for th * action of tha aaa.
T h a t the«* railroad in -th e near fotuta, a* be ha- ¡N o t a hat remained on the head a f any
B la c k s m ith in g
Wagous and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock,
also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im-
pleftients; McCormick Mowers, e.c.
Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a
Reasonable price. Your patronage solicited.