'¿ N b E o OF ALL PATENTS- ro R ichte för Inventloua Coat V ery Utah- j ACK- AUGHT /OCK « * •OULTRY 1EDICINÊ unitsailhy ©ondi­ no» J tha kW- ' nay*i If It M ini «our umb n t* : ivktonce at |tt> I nsy trouble; too ¡ cock. Squirrel or Rabbit S h o o tin g the '■ ffi Xh fe ■■«mam Afe**^fc*BXfeaafeff 44 GAUGE SHOTGUN J. STEYBtt AIMS & TOW. COMPANY VsJtht u ygivm a ■“*” t e '" * ® ’ dona) í« t e < B u 3 r I»raagld B U * .« J foultry Mml'Cio* « » « « food Any t»<«« m»v BUf » fe-cent hdt-posad a ir-tig it can «- Iv u r w . t» < aq "Modicto« C«.. Ch»i- »tuxäreccived » «alary of »1,800. nno li» I g a u i« ’» it . Ä Ä i Ä t Ä Ä i a s “ i C R E A T revot.1 O»' cut!«, -.tn qu.ii.ed tu intxiie.i iùatuiy, pi o r» A jlood't Ba»«apaÿfnÇp'*»evw* met it un T h » « u )u i!Eucciflnitö.n wo« twice much ID th e «ante way a s p e p s in ,it , rt-wrlUvn, « b a ilie by a dirf.-rent a t - ! w ill, in the Conroe of a few h o u r» / T iio w itto any ■O;>-r M E D I C I T l uu-ney. H ow m uch t h it coat the in v c n -1 canac (lie »ubatanre upon w hich' to r to not known, but It to rumored | k# -Q , „ M o lv e aad ,n e|t .ite'bvwings.; & TH« IE W IN Q M A O H IN I O ' J Q U A L ITY . S T . . 3 Ä J M The name “ hrouii-lin ha. been given to it bv si lence, allowance of » W O extra to pay for Boys short Rubber Boots • - • Youths ” ” Trawler Hy Bootees - - - - < Short Process Mens Gum Boots - Thigh Duck Process ” Thigh Y ukon ” IiU B U K R H Misses Storm Rubbers Ladiies ” Mens ” - - - l ! i i ettei» «u e x tre m e I i that the attofftev who fcrst prepared the i X » received a fee of tto.uou end an i a w a y . ALL FRESH STOCK TH I8 FALL Buy your Rubber Goods ¡while these Bargain Prices last. Always Reaeraber tho Fall Nest« nd' : • I t is extrem ely easy to separate t a < £ to to to <■»» m was turned over to another u s a to ta b tjjitn e a p p le jd ir e . A ll von have to of the aatne rank- This nostotont went Tto f s ' to taj& ^pm e of the juice and over the entire ground three I ' ”“ '"' d is F u lv a a tltbleapoonful or so ot »>' ™ - Cares • C cii in One Day» Crip ia T ¿ve. to eat a n i wear1 d gestive stufl the bottom of the wsa «rat made of the «ommiaaioDer; receptacle, when If may be th a t the examiner be permitted to make | , separated. A- good and «pend a month In examining a w ill cause working machine. IVhyi> the request, to fa ll to the the tr ip H wa» promi»U> pefuMcd. F o r. • / ’ . * argum ent the chief of the division then aixed pineapple *1 1 contain more carried in the papers. making a pihi tb*D a pint of juice— a quantity some tw o feet thick of unfolded draw- w hjeh IS amply sufficient to help ir,ga and typew ritten apei‘« a a tlu n , and , th<1 dig e8tton of h a lf a doXCU the commtoelonec mud: “ He can go. i " , The machine la for the setting, justify- ( h e a r ty meaia. lug and distribution of type. I t com- H ow powertnl it la ’ may be prises no leas than t»4XX) separate parta. j n dg vd from fact th at a single The patent office is a money making > • f , , y institution. I t earns, above expenses, ’ * ‘ uc " " about faoo,ooo per year, and now has beefsteak, wul. ip a very short deposited tn the treasury a a ra t tittle time, change the consistency of balance of over «4,000,000. Upon thia gBr f a<;e to that of a jelly . But delate before m aturing Into a patent, destroy« the enay>9. th a* and when issued tfie patent ruia had the only way to get the benefit of to be followed o f preparing copies fqr th e d gestive ferment is toeat the sale a t the regulation priee of ten crate p tn ^ p fc in U, natural atate. each. The !44 sheets of Jtawiiigs had r to be photo-lithographed end tl.e entire O jg of the OffVJ officers who has body o f the specification and claims a gpeicUl Study of ordnance, I f yea v m t a m irte e aaacStM, w rite ir la tw t » I * '.oft'» bWor« yoa parvhaaa. • Niw tea St a n s M« f e » ( • . ; aw Onus»; s s x S Ä Ä Ä o few cents over aix doiiara per copy. New T u rk Tribbuc, speaking of There copies'are sold to ‘.he public fo r fb « explosion of th * eigtit-inch t«-n cent« each, or 20 oerfs for the two g yn , oii battleship Iow a, said; patente, covering the entire tnventimn . ordjnee «harp seems to Aa soon a» one edition is exhausted » r „ „ ;4 „ n , . another la ordered. A great many peo- know tfie real enutW of accidents pie order copies of th>- patents Just to so many of the xunsen the r.avy fo r curioaltiea—Washington Star. .1 shin« and much Study has been t- « s o n » « ♦< CHRISTMAS ADVICE. Oo through you» Ite t • at .frtands cafs fu liy a n d cross oC «hoao who dt-ln’t g ive you a n y ­ th in g last, year. Buy a a h d *y pressut fo r geht d aughter te give her »sache», sad whed «he gate hc.se »«k hre­ i f any of the näre» ehiidxen gave I f your bey orante to give h to teach«, a Christman prsefnt toll h im you pay taxes for the imp- port o f ’ the public school« and -that*» enough- • Do not pay any attention to tha individuality th - person to whom yon are making a g if t Bny-tbs th in g that will he the DIVORCE ___ IN TURKEY. Tha Only rorm altty 1* th e Iteaava a f th« ion these Occident» ate largely due to th e t!»e o f Sfnoke’ t« « 'Mtwdci w. , ” 7 * ’ " ” ’ *7 .' . j ,,v In guns not made «pec ally for this Dlvoroe In Tuffcay is obtotoed with a « - u .. faeijity w hich_jvtfu)d titirprtae even o o f klT-d o f <.Ui>nn..l J o b - > ie * 1 raniYKtlUiitiC' A.» civa J j e* f?'! C IlH * I a MR W ith t a r 1«1< H Abrabnm cast forth ijugur. the. bond- 0 {_ hlnck pov.il«.' t?ul, b ein g meed, woman, and her child, so aiau can the t h e ) * [« a m te n d e n c y to a enh T u rk open the door of his hervat and t. w ith rend out into the world -he woman who I -*sls anywhere It Will develop Witt) no longer plcarei, h’m. lie has b a t to the uee of emokeie»« jtowdet. give her back her dower aad peraonn! w hkh has the greater energy, effects. In the up|» r . aaaes.-however. i „ „ j j , more erratic. I f you aho tlid certain legal form alitie. are gone tw o gun. of the M in e » «e Side through, and »»deed, aa the lady is f __ usually protected by her parents, di- by aide, aasmtiing tha. L-o<.. gun. vorce ia. comparatirely »peaking, rare, huvg e q h a l a!length,yotf could (ell There are. inatances, however, in Gon- a <-uraort jinnee at the eheailtg «tantinople of ladles in the highest of- w Irfc h o n e v ia using »mokelesa fleia! cirefca vrlur are not yat very fa r _____ , . , , , , . ndvanced in »««r». v .to hare been dl- f-O*dcr, ^ g /w b .c li the old a ty lt, ,-orc.d cv.-ic ■. ihrire, and even ten time«, ¡fo r the greater effect would be in Among the lower onleredivoree may lnr*Thc form er. W e »|k‘ak of the life described oa a fan » . Many girls who o f ttje „ Bn, having be- s u x - s /a s a s x a t s : ~ ~ 7 i * « i s •>’ < « Th, «1 d i , - ™ u . , u » u D t.C ti.h i j t f . l l o D « • to . t a t O f the moat amusing ,'i<.turaa of Turkish life of a guu is. Theoret c a lly jt •octal life. A very great personage,' 1,T Inch gun should l«8t about 7ft second only to the «ujten In rank, ug- flr j BJ, 8 ( ,„ ( ¡n t fc* Kpanl.b w ar the y T a X C . w h 'm * ^ . ^ e a t i o u « v e m a d o h a v r b e e n prm ^ poAittbn was very inferior to w hat It is tiCHily settled hat it would rftg SB a t present, n h fg hlj edt*e.tted lady, of h ig h Ba tw ict .that number. F or good rhenection amt fortune, but, ae- e x a m u le f the vxploaioif of the 13- ■t rthag to hia v-voeHeney’s verrU-n of j ,, (>f t |w , o(VfJ fp w m o n th s the atory, of ungovernable temper. * __ , . W ithin the y»ar,they were divorced and a K ° W3* on ’* • ' ' H,M ’ ^ t , SO the n raorrted The lady soon fouud fact rviuniltis th a t "ons do explode hgr new huRl«ml disagreeable, and n ,Os t Bitrprfs:ngly and unexpect- wsa once more divorced I t most be and egnpeially when smoke rcnwmheretl that i f « T u r k can <1.vorce ‘ / d _ hia w ife, she can only divorce him ot ,e * * lS,T*lnk u»e» d a lly the T a m a £ ^ » < ! « — <” > « * freeboard idea of < quet a t YHdts Kicnk next to the third the m onitor— have been pointed | wiiw'of her Urst huabnd. v. bo <|Uietty ' o u t by seagoing officers, but no aaked her who 0 e was. Tableau: The i eapcctnl consideration to th * i ^ e d T r Z r ^ ^ S X X t h u « ‘ Propoaition of higher poaitlon. , and «nates a stete of affaire not an like <»ur proteUotloa.—fo rtn ig h t;/ !>» view. K«!© red left Cantos« B listoin M«r(toal H»tk Proleu- : RAfos G«, Dvivre R.hboo C ocii - c U m Ì hws Vañtole red UsTsnsi I Ptoisci DBM Cured Back Spsrs Lrew Cwrá«a Rtttidr-r A re we, the American navy, mounting our guns too low? O ther navies m o u n t th e ir guns OB a higher r? e w v - r a ^ sb0: ^ ^ “ P '-< - ** <* theory j governess for tha efcildren ot th e , that It gives larger powiblJitle« '| To return to the lady In question, T ha n e x t tim e she waa heard of hy her friends was as a te s c h e rin th e Noham- “ " .^ „ o p te A l l necessary operations m writing, billing or statistical work are accomplished from the key­ board of the Eght running, easy a&ion M odel 10 (Visible) b* * B K*'en. because of the e f j fo rts to kesp'dowa weights and the re n te r of gravity. DOCTORS has ever equalled i t c a *'e v e r asrpa«» i t Dr. Kine’s New Disceveri