The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, November 17, 1915, Image 3

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    Boyle Jewel ryCo
* “ 7 " ,e » ‘ i»i>s u i.K U 111 m u u m »
. . _ _
. -
. .
w ith * few days agp W alter M in e r, wel-
AleM T u rn e r of La ng ltd* wa* ro
Ferocious V isitor, entering
ter-weight cham pion, won from . ‘ he « I J the paat weak oa hie way
C ™ ,. .n r f
y o u r ,e ll.o d k i p '
•‘ ’ " • " ’l ’ ' • * h? » ' ,
“ b“ “
• < * « • » « • K w » l l i ~ . — “ See here hoy, I'v e come to lick
. h . „ h c „ 1c h n d „ 7 , t a g_ w h. . j : i S C . T r f b ; ^ » i ^ ™ "
T “ " " ' “ ~ ““ k W »
the editor.”
«»Ghxated In an arm eueror».
M arrhfield, a rriv a l« at the Bay on
Office hoy— “ You won't like the
A t the h a ll oest W edneaday even
in -u iu
I 1 • ■
-*<> rw
tax g
5U the
tips hall
I»»i» last
IBB*I th e K ilb u rn at the tim e of the Sat: la job. H e ’« ju s t been- tarred aod
T h e Ladies A id w ill m e t
Bandon, Ore. ! M ra.
Jehu -F ro m m this week.
Have a complete
stock up-to-the-min-
ule Jewelry, in addi­
tion to Silvelrware,
Cut Glass and Nov-
Saturday evening, in which grown C lara wreck.
. ups were dressed .« adthofebU dran, |
Le> , ojJ w „ , U m
tbie was a Very anooe»fgl affair and
those who attended thoroughly en­
joyed themaelvea.
E . K . D ye, the M y rtle Point *
” 1
clo th e* m an, who bad been spend- ^ nt e r t * l n m e n t B y S c h o o l C h ild
3 3
Agate "mounting tor
out of town custom ­
ers returned as soon
as received.
in « a weak nr tw o a t
F lo yd
phase Ne. S4L
re tw rt/a g .
Cbclu *
Cat Class
i m
JC J Í 1 »
'/ v M t ; - L g s ■ r * - i
C ity Niece:— *•Uncle, uncle don*l,
it ’s very im polite to gat
k n ife.”
Uncle:— H ang politeness,
where charged. The proceed« are to ba
befora j < used
for buvin
things for
for the
the rohool
used for
s thinas
T w o loams from Bandon, which
hail gimu to W ^.ldcrhura for that
^ruom, such as a clock, etc. Mra.
Keefer has been spending consider
«^lo time d rillin g the children, and
A C o rre c tio n .
“ T h a t woman over there looks as
g a lla n d g e e 0 u r L in es
--X .
The Mac« W here To« Get a Square Deal .'
tomorrow I shall perm it you to in ­
dulge in any innocent amusement
todag that you m ay choose. W h a t
To bettor accommodate our growing trade
and increasing number of patrons we have
been compelled to add to our general stock
of Dry Goods, Groceries aud Provisions; as
follows:- Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stum p­
ing Powder, Oils and Puin^, Farm ing Im ­
plements of all kinds, including McCormick .
Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web­
ber Wagpns, etc., etc. And don’t overlook
our up-to-date stock ofM en’s and Boys’ Cloth­
ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods,
Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts an d o-
tions, Boiled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed
would yo u prefer?*’
C onvict.— I f it ie a ll the earns to
you, I ehouRl like to skip the rope.”
for Rwgug riy v r thia m o i m ing
Mra. onteelves again. I t ia pretty b a d '
‘ W h a t ie yoar Mes ót love
when a p ip er oqedfcokfi some pop !
* U ; V u i* ’s health ia now m uck i a
U b i /..u n g lad v’e marrtage*. b u t [ * * B“ * ” "Three m e al, a 4 .y and Mother put your bonnet on,
Tafciag .p ro v ed .
Father, Maud and all,
' well cooked,”
.when it goes to work and marries
C h at. D ean,-w ho arrived In Port
G tab your things and h a rry
Eya O rfo rd teoently from E u reka, Cali her to the wrong young m au, He—
Watch Repairing
1*11 meet you at the b all.
Duplicated fo rn ia , baa decided to locate here, Well we don’t know ju a t what it 1»— we hear eo m uch, ie usually one of
Neantings t tumaksi
I t ’s the school entertainm ent,
curioeily aud envy.
but ita something aw ful.
and in the «ear future he w ill open
And you must not be late.
T his is w bat we did laat week
, .
I t would take a great deal «xwe
up a harbor shop end hot lunch
I t ’s going to be a dandy time,
^ v . r -n d ° u r a p m ^ w . are d u. j tb a n m U ile io e w
counter in the same building occu­
Refined and bp to date.
t o « , « . L a d le Pm tarJcM n o . Mn.
ku< wm irl<i
I have buyers for Farms, Timber pied by Gb««. L o n g in bis «oft-dribic A rchie L’oUiBa, of htv.hre creek, J _____ __
.Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. and
BUU confectiooery/atore.
vtJ-i low fu c « j y
M t. Dean
1 who wedded th r young mau o ' her
Call and see me, or «end full deacrip- j beUevos th at F o rt O rford is going j
chokie recently— aot the otis we «e
tion and li*t your property with me.
i lo be a live tow n, arid be is confi
H Ls-*
petial term ot me v:ouii'y Court of Curry
Be it Kemcmbared:
letted for bet in our l ist isaae.
1 will soon have published a h' ” k!cl I j e„ i t|,« j the railroad th a t 'b o a
County Oregon, begun ; _ d U e J i . n t the Court Hotisje, iu Gold Bench, Oregon,
on Friday the Sth day o f N o v e ir iW . to ts , th a t balng the tin » and plaoe aet for
advertising Cwrry^Count,
fr<Mn y , , gou, h w i„
it . placed a worthy the convening of said court by virtue of «n order made by the Hon. W. A
was made as
h .* been luted with mt?. Thia booklet ( ____
Wood, County Judge, died and entered In said Coon on the 25th day of Oct-
soon be pushing i u way north aloe«
will he ratuled out to all sections of the
young couple in rather a l u d i c r o u s , 1915, ordering that a special term of raid County Court he held for the
the co a s t.--
United State«.
. ¡» .h ie b u . a u i , !
a . . g s a s t g a ^ - i s s ^ ^ s s ^ ^
r ■
Careful and prompt service «ivan t
L ast S atu rd ay , November 131 b '! m oral, and th a t 1«, th at when some Weod, County Judge prealdlwg, Deboer Colegrovewnd B. B. Bypber, Comma-
- - Clerk,
- when
tbs buiiìiu-ss of non-resMenta.
J , B. Puannard,
the fallowing
the little Missca L o ttie and N e s ta ^ m por, dnt eVent happens in your •toners, O .H Battoy.Bbariff, aod -----------
F. 8. TÍC H EN O R ,
_ proceedings
roceedinge were nad:
F o rty , twin», entertained th eir g ir li fam ily— a b irth,
rrt»ge or a ; J„
mattor of the Cocnty Budget for the year 1PU,
Port Orford, OTtgon,
(«pare the
,he tollo
lollowlnj budget for the year 1»H.
friends a t « party.iu -^luimemonitiou {'death, send ibe pariti lia rs to yuu r 'J h-> Court oow proceeds to prepare
lonnty, Oregon,
To the Taxpayer» Of Curry Oowntj
11th b irth d ay anniversary, i pUp,,,
Facts ere often twisted in (r._.____
Tbè ijoùnty Court
ed upon Wednesday, P«o-
__ .
... OwaMMUrngo
. has j fl the
.. .
. In th c a b . o v e , etnber
. . at . 10 o’clock A. M. as th
... * thus,
Otturt room In Gold
(James were played and refreshments!
a by hearsay.
29. y I91j
j P. u
hi ?
, *< J
' u
B«aoh aa the place where-the eatimete of the «mount of money proposed to > be
E IG H T Y ACRES of very rich bottom were served the ntetcyn'altets <0 ; case, for faultnc«, we heard U |w i rMj8ej (,,r u m u n for thu year löi», may be discussed by said court; 1
t « l«»y « * • “ made, shall bo
land on Sixes river, six miles from Port Mr»- F c rly , aad aft r it wa« over ' r^ i 4ble au th o rity that' the young w he^and whero
Orford, not cleared aud no improve­ tbe lit t le laaeica pronouuc» ! it «»>«; |»dy in question waa m arried, and Uti le^I1li>a!trmtiuiate “oiam oant cMuoiwy prooVaed to bs raised by taxation
Will sell ou easy terms—ne of the “ best eser” limed. I t '» ,IU*
, ' | ‘ every towp th at caa boast of Forty
• Mas. Axs* Ewwarr,
tw ins, am t aU o f thorn aa pretty aud
1 P»3,Val«nelS B t San Francisco, Cal
b iig h t aod aa n e o K h k a a* two peaa-
‘ M onday « M l h . s t o t m t e t day of
i when we asked a
O rders
tak ^ n for anything
P rop.
;;T .
who she , ja r the enmtoig -year, ISIS,«n Curry Conn-jr, Oregpo..
H 0 1 <1 Jl o a c h,* 0 r o g o *
He theaght the tith goad,
far ba had hoaght te a qU
man Brown,'xarhcaeit aun.
Coat to find out the deed wax
not on record; ha wawU file
it at oace The Paaeat ba «
had never teen, hut would
look that-up too. The hayer
. wasted the farm if the title
was good, hut had ta he
shows. The deal f«U throagh.
Gat aa abstract aad ba ready,
--------------- -— — — —
N«tic« ta Stack Owner*.
Aa I have leased the B riley ranch on
Elk river, notice is hereby given te all
persona having stock of any kind run­
ning on said place, to please remove the
K N A P - P y -pM
H O •* T E
1 — — > * -
' Pori Orford, Or»’gou,
N A V P '?
F ro p s d ^ t« « *.
Hrst-ctaS* in evorj respect,
□ o jd
S t a b la
a tta c h e d .
We run the Stag« from Port
via DaiyyvlUe, connecting w ith th*
Stage to M yrtle PoluE
business, ac
to mnlto thie possible,«re, th«t tne
t„ * resident o f th at section
roads »r# being iuopripreij «»eft year ^hn was in Bsndon today. M r.
by soft spots being^ocked and grav I ¡j|alJfUrd of M y rtle Point, whe baa
I ’"* been,« liv e stock ta ia e rin tbs Floras
tie d , that thia (alt baa been an un­
___ • —___
usually favorable season t<x.the ■» 1 oreek region for
y *« re, _____
_ .
tomobile traveler, and than L «rrin baa a furtw of men buay outaliing
g -“ ---------- --
.V „
F o rty , who handle* tbe l*ord th at i (a band* and w ill sell 'belli w ithin
¡a m aking thia run, has the t‘ Hl« 0.« ,,ex t few jseeks. The coyote«
m achine no welt in b jin d 'th a t dur
ing the aum nrtr’s run it has never
co ated auch havoc with hia
« . . . » . . . 1 h . e - u - .
Som e
f»»im p kin i
p S e « ; piym'eu't of'et'psuses,'investlga^io'-
tri 4h*
Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock,
also Agent for All K inds of Farm ing Im ­
plements; McCormick Mongers, etc.
B Bsssseasa
Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done, at a
Reasonable price. Your patronage solicited.
P o r t O r f o r d, O r e g o n
’ « S ’ ■ 400.00
. ....................... ___________ ............ .
. .480>».00
.......33 .0 00 .0 0
andHigl.ways: Maiutenuuoa and cxma>ruotlea,
County Schools, Malntonaiftb of,—
General School Library,....... ........................................ .......................... .......T h O »
Advertising B Printing, for bids, deltaqueot taxes,rales Of property,
N o tic e to <Jre d i tors.
novices, e tc .,. . . . . . ................................. . . . . . . . . . . i ....100.00
......... ..
E lection Kxpenyea.............................................. ............................................ 1500.00
Jr Tea OovaTv Covar or m a S t * tf .
■ Xo data a available.
available . . . Z .............................................................. ........................................................- -
O umom
, roa m Ooaav
T o U l exp«nae less b u t» Texes,, . ...................
* T r y -’| or
ln lhe
the EaUfe
of I
In the Mailer nf the Estate of
gutoment ot p r.d * b ^ rw-<dp'A tor the year 01« other th a ^ tre e t t^ a U y n o p -; Mgr_ re£T. MeKensie, Deceaaedf
t i s j j f f l S J B r Y J s i S ^ t ^ 'i W u t y ^ F u n X ’ ^iaahOo' Btol-i The undersigned having been sp
________________ __ ,
MMiu si Martins«.
up the
ed their way into upper Lurry c o o n -. p y , Moore having completed Wa con'rnot for the cnnstrlcttou of the Boad
hereby given to the creditors of, aud
W e received a p um pkin , «n»wo ty from the Salmon m o u n laln co u u -. ¡roln Q o U Bpach to BpanslUa Ferry n s ib v south sloe of Rogue River sod the all persona haring claims against m M
by W ill Moor« oa Kuohre creek, » try doing IhouW nds of dollars worth Court having tospru -ed lb * «old Load io n-lwriy and being'led »bat ha has deceased, to present them verified ns
their way.
way. So far 1 complete* saM wmk io • « trddnee w-ib tne terms of his oontract, it ia hereby’ required by law, within six months
i few day» ago th a t has dt«pell*‘l a il of damage on their
there b rio« Thanks they bave operated only in • b«. i orueied tin», ibe Clerk draw » warnrni lx favor of ■ aid D. M. Moore tor the aftsr the flrst publication of this notice
doubt about
sum oi »2030.30 the balance due hicn on his cont-sct, upon said Moore present- |o M i« John W. McKenxie at E lk r i v
givin g pie in the T bj BUNX fam ily ì prati ie omintr.vaod have not annoy ing satisfactory evidence that alt btilr ,'or labor, material, aub-ooutraetors. 'e r. Carry County, Oregon.
ej t h w , flicks ranging in brush
i alu , n fBa.
Jons W . McKanxit.
n ext week. Aad the pum pkin
p um pkin , but it is A , |< n d ^ T h e men operating on brush , j n ;ne matter of the Chv cn B rid g e:'
the ertale of M argiret
not only a
\V r noticed ia one of |Bud srr hoping thst the destructive vviier»»*»t r,p|«ars to the va ls'action of theooutt that the bridgr acroea the T McKenxie deceased,
recently wpere a 1 beasts w ill uni atlaok them after c pet<,o itiver ¡or the construe,Ion oi which a contract h;*e .lerrtoloro been let to* Dated 8ept. 13th, 1916,
our exchanges
,),e I the flocks in the open country are • t^e
Couatrtw'.lon Oompony hag now been fully compiet d soc-ording te j
prize pum pkin that arrived on
1 Kfi ha B” 1” '-
\ h e terms «nd apeclflcat’ons of the raid conufac., and where»* the said bridge j
A d m lu iiitr _____
u to r ’a N o tic e .
O w e L IV
welJíl•'‘, •> • •
W-jid price» are high at prereu* |l a 4 b<en inupwinl and accepted by the court, udd whereas the said Bandon;
! W e il this p u m p k in ‘ h«t jt« »tc go „ r,| tU k 4 i< big p w fit in the bu»b p^^iinicJ.on Company bi * on the 3d day of M ay, 191«. «-signed
c r i« .n t h a t the un-
lin g ,« , frost upon weighed itolt»«' oe«*. For ihiv rearon the rheepmeo RU,u , a(l(,f(.r , (d , . K
P ..,,,,«, aH
rW „
i „ t r . « t i n and to *»« «>»»• (, ^ X i ’ b M X * s X “ £ d Admin
range ance on hnod in the cto.bral fnns'ts of Currv County, Nev; 1, J»M: Gqderal pointed by the County court of the state
goica.k«. Cencral Road Fund, infTBiftr. 0'ium on School Fund, M t 74, or Oregon, for Curry Ce.,Adniintatrator
wit j oa
jn tlie matter of the eoi.s«runUcu of die eil Ferry Road op the Routb <u the estate ot Margaiet * . ' McKenxie
6 ntdu aily the coyote, have worif- {
, dewM#J sm, llBT,ng
not, „
once refuted to respond to hia call- He expects to stock
con>bnio I C u rfy COUIllJ ljUt o f
B la c k sm ith in g
Several tblags th a t
keeping company with ba Assessor's Office, Salary, deputies, copying tax roll, eto ,
; m , 4 e a wrong gut«s, and we took it Oierk’a Office: 8 -la ry Clerk, deputice, extra help, etc., .. ....................l300.00k
............... 1480.00
Sheriff's Office: .“ »lory Sheriff and d pntics, .............. ..
(Of a fact, and tlieie was lbs mistake.
Tteiwurer'* Salary,.................................. ............................... ........................ S00.00
W h ile it may hg rutber U te. yet
Softool Superintendent: Salary ami traveltrigexpenses... ........................«00.00
now wish lo congratulata Mr. { Surveyor: Surveying roala. estimates, viewers, etc.,....... ................. ..1000.00
the eea»«o so far, with ufee*vy wind
and Mrs Collins, and trual that the Coroner's Office: Fees of Coroner, physician, jurors, wltni MU, etc.,;.......'
i fr*wtt the south and *
G«ed nr Stove or healer wood deliv­ ra il), but despite these facta the two above erior was o nly an omen of County Court: Snl.-ry, Co, Judge & Commisrii ner». mileage, eto...........1400.00
ered In town In inrgs or small quautl- m ail cars ru n nin g out of herd— t be , g'»od luck “»• ‘ be day mat cornea' Circuit Court: Srlary twiliffs, reporter, witnesses, juroru, meals, eto....... 1600.00
Justice Court: Fees Justice, Constables, jurors, witnesses, e to .,..............«00.00
Jlee for «1 65 per. tier. Olvo your or- Buiak tru ck to Laagluia and th« « ¡ ‘ h l b . cloudy dawa
daws into
g o a en Correrit j.XB?llsm, . Books, atat onery. poatage¿telephones, expresaage,
liu It Ford 10 Corbin, wem in on glory at last may wsos.
freight, etc.,(all office«)
........... ;.
L J i n s b F a r m n g .
Court House Expenses: water, fuel, tights, reia'ra, furniture, fixtures,
Port Orford, O r. aolrtduio tim e. T h e ru n nin g of a |
(si l offices)
••.... •• .«aaB—
the m ountainous road C o y o te s A r e
R u in in g 8 h e e p
« V ,
County J a il: Board of Prisoners, medical at tendance, repairs, etc,...........SoO.OO
on » d aily
M on,
Disiriot Attorney E xp ense,................................... ...................................... . 300.00
» o u ih ^ p « ^ ^
schedule ¡n
in Ilia
m id dle o f ‘ Nuvem
Indigent* Boa>d, medical attendance, clothing, ste.,;.............. ' . c . ..........1300.00
tim «tud.J
Coyotes are rapid ly d riv in g the Insane: Examination, medical attention, guard*, meals, etc...................... 100.00j
ber, i» something that w ould-hardly
bave hi-tïi 1)reamad of a feri vear» sheep man of the open country in Kxnmta.U«n ot B^ok.and aocouuU, Expense ' o t . . . . . . ....... « . . . - . . . ' ^ j j i
not on hand
G ir e üb « t r ia l o r d e r
Jb, 4
Curry Suunty Abstract-
Reali j Company.
Denmark Mercantile Co.
Wstenaaa Feaatam Paa»
F U R N IS H ­
G R O C E R IE S & X M A S , G O O D S
i f she were painted— ”
ing remote from civilisatio n, ie a
“ S ir, that ie my wife."
great reader and student. H e love«
“I bad not Bniehed m y sentence
go-id poetry and can quota it by she look« as if she was painted by
Raphael and had just stepped out
the yard.
By F . B.
C. H aw kins and wife return
Lnct week the T ri bunk inode an
last evening from N o rth Bend
i W h a t the w iki wave« are earing
error th at got it»-foot “ iu bad” sod i W e care not a single toes;
despite the stormy weather
slippery road» M r. H aw kins started ’we are a fraid t h a t 'it w ill take a
r ,O u r thoughts are now on ttffk e y ,
p ,e a n d c , aoberry iavce<
w ith bis Oar aad several passengers good many apologise to “ straighten’*
IN G S , D R Y G O O D S, N O T IO N S ,
you eat with your fork when yon
came out to Power« thia summer
d id n 't I , and never let on how fu n ­
k f r e .L . K n ap p and Mr«. W’ m . ; LitUe Pink* of Propriety—Fourth about Kan-Ion and Coos county, so
“ I «ay, gentlemen, gentlemen 1’’
G illin g s made a visit to U kii .I oo * * 1 Fifth grade girb.
be took some of Weetera W o rld ’s shouted the referee st the pricefigbt,
. . . .
, ,, w in g j The
Frank Dean.
the follo
j . ck Exception—
Fro.Pta M istake
hiera lure with him to aava time
aa the spectators began a noisy tu ­
aad effort in answering questione.
d ay. W e would not vouch for the Jack Frost—Clive Davidson.
m ult, “ gentlemen you must preserve
tru th o f IhH slatrn e >t, b u t it« report 1 Santa Claus Mea.—By roo Stewart
order, this a in ’t no Port Orford bas­
W e e k ly R e p o rt F ro m Battle ket ball gains.”
ed ttm t ibe presence of the ladies so ! Lord High Chamberlain—Kalph Curt
ta ttle d “ H o rn ” that he ttied ru n ­ Sprites— IS children.
R ock.
. ,
ning hia jitn e y wrong side up.
Jailer j-1- “ As you are to be hanged
G E N T L E M E N ’S
w itb j
E H . Divelhlsa left M onday for of the frame.
purpose, pa »rod up the ens.t f a s t i* re* ‘ Ir e n is promised to those who a three weeks’ business visit a t var-
week with the chinainety ! lh a t had * Uw id- Follow ing ie the p ro g ram :• j(MW
¡„ ^ ^ 0 , Nevada and He hat wrestled with the problem.
T ill the oolor baa left hia cheek,
been working at Rogtie river during , ^{p^ ’
Thlitle Down-ebarus 0 , 1 1 ^ ^
y e FRy,
ox 1M.cfs he
a , w ill the Thanksgiving turkey.
i tb« » th in g ««»*<»« for i h f
I w ill see a great m any of hia old
Furnish hash for more than a re e k .
Estate com pany.
j u t t ie Pilg rim s-First grade.
J friends who w ill w an t to know a ll
______ - _______ , ■ ■■■„■«. a^Sw». J
H u n tle y
p .*
There w ill be an eoterlainm ent
C. C. Anderson, one o f the pion ny i t looked to a ll the peqple Uving
iu the Fromm b all next Wedneaday eer* and trail b laxerro f the upper there.
paeeol through i even• o f,-g iv e n by the children o f 1 Florae creek oonntry, arrived in
to the W illa m e tte valley,
he w ill «pend* several weeks
-, 1 4
We carry bo acts.
ren .
tuw urthe latter p «ft of last week e
Mrs. Keetar’a room, fur w h ic h - ji't o w u yesterday for a«sbort business
route from hi» boute a t Q uid Beach 1 general »droi.aion of iOc Will b a 'v ia it. M r, Anderson, although Itv
Sanlan, Ore. § t
G old
Jots were passengers on the E lis a
belli F riday for the sot^h. They
w ill take io the exposition aud l * x
w ill aleo transact buaineee for the
Langtoi* D a iry Products company
for which he it uiaua«er.
paased up the coast the latter part
o f loot weet SIT'bia return home,
Send us your watch
and we will repair
it by experts.
te th e re d ."
o{ U n g
baa been vìsitiog
relative« In
end of the county dutifig the
—y- -,
aud il anyone can dig »re hanging on us long 11» they cu‘> BnceiiB,, opi„, b„<j ,-o.i ri-.’t for 1 ,e cwaatyip5u.»:i o rxlit
sain h
b iilt«
ù i 4«, , aud;
»•—< where-
. w o u W H k , w ; - W v » t e r n W orld .
--- em Is n-’W tji, le^al
< nant i »f »abi claim und ie cjrtbled
aethc-sakl E
« . i ’ert
up » luggrr o u t «»'
Ä ffc K K Ä s r:.
i - '-
’ j
i s i ä
have (b tm bring it along about,
w ilh druw a warrant opon
¡y tu fayto.W» „
-. Y .
C h rist® “» f l ® * wheo we » i l l poim
o huum
and 47-110
Dollara, v » 1 c v w
i «« lor«y-llve
■■»«- «..•»
i »i ’
¡re to sample it.
bnniirvd dG
d o iara
lar« wiÜúilM
w ith.ieldon
Qrtrovimar Ortlmnl Bt 10 o’cldck. Tb« M iJ cuatruct, . ie*» ihn
« hfiiHÌrwi
on a as-count of painui»«, aua
A 81 Ih. p um pkin , sue« »• t>’ «
thank.H.vmg Sermon at t i e
W ;ierea|Km tkrovt adjourned
above, grown by M r. Moore Ml h ia ( A t 7:30 o'clock: Why Thanksgiving
W . A. Wood, County Judge.
Pejmer C olearm e, Ceni m .«sluoer.
Harden w ith o u t espec'al «»*,- ia a Services: why to thankful?
E. B e> pbvr, Connata« on«r.
v i ex sw id c of the prodttulfvene*»
A cordial invitation ta axtanded to all.
M Stannard, ClcT
W, H Mraaa, I
uf G urry county ro il.
,4 v|,« £ , ( « : _ * . --,_____
/ M attie K. Hunt-
.^ .a to r __________
iieoeaacd. bv the County Court of
» “
s y s
F««r Sal« by
Who carry supplies, and have nee­
dles in stock for all machins a Baa d
them ybur order.
J. H . U P T O N ,
L avo * ’
P r i l l d i '.
öeaav 0«., ftasoea.
y .
. a
I, Beach,
. _ _ within a aix
>( .
t a l.S ^
_ r ,n lh a
trn m
months iro n ,, g j. ia. C O M M l H H l O N E H
Ute date of the d ir t pn hl lenti‘>n here il­
r»«»r€ O i io r d , Oweggosa.
Dated « t Gold Beuch, Gregeio, Octo­
ber », 1915.
, „
j. H uson,
Office daye in town- Tuaaday, Ws
A d n iio i. rator -if the rotate of
Mattle E Huntley, deceased. nevday arai Suturday of rach week.