Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1915)
* g»rt 5«' B IU U 'S P U Ä C E ^ A n i U - W L iSüorßave X«»*r < * 4 * n<* in* /BDM BBUAT O C T. 1?, te li. crea» v a a r e il le *<m , *»y w p p ly ip g •« 9/goòd fted wlrtn you most need iu gu , - 5 4 the Western State», never having been • t eea end opposed V> U - burying of a utraon at eea. tba body was therefore 'retained for buriai-Od 'land which • « ! dona at Astoria. The weather wag ve y storasy Tltbaso- I tinuous rains. (.’apt. Tichenes re-enr ' tesed his vassal immediately at. tbs ; Custom House and re tussled Lieuten ant Adair to go on board and urge the » . u ascend tba river s t ance in orfor that they might sanUrW-the benefits of the Donation Act ofjCpegyvee | which expired ou the 1Mb of Peeetjhar,. 1860. as it would be i m p o - . b U f i i t h . lid he prepare«» fo d e fe n ttra rii >1 • « ? m ar." W h ile advocating w«»rid •** <rt‘««" ea and Itentg w illin g Ur tert U»v I*1 ample » f tiiseriuaturiit w b«ntob«r •.» » e fv 'p ions w ill follow, ygl It woahl l»f » s i n k « *b short of suicidal fo r ( I * Un»»-,» « " ’J-«1 ■talea to be impcepsred to pr» i b erte li when toh«r natbrna * " * | *» ' ned and ra n by greed an., • * • ,» * * “ r®h A How long woold J a »*» F " *M k in ber d- sire to gain a .fato• rtt*fi««»h 10 the W esteri) hemisphere H | • aaltoa was a weakling? U oyld ] peet (or our high ideals gwtetoN»^ C o l e i J C u u c l » .. V i-e s a lt » n a i t » T ^ w t» o f A -ll K in d a C 5 » n d ie « « n < t P o p c o r n »»<1 T o b a c c o M p o r tin g - G o o d s * - BARR. W a ll I* » p « r H ta .fi i o i a e r y 1 N o tic e tA (C re d ito rs . â ï c â figvwBOov»»» C n e a ro r t s a S tats ow Pgaaoe, roa C osbt O oo » t t . la the Matter of tbe Estate of I Margaret T. McKenxte. Deceased» Tba under« igoad having been ap pointed by the County oourt ol the State !o t (Wagon. fur C arry Co., Administrator. Of tb a estate of Margaret T. MoKensie, i daaeaeed am i having quaiifl ad, notice 1 As hptehy gives to the creditorrof, and Louia 'Jail persons Itaving claims a g a in * said ’ yeasel to second tbe river fia^we the I I earth west winds sat in in tbs spring. AU were satisflbd and renderSfitop tAair ypceipts save one, be only: wafusing», prompted by tba eofoetor • f c s f f o f t K law. John Anderson, who hto W orm ed 1 them that ba could force tbe titfiM to -i beerd them eU winter e r refund their 44 -b - V 4U O -CONTRACTOR A HuiLDRR Estim ale»given; Plans and Specifications furnishedotfkpplieation. ’ ed by their rough expoaure end »Sit pro vision., one Lsgget dying the day be- f o e entering tba near. The gteator be T a m o « believe* it. I ’reel-k-ot Amen« yu words, "th e Unite.» B i- t w " ’»•-#••• " « Gold Beach, Or. Locai repressi fair g U H S O B irn o s m a i e » Copy Un» Va»».................. J m SU Moutbe.. Jupy TU»"# îiu a ü i» . •• •-•■ im stay the n ii'c h " ..} » k n a d w , U ’3 ««Ukow'-i « 4 < t»'d : ;tijw evsqibd cd l ?'• ABU • • ’ BW r iv - «A dm inistrator of the esUte of M arg.ret * , * • MeRenstefonunad; Dated Sept. 13th, t a il. of th g l ^ g own men?— W * »biyk fo L ■*»*! re have demonstrated U»at i-->i»l ¡•nessesn drive "® 0»“ ,MJ ° “ E . J. L on ry , Cashier. •tb f e r t f o flrrtpoWicsrion 0» this node« bdb s»d J « * * W - McRensie a t pally With Aim rienn c ilia ii4 u p .e e had generoualy given «U those yvbich tbdm aineigging.w t c . W. Z umwalt , V. Pre« E napp , Pres B A K K a P -V O ir r SOLICITED » Hotfceia hci*by given th at If the M o w in g deeertbed warrants are not Ip , e> aa long as conditions are as p rio r n l-‘ (or payment a t the office of , t Astoria. tb^Jgreat kmdnaas «gain »Cut -a « b ^ ■y are let «n»r fortifi«tH..ns and to ii.stitu tfd » fW iy< fcr»t*« the Oonaty. Treaeorer within aixty of Aiiicriuan iutert»»») »hd a<aiust eare of Captain for tbe sick wfesrp” and a t4 h g i fleet be slreUgtbei»«d-rfor da d»ye after t h e d a t e of the first publica our puhlio p .iltey." ¡during tbe passage and noil) feeling w ^aieened te t b e * tio n of this notice, to s it Sept. It , 1W16, NO BANK WILL HANDLE • V, , . 1 gxietad toward him personally, the pee- »to prevent” aj| mi» said warrants w ill ba caitOBlle«l on the f t was under this 4«s«u»ed law believing their action could do [ at once pointed <t I Oounty Books and payment on them iYCUR BU8INE8S BETTER ¿I ts fe e tttts h t. that I lie Austrian Ambasesdor the Captain no injury by sebdng the ( breest notmort « a d thereafter mfaaed. threatened G erm ans w ith p m ecu ' vessel, be however tboagbt and believed f H ie eix-dteeter-bA (salted 8ept. «. »0 7 to E. Dodge for Justice Fees » 1 .« n ia m ti.m f» c m « « l, tort A b e t A m f woeki> n u if me. with a few wm bjow your .hraipsjtfaat Heed hjgb.” tsHued Oet 3 l. 1W7 to Josiah VcUley (or ttoa-i Work * ' M K bae»a(l<>r got ev ift bow « in -meengere whe had shipped and were Tba word “ firg f wss iwt given which Issue ! Jan .«. lwW to Gold Beach Ulobs di-gtgce for hi» fielto, V • - .» r ¡hound for HnmhoUtBay. amohg whom was fa rtn n d u ts Jfcf ontf of U k T m k ’ s ! lor PaUi-hing *.<» v -V ---r z- 'w a n Arthur and Klias Graiuua. of the crew Would hato-MaMpedi Shto vMfid Issued Aug. 10, IBM to U . G. Andersqp |t is n liW t rtiMhi-'greaf-body -.if oar clear Lake party; before spoken of as have been sunk instantly with the-efif- for Ret. Elec. Ket. W> G vtinan t i» t « w r j to«ecu»ethe«w « f 1 hiving been prieoners an board^the U. pound ebot- Lgddpr end fo e being cut, Oounty Court of Curry county, Oregon. By J. K, brivnASD, Clerk. palee h*fora thia set for bruial fa [ erlaied »fter u t i u f th«.j|}tem i» «jfo „«„„«d wind north wist cauatoif W ry S X T S L « “ iT J k S S M ,. I « . . , ...U H l a m alty. R e r vietim a ware waia»«l; of eilagienne Io thia to u n try . .«They «ng p«a«d to U fo er Agtoria, at which ro a g h w a tea t'.ttvfa ad 'V e ry fo a g iw e- thev bad a ohanna to aacapv, and J came to America bees nee,, th ia wae j ptoae, «to Cuetow Boom waa than local- «ble «eM night. ■..TbwgeoV-eoklers aaf- do^Alaaa aa arly »11 would h iv e tod 1», a batter a w g i r y U » , ' j violation of international law. M ist C avbiU «aa a minietedfaig sgel of maroy to woonded tCng^sh wrato en » - « Cart fobun f rtri c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . I n CN w pe »Whiting r 18 f » e C o u k t t C o u x t O r T a x S t a ts >*Mary Tay- Oy Oapgow,'C oum tt O r C u bby . w .fim o a a -4 - 1* the p a tte r » f the estate of P. G. getting her Egan, Deceased. lemarap t o be sil being fo y tig fo a t f c r J . H .U » t « . IfiA d M d n foreign ty > y ~ l ca German American» to organ th e L iterary Digest lie» this « fibnglid», Or. “ In te re » (in | jtnd perhaps gdi e C M T T j E A .J 7 H neeeibiliUM are foreseen by s i. e t - • fiflfo rla l onlooker* in the m< i t - i M t P a c i f i c ( moot to weld our Gei »pan A m e r j n . , - « ! , « iy?l UU on into a u n it for s o in e '^ - ’ ( • » '. not as yet clv aily d e fijid . incidenb Fratotke Life t E plan is indicated by M r. 4 « * - m ao K>dder’» adylce to A o n i i u l i £ Germ an decent to “ o .g s n it t ” (« Tickener a PianeeF I ¿ at - « ^ / ‘ B t ’ OrvOto 0 gad by M r. Msurioe Leon’s' « « i f i - ii.t?«. ••L i. - ( » i i 1»-1 — lioO th at under a special G ert «1 —Continued from last; law Germans m ay become A m eri mi The pilotjbogt Hogstaf CitrnoM w ith o ut sacrificing t I r «tth e rnoifli<rt'|togiie rl Germ an oiligenSkip eud alleg iates. of the same year (1860), T h e subject acquires an added i f comgianding. Amohg 1 |ereet when We reui. mber that r « e Artud,'Mr?Hthdey propr tisticians place the number »C Astoria: Jobe Hatfield—» rman Americana in tbe States a t 30,000,000.” > Astoria, all well and fa. fio w , as i t is a function o P 'C a r j sa piofieem ofOregiin.' S pent Topioa” to keep hiabiry ‘.Y***^ »nbm it figures oorupiled , T ^ ^ f t <^ pfficial tables from the U nited ttvuptfq fîc hei J f r a A ¡^Tcitaiadeim to w ttb l g > fta « s ja ^ |a v ii» g wtetef» had been laf relMmed agiiThsT iifiolerahle ip a n t t y ; when the »)|ip was • « A H rfo tt.Mile him a U o ile tl States the eollaetsr said ha 99RRENT TOPICS fogdm g, •*< lleins eeadlHuh. Leerta« » IU he dewm yed le re re r: a le e m eet M t el le » , ara uauraU by C atarrh v h te h !• nothing ha t aa la t a u s d « oadltloa • ! Bern te yielded to a very 0*»« r«l id atioa and helped tom e ol «gatoyaga* «to«p« »h« J» •» * hofera a firing aousfl apd I foww. L ittja w o n » « that this Unde? ‘ fo OREGON U w I iumu i* c»» » S l>r an la - - ----------- o l the K oitaclileu Tube. Whso 0.1« rune t . Inflewed yea have • r u s h lla « m aa d or im yrrM w l hear iah/wa«*>g»atel* eatlnly clm ed. l i i i l» M i le Ih e n e n lte o d ueleee Ik e tndem etluu eea H t l e u l r a a w tlu . mused Tom m y A tkin » to en|*at the thouaand aud that her in w ill b e h ia battle cry. PORT ORFORD Hardware ô ia ll Kinds waailil r t s lltfi- ir r * id Garman told lore alike. J * "• ¿ ' 8t °M te d T h i i^ ^ a t t i w g i w f l L WftW* j ^ u m ^ g w a g w e o o t m Governm eat's pensua of > I j J ^ b j L aab»d t r i I f o u UtMIfi Pol. H a rv ey in the ffu rtl} Anfertoaq, ¡>nd thereby the eetth Review, to set a t real (he fi»iQ»h Bmpqua. About thia tt( p la in that there ere 30,000,(XX, the fitot JO,000,000 Germ au Americaftm^in * river wn the U nited Blaise. The showing is; j y by the schooner F jirg G erm any ' ¡and in going to npa wan A ustria H u n g a ry 1,6a),634 • the sands. The river cl ----- ---------. pletoly, remaining in thi T otal Teutonic 4J71,7dh W the following spria» B in fu lly l*<> th ird« of ih« n u m *1 vee^fel high and dry uifd jjer rvpoftert fkum A u *tri*-IIu n g s rp .i snows of the spring.of *1 lira nut teutons s t a ll, th ey are *e>. T^a cryw being on H ungariane, Bohemians, Vet»», s»l Wfi» Spvpd. Slovak», Rum anian», Berbienn and Charins Ltoeon and a Bosnians who notoriously have no tbe name of Light own« love for A ustria although they em brig called the Badly I ¡grated from A ustrian territory. having interests nt Hum The cenaue figures show the fol ed Captain Tichenor to Jowing foreign horn who bailed from of her, he having a stocl the soil to tbe “ allies.” charge of a desk a t Ual Gera I B rita in and Canada 3,773,30»- Arcata, Mwaanted. niSk! Kuseia 1,«12,753 to the Bay. It b e ii« «tew It a ly 1 3 f3 ,0 7 Q ifioto w ^w g, ErweirtUig »ponded td the demand for that they ganid not be given, to demmnfisd them again t his boa( fo d bohtk crew ad so boafd of Ute ship, and istention w ai unlawful. Tbe k u Wotfc* •*» all h* * persons y <hrw*to ~ dit' Jnlormed “ em of end hsvi the C claims t agbinst the Estate of P. G. Egan, De ri* *-4 ftsssed, to present their respective claims, together with the proper vouch ers aa required by law, within six months irfb lp eo p ld g oto A d m in is tr a to r » , fio tld e . from the date of the first publication of 8! ° U l i Notice is hereby given tha< the un this notice, to-wit, the 24 day of Aug to Mr. Nolen J e rq u e d has been appointed Admin ust, 1916, to Elisa Miller, Administra e of the boat, ietrator of tb e E s ta te « ( Mattle E. Tfcnt- trix of the said estate, at the office of gside the ship, > ley, deceased, bv the County Court pf to first officer) to , C u ^ J Oregon. g n i Point Adame,; affaihm eaid eetst» .A»«. rtquesvM• to uxtfor orders'* then present the same to me,'at my office at e l» , eaid “ Sir if Gold Beech, within six month» ifttah iJ to o t vooeannot the date of the diet publication hereof. L i^ r a e ir D * 4* 1 “ 00,41 B* * oh» Gregon. Oeto- “ r h er» , l» IA ,_ u tl »« Captain were . i t *» J . H u m t e v AdminlWtotor of theeettE_qf TUK8PAS0 NOTICK. P i p e P i t t i n g « , P f tu m b in K a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d « d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . ' Cheever ® Bowman L a n j g lo ia , O r . ^ « . w wa ie j q. u 'V )rt Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Nottue ie hereby given t&at all pas- I with much im- yg T H j5 O O U tfTT o fiC R T o F T f l , 'tieaare earned not to enter upon Ol ■ tieapasain aoy way upon tbe premis I enacted with I 8TA TR 0 r > O ^ » O ! l . Ä J « 4 ' es of the underslgued near Mussel Jfor the special ” p U R R Y CO UNTY. « c -W eritek, Oregon. told tfo collect- In M atter of t f o i!*istotej| •>, Anyone so treepassing witbont om Mr convenience . . of-------- S _ . . «teeerit w ill be proavoutod to the full gtgllace known M ary A . Nordberg, deceased y . em e o to f the la w . T. L C a r a j , A . B .Carey. liere being no uM fllwl hia 0 n«l amount in the Connl Mr; the Shore had OdulToffhe State of Öregou ter Cu ä X r J S ' s j = a s 4 » t A s s m . ,^ 7 k A tw k ta a - * » « - » • » '« » • . a ■e, tnat wnen the Grnnty court .room n t thfiriGow ikruhted. Night homie ol (lwrry edwa^i the C dnrt'w i ' The schooner hear objections to said final >0001 __ -and iheseWlemdnt vkweot . mov> I n board his vee- ntion on board Stumping Powder WH. G IL L IN G S , P R O P Administrator of the eeMMa« Mary » . Nordberg, debased — :------- ----------------------------- L. A . RQRJRRT8 A T T O H N K Y - j A T M y i t t e P t o M f ,X > t a i.. s i A fu ll lin e D K N N IB O Ü N N IF F , H L , ! Lep. U. fl. M ineralBarv&)*ï i I of S to v es and R a n g es, S u e m s e y , s S ^ lu m in u m , l'^ u g sa r w lD /C a .l. P u rveyo r for the D io trlc t o i Oto - ; ■ ' ' G o lfi Iteas cK egom- y >' , y * ■ .. . ¡ ÿ t 'bugni _ tin g , S t i l e t t o G u ttie r u , ■ iln ffig vAwtfta .»■’ O llF O U I ) YOUR BANKEYQ KOTICÇ. 11 !srir 01 **»•11 > q » -'’ ' ‘. t o & tv r ¿ a in ie m s , E tc .