IO bftots at y o u r Always Stays “ Pat” Finger T ips The Burrow Clevis S A V A G E A u ftE U L U J * b H l U ’ lX . b u . u i j J .u liU “ II. T. STEWART Editoraud Publisher N taliK tu ’i p l lo it* $11.AO p e r y e a r The Leading Paper of Curry County 1UHT A t M b lX B A M A U D , H u l l Ita s a rtu g . 3 J C A L I3 R E A U T O A T IC P IS T O L Tue .Vd/420 Aataiualie .m o ther, ovary .U v .r.u iy in »he rapidity oi as die. tiu u u tl»e occasion coinesyou havt re a d /tu e ouicaoat, nan liest and1 most accurate arm made. Give yourself every possible advantage. I l means life or ie a tli. That is >vay you .vill discard your revolvei when you see the Savage. Special Feataers which w ill Ajptal to Yqo T E N SHOTS: Double the number contained in an ordi­ nary revolver and two mojje than oilier auluiuHtiqp. AC CURACY: Tbe pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling S IM P L IC IT Y : Fewer parts than any other automatic pis­ tol. Completely dismounted by band without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. J J J & fiiA - .and TBXBXJ±T£: The O hbgun D e l t f J g u b n a l is T R IB U N E Permanent as the b ills, bateau be The ouly ( levin sow os tbe market that stays where. pst. the leading Dem ocratic nkwepsper ol removed ih a le o n d of tliue. Oregon ,i siued a t Portland. The managers also issue *.S k m i - W k k k i . v , which is especially adapted (or people who do not us re for a D oily, but want a good fam ily paper. Any o f those papers can be bad in combination witL the P O R T O R ­ F O R D f R l R U M B . a t the following rates: Tbe excluaivo right to handle tats Clevis w ill be sold by Counties or States, or set ot three can be purchas­ ed lor Ll.tM). Address K o M o r e C e d a r to S p a r« . 1 must husband miy timber to re place fence* and buildings on the farm, therefore I must not spare any more cedar. Please do not ask for it The grean trees will grow and the dead ones will keep. Semi Weekv and Tribune 3 A F E T Y : Breech positively and automatically locked during the time of discharge. Cannot be ttred un­ less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on s J.H. Urrow, Langlois, O r.. Auguri 27, 1 H 0 I f Z F M A and P I L E C U M B P K K M Knowing what it was tosuf- fer. I w ill give P R ES OP OH A ROE, to any alBi«-ted a positive cure for E n em a , Halt R teum , Eiysips- Ina, Piles and Klein Diseases. Instant Jel’ef. D o n ’t anffcr longer. W rits P. W . W il l ia m ». «no Manhattan Averue, New York. Enclose Stamp. S A V A G E A R M S C O M PA N Y , UTICA, NEW YORK BteCAXX PAT W 18 Celebrated for «tyfe. prefect ftt, staiplicife reliability nearly <0 yaara. Bold la a L orery «¿(y aad Iow a la tbe Uaited »bate ’ Cjaadn, o r by aaail direct. N o ra sold aay «ilbur mabc. Bead fa r Uaa c a u l M e C A L V S B S A S A Z IN S * More subscribers thsa aay ot b ar fo laag-attiM—aiUlioa a M M db. Iwraltoabla. « it s ty lo , pstturaa, daaa—a a b la ^ ja U fl lilodeP'. ÌÌ ' Nt will aba»«« a sic’.'y h»ty te s plontp, romping eh' Jin » • im a ru W EEKLY W . B. B u rro w , C o r b i n , O re. Daily and Tribune - - - - Daily 8unday and Tribune lin d I It « O R E G O N IA N P a p e rs one y e a r to r $ 2 .2 6 The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNF ----- A N D ------ The New Idea YVcman’s Magazine BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $1 76. T u s N iw I dba W oman ’» M a o iz im b 1« an authority on Dressmaking nerv and Household Economy. I t averages more than lOoTpaoes m>>nth. We offer you therefore a t least 1900 pages ol good/rashicn home reading for an additional cost of only >6 eta Samples fre e. The Start to a Better Salary Ton can hav* it all foi & 6 0 cm „ X ' m The Evening Telegram, of Port­ land, Oregon; I t la the largest ev­ ening newspaper published in Ore­ gon ; it contain* all the news of the state and of the nation. T ry I t for a .month. A sample copy w ill ba m ail­ ed to von free. Address t h e telegram , PO R T LA N D , OB. wel'. a * in arinler. O nly D M c a t a d»y—thixk of it—«ad it’s as a ia t ATENTS T o o ranch housework wrecks wo- ¡•aea’a nerves. And the aonstodt saaaaf shUdroa, day sad night, is edtoa toe trying for tvaa a strong waassa. A haggard face tells the Story af the overworked houeewife and mother. Deranged menses, laasoiTtr i and falling ol the Is doing this for thousands of Amarieaa women to-day. It cured lire. Jones and that is why she Q R K A T C A L .L t pmvechogreat toaita ti. 3. P - s t i O*flca o.c. S A ,m c n t of Hood’* Sanaparilla. Hood’« Sanaparille .selli beeause t «compUshss C R L A T ^ U R I C . rlooo-shootind, ? « rd -ltiu ln « ennä, and «inoTUstled few dacha, cross, fosso »ad loo 1 -rs nee w o rh. Alaotroiloifc Wttb MB 4a.uTip.ioM o f t h i a h .ntUotr.« n 'w gun, o * it free on rsooret o r v H h c-wnnlato > V K » « o re ~ rw ___ •«rvsire» "" SSfSSßw*” AnhWqwL ~ ISSSTfo^iM«» The Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason - . able Prices. M rCaifs Magazine McCall Patterns Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Any Thing, F o r ■f .vw r’ ors rrknd» than any Other , ■ «si«» -j, i atterax. McCalfs is tbs A lf s 'id K o Far-ht o Golds monthly la I u.u..ou one fuindred thousand h - s B. ri-’e t shor-ing all the latest Kaiv'ttbf h iiC - l Patterns, each iasa* mi ;l «.f iparkllag short stcriss ’ uitpful hifucaatioo for woman. I I id \Ln F**’ Briefs, Posters - Envelopes. Statements, Cures Impotency,Nigh t Er ilssions am* wasting diseases, all effects o f s e lf A S S t »hose, or excess and India cretion. A n e rte tonic apt! hl g u a ra n ­ tee to care orTreft/ad id?e money N C R V IT A M E D IC A L C O . Wntoei A todMwi Rta. C k i CAOA ILA. *** ra*^ T a W hom IL M a y C a a e e r*. j ^«CALL’S MAGAZINE jUff-tLC W. 3 7 A M . Naw T ssh C kr Tbe undersigned hereby give notion that they are tho owners of the Honth half o f Section IL, Township th irty three, Sooth range fourteen West of Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par • ties are warned not to trespass upoh a make any locations, either placer gaartx claims at their peril. D . K s iX is x a ) Up-to-date Work Dove on Short Notice- Satisfaction Guaranteed MO TRESSPASSING. > Owners. J H .M e A ra a J Portland, Ora “ KNALLOO I, the nndertigned, hereby give no- tlce that I have a conveyance from the Patentee to ttdelanda sod water lots in the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the wharf la erected without my ooneent. AI1 parties are hereby warned not to drive piles or trespass in sny manner what- aoever on said tidelauds or water Iota. Mre. Asms C. H ast . Portland, Oregon. In connection with N O T IC E is hereby givsn that sny and all persons found trespassing upon tbs premises of the undersigned for the purpose of hunting or fishing or othsr- wtns w ill be prosecuted to tbe full ex­ tant of tbs law. C. W. ZUM W ALT C bn.iy CatUart-lr, rtirw Lwwwitl w fo afo I f C C 3 ftkl,4r:s»rl*ur jo AFTER ANY