V o lu m « X X IV BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK »nd POULTRY MEDICINE Stock sad poultry bar* tew trouble» which are not bowel and l i v e r irregnlaritiaa. d la a k - Dreught Stock sad Poultry Uedi- e ia a w a bowel and liv rr r-medy ter s t o s k . . * puis ths e r n w M sad keep bis »took la »igoroaa health fo r weeks. D ealen gener­ ally keep Hlnck-braoght Stock sad Poultry M «Heine. I f yoara doee not. tend 2ft cent» for a Mm ole can to the maoufsetnrera. Tbe C h a tt»n .M « a Medicine Co. ,~ Chot- “ D M a l M m ake M r. fitu y v e s s a t m ad to have M r. P ete rb y giva Mlaa B eneonhurst a c a a a ry b ird ? ” ‘W e ll, If i t did. ha never showed It . He •Im p ly h u rrie d a p and b o ug ht b a r • e a t." — B ro o k ly n C agle. “ Yea, t h a t ch eeky youBg W in te r ­ green m ade a frie n d o f th e h a u g h ty M rs. De Y o u n g th e very d ra t tim e he a w t h e r !" “ H o w did he do i t r “He at)ted h e r i f h e r h a ir w a s n 't pre m a­ tu r e ly g ra y .“—C levelan d P la ta D ealer. U in g le y — " W e ll, old m an. I'm to be m a rrie d to -m o rro w ." N ag g e—" I hope you h a re th o u g h t th is o re r c a re fu lly , B in g la y ; do yo u lore h e r 7'* [¡Ing le j — “O b, d o n 't be s e n tim e n ta l! The g ir l has nsyaey— is n 't th a t enough?"-—Ohio S ta te Jo u rn al. “ I th in k I ’l l le t yo n m easure m e fo r a sack su it o u t o f th is c lo th ," said C ro lly , in d ic a tin g h is preference. “ V e r y w e ll,” eaid h ie ta ilo r , “ I can m ake you t h a t s u it fo r »30 o r *100." “ W h a t's tb s idea in th e tw o prices?" “Cash o r e re d lt.” — P h ila d e lp h ia P re s s L a n d la d y — “ B eg pardon, a ir, b u t did I u n d e rstan d as you w ere a doctor o f m usic?” M u sician— “ I am . m a'am ; w h y? “ L a n d la d y — “ W a ll, s ir. m y B il­ ly ’a w Jnat been and broke 'is con­ c e rt I ns. and I th o u g h t as ‘ore J ahud ba g lad ta p u t a bodd Job in y e r w a y .” — P un. O ig lam po—“ H a a h ly la th e lu ckie st m an I k n o w ." S h a rp le y — " W h y . I th o u g h t h im p a rtic u la rly n n fo rta - n a te ." O ig lam po— “W h y , h e draw s a pension fo r b e in g wongded In w a r, and now be is to g e t dam ages fo r h a r ­ in g bean h it by a tr o lle y e a r." — Town Topics. The B ig h t P itc h - — P la tt s — “ I th o u g h t I ’d p rac tice on m y C om et la s t evenin g, b u t to sure m a I couldn’t g a t th e r ig h t p itc h o n i t . " B ra tta — "C o u ld n 't you g e t th e w in d o w open?" “W h a t’s th e w in d o w g o t to do w ith Itr “W e ll. Urn r ig h t p itc h would h e re been th ro u g h th a t.''— PhUadei- Ia a large Now York bastaam liwtl- tutloo them was as employs whose Christmas g ift bad tbs saving grace of UMi.vtouaf conaiueiatioa. Mo ass • booksvepor, nearly (0 yearn is har­ ases, and be s s j been overlooked ,fn former yearn o t ta.nesa la W all »(root, except 10» a customary and unvarying »10 gold Dima, says tba L o tio n »ree Press. Several osye betöre Christmas w ith rum ors o f s a imprecodvncou uood o f good to rtane. T b s old boOuxaepar saw his fe llo w l b Nn Home Snrinj Macin Co., Orap, COA8TING IN HOT WEATHER Veklele la the Island of Madeira Mips Over Oobbl se t ones Drawn by Ozan. employes called llfio th e cashier's office one by oua, each re ­ tu rn in g w ith a sealed eavelope. T h e boofckoepar w aited lo r bis aanunoas, but It va m a not, says the W o rld 's W ork. Kven the office boy em erged, b itin g new gold piece« to loot them , and tha r o il arsa complete a a hour be­ fo re th e bookkeeper summoned cour­ age to send la an In quiry w hether a m istake had bean made in th e caee o f M r. B le a k , and w h eth er a a envelope j bad been overlooked. T h e «newer ' "T h e re is no envelop« fo r M r. B lan k, , but th e president wishes to ass h im T b a bookkeeper saw only one In te r- I f wa Mood about seven o'clock ia the morning near the foot of the Oraiba mesa In Arisona we should tee a moat interesting eight, ro­ tate« a w riter in tba Now York Sun. The flat-topped elevations called mesas are rery common features of the arid plain« of Arisona. Some of them hare for agea been the home« of Indian tribes whose enemies could not easily .roach the tops of these big rocks, and so those who lived on them were comparatively safe, ( Thia particular mesa 1o the home of the Oraibi branch of the Moqui tribe. Perched high In the air on their little plateau, the elders still practice the snake lance and other famous ritea of their father«. Only a few yoara ago they wore called hostile because they op­ posed more strenuously than the other Moquis the introduction of white influences among them. When it was proposed to erect a ichoolhouse near the base* of the mesa, and to place all the children la the school, the parents stub­ bornly refusing to permit it. They yielded Anally, however, to Arm pressure, and every child of school age waa placed in the school. The enterprise has been a great (access, and whoever stands near the school at seven o’clock ia the morning and looks up at the pla­ teau 500 feet above hum suddenly sees children begin to spill over the edge of the mesa. One child cornea into view behind another, and soon the face of the great rock is alive with them aa they descend the steep tegsag path leading to ‘.he bottom of f t * mesa and the school. The sight Intercuts visitor« be­ cause it is so unusual. The little folk seem to bo hanging to the wall of the mighty rock aa they sfoWly descend itajfarw. They keep pouring over t h e edge and the head of the line has reached the school on the plain be­ low before the last of it leaves the top of the mesa. When the strag­ gling line comet fully into view it is seen to be nearly half a mile long, and its convolutions on the > path bear some resemblance to the movements of a snake. There are 175 children in thia school, and in attendance it is said to head the list of Indian day schools in the country. A fine new' building costing over £1,000 has taken the place of the first school, and it is said that after once being placed there, wearing the new clothes provided for every pupil, they never miss a day. Cheaper th an th e Order House Mail S P E C IA L ON C A N N E D G O O D 8 ordinary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t realized It stands the highest for dortul cures of the most dlstrsaoin I f you need a medicine you should best. Sold by druggists U SOe. and Y o u m a y have a sample bcttlt sad a book that toil», mors about It, both tonti ibsaiuteiy free by mail, address D r. Kilm er & Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. M ai) o rd er p r ic e , e lio e d p e a c h e s p er c a n 19c. O u r p r ic e 15« ” || ” ” L o g a n b e r r ie s . ” 16c. O u r p r ic e 15c ” C H E A T r e c u r .i O . e n n -a , -.n r- u > ttt.b ü in t i H i l i c J Ix o t o iy , p r u v u H o m i i 6 a r » i j . a r « l a p i * " * * « m e r it i n i a o w i i t o a n y « H » -i £ 3 E . D > C I Y , ** ” S tr a w b e r r ie s ’’ 2 3 c . O u r p r ic e 1 5 c A A N D 8 A V E T H E F R E IG H T A lw ays Remember the F a ll N I .axative ftromo Qain Good Hama 15c per lb. Cures a Cold in One D t ;-, G rip in 1 <5? 3a Bo«o 35«. CHIROPODIST IN THE ARMY 'At Fnnchal, in the Island of Sin- , pretatiu n. T h is m eant his discharge deira, the traveler finds one of fo 1 r fa ilin g efficiency. H e fa irly to t­ In to th e eanctum . a p itifu l figure the strangest kinds of vehicles tered < of panic fear. that the world affords. He sees 1 “S it down, M r. B la n k .” said th e waiting quietly near the wharf a president. ! ” 1 b a re om itted your nam e “Every German infantry regi­ number of sleds with sleek dun- 1 ia th e Hat o f C hristm as rew ards fo r ment has its chiropodist," said a colored oxen yoked to each, says I fa ith fu l Servian, and I regret te a t military attache, “and it won’t he the bank w ill have to find another Everybody's Magazine. I t is 1 many years before all infantry m an to fill yo u r position a fte r to -m o r­ always high summer time In Ma- j row. Compose yourself, sir, tears are regiments will have their chiropo­ deira, and to see a conveyance , undignified In th ia office. You should dists, too. kn ow b etter a fte r being here to r so which he has ever associated with 1 “A foot soldier's efficiency, you anow and Ice and eero weather is I long a term o f service. D o n 't go. 1 see, depends upon his feet. If he have a few w ords m ore «0 aay before a t first disconcerting. Thestran- J gets sore feet, lie can’t march well you leave. T h e directors have decided ger rubs his eyes and asks what ; »0 re tire you on fu ll pay fo r tba rem — can’t advance fast, can’t retreat those things are for, but be soon , o f your life, sad th e year's salary w ill fast. And his feet are apt, unless finds that they are public hacks, be 1 paid to you In advance. T h ia does „they are sclent Ideally looked after, a m establish a ruinous precedent, fo r and that unless be cares to walk 1 to get sore; for it Is one thing,you employes w ith M y e a n o f fialthful be must step inside, ensconce him- J know, to use the feet In an ordi service to th e ir cred it are n b t s p rin ­ self on the cushioned seats, and ' kled very p le n tifu lly through W a il nary way, walking three or four w ait for the driver to prod his , miles a day in aeity.an d lt ia quite glow steed with the goad that he , another thing to use them in m ili­ THE YULETIDE IN AUSTRIA. always carries. Very soon the tary fashion, walking 15, 20 and vehicle begins to slip, slowly to be j sometimes 30 miles a day over sure, but surely, over the a moot bn rough country, carrying luggage little cobblestones with which the besides. streets are paved. A t any partic­ “A soldier’s feet need looking u larly difficult turn of the road, or , after, need inspection, just as his when earning ta a rise of ground , gun does. Hence Germany has in­ the driver places a little bag of 1 troduced chiropodists into her grease under the front of the run- 1 army, and the chiropodists hold iters, which makes it comparative- ' feet Inspection daily. They see lyeaay for the sturdy steers to pull 1 that the shoes fit well, that the the sled. stockings are in good condition, Even up a long steep hill these that blisters and corns don’t form. oxea will slowly make their way. “I t is odd to see in Germany a la coming down again no such te line of privates having their feet ¿bests process ia used, hut getting 1' -h lp e re and to ca rry aw ay th e ir inspected. This sight, though, will Into a wide finely upholstered sled , • a r t b ly troubles to heaven A m oag be a universal one ere long, and w ith wicker sides, the passenger tha Csechs th a legend run» th at he then its appearance of oddity will trusts himself to the tender mer who most s tric tly fa s ti on C hristm as depart from It.” eve w ill see th e H o ly C hild la bis cles of more or leas villainous a - — - . « th a t n ight. I a tba evening th e look lag guides as steersmen .Each real eelebretlua haulaa A il Ukhta Mnggsby— I ’m going to thrash ooeof them holds a rope tied to the , Bifkins the first time I meet him. back of the sled, sad when the to­ Wiggins— Because why? boggan, aa it ia often called, gets “He’s been telling it around that -fie Jumping and bounding too hi­ I ’m a liar and a scoundrel." lariously, the guides Jump off and “Is that w ! Why, I never heard pull with all their might at the anyone say you were a scoundrel." —Chicago Gaily News. are accomplished from the key board of the light running, eas) adtion M odel 10 (Visible) Nothing kas eve» equalled i t Nothing can over sarptaa i t GUARANTEED N atu re New Discot ary W anted INVENTORS! 3aWto.."Y