Town and County Tele pk«»« TU 'i f e î ?'■ 8 A 8 R O B R O 8. The Ladies Aid w ill meet thia F W J k llk week with Mrs. Geo. Quigley, and School starts next Monday. Start Stale Forester F A. all members are requested to attend Jour children on the first day of aa the annual election of officers w ill prepared a valuable map of Oregon at tba last Legislature, baa been de- the term. take place. and has furnished Slate Undent J. A . Churchill wilkeaoagh ’ preme court. Under thia eat,stores, A small band of beet cattle, whioh _ , I . N. McGinnis, of M yrtle Point, etc., must keep closed b e j been bought from the Maeleey • has leased 0». j ' u ” L ^ k s • oopl* M,ppljr • “ ,h * ,hno1 di* l,ic ‘ I 1---- P00' - -ooms ' 3 BIG DAYS Oregon » with map is “•» on 8 Sunday*. I n Douglas ooanty term of three *" Or*«®® iu» ona. <m4- The ® *P » t four feet by six feet, giving tba tec , Sheriff Geo. Quine ha* given notice Mo0iBoU M A NlíFA ürU I » lion a 1 lines and showing all the that be will arrest a ll persons found M. T . W right and son in law, •e ra down looking at the piaM last physical features of Oregon aad ibe 'violating the act, and it i* qnita BAXOJ.t , OBKUO Roy Cabot, have teased L. Knapp's ’ week, and w ill be moving os to it location of a ll oitias aud town*. The { likely that theriiT* of the Various ‘ »/.¿s?* $'•«$* K ‘ »■ beach a t Hubbard'* creek, where to make their home iu the near fu - m apia brought particularly up to.eonatie* throughout the state w ill tare. they w ill mine thia whiter. Writnsan Fonata» Fass date, even showing Jeffersonoouaty., feel it their duty to do likewjpe. F. F. Friant's team ha. been busy ' addkj<M> H * Victor-Victraias, Edfeon Disc Talüag Dorothy Btewart entertain«! some ---» a . . . . . colored SS as to A portion of tho act relating to del I ghow of her young girl friends at a parly * " » • P4»1 oaolieg 35 oor-Js fu|lowiog ar<a, j„ Oregoo:' the cloeiog of places of business yesterday afternoon, the .«¡ca.ioa1 tan bark from the old g»», „ m g 'g n d ateusement, reads » I follows: , Eje being the anniversary of her 12tb pises, near Cur bin, to Port re stocking, cut-over areas pot re- j “ 1 / any person shall keep open ' Ortord for shipment. The bark ia stocking, burned areas not re stock ' any store, shoo, grooery, bowliug birthday. Kas soma that was peeled sad shedded ing end broth. These maps may j alley, billiard room, or tippling A lla n Todd, the Marshfield tailor. N otice fo r P u b lic a tio n . • u . a . at that plsoe by the Whitworth bo obtained from the county school house, for the purpose of labor or N otable speakers w ill be present, and there w ill be Go<xi „ , ,. . / . brothers several years ago. traffic, or any place of amu D sfastwiss or vna Israaioa, superintendent. BOnday and baa gooe down the tune! The greatest program Mr. and Mrs. A. S, Johnston and C . 8. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, aa fur as Gold Beach in the interest on the first day of the week, com Roads and Fraternal C onventions. September 6,1915. two children returned to Port O r Popular Young Couple Wed nioely called “Sunday” « the o f aporta ever seen ou Coos Bay has been arranged. It in of bis business. Notice is hereby given that ford last Thursday from several, “ Lord's Day,” such person cludes A utom obile, /M otorcycle, H orse and Boat races, BUD HUTCHBSON Miae Mageolia W hite, eft«L»p> od- weeks spent visiting M r. Johnston's On Tuesday of last week Mise conviction thereof, shall be punish- Track and Field events, Water Sports, B oxin g aad W restl of Port Oifnrrf, Oregon, who, on iug the summer at Port Orford, mother at Ferndale Gal., and teeing Ada Bailey, daughter of Mrtt 'J. 8 7 « f by a Qne of not lees than «Ô o»r April 18th, 19iu. made Homrotoed in g C ontests, B attle R oyal, with 100 m en on a barge and fSatry, Serial tlo. 0<j«4, ttVtoteSKf of •tarled lor Portland the - lalier purr the sight« at the fair at Sau Fr*n - Kennedy of Gold Beach, end Ray more than |5 0 ; provided, however, N E i, Ej 8E1 and 8W | BE) of of Iasi week el which place she ex $50 to the one stayin g longest, and othor sports being ar- oivoo. They want and returned via. mond Capps, eldest soil oT Post that the above provision shall hotl , Section 43, Town ah ip 32 South, Range IS -W , Willamette Meridian, peels U> slay during the winter. Marsh field aud the steamer Kilburn, master and Mrs. J. 8. Cappa of fippiy m theatres, the knper* ..f' r»uged for, c lo sin g wtth a Grand Masquerade Mardt Gras. has filed notioe of intention to make „„re „„¡red i . marriage drug store*, d.ictor simp«, under E . B. T h rift came down It urn and were fortunate in finding tb a ’ Final Fire-year Proof, to establish claim to the land chore de«eribed, be Langlois Monday In his new liuick ucaan so calm that tiooeuftha party at North Bend by Father W . R . lakers, butcher, and baker*; ami fore Hardy T. btewart, U. 8. Commis sioner, at his offioe at Port Orford. Or six and met Mrs. T h rift an<l child wars eraaick. Io epaaking of tba Hogan. The young ooupie left Mie all circumstances of neceaeity and egon, on the 43 day of October, 1411. ren at thia ptaoe who ware returning Fair, Mr. Johnston says that it is following day on the steamer Banta mercy may h< |>lea<l-d in tlafenae. Claimant names as witnesses: Els worth B. Hall, of Port Orford, Ore. ho ne from a visit with friend* and all that ba* been claimed for it, aud Clara on a three weak*’ honeymoon, which shall he treated a* quaaltou* Preeman Davis, of " that many of.its feature* are won* trip to the exposition relatives at Rogue river. • ’ •: of fact for the ju ry to determine James R Hutcheson of ” " detful beyond deeoripiion. He say* when the offense is tried by ju ry .” A J Marsh, of Both the bride and groom have A band of 1400 head of elieep, that Oregon’* display I* one that grown from childhood in Curry J. M. UPTOS. Register, which had beeu bought mostly in j t w ill make a native proud of hie county, aad are among our moat W eekly Report From B a ttle the Rogue river country by Taylor N O T IC E F O B P U B L I C A T I O N Dement of M yrtle Point, were d riv home state, hut that all be saw from worthy and highly esteemed young Rock. D araanfuaror twb I stsuvb , Curry county wae *ome views of people. For the peat two or three es through Port Orford Sunday on United States Laud Offioe, Port Orford barbor, some Port O r years Mrs. Ceppe has been associate t Rossburg, Oregon, September 9, 191j. their way north. By F. tt. T. ford cedar shakee aad a few Port ed with the K. B. Tbsilt mercanlife ' t Notice is hereby given that E . J. Loney returned Saturday <»rford agates. Rates in Sau Fran I store at Laaglois, prior to which rite JAMES R. HUTCHESON Three things to love— Courage, from several daya spent on a bu«i cisco are reasonable, and M r. John of Port Orford, Oregon, wbo, on April I taught school successfully. Mir. gentleness, and affection. 18, 1910, mule Home-lead Entry,Seri,! ness trip in Coos county, during eton advieee a ll wbooen to visit th< I Capps has charge of bis fetber'* big No. 06106 tor the 8 W | i t Section 43, which be visited the bay sod also Three things to admire— Intellect, Fair else thev w ill mis* tba oppor dairy ranch at Denmarli, where tba Tp. 32 8 , B. 15 W„ Willamette Meridi C all and see our New Goods dignity, and graoefullness. an, has filed notice of his inten ton the new town of Powers. Unless tunity of a life-time. young people w ill make their borne. to make final Five-year Proof, to his plana miscarry, M r. Loney will Q uality and Price are r ig h t Three things to hate— Cruelty, A large circle of friend* extend establish claim to the land above des cribed. before Hardy T. Btewart, U n it open a bauk in Powers w,tkin the Betel VS ie Ka-Opened. arrogance, and ingrstidude. their oungratulaliuas. A few Bargains still left ed Steles Cbminlssloner. at his offioe next fortnight. at Port Or lord, Oregon, on the 28 th day Three things to delight in— Beau «( October, 1915. The Beasiile hotel, which was from the old stock. The rain of last Sunday dispelled Pausing of a Pii ty, frankness, and freedom. Claimant names as witness«!: closed recently, w ill be re-opened to the last fears of auy forest fires for Freeman Davis, of Port Orton), Oregon.' Three things to wish for— Health, this year, aud the fire wardens ap- U m public about October 15th. J. itebeeon. of M r*. Chea. H ilboru, ui Marsh 11, of pointed for the summer season have ¡A . Jackaun of Coquille, wbu bae field, baa received the aad news of friends, aud a contented spirit. »h.ol ! the death of bar ooly iiv w g brother, been nailed in from their sieliou* in , been visiting in town for • M Urrow, Tbise things to lilts— Cordiality, Register the mountains aud la id .iff until J weeks, w ill be the new proprietor, Jaine, y .D y e r, who p T n ^ “T a j good bomor, and cheerfulness. next year. W hile the atotsou baa , having based _th a property from from acute bronchitis near. Redding, Three things to. avoid— Idleness, CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE been very dry,-yel it la aafe to say M r*. Masterson yesterday. I l is Cal., recently. Mr. Dyerepertt the loquacity, and ftip|wnt jesting. that what little damage was done Mr. J«cka»u'* intention to run a |o t three years at the home of hie Three things to cultivate— Good , I have buyers for Farms, Timber in Curry county frero ttres waa out feed barn in connection with the M r*. H ilb o rn , tearing for Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. rY books, good friends, sad good humor. hotel. He w ill move M r*. Jaekaon Callferoia oaty leal Macnh. weighed by the good they'did. ► '-A Call and see me, or send full descrip aud bis bouse bold effects down fro 1 Three things to oontend for— the early J* M. Dsa^__ A letter from' H . i . Crfppen, e ll tion aad list your property with me. ^,7* ~ - Coquille a* quickly ea nbt, country, and friends. pioneers of Ouoa and Cdrry I will soon h sto published a booklet tuie lime editor of the Wedderhurn f M Jm I t h ^ ’ ^ U U K d S t Radium and again of the'*YAkeport tie», and was wait knowo to all the Three things to teach— Truth, old timers in this section. During industry and contentment. Bny* Elk River Banner, states that the writer eu* wifi be mailed oat to all sections of the joying R<*o<i health in B /it Diego, the early day* in Curry oouaty M r. Three things to govern— Temper, United States. ■* Cal. M r. CrippeB says th a t W . H Last wack Hans Adolphsen closed Dyer lived with hie father hh the tongue, and conduct. Careful and prompt serviee given to old Dyer h omeetead of 48d seres Meredith and fam ily were to leave the deal which makes him the own the business of non-residents, : >1 Three things to do— th in k, live, at the mouth of E lk river»' whieb F. B. TICHBNOR, . the fo.lowing w«ak for their old er of the J. D. Louck* saw m ill on home in I’oplar Bluff, Mu., aad be ! E lk river. The m ill will be moved ‘ WM boo«h l in lt 7 < * < * * • Mo* and set. PorfOrford. Oregon, also apeak* of meeting M -L r, Pohl, from its present site to a location Kensie and is now a part of tba Sea Three things to cherish— Good- the pioneer Coos and Curry optician,; near Denmark where it will be op- I Yfew dairy ferae. A few yean ago nero, wisdom, and virtue, tba lowest FOE SALE. q uite often, w in is n o * in Sen Die seated for the local market. l ^e deceased spent s winter mining down of ell God's Tli« Place Where Te« Get Square Deal BIOHTY ACRES of very rich bottom go. M r Crfppen closes by seuding; The m ill wet built on the W. R -, ° ° lb* be#oh ° * r Eu«hre creek. He I ,|ft|>iw ide thing he ever creel- land an Sixes river, six miles from Port his regsrde to his old friends In this Hurst piece on E lk river severs! WM • brother of the late Judge Geo. ed ,lk own ¡, creature Orford, not cleared and no Improve ! years ago by Mr. Loucks, and some ^Jrer»,l w 4 known pioneer. aectiuu. called m *n, who will M y or in ti ments. Will sell on easy terms—no To better accom m odate our growing trade Chas. Doyle and his m otbsr-m - lumber was hauled to town I W "* mate that he sought out the cum - and increasing num ber of patrons we have law, Mrs. A. 8. M iller, passed down »hipped, but owing to tbs distance «>• lim# ®f h'» ‘,44»h 44d * • • • ■ « ■ • pony of a reputable woman and Mas. A uk * Ewwrrr, been com p elled to add to our general stock M3 Valencia SV Ran Francisco, Cal the coast last Friday by auto r i lbe ll,u !- 7 miles, it was in« • * » " ” * ' bJr ° « y P « 1 lon- r i ; found her weak. turning to Wedderbum from a trip never 4 P4) *n« prop«»Hon, and for “ 407 o,d <r»wt>do w ill learn of Dry Goods, Grooeries and P rovisions, ss to Roseburg. On their way out >«=4‘ it wm also unable " « * regret of b.epueing, aud pnaro follows: Hardware, D airy Supplies, Stum p Net Satisfied. to compete With (be m ill in town. * j <® P V ‘ rib“ ‘4 " " P * 1 * b'« «“ • in g Powder, O ils and P aints, F arm ing Im they were accompanied by Mrs. The prohibitionists of Oregon are Associated with M r. Adolphsen , plem ents of a ll kinds, in clu d in g M cCormick Oood fir stove or heater wood deliv- M ary Biske, Miss Gladys M iller not entirely satisfied with the pro ia tbs m ill at Denmark w ill be b u | ----------------------- - erad in town in large or email quanti and Fred Caughell. Mrs. Biske was M owing M achines and th e celebrated W eb father, A. Adolphsen, one of the M a y Throw Furuat Reserve hibitioo lew that will go into effect ties for 41.85 per tier. Give your or- going to Portland to spend the win ber W agons, etc., etc. A nd don’t overlook January 1st. Into Game Reserve. d«r Io 1er with her »on Fred, Miss Gladys P'oneer m ill men of Curry county * L J U I8 SPA R LIN G , our up-to-date stock of M en’s and B oys’ C loth I t will nut prohibit the people of and with these two experienced meu Port Ortord, Or. was going to Roseburg to attend thi* State from getting about all ing, Boots snd Shoes, L adies’ Dress Goods, to run it the m ill in its new location Forest Baeerve official* are in school and M r. Caughell was en- they want of intoxicants, and there will undoubtedly make mousy for quiring into the sentiment of the Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, N u ts and o- route to Portland fur medical treat- its owners. | people of Curry county relative to will in ell lihlihood be more p ri tenut. ; tion s, Rolled Barley, G rcss Seed and Seed , — . —„ ......... j the making of a game reserve out of vate consumption at homes than at G rain. . F. F. F rian t, of the Arisona In n , Mr. aad Mrs. A 0 . Leucks Given ibe forest reserve lends within this preseat. I t is a law, as probably ‘ came up to town during the latter iateudsd by lbs liquor men, to dis Ferwwel Party. county. O rders taken for anythin » not on hand G o l d B e a c h, 0 r e g 0 n part o f last week aad took home ________ Ths question ia one worthy of gust the people to such an exteuit ’ with him a piano player. Mr. and A farewell party, planned by the considerable thought before eeviv- that they may repeal it, yet it may y l' Mrs. F riant are keeping one of the He tkought the fitk geed, lead them into the idea of prohibit Ladies Aid end members of the •“ < • » 4 ouuclurion. Aar he hadfteugfc from eU most popular stopping places along f t G iv e ns a t r i a l o r d e r Curry is about the only . county ing its imporlatioa. The m ajority th e eoaet,and »rebuilding ups*rq> in the state where game is »till of the people were fur prohibiirie, Came te find out the deed was elation that is bringing then an.lp-< plentiful. It f e e big resooruj ( If but the legislature was not. There crofeing patroaage rofit^ yt»r. bo® * •<••*•»«- T b * net an rsefird; ha aroald fife handlod proper! v, as proven > by a ie a hint that the supreme court may 3. . P ro p . & r. F rian t bar owned -tbe’ pUro h T »•< " M P*“ ^ P1* 44*“ 1/ , - « it at eace. The Fates» W / number of other elates, notably hold tba law o r legislative action had never ’ seen, but would has made many improvements lh *t and cake being among the good Wyoming and Maine. A t the pres unconstitutional, and to many a have added to the comfort and con bah t h a t * toe. The buyer ent time many hunting parties com« prohibition let in this state such ee things that were on the program. venienbs of traveler », snd now in a the farm if the btfe piano player he is adding something and Mrs. Loucks are leering in here during the summer, buying lion would ba welcomed, for the lew aad| W had to ba for their em.wemeuh And we 4 * » • * » • " their license in some other cuuely • * doctored by the lagislatura is T U deal fell tbro««b. simply a screaming ferae and slap „pine that et the rate be is going h . Frsnefeu., anti San Diego end to and many bringing even their am- Ge* aa abstract aad be ready. motion aad provisions, and this in the face of every conscientious spend the winter at their old home will sooa have to add more room tu Hheridan, W yo .and their Meeds o°unty derives bat little bel£fit. piohibiiionist in Oregoa— Wuud- fur the accomodation of his guests. gathered to wish them God speed1 « » g i n « reserve was made for burn Independent. Notice te Stack Owns». .... ---- As I have leased the Bagley ranch on Game Warden, John Adams, is on the trip and to express the hope 0 <»r 10 year* a f f e c t our Elk river, notieq is hereby given to all spending a lew days among the . -( ' home people - but little. Those hav Activities. that they would not forget' to re ------- * - ------------- persons having stock of any kind run- ' __ „ u - ... r ,,« .. Ur ning on Mid place, to plearo remote the j * « “ « « Chary. Mr. turn to Fort Orford when s p rin g ,''’« bomestMds in the reserve could 1 hunt on their own lend. In the At Fort Orford, Oct. 3, 1415, Sunday Mma> . .. ' Adams reports that there have been co W agons and B uggies for Sale, k ep t in S tock, . . . „ I l , , rt—r .„ d «citerim r School at to A. M „ Preaching at 11; huetera in this oounly MARSH. I lees J. D. txiucks came to Pori Orford ■rooiisae the deer and scattering , also A gen t for A ll K inds of F arm ing Im this year from the outside than about five yrera ago. He established bands of elk woeld increase, «t 7 JO; Subject- plem en ts; McCormick Mowers, etc. any time since be i»as been in the Star ted the shingle m ill, when the time wae up, by following ‘The Ultimatum In Life, A cordial invitation is extended to all service. an.I that game is quite p lan -, boUgf)l Und , o<1 pol cb<iap ,o lt On the example of enitfe other stales, Port Orford, Oregon, W. H. Mvxas, pastor. tifu l. As en rffroUre warden, Mr. l|w markel fof , h# # m U(B# („ and making the banter buy a li Wood and Iron Work p rom ptly d o n e at a J KW EI-KW ranch at Wedderburn, were driven On K lk river fo ra up lb * coast last w « k . yM r*. M r aoJ AT NORTH BEND OCTOBER 7, 8, 9 COME AND HELP MORT I BEND CELEBRATE G W. ZUMWALT & SONS Denmark Mercantile Co. Store a FIREWOOB FOB SALE Curry County Abstract- Rualty Company. JAS. 5. CAPPS, GENERAL B la c k sm ith in g KNAPP H O T E L ! years, end ia other weyo ne oen-e in this oounly end hire a P r o p r i e <«»»-. Adam* ha* few, if any, superiors in the state, end those who have the jn moral -n d up guide . to go with . him into the nwuat- _ F o r B ale. ‘ - a t , i ? u L a r o l protection of oor game at heart re |jft of (b# toWB , „ d H e .'" ” ; PT'”>? in every rrepeit vie t that he h«« sent in his resign* ■ - h i i r n u n >■/ th s Srhuol te m rj »n il *?** ’ ” **er,,r‘ D« lb< h*” * “ 1 . , Several head of A Ko. I Durham * . . V « . . j / . k . cb»,rm* n °* ,h* *'**» * b ro w .4" '’ this rreouree that they aie «¿tilled Go sd Feud S ta b le a ttached . lion, to take effect at the end of th jwaod ^is estimable wife are people p, Bulls from I« « to three years uf age. ..pen season. I l is understood at whom Hor| o rf„rd i. proa.) to claim ! Think the matter over. I t ia a For particulars addr cm We run the Stag» from Port Orford T aylob D xmxjit , thia time that a local man will be a* I,*, oiiisenr, and whoee return question that can ba looked at from via DaUyville, wnnecring wtth thr M yrtle Point, Or. appointed to fill the vacancy. w ill be welcomed. t more than one angle. Htage to Myrtle Point. I m K N -A .I» !’ ■ ' A reason ab le price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER”jE 8 S P ort O r f o r d .O r e g o n