s u *w é w w tw fctept. 5. tn th a t coup, h» r«foee*l R w a y Wey rig h tly Congrea»inan H a w le y wo» quoted ,4n the M aJford T rib u n e a* follow-.: “ I auusidvr lj»e chance* good for ,p0 appropriation for the dcepeiiiiig of the Greece nt C ity harbor” an id . Congrewnnnn \V . G. lla w lr y yreter "a n d the people of southern Oregon can real assured that 1 w ill do everything In m y f»ower' to »ee .that th eir iuleretea are pnityoteil J bare m y confidenc» upon my knowledge of* the Greecent C ity ooantry, it* ie*oii(cey and tiro dri .velopment that would follow on ^improvement of thia k in d .” JTha T kibunk i * at a In»« in try t o * fathom the position taken by H aw ley. How can he re-ami-ile to the fact that he holds a monition of public trust given to him Buy An H. L. F. Silo; Save your feed and in- cre«g«your milk flow, by supplying an abundance of good feed when you inoat need it. WILL BARB, Local representative * Gold Beach, Or. Auso C ontractor A B u i l d e r Estimates given; Plans and Specifications furnished on application. |I mi ca p ilaiiia tio n s thus bm wa— all of confiscate, us— in.this O iu n lry ae w ill. ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ — — J. P Morgan wa». at tin* begin ! W ill the many underdogs never ning of the war, selected by the al ¡learn Im w it is done— how the fe w lies a* th eir purchasing agent in grow richer and the m any grow this c o jn tr y , end lata? on, when i t ' poitfet by oumparleon? I t ought to was discovered that he was teki ng j be plain even U rtheduM eet ootnpre heller Ttare of Morgan than of his b*n»i«l> th a t he who collects some client*, bis dismissal was .discussed i ih itig fo r opdiiwg— graft— is enricb- in P arliam en t, but nothing canoe id Sd'.lUtr*tey. w 4 w | k -he wl»o pays the it, am i meanwhile hie profit» were 1 »corp^ iMqwd&rleMd nnt alone by on colo-eal th a f lie li* Bow rated ilie ' the sunt U4,. . directly but by richest m an on'.earth. ' Ire»«>tV m sga.twl Boyle Jewelry Co. Bandon, Ore. Have a complete stock up-to-the-min- Ute Jewelry, in addi­ tion tou ^jlverwsre, Cut (»In v a lid Kov«h CUiqBt anmw \ " ‘ ..v. 4gat« mounting lor out of town custom­ ers returned as soon as received. ’ Morgan the w.Mlthie»t man in the hopeleekhw? aad — all to frequently — world. H ie profit in the n iiw ry o f . dissipation. Send us your watch Eorupe’e uiiliione ha» made him j ------f — r t and we will repair richer th in Rockefeller. | And though our Uiiveriim ent flies W hat tVaieiloo did for R »the .v a lia n tly to. Mi« rescue of the de- it by' expert». (4»y th« people of the fc>tap» t»f Qregon ch ild . thousands of Weterlooe are spoilers, it has no sort of resjiect for in (« tu rn fpr his effort* in their J»-* lo in g fo r M organ.today. I U,e dee,m »«L Eye-glaasea Dupli- when he «ay* that he will do Eira*ry from a F reneh T cttfetl, ' „ everyth in g w ith in bis power to ee- ‘ 75’’— every svslancheol steel fropi Tl»e much advertised conferenoe a British g u u -ii,c e a s e » M organ’» d b u .,v W uhycom be in pur- ettre the im provem ent of a harbor wealth. Every war order cnb!e*lter harbor* o f her own, Uollar oil. dollar, lliousai.di mi tics the IT 'S . Sopreme Court said: ,whioh aha ha», that need improve thousamis, m ilhou on m illio n , Mor j « Tire tnlereet and hope expressed We carry ae ac’b. like g prayer agniiiM the O iv- PEoae No. 5 4 1. ^nent, and if the proposed improve gait’s imrncy is piling up u n til it ... . .. i — ~ »p ry . ¿pepipt Qreeceut C ity w »u tl not loypte today the most amusing me»» «r „ nieui's contentiim .” of capital the world has ever M en.! M e, S a l e m and adj „tm e I to cetard .their improvijuaeut, which it NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. W ith li»» O uter on »very in f • dusiry that profits by the war, w ith , »« cenferenoe later. In D rpabtucmt or ths Itrrxaio*, ¿would. Congressman H aw ley say* th at every move in the m aking and ship J thi»«dj-»urne,l conferenoe the Boutlt- V. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg Oregon. Heptember 16th, ISIS. bis confidence upon bi* ping and aelliug o f-m u nitio n s pour .cm Pacific4£*i4r<>«d C o , ia invited Notice is hereby-^ven that ing m m e gold into his coffers, J. P. , to participate through delegates, pre- ROBERT M cP H IL L A M E Y kgpgledge of the Cjreeoeiit C ity of Fort Oiford. Oregon, who, on Julv ; a * » ? '« .ooantry ete. H a * be forgotten that 91. 1913, made Additional Homestead And nil be«*u.e be wm selected j wil1 « ’’ •«ad« w ith a proposttion to Entry, «erial No. OsWJ, for the NM of t» 0 different Boards of Engineers ot the 8El< ut Section 19, examined this ooaat year* ago and by the British government ts the »*k C o n grew pi enatfl a law direot- Township 32 Hoatii, Rang. 16 Auierihan financial agent o f the eu iin g said bnt|uilfaltoo to prooeed to W „ Willamette Met Mian i has filed pronounced Port Orford harbor (in tente powers. I sell a ll its reuntining lands to ac Aotice of intention to make final three ,Oregon) (he only harbor along here tl.e year proof to i stnhhsh claim to the The dispatch snyulyxes Morgan ,uu* «ettlesa-htflCfl 5 0 p r f acre, land aliove iieserilafcl, before H anly euoceptible of big improvem ent. T. Hlewart, 0 . H. Commfsaioner, at liis Dose Congressman H a w le y real sources of big profits as follows; T h a t "conferenoe” ap p aren tly did 0111.« at Poet Orto«E Oregon, on the A m that government cannot be ex Profit No. i. The manufacturers not kn o w 'th at such bad been -the 29th day of Octoter,J^16. Cl iiruant names »¿w toeasee: peeled to make more than one Big pay him for giving them th eir share plain letter’ of ttie law fo ra b o u t 50 8 P. Pairoe, Pott Orford, Oregon. jH arbor along this section of the «•f this businea*— ’• ! » years, which, th e .«uTporatioa had J. M West, of ,8 M. Hammer.j>( —.9 . . ” ooaat and th at Port Orford and Coo» Profit No 2- H e owns much of per sis ten 6 y refused to obey. (I. J. .Mather. «4 • Ì _ _ , - iihr ^ • T and other Oregon harbors have the slock in the factories that ban J.X.Ü rroM , , - And why adjourn the conferenoe ng great and even greater natural die great war contracts— 4 • Begieter to ascertain' i f the 8 P, OS., wifi ac «ui vantages then ha* Crescent City? Profit No. 3. H e deals in mar J'-r. BOYLE JEWELRY GO. Banloii, D pi . N o lte« to O red ltora. I * TH K COVXVY CtM'BT OF THS ST tTS o s O b m o s . roa Coaar. C ourrv. In the Matter of the Estate of i MargaretT. McKentis. Deceased! The undersigned having been ap­ pointed by the County court of th«8tete of Oregon, tor Curt7 Co., Administrator of the estate of Margaret T . McKensie deceased aad baviug qualified, notice ia hereby * rveu toiMie creditors of, and al) persons haring ci^ime against said deceased, tfl\>>Ment‘Uiem verified as required by laW, within six months slier the first publication of this notice to tah) John W. McKensi« a t E lk riv­ er, Curry County,Oregon. J ohn W . McK Administrator of the estate of Margaret T . McKensie deceased, Dated Sept. ISth, 1916. NOTICE. K nap ?, Pr«». C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres E. J. L oney , Cashier, r»oi only ona way to ante Se^fuea«. aad that la by conatlM- I" |,«1 ranadloa. Daalnss«lacaurert by an ln- Saeiad aondltton o( tha nueou« llnlny ol tha Xustaehian Tuba. When «Ul» tau» I« lnSamud yea haee a rumbling eound or imperlati hoar tn«, a»d when It l< anUraly ciowri. rtaatneae It the reentt and unieM the laSatuaiion can ha takan opt and thia tupe re»toteu to Its Dermal condition, tearing will b« deatrorad loraeer; nine com m out ol leu arc eaaeed by Catarrh rht£b ia nothing bat aa InHamed ooadltloa ol tha mucop« «nrfacaa. Wa will (Iva Ona Hiindted Dollar« for say earn of Deadncm (caused by Catarrh) >bat can oot be cured by Hall’«Catarrh Cure. Bend lor elrcalars free. 1 . 1. CUCNKY A Co., Toledo, O Bold by Drosslet«, J*e. Take Hall’« Pomi I j Pill« lor constipation. gins in the etodu th at are going to oepl the "new ” responsibility when N o tic e o f r i n a l Se ttic i e x t. its leading utewbera knew th at a gel the conlrncU— Notice b ■ hereby given that the un- Profit No. 4. H e owns nM ofeiti; railroad attorney had been the i u . ilcndgned baa haa fluid her final aocoun' in thor ol tire sforetajd m idnight reso­ the c a ta te e fl T hai Corn aell, deeeaeod, ) of Notice Te Créditer*. tlie railroads that take the tfnisiie.1 and the Ouurt has 9«« Mondsiy, Novem­ lution em anating front the Slate prixluct to the seaports— ber 1st, 1916, at the hour uf 10 o’clock I n T hu C ounty C ourt O f T h r S tatb A. M ., at the Oonrtroom at Gold Beach, Profit No. 5. H e gets a bonus Senate. i Oregon, aa the tfoteaaiAplace forhear- O r OneooN, C ounty O r C ur st . , from the pruviag ground« where . T it e tractate th at Ute 8 . P. bad lug stud acoount. Any que Intertated _ - In the m atter of the -estate of P. G. A w a r ic n made m unitions are teat [in s u re d d ^ p lm le d ir t y proceeding. i i M ^ m ^ a ^ ^ t h e ^ f o writing Egan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to the credit­ And let tUyuppose Congress * “ d contest the same. tU /u p p o a e that Congress, C U R R E N T T O P IC 8 . or« of and all persona havi claims Profit No. 6. H ir slcamvhine ¡ n,i„«a.-t tea mwaeafixsae« th 6 »a e) m I steamship« can. ho he induaed to m sanction of against the Estate of P. G. Egan, De­ Executrix of charge e x tra rates for takin g the scheme, the roeuR «rill be th a t a ll of? Time. Cqrnwe.IL de ceased, to present their respective Pirat publication Sept. 8; 1916 m u iiH kitin ‘to Eurnpe— B v J. f l . V rn a/i. ( the ftioet valuable o f said lands w ill claims, together with the proper vouch­ ------------------------JUI----------------- Profit No. 7,, H is London branchy be sperdily pqnveyed to dum im es ers as required by law, within six mouths JEpnox T b ib u n b ^— from the date of the first publication of C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. The ‘‘ohildrsn grown up” a t Wash ( Murgsu, G renfell and Co ) tuaka* resulting is dun tim e in the cw A- this notice, to-wit, the 24 dajid Aug­ lington are up against a world o f ' money out of the d ietribu tiug »gen ,m„ y „ „ „ ¡ „ g u,e , Bnle through con F by Hielan and Hnrgeon ust, 191S, to Blixa Miller, Administra­ 1 eie»— veyance* from grantees of the afore ¿rouble ju s t now growing out o f a trix o f the said estate, at the office of somewhat veiled demand by Rooke ■ Profit No. 8. H e gets enormous M id dummies. A more diabo lical Port Orióni, Oregon. Collier H . Buffington in Gold Beach, feller and the Chicago meat tru st ( Huglaod Rwf raising the scheme it w«oid he dilBuult to o o n - Carry county, Oregon. th at thia government declare w a r , luon^y *n Am erica to pay a il these j ure up. C ollier H. B uffington . HA RD Y T. S T E W A R T ■W Attorney for Administratrix. •vT on G reat B rita in , because, as the J * 0“ '* to him self— V . « - C O M M I S S I O N E R I t was through dummies that F. First pubbi ation August 24, 1915. Profit No. 9 The biggest of a ll. ¿rusts allege, th at country has, by I?«»rt O v f o r t l , O x-e|goaa. Last publication September 32, 1916. — ----- A. H y d e poaeesaed Ify pcaeesned himself of more (w iriue o f its blockade agaiu»t G e r­ The buying stocks on M argin , than 100,1)00 scree of our school held up Ilf | *h » l ie, imying 10 per cent when i . nj H as it-w a e -jhrou g h I Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed­ , many, .... j „ and confi»oated . . dummies T R E S P A S S N O T IC E . nesday and Saturday of each week. teen m illio n dollars worth of oil and u ,e are low and lettin g the th at H y d e and others, duriug the meat not oensigaed to G erm any, gamble stand for a rise, and i l i a Notice ia hereby given th a t all par­ Geer sdmiiiistiw^ion gut sway w ith NOTICE but to D enm ark, yet. obviously io - uot every gambler on W a ll Street ties are warneii not to enter upon or about all our remaining school lands. tended for the former country. — . trespass iu any way upon the premis­ who plays a sure th in g game like Bids «rill be opened a t Port Orford es ol the undersigned near Mnseel A nd H yde afog fin a lly eonviated T his Governm ent lias already Morgan does now, a°d H arrim an Saturday. September 18th, by the Port creek, Oregon. of I hd theft o f lands in Cal ¡foni is, protested against interference by did, for m any m argin dealers are Orford School Board for the building of Anyone ao trespassing without oat fined fllO.VOOeml costs and sent to a concrete reservoir some 6x8 feet, and G reat B rita in w ith cargoes »hipped (old out i f their stuck« tend down­ oonsent w ill be prosecuted to the lull tlie Eederal in-wUetithiry at A tla n ta , the laying of an 896 foot pipe line lead- extent of the law . j jfrum this country Consigned tpneu- ward. Then the gambler loses hie - long • but nqt fur lit» stay. H - e fog to the school houae. The Board re­ 10 pey u>at.dep4eit,- . ■. _ " • 11 war o rili»h «hips whom it may concern, not to enter up­ so tn d uty boufld,, and In im itation A» one concretwexample of man NO TRB4SBASSING. pnd«8rgoes consigned to neutral on or breapaas upon the premises of L . ipulstioua lor profit by at, iuaider ; tho precedent get by T a f t in par Knapp, for tha purpose of bunting, or ports ou the suspicion th at such NO TICE is hereby given that any 1 w ill mention ttoir, Shortly before dbnipg the great Wild cat town sila rtsblne with ucok and tine. Raid pre­ oargoes^sre intended to he Iran and all persons found trespassing upon he died, U u rriin a u “ winked’1 South dealer.H illiuaO he pardoned H y d e mises are situated on Rlk River, Carry shipped to Confederate ports, and the premises o f the undersigned for the County, Oregon, and generally known such oon fiscs lion Was upheld by our eru Pacific ÜBLIC, duriu g the first thirteen mouths u fi itetidous profit. The g re ti investi e O Q U II L B , - - . ORRGON f t t . H a w le y ’s attentio n should be ealled to the fact th at he ie an Ore gem an d not a C alifo rn ia Congress A>aa. H ieo o netilu en cy ba* reposed ^0 him a high trust, and he should be careful th at he ia not led astray by a few prometei* of a paper ra il ,road. Louis ' A. Hardware o f all Hinds M chixtery & M o w in g M a c h in e s. E xtrn * fo i D a ir y i n g O sb o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . ’ . . •/ . , . :r, •i * ■ . ? it. ’ . - h '** :; ■ •* V J P a ln to , O il* A S tu m p f n f P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G u n s, B a « e b a ll p a r a ­ p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d e k e p t in S to c k . D o o r s an d 'W indow * in v a riety co n a tu n tly k e p t o n h a n d . *4 - P ip e F ittin g s* P lu m b in g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Cheever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is , Or. Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Harness, Fishing-tackle PowUerM W l. GILLINGS, PROP. < Lawyer, fu.ll line of 5tovcs and. Ranges, F*r Safe the war compared with the export« (lurin g the thirteen mouth« last pre •e d in g furnish eloquent teatimuuy to the point: CotMignincnts to Denm ark galion which d iscloed Harrim an*« liie ll» in A lln u m anipulation also uncovered the Boutliern Pacific coup, and «b eu he was on the stand for aa a witness afi attem pt to compel ^hirteen mouths up U S e p t fr, 1 »14, him lo diaolua« the sum of bi« prufita Lsew"^«. Ceaav Co., O kbook . L. A. ROBERTS, A T T O R N E Y A T l.A W M y r tle P o in t, O regon . Probate business a «peci • liv. W. A. WOOD ATTORNEY AT LA W MOLO BEACH. OKEMOS Fifty-four acres for tala or rent on the County road leading from Port O r­ ford to Wedderbum, 1 J tailm school, i mile frontage on the beach. For particulars address W. E BURRO W , Wadderbrtrn. Oregon. Sucmsey, A lu m in u m , i^ugs And. 3 /ta i> ting, S tiletto C-uttlery, la n te rn s , HAAAAS W . l i s t e d hi Î1 6 • 1 JEtc, a a « a . - - . . ' .