The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, September 15, 1915, Image 1

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    V o lu m e
X X I >
“ B rer beta ta Clrcaaala?” said
the Bailor.
“Ma, of eourae ««t," th® dra<
fla t answered.
“Then I'll tell yoa about the
troaaera of the Circassian girla.
O imine, ” said the temperate
sailor, “a mot-krocktalL I'll te ll
job about them trousers while
yoa’ra mixin up the drink.
“la Circassia, Cad, the girts is
a ll beautiful. The> have straight
noses, clear rye#, white teeth and
heavy hair. Tliey are slim, and
they wear bright cloths— red
ahoea, flowin’ veils, sashes, trous
ers. Their trousers is what Jlam
goto’ to tell youabont.
“Only three cofora i a t r angers is
worn— red, white and blue.
“Happorln’, in Circaasla, you
naw a girl walkin’ iu front of yon
to white trousers. If you was a
single man the tiling for you to
do then would be to get ahead of
her and, lookin’ back, size her up.
I f yon liked her looks, you might
apeak to her to a respectful way
ask her to take a sherbet, for
instant*. She wouldn’t be offend
ed. Why not? Because, wearin’
white, she’d be a single girl. W hite
trousers is only worn by the un­
married to Circassia.
“If you naw, glidin’ along to red
trousers, the moat beautiful girl
in the world, you’d have no right
to apeak to her, no m atter how
much her loveliness might attract
yon. Red troaaera is a sign the
girl is married. Bed— danger—
Bln«, treoaera, again, i* .j*>1
kt. I f j ob r Cirraueian girl has
e tranarra on. step up to her n»
f aa yon please; tell her the ia
kto’ well, and nak her If uhc
B’t.tahe^n'pj'wr with yon. She’ll
be offended If yon are reapeet
and polite. H er bine troaaera
iwa shetoa VitJow.
TOmniJCiCtad, i* tbe pi are for
Ingle man to go that ia fond of
ladlea. Be can’t roakt ng mis
•0 1 .0
•A M I.
W A R r.A X T E D F O N A L L TIM flL
A« J
If j ou ¿-.-rr-hM-f therflfW HOMB you wIM
Sieves II.» .-1. ; at -bu price you pay, aadw tS
Boi have «• • vndtma «halo of n patta.
1C : • • V-». ♦ a ». • ’• •* Ta*.r-rtbtne, write teff
nr telo è . -’ I a J ofiiç tta fcre jro-.i purchase»
b Br?
STOCK *”««
h re e t
O ltlX h ltO ,
Medieine ia
Any atock raiaer mar buy a
O R E G O N ,
W B D ^ R S D A Y . W K l ’T K M B K K t « ,
■ s B t r S M M BBS SMS.
T b , Jelikreper s t F a rt 8cott weeea-
to a lA e d * « • “ ‘ her
w M - * <ood‘
lo .^ i» « J m l O f couple asked to r per-
mission to stay is oam of the roll» MU
m orning. I t wae explained th a t they
bad Just been m arried e re r la Missouri
C J L U N T yon taluk, dear, that It aad w ere golag in to southern Kaaaaa,
where the man had work. They ra a
I jy
would be nice to apend oar Chrito-
oat o f money aad bad ao piece to Sleep.
maa la Florida !"
M r and Mrs W h ittier worn a lttln f Tbe M onitor eays tbe bride waa food
looking and cheerful end seemed to re­
la their cosy back parlor.
As eh»
gard the matte« at something of a Joke.
spoke Mrs. W h ittier tarned to her hus­
But th in k of hoaaymooa
band with so anyious look of Interro-
in Jail-
« a tl*»
"Never.” exclaimed W h ittie r "W hy,
W eatera woomn are eertainiy ta fe a
we couldn't afford I t W h a t as Idea!
I couldn't dream of euek a thing. F lo r­ i o « as well ea enterprising. The Kan-
w> CM , Journal »aye: “T h e women
I should »ay not!"
" I merely mentioned the m atter," members bare h it apon a naval ptaa ta
eald Mr» W hittier, seeing her error. raise money fo r the support o f a ru ra l
" I l la of no special «pas^'iuenea.!*
chareh ta routbern Xlssuarl. They de­
A t the aaJae time «he eyed tadly a vote Vrr ehte purpose sU theegga th e ir
packs*» of time tables SBd steamboat hens la , oe flu o d a ,.
T h ere to. of
circulars that for tbe past week the oourte, no way Id prevent the bent
had been surreptitiously collecting To from w orking se y ea days a week if th e ,
go to Florida had been the dream at want to, b u t the*« women don't Intend
months, Aad now It was rnthleaalr any longer to be participa crim tals la
ip p ro p ria tin g to th eir nsa eggs laid
(kg fttahthtoth"
N ew and A ttractiv e line of
Dress Goods a t B arg ain
to eat and. wear’
Ä C fttA ’f
record o. fin t a , --an
Fw < iu n itilic .; hi « to n , proveí
flood's dar« ip a rll s pcemaa*« w e ilt na
<uown to any other «SEDICI ? I
Strange as it may seem la this day
and age, the rising aad setting o f the
j sun wae the gveatost of a e ta ra i phe­
nomena to the ancient scholars. They
were greatly puxaled to know how the
' same sun which plunged into the ocean
, at a fabulous distance in the west could
I reappear the next mornlDg et an equal-
' ly great dlataaae 1« the e a s t And. ae
| S ir Robert B all points out. a num ber of
•rem arkable theories were advanced,
: and e v e r, one o f them wrong. "The
I old mythology asserted th a t a fte r the
sun bad dipped la the western oeeaa
a t sunset l the Iberians and oth er an­
cient nations a c t « ! , , Imagined th a t
they eould hear » « blsalag o f the
waters -when the glowing globe was
plunged therein) he was setae« by V u l­
can and plaeed in a golden goblet. This
strange cruft w ith Its astonishing car­
go navigated the ocean by a northerly
course, no as to reach the east again
In tim e (or snartse tbe follow ing morn­
ing. Among the more sober physicists
o f eld, as we are told by Aristotle, it
was believed th a t la some moaner the
sun whs conveyed b , n ig h t serosa the
■ponded Mrs. W h ittier. "W e northcra regioaa, and that darkness
»ana, have toask Emily. W t v r s a d a e 'to lo fty mountatea, which
Ik aha without the other."
screened Off the sunbeams during the
aaspduse. Finally W h ittier voyage." Another theory was thut th e
:j ” •
sun actually pursued his course .below
ee." he m id. "U we ask Aunt the solid earth during the darkness of
t a f f y , that Uncle H e a r, aad 1 nig ht, and philosophers taught th<-
w ill (sal to."
aame about tb« Stars th a t ram aad set
Look th e line over an d y o u
A lw ays Remember the Fell Nantt
w ill find w h a t you w a n t a t
1 jaxative Rromo Quinine a n a ttra c tiv e price.
77 ,
! “ p ilti -
; r . S ^s E S a B a n a i^a i
CnresaCoH in Oito Day, Grip in Two.
"W e might go to Florida," toe aald
W h ittier slapped hie hands on hie
■'■Just the th in g !" h e cried
didn't you say so before!’’—Town Top-
Thu w ell-k n ow n aaayriologtat. Dr.
Hugo W inekler, sa y s the London Ex­
press, has published an account of
the legation promulgated by King
Am raphel of Babylon, which, ad fa r
aa is known jyt present, eras the first
book o f laws aver given to the world.
King Am raphvt Itedfl J.)pO years B.
C.. and la maBtfoaed In the bible aa a
contemporary o f AbrwhAm. so th a t
hie statutes ware draw n np fu lly five
Venturis» before the laws of Moses.
They wwmbeg MA aad contain the
“I f a womaB who sails beverages
g iv e s had value fo r the money paid
her. she shall be thrown Into w ater.
" I f a w ife be »’ vpendthdift. o r If
she otherwise negleeta her duties,
her husband may put her away w ith­
out cootpenmtion; but If a aaaa put
away hla w ife fo r bo o th er reaaoB
than th a t »be h « uo rhlldrea, he
shell retu rn bur whole dowry.
“M a b etrothal be rueeiaded, the
man shall p a , the woman anmpwaa
“ A widow w ith grown-up children
m av not m s rrv again w ithout permis­
sion from a Jadre."
on Bow. 35c.
aa. aad It would never do to offend
Then, of course, the children—"
"O f eourae the «bltdrdb.” tnivrpcaed
W h ittie r; "they'll hare to come with
their parents
W ell, we’ll have to d o ,
It. that's oil.
I guam we can stand it i
for once ”
There wae another pause. M rs W h it­
tier at last looked meekly np.
- “There'» another thing, dear," she
■Md. "th at had occurred«»me."
"W h a t’e th a t!"
"W all, you know there's my Aont
Aunt Sally la so ten attire. If
aha b e a n that your aide o f the family
to coming. she'll feel It."
W h ittie r sighed. Bnt the f a s t i« of
the arfnitnent appealed to him.
''Yea.'* ba «aid at laat.
" I auppoea
that'a ao. It'a nothine afore than fair.
If my people come, that you ft should,
too. But you have a Cousin Rufus, aad
an Unclf W illiam , b a v e r t you!"
It was Mrs. W hittier's turn to sigh.
"More than that." she aald. "Don't
yon remember Aunt and Uncle Ruby-
ton «nd Ihelr ch ild ren !"
W TittleV got'Up nervous!, and paced
tbe Hour.
“Good heavens!" be exclaimed at last
"W haf are Wt going to do! It'a aw­
ful to dwell upon. We «Imply have got
to oak thru» all
Why. It w ill eoot-d
mint to c a ttrta ln all thia crowd."
He'grew more excited.
"It's a fearful ih 'ra ." he aald, "to
have relatives. We re In fordt, I guess.
Wa can't lop a n , of 'em off. W a ll!"
he cried turning to Mrs W h ittier, "have
you nothing to tuggest! Tou got u a,
Into I)— Can't you gat ua o a t!"
Mrs. W h ittier waited a moment before
3 la e k -
to to g h t Stock and Poultry Mcdi-
eiaa to a aowel and liv rr remedy
fo^ «tenk. I t puts the organs of
digMtioB ta a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farm er- keep their herds and flocks
and Poultry
necessary operations in
billing or statistical
whhngl ..................
are accomplished from the key­
board of die light running, easy
action M odel 10 (Visible)
t o K e e p Vow C e iw fo r ts S ie la S u m m e r .
The house of the watei tubes la tb»
rem arkable building freak of a German
inventor, who clatoarthst he has sol veil
the problem of acodstaot temperature
th a t n m , be regulated a t w ill, and inci­
dentally secured a structure th a t com­
bines the elcaarate of strength, com fort
and beauty.
He first put up a skeleton o f h it
house, the fram e for wall» and floors
being o f w ater tubing, connected w ith
a pum ping and boiler system in the
basement. Around this skeleton, says
tbe New Yo rk Journal, he put np his
house In the ordinary way. Tbe tubes
were w ith in the walls aawl hadweea the
floors and ceilings. In the anmmer
tim e this tubing la connected w ith tbe
regular w ater supply, and a etaady
stream flows through the pipes in tbe
walla end under the floors, ulftalatlag
under pressure, absorbing th e heat Of
tbe walls and floor» as I t flow». D u r­
ing the long end severe w inter the tub­
ing is connected w ith the boiler, and
e s te r heated to 10# degrees forced
■ through the circ u it of pipes. The wa-
, te r a t the outlet to found to have de-
j rraaard to to degrees, the rem aining M
j throughout toe house. The speed of
the etrrnlattoo e< w ater eaa he regn-
I latvd m aa to allow the flxing aad m aia-
aa, con»»«!/"?«*» «
N « i at ® «Io«
do it, it neadu help.
N othing haa ever equalled i t
Nothing caa ever oarpaao I t
New Discovery
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