Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1915)
N n in h e » V c .Itin > e » X X I V V o t i l i M l MONEY, GOODS For Partridge, Wood cock, Squirrel or Rabbit 'M - ? M «F i W ei O tli ‘ , » ' , I f>P k> I to but the lee shore, sometimes two feet high. One of the principal »alts to the wa ter la »aid to be found to no «Sher wa ter». eo far as known. w ith one »* centtoa. and that Is in o n * of the fa mous health reeort» of Europe. The lahe has no outlet. In addition to It» medicinal proper ties the water la remarkably vleansing. An engine driver. It Is »aid, could lump Into the lahe w ith his w o n t overalls on and some out looking as though he 1 « . ' ’ ilk It rhen Ottld ' ,, , 1IW3. .*«1 to ill« - „ itt.r ., , l,d o I I STEVENS ARMS A TOOL COMPANY 1 « i n j a decrease ta the «mount they had re- d calved, na compared e ltk previous 1| years. and 11» reported an Increase 11 In order to he certain that the eeU- mate» should be over rather than un- t der ‘ be * ctaal facta, the Bguree ware , doubltd. both aa to com and notan. < B v ra with thia liberal allowanee. the 1 figures Indicated about thr'-2_dollm« j *“ counterfeit coin fo r each »l«O.OOS of , »old and sllved to d T u u la th *. and a little lesa than one dollar to counter- , fe lt notea lo r eaeh »L«MKW of papor Pe t o Goderich. O n t -The biggest squish ever raised has been produced by W il Ham Warnock, of Codericb. I t weighs 403 pounds, and when picked was tor- I warded to the world s fair at 8t. Louie, lo be admired in the closing days of that big show. W hen the world’» fa ir was held to Chicago M r. Warnock sent a »quash that weighed 365 pound«, but to IBS* be beat hie Own record by raising an other squash that weighed 38* Mi pounds, and now tost year'» big »quash beats ibis by i l k pounds W hile M r. Warnock s competitors charge that he has some secret process of get,in« re sults in »quash raising he attribute» bi» success to liberal watering H e sorrowfully admits that be hea tried peculiar »ay» of giving sire to •quash, but be U now satisfied that the only flMBg that s ill Increase the else of squash must come o n tm f the vine, and the vine moat get its support from Thousands of letteuao l Inquiry were cent io haute to urcry city u< unpor- tance to the country More than i.irW of It« as, tonal banks reported that they had not seen any soua’ erfelt money during the period covered by the iaqeiry. January 1 to December 31. . *’ The, •h«, ’ ' r« ltX L .o w X .r V-Mw" fartrsdgws (Kates. ij •ary W o rld 's F a ir Record of I S M by L arger Creation. T h * suaual report of the operation of the W .r.1 « rv ic s SlvUlon for Ow • flaeal y«*r .n d ’ M June » m* d* , to Secretary of the Treasury S h *« re-! a tenOy by Chief Wtlfcle. A moo* other * thing«, refenuco 1» lusde to an «Hurt i 00 the part of the dlvirioo to, secure , «a estimate of the amount of ceuntar- , <3 felt money to circatotlouta W« United ' J* New and A ttractive line of Dress Goods a t B argain Prices FliteCa hundred bento reported f 8tQ' lundt* circulation. There were U new eouaterfelta de l l ow scribed to the official etoetileaa Issued by the dlvieton dtsriag the year, but . only a few o f these notes fell to wbat w o rd 1. termed the deceptive or dangerous nvor. Unea The makers and p ass er s 0« 1« ff.rrn of the M ««nuterfelt issuto were a r- k,? OF rented, and to nearly every ease the * f 1“ 1 WM raPtored and destroyed, it n o , toUkJ a rr e ts for the year were I XJHTt 11», and of the pria .« era 30« were bom , he »«• In the U toted States The largest 1 foreign contributor was Italy. In the . 1 d » ’ ( number of arrests New York led with LAW M ^ tO N C E R to eat and wear A V f t E A Y ree,>14 <•. vtirrv, r l ii !t.n>t: t« i m i t i c i hudory, ;> H «,»I - Se 1-", I a I - i f .« ;u ,,.n . Ut »ny » C O 'C i & now» w « * • ■ * • • * Y . When writtos men- „oas »tier in litis paper. ,wr n rt» r c u i iu i .e e '»M t cur». >■ -i.r Always the LS2È2 BX2?£ Coras a Coli io One D&y s ' ’•a.'U Ailamrt i Look the line over and yon will find w hat yon w ant a t an attractive price. hl LEARNED President Woodrow W ilson of Prince, too hay« Remedy ter M ta a tfe o Idee to V a l varsity » p ir it Declaring that the law Is no long«* ( j the k aimed proftseion M A C K IN * OP Q U A u n rv . WOT •v M .il M IIO C * ANY OTREK M A H (. V I ilR A N T E C f o r A LX • '-'It. . n .cl.«w U u-yK 'Y IK -M K r ea w n .»u»«:. »-»et u* li e ptlcv y,»’ < H a ' **«) *■'v i ’ a fw «brün -if ,»T J *ed WU • JriWt l— «WQ> K st BLACK- ! DRAUGHT STOCK *"d POULTRY MEDICINE uonblc winch are not lww»lI and l i v e r ivragetaritiee. B ls e k - Drauclit Stock sn<1 Poultry Mwli- rine is » howel sad liver remedy ¿r stock. 1« P«tr « • ? » ! «« BigwtotoKiaa p v r W « “ ‘,,t,on; J-SL2Ji!a.S5J!ffli and Poultry Meditawe is their (aod. A -V ta -***« ally k«*P niwk-DrsswM S t o i aod It ones w as.. President Woodrow Wl.sua, of Pitoee- < bin univerrUy. the oiher uight told tbs Penney ¡«sate B ar associativa at Its closing seaetuo a t Cape Mas. N. da «to» to the untvsrtlfy spirit applied to ths SOME VERY QUEER LAKES. study of tow lap the raaedp lor the situation “I ask you If you believe you now Badi se of W a ter T h a t A re a Bouree of ! belong to a learned profession f” be Wonder ta A U Who Bw said. “ I do not believe eay man -an hold Them. bexune a learned lawyer merely by 1 nadtog eases. When we see stt-decte • put into a labaeatory to •■»*« eaperi- 1 1 Bitala laid do»u in boohe I know they are no« teeming chrm iriry There la • bread aod butler pursuit of the law ’ and another poasibly lees remunerative * but le a d in g to intellectual m astery. { 3 ’H h e couairy must be saved from many things by legal arrangement and lawyers are bound In conscience and ’ patriotism to «apply the grantor part of the solution. You are Tx>t going * to Bud any precedents In law to cover U the situation to the Philippines. not «ura that we understand wbat po litical liberty th. but if we eaa give • | people institutions more soluble to 1 1 tb«m thsn oure are we have given is them liberty. If not the law." ie take gnat*« aaphaitura. in „1 break b u b OSC* horrible POLITENESS OF JAPANESE. —--------- . „ Ordinary Terms of Itoepeet.and Court- o ^ A re Rtojardwl to IU -M a n - mannered and Improper. w t on the anr Japanese taBBVdKV 1« oTer nd cut great: gowjcg w.;th complimentary oi which are car-1 humbleflitresUoiM. Bo thorough next morning imbued ie It with this tenient) filled up again p^nent every fact ia an elabo it b haa riaen rft, e drv l(i-tbat the »Iniple truth > that theeup- lg regar,kd aa duicourteoua, »Tet ibarfWtible. improper. p whs dtacov <_'orre»|«)iitliag to oor verb “tt Raleigh when give” is an entire eeriee of Japan lad in l.V.lh, on verba, the same In meaning hwt tbeOrino- ^y, vurviug in courtesy- • vrado. Here is an imaginary convents lake ia nitnat- tion, wherein everyone who wi»h which juts out ea a repetfttion for even p««a«bU ea. The wholr courtesy luuvt lefralft'Qn'Mdflyiny •- fgcovered wiRi glfjtthlng ici<vt>* fd »DM' B»odt kMt and strong: .p^uudubovt nnaner. ' i f de across it on T are, wp will «uppo»*, Mt »j etv. ( tea-ta«se, end you wish tor sugar ' near the Ch«{>l i Tlie following conversation is f beaut if «1 rose! p ^ tty snre to take place. I trsns ' nksare covered i. h»te It literally, simply saying that | , ns white a« ev « j tea house girl, usually in tin waters of th l*‘ B rit‘ blush of youth, is addressed I > a flower lihe, aB-elder sister.” nd the odor are You clap your hgnds (Sntei used by veget«- tea-house maiden.) depths. J Y o u - Hal. elder stater, august e a curious lake |y exists there sugar f olcanode Agua, Khw -Tta honorahta sugar, su i.bOfl. feet above g uatlyisitT i. I t e as not fed V „iv 8o august ly. | rivers, but was Rhe— He (indepertbahta «»pre« ilations of saow, elou of assent). was an immense She goes out to procure the cd for «vhturies. “bcaweaMe •agar '* aide# o f the take Whether this ta a more satta ,wn the waters factory mode of addreaa than the ath and destrue laconicdt»and: “W a iter,so g a rr r great barraa- i* an open question. I t ta at toast te mountain aide, evident that it ta one which tskos »iq. ' ’ i more time. . . . ' A ll necessary operations in writing, billing or Statistical w ork are accomplished from the key board of the light running, easy adion M odel 10 (Visible) HotfiTug h»s ever equaltaö Nothing gsa ever sarpass Dr. King's New Disesvsry For All Throat sn, Lung Troubles. r!.-O u l 1.U« • (•«»>-- se ll w y to » e » * wetoy I U l f u J Far-'-ge