a W . Zumwalt. John MeKsnsle, I A ll the man and boyc « W t town ehra creek for his home. We regret E. J. Lousy and Frank Cook have are «quanted lo turn oui S aturday,to hear of his departure and hope subpoenaed from this v ic in ity J cveoing to a rehearsal of the Battle lo soon see bias back again, Open season for buck deer begins next 8undsy. of Battle Rock. •a Circuit Court jurcsfc - George Dunn has sheared his Town and County Clocks C ? Silverware Cut Glase SABRO BROS 1IAN UFACTUR IN O JEW ELERS BANDOX, OBKOOM Pass V itn u F Victor-Victrelas, Etfisen Disc Talking Watch Ey« Duplicated CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE I have bayers for Farms, Timber Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. Call and see me, or send full descrip tion and list your property with me. I will soon hare published a booklet advertising Curry County property that has been listed with me. This booklet will be mailed out to all sections of the United States. Careful and prompt service given to the business of non-residents. F. B. TIC H EN O R , Port Orford, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kent, of Gold | RetJmen.g C elebration A t Lang. P. G. Egan, the Gold Beach mon ey lender, died suddenly of appo- Beach, after spending Sunday in lo i*. ( plexy at that place at 4 o’doek thia Port Orford want on to Langlois the A very enjoyable time wee had at following day whore (hay w ill visit morning. for ashort time with friends, return Langlois last Friday end Saturday A. A. Jamiesoa has leased the iu the Corn aud Vaeiaon Festival ing hare for the Agate Carnival. •lenten ptaee on the Heads for a term given by the Redmen lodge of that Senator Jas. Coke, of Honolulu, of four year«, and has commenced place. The weather for the occa brother to Judge John S. Coke ef fencing if. sion was ideal, and seldom, If aver. Marshfield, called at the T a ia c x a Mrs. Olive Csbot arrived in Port office yesterday while on his way to ; has • more orderly crowd gathered Orford Saturday from San Fran 1 for n oelebration in northern Curvy. Rogue river where be w ill spend 10 eiseo on a visit to her parent», Mr. Everybody seemed bent opon hav days hunting and fishing. Senator aod Mrs. M. T . W right. ing a good time, and a good time Coke has been visiting relatives in W . C. Bradley, the Marshfield Coos oounty for the pest few weeks. they had. Friday forenoon th e « were races candy man, spent Sunday at Port Miaa Elisa McKensie was in a on the street between children and Orford on one o f his visits to the critical condition last Friday from grown upe, and at noon there was a trade as far south as Rogue river. being stung by honey bees. She barbecue and picnic dinner served. Mrs. W , J. Cooley, ofCItelco, who was working with the beee and ac And while it is usually customary eame up last week to attend the cidentally overturned a stand, which to say complimentary things about funeral of her mother, is visiting immediately attacked her. So much the spread at picnics, yet th u was with her sister. Mre. Lee Peirce on of the poison entered her system one that merits praise ^hicM would Sixes. that for a time it was feared she distinguish it from the ordinary E m il Neumann pissed down the would not reoover, however, she pienio luachr The barbeeued meat rallied quickly aod in a day or (wo was done to a turn, and the tables coast from Bandon T the first of the week on h it way from Bandon to was atuiul her work as u*usL were loaded with good things lo eat sheep and taken the wool to town. Georgs Lewie and Carl M iller were visitors at school (ha other day. Whenever they oome they always wear a broad smile. W hy te that? The farmers of Euchre oreek have keen busy with their crops of hay. Wedding bells w ill soon ho ring ing la Euobra creak. Wonder who It ean he? Elida Marslers ot Gold Beach la employed as housekeeper for George Duns. Call and see our New Goods Quality and Price ere right. A few Bargains etill left from the old stock. C. W. ZUHWALT & SONS Mre. Wm. Lewie and daughters were visiting at the home of Mrs. Coy's last week. Ed Porterfield has resigned position at George Dunn’s. his M r. W ilhite and Frank Tbaoksr have been on the tick list ot late. 8oma of the young folks enjoyed a picfiic on the beach the other day, catching darns and mussels aud of all binds. Hot coilre with oredm enjoying the beautiful sunshine. George Colebrook who has been was served, and after the appetite of the crowd had been satisfied there in California for some time (>a»t re wag ample left to have fed another turned home a few weeks sgo. Euchre creek at which place he will W hile a wrestling match of un- Louie K napp , Free. C. W. Z umwalt » V. Pree work on the Colebrook slock farm. usual merit for s‘ town of this six? y £ . J. L oncy , Ccehier, ------------------------------------------------------ The past few days have been un has been arranged for each day of the Agate Carnival, yet the com usually warm, with little wind blow N otice of Sale o f R e a l P ro p e rty . Mrs. Georgs Jeitstn is now en ing, and eaeh day has aeen a merry mittee, knowing that th e « are many crowd of the same eise. The ladies IX THI COOMTY OOCBT OV TUB STSTB who do not care for thia kind of. .of-Langlois are oertainly to be con- jo ying a visit at the home of her erowd of bathers on the beach near o r Garuó», O ourrr o r Ovaav. gratnlated upon the quantity and mother, Mrs. M . A. Colebrook. In the Matter of the Estate of M ilan Battle Rock, giving our town the sport, w ill arrange to have some quality of the contents of ^,e baskets Yen you feels blue, B. Smith, Deceased. thing elee going on during these in Summer Resort aspect. Uotice fa hereby given that on or Dare's vor. ting to do, tervals to amuse those whom the they brought. after the 10th day of August, 1915, S. Word has been received that Mrs. In the afternoon a th irty minbte Read three items and cheer up. wrestling does not attract. B A N K O F P O R T O R F O K I» K. Smith, aa administrator of the es “ So long” tate of Milan B. Smith, Deceased, will J. H untley of Gold Beach, was op exhibition wrestling match betw^ea Some uneasiness has been felt “ Never M ind.” sell at private sale, for cash, or upon erated on in Portland last week for YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED Jim Wilson and Chas. Rentrop was credit, whicliever may seem to be most that owing to the large crowd that advantageous to the said estate, pro cancer of the stomach. As she has staged in the denting pavllllon. Weakly Report From Battle vided that If the said sale le made up not been in robust health fur some w ill attend the Agate Carnival, the Wilson is the man who boat Lataey on credit the purchaser shall give bis picnic dinner on the first day might I liiqe her eonditiou is considered Rock. note sooured by a mortgage upon the not be sufficient to go around. B u t ' « * » “ * “ B»nd<>n ?,eo U “ ’ property purchased tty him, tlie (oik)«'- quite grave. bert at Myrtle Point Saturday.night ing described real property situated the Port Orford ladies have never By F. B. T. 8chiller Hermann, wife and iu Ourry county, Oregon, to-wit; He weighs probably 180 the., and PORT ORFORD I-ots one (I) and two <2)an I the E art daughter, who bad been visiting at let such a thing happen in the past, N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E claims lo be undefeated at that one-half (E j) of the Noitheaat quarter and with the example net before <N El) of Section six («) in Township Port Orford for some three weeks OREGON weight. Rentrop, who is a 158 lb. Alasl it’s bad,” eaid the Y C U R B U 8 IN E S 8 B E T T E R thirty-seven (37) South of Range four « ith Hie inteatioa o f staying until them by the Langlois ladies last burlesque queen, man, claims the Middle weight teen (14) West of the W illam ette Mo- week, the T ribcme editor is not ildisn, containing one hundred aa I after the Agate Carnival, returned championship of Europe, and la a "T h a t so much of my worrying about missing b it piece of eixty-one (101) acres, and: alsnder wage to Portland last week where Mr. challenger to any one of that weight The West one-half ( WJ) of the North Pte. Must go for raiment I west quarter (NW |> of Section fourteen Hermann was called on busineae. in this oountry. The men wrestled 0 4 ) and the East one half ( E l) of the Chas. Rentrop, the wrestler who out the half hour, both showing cannot wear D IE D — A t the Pottiager Sana Norths«*» quarter (N K |) of Se<tion fifteen (10) In township thirty-seven torium , Monrovia, California, Aug w ill meet M. G. Lulsoy on the last Ibenisclves masters at the game, and Except upon the stage." South of Ha ige fourteen West of the Jast Opened to dm PnMk . Evarytteteg Fresh and Citan. dsv of the Agate Carnival, spent a left lbs onlooker* divided as to But suddenly a gladsome Willamette Mcrldla t, containing one ust 5th, 1915, Margaret T . McKeusie day in town the first of the week which would win in a finish match. hundred and sixty aeren -laughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. susile C O L L IE R H. B U F F lJ fO fO S and then returned to Bindon where The rest “f the afternoon and night MEALS 25 CENTS Across her face did . : Attorney for Administrator. McKensie, Seaview creamery, Port he will-train with Tony Ajax who was devoted lo dancing. First p n b llo 'io u J u'y 7, 1915. reach, Orford. The remaius are being Iwiat publication .1 u'y 29,1916. has a match at that place Saturday Saturday forenoon there was some When she happened to Larga, airy reams, iaard b yd aysn shipped to Poet Ov/ord fur interment. with Jim Wilson. Rentrop is one more footracing for the youngsters, bethink her of D r. J. R Wetherbeatwf that Star of Hie best wrestlers in the business FOq SALE. and afiecOueob thq W 1 fultoM d Port Orford and ita ‘¿and sarrtea at a i Taur patres 4 ranch, wan disappointed Jast week at 158 I he., end in the match at the by the Redmen in costume led the Dandy bathing beach. E IG H T Y ACRES of very rich bottom in rounding up hia Holstein heifers,, Carnival with Lutsey, people will crowd' td is e s rb y fisld alhere a horse F o t O r f o r d , O re g o n land on ofxes river, six miles from Fort aoroa 200 in »11, to find about 15 First Bather — with telssoope— have a ahanoe io tee what the local race wae run. This was won by H . Orford, not cleared and no improve iniMing. Investigation disclosed man fctn do with a really first class ments. W ill sell on easy terms—no T. Stewart's horse, while a second Yas its a man and he’s rowing tor they bed been drowned . in Floras man. agents. heat was necessary to decide between Battle Rock, but nnfortuaataiy, he creek during the high waters of last ;« Mae. A xka E mmktt , the Bud Turner horse and Eddy le married. 933 Valencia St. Ran Francisco, O il winter. Second Bather:— How do you Lectors te Clmrck Traight. pony for second plaer, which was know he’s married? C. II. Poarae came in from Middle won by the former. In the evening “ Look how rackleealy he rows. Klk Monday evening lo (ta rt word Mr. Harrington, of the Depart before the dancing started a wrestl on two new cottages. J. B. C url, ment uf Education at Salem, will ing match between Chas. Rentrop He don’t ears whether he drowns or Forest Ranger, w ill have one near give an illustrated lecture in the and Frank M artin was palled off. no«. Good fir stove or heater wood deliv the J. D. Loucks place, while \V. church tonight on the Buys and W hile some clever work was done, A girl on the lawn, ered In town In large or small quanti ties for 01 05 per tier. Give your or Hurst Hr. w ill get the other, located Girls Industrial Work. it was evident that Rentrop was ton A Hashing gleam The Place Where Tee Get a Square Deal Mr. Harrington has been seat much o f a man for his opponent, O f a silken stocking der to across the road south of D. Quellcn’s L TU IS SPA R LING . home. Both are contracts, and are here by Stale Superintendent J. A. and he won both falls in about >5 A maiden's scream. Port Orford, Or. To better accom m odate our growing trade ------------> ............. —— —-------------- — to tie built acoording to plans sup Churchill at the request of County minutes. The rest of the evening A girl on the beach Supt. Geo. W. Smith. He will wae given to dancing, excellent m u plied by the owners. and increasing num ber of patrons we have Mostly all gleam, Mail contractor T. B. Davidson lecture at various places through sic for which was lurnished by a been com pelled to add to our general stock Of silken stockings. bad the misfortune to break an axle out the county before returning. local orchestra. But nary a scream. of Dry Goode, Groceries and Provision», as I t is a great work the Department Music on the ground was furnish iu hi* Studebaksr car Friday even follow»; Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stum p is engaged in, and it is to hoped She showed her ankle on the street G o ld .B e a c h , O r e g o n ing while returning from Langlois the people of Curry county will ed both days by the Port Orford And men began to mutter, in g Powder, Oil» and Paint», Farm ing Im with a crowd of merry-makers, who band, which added greatly to the show their interest and encourage life of the occasion. Much surprise But next day in her bathing suit plem ent» of all kinds, includ ing M cCormick had been attending the Redrnen’s .H a thought the title good, msnt by their large attendance at wee expressed in regard to the qua) She didn’t cause a flutter. celebration nt that plaoa. He has M owing M achines and the celebrated W eb for he had bought from aid ity of this music, which was better not been able to use h it machine these meetings. ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook I f you have anything to tell a since as he had to send to Portland then the public expected consider Cosse to find eat the deed was bad egg, break It gently. our up-to-date stock of M en’» and Boy»’ C loth Fase ral ef Mrs. James Wilsea. ing the short time the band has been for a new axle. The accident hap net on record; he would file ing, Boot» and Shoe», L adies’ Dress Goods, “ Darling” he cried organised. pened near G. W . Sydnam’s place, ifa t sees. The Patent he Cigars, Pipe», Tobacco, Candy, N uts and N o The funeral of Mrs. Jas. Wdooa _ celebration as a whole will In tender tones, and the stranded party returned to hpd never seen, bat would at Port Orford lest H edoesday af- ¿own t l a pleasa nt and successful “ I never loved tions, Rolled Barley, G rcss Seed and Seed Langlois where they got another oar leieh that np tee. The buyer altfiniiHfi nv a n v re teruoon tam* was attended bv m many rel I R But thee." to bring them home. affair. Grain. «Anted the farm if the title ativee and sympathising friends Then we must part. J. I). Loucks sold hie neat little T h e services were conducted by stas geed, hut had to he O rders taken for anythimo wot on hand E u c h re C r e e k (terns. The maid replied, bungalow and several lots in Port Rev. Myers, and the grave was com skews. The deal fell through. plelely covered with floral offerings. -!T*- tb Nc amateurs for me. I Orford last week to H. D. Linn. Get an abstract sad he ready. Mrs. Wilson died Tuesday morn W ill Coy of Euchre Creek raade ! Mr. Linn, who is a late arrival from ing, Aug. 3rd, 1915. instead of Aug Why do you sign your name J. a husineto trip tu Wedderbura last John U. U. B. Brown?” asked Smith. »Not». tojtocb fw *"-5 • I : W yoming and a son id lam of J. W- 4th and was horn May 9th 1836. in G iv e un a t r i a l o r d e r ■ A McPhillsm ey, has come to Curry stead of May 19th, » • msnliuoed in werk. “ Because it is my name, ” said Brown Aa Qisve leased the Bagley ranch on last week’* TlttBUNX. B esides the Mr. George Postal it working for » M| ehiistened by a minister Elk ri-tyr, notice is hereby given te all Co. with bis wife and three child five children atenlioned last week, 1 ren with the in tent ton of making person^ having stock of arty kind run who stuttered.” she had two other living children W aller Moore. P ro p . ning on said place, to pleaae remove the thia their future home. Mr. and by a former marriage, W in. B Nelli Mr. Van Camp is now boarding 8mm he will saunter on the tend eame. > Mrs. Loucks expect to leave shortly erly of Bandon, and Mrs. Lizsie at W ill Moore’s. A. J. MARSH. By the sea. ' for a visit to the fairs at San Fran Langdon of Humboldt county, Cal. — 4 “— - ■ " Georgs Dunn is getting hie barn And he’ll look toward ilm cisco and San Diego and also to their All of her children attended the fu C .!w . R O BB IN S, M. I). < ¿ fttr aernl. with the exception of Wade to a nearer completion. land longingly; old home in Sheridan, Wyo. Wilson and Mrs Langdon, these The cheese factory will soon close But the summer girl has spending the winter in southern being too far away to reach here in g hyaician an d Surgeon California they w ill return to Port time. Mrs. Wilson had 25 grand down. «,,ne l’j r t Orford, Oregon. .. ’ And tH« swell with b c trl children and 5 great grand children. Orford. Mie* Mabel Overton is working fl,r|,K„ Mrs John Fromm, Mrs? B. W r for Frank Moore’s. ! Sigh*, "O h, me. ” to Part Orford. Dean, Mrs. Wm. Gillings and Miss Dentist The dance given by the young A t Port Orford Ihs maidens pins I Magnolia W h ite made a party who Port Orford, Oregon, ladie* of Enchre Creek wae In every Fur beaux to help them swim. Dr. L. P. Soreneen, the Han<i«n l.. H N A I’P P r n p e ta le r . hiked from Port Orford to the Pfis way a eiiceese and every one en But every B u n day, rain or shine. W agons and B uggies for Sale, kept in Stock, terer place on Brush creek last Sat- . dentist whose work in this section h, joyed ihemeelves immensely. Some v> - ' * also A gent for All K inds of Farm ing Im ! There’s every kind h ym s. urdsy, going on tn the Fromm home mi former visits pul him where of the folks from Wedderbum aud Eirst-claaa in every reape« t. the following morning for breakfast need« m t further recommendsiion plem ents; McCormick Mowers, etc. One week from tonight lire big w ill be in Port Orford August 17lh 'O®W Beech attended. Also e.ime Go id Feed S ta b le attached. and then relum ing in the afternoon " *- “ - J -------- - Gersivsl start* with fiieeork* mid »« by auto and team to town. They and remain until ibe 27th. I f you ®f the Seaborg fishermen. Wood and Iron Work p rom ptly d on e at a the Battle ot Battle K w h Every We run the Stage from Port Orford reported the time of their lives, and are is need of dental work you can Mre. A lf M iller and daughters man in Port Orford should take reason ab le price. Your patronage solicited. via D giryvllle, connecting with th< that the fun was added to by get not do better than oonsult him. and Mrs. W m. Lewis were to see pert as this will he a feature of the i M yrtle Point. Htagejo, Mr. Prises who hss been qnite ill ting off the trail along the coast and Carnival end with s good opening Fiurr FOR SALE. of late, but a t last scornisi» bo is following out little used aheep trails , it helpe make the other days a euc HARDY T. 8TE W A R T where one minute they were crawl uni. I, heller. , u th<) b j| at U . S». C O M M I 8 8 I O N E R ing under brush and Ihe next they Apples, plums and pears for sate at There is quite a good en>P ° f . B ety» Saturday evening at the market price. W ill deliver In town. Vo"rt O i - f o e i l , O r e g o s were sliding down some bluff, drese fruit this year. rig h t o’clock and leurn w hat p art Leave order at lo m o -K 's store. ed in Ibeir overall*, in true man i .. J 'M tU N n O fllre d iy* m tewn-Tuesday, Wed Paul Agnliu* will soon ieava Eu you are to play. Port Orford. Or farhioM,*» nesday and Saturday of i sch week. HOTEL SEASIDE FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Denmark Mercantile Co. Store Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. JA S . S. CAPPS. GENERAL K N A PP HOTEL 11 Blacksmithing < BEECHER JESS P ort O r f o r d .O r e g o n