, Mrs. E ^ iL o n e y has been enjoy- j Last week the traoloy tba! N ight watchmen are being am- j ing a visit from her brother, Frank moat successful run since haa ployed to guard the fence consimct- A b ». 1 0 . 8 0 , S I O’Connell, during the past week. been oti the road, putting bn 75 ed by the Wedderbarn Trading Tele|lho B ig g e r, B e tte r T h a n E re Some 15 or 20 people from Arago yarda of gravel in a little over five company along tha south side of Rogue river. One night la Coos oounty, ham been camped days. ntly tome of this fence was set on fire, at Agate Beach for the past week Town and County Fares* Exhibit Far Carnival and acid poured oa one of the enjoying a summer outing. pany’s seines, and tha watchmen MANUFACTURING JEWKLER8 M r, and Mrs. F. C. Hawkins h am W in Candlin, the Coquille paper A novel and iutereating f ^ u re are being used to prevent a repsti mowed into the Julius Koch cottage man, Was in town Monday night at tha Agate Carnival will be a BANDOV) OKKOON tion of such seta. Tha fence haa in town, while on one of his regular visits to Forest E xhib it under the supervis­ bean built by tba Wadder born oom the trade aa.far south as Rogue ri vsr. ChAs. Crew returned last ion of the local Forester J. B. C url pany to prevent fishermen from the Call and see our New Goods ìtU raaa Fi Rd Lawrence and fam ily gassed This e th lb lt is being sent by the Seaborg cannery from treapaeeing from spending aevehal months at Vktrolas, Elfi»»« Dbc Talking Brookings 'down the coast Monday returning Department from Portland, and w ill upon their lands. r Quality and Price are right. to their Pistol river home from be something different from any Maa and Clay Dement of M yrtle A few Bargains still left Watch Repairing Denmark, where Mrs. Lawrence and thing ever shown in this section be En Cited to Point, with their families, have been children bad been for sotue time fore. Its purpose is to give the from the old stock. camped here during the past week JndgeCeke. visiting with relatives. people an insight Into what the enjoying an outing. CURRY COUNTT REAL ESTATI The steamer Acme arrived yes­ Forest Service is doing and what it Marshfield, Or., July S l~-N in e Mrs. J. H Zumwalt left yesterday terday and is taking on a full load hopes to da The Department be men from Rogue river have been for a visit with relatives at M yrtle I have buyer» fo r Farm s. T im ber of ties. H er coming w ill be a re­ lievea that as the people understand cited by Judge Coke, of the circuit Claim , Sheep, Cattle, or D a iry ran sties. Point, and thia morning Mrs. D r. lief to the teamsters, as the wharf the work better they will hseome court, to appear Wednesday at Co- Call and tee me, o r send fa ll descrip­ Robbins left to jo in her io a visit at had been loaded to its full capacity interested and help it along with quil.le and abow cause wby they are the same place. tion and li»t your property w ith me. for several days and ties were being their influence and co operation, not ia contempt of court for violat­ I will soon hare published a booklet Mr», J. H untley of Oold "'Beach unloaded ia town, necessitating a hence thia exhibit. ing an injunction issued last month advertising Curry County property that double handling. has gone to Portland for otedioai restraining them from trespassing has been listed with me. T hia booklet on tha property of the Wedderbarn Sohiller Hermann, »on o f ’ H on. will be mailed out to all aeetieae o f the aid. bhe was accompanied by her United States. daughter, lira . 8. P. Prirce of thia B in g e r llx-rinaiiti, ««oinpanied by Trading company, of R..gtfe river, Careful and promt» service g ives to- place, and son Harry of Nerth Beqd. property owned oy the Mauteey .ee- & J Mi». Hermann ami daughter, have the business of non-yes identA “ , C*-4n|wiilion has raised prjee of tate. a * 4 J U e , i - p e n d i n g the | i . m . »rek a» Judge Skip worth, ,,f Kugeae, w ill F. B. TICHBNCA, »«luio n on Rogue river from »9 Roderick Macleay, of Portland, preside at the August term of C ir­ guert- at the K tia p p Hotel enjoying Pert Orford, Oregon, cent», the price paid by the Isle R. president of lheo»mpaiiy, io making Louis K napp , Pres. C. W. Z umwalt . V. Pree the many attraction» to be found cuit Court at Gold Beach, while D. Huinemnly a few years since, to application tor the citations, le«u- Judge Coke will take a well earned a t Hix l Orford. Mr. Hermann was Notice of Sale o f R e a l P ro p e rty . E. J. L onbt , Cashier, 91 and 91 95 per fish now being of vacation and make a visit to the a resident of Myrtle Point for many fered by the Wedderburn Trading tied that the men had attempted io Ia n » C ounty Cover o* m a S tatb Panama fair by auto. burn bia cannery, had burned down years, but now resides in Portland. or OacooM, C oumtt or Cuaar. company. Tha 91 i* given for fish his fenoes, pal acid on bis nets and In the Matter of the E s ta te of M ila n R. L. Wagner, the E lk river »lock weighing under 20 lbs., and 91.25 A marriage license was Issued by had threatened him personally, and B. Smith, Deceased. man, »hipped 68 head of fat hog» to for all over that mark. F ifty cents Notioe Is hereby given th a t on or the Clerk of Cooe oounty July 29th that they bad openly violated tha Sher the Kith day of August, 1015, S. to Mathias Lux aad Bessie M. Jen­ Marshfield by the Roamer Sunday. is the bigbuet-price that has ever injunction. * , Smith, as adm inistrator of th e es­ They weie gathered from the Hughes been paid before fur ealmon at the tate of M ilan B, Sm ith, Deceased, w ill sen. The intended bride is the H e said it was not local people, sail at private »ale, for oaalt, or upon daughter of M r. and Mrs. John Bros, and 8. P. Peirce farms on mouth of the river. but outaiders brought there, of a Credit, whichever inav seem to be most Sixes and from the Robt. McKenzie For the |xist two weeks the run ' rough character, and who are fishing advantageous to the said esUte, pro­ Jensen of Denmark. YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED and A -J . Marsh dairies on E lk riv e t-‘ <>f ra I inon in ike river has been good vided that If the said sale be mode u p ­ for the P. A. Seaborg cannery which Voder the supervision of Forester on Credit the porch iser s h a ll give his M r. Wagner expects to make »ever- ■ and while the river is crowded with was opened this year. M ia secured by a mortgage upon th e J. B. Curl the Forest Department al such shipment* during the fall | fishermen yet it ia Said that- many property purchased by him , tire follow- The condition was described in Is bow putting a telephone line described tag dcac ‘ ’ n a l property situated months. of them are makliig big money. the testimony as serious owing to lajOurry TV t oMiaty, uregoi n, to * l t ) from the Ranger Station on Middle one n) and two tlf'and thé’ East E lk out past Panther mountain to There is much talk of the recall the isolation of looality. If »» In the new airiy-oue t # I ) acres, and : W illiam Hunter, Alex McLeod, The West ose-half ( W |) of the N o rth- cited to appear before t Judge Coke seems to be the lowering of w«ge s B > Inn‘ * iu w j a ,tc o m Plel«d b J'.Smi,■ W illiam Ash, A. R. Conger, G. C- > fourteen • ‘ Ciiquiltooo the charge o f having i by lh e c o a n ty f0 f r((a(i , j„g Dutch, Jim Wilson of North I ) o f the Leulair, Frank Huge and W. P. M r. Dement is aim Mayor o f . Be“'1’ e 8o<*Cioik violated the order, o f . . Injunction elc a w n -, x z w u f v i l l SW « I V U IW B J U r U I I I Spence. (15) in township" thirty-seven South of Us i ge fourteen W est o f the were passenger» on the Rustler, M yrtle Point, and they propose to CurrJ 0ouulJr » "•» « •*- The match j WlUsmette M eridian , c o n tain in g c m which celled here Monday while on recall him from both offices at the lbe wa* »as *aid said b7 by tbuae whQ who wer’ were there 10 to Weekly Report From Battle hundred and sixty acre*. her way from Rugae river to Baa- have been fast and exciting', with C O L L IE R H . B U F F IN G T O N same lima. Rock., Attorney for A d m in is tra to r, don. the strength and weight of young fkakp ab ilo s'fon J u ly 7 , 1V1S. County A tty . J. 0 Johnson pass icfcfor lor the Inst publication J u ly 38, 1915. M r. . aad , Mia. „ M . , D. w r a r d ed ,j,roogb lo rn galu ,d»y on his Wilaon api>arently loo much By F. B. T. came d ow . from Bandon last k re n -lrelurn ,o G „,d Be#eb from g b u ii. clever Lutsey, the latter taking the first fall and Wilson getting the last ing in a 1919 Dodg< -the "best ev FOR SALS. ne»a visit to Marshfield. -M r. John* | (two. Lutsey has two hard matches Little /a c k Horner sai in a cornar, e, Í» ' according to M . D. who has tba son, who was traveling ia his auto A thing that made him wince; E IG H T Y ACRES of very rioh bottom «outhern Cone and Curry agency in (lie near future, one with O’Con was accompanied on his way north And put in his thumb to pull v a t a land on Sixes river, six m iles from Fort tor this car— and camped laaffugbt 9>V R. L. Macleay who wp« -tnakieg- ««ell a t the Agate Carnival and one ISFsi Orford, not cleaiml adtf A io - h a tU v e U with Lambert at M y rtle Point, and on sixes river to try their luck ang manta. Will sell on easy ten u s—-no ahurried trip to Portland. Legal B ui found th at the pie was minos. U n d -'i • ' i •> '1 bia friends only smile when told « •» ta . i * J ... question* over dispute« arising Its how be was outclassed by Wilaon, Mas. A mxa E io ib t t ,., Mike and W ill Linipaob left Mon- tween the rival fishing cuiqpauies Isn’t Frank writing jok«a tor tha apparently believing that he was 013 Valensia 8 t Raw Francisco, Cal day for the fair. The former ex ' „ „ Rogue river, are T b ib d m k Ibis week. No: be bad a keeping the pecta to return in a couple o f county attorney well occupied these working under wraps wailing for smash up last week and broke bis bigger game yet to come. months, while (be latter will, prob­ days. crasy boue. Tbejwreatling match between ably spend the winter ia San F ran ­ Jim Wilaon, the wrestler who de George Sutton and Frank Martin Young Jasper from M yrtle Point, cisco. They appointed O. Leneve Good fir stove or h ea 'er wood d e liv ­ same feated Lutsey at Bandon last Sat that was to taka place tha Cauie to our old Ocean’s short ered in town In large or s m all q n n u ti- iheir agent to ko k after their inter urday, came down to Port O rfo rd e* * “ tng was called off oa accouut tlre for |1 «5 per tier. G iv e y eur o r­ eats here while they are away. To see the rolling waves coma ia last evening to look over the situs button cutting his band with an der to Aud bear the breakers roak. Thoe. Smith left Rogue river last tion with a view to securing a match * * • Lester W b ijf of Langlois «uh Tfct Place Where Ton Cot a Symre Peal L T U I8 S PA R LIN G . He only meant to spend a day, week tor San Franei»co, where he here during the Agate C arnfval.' SlituteJ for hiiff'tnd he and Martin Port Orford. O r. But (1 state it with regret) will undergo an operation at (lie Wilson, who is but Itf years of age, wrestled thirty minutes to a draw. He saw tba bathers in the surf— German hospital. M r.Sm ith ia well To better accommodate our growing trade , is a formidable looking 160 lb. man And ha’s along in his 70’» end bb M-BtlwfwUw offers to prove Ha proweee by and increasing number of patrons we have a fa Ke , , _* right hope (bat hie strength will last bun ! glvjnj{ LuUey or O’Connell a ban F o r t O r fo r d A g a te C a n riv s l 8ABRO B R O 8 C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS b a n k Gold B e a c h , O r e g o u He thought the title feed, fer he hsd bought from old maa Brown, an bane it maa. Came te find eat tba deed was ■at oa recstd; be woeld file it at once. The Patent ba bad never sees, bat would look that ap tea. The buyer wasted the farm if the title w u good, bnt had to ha shown. The deal fell threugh. Get an abstract and be ready. Notice to Stock Owners. Ihmugh the long trip and and trying dicap or entering into a Mrs. Jas. W. Wilson, one of the o rd e a l, with a number of local wrestlera. oldest pioneer women of Curry conn A. I I . Gauntlelt and two daugh- H e is matched to meet Lambert »t W »d **d of dropsy at the home of ler», and C. W. Gauntlelt passed up M yrtle Point next Saturday night, her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Peirce, the coast yesterday on their way to 'a n d on the 14th he will meet Tony Monday morning, August 4, 1915. Mrs. Wilson, whose maiden name Coquille, where the gentlemen are A jax at Bandofi was Susan T . Armstrong, was born warned as witnesses in tha injunc Mrs. F. B. Tic-henor and four in Obio, May 19,183«, and came to tion fishing case that is being heard daughters arrived in Port Orford Curry county witb her husband, there. They made the run with j tost Saturday, andI are. now domicil- J,». W . Wilson, settling at Cair their Ford from Port Orford to ed in the Nteteen dwelling house on ranch| io 187O( , nd aflerw, rj mov. Langlois in one hour. /ackaoo street. In coming down ¡ng to „orthern Curry ____ where they J. J. Dubs, the mining expert from Bandon the car in which tl»vy ailM!e resi- virtues of the true pioneer 8an Francisco. M r. Dobs, who Is a badly damaged. The radiat.w; «»» wife and molber. K in d hearted «¡id P h y s ic ia n a n d H iirg o o u 1 ort Orford, Or ego d „ KNAPP H Q T S L Port Orford, Oregon, t- UINAPI» P i llpr ie i.,r . Firet-claas in every reepet«. Feed S ta b le a tta c h e d . w * r u n t to stage from Port O rfo rd » » D airyville, connecting w ith th« b> M yrtle P o i n t HARDY T . S T E W A R T V ‘ S- < F o rt O rfo rd , O rp g n u ysiT The workman who loros out a poor Job ia au improvement on tba man who does nothing but look on aud make remarks. . When a mau blows into a gun to find out whether it ia loaded or eul the gun should always have your ayinjwilhy. Although no crackers now resound, No rockets are exploded, We have that gun the whole year by the tractor had coet about 92 28| per yard. Jon* F bomm , 8a., Clark, Port Orford, O r. O rders taken fob anvthino not on hand round Which no one knew was loaded. I borne young men must have *ed- e ra , ,lr il|k s o f Ura Wal„ lh „ cao muster up nerve euoogb to ask a |ady u, dailCe wj lb ihein, and that b j M U b ( Uwe a ,ady rtfu ^ w ■>av. G iv e ne a t r i a l a r d e r •rtv ijii- ’ JA S . S. CAPPS. P ro p . dance. Only a fow mure days and then T h e decetaed was the mother of in Southern Curry. In all Mr. W. P. Bryant has resigned as five children, Jefferson D , Clarinda the big crowd, and it is up to you W hite has purchased something road supervisor in this district. w , n i i. , . . . , «“* Stonewall J." (tw ins), M .ry to help enter stn and m ak. lb . many like 80,l>00 lbs. of wool this seaion Friction between him and th.we who paying 29c for Is mb’s and 30^ tor are In charge o. the tractor was the » «"» « ’• * • « • ^ffenmn reaidea -trsnger, weltoma. During £ l~ th«« one old wool. Although at one lime » c a u te o fh i. rn.ign.tfom resident of Chetoh this was his first the time that he has held the po ^ , „ , 1 d ^ j Mary is the wife of W. thousand visitors in our littla city visit to that end of the county in 1« silion Mr. Bryant bag made a care-j J. Cooley nt C^etco and Wade is »ud we want them to oorpe again years, and he said that he found ful, conscientious supervisor aod pUblirliiiig a paper in California, ¡and while they are ald” the Coos and Curry exhibit, aud that said that the gravel put on the road ORce day, m to w n -T u e s d a y . W e d -, living in ban Francisco is as reason and Saturday o f each week. able aa at any other time. beep compelled to add to onr general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump­ ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im­ plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web­ ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don't overlook our up-to-date stock of Men's and Boys’ Cloth­ ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No-' tions, Rolled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed Grain. here handicap . thoroughly scientific man, has been punctured iu two places and the generous, and never w iih o ld n ig the !j.e. ^ ^ ^ ^ V anqL °S .tn v a » ttg .tin g the mineral ■ap^cree^, xpaftroc, ¿’qar put out of cummisoion,- being klk nver, notice k hereby g t e a -------------- " a " 7 ....... h elp in g hand fro m those in dialryss w ell e in | , re tu rn e d 7"' l*»ons having sfoclt of any M n / f u n - b rm o rth e rn G u rry , a n d ' f ik i * w tl, d ie B .n d u n garage fo r , ho liv e d a long an d useful life ,a n d Mto on »aid piseli, to please remove the pleased with what be has seen. , repairs while the party were brueght at it . dose has gone to her reward a Í r on here by another auto. I l i* said with her work well done and with W . T . W hite 8r. made a trip to A . J. M A R S H . a many friends left behind to remem­ Brookings last week to weigh sev­ th at the accident may result in law suit for damages. ber her by tome kindly word or act. eral lute of wool that he has bought c. W. KOBBIN8, M. De m o r ta r o r f o k i b Denmark Mercantile Co: Store FIREWOOD FOR S A IL Curry Count) Abstract- Realty Company. o f »ary for the protection o f the people. | cabkival oowsonaa - » . M . T . W b i o i t , Sec. GENERAL B lftck sm ith in g Wagons and Buggies for 8 a b , kept in 8tock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im­ plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a reasonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER JE SS P o r t O r f o r d, O r © o n ( -j