SroM T Of ' m tob c o , o m o « O f u, Z Jone 1*14 RESOURCES - L -“ “ ? ± ? Ä u u ro c u ^ ^ « ä îrïîîiftore aod ix tn rM — - K ÏS K 2««— H e r t O r f o r i A ;* l« C*r»'’ «l A a*. 1». 90, S I B i n e r , B etter Thai I T W Roamer lauded c meidereble ; ' freight at this place Uet Thursday- ! W harf B eing O verloaded. Editor Tat bo « x: Replying to year inquiry - . B ar. J. T . Abbett. D h t. Bupt. of K e g e « ’ tb . wharf, I keg to odrina that it ie the . K. Church fro « hold M quarterly conferooro io the. pr. eU M „ y complete. I t t e a | C obnrofa a t thia place yesterday. Tows and Coastj ’ 7,o ä ..‘' . ’ ■••O® a 1 ,~ 1 f o „ TOtomoOil« ----------------- a r m v a l f a v d - > i'- lion, Saturday, July »<«■*• 4 * ^ -7 ^ Another Good Time; Every- ; wharf, and w ill safely carry a fe w j Many f r o - B.ndon and U n g W . Wm. Bennett start«! yesterday u n i . , DANCEa « . » «0 . « * ““ “ “ 2 1 - * — U P - b° ‘ y W e ,“ m ' ’ M U 81C B Y T H E B AN D PMlrom approved ’w r ‘• b,n k 'i -’M:Xi - oo a bust anas »toit to Coes boy Call and eee owr New Goods uwiuw UK — 0,1.1 C*sh oo h»»d. •-«»• —• r i S S « - » . ! — W r fM f.-o 1 — — ------------- i « r o w ill be a dance in the Agate and Wedderborn Cana There Quality and Price are right. J 40 t Carnival Pavillion neat «Saturday J Total i The Fiah and Game Commission _ ” 780 ” R ep ort From B ettle W eekly A fe w B a r g a in s s t ill le f t LIA B ILITIE S which —et at Salem recently, » F j # „ -> 45 f t M ch end 580 Capital stock pall in R ock. qua feed - | < K / . L«uev made a bosloem teip pointed Carl D. Shoemaker State g » „ ” j,-?. 870 ” fro m t h e o ld sto c k . Kuntoa Ü nói» mí m SS s £ u d - - ..............« * * • ] to ManfafteM tbe latter part of last| game wardea sad I L L . K elly »aa “¿¡¿T I now that ties are now being pil By F. B T . Individual depuiita aabj -et to | week. i 1er Fiah warden. Ift. Shoemaker ed froa ten to twelve feet high. I f - * “ * .............................. * * * * M.ndn,, Us one of the publishers of the D nip continued it mmns a load of 1300 to Come” quoth a dainty little matron, DeBMKl certificat-** of «tepoaR -- - , 1500 Vona, or 2,600,000 to 3,000,001) .¡ „ i o . lh - « " > » I >1- « , K iil e j jt a o^ . •nine and Saving» 0- pomi» • • - •1 ®<* ’® ’ Port the prettiest of wire». Ibe. The wharf floor ia about 45 ¿„tee and biliaW li-conuted. . -*0 00 Deer girls, let us all combine aiqj week. feet above the earth, that to, higher C ity I write our huabende' lives ToUl . . - • . Editor 8. E. Marniere of tbe Globe. ----- - —--------- — F r,.,k B Tichenor, ona of lb® than the spire on the church or How the wicked men put in their «»•cvrtilwr.ied C->uniy A tty. Johnson f»rf,rd sail s«uth school house. Much loading baeans PTATBOeOWMlOJll gg ou lila trip to Port Orfon) last week. te * » *" 1 Ô r fw i time (tliuee base deceiving hubs) trip I western Ori-goo has, cams up from its immediate destrumioo. < M *. - tb . When they jump up from the table C. U. PtARKB. Above named baukt d*» aolemolv aweur May broke the record sa a Port Orford the latter part of last and scatter to the clubs; Above U,e month and, as w ill be sadissd week and is spendiitg'a lew days What they whisper to their type beat ol my kaowUda« * B U ^ nsy ^ report id lU)a tasn ej June looking after buaiuros affairs a»J A gate Car oi val C om m ittees writers with lipa close down to ear Subscribed *nd «worn to before ms went down in the dry column ns s advertising the Purl Orford Agate N am ed. And perhaps the wretch« kite them record breaker. Carnival. H e has also been taking thia 3rd day of Jsly. MM*. _ when nobody W near? J W iu -i.T . Waurs 8a. A t the Commercial Club .meeting Come let ut write them up deers.” L o u is K n APP, P re « , C. W. Z umwalt . Notary Public. Considerable rein fe)F yesterday leesnna from J. 0 . B arklo * in auto C oaaoi Aueet; last Wednesday eveoing, al which driving and we underatand oontem and while U ie good for Isle gardes* wilh a porientou* frown. » ul E . J . L o ;- my , C a - h ie C. W. im waxv I Diree'.oia much damage has been done tbs plates operating an aato line be plane for the approaching Agate Tbe preaideot the m-rtion put; twae Loci* KM.irr J grass hay crop in C urry, much of tween Bandon by the Sea and the Carnival were d¡»cussed, the execu promptly voted down? P roperty which was cut and ready for the future metropolis of the Pacifto tive committee annouooed ita ep R-joice, ye giddy, giddy men? But Notice ot to to coast.— M yrtle Point BntorpriM. pointment of tbe following eub- Lord! how it would eell, la rax Oocrrr Goerr or Tea Srrva I f ladies of their husband wrote and Ralph Dipple and Mita E-Ina L. cemmitteee: or Oaaoon, Cocsvv or C ussy . J. T . Davis' has leased the F. C. M arshall la the Matter el the Estate of Milan Hawkins place at Silver Butw for C allier, two of Bandon’s moet pop told what they could Ilf B. Smith, Deceased. : B. W Dean, with authority to ap- ■tar young people, were married in Notice la hereby at»« n that on or a term of throe years and baa ea A barber has no right to lather T l A N tT O IT r O K T O R F O K I R after ibe l« h day of Aa-^asi, 1915. 8. gaged in the meet buaineee. He that city by Rev. W m. Horsfall pmat hla own helpera. h ii wife. R Smith, a t ad—intettal-r oi * ie ro last Wednesday evening. The hride Paoa-tAia of Music skd C omcbbt . your banking business solicited tate ol Mila« B. Smith, Doaaaed, will covers towu with his wagon twice a is a daughter of Stephen OalHer, e Mies M ary Masters©«, Mrs- H . T. sell at private tale, tor «•■*>, ° r upon week. I t ’S a wiaa cow that knows ite cr«dit, whichever - * » <*«•» lo be uioet prominent Bandonian and fonner Stewart, C. H . Pearae, N. H . Larm n own butter. advantage m — to toe said csUto, p r» John Merab ran down to Rogue resident of northern C uiry. After and R. W- Buffum. rided that If the said »ale to made up river in his auto last 3 tlurday after The breath of suspicion ia gener on credit tbe pu-ebraer shall give his river in b n anto last 3 « U d ia g the hi and groom groBT* axo G a » * : bis sister, Mrs. Keefer who had been , t , , „ * „ a and rB,|, note ally scented witb cloves. ( r secured a w by a » mortgage ® « upon » the were kidnapped and rushed into H . T . Stewart, E. J. Lousy, N. H . in attendance at the Teachers’ In PORT ORFORD separate »ulo», one of .which was Larsoe, and the Meedames Stewart, Good clothes hare to be paid for N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E stilute and Essmination a t Gold headed for Douglas county and the O t -E G o N but hud habits grow oo a man. Lousy and Larson. Y C U R B U S IN E S S B E T T E R oue-bslf (E l) ol tiie Northeast q’lf-tUr Beach. other for Corry. After extended A oatx D w flav : (NEl) ol Section six (») in Township I t ien’t what a man owes bot what » Owing to the fact that many ware jo y rides with their victim» the ab N . F. Woodooek, F. A. Stewart and thirty-eeven 137) South-rf 1»•"£> he pays that keeps him poor. teen (It) Werx. of tbe Willemetto Ale busy w ilh their work, tks p:cnio at ductora returned to Bandon about Mrs. A. 8. Johnston. rldian, containing one Hundred end Agate Beach J o lt 3rd , was not very daylight the following morning. “ S E T i ’i S S S t S g L » - » ^ She never, never told her love, N ekdlx W o * k : largely attended, howevw tin t In ■ hearing before Justice M. T . Thin maiden sweet who’s gone to Meedamea Looey, Quigley, I —won, were there had a vary enjoyable W right last Friday Jack Chiuoek Woodcock, aod Miae Floeeueu Me glory, lim e with iota of good things to eat- was bound over io the sum of 8200 Beeauee she knew, as some do not. eauls) township «hirty-eeven Keuaie. , T h a t love is bot an old, old story. J a s.T . L s i - , a H . Smith and to appear before the grand Jury on G boumds : ‘1 <- a charge of aeaault upnu the person MEALS Î5 CE TS M r. Spenaley returned Monday from H . Adolphwn, F. Davis, 0 . . Jurgen Mr». Orford: “M y hothead stays „ en d in g noon tan days a t the R-«k n fW H . E l wood. County attorney •eo, J. M . Limpeeh, F. JtOTOOT L. owt nights and I believe be plays ereek mines. They report many johnaoe appeared for the proeecu P in t puMleattou Jute f t Ptcxic D ra w « ’ rumm y.” proeprouwe la th a t section end m y lion and attorney Topping, of Beu- Lest pabllcatlou Jufy A ll the Ladiea of Port Orford and Mrs. Water-Dog: “So does my that considerabie goM to being ta k don, for tbe defense. The row, in vicinity. which several took a hand before it old man mum.” FOR SAUL en out. As ha* been previously stated in M r e .0 : “ Rummy Is a game of was over, was the result of bad O r fo r d , In the rsom at M yrtle P e in t W t tbe T a t box « tbe exeeutiro commit chance, isn’t it?" XI[QHTT ACMES of v « y rich b otto- F rid ay -Bsteheefo* beam, ¿Vstolbl». blood that has existed between the Jpwwlur eo—e time- I t ®" 'dMF~df te . ia A. J. M a » * A. S; Mrs W . D : “ Lor’ Wem you no I on Stadi river, Mx mOrnffrom « o a th s h a lf mile Jaeh nmf a fA w r Orford, not risanai and oo ' ' those personal rows that should uev M . T . W right, D , Quelieo und W - mum; it’s a game as you ain’t got parses in the novelty r r t* . low ering, . W hite, and a t a former meeting uo chance a ta l].” WIE aaU er gel into court, and ,'Wben once T ----------- ------------ tt,s state reoord for a .m ile eu u h a lf lhere ehould be «ettled witb as Italie an adverti.iag oummittee ot ' F B. Mm . Ansa E s x rrr. 1 m ile trank, geing the distance to She: “Oh Jam«*, bow grand tbo expansé ta the taxpayev as possible. Tiehenor, P. H . Pools _______ and H T . S33 Valeneta BC Raa Frantane», Cal • TV - ; sea is. How wonderful! I do eo 1.4! J. , d iF * Stewart was appelated, i < like to hear tbs roar of the ocee The mail schedula between Ben O’C on n ell Beata Lu aey. I t is the aim of the; :tàeeutive H e: “ 8o do I, Elisabeth, please don and Purl Orford h«» again bean committee thia year to keep intact keep quiet.” changed, and Contractor Davidson —W te Although advertised hot a day the large Agate Carnival Pavillion, Good flr atovs or heater wool deliv now makes tbs round trip with bis an«, a heli, a large crowd of tearing it up She: “ Loren, if y $ i insist upon Tke Place Wkere T— Get > Sqnnre Deni ered In town In Urge or assail qnantt- aato. This w ill cause tbo mail to i nt the Agate Carat®. pa v U l m # Meri0o>u>de and selling it a t a big saertBca to de making love to me every time we (les for gi t« per tier. Give your ol reach Port Orford and Rogue river ÖBVurdäV ^veiling lt> w ilH ttt • wres Cray expense*, so they take this go walking I rou»t get another es 24 hours earlier than it has been tling contest between E ldio O’Con T o b e tte r a c c o m m o d a te on r g r o w in g tra d e L 1 C I8 8P A B U M G . means to ark any that desire tosub^ eort.” Poet Orford, Or. The Bret edition of Cooe-Carvy nell, of Portland, and M.G.Lwtsey Loren; “Only marry me and an d in c r e a sin g n u m b e r of p a tr o n s w o h a v e scribe any amount they Uriah to the Rostrum made its appears nee at C a tty County’s wrestling cheeae- l ’ll never speak another word ol b e e n c o m p e lle d to ad d to o u r g e n e r a l sto c k Carnival fund. T-.ngl.iia last Thursday. I t is a maker. . Carrj Ceunlj M i t r u t - love as long as I live.” Send inb«eripti«-ns to o f D r y G o o d s, G r o c e r ies a n d P r o v is io n s , as Tbe match gave every evidence f^ur page six column paper, all live A. S JOHKS’ O'«, fo llo w s. H a r d w a r e , D a ir y Snppli«?». S tu m p of being on the »qusre, and was well matter, and «iedicated to the cause R n t t i C n p a iy . ■ ' T im s. Exceutivs Com. Only a little mermaid, of the Socialist psrty. Kdw. W . worth seeing for those who care for in g P ow d er, O il» a n d P a in ts , F a r m in g I m iVho perched on scold,damp rock Uie game, am) had it been known O o l d B e a e h . O r e g o o Egan ie its editor aod manager. And wept as if her system p le m e n t« o f a ll k in d s , in c lu d in g M cC o rm ick iCooi B at N ews ) further ehead ot time that O Con Hsd incurred a dreadful shock. M o w in g M a c h in e s a n d th e c e le b r a te d W e b The Indies Aid will meet Friday Robert S tariey selebraled the Ha theugk the ritto p afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm- nell would be here, many more “ Alas! Ah, woei” she blubbered, C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS Vr'i°V'"iZij. B ‘¡ a ^ ° g a £ £ hotel - seaside Denmark Mercantile Co. Store FRENNB FOR SALE. torto had toegto frem eU Gillings- A » the » « “ »tow wbo “ 1 am the victim of a cheat; have earned their dollar from the I cannot run a Ford In 31 minute* on e head-iock that X |n t to fmd set ito deed was ten cents they started with tome For I haven’t any feet.” M to r e e m d ito weeU B s time ago are requeewd to bring the < c~ B ta r o m . Tto Fatata to II« seised her hand ecstatically; dollar and be prepared ta tell how •a it wse growing late aod the danc and Curry cou | p Mj r maid whom I adore, had mvsr maa, tot weald it was earned. ers wanted lh . floor, tbe refferae Nearly 200 Oregon pioneer, died of my aool. my life, my hope, lushttotwptee. T t o t o y - ’ M r. sod M r*. J. O. M ille r, after called off ail beta on the match *nd j„ 1914 and up to the present date, iorerermo„,t» I tto fans d Ito title having spent the past nine months gave the decision to O 'C .-n elt. Al , th i . year, according t o . report c o - I hum-d tot tod te to in California, returned to Port O r though Letaey was on top at the' pjUd by George H . H im «*,arorelary. |o #)| w i|h , (>rrow; _____ Tto deal fcBthrseyh. ford last week. They c a -e up the time it was evident that he w a. tir of tbe Oregon Historical j „ j, ,, o lt my husband, sir," she said Gat aa abstract aad to ready. ooaet in their Ford. sn-J while they --------- j .„ » Id I.M8 ia the end. how lfotueen 40QC and 5000 pioneers are ... . know tomorrow.’ encountered some rough roude. they still living. In the death list co»-, ever, R it bu* foir to b i— to my experienced no trouble in getting that be went into tha nt«toh with ering th ep tat 1»1 months, settlers E P IT A P H through. They W4}lspend th e.u m - out tasining, white bU opp»"«nt o f'IB M . the year of largest im m l-l persona having stock ef any kind ro £ , mer beie and w ill probably winter name l» re ih ih» p»»k uf conrittion, r a tio n in rorty A man hero lie. who wa. tan wise Sng on, to ptaeas remove the in Portland. ? and m’any ol Lutaey’* frienda be largest proportion, ».«h pioneers ol j (O r thought ha wa») to advertise. Poetmaater Amnaton has equip lieve that with proper training be 1853 n exH h-nam tatfdr (taming: ' He’s very dee-1, as you may see, ' A. J. MARSH, prd hla olllce with new stationary, could master O’Connell. I t is thought that by tha first of But his boeiaem is mure dead 1 which includes combination lock Tha match was clean, and ve»y September the portion of the Eu than he. c . W. ROBBINS, M. D. buses. The new b«,see went into fast and aciaatifle at limes and moch geneCoos bay line between the effect Monday and our worthy P. M interest will be taken should the Hundreds are coming to our Agate • .P h ysician and Surge«,n Siualaw and Umpqua w ill be ready was kept on the ju m p a . broidro at men —eel again. O'Connell, who Carnival, Port Orford August I9 tb , for tracklaylnfi- H . P. Hcey, m«b- Í P ork O rfo rd , O r e g o n . tending to bi* duties inside the of U une of tbe cleverest wrestlers in tent engineer, arrived here T bu r* 20th *nd Slat. flee he wee constantly being b-an th» world, claim* never to have met day evening, accompanied by other | --------—— herded with “ how did y o i *ay my defeat St hie weight, 145 lbs. officials of the Southern Psciftc, and y j W-atlfcro Report Far The combi nalt- h i worked 7” they stated that every eff«wt la be It lS .. Port Orford» Oregon, T . L. Oerey, Bupt. of the Wedder- ing made to rash tbs Une to oom- ______ Notica. U K M A -W Propvt®“ ’'' bum Trading company, acco.pan- pletion. I l is consider^ doubtful. ^d by Mrs. Caney, pamed down tbe Bids will be received wp to Ju ly ir m . . . « b - » » ___,, j . « Thursday returning from gist for conceseioae at Agate C a rn i-1 run through Iron« Coos Bay to Eo- e atw ehatf. a visit to Portia—I. In going out ra l to be held at Port Orfoed Aug. gene by next foil, though there ta M<wlWy . Oa*d M r. and Mre. C aKy ••«»* -P 19tb, 20th and »1st, W per cent o f i . a chao« of being able to d o an by; i>r«c,pitation --------------------- - jfro m , Po,L 2 ^ S riwer to the railroad elation a t W m t price to be paid at time o f award ferrying a cra« Uta Umpq na- Tbe Tetal for the month - via Dairyvllle. connecting with ihr Fork and te p o rte very w ill be Yem rsxoA« . _ _ conce—ioo and brid'ge ¡crom tbs Umpq L . T W , r ~ . n ~ l ’ >• « • - V * » ! Number of rainy days 3 » to M yr Je Point. opening of the Carnival- Concea- • ,#gl bridge (» be built. “ “ Hear day* 17 t ................................ » c o o .iw » * ... " * * " • p,,rt . «¡oca w ill be awarded on A u ’ U t "nd. ‘ •• Part Cfondy 1® ■ HARDY T. STEW ART lend M r. Carey ws. -upporod to he |U w rrwrve» ,he right W. A . W OOD . . .. Ü . » . C O M M J W t I O N K t t suffering with f 7 1 * hM beet, the dryeat June etnro the , n„ or ,11 bids. , A TTO K SBY A T LAW much to hla relief be found h Agate Carnival Committee. ’ P o r t O x ta o ra l I. O. Lowcnx. C. a ___ _______ „ . irouble — , trouble to be ba 01 of a «es« Bee ror.uu. serwua aaturo M . T . W x i« » » , Sea. 1 BOLD BEARS OBESO« ICMAPP HOTEL °^* *?1J j that Will yWd readily ta treatment. V- I 1 b er W a g o n s, e tc ., e tc . A n d d o n 't o v e r lo o k on r u p -to -d a te sto c k o f M e n ’s an d B o y s ’ C lo th in g , B oots a n d S h o e s , L a d ie s’ D r e ss <-”ods, C ig a r s, P ip e s , T o b a c c o , C a n d y , N u t s and N o t io n s , R o lle d B a r le y , G r s s s S eed a n d S eed fi G r a in . O rders tax a » for anythin « not on hand G iv e os a t r i a l o r d e r . JAS. S. CAPPS. r ,- T > . GENERAL B la c k sm ith in g W a g o n s a n d B a g g ie s for S a le , k e p t in S t o c k , a la o A g e n t fo r AH K in d s o f F a r m in g I m p le m e n t s ; M c C o r m ic ^ M o w e r h , e ,c . W ood a n d Ir o n W o rk p r o m p t ly d o n e a t a r e a s o n a b le p r ic e . Y o u r p a tr o n a g e s o lic ite d ! BEECHER JE S S P ori O r fo r d , O r e g o n