f VKDKEUUT JU LY 1, IS A C o ld Ì -n iic h C r e o l i F 'r w ltn I ^ u t » o f j V II B i n d » O n n d le a » n ti P o p c o r n C l g - n r x » m l rl* o I» » o o O « p o r tim i G o o d » W a ll F n i» e r S t a i l o u c i ’y B U B 90R IF T1O JI K A T ) > 0 a e C o « /O w e Y w r .................. y „ C«»'» M -roth'.. .„ .. • • Otta Co;, v Threa îl-mtba. ......... Aevarv’a o t R at «» ! P a r t O rfo rd A g a te C a m tr n l A n * . 1 0 .3 0 , 21 VALVE IN HEAD B l u e r , B e tte r T h a n B v c r Ao H. L. F. Silo; 8ave your feed and in­ crease your milk flow, by supplying an abundance of good feed when you most need — ku In addition to the great power of the Buick Motor, it ie unusually economical, giving1 more milee per gallon of gas­ oline than leas powerful motors of different types. The 1915 Buick is a beauty—graceful and aristocratic nn th« Boulevards—bat aG iantof Power when called upon. WILL BARB, Gold Beach, Or. Local representative 9 aautee the Buick Valve-in-Hejul Motor to devel- op and deliver more power than any other type of W e automobile motor ol same siae—American or foreign make. — A lso C ontractor A B uilder Estimates given; Plans and Specifications furnished on application. CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE I have b o y « » for Farm», Tim ber Claims. Sheep. Cattle, or D airy ranches. Call and aaa ma, or »end full descrip­ tion and Kat your property w ith ma. I w ill aoon have published a booklet advertising Curry County property that has been listed w ith me. Thia booklet w ill be mailed out to oil section» o f the «tarastad,aa lb* lr welfare, to a herreir on, a . U I M queatmn nau ou Mnwror taaaaxtaai.is dap« nr lent * r relation to how much am gma a wharf at thi» place. Thapo ptayara w s M afford to pay- « • itiao takao by Mr. Paaraa ia, that therefore oniarad the boaloaea mao- United States. Careful and prompt service (riven to the business o f non-residents. F . B. T IC H E N O R . Port Orford. Oregon. Twenty-two Years Ago. . Orf(frd WaUar , w harf b u ilt In to tba ocean ia » 0 » agera of Star» ta d Roebuck aod j 0 »way with the surge of I he w av«, other g n a t employe» aummonedj from o” Xprll> tlm of publisher: j ------------- 1 pot The only grove of redwood lim ■ » Hardware of all ad that whao too heavily loaded lnaaa Ito Ilia and alaaiici j aod foils to spring back to place tgalo, Thia goes 00 ontil tba grad- tally waokaaiag atroel-ra give, way —J ft.Ha lata the a m i . Those io tn banw. aay the prvaeot rto rf b A Mo. I,’ and should laet » |- - - y - a . — -------- -— — before lha »aim ittoe with their lat her in Oregon is in thia county, on g. 1 rat balanua shaata. By thia Cbetco river. ba a acartalM d h l a U*"1 j t f S titt, of the Capa Blanco „ t p r ,X ta < « M fo fo<adwfik h a d . houta.cedta in after a load of b » n upward » 7 ^ ^ 0 0 0 . J ™ ’ ; fraigbt ,eat«rday. »■ I t was urged In beWtlf ofthls B rn l, • , that, measured by the millions in- Shad Hodson came down rom seated in tbairbusloasa,‘ hair proflta; Sines Friday, and report» miner« _ had not brea aataao»«i:nary, where- bury and plenty of waiar. j upon chairman O T Iira asked whnt j The wild pigeon» are wilh ua I I C U R R E N T T O P IO 8 . lbe tiw «fcrreaid million« had been j again, but they are as hard to hill ■ ■ — doing io rem anch stupendous pro ■ and aa tough to chew as they ware By J H . U ftow . flu and if piofi’.a wouM notdrop t o la s t year. IClMToa Tsisuna:— aero point ertppoaing that the firm p jck Ricbarda went up to Dairy- | Uadar tha till» , “ Constitution of coolrt get uo f it '» t o work? , prill« a few days ago, and we under- J the Uailed Stale»,” the new Stand- Upon dbcovaring that O’Hara J aland haa been employed at Hawk- MANUFACTURING JEWELERS BANDON, OREGON D o o n a n d W i n d o w s In v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F i t t i n g s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . ard Bncyciopedia devotes several klWit wb»^ lie wanted and knew ina Bru’a. conperahtp. pagaa biiafly outlining the history 1 how , 0 gel e0ll8teriiatl,»n reigned ' j j Wilson, the jeweler, well of that dosament and iu the course 1 ¡„ jjjg Burlne*» quarters wheie i t . buown along the cneat, and orle- of said outline this paragraph ee-nn* aut |,ron, jrlly deter mined that he- hrated in tong aa the mao who drove somewhat of a puisle to the author. nrJft 1.0 diwi edited and destroy««!, i a east over the trail from Chetoo, »•The provision prohibiting State to im pair the obligation of eootraoto, strangely enough has no counterpart ia the power. denied tba Federal Government. Mow had the «aid author extend- U k .™ » * . . ir i» . s? i 7““ bx f T '.'ir 1 ™ a.,d to d.U end a flashy, beautiful before the wagon woman was imported f>om D e t r o it ; n aa h^ilt, is no» a resident ofi t0 sltirl tbe ball rolling. A scandal ’ n 0He, Mo. j „ To,ving lbn intended «Ietim of ( B ¡n(o ||># •j’hree the plot was whispered about, where ! Aaiurdav and landed Alex upOn O’ Hara being Lieut. Governor Frank I« n h .,l„ Ilh . 8 u u w , u , . i i“ " p,,rt Orford lu ta S .t« U . " i” ’ * " J r s s 1 <•» • “ I * * Wilson of Pennsylvania a corrupt management where the cnnspiralnre 1Ior * S J i S KERATO l ’ w »»rari lo be a cbict in the 'Thue ended the investigation p en ' * at ( while the others w ill remain fo ra LawlaUtura of Georgia to maka th e ’ LhWlt. Governor O’ Hara be bean v*ry poor during the winter, - S X -Y .» o ^ G r a n l’’ of forty «»me a grretcr force than before in but baa malarially improved of late., » illio n sons of land to him relf an«i <*>• **«® In vestigation. thirteen Other conspiraton X y fasr re n t, par « r e . Aftarth. for a: T r e sp a ss N o tic e . » • * f™ * J had lodged her. Thi» quiukly Mr. and Mr«. A. II. G auntlell g brought m atte» to a focu«, the «aid («nd eon and John Vail, came up e woman sending up an ladignant af ; from Gold Beach Baturday, on a I fidavit, endorsed by the hotel ioroes viait to relative» and ft innda. M r .. denouncing the wicked eonapiracy. j Gauntlet! returned home Monday,; 8 speculator in public lands and thia asm« Wilsoo wa«, law r on, appoint ed to a seal oa lira U. 8. Supreme Beach. . . ,M . ~ w a s after- I, the nn'lerslgned, hereby give no­ tice th s i I bare a conveyance from the Patautee to tidelaods and water lota in ihe HKfbor of P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon, on a portion of which a p a rt o f the w h a rf ia erected w ith o u t m y content. AU parties are hereby warned not to drive pile« o r trespaaa in any manner what­ soever on eaid tidelands o r w ater lota. Maa. A mma 0 . D a m . Portland, Oregon. The,w neTer baa been a time ainca L Notloe is hereby given to a ll peraoaa «born It m ay concern, not to enter np- oa or treepnae upon the premises o f L . Knapp, for tba purpose of bunting, nr Qsbiut w ith noolt and line. Said pre­ mise* are situated on Elk R iver, C arry C o aa .y , Oregon, ano generally known aa tba "B ond” place. a n y person o r p rn o i a eo treepaaa- iag for tha purpose of bu n tin g , fishing, a r traveliag thioogh In a n y shape form or m anner, or tearing down fences, or leavin go ut side g .te e open, or molest­ ing personal property, w ill be prosecu­ ted to th e fu ll extent of the law. Rta Business had made them»»- the settlement of Curry county when t.k“ Y o " , looking the fact that « » " » « « - « -e r a . a complaint of Cheever® Bowman Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Harness, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder Wn>. R. Johnson, L ush e of the above named premises Mjournm ant of , ^ X r U lo v ^ m r e p UU U g W a t U » the awiudl. wMdiwmv , ‘ h .t J r e r t y j o ^ a arad by tba. people who, in illZ k r e 'Z t .l iheir. ¡ X ' L ^ U h ^ i s " in^reTty ulllginK (>yllook , hewl for tha consideration of the very coming aommer, but there ia hopaa .¿ 1 -H H n in . /x p im i. Jf that tha time k n o t far diatant when r ' - " k, / bx ' ’ :i' b' , r Z ; x z nf «then who had fled tha Stales F. Waleh who, as lha Chairman of The steamer Emily arrived from L i t L L r e i ^ w. fX w S • Con.miaeiou In d n .tr i.l U nrert the city Saturday evening.and land- ( been m iking historye and wh«n f»>r A t thaawooeeding aemiba of tbs bu eoarage and skill in running Legislature tha law making lha ¡down and axpeaing the hypodrisy grant waa indignantly reptated,; aag perfidy of /o b n D. RneaafoHer eiderMbly more then usael. Our citixena were all greatly pleased to once more hear the familiar voire of thair old friend Capt Roberta on NOTICE FOR FUBLtCATIOM. DXrABTwaXT or thb Iwraama, U .8 . Land OBce, at ^eebi^gthrejgm WK. 6ILUNGS, PROP Kotina is hereby given th a t O B A N T L . O R A SO N ol Port O rford, Oregon, who, on Decern Berta! Ko. W l l , for the « X o< > W X . and K M of SWX » Kartion II, I Township K South. Range 1« V „ Willamatta Meridiaa, has filed toad above described, before Hardy T. Stewart, U. 8. Commissioner, at hie office at Port Orford, Oregon, on the ttnd day of Jely, ISM. Claimant name» ae witneaeea : E v im ta p H . B otlb . Manager J. R Hutche«no, P ott Orford, Oregon. R . S14. V « carry re ac’ta. Frecm-m Davrs. of ” ” A. C. Pederern. * « F. C. Hntohaa^n, of ” J .M . Urewa, 4k fu-H linx of Stoves and. Ranges, '¿Xuemseu, «siAiuminum, i^ugs and. D efat­ ting, Stiletto Suttleru, la n te rn s , E tc .