Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
>hi ¡ g a r t BIÜÜ’S PLACE (O rb e d î n b u m order to reiwVr the b ill • * islious a* posaibl«*, it.was «luhlied the ‘"H ight to tt'.u k Bill,** «hiob t * *« *y tru th ( and e*»enre it had hwn fai*n<te«l by WED NEMO AV JU N E DO. U»t5. Published Every Wednesday, by ’ ' *Ì u bdì fi htr O o l d JL.un e h \ F w » h F V u it« ]N n t » o f JL11 K i n d » C a n d ie M a n d 1 ’ o p e o i u O iip u r * » » d T o b u v o o H p o r tliiE G o o d s W a ll P a p e r H ta iio n e r y it* V|»»r»-—»r* and hack^ra Io be. I Shall have fu n h e r to say « h i this sub W à M t : , jacl later. gUKSCRUTION H A T » Not a great while t—ofc, in eriti j eiam of tlw aasertMM» •» several Oaa Copy On* ...................... Oae O opj 81« Mouths................. Oaa Copy Three M « t h e ............. quarter« th a t '«nly B u d U n ’l a w l the UaUxd »tatea. i»r a ll rim «real p o n -j era w.ashl 4are to eug«gn with««! c « n » t r i , I R a ts * R kasow .a ta. th a t, w hile Ih r claim had ia W«Vj a»«erte«l| baato of tru th a* to England it was u tterly unfounded a* to the U n ited States; ' that every F o r t O rfo rd À g a te C a rn i vai * • F * A n * . 1 » , 9 0 ,9 1 « • » • . f B ig g e r, B e tte r T h e e E v e r , The following items are taken from the Port Orford Tribune of April, 18, 18B8, Walter Sutton, publisher: Donnie M cC arth y, who lias been seriously afflicted w ith rheum atism , 1a improving. ” <J. Zussw .Itie at work with hie Wsm repairing the road between ' gov. E lk river. Mneeer. of Bandon . B fu tw rr h P rop. VALVE IN HEAD Twenty-two Year» Ago. (bare aod w » f, be any moment and foroHl away w me trenches under a |U'*V cnnnpreheo eivr( wuql ¿ w i d e * ready made to hanjl. which providee thè penalty of death lor‘anyperson who eball difoliey or evade the draft when put,in nk»tton.',*U!:bad- arfcrenoa. to the infamous1 D ick' m ilitary tow sneaked tbroWgh Uongreee aererai years agrt.'siR kw hieh' waa subse quently strengthened by asaeftd ment. C U R R E N T T O P IC S . •ran you dwa l< joef the tome to so Wtoty and'to'piMterity. A half m ill l a x Will do It; Talk It over and ithen use your influence to help it _ m ile tween the age* of 18 and !•» in Ihla I l i a onntenlplateil In held a »per ial school elect ton In Port Orford 'In the near' ftlluka to determine whether the diatHM shall install a beattng system in'jlW tebn«»l house, ‘That inch t't»y«em i is needed can hot B iS tn iM .'’ T V *f«*ra that are In tile building l»aw -ftnuku during *tba winter etnrin«; the children att- 'tlag'Close to them are' unemnfort 'Ably WertH, white th.iee in the Iwok •part Of the room are •uncomfortably (cold; tt»a Vertrilnlion ia poor and the •atmosphere depressing You owe ytfur eMWreit something better than nbto, 'and*If you haven’t any child --------- _ a*4* b>»,fod w ill ■■ •*»» ; And right arati do I remember what thè Pharisaical, hypoeritioal President Roosevelt said when he signed it, whioh, according to news despatch at tlie time wee: UI do mi tel fervently ,«rey to God that 1 J rbelt never be called upuu i title taw in force ” MOTOR CAR . / An H . L. F. S ilo; Sure yop,r feed *nd in- •oanaae your m ilk flow, .p y »«üpplytng au Abundxooe o f good feed when you moat need » fe it. • ir» ’ - - « Local representative W In addition to the great power of the B u ick M otor, it ia u n u su ally econom ical, g iv in g m ore m iles per g a llon o f gaa- o lin e than leas pow erful m otors o f different types. The 1915 Buick is a boauty— graceful and aristocratic on th e B oulevards— but a G iant of Power when called u p on . What is true of one Buick is true of all sizes from $900 to $1650— Fours and Sixes C. MALEHORN, AGENT, LANGLOIS, OR. to put that I had uot been “ drawing W ILL BA R R , Gold Beach, Or. - . - A iaq C omtractqk 4 B uilder ' E stim ates given ; Plans and Specifications furnished on application. CUMY COUNTY REAL ESTATE 1 have buyers for Farms, Timber Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. Call and aae ma, or send full descrip tion and Hat your property with me. I will soon have published a booklet advertising Curry County property that has been Hated with me. This booklet will be mailed out to all sections of the United States. I recur to the subject «if «»or >»ru tal, barbarmi- mirtcripti.ia law again sente, and now, wonder of wonder»!, because many of my g'"*1 Coo* and it is bringing 30 cents. M anytime« Curry friends ha ve *ugge»led that 1 and oft bava I pointed out that, ,HU«t have bean luijstake» when 1 w Itile protect ion kept up the price made the poeitiee statement th at <>f many things, it never hgd and the great American Oongtes* had never could, kelp the wool gfbwer, mw* N*hdl Ike people with « diaboli because for one thing, the price to enl U w unitor which the great annually made at public wool «alas American Freeman may at auy at London, and fur another th at ilo time, avow a t the m idnight hour, ba ■bestie wool buyers oom bi nod to t x compelled to take atop along with the price here, else bow eould it the recruiting Squad annuite to the come about that domes tic buyers camp! • to lxm do o e ta prowtr **1 e gu anntee th e B u ick V alve-in -H ead M otor to d ev el op and deliver m ore pow er than au y other ty p e o f. Autom obile ih otorot sam e sire— A m erican or Foreign m ake. Careful and prompt service given to the businees of non-reaidenta. F. B T IC H EN O R , Port Orford. Oregon, Hardware of all Kinds the Tlie Osegoaian of June 1?» baa long bow* in Ute subject, tot the S tbto: .< F . Etofly BMlptfa eptek ag follows; “ Maddened 'by hunger a man • 'If you are an abletwdtod malt sought yrataaday Mf k ill Wife and citisea of the United States, bet wee« child and eelf. There ara others in the egea wf eighteen and forty-ftve liba traila, |pp iadependaitt and , rou ara a member o f the Beaervv V m ) proud tb apply fur organised Militia?* and a* rtmh may be sum Oharity. They Seek I ba liti to jobs moaaj u ,arms by the Preetdenl M c h l n e r y & M o w i n g M a c h im c « . E x t r a s fox D a i r y in g ; O sb o r n e ^ M i l w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in ts , O ils & S t a m p in g P o w d e r M A N U FA C TU R IN O JEW KLKR8 BANDON, OREGON P i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a t t e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . D o o r s a n d " W in d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F it t in g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . 1, the an'lenlgned, hereby give no tice that I have a conveyance irora the Patentee to tldel.nda and water lots in the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the wharf ia erected without my consent. Alt parties are hereby warned not to drive piles or trespass in any manner what soever on said tidelauds or water tote. Mas. Asa a C. D a n . Portland, Oregon. with name of K. M. M. B«gardus beartlessness. as publisher. M r. Bogardua waa A s to “Organi»e«l C employed by M t. H««ne in Callfor Porlland V ia , and from tha neat appearance rw, uued i r o - >n w t , bnd excellent makeup of the paper business basis tea Judge ha to a prsolioal printer with offleera ai of ODiiaiderable experience. drawing down bands ‘ The publio sale of the partnership personal property of the Crawford estate lasted over Friday and Sat- 'orday, and attracted considerable Of a crowd from the surrounding country. BWa ran tow, but lakeu. be'a' whole the property brought a Jb,r price th .t n x -t the Ite m , mid were reMte, a n * odd* end bnd. of little or no value. The meet Im porraurpfteF p ra jw ftr O ffers wa. the wharf, and, .te n , u le ra d ly lo « m d ^ r . ^ i r £ h a o o i . r portion being b ail y damagwl Worms storms bid of several iiu te r t. and,'be T h e highest offered ft»r lb * w harf waa only tltfO, which toes not considered a reasonable bid wberafort .il to that m eD ,,f ,p irlt prefer toai rat tier submit themsel milialiag “domiciliar patronixing sirs of co frt>m headquarters lav an)| fitted up. Notice is hereby given to a ll peraooe whom it may concern, not to enter up- oo or treapaca upon the premises of L. Knapp, for the porpnee of bunting, or Hshlag with book and line. Said pre mises are situated on R U River, Carry County. Oregon, and geneially known as tha "Bbndn place. Tmuglolib Ora: A p r person or perw ra so troapaM- ing lo t t h i purpose of bunting, Ashing, or traveling through in any shape form or manuer, or tearing down fences, or leaving out aide g«tee open, or motoet- ing personal property, will be prosecu ted to the full extout of the law. Wn>. R. Johnson, |jB fcfm< , , ir t.rpgu|ati,m, ehoroh ’ i u -u « . .« J n 1 L a n g lo i s , O r Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store • Harness, Fishing-tackle Stumping Powder ______ bnd II wee not » Id . ’ I t to reported that Charley Nickel Upon each jeporl I enclave inny or of the Jacksonville Tim e., ie ab«»bt t6 marry Mice Jennie Penny, and boiM meddlMome exchange sag teeto that they w ill engage la the era^H obiOAge W tiaeto. FWm *» * nX **nMl the net aurpfo. aubjr lloi» aftor eatoriee, rai <d**rgea have been s< TITTIHB SHDTTLE8 pereoaal'e^nslnUnoe with at least 8NM o f the parties wa feel rale in a n y » * « « P « « « * * fag that there win b . no oouuter- •poftto— * i d B g Bue feitiag.' ** * ' The Chelco Herald, In kind meittlon, ctodite u * tag the pioneer journalist bounty, t o ' which wo do Cheever® Bowman a very with be of the not toy B ut for the etrenu of “ Orgenieed Cbnrit the Oregonian and o vloeable printe, to thi comprehending an I ik etoim, but which honor id faot, be tonga to J- H . Upton, who ie noton- |y the pioneer joornallet of Curry, hut one of the pioneer journaltote of |be btete. The flret newspaper to IM published in Curry counry waa which in its wofkiu have made'the dire d e<L in the above clip,, paper imposeible, the have harried at the L »1 cotton. But that IflRE <NQJT fiB lu ta ,In. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. WM. GILLINGS, PROP DxrAarwBXT o r ra a Iareaioa, U . 8 . Land OXtee, at Roseburg Oregon. June Ate, t a lk Notice ia hereby given th at G R A N T L . ORASON ef Port Orford, Oregon, who, on Decem ber A, I t l l , made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 07711, for the 8 ^ of N W Jf, and NM ol SWJ< of Section 19, Township St South, Range IS W .. W illamette M eridian, has flled notice of Intention to make final three year prool to eetabliah claim to the laad above described, before Hardy T . Stewart, U . 8. Commissioner, a t bis offlee a t Port Orford, Oregon, on the ttn d day o f J tty . I t l l . full line of S to re s a n i lounges, Guernsey, s a lu m i num, i<ugs an. clÌ^CatF ting, Stiletto (Luttlery, ¿a n te rn s, E tc . J. M. UrroM,