The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, June 23, 1915, Image 3

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    •A i»
P o r t O r fo r d A g a te t a r u i v a T l
Port Orford, O r.
Carry Biuntj Mstrift-
Realty Company.
G o ld B e a e h , O r o g o Q
He thoaghl the title goad,
iar ha had haeght from aid
■as Brews, as basest bus .
C a m to fiad oat the deed was
set ea record; he would file
it at eace. The Patent ho
had sever tees, hat would
lash that ap toe. The hoyer
wanted the farm if the title
war geed, hat had to ho
ahowa. The deal fall through.
Cot aa abstract and be ready.
Notice to Stock Owner*.
Aa I have leased the Bagley ranch on
E lk river, notice is hereby given to ali
persona having stock of any kind run­
ning on said place, to pleaae remove the
P hy s ic ia n a n d H u rg eon
Port Orford, Oregou.
A n » 1», 3 0 , S I
R igger, Bfetter Than K v e r j
purposes. T h ia is 1 milt less than
A very enjoyable picnic and nut
A ChaOeoge ta Wrestle.
tire tax Voted io thia (iialrict last door pleaching services Were held
P o r t O rford, O regon,
at Agate lieach la ri Sunday. Au
T h e following letter, which is self
Lw 1 Í N A P P
P ru p rB e to r .
T he Rustler called at Port Orford tninobiles carried the people to the explanatory was received by the
M onday and after landing some picnic grounds and nearly all the “ »porting editor” several days ago.
Pirat-claa« in every respect.
freight sailed in the afternoon for town and m any visitors from the I t is probable that one or both of
Q e » d F e e d S ta b le atta c h e d .
Rogue river. The Roamer, which country were there. T h e band also the matches mentioned w ill be p o ll­
I haa been in the d ry duck a t Marsh was there and their appropriate tn u - ed off at Port 0<fo ri| durin g the
Wo run the Huge from Port Orford ! field, haa been launched again, and
pleasure to the nocasion.
Agate C arn ival:
via DairyvlUe, connecting with tin the two boats w ill now start ou A t eleven o’clock Rev. Myers de-
Bandon, O
r., .a June
Usage to M yrtle Point.
th eir schedule o f m aking weekly A vwed *'»
lh ‘ l s
o u r- 17, 1915.
trios between Cons H l V a ii.lR o iru e was atten tively listened to. This Sporting E d ito r, T ri MNE.
tripa between toua B y aud Rogue
P lirt O rfltr)li Q
rive r, slopping at thia place.
waa toitoweu tiy m e 01 ner, anu
here words fa il the w riter, but-there ®e" r “ l r -
is, ,
U . « . C O M M IH W O N E U
W e are pleased to report th a t wero «loada” and “ to ad ." o f good
Learning that sTr. Sutton of your
* tjr_
P o r t O r i o n i , Os^eggo'sa.
Robt. McKenxie Sr. who ha. been , W n p to
luuoh in iact> ¿ . ¿ « » J
c o m . « « as a * " * » ” >{
Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed-
a i each week.
> N O T IC E is hereby given that any
and all persons found trespassing upon
the premises of tha undersigned for the
purpose of bunting or fishing or other-
wise will be proaaented to the full ex­
ten t o f the law.
C. W . Z U M W A LT.
I, Sixes River, Curry County, Or.
Vi 'V a m J1 »»g 'C*
‘ r ~ ‘—"—
J. J. S T A N L E Y
I awjv ,
C O Q U I1 L E , - a • OREGON
D E N N IS G U N N I F F , J IL ,
Vep- 0. 8. Miner«! Survey*'/
Burveyor for the IX etriet o. Or­
egon .
C u r r y ’s M in e ra l
W e a lth -
'oesday »odi
E x a m in e
TwoJEusd automobile« driven by
M r. and M rs. Robt. F o rty moved
W hitw orth sed C lin t Male-
G . M . Butler, Professor o f Geolo
to D ry creek M onday where they
w ill «pend the M m o e r , M r. F orty horn, collided on t b t m ountain last gy a t the Oregon A g ricu ltural ooliege
having been appointed s deputy ¡S ae d a y. N o one was hurt and the and Prof. G . J. G regory, who holds
Town and County
firew arden and stationed a t that W h itw o rth oar, though considerably a like.position with the U niversity
damaged, was able to proceed on to of Oregon, w ill spend some three
In s titu te and
exam ination a t!
W edderburn. M r. M aleborn was monthe thia summ er making a
T . J. F ro m m was a Port Orford
G old Beach next week.
coming down the m ountain bat had thorough exam ination o f the miner
' visitor tha first of the week from
,^ < i» s t M onday— blue M onday— h i* hoiuo on Brush creek. H a in - draw n to one side of the road and al resource* of Curry oouniy.
The result of this vis it w ill be of
w«a the hingeal day of the year.
' formed us (bet the sheep men of hia stopper! bia ear when M r. W h it
worth's car skidded on a sidling momentous importance tn the de­
A * shown by their ad. in thia
•»Id th eir wool last week
place and the two jitn e y a locked velopment of the m ining industry
issue, the band w ill give a dance in tb ro u Kh W . T . W h ite for 30c per Ih.
hom e. The W hitw orth car was a in this county. A favorable report
their h all un Ju ly 3rd.
I The Tractor came down from
new one. aa he had trouble w ith from these gentlemen w ill hasten
E v e ry dairym an in northern Cur- Langlois Sunday and with Fred hie old machine last week and took capital thia way for the development
ry should attend the meetlug at J ,,u 'e* ‘n »1 lb * wheel, alarled the it to Bandon and traded it in on o f legitim ate proepecta. And thia
D enm ark next Saturday.
following day hauling g ra v e lo n th e one Just from the shop.
exam ination and report w ill uot ba
... _ . , „
I road. I t liidda at E lk river and is
confined to gold alone, but w ill i n ­
JUtea Ada Bailey, after visitinx >
. . .
• dum ping about a mile north of town,
clude all valuable m ineral* th a t
relatives at It-igue river for several
Makes Q uick T rip .
may be found.
weeks, returned to Langlois last
T he Couim etcial C lu b meeting
How these gentlemen happen to
*»t l Wednesday evening was devot
E . J. Loney who returned the
to he coming to C u rry for thia pur-
*d largely In Agate C arnival busi
Jaa. Lana, C H . Sm ith and H .
Oral of the week from attending the
pose w ill he shown by the following
„ „
, ,
■ «J.
th e club ta working hard to
B. Suensley left town last week for
• ,
Masonic convention at Portland
yxoerpt from a letter w titten tu the
. . . .
mace each succeeding carnival a
the mines on (tuck creek where thev , . ,
, made a quick trip! home. Ha left
T h ib in k by Prof. Butler:
•’ i It'll« better than the onu before, an I
Portland at 6 o’clock Friday even
w ill spend a shott tune .d o in g an
“■You w ill doubtless lie interested
T ? “ « ■" while lit« manazeutuut ta now tit
ing'áod arrived iu Port Orford at Ip je a rn that 1 and P ro f G. J. Greg­
sessmeut on some e aims in which .. .
e . l
the banda o f •> the executive com
10 o’clock Sunday morning. He ory, o f the University of Oregon,
tin y are interested.
! . .
, .
, ,
mit lee, yet the club as a is
came via. R weburg and the old have been employed by the Oregon
Assessor fo lm a n was in town assisting in every wav possible. One
Coos Bay wagon road, traveling by Bureau of Mines am i Geology to
several days Muée our last issue on im p ortan t change k m made at tlie
make a reconnoissanet* of the mineral
auto stage from (he railroad with
his annual assessing tour. He has ' meeting in the election of A . 8.
resources of Curry count y< M any
the exception ol coming over the reports of utiapprecialid mineral
completed hia field work south of Johnston aa Secretary in place o f f '
m ountain into
Brewster valley, wealth down there have readied us,
Port Orford and expecta to finish in Mr«.
Z u m w a lt, resigned. I t
which is still so rough that it is done and we w ill spend the summer in
northern Curry in about two weeks, j w ai also decided to revise the meiu-
with horses and wagon. M r. Loney endeavoring to ascertain bow much
A special levy of 1J m ills was hrr8h'P *»f lb « 0,ub * * * • 10 * T k « 1 reP °r l*d 8 * er> pleewnt time apd suc­ tru th there is in these rum or*. I f
our findings are favorable, they
voted at the school meeting last
‘ ‘H’“ er « *w kin «
cessful convention which ad jou rn ­ should hasten (be development of
M onday
pay interest on school C,ub
to meet ¡11
ed Io meet next year at A l b a n J Í *
your section of the State.
bonds and also for general soln ail weeks.
Good tir «tare or h -a-cr woo! d t U v - ^ j
•fa d I« town In large or «in til qaantl- i
Uea for 61 «8 per tier. Ulve your or. 1
der to
lduissparm nu .
Auto Colisión.
W ANTED- At this office, a copy of
the T kbumk o f May 12th teat
ill for the post week or so, i«
„ 1Bie ,,f t be delicacies, despite
the , „ „ ¡ 4 life« N othing belter
than’ a
Call and see our New Goods
Quality and Price are right.
from the old stock.
Louis K nahp , Pres.
Weekly Report From Battle
Here is the mountain, there
f i j o
S tV » ft
t w
t . M. Barca.
- h
• f the General Loud Office.
-17 De».
‘. S i l «
. n
' that p.»*ilion, was
voted an exprès
s i.« o f thanks and a handsome
fountain pen a» appreciativ* of her
long and faith ful servies* tendered
Each e symbol of destiny.
W hat though the mountain top
Y C U R B U 8 IN E S 8 B E T T E R
cleave« the sky,
W h a t though the cloud* kies its
pinnacles high?
W h « t though the ocean cerasss e
the shore,
M u rm u rin g secret* the billows roll
Cold is the kiss that the white ve
jest Opened ta the Pnhlic. Everything Fresh and Clean.
per* weave,
Barren the sCuret the see shell* re-
The heart of the wave in it« wild
Longingly lift* toward the m o u n t-
Ceed CaiaNe. Large, airy r eams. Heard by day er meoth.
aiu ’s crest,
The deep prit-oped heart of the
Ceed eervice e l a reeaeeat h fe yrice. Tarn patrowageaelicited.
m ountain cave
... V *
Sighs to tlie embrgcg the cool ocean
M P o r t O r f o r d , O r e g o n
Y et, were stern nature to wed these
tw ain,
Each would strive ’ fo r it« freedom
Denmark Mercantile Co,
-v Ú M l-r-'
T h e P lace W h e r e T on Get a S q u are D eal
To better accommodate out glowing trade
and increasing number of patrons we have
been compelled to add to our general stock
of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as
follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump­
ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im­
plements of all kinds, including McCormick
Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web­
ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don't overlook
our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boy6’ Cloth­
ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods,
Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No­
tions, Boiled Barley, Grrss Seed and Seed
tha school
frien h d i *.
A t P o r t O rfo rd , J u l y 3,
1o d i . special election iu the near father, the deceased is survived by
r e
.o v O . on , h . in .ta ll.U o u h i. mother and a younger brother C J I V ' C U
fa ta r* to vol*
of a haaJing plant
O rders taken for anythin » wot on hand
G iv e ns a t r i a l o r d e r
P ro p .
¡ B la c k s m ith in g
Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock,
also Agent for All Kinds of Furmiog Im ­
plements; McCormick Mowers, etc.
pe..l to C alifo rn ia for b urial.
The deceased waa about 19 years 1
o f age, and wa* a b righ t, gentleman
ly young m an, who, d u rin g hia
abort reaidenoe in thia section, made
the dietri«L A fte r diecuaaing var­
ious school subjects, it was
waa decide.!
decida.1 m
m any
»»y «a
- r rm
and sister, who are reaid ut* of C a l­
J} | W ) y J
O K F O ltl»
it the
IS cha. ; tbPL.-e S. tB «tog
■ W” V X
; «•«"«« 8- « d”*-.
tota* E * 14 JW olia. : thsnov N. 44 deg.
£ «1» k a oha., to th« Hac® °< ***
» “ in
* , U t i u n of A. S. ixw-ltttte.
- at 6-1*36- The
, Hoc. 7, D’à N l
(40 acres), the
1?O »T
By F. B. T .
tnau in reasoning pow«r.
ed th at Mr. M cKensie bat hired a fidlowed by a dunoe in the h all a t
H e— W hy?
man Io run tha place while he was night. Thia little comm unity knows
T h e ice cre«ra social given last
occupied in hauling the tie«.
how to have a good tim e and ex Saturday evening by the fourth di Sh*— Because.
K. C. M ather and fa m ily departed
neighbors vision of the Ladies Aid was the Oh the sighing of the dicing,
M onday for W edderburn iu their
’* ’"*,* H" <l j ” '" ,n ‘ be fun-
moat largely attended of any o f 1 The btleiug of-the yapp
_ there '
these socials yet given, the large The crying Oh, the w hiuaing,
car and
will s|wnd
a ___
with relatives'and old tim e friends. D a ir y P ic n ic C h a n g ’ d T o W i l - WPst rtaim of the school house being O f that man in Zuber’s Gap.
lo w C r o c k .
fu ll to ovei flowing, and everyo ne
M r. M a'h er ia a very busy m an, be­
A,Langlois man stood on the deck
reported an enjoyable lim e. D u r-
ing otie of the proprietors o f the
The picnic of the northern Cur- ¡ng the early part of the evening uf the L>mie as she swung out from
(..'•■»a Bay Grocery alore, and has
game* were played, end one of these '!>•<*«•< 8‘
Francisco, end,
earned a vacation.— Cooa Bay H ar­ ry dairym en mentioned ill last
« ¡« 1
week’s T r ib u n k w ill be held at W il
“ ,‘ n <* child
low Creek al Denm ark next Satur-
M is* Eunice Jumiea-m’s name ,|gy jnateaJ of the S ta r ranch as an ble fun. was a clothes-pin contest-1in Fri,,t:o r ’ e n0‘ ‘ »PP*». <*>•««• b’r '
The change
vaieactng sod promises soon to re 1 b(?gt e|y„r, f o f
h iiu a ry c ro w d ,1 match With hint j » your o ily, any
gaiu bis former health. H isd au g h ' , „ d l(j
blou(,h t hom(l
When tim e agreeable to M a , and take this
ter, Miss Kna, ma I run of the Eroer l v i 4 l i
whife after lunch the tieo mean« to challenge. Should my
. 1 .
11 .1 a I Challenge be acts-(MetI I am open to
gency hospital at Bandon, who pie
wended homeward Well satisfied #
came down last week to nurss her «»th a day Client w ith pleasure and , j „ |w challenge H r , Lutaey, of
,r o
1 father, returned^ y«aterday to her
¡teapin* of San
¡ Ä
work a t Bandon.
. ■/.
'to throw L u i-
sey three times | ^«0 minutes.
Last week iet u e n tin n in g the tie E u c h re C re e k W ill C e le b ra te .
1 tru ly
1 remain yd
cutting industry on the McKenzie
S b j i . nw D u t c h ,
fat 111 on E lk river, we were in error
The 4ih of Ju ly w ill be oliaerved
Ge¿ D el., Bandon, Or.
in sittin g th a t DaV« M< Kensie had in a modest way at Euchre creek
She— I t it a rank injustice to say
leased h>s d airy .ra n c ii tu engage In There w ill be a picnic dinner and
this bu-tne-s, a« we have since le a rn -' gomearaiiseiuvnis S aturday, the 3 rd ,
that a woman ia inferior to *
Aa EgjayaM* T im .
ahould have appeared in the TtUBUNK nounced.
C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres
£ . J. L onsy , Cashier,
made Partners were seheted and the gen­ ward now for this i» your last and
last week among Ihoae whotucoea* ! because the latter place is more ceil- tlem an handed the lady a pin from only chance.
fu lly paasdd the 8th grade examine- ! t rally located, Two O. A. C. Pro a bug, while she pinned it on a line.
IJito 0-1622, -1330 and -1011.
One doesn't need to listen very
R e s to r a tio n T o E n tr y o f L a m ia in lion at Port Orford. I t seems that ( feasors us well as d airy inspector T lie contest rraulted in a tie between ' hard ju s t now to hear the coaxing
N a tio n a l F o ic a t.
some kind of a misunderstanding jtIBiib ,,f Cooa w ill be there and the i » m ar W rig h t and Ethel Richard,
whinnying of (lie dark horses who
Notice is hereby given that tlx’ land« was occasioned In regard to M is* meeting Is one that w ill be full of an,| H . T . Stew art and N ellie H ill.
hope for a cabinet stall.
described below, embracing 2.U Macrea
w ithin the Siakiyou National J ore»‘ - Eunice’s ¡»apers due to the fact th a t helpful liinte and instruction to the w bich, w hen played off, was won by
Oiegon, Will be subject to* settlement she did not have to pa a* in acetln in farmer, large or sm all, none of whom , | ie latter couple. In a match con T h e ie are people who do not know
ADu enlrv under the provision» <>*
|e>t „ l r , m of yolifig ladies, E thel ' an o p ie u lu n iiy u n til it haa gune;
'viKNBeslead laws of the United HUiL r study, and after some delay it w a s 'can aff ,r,J to lose it.
and the act of June 11, I « » (*•*« ■
found lliat she waa entitled to grad
—------- -
Richard and Mrs. Herbert Unican ' and lb ’‘re * re *oi» e favored mortals
»133) at the Um teil State« land ottl.y «U
’ who are spared the | of recog
Drowned in Rogne River.
easily defeated a team of young
Roseburg. Oregon, on June 12, <“»*• unie.
nixing it even then,
Anv settler who was actuaHy and iu
Ri rn — We.lnea.lay June lfitli,
good faith claimin'? any of said lamia
Clyde In m .n, son of C. C . Inm an
'R,r r agricultural
* <vriAuItnraI uumoses
A short hot excellent program H>— I th in k only of you? And do
purposes prior to Ja
jh a. 1915, to Mr. gnd Mrs. M . L. Barrett
Sopt. o! the H y d n u S ix e s mine im was rendered. Mi«s Loree O ’Con- !_
you til ink only of me?
1, lSUtf.and haa not abandoned su'ti«. ................ .
drowned in Rogue
haa p pretoswice rig id to umko h.auo- at th eir E lk-river hort.e, * * 7 lb. boy. 9 il, „ . riv w .
W h y , Delmar. I ’m arranging
» te a la n ir t'fo r the lan.ia actually •»" Papa Barrett was sotnetliing of an r j vet<
M ule creek, last Thursday,
*e X l
totid lands weit llaiod u Oil
y trousseau?
athlete tn-b»» yoon^er days, yet he j n ttMiipwny with two eom piniona,
•the applica'iouswf tl « persons
tioood Imlow-lfito hove a
refuse* lb div(tlge whether he has j^ wgr8 W all and Eggers, young In th a t another was oalled for. Song* I t matters not what “ causid it’ ’
r i l h t subject to tlie p tor right of at.y
h i* heart set u»sm a basketball man was in the Rogue river country ; were sung by the Misses H a m le y Nor a h a l it “ signifies,”
.such settler, provide.!
such e»“ 1 - « *
and Masleraou and A. J. Marsh in
T h e way to Insun up husiueaa ia
prospecting, and on the day of the
I ^ l S H r i o r t o J o n e l 2 l lBlS,m»wh('jd. it ia etofy Jo djeoern from
- bi»
L ---------
nniile tragedy had gone in the river hatb- a manner that Kon much nppluuae.
To freely advertise.
Rcfieelniicnts of ice cream, cake
d lls tlie laud* will he
th at wltile’ omi boy made him hap
ï l î f t t î ï .
« . ¡ „
b o ,. . . . . . h . . . . . - M
F ifth Annual Agale C arnival.
and coffee were served, and the par
getting into the swift current of the
19th,20tb and 21*t. Where?
S Ü ’ï
‘" " è " -
I " 11“
stream was carried into deep water
tim c Mrs. Barrett and the little and drowned.-----------
Stranger are getting along nicely.
T h e father, who wa« in C alifornia
M ., 102.28 acres, application of Leaml-
“ B. Spurgeon. Port Orford, t W a ;
T h e school meeting in P.wt O r was notified o f the drow ning, and he
I ¡at A-lo22
A tract of tO.B.r a. re*,
within what
pwbubly I * * h “" ford Monday was rather belter at telegraphed to spare no expense in
at | tended than «««*• *n d in the elec patro llin g the river, w ith the result
Corner Nb. 1. Identical with F.wea» er
f B j „ , | | MII1 wa» cli.wen d i- th at the iiody was found Saturday
V T « M o n n m e n t ^ e t in x »J
„ FrOmm
St. clerk. about a m ile and a h a lf below the ,
»^h.-nce Sugar Lnai Mountaiu bear« S. I y ra. KHa Knapp ihe retiring clerk, ( scene of the accident.
- d o g - V " dc
who tor the p - . l eleven year, held was taken to the ra .lro . l and ship ♦
G o ld B e a c li.
» * -
A few Bargains still left
^ U X A 0 ty B
r& SS
J J A C A .O O
Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a
reasonable price. Your patronage solicited.
B J -rC 3*11(1
A iA A V A
E v e r y b o d y W e lc o m e
P o ________________________________________
r t O r f o r d , O r e g __________J
on .