Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1915)
FIREWOOD FOR S A IL Tow» and County Bigger and better Ibaa evvr, Aug- T«® »•» iF^ d * uto* i arr'»,d •» Langlois Ladles Welcome Now | WhatT— ’ Port Orford last week. As men. 8am {¡.usaci I returned to bi* Ckxxl fir stove or b«*'er wool deliv Arrival. The Port Orford Aga la Carnival, of | tioned in oar last iaeue, one w ill be ered in town 1» Urge or smell qusuU- ' , l Langlois onerihy last vrtk oourtel placed oa the atage run between thia tles for 91 «8 per Her. Give JOMr or_ Owr relation« with Germany are place in d C orbieby L. Koepp end ** her to Is itll« • j '1 A Among the Sixea river (ärmere L W H P A R L IK G . p o i . , r• ' n • <, to l U ‘" “ ‘" " S a r e n on our « re e l, transacting buai the othur car w m purchased by the ,look da5ry farma nOrlharn C a n 7 ' haa baan _______ Port Or,’ ,rd- O r. J I m m Monday, were: Hon. 8. P. Marsh Brea, of E lk river, for recre I J. J. William«, of Freewater, M r. and Mrs. W m Hurst 8r., a n d , M ro e , Eugane Peirce, R. L. Mo alion and pleasure, to aay noth ¡eg ky „ ride, ì í , J OM«o,, »on George, went u> Gold Reach 1 Bheraoa and P. P. Cook. J , , „ a ,. Marsh 8r. ia worrying for fear t h a t ! bJ L 1 | w „ Benowi with tbs “pesky Ford” on the ranch Bw* ,or **0,000. The E ,.C „ r t . „ . . . ¡. b .ild iW M i . u d . . „ d . I . . i latter still own the lend, but have o i« day | *»5t W C p k . r p f t i r n t n n Ir » f i t t i l i B liF B t r a >iam >i A waaxl fffik toMMMham He IF.. UlillJT, f l n l (I 11 n « » E A . ' * er r On? 1,V l“M we*^> « tu rn in g to " ta t sign transcribed thereon. moved to Freewater, Oregon, where Call and see our New Goods ’ Y e IJ 0 II r' , * r from a visit tuCoquille. *• gradually enlarging bis etock, and •aya «ila all Ute boys doinga" and ¡they have other property interests, I that the team is good enough for Quality and Price are right. ' H arry Prarse has been laid up ' ia Using up a place that will be one teasing tha Marahal ranch as above | He thought the tide geed him even if they do run away occa for the | k »«V week with a bad abscess ot the beat of its kind along this stated. A few Bargains still left h r he h a d * * sionally aud smash things, however in his hand, which Dr. U jbbins part of the coast. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam s are pie A. J ’s. friends expect to see him from the old stock. iauved Monday. Mr. H C. Darling arrived in town riding into town io “ his car" before •nt,agreeable people, and laatThura Came to find out tha deed was day, June 3rd, Mrs. E . B. T h rift in • I e e ts n ie c e rd ; be wenld fib Mr. and Mrs. Chaa Doyle, of Bunday from Klam ath Palls, and long, and enjoying life as only Cur vited a number of Langlois ladies i t a t evee. The Patent be Wcddcrburn, pss-td through town ha» joined his family on ths W. R. ry county farmers can. Hurst place ou E lk river. M rs .1 to her home to meet M ra W illiam s Isat week by auto on a burineas ««, W A temporary injunction has been and welcome her to their midst. Darling preceded her husband here trip to Roseburg. issued the iVedderburn Trading com Those who attended and enjoyed | oy about six weeks, while the boys, the tfik After lying in port since Satur pany restraining tha new Ashing the hospitality of Mrs. T h rift and 1 Corliss and sanies, James, nave have been . . ------- oci ' in - ------------to be U.7, x 7 N° r ’<rater lh »a wxtion for the past year. Mr. company on Rogue river fro using tiie pleasure of meeting T b e M U tb rM g L ..u c j, A a late. mte llama name were: - •„ . ** j l> •*■$» the Roamer Darling has leased the Hurst place a portion of their - cannery Get an abstract sad be ready. survey bss shown (list shout half of j The Ueadameafi. J. j sailed for Coos Bay yesterday.- K Fr- f.a*.rraftg- for three years. ; -Hr. a f XU the cannery bUtll t y B. A. Seaborg W. 8. Guerin, J. C. VanalstWw, K J Ben McLellan, who has been em Hetica te Stock Ownara. A card Crow W . H . Meredith and associates!* oqJai}<A bsloagiag JJ. Chsever, F. M. LangtoW, M yrtle Ufi' ployed at Marshfield for the peat; ,i«tes that he .o ff M . fam ily were As I have leased the Bagley ranch on to the old Hume estate, now owned Cope, C. A. W ooley,J. "E. James, ' ,U ” g *,i* re‘“ lrw ’ f“rCed ‘V o w •» L.M Angeles R lk riv e r., notice ¡a hereby given te all by tbs Wed.ferb.tra Trading oom Geo. Thompson, 8 A. Johnston, M. w|»iH Miss Lucile Underwent an op person* having stock of any kind run on E lk river since our last Issue. pany. Mr. Heaborg bought, or leased ,! G. Lu Isay, Ralph Bunn, dim White, T* ------- ----- *------- ------7 ning on said' place, to please remove the Miss Agues» Hughes, of Cape « » lio n for appendicitis. The young the laud on which he built hit can Norma Anderson, Geo. Guerin, W. J " » ® 1» KWAPP, Pre», C. W. Z umwalt , V. Free Blanco, who taught ia the public *•<*/ doing nicely when M r. nery from A. 8. M iller, oa lines which, L. Pemberton, end the Mi*seS C »re A. i . MARSH. K. J. L okit , Cashinr. school at Bandon last year, has been j Meredith wrote, end the fam ily ex had been recognized for many years J Russell, Im s Vanslaiein, Frwn engaged to teach again in the tame Pooled to resume their journey to but are now proven incorrect. Uoffaesa and Jeauetle Gibaou. C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. position during the coming year. j Boplar Bluff Mo., a week or so later, Whether the recognllioa of a di vid Physician andR *rg«ua Port Orford now h .e two barber ’ a*‘,» * ‘ 0« * wbU? * “ ** •» ing line for e length of time will W ar And The Phyiciene. »hope, R. W. Buffum having opened . ** ,e* ° ‘ m ike it legal or whether the true Port Orford,’ Oregon. > -< op quarters iu ihe MeKensis <fc The law suit involving wages and line will still hold, is a point that An unequaled opportunity awaits will be decided by the courts. wagon hire between A. G. M iller Poole building. He ia au old band ths Christian Scientist, the Cbiro-1 at the business,,and will no doubt ! end M. L. Barrett which was tried praclor, Osteopath and other fol Port Orford, Oregon, ¡end dismissed Iron» Justioe W right’s receive a fair patronage. YOUR BANKING BU8INR88 SOLICITED W eekly Boat Service Promised lowers of atra nge Gods, to prove the I court recently in favor of M r. Bar A.. lAWsk.l’ k’ l ’ r o p i- i,. t o r . M r. and Mrs. F. A. Stewart went worth of their theories and doetrlnss. rett, as defendant, came up again Tbs Roamer has gone^a the Coos' Never before in history bee th e n to Wcdderburn yesterday, where for hearing Mooday, and resulted First-class in every respect. Bay Port Orford and Rogue river I been sueh n scourge of death, suffer- they w ill remain for a few weeks in another decision in favor of the run in conjunction with the R ustier,' ing end disease, se follows In wnko taking care of the two children of j d,.fendllnl. Mr. M iller Go yd F eed 8 t a b le a tta c h e d . was repre- and it is said that these pieces will of the European ear. Bervls is I ? : L : hU: “ • w * • • » • - »• be givea’ rygaUr weekly servioedur Hague stricken , - with typhus, ihy N O B A N K W ILL H A N D LE P O R T O R FO R D We run the Stage from Port Orford , latter are on a visit to Portland. Barrett by E. J. Looey. ing tb« summer months, «tafliog in phoid and dy sen U r its ara following YCUR B U 8 IN E 8 8 BETTER via Dalryvllle, oonnectlng with the Lorrin Forty went to Marshfield • OREQor A large wild oat was seen it Btage te Myrtle Point at P«»rt Orford aa »Oon as the new every arm y, and sepsis, gaagraao last week after L. K eapp’s Ford ! edge V» of town lest Thursday. dooEis completed. T h is ii erränge arrange* and telany ara adding to ihs mor ___ . __ . . . suureuay. &. u . . oocx- is com pieten, m st_______________ w ill d ivr*th " >g White pul bl* d* * * ita t,ack and ’ “ e,H haa * * * " broo* ht »bout by tality among tha wounded. Thor« HARDY T. 8TEW A R T ns . ear ^ .... , , n had a tree. ‘Gene’’ had as a chaffeur, and aud w ill drive tb ib ecar' j , . j it „ up ......... ..... j ____ . . .. . . •/ the demand made by the increasing has bean a shortage of medical sup < 7. to. C O M M I M I O N K H when ,t is put o . .ho mail « « « A y « og d o H u , to tw in b usinras down this way plies, vaccine», serums, and dress Pu»S*t O r f o r d , O r o |g o n . which w ill he as eoun as the mount- whjch facl th# bj O<M ,u ings. Ordinary rules of warfare ....¡-s m o o th e d up w»me by »b» Rfr, for, .fte r jo » 5 » g from reraral Would Locate AugtrianColfeny. have been so disregarded that tha Oflee days ia town—Tuesday. Wed r crew.j. turned aud recrossed its nesday and Saturday of each week. wounded can only be reached after The dance given by the band boys track a few times, confusing its An Austrain colony near Langlois nightfall,, and the deaths among MEALS 25 CENTS -NO TRESSPASSIltd. J i- * Saturday night was well attended pursuers and making good its es ia one of tbe possibilities that may [ driciore and nurses of ths Red Cross and enjoyed by those present. The'cape. , , add considerably to the population Service have been unduly large. In N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t spy improvement in the araeio- furnish j Ch<ui,cy Csrpeqter.gpd E J. Fry of northern Curry io the near fu- 'no other way has ths percentage 6 f •nd all persona found trespassing upon ed by tbe bend l . helping to make; ¡ , croM1D< lh„ R ,,gUB r j„ r baf i# . lure. An advanoeogettt froni th a t, ylantbs among physioians-- the premises o f the undersigned for the I s ta i each ooe of tbees ceeseiea. n little , mB„ g4ioH„ B lau„ eh tf weefc country has been ’in this section large. purpose o f hunting or fisMng <» other mors popular than the one that last Sunday, with two fishing boats recently, and considering an offer U p io now ae have heard of an wise w ilt be prosecuted to the fo il ex went before. ta n t o f the law . , , , and a smaller launch in tow, found made to him by E B. Sypher, i n Scienlials rushing to ths front—mO C. W. ZUMWALT. Mira Lores O’Connell and Mis» ihe water to rough that the tow line volving 300 acres of the aid Walker Chiropractor Corps have been form Sixes River, Curry County, Or. ! Hamley arrived in Port Orford from was broken aud the three little boats ranch. I t is understood that this ed— no one but tbe regular physician ' Pendleton last Friday. MiaaO’Con-; went Io sea. They were picked up land was offered to the Austrians Is at lbs front, risking his life ia J. J. STANLEY noil w ill probably spend the amu later by passing Coos Bay steamers, for a consideration of $4000. which tbe performance of bis sacred tailing. There has been no Chiropractor iner at thia place viailiug with her Carpenter was the uiun that swam is an Unusnslly good buy, and as it sister, Mrs. E. J. Loney, while Mias;>*hore from the Randolph when is in a rapidly developing agricul to manipulate tha spinas of tbs sick tural section it would be especially Scienoe practitioner W*— . and - dying, - V ’ — no ----- — p--—— O O Q U U L K , - . - O R E G O N Hamley will return in a few weeks she was wrecked si Bandon recently. those or ot mooerai. moderate means placing in the hands of the suffering io the “round up” city, t j Mr & D Um w|) suited - for more v. . , r , i , 'r . i j - who come to this country io build a copy of Mother Eddy’s “ Key to E . A . Hailey and f im ilr are d ue to * »«m e time past have conducted ^ j , . hoineg W. A. WOOD ’ The Scripture»,’’ and with eyes turn IO leave Ashland tomorrow on their | Ihe Breakers Hotel at Gold Beach The Place W here Ton Cot a Square Deal ed heavenward telling them that A T T O ltS E T A T LAW return io Curry cuuuty. For the have turned Ihe management their suffering and pain is not real A g a t e C a r n iv a l S t a r t e d . U O L U B E A t H (H tF.H O X past year they living at ; that hotel o v«r to its owner, ’ A. H. * * have been .............• i but only “ mental error.” At To better accommodate our growing trade Portland and Ashland, and are now , Gaunlletl, and have gone tu Brook- In fact, wherever and whenever D E N N IS C U N N 1 F F , H L . A t a meeting ol the Commercial; ~ ■ ’ ------------ ------- on Iheir way back to their old home i«M* where Mr. Lamson will have and increasing number of patrons we have Club Iasi Wednesday evening, plans ‘ hu,u* n il* «*>■•/’” ' helP. wherever at Gold Bi-ach more aaliafied than charge of the new hotel Sooo to be, been compelled to add to our general stock l)ep. (J. 8. Mineral Sarvej*< ever with the opportunities, cool sea opened at that place. A» host and for r... the ,1.» holding of the i. - _?_.■ . (he sick and dying, tilt maimed and next Agate of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as wounded, the diseased and afflicted breeses and congenial »orroundinga hostess, who know how to eater to|G "fttival were discussed at consider .Surveyor for the D istrict oi Or follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump the wants wants of of the the traveling traveling public, p u b lic / »b« »ength- T b » carnival, which cry for help and succor. Il is tbe of life in Cnrry. the egon. regular physician who respond» I t ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im aud Mrs. Lamson are par-ex- p ar-ex- w*“ »* ° ° Aug. 19, 20 and 81, will A» will be noticed by the weather Mr. ^ r- ,u<4 G o ld B e a c h , • - <»i rgoi is his methods and treatments that plement« of all kinds, including McCormick report ia thia issue tlie month of c*Beuce, and in tbe Broakers built he held at Agate beach, on the same are n A ì t ó - it i» the drugs and se Lists #-WjS, -1M5 asd -1M1. May waa a .»cord breaker tor rain | UP ,,ne o( ll,e u>“’ t I^ P “ «** stopping ground as last year. Mowing Machines and the celebrated Weh- R e s to ra tio n Wo E n try o f Landn la in Curry county. The observer et PUce* • ‘on$ ,he A new ' Dd , l l r , c l i ’re «»»«ire that rums, the autiseplicS and anaesthet ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook > N a tio n a l Forest. ics that modern medicine has dis The Jeffreys auto trtick being i pUl °? ** * c* rn* Noticq-is hereby given th a t tfx> lands Bandon reported 4:39 inches for the our up-to-date slock of Men ’sand Boys’ Cloth covered and evolved— i t is the prin described below, em bracing S8331 acres month, more than two inebea leas triad out in the tie hauling business ° rUS . *Oln® ’ °*<**- ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, w ith in the Siskiyou Natlohul Forest, ciples of prophlaxix and hygiene . . . .. vtner I urea w w ill that» the rainfall Orford, near Uandon, Bandon, ia said to . he working1 * * r new snn an novel hove lea eatorm ill — e — — e ' - e - — — — - O iegon, wm grill be settlement vienon, oo subject suujeci to s e u ie m e u i. mai» ine ritm a li at at Port fo r t v riu ra , near aa Bandon, ia «*1,1 to he «orking i UiU (||e bij{gMl that medical science bat formulated Uigers, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No K « »«»■ » *"j ■— '» •« — eu». a n o ü e n t s a s i / Ä r i ; » « . î : liomeate Sher"«^^ 1 >' co»»*rvlng conserving ths health of tbe tions, Rolled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed I the the hUtory history of of Cu,rv Cmry county. Tha The June H I I , 190S 1008 txt ( M j b i t L iL . jttaUon was reported about theaarue , trip, with M . D. and the act of June . . I J L J _ID at _the vast armies, combating infection 833) a t the U n ite d States offne at 933) at ited Statea land offlte it . . .. ....................... . . . . . club bus gone on record as opposed Grain. »• here. In Ma v, 1914,1 J4 iuches, wheel, the truck wa« loaded with Roseburg, Oregon, on June IX, IU. to booxe and bootlegging^ apd will and disease, and that in »pits of tbe Any settlbr who was actu ally and in waa reported at Bandon. »160 tie« at Blumenrother’a camp, 13 O R D E R S T A K jtN FO R A N Y T H IN « ! N O T ON H A R D bend evajy effort to make the earn! most unfavorable surrounding»«twt ood fa ith c la im in g any o f aal-l lauds Prof. F. i t RwbiqJon .Sraa down nailaa south -of Bandon, and inada -------- ■ — * -------- ■—kpsJuir. t ; * fejj -*a »b ■■■'■ . val a clean celebration Where a gtatd condition», limited supplire and fa * same, from Floras creek Saturday, where *he run into town ii»‘ three hours. ,^8, di cilRtéa has raised tbe percentage of wholesome air W ill-efrftound the! . j T ■ ........................... t i l ' a c tu a lly ' oc- he ia teachiug schixii, aud as a me. The roada at that time were impas stead ent women astd children H is t Come recoveries among tbe wounded copied #»>«•«■«, <*l m en to of tbe two rery successful sible Pi the ordinary auP>, and at G i v e sie a t r i a l o r d e r ' higher than any previous w sr. there. AiB '•<’ k,Iona o f thfi pereooe Mm-rl- - . . , the I lituea the auto’s wheels Were in tbs .who here a preference years that he baa spent as principal •Ioni___ A Carnival Queen w ill be elected — Medical Sentinel. to the pii„r right ol any of the Port Orford school he pre mud nearly.out of sight. The pow right au again thia year, and Mr«. W m .G ill such setti »• P™.,d»4 Lucb .1?“ ^ tbe truck ia ie said to be aim,mt almost J(- applicantta qualtfled to m ake home rented « « te d thia thia district district with with two two breu beau er of the P rop. ings waa chosen to have charge of stead e n try and the preference right is Hful painting-*, one of Abraham Lin- unlimited, and heavier chains have . F. B. Tiehenor, P. H . i «<. - •“ - « - « ■ » « — >»> - ' » ....... ......... X T. Stewart wef» nam ment and fntry by any qaallAwf tint pet- m h . Roamer 1.» !» k ..i„ . ______, at Rome. The paintings are tome tome ’ T The lay in our ____— w _____ haibor ed M an advertising committee. aon. The 2x3 feel in sits. They are » « H o v e r last Wednesday, discharging a j The club adjourned to again W e hare just received a fine good workmanship . c , , , , „ f frc,ghi in the eveniog and ! next Wednesday evening line o f Sterling Silver ..... -» ,n •ohool room going on to Rogue river in ihe after I d w S t a i i ,he g ifl *'** of la8li,,M b e - u |F’ J noon of tbe tollowing day. Frank u »l I9tb, 20th and 21st. Curry County Abstract- Realty C aip u y . C. W. ZUMWALT & SONS K N A P P HOTEL O F I> O H T O R F O R D HOTEL SEASIDE 7367 Denmark Mercantile Co. Store Lawyer, JAS. SCAPPS LADES OF CIHIRY COONTT J,Rd areta * " d «»«rowioli. surveyed, kfec. 17 deserfhed'Os follows: erfhed BeglnnlUM nt Corner No. 1, Identh-^wlth ’-er oaV Htake'inai'kod F / r i i M> B-. - I . whenoe Loaf Mountain —— hears h . oe Hugfrr Hugfe. u . - ————— ! Cstterlin. Chas. Curtis, 7uhn Jarvis Methodist Episcepsl Church Activities. A - 8- •’«B o M ih i ’ s driving hors, » and Tom James, representing re bt-cauie foundered in rattier a my* J spectively Hie Mason Ehrman, Union I Sunday School nt iff A. M ,t r j1|ua |nr)||(rr |M t wer|j |jo liad Meat, Red Cross Drug and A rrow ' 11 A. M., Preaching by not been using the animal himself, - Lina steamship companies, were FT- H- Myers. Subject, “Thought and >n(j ¡, |<M,ked quite as though some passengers on the little boat from i M^ lUti<;n- " had «red it without per-im ion Marshfield to the river,, looking - P ' 8 u ^ . i S S i M d eg . E . «lid P yram id Rock bear« « « d e g . W . 1 extending thence N . «ii deg. W .. IS « h e ; S. M deg. 30 I and then given It grain or water trade in their respective I hies. They and be a ChristianT’’ rain. W . 87 ehs.; theace 8. M deg. to when it was too warm. The animal returned on tbe boat again Saturday A cordial invitation is extended to all, m in . B .,1 4 4 0 o lis ., thence N . « deft SO m in . E ., to cha., to the plane o f be which is highly prised by M r. Joha-< and reported a pleasant trip. W . H . M t b u . Pastor. Run- g in n in g , A ppiicativn <4 A. d. Itoclittfc, "_u v re g o n ; L in t tt-li>36. ll» e »ton and fam ily, waa about to die, ning with the wind they made the I <10 acre»), Wee. 7, tbe when Frank M iller, Veterinary 8ur- - trip from here to Rogue river in 2 j x front M yrtle Point was sent hours, but were about 8 hours long- M iller soon had the horse er on their way back. On Iheir re lirai»; . o . » ™ . .........? --------- rveorery. a Uh. mg h it will turn here they were met by Mr. V. M. Bacca, Aeatatant C<rtnml»--loner .„ „ u M y bs stiff ned mora or I Catterlin’s auto, in which they went of tl«* General Loud Olire. * to Bandoo. Iront the sickness. -17 DeS. FOR SALE. TATTIR8 SHUTTLES As tattin g ha* become quite a fad among the ladies, wa are selling them fast a t the price o f 75c each, engraved w ith two initials. Order a t once, and wa w ill send one postage paid to you BOYLE JEWELRY CO. B u iliii, O n. tatrr ac'b. An A No. 1 riding and driving ani mal, coming ( y e a n eld. A bargain a t E veward H . B otlx , Manager. $W for someone wanting a saddler and lig h t driver. For particulars inquire at » »•■• He. 511. We m this office. GENERAL [Black sm ithing Wagons and Buggies for 8ale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done nt n Peasonable price. Your patronage solicited. rwareawrererere BEECHER JE SS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n /