» current topics . o h i Vari Orford $ n b n w I Published Every Wwtewoday, i»y H A R D I T . STEW ART. the Steel trust attempted a cofosaal swindle upon Ibe G overnm ent By ♦ I A a seeking to palm o ff m ultiplied thou * aanda wf lona o í gooda of a q u a lity SUBSCRIPTIO N ItA’t ►.. Ona Cepy One Year ............... One Copy Mix Months............... One Copy Three M outh». . * Tae priatM M arsuun jwrpapcr , {«boaria«dais Io w a n t your aub-i 'wrlpUoalr kale I = A break w ith M exico is i.-uoii- neat, President W ilson is about to Change Ilia “ watchful policy fur one o f action. roen bail vince' been appointed a C ircuit Judge at By J H l.’rrow . -the cuiuruanit probably nf Rucke- folic r aril« I i » | mh I thrrabv railroad E iir r o i T m ib u x k :— f 81 vicbros >f bi« M.klice tu (be lly having boneat, ale rt deck wrostructing the panam a Ca­ g a llo **. nal. Ib e discovery graa made th a t! But fol and ta b ol.il lU rfo b , w ho’ M KOK EHDAT J U N K » . !« £ . ■i-<¡ i against (be working ■ • B u 7 B U IC K An H. L. F. 8Uo; Save your feed and in- c^oti^u jo u r m ilk flow, by supplying an I ubuud.tuce of good feed when you moat need it. WILL BARR, Local representative Gold B each,/)r. I, ad „ „ , Uc|, defence as L a w ..... s r t e b ii to put Op and who ...» tried before the samé l id le r y whom w l had denounceI in the p ia -. ,< J away below the grad« cm ,traded Io groveling servile had »1 R-.eke/.:fo'r Ì lw forniahed, thereby nearly doub w|lilp ,,p yel p ,.K^ 4 ltl,.4 ,V t ,> j A lso C ontractor < fc B uilder | ling the profits on tha d eliveries l;ey, w as ae<4 iitie.1 by ll)> -j ,r v - i .. General Gocthals not o nly refused lite tirsi b a llo t, .tin i w i . y î Kin. to accept the inferior supplies b u tT,,|y uC1(WP ..„ „ ¡ « i..,» o f Law Estimates given; Plan* a.id Specifications j furnished oirapplication. n ia w s n u -in w ailin g" denounced the attem pted cheat. » J , foul p ro v o ^ d universal deirun Such a a. , . ltp g iv, lh „ u iraes , . f ' «¡¡»tion and ciiiicisin , albeit, oonviu Buch n n u u rw e q tm o o o L , tributed the screaming bead line to move would !•« in the naine of Lu- a nuiuber *nrei ned io the Orrt.s • l“ * »••“ •ilttais in that - |»art o f. • the glo«y baa n appar- CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE ” ■ •••• ’ w ’sea «.a as*ws awa wssw - J uf v V s an o u d r erb I o u ilt » I l««O p p « I (s a n ity , and would be h eartily citai a buy a rw ino le »Ito are n o * under ; g1» a» Mj^ H adiete lersays. en tly Ont beard o f tba accomplish dorsed by a great m ajority C li ¿ fit? i 1 have buycra for Forma. Timber i indictm ent, some o f Ibero oonnected ; G reat auoi a I abuse. f.wlered by inents --------- -------- ------------------ ------------ of tlm above real, - flesh and American people. with the BcT.nat, works. ! Big Hushro.« uever show signs of.f |>Ii«*l hero, but C api. .T u rn e r and Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranchea. Call and am ma, or send full descrip­ And thia rru.iuds ine. Several abatement u n til a fte r the “ thing ' tba many women saved 1 . through u _ — l his The Globe Breaks Over tion and list your property with me. help, latef made tba a ir vocal with years ago, suit during C leveland’s ' has. been overdone," so Completely I wiU soon have published a booklet th eir praise«. advertising Curry County property that ^The Gold Beach Globe of last secoud adm inistration fend before j • • twaiouae even tha staid apolo Ltuiglnt», Ore. to baa been listed with me. Thia booklet weak accused the T r ib u n e o f knock G rover liad fallen into the arms of ig t*1» for “ thing» ns they n r*, a . .. ,t will be mailed out to all sections of the J. P. Morgan A Co., it was discof p W « R - Color»,fo boa reached th at in g tha Rogue river harbor. This • V f, ' everal t*re<* ^ , ’’ 1 Andrew Carnegie bad been at age. a »lags at whieh the Robke V - S. Weather Repart far the Meath t i United States. » • d i d not do, and there are several ’« guarantee the Buick Valve-iu-Head Motor to dovei Io i t . | ‘,* 1,v ering to G overuiuepf worthies» p/elbnlnhfcn no - longer - count u ^ o n f X j J r , > l S . '.« ; « ■ Careful and prompt service given to reasons why we would uot d r ’ op gnd deliver more power than auy other type ol the business of non-residents. f tlje arm ‘,r| ,lktn p le n tifu lly sprinkled •»*)> tbemiUifca of tba better e l * F ' ............. , ----- . I n tba first place the editor of F. B. ÎIC H E N 0 R , AU itóipobilefRiotor of sanie size—American or Foreign make ars of * i,h vui*ningly concealed “ blow' * « •'< • tff, tb » p6*'Wb press a * a quasi/Highest t^nperaturs, ¿¿on the 27th. ■" ■ 7T’ “ . i l l ' - K «w»ww . T k ib u n b lias spent several y< Port Orford, Oregon a ' j " Jtgftgum tlteiv tu-nisl b ru ta l »hd I. h o o »..L| rrib le ’ Lowest t - > ■ *r -»i ' b o le« " defense o f the!« a '.Lowest Sff on the ìs t. In addition to the great power of the Buick Motor, it it bis Ufa at Gold Beach and that place bolee.** - -y-R'o m ■— qni*daade| h a u l* tha apaedy acquit p ° ntWy Mean 63. -ili. hplde too much that is near and unusually economical, giving m ore miles per gallon of gas President Cleveland denounced te l of Robert U lric h the other day. j YeT/ago0" .a.». Watches deer to him for him to knock tho Silverware oline than leas powerful motors of different types. the Tbe thin^ bad been overdone in the j since Sept. 1, 1914 .1.64. , the • — W client n aa o u Ireason v n . v i l . . p * g g» n i itisi; lir » , Clacks town in any u n h a n d besides the U l|ite J 8laU}1 ânJ ordere,, Cm dass 77.80. Telephone TU The 1915 Buick is a beauty—graceful and aristocratic T r i b u n i I s uot a knocker * in - »»T ----- a e iu b li^ p r C ourt M a r tia l' to try coaviotntu and sentencing of John Number of rainy days 2t; Clear 5; Part- >aa i « I l ' ? c xa n n » ^ . for - . . sanaa of tba word. Furtherm o re, the great c m . , and R . LawaoQ for l i b Juat previously, *y «krody 11) Cloudy 15. on the Boulevards— but a G iant of,Power when called upon, Jtth and by a Judge lately drafted from Rock Storms “ *“ ””** on the 2nd, «.«•- — « 26th. l a a w t s a . h . i , f 1 .1 i . 1 . . . . « « F. . «■ «• «- « ia extrem e frodisbneaa for one pnr w hich, after patient investigation Thia baa been tha rainiest May since efeller’« legal d e p a rta e n l by appoint lio n o f one county to knock ilia da the record haa been kept here. found him g u ilty and imposed a ■tent. ialop m ent o f another, as each oum J ohn d . L oucks , doe of A850JMI0 m u n ity th at expands heljw the conn C. 0 . T h e N. Y . W o rld , a strict 1 y capi MANUFACTURI1ÎO JEW ELER S Meanwhile, boaever, G rover afore­ ty aa a whole, am i th e improvement ta lis i organ any*: said hud liecome cheek by jo u l with o f Rogue river would iu no way af­ BANDON, OREGON ••Thera I* h ard ly a question that fect tjiaiaip ro veineut of K w l Orford Big Business, wherefore as in duty tlteco u rten f Southern Colorado have harbor, btcure in the ku u »ltin this fre ig h t at ChelCo and Port O rford« aa _ to v ita l saidFvoiioit* re ally mean. triqky hosae» ami « b-is.lrts, *---------’ . - section. Good.oare will be kowevof .wa happen to know th a t! SfiAKH rheil i u ' auittiig other pro • " * L o o -in g furtber in to tbs subject g fV ^% g re^ odnt in, but the there was more than one day out of j vision* p | the ala«ve mentionekhvec it W ihfdosed that tu com ply the company tyjllassum e no re­ tha ten when she could have lauded i tiona ts'one p etu ijttm g pttesta and prohibitory M atate passed at the sponsibility for accident. fr e ig h tid thia-plaoe w ith o u t tro u b le.' preaoher* to h fiiig 1 » anjiptie* o f Iste'aeMiun, priests and preachers v . «■ o i r . . ¡ ‘‘P irits io r sacrunieiital uses, and . ■■ L " !. T “ ! ’ h' ’ h" — • -« • "> must sign the regulation affidavit SERVICES $10, $15 and >20 that t h e / are not contmun drunk on th T ’ \ ‘ P° .OO* 0 'rel , *he oath that they are not common arda to receive Wines or otbenl iquors Uock 1. » « u b . ti- ’ froitt’o d t the átate, aa well as the . Nearly all shapes and ilzaa of New £ t l b . shoulder TZ"T3’T^ A Port Orford Breeders As’sn. but it is su rp risin g indeed to seel th at paper so indiscreet ae to show ! , Hep w ill our «olone learn to ex ­ moif trf common folk. T h a t such Spring Hate at Mrs. M. A. Nielsan'a. waa not the intention of the law its patty ^yaya and dog in the m an- ®iuda college men, who do, not have makers is prohuhly true, hot the law gar policies so clearly aa itd o e e in i t « ' ,o know an yth ing in particular, is the law as “she is wrote.” FOR SALE. I, the on h ndgneit, hereby give no- Uoo that I have a conveyance trom tha 1‘uleutee tp tide!*,tils wild water lota in the Hurbur of Port O’rforil, Oregon, on a portion of which a p«rt of the wh .rf it erected w lthont uiy ooiiwint. A ll part!«* are hemby wuriivd not to drive piles or trespass bi tu y manlier what- aoevur on «aid tidelaude or w atet. Inis, _ . M u r 'A nns 0 . D auv . Portland, Oregon. «.«, - Natica to Bridge Engineers and Con A..aA.m. tractors. h«a Beach, whom he places in such a ^ h . r i t a b l . and upjun, « a h i. h ^ an' | * t At ¿B<” eWd * * * 0, / < ° lr ^ T *’rea‘ Writer, to describe affaire down | • th e r. i b ’h , . m agexin. at A hrorn, Notice is hereby given to the creditors V * 1* * “ 1 J“ r*««»« MMJa among tbeufaelvee, and goes on to refer to th« baseball “ m aterial” .“ lia -lo g ” artaind P o rt O rford. W e are w S l awarw that such War-' row “ dog in lh e m a n g e ,’’ statement* Lawson, a man of education and ^Ooem ent, was triad Tor the m ur der ° l ■ mine guard during the Lud b«w massactreof woman and children although It ^yayio^plaim ad th a t he T b . ^ « pub ,« ., . . . » . j f the ¿«UMiwnia victim s, but no* A tto o te yfa r Administratrix, m m o q iitfk wbo know of treachery ,d a e m U lw in the the Colorado Colorado m m at at * * * id aer«iU |F in w i l E f i M t l r io A ieir haarts to publiçatjon May 27, 1M5. ‘ > n ’’ ( Fw Sale iave n v e r hse -fate; such w ill rfeth- rrjolce th at one capable o f the ‘ AC my place arrfilxea River, the fol­ . treanary prostitution o f great lowing deacribed property: < cowa, 2 Baseball i t the national r pastime; k illr il by bv a a Greek Greek « i . n » ' abiliti«« la no longer a menace --------- , , J 1* ‘•alvea, 1 yearling steer, 2 horses, naw whose i t is a clean, Ahnletan,,« g«me, «„d »*•»«• had afterwards been beaten afciif . , Bit_ tr u lh , f°a h i , “ k*’" “ l,,,e l * n bl t b . te n ia heroes, g iv in g chief place to '" .£ ■* R N EY A ' r 1.A W l ’S?. ATTO M y it t e P o in t, O regon. an old F on an i *? * . hvnad bean abeentfroto e x -e d ito r io a brother editor r on the city on a lecture tour in M in n a oocasion sim ilar to thia: D on’t soil your editorial page with * * * rlot « « u rre d - * ° y m o r e ' “ eh Jibes as the one quoted. Speaking from exnerien«, k f m any years in newspaper work, Ik u ^ ^ X u n Z T e d p W. ° r i graphs read and look after . while. | H e was foremost am ong Ihoue who helped women -iuto the boots, and when the-deok«¿duped so -that more boats enqid. be lowered, he found life iieltw and placed them Now comes the acquittal of Robs about several women. A t tha last ... m t u . 1 ,w u ’ ' U - ®h’ “ ,ur the ,,re* moment, ba clim bed to tha bridge - e t e i y .r i.ig n .d Z e ’ S i i f T Capt. » . ' T w u rn ^ e d r, and, f f “ ’ like tha heside « ^ H illa r y who had wcured hie l „ d pfoktel up u ff,* W" “ ° i * r ptawp sweet, brother, and atop w or- «»J Lawson's and 79 other«’ inrfiet I ir i- « .b v u i.b .« b „ ,.ii...» m„ „ . , „ d , b„ .............. „ „ ¿ I ./.E. A n ( |t b . o , — L. A . R O B E R T S , ~ Probate business a apeoidtv. WM. T. STOLL, A ity. at Law Coke B ldg. ‘ M a r s h f ie l d •ervoaa a, * tiiln k lv »n, ih » •wat-raía i-tu* Influenr« nt Dr. , O O ffic e r* : A J. M arsh , President. A. A. JAmxaoN, Vioe President. Moa. W m . UlLLiaoa, ” ’• , J . H. Z vmwalt , Secretary. Mas. A. H. JonmeTOH, Treasurer. Club meets First Wednesday In sack month. All nn inherjluvitw i to attend meetings a ,9 Treapwaa N o tic e . Notice la hereby give* to all parsooa wovui It may ooacera, not to enter up­ on or treapoa* Upon the promises of L . Knapp, for the purpose of hunting, or fiablnt with hook and line. Said pre­ mises are situated ok S U River, Curry County, Oregon, and generally known as the "Bund” place. b ....... .... ....... Hardware of all Kind» M c h i n c r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e s . B x t r a s for D a i r y in g ; O s b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y ; P a i n t s , O ils & S t u m p f n j j P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G u n s, S a s e ljo ll p a r a ­ p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . * D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Ch£ever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. sr- A a I A IA .A . A y , W .M Fifty-four aerea for sale or rent e the County road leading from Port Oi ford to Wedderbum, 1 1 milea froi school, ) mile frontage on the beach. For partieulara addreaa W. E. BURROW , Wedderbum, Oregon. T M ; w ,» .i Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store r- H arn ess, F is h in g -ta c k le ; S tu m p in g P o w d e r . . . . ■** i. ■ ÍU * . ’ ' ‘À •• WM. GILLINGS, PROP. . . ' " Ff-XJM r,'.* Any person or persora m trespass­ ing for tha purpose of hunting, fishing, or traveling through in any shape form or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out aide g.tes opea, or molest­ ing personal property, will be prosecu­ ted to the full extent of the law. , Was. R. Johnson, ‘ j Leaaeeof the above named promiaea 4 4-» Far Sub M in in g L a w a Specialty ■ ’ '.'» 'A Notk-e 1» liorehy given that tl.a Coun­ ty Court of Curry Ooguty, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the re-construc­ tion of tl,« bridge al-ross E lk river near Port Orford, in Cutty County, Oregon, according to the plans and specifica­ tion > now on file in the office o f J. M . Caughell, County Engineer and Sur­ veyor. All bids must be accompanied by a certified ebeck In five par « nt of the amount of the bid os a guaranty that the bidder will enter into contract un wd , Clerk. — C — ounty C o u n t o r t h x S t a te I — m m In reality M . reply i . littie less than **.th ~ in Coibrado bad, during tha strike i 0F ° " 0oN C o unty o r C urry . . • . * . p” — m » e « r n d a tio n 1 of life im prisonm ent. Imported ' E lb e rt H u u u b o b a a r rd the * * Ru- insulting, not only to the baseball H n . . , 4- « -**« •« -» «■>»«•« n u , , me boys of P o rt Orford but to the gen aroos. hoepitabla people of G.Hd ¿ 2 * ™ Langlois Hardware Store A fu ll line of S to v e s • V iV -V L and. R anges, S u e m se y , A lu m in u m , l^ u g s a .n à 3 ^ a .l- -ting, S tile tto S u ttle n j, S a n te m s , E tc . > tW.v -i-iW ÍW ÍS M iW .ts W .