Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1915)
» current topics . o h i Vari Orford $ n b n w I Published Every Wwtewoday, i»y H A R D I T . STEW ART. the Steel trust attempted a cofosaal swindle upon Ibe G overnm ent By ♦ I A a seeking to palm o ff m ultiplied thou * aanda wf lona o í gooda of a q u a lity SUBSCRIPTIO N ItA’t ►.. Ona Cepy One Year ............... One Copy Mix Months............... One Copy Three M outh». . * Tae priatM M arsuun jwrpapcr , {«boaria«dais Io w a n t your aub-i 'wrlpUoalr kale I = A break w ith M exico is i.-uoii- neat, President W ilson is about to Change Ilia “ watchful policy fur one o f action. roen bail vince' been appointed a C ircuit Judge at By J H l.’rrow . -the cuiuruanit probably nf Rucke- folic r aril« I i » | mh I thrrabv railroad E iir r o i T m ib u x k :— f 81 vicbros >f bi« M.klice tu (be lly having boneat, ale rt deck wrostructing the panam a Ca g a llo **. nal. Ib e discovery graa made th a t! But fol and ta b lU rfo b , w ho’ M KOK EHDAT J U N K » . !« £ . ■i-<¡ i against (be working ■ • B u 7 B U IC K An H. L. F. 8Uo; Save your feed and in- c^oti^u jo u r m ilk flow, by supplying an I ubuud.tuce of good feed when you moat need it. WILL BARR, Local representative Gold B each,/)r. I, ad „ „ , Uc|, defence as L a w ..... s r t e b ii to put Op and who ...» tried before the samé l id le r y whom w l had denounceI in the p ia -. ,< J away below the grad« cm ,traded Io groveling servile had »1 R-.eke/.:fo'r Ì lw forniahed, thereby nearly doub w|lilp ,,p yel p ,.K^ 4 ltl,.4 ,V t ,> j A lso C ontractor < fc B uilder | ling the profits on tha d eliveries l;ey, w as ae<4 iitie.1 by ll)> -j ,r v - i .. General Gocthals not o nly refused lite tirsi b a llo t, .tin i w i . y î Kin. to accept the inferior supplies b u tT,,|y uC1(WP ..„ „ ¡ « i..,» o f Law Estimates given; Plan* Specifications j furnished oirapplication. n ia w s n u -in w ailin g" denounced the attem pted cheat. » J , foul p ro v o ^ d universal deirun Such a a. , . ltp g iv, lh „ u iraes , . f ' «¡¡»tion and ciiiicisin , albeit, oonviu Buch n n u u rw e q tm o o o L , tributed the screaming bead line to move would !•« in the naine of Lu- a nuiuber *<i ineo o>nrei ned io the Orrt.s • l“ * »••“ •ilttais in that - |»art o f. • the glo«y baa n appar- CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE ” ■ •••• ’ w ’sea «.a as*ws awa wssw - J uf v V s an o u d r erb I o u ilt » I l««O p p « I (s a n ity , and would be h eartily citai a buy a rw ino le »Ito are n o * under ; g1» a» Mj^ H adiete lersays. en tly Ont beard o f tba accomplish dorsed by a great m ajority C li ¿ fit? i 1 have buycra for Forma. Timber i indictm ent, some o f Ibero oonnected ; G reat auoi a I abuse. f.wlered by inents --------- -------- ------------------ ------------ of tlm above real, - flesh and American people. with the BcT.nat, works. ! Big Hushro.« uever show signs of.f |>Ii«*l hero, but C api. .T u rn e r and Claims, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranchea. Call and am ma, or send full descrip And thia rru.iuds ine. Several abatement u n til a fte r the “ thing ' tba many women saved 1 . through u _ — l his The Globe Breaks Over tion and list your property with me. help, latef made tba a ir vocal with years ago, suit during C leveland’s ' has. been overdone," so Completely I wiU soon have published a booklet th eir praise«. advertising Curry County property that ^The Gold Beach Globe of last secoud adm inistration fend before j • • twaiouae even tha staid apolo Ltuiglnt», Ore. to baa been listed with me. Thia booklet weak accused the T r ib u n e o f knock G rover liad fallen into the arms of ig t*1» for “ thing» ns they n r*, a . .. ,t will be mailed out to all sections of the J. P. Morgan A Co., it was discof p W « R - Color»,fo boa reached th at in g tha Rogue river harbor. This • V f, ' everal t*re<* ^ , ’’ 1 Andrew Carnegie bad been at age. a »lags at whieh the Robke V - S. Weather Repart far the Meath t i United States. » • d i d not do, and there are several ’« guarantee the Buick Valve-iu-Head Motor to dovei Io i t . | ‘,* 1,v ering to G overuiuepf worthies» p/elbnlnhfcn no - longer - count u ^ o n f X j J r , > l S . '.« ; « ■ Careful and prompt service given to reasons why we would uot d r ’ op gnd deliver more power than auy other type ol the business of non-residents. f tlje arm ‘,r| ,lktn p le n tifu lly sprinkled •»*)> tbemiUifca of tba better e l * F ' ............. , ----- . I n tba first place the editor of F. B. ÎIC H E N 0 R , AU itóipobilefRiotor of sanie size—American or Foreign make ars of * i,h vui*ningly concealed “ blow' * « •'< • tff, tb » p6*'Wb press a * a quasi/Highest t^nperaturs, ¿¿on the 27th. ■" ■ 7T’ “ . i l l ' - K «w»ww . T k ib u n b lias spent several y< Port Orford, Oregon a ' j " Jtgftgum tlteiv tu-nisl b ru ta l »hd I. h o o »..L| rrib le ’ Lowest t - > ■ *r -»i ' b o le« " defense o f the!« a '.Lowest Sff on the ìs t. In addition to the great power of the Buick Motor, it it bis Ufa at Gold Beach and that place bolee.** - -y-R'o m ■— qni*daade| h a u l* tha apaedy acquit p ° ntWy Mean 63. -ili. hplde too much that is near and unusually economical, giving m ore miles per gallon of gas President Cleveland denounced te l of Robert U lric h the other day. j YeT/ago0" .a.». Watches deer to him for him to knock tho Silverware oline than leas powerful motors of different types. the Tbe thin^ bad been overdone in the j since Sept. 1, 1914 .1.64. , the • — W client n aa o u Ireason v n . v i l . . p * g g» n i itisi; lir » , Clacks town in any u n h a n d besides the U l|ite J 8laU}1 ânJ ordere,, Cm dass 77.80. Telephone TU The 1915 Buick is a beauty—graceful and aristocratic T r i b u n i I s uot a knocker * in - »»T ----- a e iu b li^ p r C ourt M a r tia l' to try coaviotntu and sentencing of John Number of rainy days 2t; Clear 5; Part- >aa i « I l ' ? c xa n n » ^ . for - . . sanaa of tba word. Furtherm o re, the great c m . , and R . LawaoQ for l i b Juat previously, *y «krody 11) Cloudy 15. on the Boulevards— but a G iant of,Power when called upon, Jtth and by a Judge lately drafted from Rock Storms “ *“ ””** on the 2nd, «.«•- — « 26th. l a a w t s a . h . i , f 1 .1 i . 1 . . . . « « F. . «■ «• «- « ia extrem e frodisbneaa for one pnr w hich, after patient investigation Thia baa been tha rainiest May since efeller’« legal d e p a rta e n l by appoint lio n o f one county to knock ilia da the record haa been kept here. found him g u ilty and imposed a ■tent. ialop m ent o f another, as each oum J ohn d . L oucks , doe of A850JMI0 m u n ity th at expands heljw the conn C. 0 . T h e N. Y . W o rld , a strict 1 y capi MANUFACTURI1ÎO JEW ELER S Meanwhile, boaever, G rover afore ty aa a whole, am i th e improvement ta lis i organ any*: said hud liecome cheek by jo u l with o f Rogue river would iu no way af BANDON, OREGON ••Thera I* h ard ly a question that fect tjiaiaip ro veineut of K w l Orford Big Business, wherefore as in duty tlteco u rten f Southern Colorado have harbor, btcure in the ku u »lt<lg co f boUud.jetuiUed the fine a~nd other I been dominated by the ofllcera of Waterman F a u ta in Pena her great advantages as a deep water pcnatll«**, whereby A ndy was q u.ili ! •&» Ruel and Iro n Company, Tba Vietar- Vìctrabs, Edison Dbc T a ftb g get! to take future contracts at $560 i?0" ' '“ '*0 " ,,f Labor Leader Jol;n harbor Port Or lord w ill bide h tr " '’Y * ’' tim e knowing that in tba end she a ton for armorplate which he c h .rg - j . t, . , * _, . " ol m u n ler was o nly 'one of a seri.-a Watch Repairing Eye a ton for. | of incidents tending to ewtahlish tlA Will come Into her own, and iu the ed Russia only Duplicated meantime she it w illin g tc uB»iU but m _ .r i 7” « I . * : fact that governm ent aa ad raini* Now . d the lately in d ic te d .r« » u « i lprwd in , he harbor» in any way the ean 'to gel region covered bv.< lire rbom '-G rrf. Gupthala put on the 1 recent strike I« mine owners’ gov governm ent aid to deejien th eir c ii . . . . , - F rill for furnishing not metal steel trnnkeui and not popular govern T o W h o m I t M a y C oncern. ? r: T " * * “ • “ *• I « * « •» oott vict- tugnt. .There « be no free' goir VALVE IN HEAD CARS w What is trne of one Bniek is true of all sizes from $900 to $1650—Fours and Sixes 8ABROBROS C. MALEHORN, AGENT, LANGLOIS, OR. ’ . Z .. Í W \ 0 Tbi importili Pirchtron Stallion ’ l,ke ’ “ C‘,iP * ‘H th ey, like H y d e , be -washed et u tuant in au y co m tn u nity which tact.««, to accum w b iti a . .n o w ” by Preaidant W ilm n . lakrfe practically a ll nf its o ffic ia l* including ju r y iweq, from V m p a y . th e T ribubk of knocking Rogue riv __ - ____ irr bar because wa *n»d the R u stler Tlm -mcfions o f . the prohibition ro flifq fa great corporation.” i - *■' •'* ■ bad bmn bar-bound iu there for *,w ProTi‘L ng that rr-sideuta o f Ore- ,-X hajxnatl allowance for e e n s * it •b o u t 10 days. T h ia often occurs iq ‘ * on ‘“ » J ^ e r from abruad K i l le d o f dplegatea to N a tio n a l C o n v x e p n iin h tf? J v F t IT . JL Q y harbors like tha C oquille and c ^ - 'q « M n fltb a o f s p irit, m onthly by p e a rle d , an in itia tiv e law waa r e ’ B ay, aa«| only em phaaitc. the need “ ’ " I f davit th at they are not P ^ W -*» y tit« late Legislature, thja ' WilUmalfo the season at the fS v v e vm i. I t may be as «a the cw,a,n' ‘O d ru n k ard * and so on* era o f Im ip pA w e tn n t. tojthw t p u t w orking,neo, mechanic. ’ Jifniesoti barn in Port Orford Globa a«ys, th at the R ustler was nut couched in auch wretched JCngiiah a ti$ sm all business men from the. y r ' k tb akth erw la a iiy d ly disperte urímng bar-bound, and th a t alia was o u ly m <^t^iuporl<ot convention we h a v e -iif® / s the largest reg- a w a itfe il an opportunity to land the law yer* of Po rilapd and 8ajeut unlciust. 4 be way for corrupt, 'veh'at- iitered-.sfaliiops. e vep>in this fre ig h t at ChelCo and Port O rford« aa _ to v ita l saidFvoiioit* re ally mean. triqky hosae» ami « b-is.lrts, *---------’ . - section. Good.oare will be kowevof .wa happen to know th a t! SfiAKH rheil i u ' auittiig other pro • " * L o o -in g furtber in to tbs subject g fV ^% g re^ odnt in, but the there was more than one day out of j vision* p | the ala«ve mentionekhvec it W ihfdosed that tu com ply the company tyjllassum e no re tha ten when she could have lauded i tiona ts'one p etu ijttm g pttesta and prohibitory M atate passed at the sponsibility for accident. fr e ig h tid thia-plaoe w ith o u t tro u b le.' preaoher* to h fiiig 1 » anjiptie* o f Iste'aeMiun, priests and preachers v . «■ o i r . . ¡ ‘‘P irits io r sacrunieiital uses, and . ■■ L " !. T “ ! ’ h' ’ h" — • -« • "> must sign the regulation affidavit SERVICES $10, $15 and >20 that t h e / are not contmun drunk on th T ’ \ ‘ P° .OO* 0 'rel , *he oath that they are not common arda to receive Wines or otbenl iquors Uock 1. » « u b . ti- ’ froitt’o d t the átate, aa well as the . Nearly all shapes and ilzaa of New £ t l b . shoulder TZ"T3’T^ A Port Orford Breeders As’sn. but it is su rp risin g indeed to seel th at paper so indiscreet ae to show ! , Hep w ill our «olone learn to ex moif trf common folk. T h a t such Spring Hate at Mrs. M. A. Nielsan'a. waa not the intention of the law its patty ^yaya and dog in the m an- ®iuda college men, who do, not have makers is prohuhly true, hot the law gar policies so clearly aa itd o e e in i t « ' ,o know an yth ing in particular, is the law as “she is wrote.” FOR SALE. I, the on h ndgneit, hereby give no- Uoo that I have a conveyance trom tha 1‘uleutee tp tide!*,tils wild water lota in the Hurbur of Port O’rforil, Oregon, on a portion of which a p«rt of the wh .rf it erected w lthont uiy ooiiwint. A ll part!«* are hemby wuriivd not to drive piles or trespass bi tu y manlier what- aoevur on «aid tidelaude or w atet. Inis, _ . M u r 'A nns 0 . D auv . Portland, Oregon. «.«, - Natica to Bridge Engineers and Con A..aA.m. tractors. h«a Beach, whom he places in such a ^ h . r i t a b l . and upjun, « a h i. h ^ an' | * t At ¿B<” eWd * * * 0, / < ° lr ^ T *’rea‘ Writer, to describe affaire down | • th e r. i b ’h , . m agexin. at A hrorn, Notice is hereby given to the creditors V * 1* * “ 1 J“ r*«<N ew Y o rk, ar.d had secured the sent their said el»ima, together iew r o r x , and had secured the »«nt their said elsims, together with « b * • * • « ! • ? 2 » • i » 2 - .* - " • - - - < • h ‘“ ’ • » ^ « r a s a r M i w a ' s ' s s H a .t a t e . t h a t G old Bench w ill : ato eastern publications, the whole notioe, daw U of ' " ’ Z. ’ td-wit, the 4 27th .1 M l A May AAJa A » . * r 11815, l9 1 K b to l l Marie i a e i w E. f a — a _ i 2 guarantee nothing in the way o f . , * *er' th Lf~_ Khorr, Administratrix in g Without regard to expense. returngam e^ that they can play ball j " ’* ° r ,h ' ^ o A r f a lla r C o ,a a S h e riff ________ 1 «rid M U te , a t her raaldenoe at Gold ‘ f>«»« MMJa among tbeufaelvee, and goes on to refer to th« baseball “ m aterial” .“ lia -lo g ” artaind P o rt O rford. W e are w S l awarw that such War-' row “ dog in lh e m a n g e ,’’ statement* Lawson, a man of education and ^Ooem ent, was triad Tor the m ur der ° l ■ mine guard during the Lud b«w massactreof woman and children although It ^yayio^plaim ad th a t he T b . ^ « pub ,« ., . . . » . j f the ¿«UMiwnia victim s, but no* A tto o te yfa r Administratrix, m m o q iitfk wbo know of treachery ,d a e m U lw in the the Colorado Colorado m m at at * * * id aer«iU |F in w i l E f i M t l r io A ieir haarts to publiçatjon May 27, 1M5. ‘ > n ’’ ( Fw Sale iave n v e r hse -fate; such w ill rfeth- rrjolce th at one capable o f the ‘ AC my place arrfilxea River, the fol . treanary prostitution o f great lowing deacribed property: < cowa, 2 Baseball i t the national r pastime; k illr il by bv a a Greek Greek « i . n » ' abiliti«« la no longer a menace --------- , , J 1* ‘•alvea, 1 yearling steer, 2 horses, naw whose i t is a clean, Ahnletan,,« g«me, «„d »*•»«• had afterwards been beaten afciif . , Bit_ tr u lh , f°a<l w.*K<Jt), new single harness, 6 new f IhaaBvas with supers and sections, shear- tends to a mbre f o n d l y i n t e r c o u r s e **»*» • n firh a vre t-h , n f t Hands ’ ' * ' ing machine, garden aeeder and culttva- balwceen towns that indulge iu it. • m ilitia Lieutenant. T h e N . Y . W orld contains the tor~ • let of tools and other articles- Port O rford, too, can play the samel ■ _ ” — pictures of the chi efeat o f the Luai-i ,U o rent p,,e* 1 to 8 J * * 1*- • H M . b « « ,,, b ., ’ “ - » » ' » ’ I I— « be H . B. S TE IN E R . «I.W o f l b « « . m . . „ b i l . w c i.l > h i , “ k*’" “ l,,,e l * n bl t b . te n ia heroes, g iv in g chief place to <Jo not reflect the spirit of the pe« *a a present when the k illin g oc ‘ pie the Globfc atlemptg*ta'|!pedk f o r - i :Mr? ,l» • nd '» * » * not denied that » « u t. a . one , b . by h, vantages tha th a Globa. than And for pretenied the futuro £ £ x 7 . ‘ o i0 ' - 1: , U" 7 d * , “ B T” * k * ” “* * ‘ : «*«“ 1 ‘M .7 < X > '" .£ ■* R N EY A ' r 1.A W l ’S?. ATTO M y it t e P o in t, O regon. an old F on an i *? * . hvnad bean abeentfroto e x -e d ito r io a brother editor r on the city on a lecture tour in M in n a oocasion sim ilar to thia: D on’t soil your editorial page with * * * rlot « « u rre d - * ° y m o r e ' “ eh Jibes as the one quoted. Speaking from exnerien«, k f m any years in newspaper work, Ik u ^ ^ X u n Z T e d p W. ° r i graphs read and look after . while. | H e was foremost am ong Ihoue who helped women -iuto the boots, and when the-deok«¿duped so -that more boats enqid. be lowered, he found life iieltw and placed them Now comes the acquittal of Robs about several women. A t tha last ... m t u . 1 ,w u ’ ' U - ®h’ “ ,ur the ,,re* moment, ba clim bed to tha bridge - e t e i y .r i.ig n .d Z e ’ S i i f T Capt. » . ' T w u rn ^ e d r, and, f f “ ’ like tha heside « ^ H illa r y who had wcured hie l „ d pfoktel up u ff,* W" “ ° i * r ptawp sweet, brother, and atop w or- «»J Lawson's and 79 other«’ inrfiet I ir i- « .b v u i.b .« b „ ,.ii...» m„ „ . , „ d , b„ .............. „ „ ¿ I ./.E. A n ( |t b . o , — L. A . R O B E R T S , ~ Probate business a apeoidtv. WM. T. STOLL, A ity. at Law Coke B ldg. ‘ M a r s h f ie l d •ervoaa a, * tiiln k lv »n, ih » •wat-raía i-tu* Influenr« nt Dr. , O O ffic e r* : A J. M arsh , President. A. A. JAmxaoN, Vioe President. Moa. W m . UlLLiaoa, ” ’• , J . H. Z vmwalt , Secretary. Mas. A. H. JonmeTOH, Treasurer. Club meets First Wednesday In sack month. All nn inherjluvitw i to attend meetings a ,9 Treapwaa N o tic e . Notice la hereby give* to all parsooa wovui It may ooacera, not to enter up on or treapoa* Upon the promises of L . Knapp, for the purpose of hunting, or fiablnt with hook and line. Said pre mises are situated ok S U River, Curry County, Oregon, and generally known as the "Bund” place. b ....... .... ....... Hardware of all Kind» M c h i n c r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e s . B x t r a s for D a i r y in g ; O s b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y ; P a i n t s , O ils & S t u m p f n j j P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G u n s, S a s e ljo ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . * D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Ch£ever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. sr- A a I A IA .A . A y , W .M Fifty-four aerea for sale or rent e the County road leading from Port Oi ford to Wedderbum, 1 1 milea froi school, ) mile frontage on the beach. For partieulara addreaa W. E. BURROW , Wedderbum, Oregon. T M ; w ,» .i Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store r- H arn ess, F is h in g -ta c k le ; S tu m p in g P o w d e r . . . . ■** i. ■ ÍU * . ’ ' ‘À •• WM. GILLINGS, PROP. . . ' " Ff-XJM r,'.* Any person or persora m trespass ing for tha purpose of hunting, fishing, or traveling through in any shape form or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out aide g.tes opea, or molest ing personal property, will be prosecu ted to the full extent of the law. , Was. R. Johnson, ‘ j Leaaeeof the above named promiaea 4 4-» Far Sub M in in g L a w a Specialty ■ ’ '.'» 'A Notk-e 1» liorehy given that tl.a Coun ty Court of Curry Ooguty, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the re-construc tion of tl,« bridge al-ross E lk river near Port Orford, in Cutty County, Oregon, according to the plans and specifica tion > now on file in the office o f J. M . Caughell, County Engineer and Sur veyor. All bids must be accompanied by a certified ebeck In five par « nt of the amount of the bid os a guaranty that the bidder will enter into contract un<ter bond to be approved by the Court for the construction of said bridge if contract la awarded to him. All bids to be seal d and filed with the County Clerk of «aid Corry County no, later than Ten o'clock A. M . of Wednesday, the 7th day of July, 19IS. For plans, specifications, or further apply to J. M. Caugbell, County Engineer, Gold Beach,Oregon. The power and rig h t to reject any and all bid», 1» reterved by the Board of Commissioners. E IG H T Y ACRES of very rich bottom •new er to-an item in the T r ib u n s , f t om im portant committees which Some lawyers have discovered a land on Sixes river, six miles from Port relative to the poati h ili ty of a base ,H,gbt to. be supiiosed to Irotk more fu rth er obscurity in that sta tu te. Orford, not vleare«! and no iniprova- ball game between Port Orford aud **r le” critic ally in to the grarom sti- which m ay destroy all lim ita tio n menta Wlll sell on easy terms—no Gold Beach, a t tha la tte r plaoe on u*‘ l »"d «yntaclioat structure of meas o f tha quantity one may im p o rt fur «gouts. the 4th and a return game a t the ure8 referred to them? Mas. A kka E mm itt , “ borne uae.” Carnival. T ha Globe w riter may w 7 . . „ , 933 Valencia Ht. Kan Fr.neiaco, Oat h a v . intended to be fu n n y (some o f 1' Uw ' I t was disclosed in tba evidence the artic le , that h . v . been "Pl-e«r ' M t o ‘ w k Iwfore tha W alsh Commission in COUNTY COURT O F C U R R Y COUN Notice to Cnditors. ing in th a t publication lately might ^ 7 7 ’7 7 ° ° * T Y , OREOON. veslignling causes o f popular u n lead one to this charitable vie w ,, b u ,' .* C« h * .d o « f tn.r,; real th at the Rockefeller interesta By J. R. S taw , > wd , Clerk. — C — ounty C o u n t o r t h x S t a te I — m m In reality M . reply i . littie less than **.th ~ in Coibrado bad, during tha strike i 0F ° " 0oN C o unty o r C urry . . • . * . p” — m » e « r n d a tio n 1 of life im prisonm ent. Imported ' E lb e rt H u u u b o b a a r rd the * * Ru- insulting, not only to the baseball H n . . , 4- « -**« •« -» «■>»«•« n u , , me boys of P o rt Orford but to the gen aroos. hoepitabla people of G.Hd ¿ 2 * ™ Langlois Hardware Store A fu ll line of S to v e s • V iV -V L and. R anges, S u e m se y , A lu m in u m , l^ u g s a .n à 3 ^ a .l- -ting, S tile tto S u ttle n j, S a n te m s , E tc . > tW.v -i-iW ÍW ÍS M iW .ts W .