Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1915)
V o lu m e X X IV official M m m » . W E D N E S D A Y , r W AIB A»" "l"TKI(K O FU C IM : le m . tote T.eaoarer—Thos. B. K ay, o í Sa lem. Snpt. Public In s tr u c tio n — L . A . Aid erman, Salem. State Printer— W illis D unlgay, Salem. Attorney General—A. M. Crawford, State Game Warden— tt’» . L. F in ley, ftotegr. ». . State Health Officer—© r. Calvin S. W liit i, Sahan. B ale n i. From childhood'* Hpa that ewaetiy press M r owe; and then two ehubby head* Stroke »oft nt) <.h«cka In toad ear»aa Then te hl» kneoa bvalde my chair. My hand» lt.e while upon hl* head. In secant» aoft he lisp» • prayar; Another aia»—th»n ».umuer'a bod. Wo go togethor up the stairs. HI» hand In min» in lova’a delight Boon close hi» ayaa, and bending down, I hoar from Dreamland’» shore: “flood Bight." t e a t night bo come tale the room And »poke in cheory tone to ma I looked l» to his m e n lp fee». M y hay o f tong ego to eee He stooped to hl«» me end 1 brushed Th» lock» from off hts careworn brow. M r kand. It llnporad oh his hood; 1 wor.dorod tf tt soothed him now. Perhap« it «11. eed-rwt I w leh That ba were by no aid« again. In evening prayer. Io awaat caraga, in -' o . oA^jtirbt" (hna. aa It war thao. -W tlU s Brows, to Ham’» Horn. A DISILLUSION Wood, Gold was f u U o f In te re s t " A n flv S tre la Phoenix, pegnf In N e w /Y o rk T" “W h y . R en e!“ H e gave a perplexed lit tle laugh, then, raising his voice, eailed: , . “ Roger, come he rs !“ A square-shouldered, th lek-eet m en of some 3« and n-orc years cam * from the little rcatllng-rocm in to the lib ra ry. ■ > M s gray, dark-lashed eyes wavered slig h tly In thep. placid steadlnaas whan , they rested 00 U e slight, young fo rm of his frien d’s daughter. “flood evening. R ene!" “ Good evening, Roger. Itepe has Sorveyoi— 1. Caugbell Jr., Gold beach, called you to witness an expose of asp M iin n o a or ru e coubtu . C ironitC ourt meet« FoutUi Monde» ie gterniapnieal Ignorance.’ “She a*licd I f P .< « n lx was la N ew August of each year. T o r t , G rant! I thought you would ap- County Comm Isolonere Court meets 1 preelate th a t, and locate the place fo r first Wodnveilny in January, April, I l mp ** "R ene would n a tu rally th in k th e J u ly and September o( each y e a i. P re b a te C o u r t m eets H ref M o n d ay in ea ch m o u th srnav oouwvv roe* o rn ate age rosr G q H Reach. Wedde rburu Illilie « -......... M a r ia i......... ...fftoteher Gardner. ............. J . W . Riley. . . . .0 . L. Wakenvin. , ..Mr. E. H Price Mr*. V M a A . Pry. ............... A . M . R ilu a . -----Amea Johnatun ................J . 8 . Capps. ........... E. B . T h rift ...........J . A. H a in e s Have you ever seen a Sunset? A b e a u tifu lly i l ' . i s r r a t e d m o n th ly m a ^ a z tn - o f (he w id e a w a k e W e s t w irh fast m atin g »hort store», p w o r rs q u a personal p o :n t-o f-v te w dettfiplH an o f th * inteiesnnK d e velo p m en t o f ih * VVcai, and the rw n an rw and his to ry o f th * w o n d e rla n d <-f t b * g a ith A ak yo u r lr x a l new sdealer fo r cu rren t ssue o r send $1 5 0 fo r ) - i ; ’s ¿ u b s trip iic n . 1 R e b o o t " R o a d o f a T h o u s a n d W o o d * !» . — 1 2 0 beautifu l V ,’ « r e m view s in fowl co!t»a— w,>i t » in c lu d e d -— If- s u rs E T liA C A Z in a nxrao avicDiHO » an f aa* 1 lic e c s u r o ix ia TH* B E W IN Q ’I M A C H IN S °F ! QW AUTV. ' W A R R A N T E D F O R A L L T IM S . I f yea purchase the FEW HOME you will h a v e * lid uact at L’«e price you pay,and wig .not have an cn lte*. eha.u of rvpelra. If ycu waut a tewing machia», writ« r lataa»catalogua h atara you purahaaa. T R E S P A S S N O T IC E Motio* te hereby given th at all par tie* nr* warnad not to enter upon ot traepflM la M F way upon the premia- e * of th * undersigned near Mu reel craok, Oregon. Anyone *o tnaptoalng without out (>o<i*eat Will bo prooeoutgd to the full g ia n t of tha tow«. T. 1» C a re t, A. B .C ftaj . M A i Haw* B3<htty TioflM* and Don’t Know i t m m u lag, Roger. Ton are the only person I words Clark State I-arul Board—G. U . B ro w n , Salem. dotât Senator for Co«*» and Carry— L S. Smith. Joint Representative fo r Cooa and Curry—4L P. Peirce. dodge, id Judicial D istrict—J. W, Ham ilton, Uoeeburg. Prosecuting Attorney for Curry M r \ R . K E N N E T H says your mother Co.— W. H . Meredith, Wedderburu. U must spend the w in te r la Phoe Ü. 8. Commissioner»— H T . Stewart nix, Rene." “Oh. raally , p a p e r* , . F o rt Orford. H e r lifted face, wlnsomtofed winning, oovMrr ornean*. County J.tdgo—"W. A O. l ö i « “Ran*!" “Oh. bow don’t be ao stern and »cowl- | Ü. <. Senator»— D r. H a rry Lane, oi Portland and Ueo. E Chamberlain o f Salem. Goflgseaainnn, P ira t M atelot— W illi» -** 0 . Hawley, oi Salem. O eern or—Oswald West, Salem. H e jre U ry of Sute—Bea. W. C lou« Sa JU N K place. I f of any Im portance a t a ll, waa In New Y o rk ," said G r e a t “ I kaow If aha wars aatlad upon te d raw a map of th e United States. N ew Y o rk woald cover flve-sixtha of th e allotted space. R eally Rene, w o ra a a u n e i Joking when you salted w here Phodnlx was?“ " N o .“ she pleaded. “I know 1 have only reoently ’finished.’ but I t ’s ao m any year« since I rtndlet! geography." “ Phoontx la th e capital o f A rlxoo a." "R ea lly ? " th e naked. “ I d id n ’t even know A risons waa a state." " D o n ’t you tuppoae te rrito rie s require capitals and g o vernm eatf“ “ W h y did papa th in k my Ignorance would appeal to you? I t th a t w here you go when you ere out west?“ “ Yes: my ranches are near Phoenix." “ R eally? And are we all going. know who takes m e lite ra lly and eerl- -at, oualy. Perhap* that is the way you U k a FBI • hottie or comm rth ) W everythin«, and perhap« i t ’s as w ell water and let It stand t* ■ if hours; a soma one takas ma th a t way. N ow papa would have know n in tu itiv e ly ui.i •.«!tSy condt- w hat I m eant. M am m a Isn 't really sick, yon know. She lo st th in k s aha is, and Z I/ Y «cys; If t! stain* D r. K en n eth would order her to any tZ X J r-J your linen It I* place she m ight suggest. 1 m eant th a t 1 evidence of kld- as long a t »be th ink» eh* 1» tic k and , ’ C iA fl ,rouk l*: loo has to do what th a would If she ware ’ frequent desire te sick sad be eailed from home it would ' be easier to fa ll In w ith the s p irit of th e i excursion If aha w ar* sick. N ow do yon convincing proo. that the kidney* end blad comprehend ?" der »re out of order. “ I can t say th a t t do." ha replied, ▼ hat to tec. shortly. There Is oomfort in the knowledge so “Oh, R oger! Maybe the greatest cli •Pen expresaad. that Dr. KJtme. 's Swamp- m ate oa earth w in wipe th e cobwebs > Reot. the great kidney M axtor fu klib every wtah in curing rheum atiin, pain In the from your brain, hnt one th in g I p lain - i back, kidney*, liver. bladder and every pari ly comprehend la th a t there 1» no parole ef the urinary passage. It corrects inability la sight fo r m a I thought being »Ida- I Io hold water and scalding pain In passing tracked a t th a t funny place last n ig h t . k. or ta d affect« following use of llqucr, and the difference -n every th in g m ight ‘ wine or beer, sad ovucorbee that unpleasant bring about a retrograde m ovement o a ' aaceetity ef being compelled to go often m amm a's part, but th e lu st Inform ed me , during ’ be day. and te gat up many times th a t aha fa it better th e m om ent ebe i #v;...g the night. T h ajx lld and th * extra »truck N ew Mexico sad th a t there was ; ordinary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t la soon reaiixed It stands the highest for Its won nothing Uke clim ate! I am crushed." derful cures of the most distressing - n m . “Yon don’t lock it ," ha replied, skep If yoa need a medicine you should have the tically. best. Sold l y druggists U 50p. and J I. sizes. “I'l l te ll you w h at sustain» me. M y You may have a «ample bottle of thia presence Jara on m am m a’s nerves, and wonderful d is c o v e ry ____ and a book that t - i i s ^ S w w r i f l l t a r f t o Marte, th e long suffering, w ill be kept ' m ore about it, both sen t 3 S ; In constant attendance and 1 w ilt be l e f t ' aaraetrleted to yowr chaperonage. ' »boolutaly free by mall, M am m a th inks yoa a paragon of g o o d ! address D r. Kilmer fc a Raaa W H aw S u t ma writing sense and propriety. She little kn o w * I how I can lead you astray. I wish, l though, you would drop th a t lit tle air of cold displeasure." “ E veryone treats you a t tf you wave j a child. I alone try to tra a t you as 1i would a wom an— but you w o n t let m a." I “And I try to treat you as I f you ware a Jolly, good fellow , and you must be | one," she retorted. l a Ute d a y * th a t followed la th e land where th e eun ehone every day la t h e , year, R eas reveled in an outdoor life o f . freedom. W ith Roger, eke rode horse back and took little trip e In to the mourn-| ¡New and Attractive line Dress Goods at Bare? Prices L STEVENS ARMS I TOOL COMPANY C ! ”- C A T recur.) cu tv » , ■ . » t, i -i.«-,! tu B iiiik u i b.»tory, prove» A Moud s Sir» »parli a ; tra» »*c> PicrU m m ow n Mi -ny uteurf S I E D I C I r T Alwuyt Rei&essafca’ tí I a x f itiv e R r o m » Cures & GOODS For ‘Partridge, Wood cock, Squirrel or Rabbit Shooting the n One Look the line over and yc Q ’únin will find what yon want a CripisTw an attractive price. if Feil K ts a i tains and out to th« surrounding ’- ranches, and waa sareaaly happy. Bo was Roger, u n til R en * had her drat eight of cowboys n t a W ild W set ta te r te la - m ent nt th e park. “A ren’t they g ra n d !" she cried. “To a little schoolgirl and to a tender foot, I suppose they are, hut to “us eid settlers’ they as* q u it* commonplace.' As long aa her adoration waa confined to the eowpunchert collectively. G ran t had no foreboding», but one day she sighted at a distance the king of th e oow- hoys. "Lovely!" ska cried. “B uffalo B ill te no longer m y Ideal of m anly beauty." T h ereafter eh* m ad* life miserable fo r G rant. She besought him to m ake no op p o rtun ity fc r her to meet the handsome eowboy. and aka ransack rd all Ute stores to see tf bis picture waa not on sale. ~ G rant le t her give fu ll rein to h * r rav ing» and quietly bldcd his tim e. “ W here to now?" asked Rene b lith e ly as he drove up to th e house one m orn- “I have a corral fu ll of ca ttle out a t m y ranch | am going to sell in of them “ N o t 1. Th ere arc th in g * doing a t and the buyer Is to take bla p ick." present In W a ll »treat, and th e cruel ; “D o n ’t you hops he w on’t kn ow enough code of finance ad m it* of no laaya o f to pick th * best?" absence. Of court*. M a ria w ill attend , I “H e w ill, though H e ’s going to bring your mother and you w ill accompany . your cow-puncher w ith him to select the th em .” ! cattle.” “Oh, dear And I had pleased to h a v * I " W h a t? Really? Roger, you are Jok- auch good times thi« v tn te r " In g P ’ “ R en *, you can’t alw ays have good , “ No; we w ill help him d rive the cat- : tim es for youit o b jictlve point?" “ I w ill tee that you h a re a good tim e tie baek to tow n." The pare wasn’t fast enough then fo r . out there R tn e .’ raid G rant. “Ob. are you going. Roger? T h a t Ren« and they fa irly flew over the road. 1 | “ I see h .in ! Sweet th in g !” cried Rene, j m akes it bettwr " “T h a n k you. Ren*. I w ill show you ecstatically, a t they approached the i 1 ranch. on the map where you are going." They baited and watched the cowboy I H e found an atlas and opened to * ; separata the cattle he had chosen from ' m ap o f the United States. “ Now, let me cm you And Artaona, t h * rest. R ene was m ore entranced th a z before 1 R ene” , “ H e alts tn his saddle as tf he grew H e r Index Anger traveled quickly westward, paused at N o rth D akota, tin -’ th e re !" she declared “He ce rtainly doe*.’’ easer. ted G r a n t gered In W yom ing, faltered at Nevada and landed perm anently and triu m W hen the cattle was finally aelacted phantly at A rizona and the h ii' er was closing tb * deal wlttt “T h ere! Cut what a long w ay; clear , G rant « m anager, the cowboy was about to ride In to the desert across a continen t!" G rant called to him : “ It I t quite a leap for R an *. In more “Come here. F r a n k !’» ways than on*. From Nvw Y ork to “ F ra n k ! Oh. what a fam e naime!" Artsona—a daring tra n s fe r!“ aald her m urm ured Rena b disappointed tone*. | father. The cowboy wheeled about and rode i M o rtim e r was eeeentlally a m an of ac tion. and before the week was ended op to them . Roger presented him to bis ala ’angutd « tfe her mack tnd mild young companion and she lifted glowing natd. Maria, ale reluctant daughter and eye* A la* fo r the m aid! H e r hero had He lUbatantlat friend a h r * *0-- rout* f a decidedly game ey*. th at looted a* to Phoaalx They were a ll traveled though eome one had put a kn ife la tt travelers and passed six day* com fort and turned It aroot d a few tim es She acknowledged the Introduction tn ably and pleasantly In a P ullm an. a fa in t voice and when the “tdeal of , “ I * th t* It? " cried R en *, tn dismay, aa m anly beauty " had ridden on. she pro they filed out o f the car on* n ig h t fol posed to ’Roger (hat they return to town lowed by a heavy-laden, w ell-fed port*». w ithout w attin g to help drive the cat “N o ." replied Orent. "th ia la n t It. tle. G rant ch eerfu lly acquiesced. Thia la Ash Fo rk, where w * b a r * to w ait “H o w did he hurt hla eye?” eh * asked «bout threw hours and then take • branch road In to Phoenix W a ll get abruptly. th ere about two o'clock In th * m o n - “W ho. F ran k? 1 haven’t known him long, but aa our friendship Increases I "R oger Gran*! Did you m ake up the w ill endearor to learn how it hap nam e of thia place? la It rea lly Ash pened.” "W h ere did you know him ?” Fork?" “ Y e a W h y not?" "Oh. everyone knows him I m et him “ I t ’* eo deligh tfu lly w ild tn d woolly. 1 flrat at a restaurant. By the way. he I ( am going to drop papa and Loelle a I rate w ith hla k n ifa , He met me last le tte r from hare while we w a tt I w ill i night at th * closing of thia cattle deal. tend daylea* and date'esa aplaUaa, tor He offered me * ’chaw o f lerto ckk er* as I have lost all track of tim e " token o f hla good w ill “ T h e wait and the ride fr r m Ash F o rk “ Roger G rant, I th in k yon n r * th * to Phoenix quelled Rene’s ever vivid maaneat man I ever knew. W h y didn’t r lr a e lty , and th e waa ready q u ietly and you tall me th is before?" quickly to go to bad when they reached '.'Seeing It believing.“ th * apartm ante G rant had secured for She looked away reflectively over a them In th * fa m ily o f tom * acquain fluid of alfalfa . tance* o f hla, M r s M o rtim e r not being “Ren*, are you so disappointed?" equal te hotel U fa “Yea: I fa ll aa t did w hen I found oat A t 11 o’clock th * aaxt m orning, rad i S an t* Clans was a m y th I h e lle r*, ant and refreshed. Rene niched *pon though. It’* a good M an to hag your il- O ra n t’a vision w ith m eteoric brightness luatoos.” “ A re n ’t you ashamed." h * m id . re T h i n let me b a y o n rltlu rte ii. Reno—" There w n* a misty depth of teodem e*« • proachfully. “to let your elek m oth*» In the sou eyca turned shyly to h la “R eger I am glad you n r* eol a con I b o y !" —N O T m e » i'etnocrat A ll n e c e ssa ry o p e ra tio n s in w ritin g , billing o r statistical w o r k a r e a c c o m p lis h e d fro m th e k e y b o a r d of th e lig h t ru n n in g , ea sy a d tio n M o d e l 1 0 ( V is ib le ) Right and Left Carnage Ralaaae Lavwa Swinging M arginal Rack Protartad R A h a a WriM tar iaformadoa te The Smith Premier Typewriter C on log» Gaaa Drive* CarrMaa R ib R ra C o e trilic d from K eyboard Syracuse, N .Y . Variable and Vairanal Lina Space, Bsmchaa avaaywkam Perfect Due f.aard Baek Space Lavas Carriag- Retarder liaprucc! Marginal Stom EarapasKaU, Speedieat E v af Daviaad These are features which m ake the Smith Prem ier the choice of the man w ho inveekgilpa comparative advantage*. othin g h a * ever equal»--. othin g can ever aurpata to writ* f/»T oar <-■<?•» ß-tpq’L»! iH> ' frfrlnit for PAUfit i it p ia r bo worth h W» prcao*p«7 ObtAir. U. < KDd Fflrt’. « T I R E ' » u n n w y a f ,c . T A - l «ke’e h r< Jh c »o-nd ww w e « aa I t o r u E r i A T E •».« boíl L > r |r i rppf -t v t FThFjriÄkat’’. fKW w iTtcw to*4 M yé ». a a l a«r -4 - flU. MW » SWÌFT A S t i e r t !» w y n -*9 t 3 y r. C.S. f a l t e t CHE'zt.Waièlt-'fM, fi t . »ay vOMon-riion caa b* cur?cL Nature hlaae won’t do it, it n ? ;i» help. Dr. King’s N e w Discove rarCaSKS’-.ïi A Perfect C a re t For All Throa Lung Trouble) Money hae» F R fa-a. Trial BoP